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Outrage as a natural reaction to evil

Introduction - Narrow or whole halacha/ Din or yashrus

Narrow or wholistic understanding
Strict halacha supplants natural human values
Human values - modified by halacha – yashrus

Introduction – Obligation to save others from harm

Save life and prevent harm to others

Introduction - to being sensitive to others feelings

Love your fellow Jew as yourself
Love of others is foundation of Torah

Introduction – Abuse and its consequences

Most abusers are known to the victim
Sexual abuse of a child or adult
Spiritual abuse
Physical abuse
Teacher or rabbi as abuser
Parents as abuser
Wife as abuser
Husband as abuser
Child as abuser
Psychological abuse - Lo sonu – not distressing others
Psychological problems from abuse endanger life
Divorcing abusive husband

Introduction – Investigating suspicions and accusations

Benefit of doubt given to alleged perpetrators?
Unverified rumors – take defensive action to protect if true
Reason to judge favorably - chazakah
Testimony of child – issues
Testimony of woman – issues
Testimony of non-Jew – issues
Abuse – or innocent affection?
Lashon HaRah – telling others or hearing about abuse
Testimony of adult regarding childhood
False accusations slander (Shem Rah) – punishing
Suspicions have some basis in reality
Self-justice (dina d’nafshei) - Beis din not consulted
Confidentiality – violating

Introduction – required to go to rabbi or Jewish court

Jewish court required – if they have authority & power
Rabbinical authority – today
Chastisement required
Warning perpetrator not absolutely required

Introduction – abuser as rodef

Wants to hurt, kill or sin

Introduction – repentance means won’t happen again?

Repentance & atonement of transgressor

Introduction – forgive or take revenge on perpetrator?

Forgive the perpetrator
Obligations to abusive teacher or rabbi
Obligations to an abusive parent
Revenge & bearing grudge

Introduction – punishment or deterrence?

Punishment – types and conditions

Introduction - reasons given for not calling police

Rabbis must be consulted?
Punishment will be greater than Torah
Moser – informer or uses non-Jewish courts
Lashon HaRah – telling others or hearing about abuse
Kiddush HaShem – Martydom in presence of 10 Jews
Kiddush HaShem – elevating G-d’s status in eyes of world
Chillul HaShem - lowering perceived status of G-d or Jews
Chillul Hashem – in abuse, reporting or concealing?
G-d punishes all offenders
Concealing crimes of Torah scholars?
Prevent harm to perpetrator and family
Concern for damage to others who marry into family
Perpetrator was only child or teenager

Introduction – reporting
Calling police or secular authorities – when?

Introduction – view of psychology

Psychological Issues

Introduction – wish list

Improvements needed in the system

Rabbinic Source Material


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