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HubSpots Partner Program

After some time on the agency side of social media strategy, Shannon
joined the Community and Content Team at Radian6! (now part of
Salesforce Marketing Cloud together with Buddy Media) to
develop! educational resources! about becoming a social enterprise,
developing and executing social and content strategies, and gathering
business insights through social media monitoring and measurement.
She also worked closely with the internal agency sales team to ensure
company content met the educational needs of agency clients.
Nowadays she plays a similar, agency-focused role as part of the
HubSpot inbound marketing team.

Shes an Arizonan-turned-Bostonian, a dog lover, and an ASU alum who
likes to dabble in digital photography.
Say Hello
1ABLL 0l C0N1LN13
lN1R0: w 0uR A0LNC NLLU3 10 1lNK 3MAR1LR & AC1 lA31LR / 4
CAP1LR 1: llLL 3ARlN0 ANU C0LLAB0RA1l0N 100L3 / 6
CAP1LR 2: lN1LRNAL 30ClAL NL1w0RKlN0 100L3 / 12
CAP1LR 3: PR01LC1 MANA0LMLN1, 1lML 1RACKlN0 & AUMlN 100L3 / 15
CAP1LR 4: C0N1LN1 30uRClN0, CRLA1l0N & MANA0LMLN1 100L3 / 21
CAP1LR 5: Ml3CLLLANL0u3 ANU 100L3 / 25
C0NCLu3l0N & M0RL RL30uRCL3 / 32

lN1R0UuC1l0N: w 0uR A0LNC NLLU3 10

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ere's the thing about marketing nowadays: lt moves fast.
1eohnology oontinues to disrupt our oulture, the way we
oommunioate, and the way we absorb information. As
marketers, our ability to reaoh oonsumers and aohieve results
relies on our speed and agility.

1he marketing industry is already being redefined, making way
for agenoies that possess teoh-savvy talent, a dedioation to
providing integrated servioes, and the ability to think and aot
fast. Agenoies that don't adapt their servioes to meet the
demands of timely and oulturally-relevant inbound marketing
will simply get left behind.

1o illustrate, let's take a look at what goes into noteworthy
marketing like the 2012 0reo Uaily 1wist oampaign.

ln oelebration of the 100th anniversary of 0reo oookies, parent
oompany Kraft loods and four agenoies (UraftlCB, 360i,
weber 3handwiok, and Mediavest) oollaborated to oreate a
100-day stream of individual pieoes of oontent representing
ourrent events and oelebrations suoh as 1alk Like a Pirate Uay,
gay pride, and the Mars Rover landing. 1he goal of the
oampaign was to oement 0reo's relevanoe in today's sooiety. 1o
tie oulture and news to the produot, eaoh Uaily 1wist" ad was
illustrated using 0reos, and every one of them was exeouted
extraordinarily well.

while some illustrations were predetermined, most were
produoed day of. lor 100 days, every morning started with
reading the news, followed by quiokly getting to work on a
design in real-time response to what was happening in the
world. 1he level of oollaboration and oreativity [was] seoond to
none," said 0abe Alonso, a Content Manager at 360i.

1ust two months into the oampaign, interaotion on the 0reo
laoebook page (likes, oomments and shares) had inoreased an
average of 110 from before launoh. And as if the oreativity
and oollaboration behind the first 99 ads wasn't impressive
enough, the oampaign oonoluded with the launoh of a pop-up
design shop in 1imes 3quare to orowdsouroe the final
illustration and give the world a peek into the behind-the-
soenes oreative prooess. lt's this newsroom approaoh to
oontent oreation that enables marketing departments to oreate
marketing worth sharing.

Ueoiding to be an agile agenoy isn't a flip-of-the-switoh
deoision, though. lt requires support from leadership,
streamlined prooesses, and a toolset that faoilitates openness,
oollaboration, and aooessibility to shared knowledge. 1hat's
why we've put together this ebook -- to help familiarize you with
some of the oloud-based teohnologies your agenoy oould be
using (if not already) to improve oreativity, effioienoy and

Read on to learn more about:
lile sharing and oollaboration tools that will allow your agenoy
to get work done faster
3ooial networking tools that foster oompany oulture and
enable oross-team oollaboration
Lasy-to-use administrative tools that handle time traoking,
billing and projeot management
1ools that simplify sales, marketing and oontent management
Misoellaneous tools that save you time and headaohes so you
oan spend less time managing your email inbox and more time
devising strategio ideas that deliver results and strengthen your
relationship with olients.

lt's the end of the day. lt's due tomorrow. ou're not finished.

ou email the strategy dooument to yourself to finish at home.

ou get home, and realize you forgot to send yourself all the notes you took in last week's team meeting, detailing all the imperatives and
olient feedbaok needed to oomplete this deliverable.

0h, and the strategy dooument you sent yourself is the wrong version, so you don't have any of the progress you oompleted in the hours
just before you left for the day.

3ound remotely familiar?

No more, friends. Life is too short for these kinds of headaohes! Managing your files and ideas in the oloud is one way to ensure you oan
get your work done no matter where you are, without having to triple-oheok that you have the latest version of whatever projeot you're
working on. lmprove agenoy effioienoy by using one or more of the file sharing, note-taking and oollaboration tools disoussed next. our
agility depends on it!

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Are you the kind of person who stays on top of things by affixing
Post-it notes to your oomputer monitor? Uo you have a hard
time finding important meeting notes in between all the other
ohioken soratoh in your Moleskine? Uo your best ideas strike
when there's no pen or paper in sight? Lvernote helps with all
of the above.

with Lvernote, you oan oapture, organize and aooess your
thoughts and information anytime, anywhere, and from nearly
any devioe. 3inoe Lvernote oan read text within images, you
oan even snap a photo of existing notes and easily find them

Lvernote also allows you to save searohable information to
share your in virtual notebooks with others, or even with your
entire team or agenoy with Lvernote Business.
immediately stored in never-ending virtual notebooks.
4. 3tay up-to-date on the inbound marketing industry by using
Lvernote Clearly. with a oliok of a button, all distraoting ads
and fluff from a webpage disappears so you oan foous on
the blog post at hand.
5. while reading or researohing for an upooming oampaign,
oapture important exoerpts from or entire web pages using
Lvernote's web Clipper.
6. use Lvernote ello to remember new potential olients or
important olient interaotions.

ow muoh does it oost?
lndividual use: free
lndividual Premium use: $5.00/month or $45.00/year
Lvernote Business: $10/user/month

1. Create a notebook for eaoh olient to keep traok of business
goals, oampaign ideas, meeting notes, or projeot researoh.
Consider sharing it with ooworkers and allowing them to
oontribute using 3hared Notebooks.
2. Create 3hared Notebooks for olients and. Capture olips
from web artioles they might like, ideas for upooming
meetings, or links to online oontent that makes their job
3. lf you find it easier to handwrite meeting notes, get
Lvernote's Penultimate app for iPad to have your soribbles

Uropbox is a oloud-based, shareable hard drive. with Uropbox,
you oan syno files, photos, videos and projeots saved on your
work oomputer to your personal laptop or vioe versa. when you
make a ohange to a file, the previous version is automatioally
updated in Uropbox so you're aooessing the latest version no
matter whether you view from your iPhone or PC. lf you want to
revert to a previous version or undelete a file, you oan.

with Uropbox for 1eams, your entire agenoy oan also share
folders internally or with external olients or oontaots, all while
maintaining administrative oontrol.
1. lnstead of attaohing soopes of work, projeot files or
deliverables to emails, simply inolude a link to a Uropbox
file or folder.
2. lf your agenoy has multiple offioes, use Uropbox to syno
important files and folders aoross offioes and geographies.
3. Create folders by department or projeot to ensure that sub
folders are automatioally shared with the right people.
4. lorget having to email files to yourself if you need to finish a
projeot after you leave the offioe. Uropbox gives you aooess
to the exaot version of what you were working on before you
walked out the door.

ow muoh does it oost?
lndividual use: free up to 20B of storage
1eam use: starts at $795/year for 5 users with unlimited

0oogle Urive is the new home for 0oogle Uoos, a plaoe where
you oan upload files or oreate doouments, spreadsheets and
presentations to share and edit with others. Anyone with a
0oogle aooount has aooess to 0oogle Urive, but you oan also
go 0oogle" and roll out 0oogle Apps for Business (0mail,
0oogle Calendar, 0oogle Urive, 0Chat and more) for the entire
agenoy. 1he primary benefit for the marketing team: better real-
time oollaboration. Cheok out other benefits here.

A major oomponent of inbound marketing is oontent planning,
oreation and editing. 1he real power of 0oogle Urive exists in its
ability to faoilitate that prooess. Lveryone sees the same
version of a dooument without the headaohe of email threads
oontaining one updated file after another. Lditors oan highlight
text and suggest revisions using the oomments feature, and
writers oan then oliok the 'Resolve' button on eaoh oomment as
they take feedbaok into aooount. Anyone oan get feedbaok on
their work, regardless of file type. 0oogle Urive oan open over
30 file types right in your browser even if you don't have the
appropriate program installed (ex: ou don't have to have
Photoshop to view your designer's .psd files).

As with Uropbox, you oan also easily organize doouments into
folders, share entire folders or individual files, and aooess or
edit them offline. And, of oourse, finding a partioular file within
Urive is just as simple as searohing for it. Like Lvernote, 0oogle
Urive oan even reoognize objeots in images or text in soanned
doouments. Pretty handy!
1ust as with 0oogle web Apps, you oould:

1. Create a shared folder for eaoh olient to keep traok of
business goals, oampaign ideas, meeting notes, or projeot
2. within eaoh olient folder, oreate projeot folders for all
oollaborative doouments or files oreated with other
3. Create a folder oontaining all blog post drafts, and another
for all revised and oompleted posts.
4. upload important oompany files for easy aooess, suoh as
the employee handbook or sooial media polioy.
5. Avoid filling up email inboxes by quiokly exohanging instant
messages via ohat instead.
6. Aooess your projeots and doouments with your mobile
devioe while on the go.

ow muoh does it oost?
lndividual use: free with 50B storage
0oogle Apps for Business: starts at $5/user/month or

es, 0oogle+ is a sooial network integrated with other 0oogle
produots. es, it's a plaoe to disoover and share with others.
And yes, we've written an entire ebook on ow to use 0oogle+
for Businesss. owever, we're inoluding 0oogle+ in this guide
not for it's marketing potential, but for it's agenoy-olient
oollaboration potential using 0oogle angouts.

Not familiar with angouts? 3imply put, angouts faoilitate live
video ohat and soreen sharing with up to nine other people,
making team meetings and idea-sharing both fun and effioient.
1. use 0oogle angouts to video ohat with a olient or team
member while editing a 0oogle Uoo to oapture oampaign
2. 0o over monthly inbound marketing reports or other
deliverables using the 0oogle angouts soreen share
3. Break up your phone oalling routine with some faoe-to-faoe
4. watoh ou1ube videos together with olients either for some
relationship-building fun, or to show ads and other industry-
related videos for brainstorming purposes.

0ffioe 365 is the oloud version of Miorosoft 0ffioe, email,
oalendars, instant messaging, oonferenoing and file sharing.

ln addition to web versions of Miorosoft word, PowerPoint,
Lxoel, 0utlook and 0neNote, some 0ffioe 365 prioing plans
inolude aooess to Miorosoft 3harePoint for dooument sharing
and oollaboration, and Miorosoft Lyno for PC-to-PC oalling and

our agenoy oan get the most out of 0ffioe 365 by using it with
desktop versions of Miorosoft 0ffioe. using both together
allows you to move doouments to and from the oloud without
losing formatting, whioh is important for maintaining aesthetios
of professionally designed olient deliverables.
1ust as with 0oogle web Apps, you oould:
1. Create a shared folder for eaoh olient to keep traok of
business goals, oampaign ideas, meeting notes, or projeot
2. within eaoh olient folder, oreate projeot folders for all
oollaborative doouments or files oreated with other
3. Create a folder oontaining all blog post drafts, and another
for all revised and oompleted posts.
4. upload important oompany files for easy aooess, suoh as
the employee handbook or sooial media polioy.
5. Avoid filling up email inboxes by quiokly exohanging instant
messages via ohat instead.
6. Aooess your projeots and doouments with your mobile
devioe while on the go.

ow muoh does it oost?
3mall business use with 50 users: $6/user/month
Midsize business or enterprise with 50K users (view files
online, but no editing): $8/user/month
Lnterprise with 50K users (view and edit files online):


0ne surefire way to hinder innovative and agile marketing is by harboring all the profound wisdom and information eaoh agenoy employee
possesses. #9@7B7E&I9&D5@&MB7@4&8H&J8KKI7BJ6DB87&L@DF@@7&CBHH@A@7D&C@96ADK@7D4&67C&A8M@4&J67&K6Y@&6MM&D5@&CBHH@A@7J@&B7&D5@&4DA@7ED5&
8H&O8IA&DJHQF\V&JA@6DBGBDOZ&JIMDIA@&67C&EA8FD5. ou might be thinking email suffioes for this kind of baok-and-forth, but an internal sooial
network simply does a better job at fostering the serendipitous learning and disoovery that leads to big ideas - without filling up email
inboxes with seemingly off-topio disoussions.

!7& B7D@A76M& 48JB6M& 7@DF8AY& 6M48& EBG@4& @K9M8O@@4& 6& 9M6J@& D8& 64Y& [I@4DB874& 67C& E@D& 674F@A4& H64DW& Lven with the most robust training
program in plaoe, ohanoes are your employees or ooworkers will get stumped at one point or another. with an internal sooial network, you
enable internal teams to share olient information, advioe and ideas in real-time no matter where they are, 4IL4@[I@7DMO& A@CIJB7E& D5@&

Read on to learn more about a oouple popular solutions you oan implement to keep remote employees engaged, oultivate a strong
oompany oulture, solve olient problems, brainstorm marketing ideas, and more.

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lt's amazing what you oan aooomplish when you oan aooess the
information or feedbaok you need when you need it most. with
an B7D@A76M& 48JB6M& 7@DF8AY& like Chatter, your agenoy oan
demooratize the vast amount of intelleotual oapital saved on
the hard disks of oompany oomputers and filed deep in the
brains of all employees. Ask questions, share links and files,
and get responses in real time without the typioal email
overload. lt's like laoebook, but instead of nearly one billion
users all over the world, Chatter is restrioted to your agenoy

1. Create groups dedioated to speoifio olients to house all
oampaign or oontent ideas, reports, projeot milestones, and
feedbaok from aooount teams.
2. Create Customer 0roups to provide eaoh olient with a
direot ohannel to ask questions and provide feedbaok.
3. Keep the teleoommuters or oontraotors oonneoted to
what's happening day-to-day.
4. Perpetuate agenoy oulture by sharing photos from happy
hour or planning the next oompany party.
5. Lxohange timely links or resouroes to help your agenoy stay
informed on the latest olient-speoifio industry shifts or
digital marketing trends.
6. Nurture oareer growth & personal development by allowing
employees from different teams to mentor one another.
7. 3earoh, aooess and reuse oreative work and great ideas to
repurpose in new markets or for other olients.

ow muoh does it oost?
Basio Chatter for everyone in your agenoy: free
Chatter Plus - oollaboration, oustomization and 3alesforoe
CRM features: $15/user/month

ammer is an enterprise sooial network provider that is now
part of Miorosoft's 0ffioe Uivision.

ere's how they desoribe themselves: ammer empowers
employees to be more produotive and suooessful by enabling
them to oollaborate easily, make smarter deoisions faster, and
self-organize into teams to take on any business ohallenge. lt is
a new way of working that naturally drives business alignment
and agility, reduoes oyole times, engages employees and
improves relationships with oustomers and partners."
1. 0rganize meetings and events, share them with ooworkers,
and gauge attendanoe by oolleoting responses. Add events
to your email oalendar.
2. visualize your agenoy's org ohart so you know who
manages or reports to whom.
3. Assooiate expertise with user profiles so employees know
who to oontaot internally on a partioular subjeot matter.

And, as you would with Chatter:
4. Create groups dedioated to speoifio olients to house all
oampaign or oontent ideas, reports, projeot milestones, and
feedbaok from aooount teams.
5. Lxohange timely links or resouroes to help your agenoy stay
informed on the latest olient-speoifio industry shifts or
digital marketing trends.
6. Nurture oareer growth & personal development by allowing
employees from different teams to mentor one another.
7. 3earoh, aooess and reuse oreative work and great ideas to
repurpose in new markets or for other olients.

ow muoh does it oost?
Basio ammer for everyone in your agenoy: free
ammer Lnterprise: starts at $3/user/month
ammer Lnterprise with 0ffioe 365: starts at $8/user/month

1RACKlN0 & AUMlNl31RA1l0N
Agenoies simply oan't funotion without tools that faoilitate all the prooesses involved in oompleting olient projeots. lt just oannot be done.
Beoause agenoies typioally operate on a oost-plus model and bill hourly, JA@6DB7E& @HHBJB@7JB@4& B7& D5@& 6CKB7B4DA6DBG@& 67C& 9A8\@JD&

ere are just a few aotivities agenoies must be able to do without overly oompromising billable time:

visualize olient work ooming down the pike alongside existing work
Manage and adjust employee workloads
3et priorities, milestones and due dates to keep teams on traok and meet olient expeotations
Provide all projeot partioipants with the information needed to work oollaboratively to oomplete a projeot
Manage the assignment, progress and oompletion of tasks and subtasks assooiated with a projeot
Keep traok of time spent on olient projeots to ensure margin goals are met and future projeots are prioed appropriately

3avvy inbound marketers have a lot to do everyday, week and month to stay on top of their workload and their industry. 1he tools inoluded
in this seotion aim to take the headaohe out of staying organized and on task, all while providing mobile aooess so you don't fall behind
when travel or events interrupt your typioal routine.
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Baseoamp is a simple projeot management platform that
allows you to oentralize all oommunioations, files,
presentations, resouroes, meeting notes and to-dos in one
plaoe. ou oan easily traok and assign projeot milestones, and
even keep traok of all your projeots and progress via your
mobile devioe.

3inoe Baseoamp doesn't prioe by number of users, everyone
involved in a projeot oan aooess the platform to work together.
ou oontrol who sees whioh projeot and who sees eaoh other,
and you oan also oreate groups to keep people organized
based on their involvement with a partioular projeot. (ex: event
planners" vs. writers" vs. 'marketing team').

1. use Baseoamp's Uisoussion feature to keep traok of all
baok-and-forth oommunioation: oontent suggestions, design
feedbaok, eto. Reply to disoussions via email so you don't
even have to spend time logging in.
2. Plug in everyone's sohedule into the Baseoamp oalendar so
you know when team members are available to meet.
3. Plug in all projeot milestones and due dates into the
oalendar to keep everyone on traok and provide an at-a-
glanoe view of the agenoy's oomprehensive workload.
4. use the oalendar to keep traok of eaoh olient's oontent
marketing editorial oalendars so olients and aooount teams
know what will be published when.
5. view projeots and tasks assigned to partioular employees
and adjust to-dos between overloaded and underutilized

ow muoh does it oost?
3tarts at $20/month for 10 projeots and unlimited users with
30B storage
$150/month for unlimited projeots, unlimited users and 100
0B storage

AotiveCollab is another easy-to-use projeot management
system that also inoludes the ability to oreate invoioes and
manage time.

with AotiveCollab, you oan aooess projeots by searohing or
filtering by olient, label, assignee, status and more, break
bigger tasks into sub-tasks, view all ohanges in a dooumented
projeot history, and see what work still needs to be oompleted
using the visual projeot timeline. Lasily drag and drop
milestones to adjust due dates and priorities.

1. Not all projeot management has to happen within
aotiveCollab: oreate new tasks and import files by sending
an email to aotiveCollab.
2. Lnable olients to submit projeot requests to aotiveCollab
that you and your team oan review, aooept and assign.
3. Create quotes for new projeots and mark them as won" or
lost." lf won, you oan import olient oontaot information and
launoh a new projeot based on the quote details.
4. lilter traoked time by billable vs. non billable to then
populate a new invoioe.

ow muoh does it oost?
3mall business use with unlimited users: $249/month
Corporate use with unlimited users (inolude time traoking
and invoioing features): $399/month

lntervals is a web-based projeot management software
that oouples time traoking, task management and reporting so
you oan find out where time is being spent in order to adjust

ln lntervals' words, the platform is all about getting work done,
empowering your workers to have every pieoe of information
they need to work effioiently, traoking that works,
oommunioating openly with olients, having real-time status of
what's going on, and get meaningful reporting from the whole
1. use a built-in timer or manually plug in time spent on
2. Aooompany task instruotions with any additional files
needed to get a projeot done, like website oopy, images,
drawings, eto.
3. 1raok evolving iterations of doouments over time, and revert
to a previous version if you don't like the latest ohanges.
4. use the reporting oapabilities to find answers to questions
whioh olients are spending the most time on?
whioh olients to we need to bill
ls it time to hire someone?
3hould we be adjusting our hourly rate?

ow muoh does it oost?
40 projeots, unlimited users and 150B storage: $50/month
unlimited projeots, unlimited users and 750B storage:

workamajig is a robust, web-based projeot management
system that oombines task management, oontaot
management, shared oalendars, projeot requests, file storage
and sharing, expense management and billing, time traoking,
and more.

with the ability to oreate templates for projeots, estimates,
tasks, oreative briefs, and other repeated tasks, your agenoy
oan stop reinventing the wheel for eaoh new projeot or olient.

ou oan oustomize workamajig to fit your agenoy's needs, and
ohoose to host it internally or on workamajig's servers.

1. use the time management desktop widget to stop and start
a timer while working on a speoifio projeot.
2. 3yno 03 X or 0utlook oontaots with workamajig to prevent
entering olient oontaot information into multiple systems.
3. view all open projeots at a glanoe to get a status of overall
4. Create sohedules with infinite tasks and subtasks plugged
in to share with olients and team members so everyone is
on the same page regarding projeot timeline and
5. 1raok time spent and projeot progress simultaneously.
6. Keep traok of projeot budgets and get alerted via email if
the budget has been exoeeded.
7. 3tay up-to-date while on the go: aooess workamajig from
your iPhone or iPad.

ow muoh does it oost?
3tarts at $38/user/month with a minimum of 10 users

1rello is another web-based projeot management and
oollaboration applioation oriented around keeping traok of all of
your to-dos along with all their smaller assooiated tasks.

1he premise of 1rello is that you write tasks on oards" (kind of
like digital Post-its) and attaoh them to boards, suoh as Need
to Researoh," ln Produotion," or Uelivered to Client." ou oan
oreate as many or as few oards as you need to manage your
workflow and keep traok of who is working on what as well as
where eaoh projeot stands. As you progress in your projeots,
drag and drop task owners to different oards and move items
from the 1o Uo lists to Uone.
1. Create oards for different oontent marketing projeots,
assign assooiated tasks, and traok the progress toward
2. 1raok time spent on your projeots using the arvest
Chrome Lxtension for 1rello.
3. lf you're a manager that regularly has to meet with team
members for one-on-ones, oreate a oard for eaoh ooworker
and add oomments oontaining all your meeting notes and
future oonversation topios instead of interrupting them
eaoh time a thought arises. As you meet with eaoh person
over the oourse of the week, move their oard to a Uone"-
equivalent list.
4. Create saved organizations" - groups of ooworkers (and
boards) you regularly work with, or who are dedioated to a
partioular olient or projeot.
5. Create oopies of boards, oards, lists and oheoklists for
reourring projeots.
6. 3tay informed with all your projeots while on-the-go using
the 1rello i03 or Android app.

ow muoh does it oost?

CAP1LR 4: C0N1LN1 30uRClN0, CRLA1l0N &

ln the previous ohapter, we talked all about the tools you oould use to manage existing and potential olient relationships, but how do you
grow the volume of those relationships? ou generate leads. 1o generate leads, you need to generate the oontent that attraots them.

By now you probably know the importanoe of oreating the oontent that your prospeots are eager to download and share, but that doesn't
solve the problem of aotually getting all that oontent oreated. 1hat's where the following tools oome into play.

our agenoy may or may not have dedioated oopywriters, bloggers, designers, infographio-makers and video produoers in-house. Lven if you
do have oontent oreation skills under your own roof, they might be tied up in existing projeots and unable to dedioate their time to inooming
work. Platforms like the ones we'll introduoe in this ohapter allow your agenoy to keep the oontent engine running regardless of existing
workload or resouroes.
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1hings oan get pretty oomplex behind the soenes of oontent

Content marketers must know who is responsible for
generating oontent oreation ideas, who must approve the
oontent before publishing, who will publish the oontent to the
blog and sooial media ohannels, and who will analyze how the
oontent is oonsumed. 1he hardest part of it all is nailing down
the prooess involved in getting oontent out the door, espeoially
when there are numerous stakeholders who want or need to
provide input.

1he Kapost platform provides struoture to the oontent
marketing prooess so your team oan more effeotively manage
the planning, produotion, distribution and measurement
aspeots of the oontent marketing engine.
1. Create and manage your entire editorial oalendar in the
Kapost Calendar, and even export it to then import into your
everyday work oalendar (0oogle Calendar, iCal or 0utlook).
2. Assign different user permissions to all involved in the
oontent oreation prooess, ranging from all aooess to view-
only. Add olients as users so they oan provide their
feedbaok and approval.
3. when a oontent idea strikes, email it to the Kapost platform
for editors to review, approve, and plug into the oalendar.
4. Create oustomized workflow around getting different types
of oontent done sinoe the prooess is different for ebooks,
blog posts, tweets, laoebook updates, eto.
5. Categorize all oontent aooording to oampaigns, oontent
type, tags, or other oategories you determine. Lasily filter
your oontent library to see whioh oontent is assooiated with
a speoifio projeot, publish date, or other status.

ow muoh does it oost?
3tandard: $1,200/year for 8 users
Pro: $3,000/year for 20 users
Lnterprise: Request a quote


1ust beoause your agenoy is limited on in-house writers doesn't
mean you have to forego oontent marketing servioes.

Lerys is a oontent marketing and projeot management platform
that oonneots agenoies with qualified writers looking for
opportunities to oreate oontent on behalf of your olients.

Post writing jobs, sample writers based on their expertise in
your olients' industries until you find ones you like, negotiate
rates, then review and publish their work.

1. Create a simple questionnaire for olients to get their input
on projeot details, and use that to oreate a job telling
writers what you want them to oreate.
2. Populate a large volume of oontent on olient blogs muoh
faster than internal resouroes oould produoe it all.
3. Add your own agenoy writers into the system or use the
Lerys writer marketplaoe to find the right writer for the
4. 3end keywords, titles or entire posts to olients to review and
approve. white label Lerys so olients oan log in and never
know the platform wasn't built by your agenoy.
5. Provide feedbaok or rejeot oontent that's not up to par with
your needs.
6. Lxport oompleted oontent to publish on your own, or auto
publish to wordPress or ub3pot.

ow muoh does it oost?
Prioing is based on a per-word rate that you ohoose, ranging
from $0.01 to $0.20 per word written.

1he folks over at Contently are fired up about helping freelanoe
journalists suooeed and enabling anyone and everyone beoome
a publisher. All of this passion has resulted in the two oloud-
based solutions Contently offers: an editorial projeot
management platform, and a marketplaoe that oonneots
brands, agenoies and other publishers with the talent who oan
turn oontent ideas into oompleted projeots.

using Contently, brands and agenoies gain aooess to vetted
writers, and writers gain aooess to self-promotional tools and
visibility into how their oontent is performing aoross the web.
lt's a win-win!

1. Create and manage your entire editorial oalendar in the
Contently oalendar, sohedule publishing times and due
2. Manage approvals, editing workflow, eto.
3. 1raok all ohanges and versions within the platform's
dooument editor.
4. Lxport oompleted oontent to publish on your own, or auto
publish to wordPress, ub3pot, 1umblr, or 1ypepad.
5. 0rganize writers into teams or groups aooording to olient or
projeot to streamline oommunioations and tasks.
6. Lnable payments through Contently to simplify freelanoe
payment prooessing.

ow muoh does it oost?
Contently has not published their prioing, so you'll have to
request more information to find out what an average projeot

Regardless of your partioular role within your agenoy, there are times where you need to rely on ooworkers to get your job done, whether
that involves passing off landing page speos to the design team for a mook-up, or having an aooount manager fetoh a password from a

ln other oases, ohoosing to rely on ooworkers for information and waiting for a response oan slow you down. %5@&K8A@&4@MHf4IHHBJB@7D&67C&
A@48IAJ@HIM&O8I&J67&L@Z&D5@&H64D@A&O8I&J67&E@D&4DIHH&C87@. 1his ohapter is all about an assortment of tools that oan help you do just that.
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Uid you know that the average large oompany has 178 sooial
media aooounts?

1ake a quiok seoond to think about how an organization might
go about remembering and managing all the passwords for
those aooounts. Not an easy feat, is it? when your agenoy gets
involved, management beoomes even more oomplioated.
Passpaok exists to eliminate the headaohe from password

using Passpaok, you oan store all your agenoy's and olients'
passwords, grant aooess to team members on a need-to-
know" basis, revoke aooess when neoessary, and save time
logging into sites with the one-oliok login feature (works on
mobile, too!).

lorget the spreadsheets and doouments that ourrently house
all your passwords in favor of a !"#$ password manager. 1here's
no reason not to: save time #%& improve seourity - affordably!
aooounts and assooiated passwords.
4. Create a list of all existing passwords in a C3v file (or export
from an existing password management platform) and
import into Passpaok.
5. Lnable team members to share and update the passwords
they regularly use so that set up and maintenanoe isn't only
done by one person.

ow muoh does it oost?
up to 100 passwords for 1 user: free!
Pro: $1.50/month for up to 1,000 passwords and 3 users
0roup: $4/month for up to 1,500 passwords and 15 users
1eam: $12/month for up to 2,000 passwords and 80 users
Biz: $40/month for up to 10,000 passwords and 1,000 users

1. 3et up your entire agenoy on Passpaok. 0roup users by
department or olient, and grant password aooess
2. 0rand different permissions do different users so that
some oan only view aooount passwords, while managers
oan view and edit seleot passwords.
3. Label password entries with tags. Lasily searoh and find
1he oonversations you have with olients form the bedrook of
your relationship, and often what strengthens those
relationships are off-topio oonversations about your dogs,
families, and/or embarrassing moments. what if you oould be
more in-tune with your olients' day-to-day with out having to
oall? Rapportive is the next best thing.

Rapportive lets you find out more about your email oontaots by
providing information about their sooial media aotivity right
inside your 0mail inbox. ou oan see where they live, what they
do, what they're up to, and oonneot with them on various sooial
networks all within the right-hand panel.

ln your next oonversation, you oan say, ey, l saw you were at
my favorite restaurant in Boston!" instead of a routine, ow's
it going?"
ow muoh does it oost?

1. Put a faoe to the name of inooming email from unknown
2. use reoent tweets, Linkedln profile data, and other
information to find a oommon ground you share, and
personalize your oommunioations aooordingly.
3. lollow oontaots on various sooial ohannels without leaving
your inbox and getting distraoted.
4. Leave notes about reoent oonversations or things you want
to mention at a later date, all within the user's Rapportive

when you're trying to oonvey a oonoept to a olient, sometimes
words just don't do the triok.

0et your point aoross without the additional emails, meetings
or phone oalls by using 3kitoh - a soreen oapture, sketohing
and annotation tool that makes it easier to oommunioate and
move projeots along. 0verlay text, draw basio arrows, shapes
and lines, and blur image seotions to highlight points of

And, 3inoe 3kitoh is an Lvernote produot, you oan save all of
your 3kitoh notes to appropriate folders, share them as
needed, and aooess them from any of your devioes.

1. 1ake a soreenshot of a olient's website and annotate it with
the design team's reoommendations of how oontent should
be reorganized.
2. 1ake a soreenshot of the design team's latest website
mookup, and point out the features you'd like olients to
provide feedbaok on.
3. ave a olient take a soreenshot a new web page and
annotate aspeots that need to be altered, removed or
4. 1ake soreenshots while browsing the web or snap photos
from your mobile phone and upload them to 3hared lolders
on Lvernote so your ooworkers oan see your inspiration for
future olient oampaigns or projeots.
5. lnstead of setting up a web oonferenoe to go over a survey,
brief or deliverable, send over an image with annotated
instruotions for your olient.
6. use 3kitoh images in blog posts, ebooks and whitepapers.
7. 3end soreenshots of presentation slides to ooworkers and
let them mark them up with suggestions.

ow muoh does it oost?

Learn More:
Lvernote 3kitoh 0verview [video]
0etting 3tarted with 3kitoh on i03
3kitoh use Case
Need to resize a laoebook 1imeline oover photo? Uoes the
olient want a blog image oropped before publishing? 3ome of
these requests shouldn't have to be routed to the design team
for oompletion, yet not every employee needs their own oopy of

Lnter Pixlr, a web-based, desktop and mobile photo editing tool
that gives aooount managers and sooial media praotitioners
the ability to oreate and edit oompelling images without having
to jump through unneoessary hoops that end up oosting your
agenoy a lot of time and money.
1. Remove redeye, whiten teeth, orop, and add effeots to
images for use in agenoy or olient laoebook page updates,
tweets, blog posts, ebooks and whitepapers.
2. Lnsure images are sized appropriately for optimal viewing in
all sooial networks.
3. Add Pixlr to 0oogle Urive so you oan open images from
0oogle Urive, edit them, then save them baok into 0oogle
4. Lasily drag any image from any website to edit in Pixlr using
the Chrome or lirefox extensions.
5. 0et the Pixlr Lxpress mobile app to oapture and edit photos
when you're away from your desk.

ow muoh does it oost?
Pixlr web-based Lditor: lree!
Pixlr Lxpress: lree!
Pixlr-o-Matio: lree!
Pixlr Lxpress Plus for i03 and Android: $0.99

with a perpetually ohanging digital marketing landsoape
nowadays, keeping on top of the latest tools and trends is a
must. owever, staying ahead of the ourve oan be
overwhelming beoause we are inundated with blog posts,
ebooks, ads, tweets and status updates that draw our attention
to news and information -- more often than not at an
inoonvenient time. And then when we aotually do have the time
to dive into an artiole we had every intention of reading, we
oan't find it.

1hat's where Pooket oomes in handy. 3ave everything you want
to read later and oategorize it with tags so you oan easily
searoh for it when you're ready. Pooket automatioally synos
oontent aoross your devioes so you oan view it any time, even
without an lnternet oonneotion.
1. No longer lose traok of artioles detailing 3L0 tips, oontent
marketing trends, or the latest laoebook platform ohanges.
2. use Pooket like Uelioious: bookmark artioles and other
resouroes you think olients may find useful, or save
inspirational resouroes for referenoe later on. lf you're
moving from Uelioious to Pooket, you oan import your
Uelioious bookmarks.
3. 3yno Pooket bookmarks saved on your mobile devioe to
Lvernote so you oan aooess your saved resouroes along
with all your notes and ideas.
4. Make the most of your dead time: review saved web pages,
videos and artioles while waiting in line at the bank or on a
5. Uownload the Pooket Bookmarklet for your browser to make
saving faster and easier.

ow muoh does it oost?

Avoid the hassle of printing, signing, faxing, soanning or
attaohing doouments to emails. lt's not the easiest nor the
most effioient way to get those NUAs and soopes of work
signed by your olients.

with Uoou3ign, you oan upload the dooument you need signed,
indioate where your olient needs to plaoe their signature and
date, and send it off with a oustomized note. 0noe they've
signed, you get an email notifioation so you know immediately
when you oan move forward on a projeot.

1. upload soopes of work, NUAs, and other signature-worthy
doouments to Uoou3ign, then send them off to olients or
vendors for signing. 3imultaneously improve visibility into
the signing prooess, save money on paper and printing
oosts, reduoe sales oyole times, and save your olients time.
2. use Uoou3ign for 3alesforoe to pre-populate and send
oontraots to olients.
3. ave all new employees sign employee handbooks and
other on-boarding doouments using Uoou3ign.
4. use Uoou3ign right inside of Miorosoft 0utlook.

ow muoh does it oost?
lndividual use: free for 1 user and 5 signatures/month
Professional: $15/user/month for 50 signatures/month
workgroup: $20/user/month for 2-200 users and unlimited
Lnterprise: 0et a quote for unlimited signatures

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A lot of what we've talked about all throughout this ebook is the importanoe of getting great work done faster. 1he internet has leveled
the playing field for non-traditional publishers, giving your agenoy the ohanoe to make a mark for olients by way of oreating download-
and share-worthy oontent. 0n one side of the ooin, this shift represents an opportunity. 0n the other, a threat: marketing agenoies that
oan't figure out how to provide digital servioe offerings and oope with the rate at whioh oontent has to be oreated nowadays will
oontinue to be disrupted.

when it oomes to getting more done quioker, your agenoy oan't rely on reoruiting robots to ohurn out blog posts, display ads, or
professional photos. lnstead, however, you '#% make a differenoe in produotivity by removing a lot of administrative and
oommunioation hurdles that get in the way of reaohing a finish line.

1wenty-seven tools later, we've disoussed newer and more effioient ways of sharing files, working in teams, getting feedbaok,
aooessing information, and managing the sales, marketing and oontent oreation prooesses. we hope by now you've disoovered at
least a few tools you oan add to your personal tool belt to make life a little easier, or found something you oan introduoe to your team.
Regardless of whioh tools you ohoose to implement for your agenoy, remember to make sure they fit existing workflows instead of
having to adapt your workflows to fit the tool. -

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1he wonderful thing about lnternet-enabled inbound marketing,
is that there are oountless ohannels and tools you oan use to
attraot oustomers. 1he not-so-wonderful thing about inbound
marketing is that more ohannels and tools makes it diffioult to
stay organized, fooused, agile, and effeotive. ou're keeping
traok of oontent in word doouments, logging in and out of
sooial networks, gathering what limited metrios are provided (if
at all), and having a hard time making sense of what's aotually
working. 1hat's why ub3pot exists: to simplify the logistios of
inbound marketing so you oan foous on aotually oreating
marketing people love.

ow muoh does it oost?
Prioing is based on volume of oontaots + annual leads
generated. Lstimated prioes below range from 1,000 oontaots
on the low end to 3 million oontaots on the high end.
Basio: $3,600/year - $182,400/year
Professional: $8,400/year - $187,200/year
Lnterprise: $13,200/year - $192,000/year

1. use the ub3pot CM3 to manage your agenoy blog (or
olient blogs) and get automatio searoh engine optimization
reoommendations as you oraft the oontent that will help
attraot retain new olients.
2. Publish posts to 1witter, Linkedln and laoebook and
measure per-post interaotion or aggregate engagement
data. lind out how many leads and oustomers are aotually
attributable to sooial media.
3. 1raok whioh of your/your olients' leads and oustomers
olioked on sooial posts and add them to a sooial media
segment for a follow-up with an email or smart C1A on a
similar topio.
4. lntegrate ub3pot with one of the CRM platforms disoussed
in this ohapter to syno generated leads and oontaot

Learn how ub3pot's
tools oan help you grow
and soale your agenoy to
be a more powerful
business tool.
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