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Forwarding Agents
Dick k Donna Keller

Sponsored by

Route j'r'2. Kalkaska, Michigan 49646


f 9 lo!o
Dear Friends iri Christ,
I am back iri Osorno after a vfiry busy and exciting Summer, The Lord

blessed us abundantly, especially vjith children and young people to


Praise Himl

I'll" tell you a little bit about Vacation Bible

Schools and camp. Our first D.V.B.S* was held in the church in Valparaiso, The number of students ms small but the school was very much successful, I taught the little ones and enjoyed it very much. There was enough personnel to help in the Vacation Bible Schools in Las Hijuclas and Quilpue so I didn't have to help* I spent those

two weeks studying and preparing for camp.

their own D,V,B,S,

The Granizo leaders held

It is alvTfiys a blessing to us when there are

Christians in ecich local congr^egstibr^, "who are willing and able to do

their own teaching.


Lord v/illing, someday all the churches in Chile

will be cible to do this, I helped in the school at Curacavi and we had a wonderful time. It was ouite trying at times but it was worth
We had over 100 children and only three teachers so you can
imagine hov; busy we vjere.

The Bible camp was also held in Curacavi on the church grounds, V7e were bu' y the week befoi-e cam.p started with last-minute preparations

and on Sunday evening, February 6th, the teen-ager's camp started.

Vie had 10 campers, five of which were from the non-instrumental Church

of Christ,

To the first year students I taught "Knowing the Bible"

and to the second year students I taught "The Role of Youth in God's Plan", It vjas a very ricli experience for me and I thank the Lord

for the priviledge. The young people v/ere very enthused with every thing and v^it-. everyone v;orkin=< together it turned out to be a topnotch canp, I sponsored one group of carr.pers and Brother Phil Morgan*

from'Santiago sponsored the other,

ij'e presented ^ible dramss, stunts,

etc,, had turns being in charge of vesper services, competed in bas^ ketball and volleyball and had some wonderful fellowship, I feel compelled to keep askino: you to pray for the younr; epoole of Chile, Almost everyone of the young people v/ho attended canp are capable of

being top ouality church leaders in the future.

Chile., The second vjeek "as Intermediate camp.

The'hope of this
;/e had about 15 camp

country is in its young peopl:; and especially the hope of the Church in this country, Ploase pray as 'we teach and train the youth of

ers including-; thope from Curacavi who did not eat and sleep on-the

camp grounds.

They are all loMkin-: forward to next year's ca.Mp,

I expected to be vjelcomed by rains when I retUx-ned to Osorno but I have been beck two days now and the sun-has shone both days., Osorno had a beautiful summer, so they tell me, for v^/hich everyone v/as


^ci'.ietimes the lJB.nter rains just forget to stop and keep

right on all Sumr.ifir long dov/n h:jre in the south. Now thr;t Winter is coming here v/ith less activities I will have more time to v/ork on the teecher-training and youth v;ork. One ,^roup has asked me if I can be ready to present i^Iae program in Juile. I will try to be ready

but am doubtful b^ecsuse it takes a .lot-of research and-trans^iationr" ~ Ptease^pray for m'e'in this effort,
I am anxious to get a youth group started: in the church here in

. TV * '


In my next newsletter I ho;i>e to tell you all about it.

Brother Mick and Brother huntley have been v^orking vjith tv/o of the

ycun? men in this area,; They are willing to serve the Lord and are -Cree to do it but lac:: -dible knov;ledge and preaching abilityr. Thry are being taught the book of iicts and hov to prepare sermons-, Jxr Kc.vk have aljo had special teaching mectin s in the villagea :Ln this areac I do not say the follov/ing to bo dicrespectful >^ut :jo J"CJU, r/1i. h t understand v;hy some of our efforts are necessary, Fa/i;;-

of the Christians, ..especially those in tB villages and country are very ignorant, -They know enough to be Christians but, v^en it comes to basic things, they believe anythinr^ they are told instead of being able to study and r eason for tlienselves. For instance, one elderly lady was telling me somethin^i; she believed, which was obviously wrong { I can't reraer.iber now what it was). Slie believed it b-.^cause it said
so in the hymnbook, Some feel that the hj'-mnal is inspired also. I proceeded to explain to her. Uur jiroblem ia great in teaching them the importance of an elder or a deacon meeting the qualifications wq

find in the scriptures, or that babies don't have to be officially

presented in the cimrch meeting. My heart aches vjhen I see a multi

tude of children hungering after the truth and when it is very sin-^ cerelj'' presented to them the3'' do not understan^l it because it is . such a deep theological lesson that the teacher doesn't'even understand it, I am telling you these things to show you what our work is and so that you. might know for what to pray. ' Those'Christians are so very loving and so sincere but lack trainijq^
t '

I v;ant to thank those of you who have sent teacher's quarterlies and workbooks. appreciate 'then very mch To those of you who have
written to me and have receivcrd no answer I ask forgiveness because I

just could not y;et to it in the past two months. I will ,tr^ .to, p;et letters and display materials to those of you who asked.
Please re.mei;ber the two families, who are making plans to come to

Chile, in your prayers.

in tlie work.

There is a lot included in those plans,and

And we need them here .to help

they need your pra^'-ers anc support.

We have discovered recently that the Chilean .'government


making ^t very hard for missionaries to enter the country.


law hasn't changed but, evidently, the a -titude of --;overnment officials has.

1 imagine., those of you who are teachers are preparing for the Summer's work now. I pray God-'s'blessii-gs upon you as you prepare for Oajily Vacation tJib.le .Schools and camps. Please remember us here in Chile that e may be wise in each decision and each task. Please pray foi; the leaders in the congregations that they may be trained.and, with the Lord's leading and help, go forward strengthening their people. Jesus came t^hat all mi::ht. hi-ve life abundant but'we, who are Christians are the lir:ht that shows that LIFE.' If-you fail, or if I fail, 'to

give off li^ht, someone viill be left in darkness without seeing the
LIFE they can have. You task the e in the U.S. is as great as mine

here.- Don't forget to pray - for you and:for me.

letters, your prayox-s and your support,

Thank you for your


Sincerely in Jesus,
Alta Tanner .

Income for January




Balance on Hand .*)ec. 1965



(Gifts, ^pl900. Postage st)4-0G)


Balance on Hand Jan. 31/66

Income for February 1966



Balance on Hand February 2^/1^66

217.76 '

Serving Christ in Chile


'Bulk Rate

Kalkaska, Michigan

U.\ S.


Kalkaska, Mich.

Non-i^rofit Org.
Permit ' r,3h:_j.Ehed by
v-^iarer Church of C]\.:6C

C 3ji''"'j.r.o :.ii Caix-:

- i:I-



. ~v . yv.
' ,


'i fWH- I ' 1?, ,






Forwarding Agents
Dick & Donna Keller



Sponsored .by


Kalkaska, Michigan 49646



Dear friends in C h r i s t , . . ^

I thought the Summer months were busy ones but these past two months have been just as much so, March and April have gone by po fast, I have been kept going quite steadily with helping plan radio programs, practicing musical numbers for radio, working with the youth, teachertraining work and wecekly church meetings. But, praise the Lord, that is the reason I*m here, and I^m thankful I have received strength, Spiritual and physical to do this work. At times it has been a little rough but the Lord has been my strength just like He promised He would.
A great deal of my tirae these past two months has been spent in

practicing our ladies trio and-helping organize music for the radio programs. We practice quartet, trio and radio choir three times a
week and then I also sin^; in the church choir which practices each Friday night. l*m trying to help the girls in the Alto section.

But, I have to admit that, though the radio work is important and I am helping when and where I can, my heart is in the youth work and training teachers for these children. In my last newsletter I
mentioned being anxious to get a youth group started here in Osorno. That wish is now a reality and I'd love to tell you about it.

I asked one of the young couples in the church (v;ho, I had hoped could

help serve as sponsors, but cannot) to help me prepare a party and

served sort of as a "kick-off". Twelve yourg

invited all the young people in the church and their friends.


people came and we had

a wonderful time getting acquainted and I then explained my plans and ideas for thorn and they vjere thrilled. We then set a day when we could meet each week. That was March 2S and on Saturday, April

2,' we had our first meeting. There were 11 in attendance. We have met for five weeks now, have elected officers, are well into the course "Knowing your Bible" and this past Saturday we had 17 in
attendance. The Lord is blessinr. them (and me) and I am thrilled

with the opportunity. Please pray for these youth and for me as I teach and guide them. I am training one of the young men in the con gregation to eventually take over the leadership of this group so I
can start other groups in o^her churches. Now, the Intermediate age children are anxious for a youth group of their own, so. Lord willing, in a few more weeks, I vdll start a special meeting for them*
Some of the ladies of the church are interested in having a special

ladies meeting with a time of study and prayer and a time to do social work. They asked me for help in starting it and I have agreed to do the teaching and help them get organized if they would agree to have

^"The" Sunday School here in Rahue (as in most of the churches) is in

problems in the leadership of the church.
off in Sunday School.

one of them being trained at tfe same time

to _t_ake-_-_o_vejr'_J.ati^_^.on,^-.=

very sad shape. I have mentioned this to you before to some extent. This is not only due to ^organization but also due to some recent The Huntleys, Micks and I have a plan to or-

Attendance has fallen way

fT.inize the Sunday School into classes and train teachers at the same
t nor V/e have found teaching material and have presented the plan t.. uhe elders of the church. Theyhave .accepted it and we will begin

ju.^t as soon as the material arrives.

.i'^r.esting lessons, that the attendance will multiply 10 times in nv?;: a j."w Tfoeks. The problem has not been lack of numbers to attend of organization, pr eparation, and concern on the p? rtwi of th'^'^aui ch leaders. Please pray for this effort.

that, as soon as there are classes, and toacners with prepared, i,i

I have no doubts whatsoever

My teacher-training course for the other churches is progressing

but surely# . I find it difficult to f:.nd time to sit down and work.;'^-.'^on it as I should and as I want to. Lord vjilling, I will be presenting
, this coursi in the churches in the Horth^^rn part of Chile, where Broc Gale Smith and the harvey Beasloys are working, in. September of this year, 1 do not have a schedule made out, as yet, with dates for pre

senting the coarse in thj ether charches in Cnile,

I will try to reach

the churchcs hure in the Southorn zone bofo q Joptember, will be with the churches in the liortiiern Zone in September and, later on, whichever

dates are best, will present the prof-ram in the . churches of thu Central
zone. I continue to ask for your pt'ayers for nu in preparing and for-, those viho will be trained. In this month of liay I-have": tentative plans to visit-all the eon^re.^axiions in and around the Osorno area. The pur pose of those visits will be, not only to visit my brethren, but to ob- serve and make plans for teacher-training and j^'outh work.

Many of you havi^ askud about special needs and, I guess, the only way
to place our neods before the orethren is to express them. In my work with the young people of Chilu l a^ii very concerned that each one has his own Bible, i^iol':s are not expensive here but, many times the people are too poor oven to buy a Bib].e, I-have , made it-a practice in ,the

groups I have started or reorsaniaed, after I have presented the' les- sons on "Knowing your Bible", to precent them v;ith Bibles, either as ' prizes, or just bac-?LUse they don*t ixr;ve one. These Bibles, of course, ' are bought out of mission expenses but my mission fUnds are very lov; from what I understand. So, if there is a Sunday School class or youth
group thsat would like to have a project which is very needy, you could ,

send special offerings to my' forwarding agent, for the purpose of buy ing Bibles for the youth, of Chile, Also, wh-on I start traveling to' the
different churches in Chile to px'^sent the teacher-training course I ' will need- traveling expenses. Travel here in Chile is not cheap, nor are the distances short (look on your map of Chile and you will see what

I nE'an),

I am Sure my sponsoring church wDuld appreciate it very much

if my mission funds vjere increased" by special offerings to help -with these travel expenses. The first long trip will, be in September to Chuquicamata in the North, Another .need, which would be beneficial to you in the States, is that of n good slide.-camera, I am' sure many of you have wondered why I do not have a set of slides ready of flhile and the work I am doing here. I have trii.-d my best, but, I guess that wasn^f enough. I have a slide camera, wiiich v/as a gift to me rom ray

fellow-office -vjorkera when I woz^^ed. in Lansi.n/^.before coming to Chile.

But, I m sure, they didn^t kno'^j what a mess this second-hand slide camera vJas in when they gave it to me. I have had it repaired several times, and, after wasting several rolls of film, have given up, I have just a few slides th:.t Iie ve turned out and perhaps, eventually, vdth the help of Brother Hark and Brother Jim x can have a set ready for you, I would appreciate having an uncomplicated, inexpensive slide camera. I see so many views, si-^hts, and typical incidents that I v;ould love for you to see by way of slides but have to pass them up.

I wish I had time to wirte to each of you personally but, since I can't, .1 ask you to receive rn,y love through Jesus and greetings by way of this newsletter. Please continue to pray-pray for our strength. V/e have had m.any discouragements recently. - rlease pary for the Chilean Christians - "thnt they might grovj strong- spirituaD.ly and prepare themto teach Christ to their fellow-citizens.
you' and

F3e ase pray for the

n and for me as' I v/ork vdth them.

May our loving Father be with

bless each one of you in His loving, all-raov;ing way. Love in Him,
Alta Tanner

Balance on Income for

Hand March 1, 1966

March and April

347 ,.00 75

Fxponr^es foi' March and AprilSalary, newsletter, gift. Ealaate on Kani May 1, 1966
Ba?.ance in Saving Account



,Fc-.ut^ f-Z

i--eTving Christ in Chile


y- alkajika, Mich.
rrblished by Spencer Church of Christ

U.S. . Por-^,'.-.-'^f..:
Return Reauested PAJI.

Kalkaska, Mi,eh e




^ jl

i''It'll Tinner

Carving Christ in Chile


I ffp I




Fprwarding Agents-

,bick 8e Donna Kell^t

Soute MWUVO !i,r 2 ^


5Pf Nc A ;; HURC of CHiiiST

Sporvsored 17V4 by

July, 1966

:Dear Christian Frien4s,

puly is here ^nd we are having cold, dji-eary,

pice warnij perhaps evsn hot, Summer He^^ther^ Bui: they ^jiy this [a bad VJ'intei', so ix'e can be theii!"fv.l It could be v:orsej I'.'e an too busy ;to let the nr^ather bother us, tUou^-h, ^u633, it ia better that w^| trust ths^t this finds you all ha^ipy and rejcd^ihs in- the I^Fd^ * ^
iT-lany things have happened isince I ^ast

weathgp WjJ.l!!'? 7^


tall, On May 15 I wont to Bio N(?5ro to vi^'ii the church ishere and^ also, ^
^Yhen I arrived,

io you and I wii:^. tsfy to roraembor

rdaughter [for that [one, and jteaching

piake observations for youth wbrlc an(^ teacWer-training^

jfew months before starting a group-there but, v/ith them ready to start, an}

of the preacher informed a irh0 they had a youth meeting plarin^'^, morninii' (I have t-o go out on tfi$ early Sunday morning train-thflj ^^y then return at ni^^ht on the <^ame train) and were ready for me io^tart them, I hadn't even toli then ray plans, I was plsuining to wait\

^waiting, what else could I sy except that I would start coming out each Loifd*s
Day? So, on May 29 v;e had our first youth meeting there, I am using the sapie course I have used in the other groups, "Knowing Your Bible" as that is their greatest need, Hecently, I have found another need, though,* They^need to

listen The system of education in this c^niiry is that of learning by.."reSi6tition v/ithout thinking" as I call it and, Vith this -oz^ocess, a person doesn't
have to reason or think things through, ivith the purpose of eventually grasping


young people do not listen to me wheh'l am teaching and it took me a

few weeks to find this out. I i/fis quite disappointed and frustrated at first I blame i t onto the example of the adults as well as the system of education They attend a worsliip service because they consider that their service to the

Lord them.

They come and sit and it never occurs to them to listen to the speaker, You may think I afti streatching this, I am having to teach my young

jthat perhaps he is up there taling because he has something important to tell

jpeople in Hio Negro to listen before I- can ever continue to teach thefli the

jtruths in the Bible,

{dpil*t listen*

I night mention here, too, that I could use some prayers

sfor ray patience and wisdom, I, at first, thought that I v/as making the lessons (too complicated, but, observing, found the problera to be the fact that they just

jl'ra confident they v/ill begin to grasp His ViTord,

The Lord is bles.'sing the group numerically^ though, and soon,

P3.easo pra^ to .tjiat end^ f



jsuch as prayer, temp^rancej different problems they ei^OOURter' as ypU^^h, ^Qgtrt??,

Seven of my young people are being trained in teaj^herp-tr^iriin^
at Rahue, as Sunday School "teaghepe and'substitutes#

Then I will go into a series of lesspng pn personal, practical'i^eeds

iJhappy.io bo J,e^nin3^hQ>f..t^ te^ch^ - . i

On June I6


Th^y -^eem to lio


started a gpepial asrieg of t^acUer-straining njeetings that v/iil,

(Each Thursday evening >^5-' wept to train the teacl^ersi

)go on indefinitely, V/e ordered material fop all the classes for both congrejp jgations here in Ooorno and organized a teacher and a qubgtitui;? for each pia^s,

jthe hour I pre3ent teaQhing principles of al3. forcing as they neeid them allj, an4

Duping the first half Qf

/during the last half we divldq into groups according to Suri^ay Sohoql claejseig.

;For example, LorKaii-^e Hick is v/orking with tlie Beginner teacjiers and substitutes,
jl with the Primary teachers and substitutes. Elsa Huntley vjith the Juniors, Jim with the Youth teachers anji Mark with th^ Adult teaphorS| Puring this time ?hclp them to become acquainted v.dth their partioular ftge grpu?^ demonstrate ^teaching aids applicable to their class and cover thQ lesson fpr t^e next Sun-

jday with them to be sure they understand ^ompletely^

This aoems to ^e working

Ji/ell; the teachers being overjoyed that someone is haiping them, and attendance
\s.t all services has increased simply because the Christians are more animated

iand excited.

Please pray for theae v/illin.^ soula as they are trained to teach,

iThey need your prayers (and so do we v;ho are doing the training-don't forget us).

Perhaps you are wondering about tho taachGr-trainijig program in oth&r parts o-f the country, I vd.ll be most of the month of Soptt^mber in thp North of Chile presenting the program tb the consro^ations in Chuquicamata, Calama, and Antofagasta, I am looking forward to this trip as I liava not yet visited the churches in the North, But, even before that trip in Septenbcr, plans have been made
for a^iother trip^ Many months c.go tho non-inatrumantta Churches of Christ


me to present the course in their tv;o congregations, just acrosj the" Argentina
border, i,n June, I told them I would bo happy to help them v;hon I could but June was impossible. They, then, changed the date to the last wook in July and first week in August and I have accepted that date. The two congregations there are sma^l but are very desperately in need of organization in thoir teaching program and, since the Lord has led me to Selp in this need, I fuel compelled

We have I for some time, been striving for fellowship with thorn.

if I would help them, when possible, with the toachor-training course#

They invited

to^go and help them since I can be free at that time,

Please pray for this


This trip v/ill also be a new experience for me,

I will travel to San

I pray that many things may be accomplished for the cause of Christ and unity in Him, and that the Icnowlcdge of teaching His Wo&derful V/ord may be greatly

tiago and from ther^ will travel over the Andes mountains by train with the mis sionary fa-nily fron Santiago, I'm sure- it will be a v;onderful experience and
Please pray,

:erday all the "Gringos" (Noj^thamerican^i, gathered to celebrate our Indepen-' je Day, The Huntloys, Kiclis, and I, and the Baptist missionary family gatherdence

small flags, and all kinds of rod, white, and blue decorations,

ed at the Micks house, which we had -decorated with a big U,3, flai^, several

V/e celebrated

make our own ice cream and all the syrups (including marshmallow) they turned

with banana splits (something they nvjver heard of down here),

Though we had to

out delicious. So, while yoru cJ.1 were out having your picnics and barbacues, we v;ero hudlcd around the gas heater bt.nana svilits. It was v;onderful, though, and we throughly enjoyed j^in^ina; and remcmboring out country's birthday
even though we were thousands of m^lps away, country free,

our V/onderful Heavenly Father's probidcicii, care and patience in keeping; our

V/ith li^'.mble heartn we remembered

is evident on every nand you are nuc-i fitoro gi*ateful for the freedom our country has. Please, let's unite as Chriptians to keep it free and God-^fearingi
May the Lord bl_ess you all As you foXlov/ His -guidanoG. and j^erve- Him,
Reaeive .my love through Je-sus,
Alta Tannor FINAirCIAL lUSPOi^T

And, when you arc in anotTior country v/hei-e the threat to freedom

Balance on Hand Apr^l 30, 1966

May Income

^^295 f 73

May expenses

Promotions Salary Cf gifts




Balance June IncomLi

Z 27^ 177,00 gifts

5.00 140.00 1^5,00

June jSxpenses Storys




. (



route 2



Bulk Rate



Kalkaska, Mich, Non-profit Org,

Alta Tanner, Missionary > Osorno, Chile, S, America

tc' r i r

Permit ,/-2

Return Requested



Forvrarding Agents
Dick & Donna Keller
Route r 2

Sponsored by SPENCji:.'? CHUi^Cn OF CH.'^IST

Kalkaska, M c higan

/ 9 ip (c

Dear Christian friends,

The P^st fev/ v/e .ks have been interesting^' and busy ones for

On^ n-p

enjoyerb^ia wUh I The /i^tPr

:^re3enoe make.'? our he^rc,-. lighter

V.'yandotte. I have tiiourou^fhly

23r(J, I left Osorno for oantia.jo on vy way to Ir-^utina


c^rol!e If

newsletter bout tho planned taaLln^ trif 't^r*

Santiago on Sunday aad Monday aftervh arrived in liuenos 4ire- ahovf k'^n

nlannH nn crossinj oxg Panagra jet en route to Buenos Aires. snowfall bad had the AndeB laountains by train but heavy

la^ly, in Santxcigo v/ent uath nie*

ty of .soutn :.:..ierica), ^y lant newsletter. I said city South'''"?." ? I mai^e a miotoke learnedin ta.-,t .Juenoa Aire,^ is the lar-jest


-rourto a

A^:riL'o; S:itlLuc~.-""^
is rnew\r-r!''i''<.
Thps nr-T -i"

are in^th^'^-orovin

" on the^other side of Sout.

mountains in Ar::e-:.itina but they

of thrnt

2 o'clool: that evening and went to the home

xn the home of the sister with wiiora I stayed,

sraall church in Bellavista

for me .o leave them when the time came. They were al^so loviiv' and
irhorto t!Lh
tL t^

^11 in tJie meraberG, These two are the only known Cnurohos of Christ all of .?rrientina. So, cliurchos you can see it l with w^o ^ calling with the teenl-o ^irl" w the.n moro personally, perhaps too personally because it was difficult

was evJIe^rifal^I^?

road line fZJ,

tt n' village dovm at the rail con-re-ations in on Pilar ni^ht. profitable and I was very pleased with the way my

interest in spreading the Gospel th^t

to hTlr, !ou^ Thev"LV


and tteir dutIef^o"r''r'-^ "perLnL fo^^L! ''

teach and xn setting organized into classes. After finishinr

and Bi^le i-^nowledje but just needed a little help

which fact did our souls ,;ood. I trief different a^e

missionaries workin.^ with them

study concerning wofen ^ wonderful

II r-"'

f.T T^^trip'ovL^thfsnow-^""
opportunity to see

rEr'i7"t- siL;r:rs.one Of



Before returninjr to Osirbi I made a quick trip over to Valparaiso to visit the jrcthron there and, bad" in Santiago, on Mon'Tay, \rent v;ith the young "people of the churches of t'le central are-, to play in the snow up in the mountains. It seemed :;ood to see .snov; a^^ain, I felt ri'^ht at horae out 'iiany of the youn.j- people had never been in snov; oefore. It was a nice experience and cerved as a re .-t for /ae cifter the fast pace I had kept for the previous month, v;e vfore saddened because of the loss of one youns Christian ^irl vrho had oeen ny student in cauip and v/ho was also a close friend to alnost all the youn^ people of the central area, before v,'e v/ent to Argentina we received vrord that she had leukeiiiia and, while there, v/e received the teleGr'Oin of her death, Her example of faith in h^r last days e\nd that of her parents serves as a never-to-be-forjotten lesson

for all those v;ho know the'i, Christians and non-Christians,

is a 'Dreacher in one of the churches of the central zone.

^^er father

I arrived in Osorno on Thursday and that ni^^ht resumed my duty of teaching "trainin:; class at Rahue, Brother Mark had done it in ray ab^ense^ He
had also tau.;^ht my youth ,;roup for me, Je have finished the -

in iiiy youth ,;roup and will he^in cuiother series of studies, Saturday eveiiin^ we had five now youn-; peo;-)lo, T^.-zo of them are nev: Christians#

The two youn^ men *;hom I have been trainin.'^ to eventually take over the
youth v7ork v/ill be teachin,;;^' them while I am -^^one the month of September,
Please pray for them.


On September 5th I \d.ll start the teacher-traininji course at the church

in Galama in northern Chile, The v;eek of September 12th I vrill teach

in Chuzuicamata aiid the v/e::k of September 19th in Antofajasta, I pray that this effort will brin,-^ results for the advancement of the Lord's Kingdom in the northern part of Chile* Please be prayin^^ for me and for those
who are bein.^* trained.

Thank you for your prayers and 1 continue to ask for them*
to thaiil: each of you who re-jularly support this work, Thanl: you to those v/ho have sent money for Bibles,

I alco v/ant

God bless you,

Love through Jesus,



Balance on Hand June 30, 19^6

Income for July 1966
Expenses Travel


Mission e^cpense

3,79 130,00


60,00 ^l'Sl,00

Savinii's Account Balance on Hand July 31st

Income for August

Expenses Salary Savings Account


Balance on hdnd August 31st 1966 (We nov; have i;230,00 in the Savings Account)


Serving Christ in Chile

iioute .r 2

Kalkaska, iMichi.-ian

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Kalkaska, Michigan
Published by
llonsProfit Or-;,
Permit -2

Spencer Church of Christ

for Alta Tanner

Serving' in Chile

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