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DE 8

S. Ant. 582-625

DE 8

2 Str +Ant

582 92 = 593 603

u u - u u - - - u - - X

dact epitr
hpxaia TZI A 4 6 a ~ 1 6 6 v O ~ K W V6fipai

-d d g s-

~~Xaipoves oibi KaKBv &yevo-roj aiisv.


+ alcaic decasyll



ydvos, hhh' CpEinEt


u - u - u -

o&pa 6vonv601j ~ T C W

sync ia dim

air VIV


sync ia trim
TGV V E ~ T ~ ~hpg W V Konij,

ia trim cat
A6yov T' 6voia Kai cpp~vGv'Epiv\jj.

604 - 14 = 615 25

+ hippon
nij nohhois clav 6vaois CNGpGv,

+ sds-dlds-


u w - - u u - u - -


chor dodecasyll nohhoij 6' h & r a

K O U I ~ V ~ WE V.

rhv 060' bnvos aipEi noes 6 mavToyripq




chor trim cat

npiv nvpi eEp@ n66a Tis n p o a d q .

aotpip: ytrp

+ chor dim cat)


CK TOV KAEIV~V Cnos ndqavrai,


u u - u - u - -

ion dim anacl (or enopl)


~6 T

h E i T a Kai

~b plhhov

Tb K a K b V 6OKEii) T O T EU8hbV


u u - - u u - u - ~ K T h ~a Ss .

chor dodecasyll

-d!ds~ K T has. ~ S

0va~Gv Pi6~p n&pnohb y

rrpdruuEi 6 ?Jhiyiuiovxp6vov

LM2 84, 142, 155, 163, 182

582 f.
The first major period i s dactylo-epitrite (although 582 also recalls the headless praxillean of 356). 584 (with p 8 1 ~ b vfor the corrupt cpeipivwv of the antistrophe) nearly reverses the movement of 582. 585 i s a prolongation of 584. After three rolling cola the metre changes to blunt iambic from 586. The lecythion of 587 again gives a kind of reverse effect to 586. In the last period the syncopated trimeter i s a prolongation of the opening dimeter, and the final catalectic trimeter gives a pendant clausula. (On the light anceps cf. LM2 84.)
A mixture of aeolo-choriambic and ionic but many uncertainties. Is there a major ionic and are 6 0 6 ~ 6 1 7 and 6 1 4 ~ 6 2 5 examples of it and are 6 1 2 ~ 6 2 3 a catalectic form? But 606 and 614 may be aeolo-choriambic and a variation on the asclepiad. (The text follows LM2 142 in interpreting them a s choriambic dodecasyllables and 612 as telesillean, cf. Trach. 849-50.)

604 f.

607 = 618

The free responsion i s impossible, and the antistrophe line seems the weaker of the two. For it Wilamowitz, Hermes 59, 1923, 253-4 suggested 6 E166uiv ob6iv; perhaps something like &yvG-ri 6 hpihai. (This is based on the seminar and A.M.D.s Sophocles text; the note books prefer the antistrophe giving chor dim cat.) (See LM2 163)

6 0 9 - l o = 620-1

The clausula equals the third phrase 606, cf. also the anacreontic 611. Penultimate period close, ithyphallic, i s a clear answer to d s - three lines before. Both strophe and antistrophe end E K T ~ S &saS.


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