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S SeLLeX Hig ghlights

To opSale esMana agementChal llenges sfor 20 010

Inthe t beginningof2010Se eLLeXdecidedtoidentify ythemajorsa ales management ingthepowe erofWeb challengesfortheupcomingyear.Usi 2.0technologyandutilizing gLinkedIn.co omfunctionswereached d100sales pro ofessionalsonvariousorg ganizationallevelsandaskedthemwhat w they exp pected m challengefortheup pcomingyea artobe.Here eiswhat themajor our rfindingscon nfirmed:

Top pSalesManage M ementChalleng C ges for2010 2



17% 6% %

Sales e Performance Management Hiring& Retentio on

CRM/Ac Sales ccount Comp pensation Manage ement ompetences Co Development

Apa artfrom sefivemajor rchallengesrespondents salsoidentif fiedsales thes forc cemotivatio onasamajor robstacletowardsuperio orsalesperf formance. Th hebiggestch hallengefor2010 2 willbetokeepsales speoplemotivated,to dev veloptheirco ompetencies s,topushthe emclosertocustomersandatthe sam metime eloptheirunderstandingofwhatSale esarenowad days.Itwill deve bearealchallengeforall! Alb benaNikolov va,HeadofSalesPLM&OEM O Applian ncesatTesy LTD. engingtokeepthesalesforce f motiva ationinthetough t Itwillbechalle mpetitiveenv vironmentwith w limitedcu ustomerCAP PEX/OPEX,re educedSFC com and dremunerati ionorbonus sflexibilityan ndreducedcustomer c ent tertainment bud dgets. PavelMar rinikov,Mark ketingandBusinessDeve elopmentat Schnei iderElectric

Handle ethechallen ngeswith Sales2 2.0 Havey youthoughtaboutchang ging therulesofthegame?Overth he wentyyears, ,wehavesee en pasttw change esinalltype esofsales proces ssesacrossin ndustry segme ents.Mostof fthesignifica ant change eshavecom meoverthepast p sevenyears,driven nlargelybynew n enablingtechnolog gies,an increasinglytechsavvy s custom mer andtherapid devolutionof o the base,a internet.Thesechangeshave edtherolesofbothsales sand effecte marke eting,aswellastheways sin whichtheyinterac ctandsuppo ort other.Asawhole, w custom mer eacho prefer rences,theeverrisingco ostof sales,andtheavai ilabilityofne ext ationtechno ologiesare genera togeth hermandatin ngaSales2.0 0 transit tionforsales sorganizatio ons thatw wanttooutpe erformthe compe etition...ormerely m surviv ve.

SeLLeX Co onsultancy Team T www.sellexbg.com

+3592 4900084,49000 086 |+35989 998383 65 Bulg garia|1574Sofia|IztokDi istr.|6Nikola aiOstrovski

S SeLLeX Hig ghlights

Oth herprofessio onalsaremo oreconcerne edwithsusta ainingandincreasing ma arketshare.Here H iswhat tsalesmanag gersshareonthissubjec ct: Th hebiggestch hallengeforcompanies c during d 2010will w bethede ecreasein net trevenuean ndthesqueez zingofgrossmarginsdue etoslowdem mandand anincreaseinraw r material lcost.Therig ghtstrategywillbetoho oldgood affandkeepexistingmar rketshare. sta Lyu ubomirIliev,Sales S andMarketingDire ectoratOtot topBulgaria Ltd. Sizematters Thesurveyuncoversthatcomp pany sizeisa alsoafactor rwhenthinki ing aboutsalesmanag gementchalle enges. Hereis swhatoursu urveyreports: Enter rprise
2 25 25 50

Th hebiggestch hallengethisyearwillbetofurtherin ncreasemark ketshareat pro ofitablemarg ginsduetogrowing g inter rnationalcom mpetitionpr ressure. PeterPanayotov,Head dofSales&Marketing M at t TravelStore eMaker.com

Res sultsfromth hissurveyvarynotonlyacross a organizationsandindustries but talsoacrossbusinessfun nctions.Forexamplebus sinessdevelo opersare gre eatlyconcern nedwithsale esperforman ncemanagem ment.Allofthe t res spondentsoc ccupyingthe esepositionswithintheir rorganizationratesales astheirbigg per rformancemanagement m gestchalleng ge.Ontheot therhand adm ministrativestaffunanim mouslystatethattheirbiggestchallen ngewillbe salescompeten ncydevelopm ment.Huma anresourcesprofessiona alsthink attheirprimaryobstacleswillcomefrom f managi ingcompens sation, tha alo ongwithCRM M/AccountManagement M t,whilemark ketersaremo ore con ncernedwith hsalesperfo ormanceandhowitwilleffect e compe ensations and dquotaattainment. Ifyou y havenot talreadyiden ntifiedyourgreatestcha allengesandobstacles tow wardssuperi iorsalesperf formance,yo oubettersta artassessingrightaway. Ifyou y needany yassistancewith w gettingyourorganizationonthe eroadto exc cellenceinsa alesdonothesitate h toco ontactus.

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33 67

12 13 25 50


50 0% C CRM/Account Mmanagement C Competency Development D C Compensation


SalesPerforma anceManagem ment

SeLLeX Co onsultancy Team T www.sellexbg.com

+3592 4900084,49000 086 |+35989 99838365 Bulg garia|1574Sofia|IztokDi istr.|6Nikola aiOstrovski

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