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The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information

Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.
Joseph Paul Goebbels Nazi Propaganda Minister

We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
David Rockefeller C.F.R. and Trilateral Commission Founder

"It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and myths that surround it."
John Pilger

"We [the Zionists] have it all under such control that no one - no one or no-body can [reach] people unless it is done through 'our' media control. We have it sewed up!!"
Harold Wallace Rosenthal from the Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976

'In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of
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The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information

the daily press... They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.'
U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

'The world can therefore seize the opportunity [Persian Gulf crisis] to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind.'
George Herbert Walker Bush

Contents - Agenda-Setting Theory - Mass-News Media - Alternative Media is Defeating The New World Order - Are Your Thoughts Your Own? - Mass Mind Control
Through Network Television Terrorism Coverage From...

- Behind TV Analysts, Pentagons Hidden Hand - Retired Officers Have Been Used to Shape - Can The Corporate Media Turn Lies Into Truth? - Cmo La Prensa en EE.UU. Lava El Cerebro a La Opinin Pblica - La Hiper-Realidad de Una


Prensa Corporativa en... Alex Jones a Fake?

- Controlled Opposition - Is 'Patriot Truth Leader' Mr. - Control of The Press - Protocol 12 - Protocols Of The

Learned Elders of Zion

- CNN Accused of Forcing Journalist to Censor Bahrain Brutality - CNN and Psy-Ops - CNN Loses Half Its Viewers - Corporate Media Downhill Plunge Continues As Alternative Media Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol - Declaracin Conjunta Sobre Wikileaks - ONU y CIDH - De Cmo las Noticias por Televisin Crean la Ilusin de Saber - DESPIERTA !!! - Do The Jews Own Hollywood And The Media? - El Control de Los Medios de Comunicacin - El Fin de La Internet... Que Conocemos? - Main File - El Poder de Las Palabras - El Sndrome de la Televisin Txica No Es un Mito - Sobre la Llegada de La Televisin a Butn - El Uso Subversivo del Simbolismo Sagrado en Los Medios de Comunicacin - Alfabetizacin de Los - Empire and The Lies of The Corporate Media - Are We Living in A Fool's Paradise? - Everything Is A Lie - The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High - Facebook and The Internet - Main File - Farsas Sistmicas - La Voz de Quin? - O Por Qu Me Di de Baja en Avaaz - Five Reasons That Corporate Media Coverage is ProWar - Former Italian PM Berlusconi Gets 1-Year Reduced Sentence for Fraud - Google and The Internet - Main File
Smbolos Explodes


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The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information

- Government Has ORDERED The Media Not to Cover 9/11 - Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel

Hillary Clinton Declares International Information War How Television News Creates The Illusion of Knowledge How The Media Manipulates The World Into War How The U.S. Government Strikes Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Around The World How the Washington Post Censors The News - A Letter to The Washington Post Illuminati Moving Fast For Control - Moves For Final Media Takeover - Why So Fast? In 1917, J.P. Morgan Bought U.S. Corporate Media to Be 1%'s Lying Sacks of Spin? Inside The Military Media Industrial Complex - Impacts on Movements for Peace and Social Justice Iran and Honduras in The Propaganda System - Media Disinformation - Washington's "Regime

Change Hit List"

- Is The Truth Movement False Opposition? - Joint Statement on Wikileaks - UN and IACHR - "Journalists" - Gatekeepers for The Matrix - from 'Children of The Matrix - How an Interdimensional
Race Has Controlled...'

Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol

Just One Example of Who 'They' Are In Media La Mente Crdula Explicada Lap Dogs of The Press La Prensa "Libre" - de "...Y La Verdad Os Har Libres" Las Mentiras de Reporteros Sin Fronteras Las Puertas de La Percepcin - Por Qu Los Norteamericanos Creen Casi Cualquier Cosa? Latest Word on The Trail? I Take It Back - Mainstream Media Stories Are Scripted by The White


- Leaked North Korean Documentary Exposes Western Propaganda - And Its Scary How True It Is - Lies of Silence - The Controlled Global Media - Mainstream Media Takes Money from Foreign Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda - CNN Many Facts that The Mainstream Media Doesn't Really Want to Talk About Right Now Media Control - Excerpts from the Book Media Control - Who Owns the Media? Media Democracy in Action - The Importance of Including Truth Emergency Inside the Progressive


Media Reform Movement - Media Manipulation - Extracted from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"


- Media Play - Media - The Spreading of False Ideologies Into Our Culture - Methods of Media Manipulation - Mind Control Theories and Techniques Used by Mass Media - Mobile Phones Soon Required to Receive, Display White House Propaganda Messages - Muchos Hechos Que Los Principales Medios de Comunicacin No Quieren Hablar en Este Momento - Non-Lethal Weapons - "Psychotronics" and "Silent
Sound" - Main File

Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol

- Off The Record - What Media Corporations Dont Tell You About Their Legislative Agendas - Operaciones Mediticas - Cmo se Fabrican Las

"Teoras Conspirativas"

- Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation - Prensa y Periodismo en Los EE.UU. - Un Triste Legado - Protocol 12 - Control of The Press - from 'Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion' - Protocolo XII - El Control de La Prensa - de 'Los Protocolos de Los Sabios de Sion' - Proyecto Censurado 2009 - Proyecto Censurado Da Luz a Las Noticias Ocultas - Reducen a 1 Ao la Pena de Crcel a Berlusconi por Fraude

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The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information



- Ridotta a 1 Anno la Pena di Carcere a Berlusconi per Frode - Scary - People Who Watch and Trust Fox News Will Surprise You - Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and The CIA - Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media - Seven Things About the Mainstream Media that They Do Not Want You to Know - Several Hard Questions about The U.S. Economy that The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking - Subverting The Media - Television And The Hive Mind - Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by The Mainstream Media - Teora de La Agenda-Setting - Mass-News Media - The Awesome Destructive Power of the Corporate Power Media - The Battle For Press Control - from "The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem" - The CIA and The Media - The CIA's Project MOCKINGBIRD - Ongoing Covert
Control of the Media in Movies

- The Conditioning of Humans - Predictive Programming - The End of The Internet... As We Know It? - Main File - The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in The Service of US Foreign Policy - The Role of Reporters - The Financial Press - A Disinformation Machine - The 'Free' Press - from '...And The Truth Shall Set You

Without Borders


- The Gullible Mind Explained - The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition - The Invisible Hand of the Media - The Lies of Reporters Without Borders - The Mass Media and The 9-11 Cover-Up - The Press - The Enemy Within - The Propaganda System that has Helped Create a Permanent Overclass is Over a Century in The Making - The Rockefeller Mediacracy - from "The Rockefeller

- These 6 Corporations Control 90% of The Media in America - The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in The Media
- Symbol Literacy


- Todo Es Una Mentira - El Intento Deliberado Para Engaar a Las Personas Est en Su Punto Ms Truth, Propaganda and Media Manipulation U.S. Mainstream Media Sell Lies on A Daily Basis Vitamins - Media Hoax Exposed White House Threatens to Blacklist Paper for Covering Protest - Obama, Bradley Manning and Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera and The Triumph of Televised Propaganda - The Invasion of Libya Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera y El Triunfo de La Propaganda Televisiva - La Invasin de Libia Who Owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC? Who Owns The Media? - from 'The Police State Road




Map? by Michael Nield

- Who Owns The Media? - The 6 Monolithic Corporations that Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear and Read - WikiLeaks - International New Media Non-Profit
Organization - Main File

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The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information

Additional Information - 9-11 - Unanswered Questions - ABC News Defrauding - Inside the ABC News UFO
Documentary Hoax

Espaol Espaol

- Acusan a La OMS y a Obama de Bioterrorismo Por La Gripe Porcina - Advertencia a Los Barones de Los Medios de Comunicacin Sobre el H1N1 y Otras Armas Biolgicas - An Empire of Lies - The CIA and The Western Media - "Avatar" - Delivers a Powerful Message of
Connectedness With Mother Nature


- A Warning to The Media Barons About H1N1 and Other Bio-Weapons - Campaa Masiva de Guerrilla Marketing Para Conseguir la Mxima Difusin del 11-Septiembre - Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation - Main File - Climate Change - The Global Media Presents an Apocalyptic Scenario - Connecting The Many Undersea Cut Cable Dots... - 'Contagion' or How Disaster Movies "Educate" The Masses - Converging Technologies For Improving Human Performance - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology,
Information Technology...


- Copa del Mundo - Diversin o Maniobra Diversiva de Masas? - "Democracy Now" and The "Progressive" Alternative Media - Valued Cheerleaders for Imperialism
and War

Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol

- Digging Deeper Into Who Controls The World - El Club Bilderberg - Los Amos del Mundo - Cristina Martin, Otra Periodista Que Despierta - El Jaque Mate - Informaciones Para Materializar Un
Mundo Nuevo

- El Significado Simblico Oculto de la Pelcula '2012' - El Trgico Destino Del Primer Bigrafo de George Bush - La Prensa Estadounidense Trabaja En
Gran Parte Para El Poder Watch This...

- Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions - If You Don't Think Corporate Media is Controlled - Engaando al Mundo Con Fotografas - Los Muertos en


Georgia y Osetia

Espaol Espaol

- English Papers United Against Murdoch - Fewer Papers, More Web - Fukushima and The Mass Media Meltdown - The Repercussions of a Pro-Nuclear Corporate Press - Globalists Pull Plug on KONY 2012 with Spectacular Crash and Burn - Guerra de Cuarta Generacin - Guerra Fra Psicolgica - Las Ciencias de La
Dominacin Mundial


- How the Media Prevents Meaningful Discussion About the Condition of Our Environment - How The Newtown Massacre in U.S. Became a Mind-Control Television Event - How The Western Media Promotes a Mistaken View of The World - Internet Is The Primary News Source For Those More Educated As Well As People Under 30 - Interview With Putin... Banned - Read It Here! - Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder - Journalistin erstattet Anzeige gegen WHO und UN wegen Bioterrorismus und der Absicht des Massenmordes - KONY 2012 Part 2 - License for Imperial Conquest - KONY 2012 Psy-Op Collapsing

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The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information

Espaol Espaol Espaol

Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol

- La CIA y El Vaticano Manipulan La Wikipedia - La Globalizacion de Microsoft - Entrevista de Corporate Watch con Noam Chomsky - Lame Leak Site Nothing More Than Thin Cover For The Tel Aviv Tango - WikiLeaks - La Red ECHELON - Main File - Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations - Opinion - "Los Dioses Esperan Deleitar Dentro De T" - Los Grandes Medios de Comunicacin Empezarn a Intimidar a Bloggers por El "Uso Equitativo" - Los Medios de Comunicacin Son La Matrix - Mainstream Media to Bully Bloggers Out of 'Fair Use' - Manifiesto de Internet - Como Funciona el Periodismo Hoy - Diecisiete Declaraciones - Manipulated Consensus - from 'Tales From Time Loop'
by David Icke


- Media Pushes 'Success' of Experimental GSK Malaria Vaccine While Ignoring Deadly Side Effects - Microchip Cerebral - "Miro La Televisin y Luego Existo" - El Alienado Programado - Murdoch and Vaccines - Exposure of Crimes Reveals a
Much Larger Story



- Murdoch Tabloids Strike Dr. Wakefield to Market Deadly Vaccinations - Noam Chomsky - Top 10 Media Manipulation Strategies - Noam Chomsky y Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulacin Meditica - Olbermann on O'Reilly's "Fox Security" Threat - "Bill Thinks he has his Own Police" - Video - Pharmaganda - A Study of Conflicting Interest - Politically-Correct Censorship Rampant In US Schools - Politics and The English Language - by George Orwell - Popular Culture Promotes The Police State - Revealed About U.S. Spy Operation That Manipulates Social Media - Sixteen Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider - Social Radar for Smart Power - Subversive, Seditious Journalist Piers Morgan Must Be Arrested, Prosecuted for Crimes Against America - Tcnicas de Control Para Implantar El Consumismo Masivo - The Art of Mental Warfare Opening Statement - Let The
Media War Begin

The Basis of Mass Mind Control The Development of "Privacy Killing Technologies" - A Link to The Murdoch Scandal? The ECHELON Network - Main File The Future of Free Information The Global War on Children The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of The Movie 2012 The Law Says Deport Piers Morgan The Man Behind The World's Most Dangerous Website The Mass Media as Human Pesticide The Media is The Matrix The Reporter Whose Scoops Give the Bush Administration Sleepless Nights The Rules of Disinformation - Twenty-Five Ways To

- Secrets and Lies

- The Secret State's Surveillance Machine - Undermining the American People's Right to Privacy - The TV Business May Be Starting To Collapse - Don't Mean To Be Alarmist, But... - The U.S. Air Force Wants to Monitor, Track and Analyze Everything Done on The Internet Around The Globe
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Suppress Truth

The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information

- The WikiLeaks Founder Talks to John Pilger - Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and The Threat
From China


- Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 - Truths, Half-Truths, Lies and Cowards - Unplug the Signal - The Truth Will Not Be Televised - U.S. Designates Wikileaks "Enemy of The State" - Verdades, Medias-Verdades, Mentiras y Cobardes - What The Media Aren't Telling You About American Protests - WikiLeaks Has 'Insurance Files' on Rupert Murdoch's News Corp - Julian Assange Disney - Disney, Militarization and The National Security State After 9/11 - Book Excerpt - Disney - Uno de Los Mayores Engaos de Todos los Tiempos - How Disney Magic and The Corporate Media Shape Youth Identity in The Digital Age - How The CIA Helped Disney Conquer Florida - One of The Greatest Deceptions of All Time - Disney The Disney Bloodline


- Teaching Children About GMO Agriculture is "A Fun Activity" for The Whole Family - At Disney - The Disney Agenda - "The Mouse That Roared" - How Disney Instills Greed and Consumerism - Starting at Three Months

World's 'Living With The Land'...


Multimedia: - Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary! - Alien Encounters: From New Tomorrowland Books-Treatises - Propaganda - by Edward L. Bernays Multimedia - 9-11 Conspiracy by Media - South Tower Anomalies III - Addressing the Debunkers - 9-11 Hidden in Hollywood - Alex Jones Reviews "Avatar" - Analizando a Los Medios - FOX NEWS - A Political Road Movie - 'South of The Border' - Architects of Control - Michael Tsarion - Armas de Desinformacin Masiva - Be Warned of Digital Deception... - Bush NSA Targeted Journalists - Censored Images of War - CNN Airs Fake Sandy Hook Helicopter Footage - Anderson Cooper CNN False Flag - Como La Opinin Publica es Distorsionada por Los Medios - Consuming Kids - Control Room - David Icke Interviewed by BBC5 - 2009 - El Fin de La Democracia - El Futuro de La Humanidad - Arquitectos del Control - El Mundo Segn Google - El Poder de Las Palabras - Presentaciones - Empire - Hollywood and The War Machine - Employees Expose FOX NEWS' Distortions

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The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information

- Engaando la Guerra de Rupert Murdoch en Contra del Periodismo - Entrevista a Cristina Martin - Club Bilderberg - Fabricando el Consenso - Noam Chomsky y Los
Medios de Comunicacion

- FOX News Whistle Blowers - UNBELIEVABLE!!! - "Fox Security" Threat - Freedom of Speech - Stories From The Edge of Free

- Full Spectrum Treason - Future Combat System [FCS] - Guerra Psicolgica - If You Don't Think Corporate Media is Controlled, Watch This... - Jaque Mate - El Peridico Que Slo Saldr Una Vez - KONY 2012 - A Ponerological Example in Africa - Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and The


- Mind Programming, Brainwashing and Mass Hypnosis - Monsanto and Cancer Milk - FOX NEWS KILLS STORY

David Icke

& FIRES Reporters

- Murdoch Admits He Tried to Shape Public Opinion on Iraq - Nada Es Como Nos Lo Cuentan - Network - English Version / Version en Espaol - Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West - Orwell Rolls in His Grave - OUTFOXED - La Guerra de Rupert Murdoch Contra El Periodismo - OUTFOXED - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism - Predictive Programming - Theory and Practice with
Alan Watt

Programacin Predictiva - Alan Watt - English-Espaol PsyWar Rickard Falkvinge and The Internet - Swedish "Pirate Party" Founder - Interview by Federico Mello Sala de Control Si se Dijera La Verdad en Los Medios ... South Tower Anomalies III - Addressing the Debunkers - 9-11 - Of News and Planes Spin - How The Media Lies to Manipulate Us -


- Television Mass Conditioning - from 'The Biggest

Secret Part 6'

- The 9-11 Solution - The Myth Begins - The Big Brother Matrix of Reality - The Myth of the Liberal Media - The Propaganda Model of News - The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in The Media
- Symbol Literacy

- The Television Agenda - from Warning To The World - The Truth Seeker - D.M. Bennett - The Zionist Agenda, Dr. David Kelly, The Propaganda of The BBC - Un Film de Realidades Politicas - 'Al Sur de La Frontera' - What The NWO Doesn't Want You to Know About - Kevin Trudeau on Alex Jones TV

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The Global Media Control - El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicacion#Additional_Information

Informacion de Medios Alternativos Alternative News - External Links - Noticias Mas Cerca de La Verdad... Related Reports - Big Brother Loves You... - Main File - Noam Chomsky - Contra el Nuevo Orden Mundial Main File

- Skype - The Human Brain - Main File - The New World Order - Main File Return to The Illuminati Return to Temas / Sociopolitica Return to Globalization - The Octopus of The New World Order

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