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Oikos 120: 1366–1370, 2011

doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2010.19418.x
© 2011 The Authors. Oikos © 2011 Nordic Society Oikos
Subject Editor: Wim van der Putten. Accepted 21 December 2010

All size classes of soil fauna and litter quality control the
acceleration of litter decay in its home environment

Alexandru Milcu and Pete Manning

A. Milcu (a.milcu@imperial.ac.uk) and P. Manning, NERC Centre for Population Biology, Division of Biology, Imperial College London,
Silwood Park, Ascot, SL5 7PY, UK. PM also at: School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle Univ., Newcastle upon Tyne,
Tyne and Wear, NE1 7RU, UK.

There is increasing evidence that litter decomposition is faster beneath the plant species it was derived from, an effect called
home-field advantage (HFA). Adaptation of soil biota to decompose the litter that they encounter most often has been
proposed as the main mechanism to explain HFA. However, there is little direct evidence supporting this assumption and
the contribution of different decomposer groups to the HFA is unknown. Furthermore, the large observed variation in
the strength of the HFA may be linked to litter quality, with increasing HFA for more recalcitrant substrates. To test the
relationship between HFA, litter quality and soil fauna, we performed a field litter bag experiment, with different mesh sizes
and reciprocal litter transplants, across a successional gradient varying in litter quality inputs and soil fauna composition.
The results show that the HFA was stronger in sites dominated by more recalcitrant litter inputs and provide evidence that
a range of soil fauna size classes contribute to this effect. Our findings help explain the lack of HFA in ecosystems with
simple litters and in studies where experimental artefacts (e.g. fine mesh sizes) affect the contribution from certain classes
of soil fauna.

Litter decomposition plays a key role in ecosystem service have lower HFA as most decomposers are able to consume
provision by converting plant material into easily accessible it. In contrast, for low-quality litter, which contains recalci-
inorganic components that are used by soil heterotrophs trant and toxic secondary compounds, the HFA is expected
and plants (Cebrian 1999, Wilkinson 2006). By producing to be larger since only specialized decomposer communities
litters of differing chemical composition plants influence are able to degrade these compounds rapidly (Ayres et al.
the activity and composition of the organisms involved in 2009b, Strickland et al. 2009). This led to the hypothesis
decomposition (Wardle 2002, van der Putten et al. 2009). that the HFA results from local adaptation of the soil com-
Correspondingly, decomposers differ in their feeding pref- munity to decompose litter from the plant species above
erences and physiological traits (e.g. enzyme production) them (Wardle 2002, Bardget and Walker 2004, Ayres et al.
and so differ in their capacity to consume and decompose 2009a), be it by alteration of physiological activities, shifts
various litters (Couteaux et al. 1995, Hättenschwiler et al. in community composition, evolution, or a combination
2005). This is especially apparent during vegetation suc- of these processes. Whilst there is some evidence to suggest
cession where temporal changes in the functioning of the that this occurs, few studies have specifically investigated the
belowground compartment are ultimately determined by role of soil communities in the HFA (Ayres et al. 2009b,
changes in the traits of the dominant plant species (Wardle Strickland et al. 2009). There are also concerns associated
2002). This interaction between litter chemical composition with the methodology used; short-term lab incubations
and decomposers is likely to be responsible for the tendency containing simplified decomposer communities and small
of litter to decompose faster beneath the plant species it mesh sizes which prevent meso- and macrofaunal access,
originated from than beneath other species, an effect that could potentially underestimate the HFA (Ayres et al. 2006,
has been called ‘home-field advantage’ (HFA) (Gholz et al. Chapman and Koch 2007). The exclusion of specific fauna
2000, Vivanco and Austin 2008, Ayres et al. 2009a). size classes from litterbags by using different mesh sizes
On average the HFA accelerates litter mass loss by ∼8%, has been shown to strongly influence decomposition rates
although a large amount of variation has been found (from (Setälä et al.1996, Bradford et al. 2002) and although there
9% slower to 20% faster at home than away) (Ayres et al. are experimental caveats associated with this approach, e.g.
2009b). It has been suggested that differences in the quality that microclimate is also affected, studies combing both
of the dominant litter in different ecosystems might explain different mesh sizes with direct exclusions have proven the
some of this variation. High quality litter, which is com- method to be largely effective (Setälä et al. 1996, Bradford
posed of easily degradable compounds might be expected to et al. 2002).

To test the validity of the HFA hypothesis, the importance soil chemical characteristics for the three sites as measured
of litter quality and the contribution of faunal size classes we in 2006 are given in Table 1. In each successional stage two
conducted a field litter decomposition with litters varying plots (Plot) of ∼ 5.5 ⫻ 3.5 m were fenced in order to pre-
in quality (lignin content) from the dominant species of a vent access by rabbits and deer. Within each plot (i.e. nested
secondary succession (Raphanus raphanistrum, Dactylis glom- within the successional sites) the mesh sizes and litter treat-
erata and Quercus petrea representing the early, mid and late ments where established, with four replicates per treatment
successional stage, respectively). These litters were placed in resulting in a total of 216 litter bags (three successional
litterbags of three different mesh sizes allowing litter access stages ⫻ two plots/succession ⫻ three mesh sizes ⫻ three lit-
by: 1) microflora (fungi and bacteria) and microfauna (Pro- ter species ⫻ four replicates). The mesh size treatment com-
tozoa and Nematoda) only, 2) microflora and micro- and prised litter bags with three mesh sizes: 100 μm diameter,
mesofauna (primarily Collembola, Acari and enchytraeid allowing access to only microflora and microfauna; 1 mm
worms) and 3) microflora and all fauna size groups including diameter, which also allows mesofauna; and 3 mm diameter
macrofauna invertebrates (such as Lumbricidae earthworms) allowing also macrofauna invertebrates (see above for details
to access the litter. We hypothesised that the strength of the of which groups were able to access each). Senescent litters
HFA increases with successional stage and decreases with of the three plant species were collected in autumn 2006 and
increasing litter quality because specialist decomposers are dried for three days at 50°C. Leaves and shoots were used for
required to break down complex and recalcitrant litter. Raphanus (43.9% C, 7.7% lignin, C:N ⫽ 30.8) and Dactylis
(45.6% C, 9.2% lignin, C:N ⫽ 34.9) and only leaves for
Quercus (48.4% C, 23.7% lignin, C:N ⫽ 42.0), thus simu-
Methods lating the typical form of annual inputs. The litter bags, each
containing 3 g dry weight of plant material were placed in
Experimental setup the field in October 2006 by securing them with a peg on
the soil surface.
The study area was located at Silwood Park, southeast After one year of field exposure the remaining litter was
England, (0°35´W, 51°25´N) at an elevation of 68 m. The collected, dried at 50°C for 3 days and weighed. Earthworm
three successional sites are found within 200 m of each other and mesofauna densities were assessed in spring 2007 by
and all lie on sandy deposits, the Bagshot Sands. They con- sampling adjacent to the decomposition plots. Earthworms
sist of a regularly tilled site left fallow for one year (the early were collected by digging and hand sorting three subplots
successional site), mature grassland (mid successional site) of 0.28 m2 (down to 60 cm depth) in each successional site.
and a deciduous forest (late successional site) (Table 1). The The earthworms were counted and sorted in three func-
early succession site was continuously cultivated since 1947 tional groups: epigeic (litter feeding and dwelling species),
and left fallow in autumn 2006. The vegetation consists of a endogeic (geophagus soil dwelling species) and anecic (lit-
mixture of ruderal herbs (R. raphanistrum, Plantago lanceo- ter feeding with permanent vertical burrows) (Edwards and
lata) and early successional grassland species (Poa spp., Vicia Bohlen 1996). Mesofauna was sampled using three soil cores
hirsuta). The mid successional site has been grassland since of 4 cm depth and 5 cm diameter from each successional site
1947 and is covered by typical grassland vegetation domi- followed by a 7 day Tullgren extraction.
nated by the perennial grass Dactylis glomerata. The late suc-
cessional site was also cultivated until 1947 then left fallow. Statistics
A myxoma virus outbreak in the 1960s resulted in low graz-
ing pressure by rabbits and tree recruitment. Quercus petraea R Statistical package (aov function, R ver. 2.10.1) was used
and Betula pendula are the dominant species. Details of the to test the effect of site, litter mesh-size and their interac-
tions on arcsine transformed percentages of litter mass
Table 1. Chemical soil characteristics in the early (recently culti- loss using an ANOVA, with a mesh size within plot error
vated field), mid (grassland) and late (60-year-old deciduous wood- structure to account for the nested design (Crawley 2007).
land) successional sites. The pH was measured using a standard soil
water extraction. C% and N% were measured using a CNS elemen- ANOVA was also used to test for differences in mesofauna
tal analyser. Nitrate and ammonium N were extracted from the soil abundances between the sites, whilst a multivariate approach
with potassium chloride solution. The nitrate is measured by cad- (MANOVA) was used to test whether there are significant
mium reduction to nitrite, which is determined spectrophotometri- differences in the abundance of different earthworm func-
cally after formation of a diazo compound between nitrite and
sulphanilamide. Ammonium is determined by formation of indo- tional groups between the sites.
phenol blue by reaction with hypochlorite and phenol. Organic N The HFA was calculated from the percentage litter mass
was converted to inorganic N by persulphate oxidation and the loss for the three litter species in each of the three successional
resulting nitrate was measured as above. Available P was estimated stages using a method originally introduced to calculate
using the Olsen method. Data shown is an average of three repli-
cates per site, as measured at the onset of the experiment in 2006. HFA in sports (Clarke and Norman 1995) and subsequently
used for decomposition data by Ayres et al. (2009b). This
Characteristics/site Early Mid Late method allows for the HFA to be disentangled from site and
Soil pH 5.5 5.3 4.3 litter effects and was calculated for the three litter species
C% (C-to-N ratio) 1.91% (12.1) 3.2% (12.0) 7.4% (13.3) using the following four equations (modified after Ayres
DIN (mg kg⫺1) 3.6 3.6 1.6 et al. 2009b):
DON (mg kg⫺1) 30.4 22.2 7.4
P% (N-to-P ratio) 0.03% (13.4) 0.09% (3.0) 0.03% (5.2) HFAi ⫽ HDDi – ADDi – H (1)
Available P (mg l⫺1) 13.3 83.3 10.0 HDDi ⫽ (DiI – DjI) ⫹ (DiI – DkI) (2)

ADDi ⫽ (DiJ – DjJ) ⫹ (DiK – DkK) (3)
H ⫽ (HDDi – HDDj – HDDk)/(n –1) (4)

where HFAi represents the additional decomposition at

home for species i; I, J and K are the home environments
for species i, j and k, respectively; D is a measure of decom-
position (here % litter mass loss); HDD and ADD represent
home decomposition difference and away decomposition
difference, respectively; H represents the total HFA for all
species combined; and n represents the number of species.

Results and discussion

Results were consistent with literature reports (Melillo et al.
1982, Taylor et al. 1989) in showing significant effects of
litter quality on decomposition rates, with the highest mass Figure 1. Percentage litter remaining after one year of field exposure
loss in R. raphanistrum (62.2%), followed by D. glomerata as affected by litter type, successional stage and their interaction.
(52.1%) and Q. rubra (45.8%) (Table 2). Importantly, litter Letter H denotes the litter species decomposing in its home envi-
type and successional stage had a significant interactive effect ronment/ecosystem. Error bars represent ⫾ SE.
on the percentage litter remaining (Table 2), showing higher
decomposition rates for litter originating in late and early by all faunal classes, whilst in the mid successional stage this
successional stages when decomposing in their own environ- mainly took place through mesofauna. The results correlate
ment, but not for litter originating in the early successional well with observed differences in on macrofauna (particularly
stage (Fig. 1). HFA increase from –5.4% in the early suc- earthworms) and mesofauna community composition in the
cessional stage (for R. raphanistrum) to ⫹ 6.6% in the mid experimental sites. A multivariate analysis testing the effect of
successional stage (for D. glomerata) and 19.5% in the late successional stage on the abundance of earthworms belonging
successional stage (for Q. rubra). Furthermore, the three-way to different functional groups (anecic, endogeic and epigeic)
interaction between succession stage, mesh size and litter found significant differences between the three sites (Pillai–
type (Table 2) shows that the HFA was differentially affected Bartlett, F2,6 ⫽ 22.9, p ⬍ 0.001). The late successional site
by faunal size classes (Fig. 2). Closer examination using was dominated by the epigeic (litter feeding) woodland spe-
Tukey’s pairwise comparison test shows that the decomposi- cies Dendrodrilus rubidus and Lumbricus castaneus (63 ind.
tion of D. glomerata in its home environment (mid succes- m⫺2) whilst the mid- and early successional site dominated
sional stage) was significantly increased by mesofauna. The by the geophagus endogeic (soil dwelling) Aporectodea genus
decomposition of Q. petraea, when in its own environment (A. caliginosa, A.longa and A. rosea), with densities of 13 and
(the late succession site), was stimulated by all faunal classes, 48 ind. m⫺2 for the early and mid successional sites respec-
since each mesh size increase saw a significant acceleration tively. Moreover, we found significant differences between
in Quercus decomposition at the late site but not at the the mesofauna densities of the sites (the summed abundance
early and late succession stages (Tukey’s HSD p ⬎ 0.05). In of Collembola and Acarina; F1,6 ⫽ 20.3, p ⫽ 0.002), with
contrast, there was no HFA for the high quality litter of the highest at the mid (∼57 thousand ind. m⫺2), lowest at
R. raphanistrum; it decomposed just as rapidly in the mid the early (∼two thousand ind. m⫺2) and intermediate at the
and late sites as at the early site (Fig. 2). late successional site (∼25 thousand ind. m⫺2). Whilst the
The results are consistent with the hypothesis that HFA dominance of the woodland litter feeding earthworm species
increases with decreasing litter quality (Ayres et al. 2009a). present in the late successional site is a clear indication that
Furthermore, the results emphasize that the contribution of specialist species break down recalcitrant litter, the low reso-
different faunal-sizes to the HFA varies with successional lution of taxonomical identification for the mesofauna data
stage. In this study the HFA effect in the late successional does not allow us to infer whether the increased HFA at the
stage took place through accelerated decomposition caused mid successional stage was caused by increased densities or
the presence of more specialised mesofauna species.
There are now several strands of evidence that litter prop-
Table 2. ANOVA table output on the effect of succession, mesh
size, litter type and their interactions on the litter mass loss after erties can influence decomposer communities, and that
one year. these changes feedback to affect decomposition rates and
carbon cycling. Strickland et al. (2009) found very similar
Source DF F p results to ours, that microbial communities conditioned
Succession 2,3 4.56 0.1231 to receive herbaceous (simple) inputs perceived grass litter
Mesh 2,186 35.60 ⬍0.0001 as of a higher quality than tree litter, while microbes from
Litter 2,186 38.63 ⬍0.0001 a forest community decomposed both groups similarly.
Succession ⫻ Mesh 4,186 2.60 0.0371 Negrete-Yankelevich et al. (2008) and Ayres et al. (2009a)
Succession ⫻ Litter 4,186 9.07 ⬍0.0001 also found that the quality of tree litter inputs could alter
Mesh ⫻ Litter 4,186 3.91 0.0044 the structure of soil biota communities and that home field
Succession ⫻ Mesh ⫻ Litter 8,186 2.25 0.0256
advantage could be observed for some species in the same

Figure 2. Percentage litter remaining after one year of field exposure, as affected by the successional stage, mesh size, litter type (Rapahnus
raphanistrum, Dactylis glomerata and Quercus rubra) and their interaction. Micro, meso and macro refers to the litter bag treatments, which
allow access to microflora and fauna, micro- ⫹ mesofauna and micro- ⫹ meso- ⫹ macrofauna, respectively. Letter H denotes the litter
species decomposing in its home environment/ecosystem. Error bars represent ⫾ SE.

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trant) litter substrates, with arrows representing the flow of carbon and energy. In soil environments receiving simple litters, e.g. our early
successional site, the majority of resources do not require specialist decomposers and communities of these do not develop. In those receiv-
ing more complex substrates a greater proportion of the litter inputs can only be consumed by specialist decomposers and so communities
of these thrive. The absence of this community component in soils not receiving this litter type explains the home-field advantage, while
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