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Washington State - Written Driving Test - Summary of Questions

On a road with two lanes traveling in opposite direction, slow moving vehicle should pull over when safe to let others pass when (pe o strada cu 2 benzi in directii opuse, vehiculele care merg incet trebuie sa traga pe dreapta cand ii sigur ca sa lase pe ceilalti sa depaseasca cand) Five or more vehicle form a line behind you and it is unsafe to pass. (cinci sau mai multe vehicule formeaza o coada in spatele tau si nu este sigur sa depaseasca) Pedestrians and bicyclists have the right of way (pietonii sau biciclistii au drept de trecere) 2. At crosswalks and intersections regardless if the crosswalks are marked (painted) or not (la trecerile de pietoni si-n intersectii indiferent daca trecerile de pietoni sunt marcate sau nu) Bicyclists should ride (biciclistii trebuie sa mearga) With the flow of traffic and as near to the right side as is safe (cu traficul si cat de aproape de marginea dreapta posibil daca-i sigur) This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 4. Watch for bicycles (atentie la biciclisti) You must dim your high beam lights when within (trebuie sa schimbi de pe faza lunga pe cea scurta cu) 500 feet from the oncoming vehicle (500 de feet de la vehiculul care vine din fata) You must dim your high beam lights when within (trebuie sa schimbi de pe faza lung ape cea scurta cu) 300 feet from the vehicle youre following (300 de feet de la vehiculul pe care il urmaresti) You must keep at least____distance between you and the emergency vehicle (trebuie tinut cel putin_____distanta intre tine si vehiculul de urgenta) 500 feet (500 de feet) At night a bicyclist must have a white visible light for at least (noaptea biciclistul trebuie sa aiba o lumina alba vizibila de la cel putin) 500 feet (500 de feet)








Bicyclists should ride slowly upon a sidewalk or in a crosswalk and (biciclistii trebuie sa mearga incet pe trotuar sau pe trecerea de pietoni si) Yield the right-of-way to any pedestrians (sa cedeze dreptul de trecere la orice pieton) You can enter a shared center line to turn from it and also you can drive on it for about (poti intra in banda de refugiu ca sa iei curba din ea si deasemenea ai voie sa mergi pe ea cam)


300 feet (300 de feet) When passing another vehicle on a road with two lanes traveling in opposite directions, you should (cand depasesti alt vehicul pe o strada cu 2 banzi in directii opuse, trebuie sa) 11. Return to the driving lane when there is enough room between you and the vehicle you have passed (sa te intorci in banda ta de mers cand este loc destul intre tine si vehiculul pe care l-ai depasit) Alcohol (alcoolul) Slows reflexes and reaction time (incetineste reflexele si timpul de reactie) A first conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or any drugs can result in a suspension for a minimum of (o prima condamnare a condusului sub influenta alcoolica sau a oricaror alte droguri poate rezulta in suspendarea permisului de conducere pentru un minim de) 90 days (90 zile) If you drink one drink you have to wait at least ____ hr for your body to influence of alcohol from your body (daca consumi o bautura trebuie sa astepti cel putin_____ore pentru ca organismul sa absoarba alcoolul din trup) 1 hr (o ora) In Washington State a person is legally drunk when their blood alcohol content (BAC) level is (in statul Washington legal o persoana este considerata beata cand in sange nivelul alcoolului este de) At or above .08 percent (0.08 procente sau mai mult)






If you drink and drive you can (daca bei si conduci poti sa) You can have an accident or you can be arrested (ai accident si sa fii arestat) Statistics show that most accidents happen (statisticile arata ca cele mai multe accidente se intampla) On a 25 miles zone from the drivers house (la o raza de 25 mile de la casa soferilor) While driving you can not (in timp ce conduci nu poti sa)



Drive while neither drunk nor you can have an open bottle of alcohol in the inside of the vehicle (conduci nici beat nici avand o sticla de alcool deschisa inauntru vehiculului) If you refuse to give alcohol test you can be suspended for a period of (daca refuzi sa te lasi testat pentru testul de alcool iti poate fi suspendat permisul de conducere pentru o perioada de) 1 year (un an)



If tested at what level of alcohol you can be found of having alcohol in your system (daca esti testat, la ce nivel de alcool poti fi gasit ca avand alcool in sange) Any (oricare) At night slow down and always (noaptea condu incet si intotdeauna)

21. Use high beams whenever there are no oncoming vehicles (foloseste faza lunga oricand nu este nici un vehicul care sa vina din fata) When a school bus is stopped off the road without flashing lights, you should (cand un autobuz de scoala este oprit pe strada fara ca sa aiba luminile intermitente pornite, tu trebuie sa) Use caution as you pass the bus, since you are not required to stop (fii atent cand il depasesti deorece nu ti se cere sa te opresti) At a school crossing sign you should (la trecere de pietoni de la scoala tu trebuie sa) 23. Watch for children and be ready to stop (fii atent la copii si sa fii pregatit sa opresti) 24. You need to stop for a school bus (trebuie sa opresti pentru un autobuz de scoala)


When the bus has red flashing lights on (cand autobuzul are luminile rosii intermitente pornite) All traffic coming from behind the bus needs to stop, when on a road with three or more lanes of traffic travelling on the same direction (tot traficul venind din spatele autobuzului trebuie sa se opreasca pe o strada cu 3 sau mai multe benzi in aceeasi directie) When you see a school bus on a road with two lanes travelling in opposite direction you must stop (cand vezi un autobuz de scoala pe o strada cu 2 benzi in directii opuse trebuie sa te opresti) If the red warning lights on the bus are flashing (daca luminile rosii de atentionare ale autobuzului sunt pornite intermitent) What should you do when you see a rail road crossing sign (ce trebuie sa faci cand vezi semnul de trecere la nivel cu cale ferata) Slow down and yield for trains (incetineste si cedeaza trecerea trenurilor) You need to stop only if there is a gate closed, or a stop sign or a red light flashing or two red lights side by side flashing (trebuie sa te opresti numai daca este o bariera lasata in jos, sau un stop, sau o lumina rosie intermitenta, sau 2 lumini rosii una langa alta intermitente) On slippery roads you should (pe drumuri alunecoase trebuie sa) 27. Slow down (incetinesti viteza) When driving in fog use your (cand conduci si este ceata afara foloseste) Low beams (faza scurta) Be caution when large trucks, buses and vehicle pulling trailers make turns because (fii atent cand tiruri mari, autobuze si vehicule care au remorci iau curbe pt. ca) 29. They make wide turns and may cross the center lane (ei iau curbe largi si s-ar putea sa treaca de linia de centru de mijlocul strazii) 30. When you see a bicycles sign what should you do? (cand vezi un semn de bicicleta ce trebuie sa faci?) Watch for bicycles (sa fii atent la biciclisti)





Bicycles should ride on (bicicletele trebuie sa mearga pe) The same side with the flow of the traffic (aceeasi parte cu traficul) Bicycles should obey the same rules (biciclistii trebuie sa se supuna acelorasi reguli ca si) As the automobilists and if they dont obey them they can also get a ticket (automobilistii si daca nu se vor supune pot lua amenda) On the freeway, you see a merging traffic sign, you should (pe autostrada cand vezi un semn de unire de strazi trebuie sa)



Move to another lane if safe to let traffic enter (schimbi banda daca-i sigur sis a lasi traficul sa intre in autostrada) You want to enter freeways, you should (cand vrei sa intri in autostrada trebuie sa)

Merging Traffic


Watch for traffic entering your lane from the right, adjust your speed and enter in the traffic flow, do not speed up, do not slow or stop (fii atent la traficul din autostrada cand intri din partea dreapta in trafic, sati ajustezi viteza si sa intri in trafic, nu accelera nici nu incetini sau opri) Drivers entering an intersection to turn left (soferii care intra intr-o intersectie ca sa faca stanga)


Must not enter an intersection unless they can get through it without having to stop (nu trebuie sa intre in intersectie numai daca pot trece prin ea fara sa opreasca) At the collision scene, you should (la locul accidentului trebuie sa)


Stop your vehicle at or near the collision site, if you can move your vehicle, get it off the road (iti opresti vehiculul chiar la locul accidentului sau in apropiere, daca poti muta vehiculul, scoate-l din strada pe margine) Before changing directions, you must keep your signals on for at least (inainte de a schimba directia, trebuie sa lasi semnalizarea pornita pentru cel putin) 100 feet (100 de feet)



Before changing directions, you must (inainte de schimbarea directiei trebuie sa)

Look over the shoulder in the direction you want to move (te uiti peste umar in directia in care vrei sa mergi) When parked by the curb you must have at least what distance (cand esti parcat la trotuar trebuie sa ai cel putin distant de)


12 inch from the curb (12 inch de la trotuar) 15 feet from the fire hydrant (15 feet de la fantana de apa pentru pompieri de pe marginea drumului) 20 feet from the pedestrians crossing (20 feet de la trecerea de pietoni) 30 feet from the signal light (30 feed de la semafor)
Fire hydrant

Speed limit is (limita de viteza este) 25 miles/hr in the residential area (25 mile pe ora MPH in zona rezidentiala) If otherwise indicated, speed limit is 25 miles/hr on the city streets (daca nu este alt indicator de viteza, limita este 25 MPH in oras pe strazi) 35 miles/hr when indicated city roads (35 MPH cand se specifica ca sunt sosele de oras) 20 miles/hr in the industrial and school area (20 MPH in zone industriale si de scoli) You have to reduce your speed to while driving on the snow covered roads (trebuie sa reduc viteza la jumatate cand conduci pe strazi acoperite de zapada) At an intersection with a roundabout island (traffic circle) (la intersectie cu sens giratoriu, trafic in cerc) 41. Always drive around the circle to the right (intotdeauna condu in cerc spre dreapta) A yield sign in your lane (un semn de cedeaza trecerea pe banda de conducere) 42. Tells you to slow or wait for all traffic (spune ca sa incetinesti sau sa astepti pentru tot traficul) This sign means (acest semn inseamna)



Divided highway ends (strada divizata ia sfarsit si se continua nedivizata)

Divided Highway (Road) Ends


To be safe, freeway drivers should look ahead of their car (pentru siguranta, soferii pe autostrazi trebuie sa se uite in fata masinii lor la) 10 seconds (1/4 miles) (10 secunde echivalentul al un sfert de mila)

To be safe, low speed drivers should look ahead of their car (pentru siguranta, soferii care conduc incet trebuie sa se uite in fata masinii lor 44.5 la) 1 block (un bloc) A yellow unbroken line on your side of the road means (o linie galbena neintrerupta/continua in partea ta de drum inseamna) 45. Do not pass, passing is not permitted (nu depasi, depasirea nu este permisa)

You need to slow down (trebuie sa incetinesti) 46. Before the curve (inainte de curba) As you are coming on to the exit (si cum te apropii de exit din autostrada) A red triangle with orange center on the back of the car traveling in front of you means (un triunghi rosu cu centre portocaliu pe spatele unei masini mergand in fata ta inseamna) 47. The car in front of you is moving slow with 25 MPH or less and you should slow down and/or prepare to stop if the car in from of you will stop (masina din fata ta merge incet cu 25 MPH sau mai putin si tu trebuie sa incetinesti sau sa fii pregatit sa opresti daca masina din fata ta opreste)


When you want to take a curve and you see this sign you should (cand vrei sa iei curba si vezi semnul alaturat trebuie sa)

It is recommended that you should take the curve with 35 MPH or less (este recomandat ca sa iei curba cu 35 MPH sau mai putin)

When you want to turn left you should (cand vrei sa iei stanga trebuie sa) 49. Turn from the lane that is close to the center line and on to the lane that is close to the center line (iei curba din linia care este aproape de linia de mijloc si intri in linia care este aproape de linia de mijloc)

At an intersection with four way stop sign you should (la o intersectie cu patru stopuri trebuie sa) 50. First come first should go (primul venit primul plecat)

At an intersection with no signs or stop signs, you should (la o intersectie cu nici un semn dau stop trebuie sa) You do not have to stop, slow down look left and then right, yield to the traffic, stop only if you have traffic coming from left of right, if not cross the intersection with caution (nu trebuie sa te opresti, incetineste, uita-te-n stanga si-n dreapta, cedeaza traficului, opreste numai daca este trafic care vine din stanga sau din dreapta, daca nu trece intersectia cu atentie) Can you turn left from a two way street on to a one way street on a red light? (poti sa iei stanga dintr-o strada cu doua sensuri intr-o strada cu un sens pe rosu?) 52. Yes, after you stop and if there is no traffic coming from your right (da, dupa ce te opresti si daca nu este nici un trafic venind din dreapta) When parked by the curb uphill you must (cand esti parcat la trotuar la deal trebuie sa)



Turn the steering wheel away from the curb (intorci volanul spre afara trotuarului)

When parked by the curb downhill you must (cand esti parcat la trotuar la vale trebuie sa) 54. Turn the steering wheel toward the curb (intorci volanul spre trotuar) On a winding road you must (pe o strada serpuita trebuie sa) 55. Slow down and prepare to stop if traffic in front of you is stopped (incetinesti si sa fii pregatit sa opresti daca traficul din fata este oprit)
Winding Road

What is and when can exit on the shoulder of the road (ce este si cand poti sa iesi pe marginea strazii) Shoulder of the road is the emergency lane and can be used only in case of emergency such is: (marginea strazii este banda de urgenta si poate fi folosita numai in cazuri de urgenta cum ar fi) Tire blowout (explozie de cauciuc/roata) Brake failure (franele nu mai lucreaza) Lights go off (luminile nu se mai aprind) If your brake stops working (daca franele nu-ti mai lucreza) Pump the brake pedal several times to build up pressure (apasa pe frana de cateva ori ca sa produci presiune in instalatie) If another vehicle is about to hit you from the side or from behind and there is enough room to the front of you to get out of danger you should (daca alt vehicul este aproape sa te loveasca dintr-o parte sau din spate si este loc sufficient in fata ta ca sa scapi de pericol trebuie sa) Speed up, change lane to avoid a collision (maresti viteza si schimbi banda ca sa eviti accidentul)





An orange sign with an arrow in the center (un semn portocaliu cu o sageata in mijloc) Means that all traffic follows in the direction the arrow shows you (inseamna ca tot traficul s-o ia in directia in care arata sageata) You must report the change of address to DMV in (trebuie sa raportezi schimbarea de adresa la DMV in) 10 days (10 zile) You must register the car onto your name into_____from the purchase of the car (trebuie sa-ti inregistrezi masina pe nume in_____de la cumpararea masinii) 15 days (15 zile) You must report the accident to the authorities in to_____from the time of accident (trebuie sa raportezi accidentul la autoritati in_____de la data accidentului) 4 days (4 zile) By law, your vehicle headlights must be turned on from (dupa lege, luminile vehicului tau trebuie pornite cu) Half hour after sunset until half hour before sunrise (o jumatate de ora dupa apus pana inainte cu o jumatate de ora inainte de rasarit) This sign means (semnul acesta inseamna)






No U turn, you cannot turn in the direction the arrow shows you (nu ai voie sa faci intoarcere de U, nu poti sa intorci in directia in care arata sageata) If you collide with a car thats parked by the side of the road, what should you do? (daca lovesti o masina parcata pe marginea strazii ce trebuie sa faci?)


Write your name, phone number, place and time where you can be reached and put it under the windshield wipers, you do not have to call the police, you do not have to call the towing company (scrie-ti numele, numarul de telefon, locul si data/timpul unde poti fi gasit si pune foaia sub stergatoare, nu trebuie sa chemi politia, nu trebuie sa suni compania de remorcari de masini) Who needs to use seat belt in a moving vehicle? (cine trebuie sa foloseasca centura de siguranta intr-un vehicul in miscare?)


Everybody in the car and the little children need to be placed in a restrained approved car seat and on the back seat of the car (oricine este in masina si micutii copii trebuie sa fie pusi intr-un suport special aprobat de lege car seat care-i tine stransi si trebuie pusi in locurile din spate ale masinii)

Children car seat


If a car coming toward you at night has its light beam on what should you do? (daca o masina care vine inspre tine noaptea are luminile pornite ce trebuie sa faci?) Look toward the right white marking of the road (sa te uiti la linia marcata din dreapta de pe sosea) If you see other drivers around you acting or reacting in anger, what should you do? (daca vezi ca alti soferi din jurul tau actioneaza sau reactioneaza cu nervi, ce trebuie sa faci?) Distance yourself from the situation (sa te departezi de la situatia aceea) Dont make eye contact (sa nu te uiti in ochii lor) Do not return gestures (sa nu faci aceleasi gesture inapoi in semn de razbunare) Slow down, move over, or do whatever you safely can to put yourself out of danger (incetineste, iesi de acolo, sau fa orice ii sigur ca sa te scoata din pericol) Avoid driving next to other vehicle, especially large trucks (evita conducerea aproape de alt vehicul in special de tirurile mari) If you cannot see the driver of the truck, the driver of the truck cannot see you (daca nu poti sa vezi soferul tirului, soferul tirului nu te poate vedea pe tine) You need to keep at least_____seconds space between you and other cars for safety (trebuie sa pastrezi cel putin_____secunde distanta intre tine si alte masini pentru siguranta) 4 seconds (4 secunde) At the intersection you must stop and remain stopped (la intersectie trebuie sa te opresti si sa ramai oprit)





Until the pedestrian crosses all the way to the other side of the sidewalk (pana cand pietonul traverseaza pana in partea cealalta de trecere de pietoni) Yellow flashing light means (lumina galbena intermitenta inseamna)


Slow down and proceed with caution (incetineste si treci mai departe cu atentie) A red flashing light means (o lumina rosie intermitenta inseamna) The same as stop sign (acelasi lucru ca si un semn de stop)


A steady yellow traffic light means (o lumina galbena continua la un semafor inseamna) 74. You must stop if safe to do so. If you are in the intersection when the yellow light comes on do not stop but continue through the intersection (trebuie sa te opresti daca-i sigur sa faci asta. Daca esti dj in intersectie cand lumina galbena se aprinde, nu te opri ci continua prin intersectie) Which light color is on the top of a signal light? (care culoare este prima de sus la un semafor?) 75. Red (rosu) This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 76. Right lane ends, all traffic merge onto the left (banda dreapta se opreste, tot traficul intra in banda din stanga)
Right lane ends Merge left

This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 77. Downhill, slow down (vale, incetineste) This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 78. Do not enter; if you will enter you will be on a wrong way (nu intra; daca intri vei merge contra sens) This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 79. Soft shoulder, do not exit on the shoulder of the road (margine de drum moale, nu iesi pe marginea strazii) This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 80. No right turn (nu se face dreapta, interzis la dreapta)
No Right Turn


This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 81. Animals may cross the road, drive with caution (animalele s-ar putea sa treaca strada, condu cu atentie)
Deer Crossing

This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 82. Cross road, look left and then right and yield to traffic (intersectie cu alta strada, asigura-te din stanga si din dreapta si cedeaza traficului) This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 83. Pedestrians crossing, yield to pedestrians (trecere de pietoni, ai grija la pietoni)

Cross Road

Pedestrian Crossing

This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 84. Curve to the left, it is recommended to drive with 35 MPH or less (curba la stanga, este recomandat sa conduci cu 35 MPH sau mai putin)

This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 85. Construction workers on the road, slow down and drive with caution (lucratori in constructii pe drum, incetineste si condu cu atentie) This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 86. Prepare to slow down, speed limit will be lower ahead (pregateste-te sa incetinesti, limita de viteza va fi mai mica in fata)
Reduced Speed Ahead Flagger Workers Ahead

This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 87. Speed limit in this area is 55 MPH (limita de viteza in aceasta zona este de 55 MPH) This sign means (acest semn inseamna)

Only persons who have a special permit from DMV may park in this parking space (doar persoanele care au permisiune speciala de la DMV pot parca in aceasta parcare)

Disabled Parking

This sign means (acest semn inseamna) 89. School zone, slow down to the 20 MPH speed limit and drive with caution, slow down and stop if you see children crossing (zona de scoala, incetineste pana la 20 MPH si condu cu atentie, incetineste si opreste daca vezi copii trecand strada)

This sign means (acest semn inseamna)


Shared center lane, you can enter to turn from it, and you can drive on it about 300 feet while you are preparing to enter onto the traffic (banda de refugiu sau banda care se imparte intre toti, poti intra pe ea si poti lua curba din ea si poti conduce pe ea cam 300 de feet in timp ce te pregatesti sa intri intr-o banda de trafic)

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