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The Truth about Obsessive Compulsive Disorders.2 Also by the same author.13 Link to download all the author's previous works.13 The Truth about Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Sam Fryman 2006

The latest official statistic on mental health tells us that one in five British children are suffering from psychological problems, meaning ones that are judged to fall within the parameters of medical mental health care . That is, one in five of our children are deemed cases to be treated with psychiatric therapy or psychotropic drugs or a combination of the two. A recent UK TV documentary showed us the cases of two such children, both diagnosed as having obsessive compulsive disorder which we will henceforth as is officially the practice refer to as OCD. The first of these children was a very intelligent and sensitive looking fifteen year old adolescent named Jack, who looked like a more than averagely well-adjusted teenager at a quick glance, and in other circumstances and dress might have been taken for a member of a teen boy band. But on closer inspection we found he had all kinds of obsessive-compulsive behaviours, such as lining-up all his possessions in his room, and could not bear to let anyone touch his computer or other personal things lest they contaminate them somehow, or simply move them out of position. He even has some kind of special trolley to move things on which does not leave impressions in the carpet. Whats it all about? Is he crazy? The short answer is yes , hes crazy all right, but not in the way that the doctors and therapists imagine. We will explain in due course. Predictably, as usual, a woman Ph D psychologist soon appeared on the scene to try to cure his problem, and indeed this documentary even claimed that she had done so successfully, though as usual we remain unconvinced, only seeing this edited and likely rather staged potted version of the progress of his therapy and subsequent life over the few months documented by the TV program. For example, let us point out a simple fact. We all tend to improve our behaviour in all kinds of ways when we are given a lot of support and attention and incentive to do so, just as a person who cannot

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swim can convincingly appear to do so, if they have a rubber ring or lifebelt to stop them sinking. However, when the lifebelt or in this case psychological support mechanism temporarily provided by the therapist and the unusual circumstance of being made somewhat a star as the subject of a TV documentary is withdrawn, we will likely find that this illusion of swimming can turn back into drowning, both in the literal and metaphorical senses. Once the ball is over, and the midnight chimes sound, we may well find that our glittering coach has turned back into a pumpkin, and our white horses into white mice or even rats, and we too then fade psychologically when we are in the limelight of attention no more. We observe this phenomenon in love relationships generally. Many people feel optimistic and marvellous when they are in love with the object of their affections who is in love with them, and because they also feel loved. This love empowers them, but then if or when the relationship breaks down, they go to pieces. Surely, we have all had this experience at least once, if not over and over again. The point we are making is the superficiality and non-genuineness and impermanence of therapies that are based on attention and support. The experts involved in the making of this program however argued that the CBT that they were using this so called Cognitive Behaviour Therapy did not depend on such long-term and likely permanent support, but sought to make the sufferer able to therapise themselves after the supervised period ended. Again, it did not appear that the documentary covered this post-therapy phase adequately, if indeed at all, and thus we remain unconvinced about the future of the subject after the cameras had gone, and this lady therapist with them. But thus we see that the illusion of success of these therapies is maintained. That is, just imagine a man who was a travelling dentist, and believed he was a great dentist, because he made new perfect teeth for his patients that remained gleaming for several days. But imagine further that these wonder-teeth fell out after a few more days or weeks , butthe travelling dentist had by then moved onto another town, and another case . Such a dentist would never know that his dentistry was so short-lived and thus ultimately fake. Thus is the situation with the modern travelling therapist or psychologist , whotravels in the sense of moving on to another case, deeming the past one successfully cured, even though it likely isnt. For the amazing thing about this modern knowledge about OCD, is that these psychologists and experts freely admit, that the cause is unknown , and only a subject for speculation. Well, we are going to speculate some more here, but based on the evidence of our eyes and an imagination and mind free from prejudice or convention. For we alleged in our previous works, including The Feminist Offenders Register , that countless modern Western women are psychologically abusive of their children, which some of our readers may have found puzzling and indeed unlikely.

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So here we are going to expand upon and explain that allegation. That is, this fifteen year old boy suffering from his OCD clearly had a problem with his mother. No mention was made of this by the woman doctor of psychology, who rather was perceived by him at first in any case as a co-conspirator against him with his mother, which in our opinion was the actuality of the case. That is, this psychologist advised that this CBT cognitive behaviour therapy be used (well, at least its a step forward from ECT, you know electro-convulsive-therapy ) in the form of trying to modify his behaviour, by confronting him with his anxiety producing situations, and getting him to deal with his responses to that. For instance, she advised that his mother should go on his computer upstairs something he normally forbade her absolutely from doing while he did something else downstairs. Jack reluctantly agreed to this, and tried to argue that she could sit at his computer as long as she didnt switch it on. But his mother insisted no doubt prompted by the therapist that she must switch it on, or how else could she truly go on it? So under the tactics of bullying and persuasion, Jack indeed eventually agreed to allow her to do these things he found abhorrent, and was shown at the end of the documentary to be even allowing friends in his room, to which previously nobody was allowed to enter. Sounds like success doesnt it? And no doubt the lady doctor went off chuffed with herself, believing she had achieved victory. But let us look at the psychological dynamic of what was going on in Jacks behaviours. Modern psychology freely admits that the compulsive behaviours are a result of anxiety . But sadly they dont probe any further than that. Because what we really need to know is what this anxiety is all about, what more precisely is the mental or psychological pattern that is hiding behind this omnibus cover-all, and hence frequently cop out terms of anxiety or stress . And our theory is that these kind of obsessive behaviours are about feeling in control. We all seek freedom . But from the cradle to the grave our actions are controlled by a long line of others, starting with our parents. Just as we have experienced easy going supervisors or teachers, or demanding and controlling supervisors or teachers, naturally parents come in those varieties also. Some parents will let their children on a long leash and not harangue and constantly command and dominate them, and others will keep their children on a very short leash , always ready to bark orders, criticism and commands and demands at them. So any fool can see that a child who is treated by a parent in one of these two very different ways is

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going to turn out very differently depending which kind of authority the parent is. In short, the child that is the product of a parent who is bossy and dominating and so on, is going to turn out insecure admittedly yet another omnibus term, which covers a whole spectrum of situations. But what we mean in this case, is that the child feels not in control of its environment, of its life. For example, suppose parent A says to Jack occasionally, or perhaps even only once You should keep your room tidy. Its safer for you, easier to find things, and looks nicer, and is more pleasant to be in. That child likely responds to such a suggestion from a gentle considerate parent. But if we have parent B who adds a lot of negative emotional content and bullying to their handling of Jack, and barks orders and makes threats like Look at your disgusting room. You are a dirty untidy boy. No sweets for you today. Tidy that room up at once or else youll be for it, we will get a very different kind of response from the child. Such a child will do things not out of cooperation, love and respect, but out of fear . Clearly, such a child will feel a lack of control over their environment. They will carry this state of anxiety, in the sense of disempowerment, being always a puppet of this overmastering dominant person typically a mother, though obviously sometimes can be a father also, but mothers tend to be more dominant in the lives of young children, so its invariably a mother . The fact is, that when children rebel in their teens against their father, it is typically not due to what the father has done, but due to what the mother has done to the child, because she has likely had most of the care for it in its most formative years i.e. 0 to 7 years old. That is, she has already traumatised it not even realising she has done so, or ever consciously meaning to do so in many if not most cases and thus by its teens it is in a rebellious state. So as we have shown, the traumatised, roughly handled child feels little or no sense of control in its life. It is anxiously awaiting the next order, or bullying session or unfair imposition of rules and regulations or punishments. As we have said, we see in the epidemic of adult men seeking to be abused in such a way by professional sadomasochistic women the proof of men reliving their childhoods in this way, which of course they no longer realise, not being able to recall how their mothers treated them in early childhood. So these obsessive compulsive behaviours are in fact, whilst appearing to be out of control behaviours, a means to control their environment. That is the characteristic. Jack forbids anyone to enter his bedroom. He forbids any alteration of the objects. He has total control over his environment, and of course this again is a kind of mirror reflection back of this controlling, dominant, demanding influence of his mother early in his life. He must carry out his regime of behaviour perfectly or else he experiences anxiety, which obviously is a throwback to some kind of punishment at the hands of his mother if he did not do things as she demanded. That of course is not necessarily physical punishment, but may merely be shouting at, or lack

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of affection, or disapproval, which is possibly even worse than physical punishment in its insecurity creating effect. It is very hard if indeed not impossible for us as adults to try to imagine once again what it is like to be a helpless little child about two or three feet tall at the mercy of a big powerful five or six foot tall mother who is constantly displeased with and hostile to us. But it seems safe to assume that such routine experience will result in deep and abiding insecurity. So as we said, enter the female therapist, and now we see into Jacks world a little better i.e. he is using his strange behaviour to try and feel in control in what appears to him an out of control environment, in terms of its uncertain feelings about him we see that the therapists technique of dealing with his problem is almost like rape. That is, he has this one little island of security that he is holding onto like a piece of driftwood that saves a drowning man i.e. his total control over the private space in his room and possessions like his computer and she wants to take it away from him. She suggests his mother you know, the cause of his original trauma invades his private space, stops him entering his private space she wants to take away his last island of security and force him to face the anxiety of it. And yes, she can make him do it, especially when he knows he is the subject of a TV documentary, and she flatters and praises and maybe even sexually excites him a little as this therapist was yet another adequately attractive, fashionably dressed and therefore potentially seductive woman and then it looks like he is cured. But she has missed the point. And this was well illustrated by a small incident that happened between his mother and Jack when she and the therapist were trying to impose the new behaviour on him. When he was resisting the idea, and arguing with her, his dog was on the stairs, and his mother said Butch (or Fido or whatever) knows what you are supposed to be doing. And Jack said Yes, but Butch loves me. (Jack was obviously very close to this dog). And the mother said. Yes, but we love you too. And here is the exciting bit. Jack said not one word. But he shook his head frowning at that remark, giving a definite no you dont. That was his belief. Unloved. Only his dog loved him, was straightforward, true and faithful to him. That was his inner core belief. No doubt about it. So those of us who were mostly loved can have little conception of how that must feel, to be unloved by ones own mother, in the sense that it means anything to us. But on the other hand, we would guess that a great many readers do know what that is like, or at least to be in doubt of such love.

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And the result of this absence of a whole lotta love is clearly a whole lot of anxiety. And then when we are anxious, trying to escape from the tormenting thoughts of feeling unloved and valueless and not being able to understand why we are not accepted , we start rapping our fingers on the table. We start tapping on every railing that passes by, we wash our hands over and over. Some of us might start even playing tunes on our teeth with a ruler, or have them compulsively run through our heads to blot out the anxiety, of this growing awareness that she doesnt care about us, in the sense of seeing and understanding us for the person we really are , and allowing us to be that person . The particular behaviour we adopt is quite likely accidental, or else related to some particular incident, such as the well known fact that mothers are continually asking their male children to wash their hands before meals and so on, even though most boys likely couldnt care less if they eat with dirty hands or not. The idea may well be if I do as I am told I will get approval, I will get to feel alright , or on the other hand I will not be criticised. So the act of washing ones hands once created a feeling of emotional security , it once relieved some anxiety, as one was either given approval or avoided punishment or disapproval for carrying out this act. So then we continue it, even though it actually has become something of a ritual, that can no longer truly relieve the anxiety, but we hope can at least keep away the hostility. But these mothers think they love their children. They think bossing around and traumatising a little child is just the normal thing to do. So as we were saying, the point that the lady doctor therapist has missed, is that Jack was using his OCD behaviours to feel secure, to displace the feeling he wasnt loved, and thus to control his environment. So both his mother and the therapist might fool his teenage mind for a while, convince him they love him, but because the love in neither case will be genuine, as it never ever was in the case of his mother, and the therapist is not going to stick around CBT is a short term therapy , and thus no doubt regarded favourably as cost effective this false sense of security is not going to last. If we follow up Jack, if he doesnt get some real therapy, such as we have done our best to offer in our various works, then likely he may give up some OCD behaviours like hand-washing and exchange them for drug abuse or whatever, or as is more typical with the average male, he will just go through awful teenage traumas, and eventually seek out and beg some woman or girlfriend who will accept him and take over where his mother left off. Because just lets stop and think. Where on earth is the explanation for this incredible statistic of 1 in 5 children suffering some kind of mental illness, if its not that parents are getting it wrong ? For example, the second case shown on this documentary was a rather disturbed eight year old boy, Danny, who had been trying to harm himself. He claimed he had a voice inside his head which he named Idiota telling him to do certain self-destructive things. And for once, we actually caught this mother barking orders at this little boy when he was misbehaving,

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which confirmed our theory of prior systematic traumatisation. So let us speculate on where this Idiota voice in his head originated. Do we suspect that perhaps it was his Latin mother (as far as we could see), a rather, big and powerful looking woman in comparison to this frail looking little child with glasses, who by constantly calling him Idiota had put this demon into his head? For interestingly enough this little boy had two sisters, who had no such problems it appeared. Why is it that so many of these problems of dyslexia and OCD and autism and so on only seem to affect the boys ? ( weaccept in some cases, the answer may be congenital brain damage or malformation , but we feel that this autism diagnosis is far too frequent for that to always be the case). And our answer is clear it is this programming that is in women to obsessively and compulsively dominate the male gender. It is not in every woman to do this, or at least only in a small way. But in some women it is very strong . They make traumatised Idiotas out of their little boys by doing to them quite routinely what if the child were an adult we would describe as bullying or even brainwashing. As adults, we no longer perceive or understand the near total powerlessness of the child. It cannot go where it pleases or escape. Its every act can be and frequently is controlled by this huge and physically omnipotent female adult which dominates its life. Imagine as adults we had to cope with constant barking of orders at us. Sit. Stand up. Get dressed. Get undressed. Eat up or you wont be strong. Finish that meal (even if you hate it or arent actually hungry at that particular time). Go upstairs now. Tidy your room now. Do that or no sweets. Do that or its early to bed. Do that or no dinner and early to bed. Dont do that or Ill smack you. And so it goes on. If such a tyrant ruling over us as a child does not cause resentment, confusion, hate, anxiety then nothing will. But this abusive parent is a tricky and confusing being. Sometimes after handing out all this trauma to us relentlessly it gives us a hug or a treat. It tells us how much it loves us, and of course we want to believe it , we want to believe we are loved and accepted and approved despite the evidence of the rest of our lives to date at the hands of that person . Your author is not talking out of his hat, but based upon observation of women interacting with children and male adults in real life, and moreover is able to put himself imaginatively into the mind of a child, and indeed a parent . Thats why he doesnt need a Ph D in psychology, because sadly very few Ph Ds in psychology can equal this feat, which really should be a pre-requisite for anyone who would seek to imagine they are a true psychologist, i.e. he or she who understands (at least to a good degree) the human mind. In the absence of such true empathy , modern psychology has just become a fumbling in the dark, an escape into abstraction, a tinkering around with things that the tinkerer despite however many academic accolades and degrees doesnt understand. The typical psychologist or therapist Ph D is him or herself traumatised, and consequently has unlike

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your author lost touch with his or her own innocent and uncorrupted child self. Thus the near total lack of insight. Their efforts to truly understand children are like those of a blind man to describe sight. And when you try to tell a blind man or woman that he or she cant see, when he or she has never known sightwell, yes, of course he or she does not know or understand what you are talking about, and is likely to even deny what you tell him or her should you try. But nevertheless, he or she writes books on eye-sight this fascinating phenomenon about which he or she has heard so much, and of which there is so much talk. Lectures are given on it from one blind person to another, and numerous theories are formulated, but not one of them can see , and thus they never realise that none of them knows what they are talking about. Eight year old Daniels Idiota is inside all of us. He is our fear of being stupid, inadequate, and so on, and sometimes the anxiety can get so great, he says, I have had enough, Idiota says destroy yourself. Idiota believes it is the only way out. For in the midst of this therapy, eight year old Daniel refused to talk, he refused to try, he said Nothing works. He believed the situation was hopeless. But of course, using the same relentless bullying and seducing tactics, his mother and the this time male therapist (but really, just a somewhat unmasculine feminist puppet type of man, of whom we have seen so many) eventually got him to put Idiota aside, and act normal for a while. So he is deemed cured . Well, let us wait and see. For as we said elsewhere, if we can cure anxiety in an eight year old or fifteen year old as these therapists claim, we can cure everybody. And so then we ask why dont we have this perfect world now full of totally together and secure people? Well, their answer we suppose would be Not enough therapists. More trained therapists needed and more government funds. But with 1 in 5 British children needing therapy, quite regardless of adults, just how many near countless therapists are we going to need? It is of course ridiculous, and a wrong, fake and hopeless solution. So does your author have any alternative suggestions for curing OCDs ? Well, firstly, our main point is prevention is better than cure. That is negligent and abusive parents mainly mothers are the cause of this crisis of mental illness in the young. Until as we have said, women as mothers realise how to care for their children properly , nothing will get better. They should start by devoting their lives to every child they have from year 0 to 7, and realise that is

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virtually impossible to do while holding down a job. Why? Because overstressed, tired people get angry and impatient, and anger and impatience are absolutely the two best ways ever invented of destroying the mind, security, confidence and mental health of a child. Does the word devotion mean nothing any more? To be devoted is a beautiful thing, but it is also more often than not a very hard thing, a tough thing, a most difficult and demanding mission to carry out. Devotion is the stuff that heroes and heroines are made of. But these modern mothers, themselves mostly insecure and traumatised, dont have it, they dont know that it is required, and then when as inevitable they screw up, and end up having to drag their child to a what use to be more honestly called a psychiatrist , but is hiding behind the politically correct and comparatively shameless concept of therapist or psychologist, the motive is denial that they have screwed up. And the psychiatrist, or therapist, or psychologist or whatever they want to call themselves, is getting a very good living and a lot of respect out of this situation. They even get to believe they are good citizens. They really do, your author has met personally a good number of them over the decades. When in most cases, as we have explained, they are actually an ignorant and abusive mothers saviour and best friend certainly not a childs. So if you like, write the author off as an Idiota, as a crank, and disbelieve his theories about childrens mental world, and that children need kind, gentle, patient, understanding and devoted mothers to grow up balanced and without compulsions and obsessions in their lives and minds. But before doing that just do some thorough statistical research please. Psychologically assess the mothers of all these OCD diagnosed children. Find out whether they are kind, patient and so on, or do they just put on a puzzled and apparently caring faade and hand out a few useless and fake hugs in public for show? Do they bark orders at their children, or treat them gently and considerately? Put them the mothers in some anxiety producing situations, and let us see how they respond. Compare working mothers to devoted non-working ones. See how relative frequency of appearance of this OCD stacks up. So what of the teenager or adult with OCD, no doubt at least a few of whom will sooner or later be reading these words? What have we got to say to them? Our advice is if you have got some OCD type behaviour hand washing or whatever dont treat it as a problem. If it feels good, do it.

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Do whatever it takes to get you through the day and night. Admittedly thats unfortunate if one has an OCD of cutting oneself or other kind of self-harming. But in either case we would say its time to read our earlier work How to Meditate . The answer to this problem is not to control more , but learn to not control, but rather to become understanding , to become aware. i.e. once we see we are caught in this behaviour in our own tiny little private world, but no one is going to criticise us any more if we do it or we dont, then we are in a position to unravel our real problems. There is immense pain and anxiety lying behind those behaviours. There is depersonalization, dehumanisation, the stealing of ones identity. i.e. we were not loved , which translates psychologically as we were never permitted to be ourselves. And that hurts. Your author cannot say how deep it goes in any particular case. It is for the reader to find out for themselves. But if anxiety remains, how can the OCD behaviour go? The anxiety will demand an outlet, and an apparent cure of one behaviour will simply express itself in some other way, possibly clandestine and unobserved by the patient or therapist, just as some children commit suicide without the parent or anyone else ever being aware that there was anything wrong. So they might give us drugs. If they give us a drug, well, we likely cant do our OCD behaviour when stupefied, but we dont think stupefaction is the answer, and neither do we think therapists are or their CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy). Be your own person. Let everybody else but out of your life though dont get violent about it. Just demand rights to your own physical and mental space. Because we see as in the example of Jack even in the course of his therapy that they wont give it to us. That is why they are the problem and not we. Thats how we got our problem in the first place yes, it was them and this awareness and confirmation that you are not the problem in itself should be greatly liberating for any OCD sufferer. But because parents usually our mother cannot admit their failure , they now seek to blame and medicalize and brand as mentally ill us for having the problem, as if they were right and we were wrong . And when we see that, we may feel, unearth, and reveal in ourselves immense hate for them. And that has to be acknowledged, rather than denied.

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e.g. fifteen year old Jack called his mother a bitch in resistance to his therapy, claiming she was lying to and manipulating him. So that gave us a clue to what was really going on. Of course he was made to apologise, but clearly that was only a denial of his obviously true feelings, and it is those true feelings which created the behaviour problem (really defence mechanism ) in the first place. So we may have to acknowledge we hate our parent, one or other or both of them, but our advice is realise that , but dont hurt them because of it, dont take revenge. We need to be aware in particular of a standard manoeuvre that countless mothers make, which is to transfer the blame for the childs problems onto the father, demonise him to the child, and then the boy child is furiously blaming his innocent likely well-intentioned father, which he has been tricked into doing, not realising that most likely she was the original cause and therefore mother of his traumas and conflicts. We have seen the puzzled what did I do? look on the faces of numerous fathers who have been tricked into taking the rap for the crimes of the mother in this way. Boys and men who doubt this explanation, will discover how easily a girl or woman can open up their old wounds in teenage years or adult life. This is because the girl or woman we meet starts using exactly the same abusive tactics that our mothers once did, and thus we are already programmed to respond in the same pained and cowering or alternatively angry and defensive way. If we cry due to realisation of what our own mother did to us, which is reflected just in how we feel about her, even if we cant remember details, lets not consider that a defeat. It is better we cry in private rather than get angry and vengeful at her in a public way, which can often make us look wrong, even though she is the wrong one, yet is clever as are so many women at making herself look innocent and right and caring to the world , just as both the mothers of the two boys in the documentary made themselves appear to the cameras and therapists . One might even ask, why if the mothers dont care, they seek treatment for the child at all? The answer is that they are not truly caring for the child, as taking a child to a therapist or psychiatrist is just about the most awful thing you could do to it anyway branding it at such a young age as mentally unbalanced or ill , as having problems but rather these women are seeking to rescue their own sense of rightness , as likely they dimly realise that the childs current condition is their own creation, and they have to extinguish this fear and ego-threat by having the child independently assessed as faulty and therefore not their fault. So then the nave and unwise therapists play along with this game, and further humiliate the child, and compound its problems, when it is the mother they should be taking to task, and confronting her with her errors, and telling her to give that child some space , to back off and let it sort out its problems for itself, with the kind of genuinely-intended-to-help advice we have offered here. So as we can now see that our mother is the either deliberate or simply ignorant architect of our problem, we should make sure the crying is in private, or no doubt if we think she is aware of our suffering, that will only make us hate her more.

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And we must see as with behavioural or psychological problems generally speaking that this is a problem the sufferer has to cure for themselves , and not put ones faith in some therapist or whoever. Therapists dont generally truly care. A few might, but mainly they are just on their own trip, trying to assure themselves they are good caring people by therapising us. It really is typically about them trying to rescue their sense of identity, and not ours. For after all, no therapist in their right mind would truly want to take on the suffering of others. Only Gods, saints and prophets can do that, the rest of us it would crush , including your author, he freely confesses. So they play at it. They prod us into a little obedience and hope, and then they take the money and honour and run. They go off to cure someoneelse. So lets stop imagining anyone else can cure us. Nobody else really cares that much, unless it is a problem for them, and reflects negatively on them, as it does parents, as we have above explained. For that too is a possible strategy some of us may unfortunately resort to. One can be a wreck or oddity or mad case quite deliberately , just to punish ones parents in the eyes of the rest of the world, to ensure they will be shamed by us. So that again is only self-destructive. One has to see that now we are an adult, or almost so as in the case of fifteen year old Jack, our parents dont much matter any more. Its our life now, and we have to take full responsibility for it. We cant make any promises or guarantees to any reader, but our guess is that for many people, though when they see and feel the truth of all this, they may have to go for a while through the fires of hell, the cool refreshing fountains of heavenly peace always await us on the other side. We have to stop blaming the rest of the world for our problems which principally in the final analysis means our parents. Or else we play the game of finding a partner who becomes a parent substitute, and then we blame them instead, transferring the blame onto them, when typically they have done nothing whatsoever to deserve it, and we are just using them as a punch bag to take out our frustrations upon. So thats why we have got to stop blaming anyone. We can be cured of any psychological disease, the very moment that we stop blaming and hating someone else. But we cant do that if we paper our true feelings over with some false claim that we love these people, our parents or whomever. We must feel our hate for what they did to us, and let it go. That wont happen usually overnight. But as long as we stop denying it, and lying to ourselves and they, if we therefore stop either suppressing or feeding it which in many cases can amount to the same thing sooner or later the hate will diminish and gradually wither and disappear.

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Then we wont feel such an urge to keep scrubbing ourselves clean any more, or rapping on the table top, or straightening all the picture frames or arranging cups in exact rows or whatever. The minute we no longer hate or blame anyone, we will know when that moment comes, because until then we will be obliged to serve the Idiota within telling us to be crazy, to destroy ourselves. We started out as little children innocent and clean, and then not knowing how to react to the abuse of us we internalized the problem, we developed anger , rebellion as strategies to combat the abuse. Thats why now, the adult abusers, including perhaps even still our own parents or mother can still push our buttons and we respond in the same angry, rebellious way, which actually hurts nobody but ourselves, and confirms to them that we are the wrong ones and they are right. We have to see this response was an error, and we have to gradually let go of it, become objective to it , above it , as we have explained in our work How to Meditate in great detail. Only as this anger and hate subsides, which we cannot do in an instant because it is now a habit , an ingrained behaviour pattern in our brains, will we become truly free of these OCD type behaviours. Of course what we have written here applies to all those who have any kind of emotional turmoil in them to a significant degree, and is therefore of application to far more people than would be medically categorised as having OCDs , and in fact is therefore to some degree applicable to all of us. We cannot pretend to forgive our abusers. We can say I forgive you, or I love you, but it is not that easy to actually do so . Our subsequent feelings and behaviour shows that we still distrust and hate them, regardless of what we have said. Once we get to this level of awareness and acceptance of our own true natures and those of others, we will gradually become free of all distressing psychological behaviour patterns, including these so-called OCDs . Also by the same author A Mens Liberation Guide to Women 4th edition An Innocent Womans Guide to Men How to Meditate Kundalini - Preventing the Apocalypse A Mens and Womens Liberation Update The Myth of the Teenage Rebellion What Is Intelligence? Kundalini - A Personal Experience

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Feminal Farm - a short satirical novel The Innocent Persons Guide to Law Understanding Female Sexuality and Porn Freedom of Speech & Maitreya An Innocent Persons Guide to the Da Vinci Code How the Feminists Stole Psychology Hearing Voices and Psychic Phenomena The Psychology of Soaps Is Competition Necessary? On Drugs and Alcohol The Importance of Thinkers The Demonisation of the Innocents The Psychology of Prejudice Science and Fear The Scientist and the Guru Respect for Age A Waste of Paper Saying No to Peer Pressure Smashing the Da Vinci Code If Men Went on Strike A Message to Readers Why Size Doesnt Matter Afraid of Women The Feminist Offenders Register

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Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html

All Sam Frymans works are currently available free of charge via the link http:// www.geocities.com/thmlplx/ as . lit files which can be read with the free Microsoft Reader http://www.microsoft.com/reader/downloads/pc.asp

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