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ROBERTO MARTNEZ GONZLEZ AO ESCOLAR 2012-2013 INGLS III 5 PERIODO NOMBRE: _____________________________________ GPO: _____ No.L: _____ I. Robots


When will we have robots? We already have many kinds of robots! Industries use a variety of robots and now robots are becoming more common in the home. The Husqvarna Company makes the Auto Mower, a lawn mowing robot. The robot has sensors which detect where objects are in the yard and it maneuvers around them. The robot can cut the grass while you relax on the patio with a glass of lemonade! Also, Eureka now makes a robotic vacuum cleaner. Like the robot lawn mower, the vacuum cleaner automatically detects where the furniture is and vacuums around it. Cars are becoming robots now that many cars have GPS (Global Positioning Systems) on them. A car with a GPS system can give you directions on how to go somewhere, tell you where the closest gas station is, and, some day in the future, will drive itself. You will take a nap or read while the car drives itself to your destination. We even have robotic pets now. The Sony Company makes a robotic dog named Aibo that can sit, stand, and walk like a regular dog but can also communicate and take pictures! Aibo understands certain commands, like a dog does, such as "Sit down", "Stand up", "Turn right", etc. If you ask Aibo a question such as "How old are you?", its eyes will flash the number of years old it is. Aibo is also a great guard dog. He can patrol the yard and take pictures with a built in camera of anything suspicious.



II. Follow the orders: a) Write 5 cognates from the text: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ b) Write 5 verbs from the text: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ c) It in the line 5 refers to: __________________________ Them in the line 10 refers to: __________________________ He in the line 18 refers to: __________________________ d) Write a future sentences in affirmative form from the text: ______________________________________________ e) Write a future sentence in interrogative form from the text: ______________________________________________

f) Write a short paragraph in Spanish about the text: (5 points) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Estamos a unos das de cerrar este ciclo escolar, hoy presentas tu ltimo examen de Ingls en esta escuela, y aunque an nos queda una que otra actividad por hacer prcticamente hoy nos estamos diciendo adis, es por eso que hoy te quiero decir GRACIAS, gracias por haber compartido conmigo un trocito de tu vida, gracias por haber hecho que me convirtiera en una mejor profesora, gracias por todo lo que compartiste conmigo: enojos, tristezas, alegras, gracias por todo. Espero haber cumplido con lo que esperabas de m, que haya podido ensearte lo que necesitabas y haber sido una buena gua, no slo para tu vida acadmica sino tambin para tu vida personal. Deseando que este no sea un adis sino un hasta pronto. Con cario tu profesora Nancy Elvia Mata Fernndez.

Monterrey, Nuevo Len. A _____ de junio del 2013.

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