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/*Program to play Hangman game. The program asks a user to enter a category as Book/Movie.

Based on the category provided, a book name or category name is extracted and the user is asked to guess the name by giving the character and its position.*/ using System; using System.IO; namespace Chapter9_E1 { public class Hangman { string randomString, userString; int dataLength; string Category; string[] bookData = new string[5]; string[] movieData = new string[5]; int bookCount = 0, movieCount = 0; public Hangman() { FillNameValues (); } // Stores the movie names and Book names in respective strings private void FillNameValues() { //Declaring the variables string firstLine; // open the file for reading StreamReader sRead = new StreamReader("c:\\TextTest.txt"); sRead.BaseStream.Seek (0,SeekOrigin.Begin); //Reading the content of the file firstLine = sRead.ReadLine(); while(firstLine != null ) { //Storing the Book names in the BookData array if (firstLine.Substring (0,1) == "B") { int stringStartPos=firstLine .IndexOf (':'); bookData[bookCount] = firstLine.Substring (stringStartPos+ 1 ); bookCount++; } //Storing the Movie names in the MovieData array else { int stringStartPos=firstLine .IndexOf (':'); movieData[movieCount] = firstLine.Substring (stringStartPos+ 1); movieCount++; } firstLine = sRead.ReadLine(); } } public int AcceptCategory()

{ //Accepting the choice of the user in terms of the Category Console.WriteLine("Enter the Category to Play - Book/Movie"); Category = Console.ReadLine(); Category =Category.ToUpper (); if (Category != "BOOK" && Category != "MOVIE") { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Category....\n"); return 0; } else { ExtractName(); return 1; } } public void ExtractName() { //Creating the object of the Random class Random RandGen = new Random(); if (Category == "BOOK") {//Randomly selecting the Book name from the array int Rnd = RandGen.Next(0, bookCount - 1); //Calling the play method randomString=bookData[Rnd]; } else {//Randomly selecting the Movie name from the array int Rnd = RandGen.Next(0, movieCount - 1); //Calling the Startplay method randomString=movieData[Rnd]; } } /*This method will allow the user to give the characters and displaying his status as to WON or LOST */ public void StartGame() { //Calculating the length of movie/book name dataLength = randomString.Length; //Declaring Variables char locateChar; int correctCnt = 0, inCorrectCnt = 0; int i,k; //Decalring string to store user input char[] s = new char[randomString.Length]; //Loop to accept the characters and its positions //Loop allows user to attempt 2 times more than the total characters InitializeUserString(); ShowUserInputString(); if (Category == "BOOK") { Console.WriteLine("The total number of characters in the Book: { 0}", randomString.Length);

Console.WriteLine("The total number of characters you can enter to guess the name of Book: {0}", randomString.Length + 2); } else { Console.WriteLine("The total number of characters in the Movie: {0}", randomString.Length); Console.WriteLine("The total number of characters you can enter to guess the name of Movie: {0}", randomString.Length + 2); } for (i = 1, k=0; i <= dataLength + 2 || k==dataLength ; i++) { if (correctCnt == dataLength || inCorrectCnt == dataLength) break; Console.WriteLine("Enter the char "); locateChar = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine().ToLower()); int foundPos=0; int foundChar=0; // To extract each character of a string foreach (char c in randomString ) { if (c==locateChar) { UpdateString(foundPos, locateChar.ToString()); k++; foundChar=1; } foundPos++; } if (foundChar == 0) { inCorrectCnt++; } else { correctCnt++; } ShowUserInputString(); Console.WriteLine("Total Correct Attempts: {0}\t", correctCnt); Console.WriteLine("Total InCorrect Attempts: {0}\n", inCorrectCn t); if (k == dataLength) break; } if (randomString == userString ) { Console.WriteLine("You have Won \n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("The Correct name is {0}", randomString); Console.WriteLine("You have lost \n"); } } private void UpdateString(int fPos, string updateStr) {

string beforeString, afterString; if (fPos != 0 && fPos != dataLength - 1) { if (fPos == 1) beforeString = userString.Substring(0, 1); else beforeString = userString.Substring(0, fPos); afterString = userString.Substring(fPos + 1, dataLength - (fPos+ 1)); userString = beforeString + updateStr + afterString; } if (fPos == 0) { afterString = userString.Substring(fPos + 1, dataLength - (fPos + 1)); userString = updateStr + afterString; } if (fPos == dataLength - 1) { beforeString = userString.Substring(0, fPos); userString = beforeString + updateStr; } }

public void InitializeUserString() { userString = " "; for (int i=0; i<dataLength ;i++) { userString=userString.Insert (i,"*"); } } public void ShowUserInputString() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" Input Value: {0} \n\n", userString); } } class Game { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Clear(); Hangman obj= new Hangman(); int returnVal=obj.AcceptCategory(); if (returnVal == 1) { obj.StartGame(); } Console.ReadLine();

} } }

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