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Data: 1. Data is a measurement that can be disorganized and when the data becomes organized it becomes information. 2.

A collection of facts 3. The word data is the plural of Latin datum meaning "something given" Metadata: The simplest definition of metadata is that it is data about data more specifically information (data) about a particular content (data). An item of metadata may describe an individual datum (content item) or a collection of data (content items). Metadata is used to facilitate the understanding, use and management of data. The metadata required for this will vary with the type of data and context of use. So, in the context of a library, where the data is the content of the titles stocked, metadata about a title might typically include a description of the content, the author, the publication date and the physical location. In the context of a camera, where the data is the photographic image, metadata might typically include the date the photograph was taken and details of the camera settings. In the context of an information system, where the data is the content of the computer files, metadata about an individual data item might typically include the name of the field and its length. Metadata about a collection of data items, a computer file, might typically include the name of the file, the type of file and the name of the data administrator. Information is the result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the receiver. Message is the information materialized.

Information gives a message to the user. Etymology A database can be defined as a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer so that a program can consult it to answer queries. The records retrieved in answer to queries become information that can be used to make decisions. The computer program used to manage and query a database is known as a database management system (DBMS). Structure is the way various things are constructed along with the manner of construction of the thing under consideration and the arrangement of its parts. A structure can be a complex entity with many parts. An organized composition of elements and its combinations An entity is something that has a distinct, separate existence, though it need not be a material existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities. In general, there is also no presumption that an entity is animate. Entities are used in system developments as models that display communications and internal processing of say documents compared to order processing An entity could be viewed as a set containing subsets. In philosophy, such sets are said to be abstract objects. The word entity is often useful when one wants to refer to something that could be a human being, a non-human animal, a non-thinking life-form such as a plant or fungus, a lifeless object,

or even a belief; for instance. In this way, entity could be seen as a "catch all"-word. That which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) Etymology: Medieval Latin entitas, from Latin ent-, ens existing thing, from coined present participle of esse to be

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