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Creative Effective Title On Friday May 10, 2013 the junior bands from Jean Suave, a Winnipeg French

Immersion High School came to Saskatoon and gave a concert in Horden Hall at Aden Bowman. The grade nine and ten bands were on a band tour that brought them through Saskatoon. Both Bands were in uniforms, white shirts with black dress pants and black shoes.The Grade Nine Ensemble contained around thirty students and held a wide variety of instruments that gave the band a full sound. The Grade Ten Band was a little smaller, with less variety yet still sounded like a concert band. The flute section, composed of seven flutes was quite good in the Grade Ten Band. Mostly band students from Aden Bowman attended the lunchtime concert, along with a few other students and staff members. The audience seemed to enjoy the concert and there were a few recognizable pieces that the audience really liked. The first song the Grade Nine band played was The Muppet Theme Song. This piece was fun and everyone knew it which made it more enjoyable. The band played it fairly well, keeping a good even tempo and there were no obvious note mistakes. There could have been more dynamics throughout the piece to make it just a bit more interesting. The second piece the Grade Nine Band played was called The Rowan Tree. This piece was based off a Scottish Folk Song. It was a quieter, slower tempo piece and quite pretty. The percussion did a good job on the chimes; they were very delicate and beautiful. The trumpets were also a highlight of this piece. The next piece was played by the Grade Nines and Tens together. The large band stayed together very well and had great unison on the main melody through the entire piece. A flute played a great solo. For the most part there was good articulation but the clarinet trills could have used a bit more work. Another thing to work on would have been the dynamic range; it stayed a little too much at one volume. The Grade Ten Band took over for the last two pieces, starting with The Peanut Vendor, also called Manisero. It is somewhere between a Cuban song and an American song. This was my favorite piece for sure. It had a very upbeat tempo and a unique melody. There was a lot of interesting percussion like the bongo drums and some cylindrical wooden tempo block. The trumpet solo with the mute was very remarkable. The band did an excellent job with this piece! The last piece the Grade Ten Band performed was called A Night On Bald Mountain. This piece was a little shorter than the rest but it was very good. The bands dynamics were very well done. The articulation was also good, especially the flute trills. The weakest area of the both bands as a whole would be their dynamics. They play very well as a big group, keeping together and achieve a good balance. Dynamics can always be improved and the bands had a good start but in some places their more focused on the correct notes rather than the music, including dynamics. The Jean Suave High School Junior bands put on a very good concert that was fun and entertaining. There was a variety of pieces which held the audiences attention the whole concert.

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