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About NETRA (NTPC Energy Technology Research Alliance)

About NETRA (NTPC Energy Technology Research Alliance)

N T P C is a tec hnology driven c ompany and is fully aligned to the needs of adapting to emerging tec hnologies and upgrading the tec hnologies through R&D . T he c ompany is partic ularly s ens itive to R&D and paradigm s hift whic h it c an make. T owards this , N T P C has a multi- pronged approac h. N E T RA (N T P C E nergy T ec hnology Res earc h A llianc e) has c ome into exis tenc e in 2 0 0 9 after merging of R&D c enter (E s tablis hed in 1 9 8 1 ) and E nergy T ec hnologies . T he foc us areas are: C limate c hange, was te management, new & renewable energy, effic ienc y improvement and c os t reduc tion bes ides providing s c ientific s upport to N T P C and external utilities for improving availability, reliability and effic ienc y. T he foc us is on developing c utting edge tec hnologies by c arrying out applied res earc h whic h will manifes t into c os t reduc tion and environment protec tion. N E T RA is networked with I ns titutes /organizations for res earc h related to development of c os t ec onomic tec hnologies in the field of C limate c hange, N ew & Renewable energy, effic ienc y & reliability enhanc ement of thermal power generation and C O 2 mitigation/fixation. I t is als o in the dialogue with many I nternational ins titutes /organizations for networking in thes e areas . I nitiatives are taken to develop tec hnologies for reduc ing forc ed outages , ins talling intelligent online monitoring of c ritic al c omponents , unders tanding the likely damages due to c orros ion and providing appropriate s olutions etc . E ffort is being made for reduc ing c os t of generation by either inc reas ing the overhaul c yc le or reduc ing overhaul duration through c orrec t and proper health as s es s ment of c ritic al c omponents , developing diagnos tic tools and ens ures environmental & s afety c omplianc es . T he prime thrus t is towards c lean and ec onomic power generation. T he P atents have been filed in the areas of c limate c hange, was te management etc . Res earc h A dvis ory C ounc il (RA C ) c ompris ing of eminent s c ientis ts and experts from I ndia and abroad has been c ons tituted to s teer N E T RA for high end res earc h. I n- hous e Sc ientific A dvis ory C ounc il (SA C ) has als o been c ons tituted to provide direc tions improving plant performanc e & reduc ing c os t of generation. T he key expertis e lies in providing s c ientific s upport to s tations for improving their life, performanc e and developing tec hnologies for c lean & ec onomic power generation for the s us tainable growth of power s ec tor. N E T RA is a M ember of I E A G H G R&D P rogram Franc e, I E RE J apan & C SL F Franc e. N E T RA is N ational Boiler Board C ertified RL A A genc y. For further information pleas e c ontac t during offic e hours : Program Of f ice (NETRA ) NTPC Limited E 3 , E c otec h I I , U dyog V ihar, G reater N oida - 2 0 1 3 0 8 (U P ), I ndia T el. 9 1 - 1 2 0 - 2 3 5 6 5 1 2 Fax 9 1 - 1 2 0 - 2 3 5 6 5 0 4 E mail: programoffic e.netra.ntpc @ gmail.c om , drs harmark@ ntpc eoc .c o.in

About NETRA National Workshop on CCS Key Issues & Mandates Technologies C limate change Waste Management New & Renewable Energy Efficiency Improvement Scientific Support



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