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UNLV, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ME 242, Fall 2006, FIRST TEST Closed Book, one page of handwritten notes allowed. Enter the answer for each question into the space provided. Enter SI units in all answer spaces with brackets ( ). 1. (15 points) A rocket with a mass of 95 kg starts from rest and accelerates vertically upward at 25 m/s2 a) Determine the distance traveled after 8 seconds. b) Determine the velocity when the rocket has traveled 100 m. (a) x0 = v0 = 0 x = *a*t2 = *64*25 m/s2 *s2 (b) v*dv = a*dx v2/2 = a*x or v2 = 2*a*x then 2 v(400m) = 2 * 25m / s * 100m = 50 * 100 * m / s

Answers: a) d (7s) = b) v(400m) =

800 70.7

( m ) || d (5s) = 500 m ( m/s ) || v(200m) = 126.5 m/s

2. (25 points) A baseball of mass m is thrown from ground level upward at an angle of 15o with the horizontal and initial velocity v0 = 20 m/s. Determine the distance d where it touches ground. No friction. Earth gravity is present.
v0 := 20 th := 15 Given d

g := 9.81

t := 1

d := 20

v0 cos ( th ) t
v0 sin ( th ) t 0.5g t

y x

= 15 A (0,0) d

vec := Find( d , t)
vec =

20.387 1.055


d = 20.4 m

|| (for v0= 30m/s, angle = 30deg: ) d = 79.45 m

3. (20 points) A boat travels across a river which is 1 km wide. The boats helmsman directs the boat at an angle normal to the river bank. The speedometer inside the boat shows a speed of 12 km/h. (a) Show schematically (correct magnitudes are not required) the vector addition required to find the true velocity vector of the boat while it is traveling. Determine the boats velocity vector in terms of unit the vectors i and j shown below. (b) Determine the angle by which the boat deviates from the shortest path normal to the riverbank due to the current running at 4 m/s.

vRiver = 4 m/s

V_river in +j-direction True V_boat = V_river *j +V_B/R*i

VBoat = 12 km/h d

i B

V_boat/ River in idirection

Answers (a) Part 2: (b)

VBoat = 3.33 i + 4j (m/s) || 5i + 6 j (m/s)

= 50.22 || 50.19 degrees

4. (20 points) Point A on the disk with radius r = 1.5 m has an initial velocity of 2 m/s to the left, and an angular acceleration = -0.1 rad/s2 (clockwise).

A Va = 2 m/s m

(a) Determine the angular velocity of the disk as a function of time. (b) Determine the angle (in radians) where the velocity of A is zero.

r = 1.5 m
Answer: We define the ccw as positive: Solving (a) gives: 0.1 t = 1.33
2 (t rest) = 1.33* t rest - (t rest)

(t rest) = 8.845 rad.

(a) Angular Velocity (t) = v/r = 2/1.5 *t = 1.33 - 0.1*t t(vA = 0) = 13.3 seconds ;

( rad/s ) || (t) = 1 0.1t 10 s ; (t rest) = 5 rad.

(t rest) = 8.845 rad. ||| t(vA = 0) =

5. (20 points) At the instant shown, block B is located at position r0 = 5 m and moves outward at &= 3m / s on rotating arm OA, constant radial velocity r which rotates counterclockwise at the constant rate = 10 rad/s. (a) Sketch the polar coordinate unit vectors er and e in the diagram at left. (b) Using polar (r,) coordinates, determine the velocity vector and the acceleration vector of block B.


vB = vB =

3* er + 50* e (m/s) 4* er + 3*2* e (m/s)

aB = (0 5*10*10) er +
+ (0 + 2*3*10)* e (m/s)

aB = (0 3*2*2) er +
+ (0 + 2*4*2)* e (m/s)

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