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Innovation: No Place Like Home

Beta v0.95

Welcome to the beta test for the third Innovation expansion, No Place Like Home. In this expansion, we have added Cities to your civilization building e orts. City cards are powerful, but vulnerable. ey can provide you with extra actions, icons, and achievements -- but your opponents can attack them, conquering or razing your territories. Cities is compatible with any or all of the previous expansions. You can play with any subset of them. is expansion is aimed to add a simple but interesting dimension to Innovation. An expansion with no text! City Cards: ese are included in the stacks, at the bottom of each pile, seperate from other expansion / base cards. ey can only be drawn via the City Card drawing rules. As before, if a pile contains no base cards, it is empty and thus skipped. City Card Drawing: ere are two ways to draw a City. First, anytime you would draw a card, if you have exactly two top cards of the value youd be drawing, draw a City instead. (Check the value of the ultimately drawn card, so if the 1 pile is empty, youd check to see if you have two top cards of value 2, not 1) Secondly, any time you take a Meld action (not a meld during a dogma/echo/inspire e ect), and then have exactly two top cards of the value you melded, draw a City of that value. If that pile is empty, draw a City of the next available value instead. If you are in a situation where you would be instructed to draw two di erent types of cards, the precedence is Figures > Cities > Echoes. So if in a situation where you could be drawing either a Figure or a City, draw a Figure. e City Action: If you have a top City at the start of your turn, you can take a bonus City Action. To do so, you must choose a speci c top City on your board, and tuck a card from your hand of equal or lower value. It does not have to share color or icons with the City. A er doing so, you may take a free Dogma action on a card whose featured icon matches an icon on that City. is includes echo e ects, demands, sharing, and does not count as one of your two actions this turn. You may only take one City action per turn, and only at the start of it. Attacking: ere are ve Attack cards that allow you to take aim at opponents cities in di erent ways. When an Attack card is in front of you, you can activate it with an Attack action as long as you meet its requirements. ere is one Attack card for each color, and when you take a Meld action to place a city, you claim the Attack card of that color (even if it is in front of another player!) You may only have one attack card in front of you. If you take a second, choose one to return to the center of the table a erward. Your Attack Card goes in a seperate area from the rest of your cards and is not part of your board. e Attack action counts as one of your two actions per turn, can be performed twice, and can only be used against opposing cities. To perform an Attack action, execute the Demand e ect on the card. Special Icons: When you take a Meld action to play a City to your board, and it has a special icon, it activates. Arrows allow you to immediately splay that color in that direction, and Advancements (pluses) let you draw a card of value one higher than the City. Remember that if you take a Meld action to play a City, you will take the Attack card of that color to your board. Flags: Solid (black) ags count as an achievement while visible on your board. Empty ags count as an achievement at any time that you have at least as many visible cards of the color the ag is on as each other opponent. Winning: As with other expansions, the number of achievements required to win is 8 minus the number of players, plus number of expansions being used. A two-player game using this expansion and the base game would require 7 achievements, for example. Feedback: If you have beta testing feedback, please email AsmadiGames@gmail.com.

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