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IfcrT:*el and Dondena Can5)bell

Overseas Address:

Forwarding Address!

Norval A. Can?>b0ll Vigan, Ilocos Sur PhiUppines

Mrs, Fern P. Cair^^bell 707 Broadway Washington C.H,, Ohio

OZARK BIBLE COLLEOS C jaivuary 1965;

iTopljJ3i ^VIo



Progress Report 60

The nuniber of this r^orx 'tells a story. Five years age we were bringing to a
close a brief furlou^ in the States and preparing to enter a new field in the Phil

ippines. You Euay possibly renieniber something of the plans that we presented at that
time. We had become convinced that the Filipino people were capable of handling the financial end of the evan-^elistio proj^am. We had observed the strong and weak points

of the evangelistic program while we wore t/orking in Aparri, Philippines, It seemed that the Filipinos were not willing to carry their burden in the evangelistic program.
There were several who would preach if the mission would si^^rt them, but they were

not doing much on their o;.ti.. When ens evangellsb was dismissed because his life did not measure up to the standard of a Christian, he imraediately began to work for a denos^natlonal group who offered to pay h:.ma I do not know how many of them would have done that, but others also transfered to denominational groups who offered them more salary than they were getting. It seemed to us that instead of being challenged to preach Christ, they were challenged to get on the pay-roll of the mission* More than one student was encouraged to attend the seminary when told by a student that
the missionaries would support him. At the time they were receiving salary frem the

mission they would not ask the brethren to share in their support. I believe that every man who wants to preach more than acy thing else in this world ou^ht to be sup ported so that he oan preach, but it is the people who hear and appreciate the preach
ing that are supposed to share their livelihood with the preadier. The mission sup^

port of preachers robs the congregations of this privilege and responsibility. It

\/ould seem that they would appreciate the support that the mission gives and would take over the support of the preacher just as soon as they could, but it does not work that way. Mission support of the preachers seems to take away the incentive of the brethren for supporting the preadiing of the gespel*

Seeing these hindrances, we decided to open a seminary near Vigan, Ilocos Sur and
offer Christian Isade-vship traininf? without paying the preachers to preach and th

young girls to teach the children. Knowing that even the money that we would spend In providing the buildings and assisting the students while studying would tend to defeat our purpose in having the Filipino brethren support the preaching of the gospel, we envisioned plans for a selfsupporting school. We had bei promised the opportunity
to obtain a sufficiently large piece of land to do just that, but by the time we ar

rived in this place the land had already been sold to others. We sear(^ed diligently for another piece of land and the only thing available was the ouch smaller lot that

we now occujjy. This may have been providential because even the program of trying to support the school through an agricultural jarogram has some serious draw-backs. For one thing, it also takes airay from the brethren the incentive for supporting and encouraging their young people for the work of the liord, Th^ seem to think that If
wo take oare of them while they are in school surely we will continue to take care of them after they are out of school, A second serious hindrance is that the stiuients seem to know that they are being cared for wtiether they are able to produce little or

much. Maybe it is like it is In Russiathe people know that th^ will have no more
if they work harder so why work ai^ more than is absolutely necessary#

Customs and practices had been ingrained In the people of the Philippines for more than 50 years when we began this new work and the amount of change that we have brought about in the last 5 years is not very in^ressive, however, the beginnings that
we have made can not be discounted. We have dug deep to lay a foundation on which to build a work that would be a credit to the Lord and to the Filipinos, tfe have had to

cut across the grain to do this and unavoidable problems have arisen. The people by nature are easily discouraged and irfien the students come without a deep conviction of salvation by grace and the need for holy living (and as far as I can see, none have
come with that conviction) it doesn't take much to turn then from their much lauded '^^urpose of "studyini^ the words of Jesus,** The hope for financial security in some_

thing else, personal problems, and the persecutions from iinGodly church members has turned away nearly every student before he has finished his course. We hope that the training that each one has received x^ill made it possible for him to grow in grace and knowledge so that he will not only be saved, but may lead others to Christ, I can understand something of the students feelings, because we too have had indignities heaped upon ua and barriers laid in our path by people who are supposed to be

Christians, such as we have nersr kncwn before in our lives. We are not conqjlaining

I suppose we should be discouraged, but every new student is a challenge and a hope
that in him the Lord's church rany be exalted. Our wonderful, faculty members shovr us that the gospel can do for these people what it can do for others We long for more who will follow in their footsteps. You all have been an encouragement to us. Never once in the past five years have we had to ask for additional financial assistance. No doubt your prayers have followed us and the Lord has sustained us For all these
things, we are deeply

becHuse the Lord has proniped blessings to those who suffer for righteousness sake,

We are setting forth these things because while some have pledged to this wrk without a time limitation, others may have pledged for the five year prof^ara that was presented five years ago. We have very adequate facilities for the seminary. They are not fancy, but sufficient for the present needs. We are continuing to finish the buildings with glass windows and the class-rooms with deskarm chairs. We have felt the sacred rssponsibllity of using the funds that we have received in a way that would meet divine approval. We have tried to give you a running account of the e:q3enditures along with material and spiritual growth, and trust that these have met your approval. ITow that our seminary facilities are nearly sonplete, our budget
should be somewhat reduced. However, for the foreseeable future we will still need

some assistance from you brethren in the States^

Beginning next school year we will

strive for more financial independence by asking each student to provide his own food. This will take more effort on the part of the parents and the con.^egations but this is as it should be, Kno\d.ng that some assistance will be needed arwJ de

served by some of the students, we will institute some sort of scholarship fund. Furthermore, portions of the land will be assigned to each student to raise his own

vegetables. (No doubt they will produce much more this way,) Our pig and chicken
projects will be expanded as much as possible to help with the e:q)enses ar3 provide
work for the students. We will continue to support the teachers who labor with us,

Eventually this should be taken care of by the brethren here, but until they learn to support the preaching they will probably not support the teaching. We have some worthy ycung people studying with us this year. The yoiing men noed

much seasoning as preachers, but they are making an effort. We accon^anied two last Lord's 0ay and observed their efforts in opening a work in another village. Probably nothing will teach them any quitter how fsuch more they need to know than to meet
the problems in such a work We took another boy to one of the established congregaticMis and heard him preach, Although he has been a Christian for only a little over a year, he has much jseal and ability. If these yoiaig workers will not be snatched
away from us we are beginning to develop some preaching force.
new congregations.

There are mai^ op

portunities to hold evangelistic meetings for the established churches and to start W will reserve for the next report the detailed activities that we might have
Included here*

Financial Report for December

Balance on hand December 1, 1962

December Receipts


Total Receipts
Seminary salaries Equipment and repairs
Travel fund



$ 1038,ot

December Expenses Classified;

IIO9OO 15o00

Building fund (windows and chairs) . . . .

Supplies and postage
Utilities and motor fuels o , * . , *

25 *>00

Seminary food (one half month)

December Expenses Eaisnce on hand December 31, 1962 ,

^ 912.00 __

Yours faithfully in Christ,

912.00 $ 126.86

Norval and Dondena


Overseas At^dress?

Norval A. '^ampbell

Uorval and Dondena


Forwarding Address:

Mps Pern P* Canqsbell

Vigan, Ilocos Sur Philippines

707 Broadway Washington CaH., (^o

Progress Report 61 February 1963

We have come to the end of another school year* Tomorrow will be the last day for examinations and the next day will be the closing* It must seem a bit strange to note that the school is closing in February, but it has long been the practice
for the schools to close in February or March. Probably the early American educators in the Islands st up the school program that way to avoid being in school during the hottest part of the dry season. The rains come in I-fay or June in most parts of the country and that is when school starts. Just now the federal superin tendent of the schools is proposing changing the time for opening to September as it is in the States. It v.dll not directly affect our program because we can choose our time of opening, but if the children are in public schools while we are having vacation it will be hard for the girls to hold vacation Bible schools. It will not affect us this year, although it will be about a month before the public schools will recess- The girls will have to wait foi* a little while before beginning the

vacation Bible schools.

A holiday spirit will prevail on Thursday.

Final recital

rehersal, games, and picnic will be climaxed with the closing night service. Dondena will present many musical groups, both instrumental and vocal. The young men who have finished the preparatory course \ri.ll give declamations. One will give the second chapter of Acts and the other will give the seventeenth chapter of Acts. Juanita Domingo has been ill almost all year with tubercalosis and is still absent and will not be able to graduate. Aurelio Medrano has enough credits for graduation, but does not manifest the kind of spiritual life that we can recoimend through graduation. Of course we will be blamed for this, but wo have talked with him and he admits hie failure in Christian living and said that he was in no hurry to grad- uate. Ue pray that he will gain the strength of character that is needed to straighten him out. Some of the congregations are having bin preach for then because they are doing the same un-Christian things that he is and so find no fault in him. Thus i/e have no gradiiates from the Seminary. Two of the students were immersed since we sent the last report. Both boys were quite shy, but I had been able to talk to one about his obedience. They are not too easy to talk to in English because they have difficulty in expressing themselves^ but they have taken the Ilocano classes in Christian Doctrine and other basic subjects and I was not surprised when they stepped out for the Lord. We went to the river near Vigan for the immersion. This is a Boman Catholic country, but of course very few have ever seen a person immersed into Christ. The on-lookers demonstrated not so much hostility as rudeness in their remarks. It is really pitiful that this country is kno^^n as the only "Christian" country in the orient and they still do not know how to conduct themselves at such a precious time. The rude ones of whom I refer are not our students, but the townsfolk. V/hat the Bible teaches is so far removed from the superficiality of the people that it makes it hard for us to get the truth across to our students. They want the promised se curity of the Roman church and the pleasures of sin at the same time. Today's paper stated that 23 people had been killed in this province in the last week. Few of the murders will be arrested. Relatives of the killed would rather take vengence than to prosecute in the courts of law. We are grateful and rejoice with each one who comes out of such an enviconment and obeys the lord. The work on the windows is coming along. The bench saw that I build Is getting a good work out. Tenqjorary arrangements have a way of becoming rather permanent. The masonite shutters have been on too long. It is good that we are getting into the finishing up of the buildings with windows and doors. Some of the boys owe for tuition, books, and supplies. They will be able to work out these debts during the early part of the vacation. We will need some of the boys to stay during the

entire vacation so that we men will be free to go out for evangelism.

(It is 9^00

so I will leave you for a \Aile and join the boys in their evening prayer meeting. We have this after the supervised study period. The girls have a separate prayer

meeting in the dining hall where they have been studying.)

Again ttds year the ^.Lrls in the advanced Christian Education Class have been preparing some Vacation Bible School material in the Ilocano dialect. This effort
was well received lest year and the girls wore analoua to do it again. Brother Andres I-lalirjiag has ceen cutting the stens^-ls for the mimeographing of these booklets. He has really in^jroved in this. He cuts the stensils for the monthly

paper that we send out to the brethren in the dialect.

We will not have the V.B.S.

books ready vdien the girls go home, but they will not need them for at least a month and they will be ready by that time. We are using our Seminary Worship Service offerings for the preparation of this material# We hope that some of the vacation Bible schools can be held in conjunction with evangelistic meetings. It would surely increase the interest and provide more workers in one place at a time. There are more girls ready for this work, and even some without much training in teaching are looking forward to helping with the vacation Bible schools. Some of the congregations are calling for evangelistic help in holding meetings. This shows some growth on their part. Also some of the congregations are interested in holding services in neighboring villages in order to start more congregations. The brethren in Abra, being more remote, are always anxious for us to come and help
with the work in the mountains. Since Brother I^linnag comes from among them, he will lead in that work. Some of the boys from here may accoaqjany hia and then

others from each place in the mountains will also help.

The brethren in Nagas-asan

would like for a rally to be held in their place especially for the mountain congre

gations. We will encourage this. Any hiking in the mountains can only be done if our health permits. The church at Salcedo wants Elpidio Ramos to come and work
with them. They are one of the chiu'ches that are interested in other villages about them. Recently when we visited that congregation, Brother Cagongao from a village that is even more remote was there also He asked for some evangelistic

help for his place. There are already about four members there which would provide a good interest to begin with. The brethren in Cabusligan have already been call ing boys and girls to help in four places in their area. There is plenty of work to be done, but our boys lack the dependability and leadership qualities that are
needed for such new work.

They want to give up too easily when the going gets

Immediately after our closing we plan to go to Aparri for their closing activ ities. I will be speaking for the Baccalaureate Service, We will miss seeing the Selbys who are how in the States, but we will be wilih Jlofjni^ and Jeanne Hoffman,

Filipino brethren tWe also.

who ar^ c^rying on in the Salby's ^bsencQ. We will be glad to see pur Christian
see the seminary arwi our fellow workers. We will also do some buying while in Manila. Our jeep is getting a new metal top and paint job at a local automotive school shop so if it is ready we vdll drive to Manila. This will give us a much
needed rest.

After this little trip we plan to go to Manila and

Thanks again for your prayers and other remembrances of us. Financial Report for January I963

We pray for you.

Balance on hand January 1, 1963 January Receipts

Total receipts

^ 126.86 802.^0 $ 929.36

^ 350,00
120,00 100,00 25.00 25.00

January Expenses Classified:


Seminary salaries Travel fund., . . Philippine Government expense Supplies and postage
Utilities and motor fuels

Seininary food . . . <

$ 776.00

Balance on hand January 31j 1963 .

January Expenses . , . .

w 153.36
Faithfully yours in His service,
Norval and Dondena

| 776-QO


Overseas Addrdss:

NorvaX and Dondena

Forwarding Address:

Norval A, Campbell Vigan, Ilocos Sur



Progross Report 62
Jfcrch 1Q6^

Washington C,H, Ohio

ffrs. Fern P. Campbell W Broadway

Our last report was sent just before the closing of our 1962-1963 school year.
It was not an easy year, but there were some rewarding developments. The closing night activities put the final touch to the years activities. Five girls have been

studying piano and two of them had also been working on the accordion. Dondena had given the girls special numbers for their piano solos. These were difficult enough We have a large foot powered organ and the piano in the auditorium and the girls
would alternate on one of the instruments while Dondena play^ the other.

to extend the girls, but they did very well. The tyo girls most advanced in piano had been getting practice in accompanying our singing durinn: our worship services.
This had

given them confidence and experience. These girls have taken accordions with them
for the summer work in evan/^elism and children's work. Now back to the closing

night activitieseach student participated in ono or more vocal numbers. They did very well grtd one girls' trio was exceptional. At the close of the program, after
a few woi^3s of exhortation to the students as thoy were planning to go home and to

other places, the trio sang "So Send I You". It was very appropriate. The two young men who had completed their preparatory department work and were ready to go on to the Seminary leVel, gave declamationsone the second chapter of Acts and the program. Although six young people from this village are studying in the seminary,
the local church boycotted the service, but several from the other con-rregationd
came and the attendance was good.

other the 17th chapter of Acts. Brot ler Roca spoke briefly at the beginiiihg of the

for their closing activities and Confereriee on Hh/aaf^elisip. Vfe tbok off from Laoag, 50 miles nirth of Vigan in cleat skies, but encbuntered the almbst pf^etual clouds over the mountains. V/e are always apprehensive on this Crossing, wondering if we

Two days after our closin'^;, we took a not too pleasant ^ii*tilane trip to Aparri

are high enough to miss the highest peakswe were, but cloud cover was hea^ when we were over Aparri. The plane zoomed, dipped, banked and turned, but ho opening
could be found in the clouds. Finally the pilot flew out over the ocean and began
to let down until we were below the clouds, but nearer an island than seemed good.

Getting to the airport and friends was routine from there on. We enjoyed the we^ helping in their activities and just visiting, Ronnie and Jeannie Hoffman returned to Vigan with us and stayed a few days until we were ready to ^o on to Ifenila. The Jeep had a nev metal top and complete paint job and we were ready for the trip. It is about 9^ hours by jeep to I4anila so we took a picnic lunch. It was a lot of fun* We only had to push the jeep twice to start it. The purchase of a new battery in Manila prevented a recurrence of that on the way home; We planned to stay only a week but in trying to get an extension of our visa, the time ran on to nearly two
weeks. When we did come,.we had a jeep load. The trip was profitable. We were

able to relax and get some necessary buying done. The new seminary building in Manila is going to be very useful and attractiv^^. I trust that it will increase the effectiveness of their program. V/e attended their closing program. We are
know for how long it will be extended. We asked for five years.
One boy is taking care of the

waiting for word concerning the extension of our visa. It expired on the 10th of Iferch, but we made application before that time so it should be extended. We do not
Summer work continues here on the campus.

dry season. It will be two months or more before the rains come and it has been at
least five months since the rains stopped last year. Other boys are doing carpentry
work. This will continue for most of the vacation period. Even then, there will be more of that work when school starts in June,. We are grateful for the facilities that we ha^''e at such a relatively small expenditure. Two common expressions heard

poultry and watering the bananas and other plants that need it during this long

in this cpvpitry are "How P4ch did it cp3t?**_.and ''I_do,_not believe", _Tpo often they follow in just this order. One of the brethren in Manila is a contractor and is building the new building on the Manila campus, I knew that he would be interested in our buildings and would probably ask how much we had spent. He had asked me once before when we had put up the first building and after I told him he calmly said, "Mr. Campbell, I do not believe." I have not figured our cost down to the last centavo, so this time when he asked me I told him that I could not give him the
exact amount. This seemed to satisfy him and he did not have to doubt my worH.

The work of evangelism is profressing. Our early observations of the evangel istic work was that it depen-^ed entirely too much on American capital and direction. If the men were told where to go and wire pid "or going tiisy did accomplish some thing. We felt that if the work vras planned and financed by the brethren here it would accomplish more in time. Therefore, when we came ho Vigan we tried to put this into practice. It has met two difficulties. It- does not provide the incentive that they were accustomed to for studying and the reviard that they had come to expect for their work. New incentives are being substituted and the financial re ward is being taught to be expected from those who are taught as set forth in Galatians 6:6. More work is now being done for the Lord in this area without U. S. aid than was done before with money from the States, and a lot more could be done. Since we do not pay for and direct the programs of evangelism, we do not receive official reports of what is being done, but we do hear that new preaching points are being opened and some are being immersed into Christ. V/hen the students return to school they will tell of their work. The faculty men also tell of their labors
and the work is substantial. For some time we were accused of not being interested

in evangelism because we were not asking the brethren in the States to foot the bill, but at last some are seeing the wisdom of the plan that we have set forth. We are a bit encouraged in trying came to the Philippines we were amazed as infant dedication, eating of blood, juice in the Lord's Supper, adulterous to ef.ect peace among the brethren. When we at the number of unscriptural practices such substitution of coca cola for the grape elders, one-man elderships, etc which were

being practiced. In the class room we taught against those practices and found it necessary in rallies to stand against them when they were exalted as the will of God. There can hardly be a middle ground between these practices and that which is set forth in the Scriptures, so the brethren tended to make it a test of fellowship, although no one was actually disfellowshipped. For some time we have been branded as false teachers because we would dare point out the teaching of the Scriptures in these matters, and as is so often the case in such matters when truth can not be met
other methods have been devised to destroy our effectiveness# We have constantly

called for meetings to resolve these differences so that the work of the Lord could

really prosper.

Until now we could not '?et such a meeting.

However, the leader of"

the local elders, said that he could see the wisdom of such a meeting and will try to arrange it. We are praying that much good will come if the meeting is held. Already many of the brethren in the other con;^egations have accepted the teaching

of the Scriptures and our main opposition has centered in the local congregation.
we can effect peace with them it will go a long way toward strengthening the work.


Thank you again for your prayers and other remembrances of us in His work here. Financial Report for February 1963

Balance on hand February 1, 1963 February receipts

Total receipts


^ 80S, 36

$ 153*36 655,00

February expenses classified:


. . . $ 350.00
. 110.00

Seminary salaries
Travel fund

Seminary food (Till the closing) . . . . . Equipment (Jeep top and painting etc.) . .
Supplies and postage . . . . . .
Utilities and motor fuels ...

35.45 110.00

,Balance on hand February 28, 1963

Faithfully yours in His service,

February expenses

$ 740.45

^ 740.45

# 67.91

Wojrval and Dondena


Overseas Address:
Korval A. CampbelX

Norval and Dondenap^.^

Can^bell -

Forwarding Address;
Mrs. Fern P Campbell

Vigan, Ilocos Sur


Proj^ess Report^"-^^ COLL>,(Jf^ahington G,H., Ohio



Our last report was written just after we had returned ftom Manila in the Jeep, It was during our visit in Manila that we applied for an extension of our PreArranged Emplpyment visa. Our second five year visa was due to expire on March 10. We were able to make the application for extension just a few days before the ex piration date. Until a couple of years ago, it was necessary to leave the country in order to get this type of visa renewed. A change of policy made it possible to renew the visa for as long as one's passport was valid. This was a maxinium of three years and usually less. Our passport is easily renewed, but it is still valid for about one year. Therefore we expected, at best, a one year extension of our visa.
Perhaps the almost constant neeci to renew vis&s caused a further relaxation of rules

in the inanimation depeirtnent and we were pleasantly surprised with a five year


last Mardh 26 was our lOth year anniversary of arriving in the

Philippines, so we have now started on our third five-year period.

The sirocco is blowing again, and it is somewhat unseasonal* We expect hot, but calm weather at this time. Normally the strong winds do not extend through February and it has been calm for some time, but for the last two days and even tonight the strong hot wind is blowing. It is not the kind of a wind that accompanies a lyphoon and unlike the rainy monsoons from the ocean, this one is blowing from the mountains on the east. We have not had a rain that would lay the dust in the past six months so you can imagine how thick the dust is. It is impossible to keep it out of the house. We could have a good rain by the end of this month, but it may be June before
the rains come. By watering from the well, we have been able to have sweet corn from time to time right through this dry season.

Maintenance work and improvements continue on the property. New glass windows and wooden bars over the windows makes the buildings look con^lete. When we get the irfindows for the auditorium installed that work will be finished. Until now, the dornw itories have been large open rooms. The students have not complained, but they aid that it wuld be good when we suggested the possibility of dividing the larger room into smaller ones, and so this has been done. Cost of building supplies are rising,

but we can still get suitable materials quite reasonably. Plywood i inch thick is

about 6 cents per square foot. I believe that it is about twice that in the States. I purchased bolts X 9 inches for about 10 cents per pound or 6 cents per bolt. This
plus low labor costs makes it possible to have substantial buildings at no great cost. Along with this observation wo realize that the standard of living is quite low in this country^ but it was much Icv/er 10 years ago. We have marveled at the change in the economy of the country,. It is still popular to talk about poverty, but really no one starves and the markets and stores are filled with shoppers. Transister radies are very common, althou^ still a luxury item many people have them. One of the measures of the amount of money a country has is to see how much foolish items are purchased. Another measure of financial progress is the houses of the people. For centuries Filipinos have lived in bamboo houses with thatched roofs, but many have
changed the bamboo for wood and the thach for galvanized iron. It is not too much to

e3^ect this financial prosperity to appear in the church.

It is slow in coming.

The girls are using the Vacation Bible School material that we prepared and mimeographed in the Ilocano dialect. We did not get this prepared until after school had closed so we have been takirtg the material while visiting the brethren of the different congregations. We did not go to the closing program at Sto. Tomas, but we have heard that they had many children for the classes. Brother Mallinag airf Elpidio Ramos are evangelizing in the mountains of Abra at this time. The congregations there are hard to get to. Some of the pieces are only accessible by foot paths over high
mountains. The brethren there have been expecting them to come and I 3mow that their meetings will be heljrfW. in strengthening the churches and bringing souls to Christ. I hope they will be able to find some good students from these mountain congregations whom they can bring to the Seminary for preparation for the Lord's service#

"Holy Week" observations are in full swing.

The Roman church makes full use of

the oceassion for pagentry, most of which is un-^criptural and pagan.

A Filipino is

writing a series of seven articles concerning the pagan influence upon the activities of the week. While the writer is probably a Catholic himself, he like many others

criticise and say that theydo not believe aorue of the teaQhings of their churoh, but they are afraid to breal; away from it. For the past two weeks or more, w.llers h-vre been extending themselves in the barrios. Several will gather at a house and untxl the early hours of mcrning they will sing a vailing charA. Apparently the one who
can make the most noise and whose voice lasts tho longest is the winner* This will become a lost art with the coming of radios and P.A. systems. Brother Sanchez was

formerly a Catholic and they used to want him for those wailing sessions because he

had such a strong voice. This service is typical.

!4ich is made of the death of

Christ, Jfeny proce^fcsons will be held with the statue of the "dead Christ" being carried along. Resurrection morning will come and hardly any attention will be paid to the fact that Christ did not remain in the tomb, but arose triumphantly. For all practical purposes they do leave him in the tomb^ because ^fary is so much more ii>portant to them. This week's activities are so enqjhasized in the lives of the Catho
lics that I wonder if our own brethren don't feel a little afbaid not to imitate them

as far as possible, for they too like pegentry and perhaps superstitiously fear that there might be some advantage to the soul in making so ranch of the weeJc,
A rally of all our churches in this area will be held at Luna, Burgos next week. This is one of the congregations that has been influenced against us because of our teachings against unscriptural practices. The congregation in Luna asked Brother Sanchez and Brother Ablog, both leaders cf th Nagsangalan congregation to make out the program for the rally. We were not surprised when we saw the program. No one from the Seminary was asked to participsle ir* the program because these two men have been most vociferous against us. We were more surprised vrfien brethren ft'om lAina came

with a written and oral apology because of the omission an3 extended their personal invitation to attend the rc.lly. Thej'^ were really happy when we told them that we had already planned to come, because many under such circumstances do not go. Too much has been made of our teachings to cause division. It seems that pride of life cause
some to want to hold onto false teachings even after they know that they are false. It can be seen in the foolish excuses that are given for not accepting the truth. We

have been misquoted and misrepresented and since a session has been alloted for the discussion of the problems of the churches, I hops to be able to set the record
straight. Where we have been able to do so, many of the brethren appreciate our
teaching and are growing in grace.

We have taken advantage of the vacation from school to visit several of the

congregations. It is hard to do so during the rainy season and \Aile we have the responsibility of the students on campus. Ws went to Dadalaquiten, a fishing village along the sea, where we have a strong congregation. We got stuck in the sand which

pronqjted me to get the four-wheel drive re-activated on the Jeep. The next week we
went to Paltoc in the lower part of the mountains and we surely needed the fouiwwheel drive to get there. Sto. Tomas was the next congregation we visited. It is not so hard to get there although it is veiy dusty. We found a good spirit In all of these congregations. We answered questions where there were any and enjoyed the fellowship with them. We will continue these trips until school starts in June.
Financial Report for Jfeurch 1963

Balance on hand March March receipts


Total receipts

$ 67.91 720. QO

# 7^,91

March expenses classifiedr

Living-ling Seminary salaries Building supplies and labor Squipment Supplies and postage
Utilities and motor fuels

350.00 110.00 220.00 15 15.00

f 730.00

March expenses Baj.anee on hand Ma3Poll-'3Iji 1963" "

Faithfully yours In His service,

$ 730.00 ^ 57.91

Norval and Dondesa


T>-. '** *
' Jk

Overseas Address:

Norval and Dondena

Forvarding Address!

Norval A, Campbell Vigan, Ilocos Sur Philippines

LIBHARY^s* Fern P Campbell P^IAKK BIBLE Progress Report-v64 C.H., Ohio

May 1963


In writing the last report in the latter part of April, we were looking forward to the rally of the brethren to be held in Luna, Burgos It was with some anxiety that we prepared to go, because of the strong feelings that had been aroused against us who conduct the seminary. Although we had.been excluded from the program, a member of the local con'^egation had come to us with a special invitation to attend the rally* We were grateful for that courtesy even though we had already planned to attend. An

went to the rally, I prepared a paper entililed '^Concerning Peace aflidng Bi'ethren in
Christ" which we mimeographed both in English and Ilocano.

open forum was scheduled and another period was set aside for the discussion of the problems of the churches* Both of these periods could have been used to bring shame upon the church. Nothing is gained in a public discussion of the problems that tend to divide the brethren, so we hop^ that su^h a meeting cpuld be avoided. Before we
Upon arriving, we gave a

copy to the leaders of the local congregatio to study and if they approved, we would distribute copies to as many as wished to receive them at the rally* The permission was scon forthcoming and we d5-stributed the .material before any public discussion
could be held. In the paper we discussed the necessity of settling the problems that had arisen, but to do it in a spirit of love and good-will. The su^eations were persuasive enough and the public discussions were cancelled, A spirit of harmony and

good-will prevailed although it was a rather uneasy peace.

In private discussions,

certain lies were revealed that had been told an^inst us in order that our reputation

and influence would be destroyed* These were answered and brought shAae to those who had received them. On Saturday night a meeting was 'called of representatives of the

various congregations for the purpose of restoring toe "official status" of the rally*
In U.C.M.S. days the Convention was quite authoritative and the leaders held the purse strin'^s which they used for their own relio-political purposes. This seemed to be the

purpose for the desire for again having officers of the convention instead of the local con.^e ,ation sponsoring a rally. Some wise heads showed the danger of the re gressive step that they wanted to take and no vote was taken. After all, no official vote could be taken, because no person had been delegated to bind ai^ congregation with such an arrangement. This meeting and other events all point to the fact that
our differences are but the scapegoat to hide the desires of one man to be the official unofficial biship of the Ilocos region. As more of the brethren see his dictatorial tendencies and reject them, a spirit of cooperation dnd evangelism should

follow. The opposition has softened its actions toward us and we pray that it is from a changed heart and not just a cbaii'Ved policy. As the apostle Paul said, the

gospel was prcached (if perhaps in envy) and two souls were immersed* The attendance was not large because many of the brethren, after seeing the printed program, expected
hard feelings and hard words to be spoken against us simply did not attend.

*that the brethren in Nagasasan wanted to sponsor a rally for the brethren in Abra*

Brother I^falinnag returned from Abra (the mountainous region east of us) with word

It seems that they were not invited to the Luna, Burgos rally although they had been invited in former years. Even so, the brethren in Abra had been venting a rally and the church in Nagas-asan invited the rally to be thei-e. We now have ^ethren in seven place* in Abra and all the places were represented at the rally. Because of their


imaature leadership, we were asked to prepare a program which was sut^tted for their Brother Malinnag and Brother Roca and some of the students planned to leave
here en Thursday morning, but at the last minute Brother Roca was called for a wedding
se the others went on and he and I followed on Saturday morning. Dondena would really

liked to have gone, but the hiking is long and ardurous across the river so many times and on the stones along th's river the rest of the time. If given enough time she can oiake the trip, but it seemed that the others wanted to hurry and she did not want to
be a hindrance. As it turned out the first :^oup in took much time, but we did come

ciongregations, and with the trained leadership that can go out from the Seminary. I 3id enjoy the rally very much because it was so different from the one we had attended
a veek before.

oui in a hurry after the rally waf over. Even ny presence is becoming much less lecessary with the Rowing knowledge of ihdfependence and self-propagation of the

their lives, but they seem really zealous to learn. waiting for the program to begin.

The Abra brethren have come out of paganism and it. still influences

In contrast with the other rally^

The discussion

the hrelihr^i did not have to be called to the sessions, but were gathered singing and

All the sessions were long, with eating crowded in

octwoen them.

Sarmons vere long, but well prepared and well received.

periods held there would have erupted into riots in the other rally. They needed strong preaching and they got it. Of course not all will abide by what they heard, but at least they heard it and were not resentful. Twelve were immersed in this
rallv and three others indicated their desire to be free from the shades of the

U.C AS, which had done work in this area many years ago. The old U.G.M.S. work was
turned over to an interdenominational work in 194-8* The spirit of the second rally vas a wonderful thing to behold. It was heartening for all of us from the Ilocos

region who went.

Brother Roca made special mention of this after the hard Journey

that we made to get there.

Aggalao Pasudag came home with us. He is fl'om Tui, Abra. He had written to us several days before that he was sick. He had been in the seminary two years ago, but
had not been able to return. He said that he had been sick all the time. Although

his body looked strong he was very weak and suffered much vdth diaziness in his head. In his letter he said,"ify desire to study is as big as my body." We know of his zeal
and when he asked to borrow money to see if he could be healed we gladly said that we

would try to help him.

He went to the hospital and the doctor diagnosed his trouble

as ehronie malaria and are giving him a treatment of aralen. He says that he feels better already, but I know that this is what they usually say. If this is the truble he should be free from it before long and some vitamins and good food shovild

help him to get his strength bade.

He is respected by his people in the mountains

It is a very good and necessary improve*

and we trust that he will be able to study and return to them.

The glass windows are all installed.

laent. I lost a little skin off

fin-rer in the power saw on the last set,but it is

going to be all right. I don't remember all that I mentioned before about our change in procedure fer this year, but we are building kitchens for both the girls and boys. We are discontinuing the eonmon dining hall after five years. I still think that it is the best way to take care of the students* needs, but it is too easy to abuse such a good thing. The students were not responding properly toward their responsibilities of producing things in the garden and the opportunities of fellowship about the table. This change in procedure iws discussed at the rally in Abra and while questions were raised because of the greater responsibilities of the students and their parents, it was shown that if they loved the Lord and appreciated their opportunities the students could still come. It was pointed out that the sending of students could be a co operative endeavor for the members of the congregations. The kitchens should be ready when the students arrive on June 1 for the opening of our sixth year here.

Brother Roca is enduring the process of the removal of all his toeth.
needed it for some time for health's sake, but has neglected it.

He has

I a^ed hia the

other day if he wanted me te go and make an appointment for him. He laughed and said **No,* and suggested that he would start on it as soon as we returned from Abra* I
ean feel for him now and know that he will feel better in a couple of years*

^fay the Lord bless you in your faithful labors for Hia, Pinancial Report for April 1963

Balance on hand April 1, I963 April receipts Total receipts

April expenses classified:

.* .*.,

$ 57.91 763.5Q $ 821.4-1


$ 350,00
110.00 250.00 500

Seminary salaries . . . Building supplies and labor Supplies and postage

Utilities and motor fuels . . .

$ 720,00

April expenses Balance on hand April. 30^ 1963--

, lu *
Faithfully yours in His service,

^ $ 101.^1

Norval and Dondena



Overseas Address: Norval A. Campbell Vigan, Ilocos Sur

Norval and Dondena Campbell

Forwarding Address: Mrs* Fern P, Campbell 707 Broadway


Pfo^ress Report 65

Washington G.H,, Ohio

Today is Philippine Independence Day. This is the date that has been ob served for the last few years. Formerly July A was celebrated here as in the States because the granting of Philippine independence was declared on that day. However, today is now observed because General Aguinaldo had declared Philippine independence from Spain at about the time of the beginning of the Spanish-Amer ican War, He was named the first president of the Philippines, but in the oc cupation of the islands fcy the States, their independence was not recognized, b but promised to be granted at such time as th^ seemed ready for independence. This was duly granted followinf? World War II in 1946. Even today the opinions of the Filipinos are divided concerning independence with seme still longing to be under the U.S. so that they could receive the benefits of former years. The rising generation does not remember those conditions so they are proud of their

independence, but still want all the U.S. aid that they can get.

The old Gen

eral is quite feeble and has been near death several times in the past few years, but still receives his military pension from the States. The first part of the month of Ifey was spent in j^etting ready for school# The new kitchens were essentially cwap^eted and though sinqjle are quite adeqxiate for the students. Clay stoves costing about 50 cents each were provided. An open fire is burned in them and no chimney is needed. At the end of the month we went on our proposed trip to Manila to get supplies for the opening of school. We had not been there since the first few days of March. By the time that we had finished we had a full jeep load and were headed home. When we neared the road that leads up to the Jfonntain city of Baguio we decided that we had time to go that way and pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables. That mountain area is well known for its temperate climate and abundance of vege tables. We arrived at noon and ate our lunch over-looking the hair-pin curves of Kennon Road that we had followed from the valley up to the city. Within a little while we had provided ourselves with the ve'jetables and started down Na.^ilian Road which leads to Vigan. Rains had begun in the mountains and it was raining when we left but after a few miles the rain stopped and everything was clear. As we were passing through a mountain barrio a woman running along the road suddenly dashed in front of the Jeep, It was in5)ossible to prevent hitting her. The practice in this country when such a thing happens is to keep

going, because the relatives are usually so unreasonable that they may kill the driver on the spot, I could not do that, regardless of the consequences. We jumped out of the Jeep to find her lying on the road and seriously hurt, how serious we could not know, ify oiJy thought was to ^et her to the hospital as quickly as possible. The rules for not moving an inj'ired person had to be dis regarded because with no phones we could not call for competent medical help. We were relieved when the people agreed that we could take her to the hospital and one man be^^n to remove his bolo (long knife) not to use it on me, but to
free himself from it so he could go with us to the hospital. It seemed that we would never get back to the hospital. The road is steeply inclined and we roared along in second gear. She was admitted immediately and was examined and X-rayed. Her left thirrh bone was broken and she had a-small cut on, the scalp

We purchased several ra^icines for her and then reported the accident to the
Philippine Constabulary. Everyone was sympathetic with us in our predicament although each movement was time-consuming. In this country the driver is auto matically considered responsible in such an accident, regardless of the thought lessness and carelessness of the one injured, so technically I have not been released from court action or anything else. It is not a pleasant feeling as a driver to know that you had done nothing to cause the accident and was helpless to prevent it, but must be held res'^Dnsible for it. The family has tentatively agreed hot to press charges, but if someone Smells money or even think that they dowho knows where it will end. We have been visiting her each we^-end and buying all the medicines. She may be in the hospital several weeks, but is recovering very well. The attitude of the people in the village was better un derstood when we learned that the woman did not live there, but was a person
who had come from her home far in the mountains to work in the harvest at this


Even the villagers recognized that it was her lack of understanding of

VG'dcu?-ar traffic that prompted her to dash in front of the Jeep.

Elpidio Ranios returned to school frcM h's x^ork in Abra an''^ reported four more immersions since the rally there. It seems that he worked at other things besides evangelism because he tells us that he and Juanita Domingo iri.ll be mar ried this coming December. This is unusual because the mountain people do not usually accept people from the low-lands in marriage. We wonder at the suddness of the proposal, but pray that it will work out well. They could make a good

couple working for the Lord in that mountainous area. At the present time Elpidio is concerned about the finances that are necessary for such a mar'^'iage#
It coats a lot to provide a feast for such an occasion.
are being married.

In a recent tnar.'iaffe

of two of our former students about 800 were present for the feast. Everyone for miles around come to such a feast whether or not they know the people who
The "free meal" is a national institution here.

Aggalao Pasudag is iir5)roving in his health. Quack doctors had filled his mind with ima^nary illness over and above the illness that he really had. We

may have to have his eyes checked to see if they might possible be causing some of his headaches. He has some difficulty bringing both eyes to focus so that
may be part of his trouble. We appreciate his interest in the Lord's work and
are helping him because of it.

Two typhoons have passed near enough to us to bring /^est quantities of rain. It seems strange after so many months without rain. For five days the rain fell almost without let-up. It is good to see the sun againi but we will expect some
rain almost daily now for the next few months.

School has opened for our sixth school year.

the last few years,

Enrollment is probably not

This hag

complete, but we can see that there will be fewer students this year.

been the rule rather than the exception in our seminaries in the Philippines for
V/e are concerned about it as well as those in Manila,

know that we have peculiar problems in this area that might discourage some from attending, but there are other reasons. The econimic picture in the country is iBuch brighter than in former years. It is true that prices are rising, but it is because there is so much more money available than before. Formerly many could not afford to attend high school, but several of our students are return
ing to or starting high school this year. We are glad for this if they will

return to the seminary after finishing their high school. Not many see any future in the financial side of the Lord's work and are easily swayed to en
gage in something secular to Tet their share of this world's goods. We need

Christian parents who will encourage their children to prepare for the Lord's

woric* (Children are insurance policies against the needs of old age in this country,) We need young people who are so consecrated that they will dedicate
themselves to the Lord's work regardless of material sacrifice. Our school is essentially free but that is not enough inducement to get worthy students. This is our ^eat problem, but it is shared by the other seminaries, V/e are"
trying to follow the Lord's direction and trust him for wisdom which is above


Will you make this a matter of prayer in your life also? Financial Report for May 1963

Balance on hand I-lay 1, 1963

i4ay receipts ,

$ 101,4.1

Total receipts
I'fey expenses classified:

$ 852,4-1 $ 350,00
110.00 15.00 25.00

Seminary salaries , , Equipment Supplies and postage
Utilities and motor fuels .

guilding supplies May expanses

. , . ^

. . , r-r

- 375.00 ^ 795.00 795.00

Balance on hand May 31j 1963

Faithfully yours in His service,
Norval and Dondena




Overseas Address: Horval A, Campbell Vi^an, Ilocos 3ur

^ !" r :: -S E EVANGE LI 3 M
Forwarding Address: Mrs. Fern P. Caapbell 707 Broadway

Norval and Donc^ena Campbell


Prc^ess Report 67 August 1963

VJashington C1H, Ohio

At this writinf^, I am still making a trip each week to Ba^^io City to visit
the woman in the hospital. I will go a^rain tcnorrow and perhaps will have sonef-

thing to add to this report.

Last week the hospital was in need of X-ray plates

An X-ray wag to be made

so I went out and was able to biQr soDie at a clinic.

sometime this past week to see if the cast could be removed. I expect to find out about this on the trip tomorrow. If the cast can be removed, the doctor said that she could soon be disDiissed from the hospital, V/hen she is at home, or at the home of her sister near Ba.^io, and is no lon,':^er in need of medicines, we

hope to be able to close the case, V/e are happy that the woman has not suffered very much and has had good attention in the hospital.
During school months, school is our main endeavor* Days pass quickly and we are glad that there are no problems in the school to disturb the pro-^ess of the students. V/e do not have as many challen dn/^ students as we have had in
other years, but with the lack of problems, it has been much more serene. The mid-semester examinations are over, and nearly all passed, so scnethin: is being

accomplished althou ;h we are always anxious for more rapid prO;^ess in their lives and in their abilities to serve the Lord, A -goodly number of the boys have been visitin-^ the nearby con jre-^ations each Lor'"'' s Day. They are preaching and teaching and bein'? well received by the con.'^er^tions. The -^irls are proi^essing well in playin?^ the piano. Three of the gir'.s are capable of accomp anying the congre.'^ational sin:?ing. They have practice in doin-'^ this each day

during our daily worship peri(^ and on the Lord^s Day for our services. Dondena
plays the or.^an while the -jiris take turns playing the piano. They also have a daily practice period. Two of them are working on a duet and they are thrilled with it. Four other girls are starting their piano study this year. It takes a little while for t lera to ^et started, and we become weary of hearing the beginnin-? exercises over and over, but we Icnow that without this be^nning they will never become proficient. This work in music shows up in the choir also, Teachin^j the choir is not so burdensome this year. The students are much better at si ht readin-j and although rather simple m:;-isie is used, it is yery enjoyable and will lift up the quality of music in the churches, Rosa Ibe has joined the student body since the last report. Rosa waft in the preparatory department last year, but her parents wanted her to study in high school this year, V/e are always glad when the students are able to take hirh school work, but Rosa ^-ranted to return to the Seminary, After is was evident that she would not enroll in

high school we urged her parents to send her again to the Seminary.

The pre

paratory department is non-credit v/ork, but is intended to prepare the students with less than a hi-;h school education to do the work in the seminary. She is very bri.^ht and will catch her class very soon although she was late in coming. She too is starting on the piano and is quite adept in music.

The students are more independent of our help this year. This is partly due to the chan'^e in prcTam concerning their food. The scholarship money that we spend for necessary work about the campus is much less than wo were spending for food last year. It has been good for the students and their parents to learn that they can do somethings for them selves. There are several fruits
and edible leaves that the students .'lather from the campus and each of them

has a prosperous looking garden. Some have gathered vegetables already and they will have many more in a few wee'cs. Since they are not responsible to us for
work Gach Saturday, many more of the students are going home for the week-ends,

I do not knew how much they are doing f'or the Lord when they are at home, but at least they have an opportunity to do so. Every step forward in their ability to shoulder the responsibility cf evangelising t'leir own people is a victory
for the Lord and for us.

We v:ish that the people were sorapiThat more teachable.

The following

illus'i:::'-^.ws iiran. ot? [h-^ un-'nullified elders of the local congrega tion ifj a yourj.-: man w^o will Dct rocaiv^ 3'oh teaching as he needs. Kven so,
ve fsel aorr'j for him in his mrlsforbune. He has a very pleasant young wife and

they have three little boys#

Recently the wife has shown signs of severe mental Instead of trying to


VJe can only speculate concernin}^ the cause, but their family situation

is far from ideal and this may have contributed to it.

obtain con^etent medical advise, they are ?^oin'y to a quad: doctor who tells them
that someone in our village has put a "hex" on her, but that he will be able to

cure her.

It is -^ood that the quack doctor will not Identify the supposed

"hexer" or there would probably be another mur'^er in bloody Ilocos Sur, Ue have taught again and a.^ain that such superstitious practices are not Christian, but they are afraid to trust the Lord. They are more pa:an than they will admit. V/e pray that the youn<^ mother will .^et well, but if she does they will be more
confirmed in their pa^jan superstitions and still claim to be leaders in the
church of Christ,

Recently a rally was sponsored by the church in rlurauac, Sanchez Hira,

Cagayan. This is located on the northern coast of the island and is a little

nearer to Aparri than it is here. Most of the evangelistic work in that area has been done ty students from Aparri Bible Seminary. Brethren from various
congregations were invited. Brother Ifelinna;; and Brother Roca were also

invited to go and speak to the brethren at the rally. Since Brother Roca is still without teeth he declined, but Brother iialinna/3 was able to go and he spoke for both of them. It was a ijood rnlly with some conversions. Brother Roca will be getting his teeth in a days. He has continued to teach his classes, but has not been preaching. We appreciate his messages so much that
we will be glad when he is able to resume that work.

Financial Report for June and July

Balance on hand June 1, 1963

June Receipts July Receipts Total Receipts

784..00 768.00 1609,73

June and July Expenses Classifieds

"Equipment, new and repairs

Supplies and postage



Utilities and motor fuels , .

Living-link (two months)

Building supplies . . . Scholarship work , Travel Seminary teachers* salaries

, , , .
30,00 60,00
50.00 220.00

$ 1120.00 June and July Expenses 1120,00

Balance on hand July 3I, 1963

, ,
Sincerely in Christ,
Norval and Dondena

) 4.89,78

On our trip to Ba^n^io, we found that the X-ray had been made and they found the broken bone mending very satisfactorly. The cast has been removed and

an exterior brace put on for the time being. The doctor e:tpects her to be up on crutches in about 10 days after the removal of the cast. Plenty of vitamins and good food has been good for her. She is becoming quite plump whereas she was very thin when she went into the hospital. We pray that everthing will
work out properly in the near future.





Overseas Address:

Norval and Dondena

Forwarding Address:

Norval A, Caii?)bell
Vigan^ Ilocos Sur


Mrs. Fern P. Campbell

707 Broadway


Progress Report 68 September 1963

Washington C,H., Ohio

Our problem with the injured woman in Baguio City has been finally settled and we are sure that maity prayers have been answered. One week of vacation following
the first semester of classes in the Seminary began September 1. It was during this week that we hoped to settle our affairs with the woman so on Monday morning Dondena and I accoEpanied by Brother Roca went to Baguio* We knew that the woman had already been cleared to leave the hospital during the previous week and we were

surprised to find her still in the hospital. She was not able to tell ua how to find her sister who lived near Baguio. We tried, but could find no one who could tell us where she lived so we made plans to return to Baguio on Saturday when the sister was supposed to come again. Dondena and I went on to Manila on Tuesday morning and Ifr. Roca returned to Vigan. After two days in Manila we returned on a

much delayed trip to Vigan. The illness of Brother Roca *3 mother prevented him from going with me to Baguio on Saturday so Brother lialinnag was ny companion. We arrived in Baguio at noon Saturday and waited all afternoon for the sister to come, but she did not. However, the next morning she and her husband were at the hospi tal. We paid "Uie final charges of the hospital and she was released. In order to

be free from possible future court charges, I prepared a statement in which the
woman admitted the accident as her fault and would not press charges against me.

This seems almost foolish, but in this country the court is not so much concerned about who is at fault, but who has the most money. Filipinos had ur^-^ed us to do

nearly anything to keep it out of the courts. On the basis of their poverty th^ begged for a little extra over and above the other expenses of the case. Me gave this and they signed the statement releasing me from further obligation. We had wanted a private conference with the people, but that is almost an in^jossibility. When we began talking with them, several other people crowded around to hear. We got no sympatl^ ft:oni them until the woman admitted her fault in the accident and then the people told her how fortunate she was that I had helped so much already.

Two things are showing a widening influence of our work and an added interest on the part of the people. An increasing number of the brethren and others are enrolling in the correspondence course that Brother Malinnag is preparing. This will help some of the older folk who can not come to the Seminary to study. It is
in the Ilocano dialect so it is very useable ty all in this area. The Lo3rd*3 Day

Evening offerings that we receive in the service sponsored by the Seminary will be enou-^h to support this new endeavor. The other show of interest is the voluivtary offerings that the brethren are sending in to help send out the monthly paper in Ilocano "Ti Mensajero" (The Messenger). We have not asked for these offerings, but evidently the paper is meefting the needs of the people and is appreciated ty
them. In a recent issue we translated an article by a Christian doctor in the

States concerning the use of tobacco. When the papers were distributed to the local congregation one of the old men did not take one and later when he learned

that this particular article was in the paper, he said, "It was f^ood that I did not take it because it had an article about smokiig." Of course he is a user of
He reminds me of the man who.had read much in the "Readers Digest" about

the connection of stiroking and lung cancer and decided to give up -- reading.

The Jeep was our ambulance twice in recent days. Consuelo Gante one of the girls of the seminary had been suffering for some time with appendicitis and it finally became too nnich for her and asked us to take her to the hospital. This
medicine for the operation and her stay in the hospital so she could easily afford it, but government medicine is about as indifferent as it can be. She walked to the operating room and after the operation walked back to her bed. I guess they knew what they were doing, but she d^n't seem to receive much attention.. Brother
Roca*s mother had come to stay for a few days and the doctor prescribed 12 aralen tablets to be taken by her in the space of one hour for tape worm. Within about an hour after taking the medicine she had gone into shock and seemed about to die. We rushed her to the hospital and they were able to revive her. We were all re lieved with the recovery of both of these, f-ir. Roca has his teeth now and is in full service again. It is so good to hear him preaching again. He always gives
us something worthwhile to think about. The Lord blesses in many ways.

we had offered to do when she was ready.

She only spent about ^t)l,25 plus cost of

Our conference cn cj

be haL'' bafore we send the nerct progress

report. Interest has increased in these each year and we are looking forward to a conference that will inspire the brethren and challenge each one to a greater
service. We have imated some of our co-workers from Aparri and Ifenila to be with us on this occasion. They can add much to the success of the program.

Some of you may remember that when we first planned the Seminary in Vigan, it was cur plan to work toward the time when it would be completely in Filipino hands. Toward that end, we have trained the teachers to maintain the property and admin
ister the affairs of the school. As they have shown the ability to accept new re

sponsibilities, we have given them to them. We believe that we are successfully workinf^ ourselves out of a job. When we started this school, we made several de partures from the usual way in which the work has been carried on in the Philippines
as well as else where in the world, l/e felt that it was time for the brethren to

people ftrom attending because they will get no salary when they have finished*
interest in supporting their workers.
nnrj home churches better than before.

support the preachers of the gospel so we made it clear that we would not be putting our graduates on salary to be paid with U.S. funds. This was indeed an ejqjeriment. It has proved a few thing's. Some of the church members have discouraged the young


the other hand students continue to come and the congregations are showing a little

Students are being supported by their parents

Having the school completely in Filipino

hands will be another experiment, because each of our other seminaries have some
American teachers. I know that we have some top-notch Filipino teachers who are
Therefore, we are planning to incor

fully cat)able of training the young people here, but will status seeking students work against them? There may be a period of readjustment to an all Filipino faculty,

porate the Seminary and find another dedicated Filipino couple who will work with our two splendid families here and begin the next forward step in Filipino evangel

but it would have to come sooner or later.

inary program as it does now, so we will not separate ourselves from this project,
but when we return to the States early in 1964 we will continue to accept funds for
kt the same time we will be able to serve the Lord in some capacity in ovr them,

For the fore*^seeable future, U. S. funds will be needed to support the Sem

the Seminary and will be responsible to the brethren for a faithful stewardship of
home land. V7e will keep you informed concerning the progress we are making in
which you have put so much of yoiirselves.

accomplishing these goals, and how you can continue to be of service in a work into they agree that we may be making a great step forward in the Philippines, and that
We have talked with some of the other missionaries here in the Philippines and

possible. Will you make this a matter of prayer, because we really believe that the Filipinos need to feel a greater responsibility in the Lord's work. Many of the
Filipinos already agree with us in this conclusion.
Financial Report for August

they also are turning over to the Filipinos phases of the work as rapidly as

Balance on hand August 1, 1963

August receipts

^ 7^'S

Total receipts
August Expenses Classified:

Scholarship work Seminary teachers' salaries . Living-link . .

Supplies and postage . . . . . Equipment, new and repairs

^ 30.00 110.00 350.00

10.00 20.00
$ 635.00

Utilities and motor fuels

Travel fund



Balance on hand August 31> 1963

Sincerely in Christ, Uorval and Dondena Campbell

August expenses

v 5o7.2o

ft/x f

Propari^ of




Oversea3 5'^rlrar.s; Norval A, Car-rpb^il

Vigan, Iloccs Sar

Horval and Don5er..a Campbell Progress Report 69

October 1963

Forv;nrd.i.r-^, i.dlvess: Fern T, C.-^mprei:/

707 Broidva-




We had frest sweet corn from the garden last evening for supper. This docs not seem unusual here because we can raise corn the year around If we irrigate it
during the dry season^ but I see by the calendar that it is October and that means that the fodder is already in the shock in central U. A. A.s I think about it
further, corn in October is not so unusual with frozen foods so available in the

home-land. What I mean to say is that it ^still feels like July here. Dondena suggested that perhaps the thermometer was ^tuck on 90 degrees and I answered^ "Why notj it is that temperature so much of the time," By the way that was not a nooTi
temperature, but it was seven last evening when we were talking about it,
has its compensationstliere is no ice or snow on the roads.

All this

We have just concluded our fifth annual Conference on Evangelism. One might think that selecting a conference theme for evangelism each year might lead one to
the conclusion of the fellow who said, 'H^.iat can you say after you have said that
you are sorry?" The theme of evangelism can not be exliausted. It is true that

many things must be and need to be repeated-, bit there are also new ways of pres
enting ideas of evangelism, A lack of unity among the brethren has been one of
the hindrances to evangelism in this area for some little while now and so the words of Jesus in his prayer that we might all be one in order that the world

might believe that Christ was sent by the Father seemed to be a good idea for this year's Conference. We had already talked much about unity among the brethren. We had asked for small groups to get together and discuss the problems that seem to divide the brethren, but this had been rejected. We had distributed a paper urging
unity among the brethren and this was somev/hat more successful. At least it could

be seen that we were interested in unity although we were being pointed at as the cause for division. Truth will out, and it is doing just this. The feeling of
unity is more proiipunced now than it had been for some time. With this in mind, we did not propose to make it a unity meeting, but the seventeenth chapter of John which declares this is also a rich source for material on evangelism. The Conference lasted through tliree nights and two days, with seven sessions. A sermon was preached at each session and during the day sessions panel discussions and open forums were held. All of the topics were selected from this chapter of John. Since a better feeling seemed to exist between the school and the local congrega tion, our chief opponent, we asked one of the men to preach during the meeting. We asked the older man, Bro,. Sanchez, first and he gave an excuse which proved to be completely false, but a younger man accepted the theme, "The Fruits of Evangel ism. " This would have been an opportunity for him to make a good contribution to the cause of unity, but he chose to accuse the present niissionaries as false teachers, as over against the early missionaries, which thing the local congrega tion has been peddling to the other congregations of this area. We had pledged a

peaceful conference so no outward demcnstraticn followed., but brethren f^om all

the congregations were present and they were disgusted with him. Brother Selbgr

fl'om Aparri and Brother McE].roy from x4nila were here for the conference and the
brethren were ashamed that such things were said about them. In the evening hour of the last session, Ero. McEIrcy took occasion to mention that they had had the same problem in ilanila, tb?;t is of the new missionaries being accused of teaching new doctrines, I-irs. Wolfe ane of the early missionaries and several of the older brethren had come to their defense and said that the ear]^. missionaries had taught the same things that were being taught today. At least some of the brethren were thrilled ty this for they did not like to believe that we were really teaching a different doctrine. I believe that it all worked out in such a way that the work will be strengthened. It is not that there will be no more opposition, but when a person has been caught in a lie he is not so conv3.ncing In the things that he

will continue to say.

Again the brethren brought mcre_^od. to^n they could eat,

Thds who visit from'otHer places thir^ that this is wonderfSil, because it is not
done else where. Usually the place that sponsors the rally must bear all the ex pense of the rally. However, the first year i:e asked the brethren to help and

to be afraid to aslz the brethren to do what they can. DventuaJJ-v they find thrt'
they'can do much Kore than they thought that thsy could. Brother Selbv end Bro

they have been continuing to do go since that time. I think that we fail the {.yschugn when we c'o not expect them to do socev.hi;.':- for 'd t--ocl

ilcv-lroy teth made fine contributions to the work in this area by coming and spoakIng as th^ did, Dionisio autista, a f^aduate of Anarri, was also with us and
evangelism will be put into effect.

and faithful bretiiren were encouraged and stren/rthenmu

j i. thing of the conference conditions in itself a very helpfulathing. The most wonderful was is Eduardo Sabedo^s becoming Christian.


Filipinos while it is not being done in the other places in the PhiliiDpines, Bro. HcElroy is already turning over thin-^s to the brethren as quickly as possible, but
There had not been an American missionary in Ilocos for a long time and when we came we told them plainly that we were not going to take over the things that they work ^ entirely in Filipino hands. If we had had the tradition of building their buiidings and paying their preachers in this area it would not have been so easy to turn it over to them, but as it is we are able to make this step. The successwere doing nor would we do for them the things that they could do. So^we did not start paying evangelists etc. This is Just a further step in this area to let the

faction then it will seem more their x/ork as it should. Some of you brethren in the States may wonder why it is that we are planning to turn the work over to the

finish the incorporation of the school and select the trustees and they begin to

in our stead. The teachers are already willing to do their best and the brethren need to learn that this is their work and not the work of the Americans, When we

us and the work that we are doing will stand firmly with these who will carry on

knew that they would have to prove their ability evei; to themselves. After the initial regret caused by our leaving I am sure that the brethren who have cared for

feelings are ^xed. We do not want them to feel so dependent upon us that they think the seminary will be no good while we are gone. We know that this is not true because our co-workers are doing so nrich already. I have given up classes to them which I would li :e to be teaching, but we were preparing for this day and

onrist it is hard to leave t lem and hard for them to have us leave.

j-L, Seminary.^ Althou.^h conference it seemed to announce ourand future plans for the we had talked appropriate with the faculty about it to our fellow^ssionaries in the Philippines, we had not made an announcement of it to the brethren. You know that after several years of fellowship with our brethren in
So their

their situation and the situation in the other places are different than ours.

with the other missionaries, but a difference of conditions. We all look forward

of it lies within them. They have the capability of making it succeed. It must have been done some time and there seems no better time than now. They must not ccme to depend upon us too much. So it is not so much a difference of policy
It is enough that we must continue to
Sincerely in Christ,
Norval and Dondena

to the time when the Filipinos will gladly shoulder their responsibility of

evangelizing this part of the world.

supply funds for the Seminary.


Total Receipts

September Receipts

Balance on hand September 1, I963

! ! ! ! ! ! .' ! ! !

^ 539 ^8 ^ 1335 28


September Expenses Classified:

Scholarship work

Building supplies Filipino teachers' salaries Living-link Utilities and motor fuels
Supplies and postage . .

10.00 110.00 350.00 15,00

1-O^G ^7

Travel fund

, ,


Balance on hard September 3O, I963

o . ^ Expenses T, September

615.00 ^ .....JS

!!!!!!! # 720!28

615 00

eK' f

Overssas A.ddresst Nor"j.,1 Fud Oondena Norval A. Campbell Campbell Vigan, Ilccos Sur Proparty at Philippines LIBHAKY Progress Report 71
OZARKBIBLK COT .T_>iCJfovember I963

Forwarding Address; Mrs. Fern P. Campbell 707 Broadway Washington C,H,, Ohio

Today is election day in the Philippines. It should be called an off-year election, but there is no such thing as an off-year election in the Philippines^ Too many people are literally out for blood to consider it a less important
election than the presidential election. As usual, Ilocos Sur, is one of the most violent places in the country. Federal troops have been brought in to maintain order. The local police force is considered partisan toward the present
city administration which is the opposite of the federal administration. The Philippine Constabulary, which is somewhat like a state police system, is not
considered adequate to maintain order so men and equipment of the regular arn^ has been sent here, Arn^ jeeps with mounted 30 caliber machine guns are
patrolling the area. One of the, students said that it. looked like war. We have

not been molested and do not expect to be because we keep ourselves from political affairs. The day is a national holiday so that all people can return to their home villages to vote. This is another peculiar practice. Instead of registering where they live, they retain their registration in the place of their birth.' This
gives them the opportunity for making a trip home.
day as well as the older students.

Our teachers have gone for the

The incorporating of the seminary is well under way. Five trustees have been chosen and the Articles of Incorporation have been submitted for approval. The trustees met recently for the organizational meeting. This was very interesting. Brother Roca and Brother l-lalinnag and I have been talking and working toward the incorporation of the seminary. It is a legal step that should have been taken sooner, but with our leaving the work in the hands of our brethren here, it became a necessity. We considered men for the trusteeship who were stalwart Christians and who had a vital interest in the seminary and the pror^ram which it is following.
No better men could be found than Brother Roca and Brother ;ialinnag and because of

their knowledge of the operation of the seminary it was necessary that they be
trustees. This left a choice of three to be made from among the brethren outside of the school, VJe considered a few who would fit the requirements and began to

contact three of them. In each case they were very humble and suggested that someone else might be able to do the work better than they, but without over persuasion they saw that we had confidence in them and agreed to accept the

responsibility. It was a real pleasure for me to see them taking such an active Interest when.they met for the first meeting. Brother Benjamin Ibe is the father of one of our most intelligent students. He understands the value of the school. He is also one of the most capable elders of a congregation in this area. Brother
Benito Ventura is the oldest of the trustees. He also is a good elde^' of another

congregation, Cabusligan, He is highly respected in his village as a man of wisdom. An interesting thing about him is that even in his advanced age he is very teachable. He stands with us in the things that we teach and criticizes his

brethren for not accepting them because he says they are taught in the Bible.
was not afraid of "losing face" by accepting what we teach and because of it he


has gained stature among the faithful.

comes from the mountains of Abra.

Felipe i'febanag is the other trustee*


It is a disadvantage for him to live in so

remote a place, but already he has encouraged many students to come to the seminary from the mountain places. He is one of the most eager Christians that I
know. He loves the Lord and has doie a remarkable work with no seminary training

and probably not too much other education. To you he may seem to be a strange chnice, but he is one of the finest. One of the things that characterize all of thaso men, they are different from those who believe that the brethren in the States are responsible for the evangelization of the Philippines. They are very grateful for what they have received but they know that the responsibility is theirs. These men with_ our loyal, cp-wprker^, .Bro_, R_oca and. Bro. :':T3linnag^._ha2e.been Entrusted with the administration of the Seminary. We believe that it is the will of the Lord. These men came together not as if they already knew every

-. _

thing, but with the desire to learn their responsibilities. They want my continuing advice. It will be easy for us to lift our voices in prayer for these men an-^ we ask you to join with us that the Lord's will may be accomplished.

Another probleoi of which we had been much concerned was the selection of

another Filipino family to join the faculty of the Seminary. Of course there were qualifications to be met. Coiiipat5bility with the present faculty was a must.
They needed to be well trained and consecrated Chrf.^cian vorkers. We believe that we have found these qualities in lir. and ifrs, Virgilio Ibarra. Dondena and I bad

wanted the choice to come from them, ^/hen we met to discuss this problem.*! a^ked
them to suggest men in whom they had confidence, Virgilio was a prominent su^yesi:ion of both of them.
very >ood choice*

talked about them as a possiblity, but we did not iiention it to the licca.T and ifelinnags. I know that these families have i-rreat respect for our judgment;, bit I
His age, training, and experience all pointed to him as a

We ifl^ote to him and he answered that he and his wife had

discussed it and would be very happy to join in this work. He will come in a few days to talk with us further, but I think that it will only confirm our choice. We have known both Virgilio and his wife, Blanche, since we have been in the Philippines. I tau,^ht Vir.^ilio in the Aparri Bible Seminary and we were with Blanche, who is the daughter of Bro, V, V, Valentin, the preacher in Ilagan, Isabela, when we held an evangelistic meeting there. She is a graduate of a university in .%nila and has also taken work in Aparri Bible Seminary. Vir^^ilio

has started some new congregations in the ^agayan Valley since his graduation
from the Seminary in Aparri.
Lord's direction.

We have prayed about this and still pray for the

Our graduation will be held before the next report will be mailed.

If all

requirements will be met, we will have three (one man and two women) receiving
the Bachelor of Theology degree; one man receiving the Bachelor of Christian Education degree, and one man receiving the ilaster of Theology degree. We will have the graduation banquet on December 7 and the Baccalaureate Service on the

Lord's Day,December 8, The graduation on December 13 will climax the school year. This will conclude six years for Philippine Bible Seminary. The seventy year will
be under complete Filipino supervisien.
We will have about one month after school is out to make our final arrange

ments for returning to the States, We expect to sail from lianila on January 14. We will arrive in California on February 3 and expect to spend some time with

James and his family before we go to Ohio. As before, we will make a personal report to as many of you faithful contributers as so desire. We will also be

making, at that time, arrangements for the continued support of the Seminary on a smaller budget than is now necessary. If you have any questions concerning thig
before we return, please write to us about it.


Balance on hand October 1, 1963

October receipts ,

^ 720.28

Total receipts
October Expenses Classified:

* * $ 25.00

Scholarship work

Filipino teachers' salaries

Utilities and motor fuels

Supplies and postage . , Equipment, new and repairs

Travel fund

30.00 10,00


$ 635.00

October expenses
Balance on hand October 31 1963
Sincerely in Christ,
Norval and Dondena

f 635.00

SanSl '64






Vi;an, Ilocos Sur

Overseas Address: iTorval A. Ciampbell

Norval and Dondena Campbell

Progress Report^TS^^ Bible co^tashington C-H., Ohio

December 1963 r... ^oplui, Mo

Fon/ardinf^ Address: ofiirs. Fern P. Campbell

^07 Broadway

Our school year is officially over. The students returned to their homes this morning. However, with sailing day just one month from today, we do not have time to feel any let-down from the activities of t)ie past months# We will tell you of
some of our year-end affairs.

On December 7, Saturday night, we had the graduation banquet. Since the student body is small, we do not have a Senior banquet, but make it an all ^hool activity. Our upstairs class rooms are divided by a removable partition. He

removed this and made a large room about 30 feet 1:^ 26 feet. The students had decorated tr in. keeping with their ideaS: aM pin^toms. jlt .was rea,l pre^fet^ T&e '

seniors were in cjiarge of the program ,and It Was a sort of/senior-bla^s niglit'
affair with the usual, unusual class Mstory and prophecy. If only a third Of the prophecy would come true the Philippines would really be a Christian natitSri in a short while. I am afraid that the "prophet" was long on prediction but short on accoD5>lishment. The menu was also planned by the Filipinos and they did v^y well in pr^dl?ing it. Dondena fixed the chicken. We did not have any young ones, but some of the hens had stopped laying and we used them. They lihe fried c'-icken and are able to fry the native chickens at nearly any age because they are so small,but

lar'ye old hens are a differekt matter. They had listed fried chicken so some how
it Ited to be. that way. The hens were butchered;(we don't dress chickens in this co\intry) and Dondena put the best pieces in deep pans In the oven and covered them with aluminum wrap. With low heat these became remarkably tender (I am told) and
with the wrap removed they brown^.with a nice crust. The proof was in the eating. There were no baby sitters so all.the little ones came also. A low table was put at one side of the room for them and.they did better than they would.have at home. They were quiet and ate v^ll.

service was not ,^eatly different from qnrrregular evening services. The girls*
trio sang a special rmes^fge .in. song arid I pr^^ed the sermon,
app]*eciative of the thin'^s that we have been able to teach him.

.The Baccalaureate foMewed on thfe evenln" of the Lord's Day, the 8th.


ing more recently especially at the reqy^st of Brother Rooa* He is wy hij^le find
He welcomes the'

I have be^n preach

extra responsibilities that will be his as dias^tor of the school, but he will miss us very much. In, the 3ervice last night it .was laard for hi'm to coi^ol Ms voice enough to speak.. X was >happy for opportui^ty of preaching that final messa'^e to the faculty-and student body, "^^fee t-oeme wias "Zealousness for Good Works." One tiajjpieat experiences in recent days was the victory of Awelio i'ledranq. For a long time Aurelio was convinced, .that his use of tobacco ,was a lust

of .the flesh and sinful. He had said tist he wanted to give i'(i. up but just could
not seem to be able to do it. Thits idea of his had greatly weakened his influence. Se coulil net pleach against vice without cfcnvicting himself, biit he loves to preach,

lie bad

seemili to aci either silly pr resent^^l as a mejans of defense. He had completed

guilty conscience which made him draw within himself.

At other times he

his course of study^ but our diplomas stat'^ that the one who receives it has manifested Christian character, I talked with him plainly about this problem. You will remember that he already recognized that his conduct was Wrong, but pleaded

that he: could do nothing about it. . He fciew that he was violating his conscience.
I told him that if he would master himself in this that he would be surprised with
himself in other things also. It turned, out as we expected. :masteiPed .Mpself

and he ip really a changed person, I know that he wishes that he had mastered, himself earlier because he hi^j^ missed out on so much reiiX Christian Tellow^ip. haa taken u^ind remarks,, but he ig, resolute. We thank God fGr >thi$^ victoiy,


-^,eau.3.Q,. ho
We esqDect. great thlngiS fj^oia Aurelio.


Last night was Graduation. It was a real fine climax. It is difficult for the brethren to come and stay very long and it is impossible for them to come for a night meeting and return to their homes the same night. For this reason we

This xs for students who have not finished hir^h school.

full. Sleepin-T them all is no problem because they are accustomed to sleeping on the floor and we have plent of floor space. For the first time in a long time, brethren from the local congregation attend the service. !/e are very ha^y about this and trust that it indicates a better relationship between them and the school. Two voun.-^ men received certificates f' r havin.^ aon^leted the preparatory course#
and Loreto Pe^ires received the Bachelor of Theology degree.

not only long, but it was good, rfeny of the brethren came and the auditorium was

combined the piano recital with the /p^aduation. It raa'^e_a lo-ig program, but that is one of t'le chief requirements of a successful pro^jram^-it mi^st be long. It was

2!r, Roca received the lister of Theology degree, k challenging message was brought by Brother Virgilio

the Bachelor of Christian Education degree. He did not study Greek. Experanza 3anbaneg (who will teach piano, organ, an"5 accordion next year), Jfrs. ^lo<rio Roca,

A.urelio Iledrano receive*^

third family to work with them. We had taught Virgilio in Aparri and knew-^his wife, Blanche, whose father is a preacher in the Cagayan Valley. They have two

Just a few words about Bro. Ibarra and his family. Perhaps we mentioned him in an earlier report. He was the choice of our present men of the faculty as the

They came on Tuesday of last week to become acquainted and to have fellowship in the last days of the school year. We trust that he will be a great help to the

little girls about the same ages of some of the children of the other two families.

men here both in teaching and in evangelism. At present they ar<^ staying with the ilalinnag family, but now that the girls are gone they will take up further ten^jorary quarters in the dormitory. After the first of January we will "upset the
fruit basket" and the Can5)bells will be left out of a house. It will be good to see them settled in their places. We tried to keep our apartment as sin5>le as
possible so that when one of the families moved into it it would not create so much

difference between them.

The Rocas will move into our place and the Ibarras will

go into the apartment which the Rocas have had.

We are making a tour of the churches, going to a different place each week-end to encourage them regarding the school, Thqy have questions concerning our leaving and the future of the school. Of course we have tried to make this plain to them in different ways, but our visits seem to accoif^lish their intended purpose. Some
times they will say, "Now v/e understand,'^ I believe that.this is true because of

the good turn out for the graduation service. During th6 past six years the school has brought more people to Christ than the churches in the area, Again we finished the year with all students having been immersed into Christ. We know that the schopl can be just as effective in the ^ture because it has depended 30 much. .

already on the work of our Filipino bretiaren in the school,


Balance on hand ?Tovember 1, 1963 November receipts . Total receipts

November Expenses Classified:

9^^6,33 f^83.60 f 1^69*93

Scholarship work .
Filipino teachers* salaries Utilities and motor fuels Supplies and postage

110.00 30.00 27.00

...... Equipment Special gift for accident expenses . . , .

Living-link ^ .

5.00 116.10

Travel fund


$ 764..10

November expenses . Balance on hand November 30> 1963


. ^ I , . . . 0 1105.83

Sincerely in Christ,

Norval and Dondena

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