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Dale’s 31 day by day Wisdoms for Living Creatively, by Dale Symons

1. “The TRUTH will set you free.” Only when you live what is true for you do you
validate your authentic self and nurture yourself.

2. Joseph Campbell, renowned philosopher of our time said, “I believe the most
CHILDISH thing we do is to run away from pain.” As long as you turn from the
pain and try to avoid it, the pain has power over you. When you turn and face the
pain its power over you diminishes.

3. The INITIATED ADULT is one who can name his or her fears and continue to
create what he or she desires regardless of the false internal dialogue those fears
are creating. The end result of this courage is to have more love, peace, wealth,

4. Living in the PRESENT is to remain open to the new possibility in every

moment. Only with an open heart which in turn opens your mind can you receive
the gift that you pre-sent yourself when you made a previous decision.

5. We create our own HEAVEN AND HELL on this Earth simply by the way we
think about situations and how we decide to react in any situation.

6. When you react with anger to something some one has said to you, open your
heart and mind to know a truth about you. In this way you are choosing to grow.

7. Every person that comes into your life is there to support you to know yourself
better. Thank them all for the insights they freely give to you.

8. When you are stuck on a point of view and must prove you are right, ask yourself,
“How do I know that?” and whatever your answer is keep asking that same
question until you get the truthful answer.

9. When you listen with your heart and mind open you can hear and receive
everything. When you listen with your mind stuck on what you believe to be right
you will not know anything new. This is living in the past.

10. Our core beliefs were formed by around age 3. so when you default ot those
beliefs you are always living in the PAST and acting as a CHILD.

11. The CHOICES you make in this moment shape the way your life will be in the
future—“As you think, so shall it be.”

12. The VICTIM believes that what they fear will come true and they spend their time
trying to resolve their fears, which only makes them bigger. The CREATOR
names their fears and continues to focus and act towards what they want until it is
13. A closed heart causes more pain both physically and emotionally. An open heart
keeps you living and growing.

14. The PAST is over. There is nothing you can do to change it. The future is yours to
create and can only be changed by the choices you make NOW.

15. The state of GRACE is the acceptance of all that has been and the gratitude for all
that will be.

16. You become more separated from what you love the more you COMPARE it to
something else.

17. Others act as MIRRORS for your growth. You can only recognize greatness in
another when greatness resides in you. Conversely, when you react adversely to
another that to which you are reacting also resides in you. Once you can own your
reactions you are then the pure creator of your life.

18. GIFTS must be given freely. When you have any expectations on how they are to
be used you have not given them away.

19. You cannot give anything away if you do not own it yourself. Therefore, if you do
not love yourself you cannot give love to another.

20. As you speak to another you are speaking about yourself. So take care to nurture
your soul by the words you speak to others.

21. We spend so much time worrying about how others perceive what we say and do.
by the fifth generation nobody will know you unless you were famous or
notorious. So live to enjoy.

22. A GURU is a person who teaches others through their own experiences. They
have walked the path before their students and use the wisdom they have gathered
from their experiences to empower others. Therefore they are an example to
others through their own life.

23. Living with your SOUL MATE is not always the easiest relationship. More often
it is a challenging relationship because your soul mate is there to support your
growth. Growth is usually sparked by pain—Growth Pains.

24. When everything is running smoothly in your life there is no need for much
change. Remember the first catalyst of CREATION is CHAOS.
25. There is only one sure thing in your life and that is that it will CHANGE.
Embrace change and you will receive many insights and gifts that will fill you
with a new inspiration for life.

26. What we believe creates our experiences and adds to the credibility of the original
belief. If your experiences are repeatedly unwanted it is time to question the
validity or usefulness of continuing to hold on to that belief.

27. When you approach a new situation with preconceived ideas there is very little
chance of learning anything new. Keep your mind open and yhou will continue to
learn until you pass-over out of this life.

28. When you find that you are constantly living in a drama, ask yourself, “What do I
believe I stand to gain from this drama situation I have created?” some people
only feel alive when they are dealing with a drama filled existence.

29. Some people enjoy being a VICTIM because they believe it is the only way that
they will be noticed and cared for by others.

30. Most people approach what they want to create from the perspective of what they
think they don’t want. Your sub-conscience, which is the creative/manifesting
base of you, only receives the message that you do not want something. What it
needs to know is what you do want to create.

31. Life is a series of experiments. The moment you stop experimenting is the
moment you begin to die.

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