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Plant Propagation

Fall 2011 Example Exam I from Fall 2010 (no answers) Part I. Multiple choice. Write the letter of the best response in the blank in front of the question number. There is only one best answer to each question. (1 point each) ______1. Compared to the flattened leaves of angiosperms, the needle-like or scalelike leaves of gymnosperms are better adapted to: A) Efficiently capture light B) Thrive under warm, moist climates C) Survive low soil nutrient conditions D) Support flower development and pollination E) Withstand harsh dry climates You will recall that a geophyte is a type of plant that develops a modified underground structure that survives through harsh climatic conditions and then supports the plants regrowth when conditions improve. The modified underground structure A) Always originates from root tissue B) Always originates from stem tissue C) Can originate from either stem tissue or root tissue, depending on the type of geophyte The underground structure of a geophyte is modified to: A) Store moisture B) Protect axillary buds from damage C) Store nutrients D) All of these When we burn wood in the fireplace, most of the cells that are burning had what function back when the tree was alive? A) Transporting sugars B) Transporting water C) Transporting oxygen C) Transporting carbon dioxide E) Capturing and storing energy Linen, hemp and jute fibers are made up of what type of plant cell? A) Collenchyma B) Rhizomes C) Companion cells D) Sclerenchyma E) Parenchyma






Answer the following four statements about annual herbaceous plants that have an indeterminate growth pattern by placing an A or B in the line next to the question (1 point per answer): _______ These plants have a vegetative phase that A) Stops after the plant begins flowering B) Continues until the end of the season These plants flower relatively A) Synchronously (all at about the same time) B) Asynchronously (over a fairly long period of time) These plants bear fruits that can be harvested A) Synchronously B) Asynchronously At seasons end these plants have an apical node that is A) Reproductive B) Vegetative




Part II. Matching. 7. Correctly match each term with one example by placing the letter of the correct example on the line in front of the term. One of the examples has no matching term and can be ignored. (1/2 point per answer) Term Example A. Designing outdoor living spaces using plants Floriculture B. Developing new varieties of kidney beans Landscape horticulture C. Comparing raspberry production methods Olericulture D. Greenhouse production of cut flowers Pomology E. Techniques for keeping produce fresh until Postharvest management purchased Breeding and genetics F. Cotton production G. Asparagus production


Correctly match each description with one cell type by placing the letter of the correct cell type on the line in front of the description. Three of the cell types have no matching description and can be ignored. (1 point per answer) Description Cells from which lateral roots arise B. Pith Cells from which adventitious roots arise C. Cambium Cells that block intercellular water movement D. Fibers Cells that produce new vascular tissue E. Endodermis Compound that covers exterior of shoot but not root F. Phloem Vascular tissue that is oriented toward the center G. Root hairs Like cortex tissue, but in the center of some stems H. Pericycle I. Cutin J. Xylem Cell type A. Parenchyma

Part III. Circle the correct answers. 9. Four of the eight descriptions below are commonly associated with horticulture while the other four are associated with other types of plant science. Circle the four descriptions that are commonly associated with horticulture. (1/2 point per answer) _______________________________________________________________ Animal feed-producing plants Trees for building materials Fruit producing plants Flowering shrubs Crops with high dollar value per acre Intensive plant production

Extensive plant production Crops with low dollar value per acre ________________________________________________________________


Identify whether propagation of plants using the plant parts in the left column represents asexual or sexual reproduction by circling the appropriate word in the right column. (1/2 point per answer) Propagation using this part: Detached leaves Stems cuttings Root cuttings Tuber sections Rhizome sections Represents what type of reproduction (Circle one)_______ Sexual | Asexual Sexual | Asexual Sexual | Asexual Sexual | Asexual Sexual | Asexual

Seeds Sexual | Asexual _______________________________________________________________


Complete each of the three short sentences about the characteristics of stolons by circling the correct set of words. (1 point per answer) _______________________________________________________________ A stolon grows It originates from above ground | below ground. stem tissue | root tissue.

Its function is asexual reproduction | sexual reproduction. _______________________________________________________________

12. Circle the best description for how the vascular bundles are arranged in a cross section of monocot and dicot stems and roots. (1 point per answer) Stem bundle arrangement (Circle one per plant type) Ring | Scattered Root bundle arrangement (Circle one per plant type)__ Ring | Solid center

Plant type Dicot

Monocot Ring | Scattered Ring | Solid center _______________________________________________________________

Part IV. True or False? 13. Correctly evaluate the following statements by circling True or False in the column to the left of the statement. (1/2 point per answer) Statement The primary root (also called tap root) traces its origin directly back to the radical (embryonic root) Primary roots produce secondary roots Primary roots produce adventitious roots Some geophytes have primary roots that store starch and sugar Secondary roots have nodes and internodes Secondary roots are also called root hairs Root hairs are outgrowths or root epidermis cells Fibrous roots contribute to soil erosion Fibrous roots are efficient at absorbing moisture and nutrients Fibrous roots trace their origin directly back to stem tissue

T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F

Part V. Fill in the blanks. 13. The rachis of a compound inflorescence is the bit of stalk that lies between what other two parts of the inflorescence? (1 point per answer) a) b)


Write the name of the plant parts shown in the images above on the line to the right of the corresponding letter below. I have supplied you with all of the correct plant part names in the answer pool under the lines. (1 point per answer) _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ B D F H K M O _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________


Answer pool (the pool has two extra parts that you wont use above): Adventitious root, Bract, Flower, Lateral root, Leaf blade, Leaf blade, Leaf blade, Leaf collar, Leaf sheath, Peduncle, Petiole, Rachis, Stem, Stem, Stem, Tap root, Tuberous root


For each of the six examples below, what type of experiment would you design for each? Choose from the three experiment types you learned in class: (Evaluation, Discovery and Demonstration). (1 point per answer) Example Students are exploring a well known relationship between the amount of calcium available to a tomato plant and the incidence of a tomato defect called blossom end rot. A plant breeder is comparing ten newly introduced sweet corn varieties against the most popular old sweet corn variety to determine whether any of the new varieties have ears that are ready to pick earlier in the season than the old variety. Emerald Ash Borer, an insect that attacks green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica L.) trees has recently been discovered in one St. Paul location. Identify the factors that are likely to be the most important in determining how quickly this new insect pest spreads to other ash trees in the Twin Cities over the next 10 years. Which rose varieties that are currently available in Minnesota can survive the harsh winters in Grand Rapids, MN? A group of greenhouse flower producers is being shown how various levels of temperature and lighting in the greenhouse can affect the size of the rose flowers. If rising atmospheric CO2 levels increase summer temperatures by an average of 3oC what will be the impact on food production in the midwest US?

Experiment type


In Kolbs learning cycle, and also in our everyday problem solving, (1 point each) a) What is the name of the step (preferably using Kolbs terminology) that follows reflective observation, but precedes experimentation?

b) What is the name (again preferably using Kolbs terminology) of the step where you observe the problem?


Identify two types of dermal cells found in the shoot, whether they are alive and their primary function (1/2 point per answer) Cell type Alive or Dead? Function

a) b)


In lecture you learned three general strategies used in good experimental designs. I identified these strategies as Replication, Randomization and Comparison. (1 point each) a) Which of the three generalizations emphasizes the use of control treatments?

b) Which of the three is used to reduce bias from unknown or uncontrolled external influences?

c) Which of the three is essential when comparing the variation between experimental units with the same treatments, and experimental units with different treatments?


Place the name of the plant cell part shown and described in the cartoon above on the line next to the corresponding letter below: (1 point each) B__________________________ D__________________________ F__________________________

A __________________________ C __________________________ E __________________________ G __________________________

20. Identify the three types of cells found in the stem cortex, whether they are alive or dead, and whether their cell walls are thickened for structural support or are thin. (1/2 point each) Cell type a) b) c) __________________________________________________________________ Alive or Dead? Thick or thin cell walls?


Are the following vascular cell types found in the xylem or phloem? Is the flow of materials in each cell type unidirectional or bidirectional? (1/2 point each) Cell type Tracheids Vessels Sieve Tube Elements _________________________________________________________________ Xylem or Phloem? Uni- or bi-directional flow?


Growth in the length of roots and shoots is the result of two processes. (1 point each) a) The process that occurs at the apical meristem is

b) The process that occurs in the zone of elongation is


One of the functions of a root is to support symbiotic interactions with other organisms. (1 point each) a) Identify one of the two organisms I identified in the lecture that engages in a symbiotic relationship with plant roots

b) How does the plant benefit from the symbiotic interaction with this particular organism?

VI. Illustrations 24. Draw a pinnately compound leaf. Correctly label these parts (6 points) petiole, blade rachis leaflet petiolule


Draw a stem with: - two nodes - three internodes - an apical bud (dont count apical bud as a node)

(10 points) one branch, one solitary flower inflorescence one simple leaf one axillary bud

On your illustration, clearly label the following: - one of the nodes - axillary bud - one of the internodes - branch - apical bud - the two parts of the leaf - the two parts of the inflorescence


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