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Article and artwork by Patricia Backora

WHY? Whats in it for him? Plenty! Old Scratch j st !O"#S ch rch tithin$% j st like he lo&es e&ery other money'makin$ racket in (eli$ionland) *hat same de&il who ha nts !as "e$as casinos +arts his hair in the middle on S ndays and wears a +instri+e s it and tie to look res+ectable eno $h to con yo o t of yo r last widows mite with bombastic +romises of earthly wealth in e,chan$e for -yo r sacrificial $ift). So lon$ as the +reacher wears Old S+ice% sha&es his m stache and cli+s his hair way abo&e the ears and shines his shoes% he /A0* be a crook% so e&erythin$ he +reaches m st be tr e) Wonder how m ch he +aid for his s it! Wily +reachers /O10* on yo r i$norance of the Word of 2od as they con&ince yo yo re way too d mb to ar$ e with them% since *H#Y(# the ones who went to cemetery3 4 mean seminary% to earn their di&inity de$ree so they can $i&e yo the third de$ree abo t how m ch 5they think6 yo earned at the salt mine% and whether yo re +ayin$ *H#7 the $rossest +ercenta$e of yo r +aycheck) 8or$et tithin$ on the net) 0ets are for fishermen% not fleecers of the flock sellin$ yo a smelly fish story! 2ods ideal wo ld be a ch rch similar to the one in the first cha+ters of Acts% where e&erybody was j st one bi$ ha++y family of brothers and sisters and there were no mile'hi$h + l+its with crabby +reachers screamin$ their a thority down at a b ildin$ f ll of benched team +layers sittin$ o t the $ame and +ayin$ rent on their +added +ews) !ets be$in at the &ery B#2400402 of the /h rch a$e% lon$ before the /atholic /h rch le$islated monetary tithin$ for /hristendom in the early 7iddle A$es% lon$ after the death of the a+ostles) Yo j st cant kee+ a bad old doctrine down% so tithin$ e&ent ally infected mainline Protestant and /harismatic ch rches) Since most traditional Protestant +astors claim to be sticklers for the Written Word of 2od% lets take a +eek at the &ery 84(S* ch rch co ncil and determine whether it a thori9es todays monetary tithin$ doctrine)

Peter% :ames and :ohn were seein$ a h $e infl , of 2entiles come into what had formerly been an almost e,cl si&ely :ewish /h rch) A++arently% 2od was so ea$er to sa&e these +eo+le and fill them with the Holy 2host that He didnt e&en wait for them to join : daism first) *r e% 2od took the initiati&e in im+artin$ His $ood $ifts to these 2entile con&erts) B t s rely% some ar$ ed% at some +oint they wo ld need to also come nder all the re; irements of :ewish !aw incl din$ the o chy o+ men m st $o thro $h) /ant yo ima$ine a whole herd of scared men stam+edin$ o t the front &estib le if the +reacher ta $ht circ mcision the same way they teach tithin$?

Preachers +oint o t that tithin$ +redated the !aw of 7oses 5two isolated cases are mentioned in 2enesis cha+ters <= and >?6 b t neither of these tithes in&ol&ed monetary wa$es) Abraham "O!10*A(4!Y $a&e 7elchisedek% not ten +er cent of his own +ro+erty or income% b t ten +er cent of O*H#( P#OP!#S +ro+erty after he resc ed them from kidna++ers) Preacher say 2od cant $i&e to yo nless yo 84(S* $i&e to Him) Wanna bet? Whos $onna $o + to 2od and tell Him His hands are tied nless the +reachers +alm is $reased with a little money? :acob made a /O0@4*4O0A! +romise to tithe to 2od !A*#( and only 48 2od wo ld 84(S* s ++ly his needs% kee+ him safe in his jo rneyin$s and brin$ him back in safety to his home in /anaan) :acobs tithin$ &ow 5if he e&er +aid it at all6 wo ld not be +ayable for at least twenty years% when he finally came home to /anaan from 7eso+otamia) Preachers who a++eal to Abraham and :acobs tithin$ e,am+les dont e,+ect yo to literally 8O!!OW those e,am+les in the same way) *hey dont e,+ect yo to brin$ them ten +er cent of SO7#O0# #!S#S reco&ered stolen booty or to bar$ain with 2od o&er what YO1!! $et o t of it before yo +ay .2od. 5the +reacher6 a solitary cent)

Why dont +reachers e&er mention that circ mcision also +redated the !aw of 7oses? 1nless yo r friendly +aycheck cho++er $ets his c t from referrin$ males to some doctor +erformin$ this +roced re% there j st aint m ch money to be $ained from an e&en'handed enforcement of this O*H#( ordinance which +redated 7oses) 4nstead of circ mcisin$ males% +reachers S1P#(S4A# money tithes and offerin$s) Peter% :ames and :ohn so $ht the !ord o&er the ; estion of whether or not 2entiles were re; ired to become :ewish +roselytes and kee+ the !aw of 7oses in order to remain /hristians% or to become /hristians in the first +lace% if 2od hadnt A!(#A@Y sa&ed their so ls) *heir concl sionB -!ets not d m+ the b rden of kee+in$ the C<D'ordinance !aw of 7oses onto those +oor 2entiles) 4f we% bein$ $ood :ews% werent able to kee+ it and fo nd it a hassle% then s rely these con&erted heathens wo ldnt be able to hack it either 5Acts <EB <F6) *he a+ostles% led by the Holy 2host% came to this concl sionB restrictions wo ld be +laced on the liberty of the 2entile con&ertsB Only fo r 5=6

<) @ont eat blood 5that wo ld incl de that cree+y -black + ddin$. 5+i$ blood sa sa$e6 ser&ed in British -fry' +. breakfasts) >) @ont eat animals killed by stran$ lation) D) @ont eat foods sacrificed to idols) =) @ont slee+ aro nd o tside of marria$e) *he a+ostles declared that if j st those fo r thin$s were obser&ed% the new con&erts wo ld do well 5Acts <EB>G6) 0O* O0# WO(@ abo t bindin$ tithin$ on 2entile con&erts who +robably 0#"#( had +aid tithes to their former $ods 5: +iter% "en s% 7ars% @iana% etc)6) Bein$ a Hein9'EH 2entile myself% 4d $ ess that the &ast majority of +eo+le are also 2entiles who wo ld be hard +ressed to find a sin$le dro+ of :ewish blood in their linea$e) 0ow if :ames% re+ tedly the most le$alistic of the early a+ostles% a$reed with his fellow a+ostles that no other re; irements were to be +laced on 2entile belie&ers% then who are modern +reachers to say those a+ostles for$ot to throw tithin$ into the mi,? What theyre really sayin$ is the Holy 2host also missed the +erfect o++ort nity to order 2entile con&erts to start tithin$) B t the Holy 2host a$reed with the

a+ostles that 0O 2(#A*#( B1(@#0 m st be +laced on the liberty of /hristian belie&ers than those fo r necessary thin$s 5Acts <EB>?6) Preachers% dont contradict the Holy 2host by a++ealin$ to -the !ord showed me. to j stify layin$ e,tra b rdens on 2ods children) *hat softsoa+ reli$io s sentiment wont c t it with 2od) Payin$ some 7A0 in the + l+it ten +ercent of yo r $ross 5before ta,es6 income 4S a m ch $reater 5$rosser6 b rden than a&oidin$ Hare Irishna c isine% h manely sla $hterin$ yo r salami% stayin$ o t of catho ses or hidin$ that y cky blood + ddin$ nder yo r BO* 5beans on toast6 j st so yo r British hosts wont think yo re too m ch of a wim+ to eat it!

Preachers are always hollerin$ abo t how e&eryone m st s bmit to *H#7 and +ay + or theyll $et n ked in hell for all eternity) B t its P(#A/H#(S who ref se to s bmit to the a+ostles $odly co ncil of Acts <E) 4 s s+ect if St) Peter co ld +o+ down from hea&en at offerin$ time% hed whack Old Preach on the no$$in with a +erch and reb ke him for stealin$ the wa$es of hard'workin$ saints who need to b y school shoes for their kids) *hink of it% folks) How many senior +astors of -me$ach rches. 5be$'a'ch rches6 sho+ for school clothes at the Sal&ash? When was the last time some me$ach rch minister had H4S wife cli++in$ co +ons or cleanin$ motel rooms? When donkeys fly! *r th is &ery costly) *ellin$ the tr th and sharin$ A!! the co nsel of 2od as Pa l did 5Acts >FB>H6 can cost +reachers not only money b t /O0*(O! o&er +eo+les li&es and the $ratification it brin$s to their s +ersi9ed e$os) 0o wonder 4 ne&er heard Acts /ha+ter <E +reached on by any +reacher! *heyre too b sy milkin$ three isolated &erses in 7alachi /ha+ter D to +reach on the SP4(4*1A! riches of the 0ew /o&enant! So while satan has half the ch rch stranded in the Old *estament +ayin$ the W(O02 kind of tithe 5money instead of farm +rod ce6 to the W(O02 s+ecies of +reacher 5Only sons of !e&i 5+riestly 4S(A#!4*#S6 ; alified to collect tithes% see Heb)HBE6% the other half of the ch rch is dimly aware that *he 0ew /o&enant j st 742H* be an im+ro&ement on the Old% b t theyre afraid of walkin$ o t of their st ffy reli$io s +rison cell into the liberty of the S+irit beca se the +reacher tells them hes their s+irit al daddy and knows whats best for them so theyd better not take their freedom in /hrist too serio sly) Satan la $hs beca se instead of bein$ able to hear the "oice of the 2ood She+herd for

themsel&es 5:ohn <FB>H6 /hristians wo ld rather listen to some +retty boy +reacher who s r+s the +lace of 2od the 8ather in their li&es) *hese /o nt @rac la leeches bleed /hristians dry in ways 2od ne&er a thori9ed!

Satan j st cant stand the fact sal&ation is a 8(## $ift nobody can earn thro $h self'effort 5#+h)>B?'G6) He hates the way 2od has redeemed s from the c rse of the !aw 52al)DB<DJ EB<?6) *ithin$ is the last ordinance co&ered in the Book of !e&itic s% the Book of 7osaic !aw 5!e&)>HBD<'D=6) *his +assa$e mentions only herd and flock bein$ tithed% ne&er money! And this ordinance was s+ecifically $i&en BY 7OS#S *O *H# /H4!@(#0 O8 4S(A#! 5&erse D=6) 7oses did not $i&e this body of !aw 5which cited n mero s +icky ordinances s+ellin$ o t e,actly how 2od wanted tithin$ to be done6 to the children of the /herokees% the 7on$olians% the #skimos or the African Hottentots) Besides the tithin$ of edible li&estock%

other +assa$es mentioned the tithin$ of fr its and $rain 5!e&)>HBDFJ @e t)<=B>D6) 0O* O0# &erse in either testament a thori9es + l+it +reachers to ta, ten +er cent of a +oor mans wa$es! 4nstead of takin$ tithes 8(O7 *H# POO(% tithes were collected 8O( *H# POO( so they co ld eat 5@e t)<=B>GJ >CB<>6) 0ot like todays re&erse'(obin Hood ri+off where the +oor are robbed to -bless. the rich! B*W% 2od +romises dee+er +o&erty% not a blessin$% for $i&in$ to rich be$a'+reachers 5see Pro&)>>B<C6) Bet yall 0#"#( hear money'h n$ry *" +reachers mention that &erse) Satan j st howls with la $hter to watch all the chicanery and robbery $oin$ on in his den of thie&es mas; eradin$ as the tr e ho se of 2od!

Besides robbin$ 2ods +eo+le of their blood'bo $ht freedom from the !aw% what O*H#( &ictories does satan win thro $h tithin$ on monetary wa$es% which is 0OWH#(# ta $ht in all of scri+t re? 54 $o into e,ha sti&e detail to dis+ro&e this disr +ti&e doctrine in my bookB Fasting & Tithing: Blessing-Bringers or Burdens? which yo can freely read on htt+BKKwww)scribd)comKdocK=C<HHF?K8astin$' *ithin$'Blessin$'Brin$ers'or'B rdens *ithin$ is j stified as bein$ the O0!Y way to finance Bi$ (eli$ion) By con&incin$ /hristians that 2od demands that they -sacrifice. $rocery money to feed this o&erbearin$ harlot reli$io s system % Satan robs 2ods +eo+le of their identity of B#402 the Ho se of 2od) 4nstead% that honor is bestowed on some m lti' million'dollar cathedral f nded by *4*H#S A0@ O88#(402S 5freewill offerin$s are fine when necessary to meet (#A! needs like feedin$ the +oor and for missions% etc6) Satan wo ld far rather $et /hristians obsessed with remodelin$ the -sanct ary. 5an Old *estament term6 to the +oint where they ne$lect the care of +oor /hristians 52ods *(1# ho se6) Admittedly% /hristians m st meet SO7#WH#(#% and it mi$ht not be workable for the saints to assemble in +ri&ate homes as they did in the 8irst /ent ry) B t the local shee+ shed m st ne&er be a white ele+hant on the backs of 2ods +eo+le who are called to liberty) All this r ck s abo t /hristians needin$ to brin$ all the tithes into the Ho se of 2od! *he (#A! tr th is the BO@4#S of 2ods +eo+le A(# the real Ho se of 2od 5see 4 /or)CB<G6) So how on earth can yo brin$ all the tithe money into 2ods tr e ho se a la 7alachi DB<F% nless yo re some +a+er'eatin$ $eek? Y1/I!

@ont e&en dream of tastin$ a ten'dollar bill) Who knows how many $ermy hands handled it before it reached yo r +reachers offerin$ +late? *odays tithin$ doctrine is an indi$estible in&ention of carnal $reedy reli$io s wol&es) *ithin$ creates resentment and jealo sy in the Body of /hrist) *ithin$ t rns smiley +reachers into reli$io s ta, collectors who $et so hacked off at yo for welshin$ on yo r obli$ation to -$od. that they threaten 5+romise?6 to take away yo r membershi+ in *H#4( ch rch) B t they&e $ot no ri$ht to e,comm nicate yo from 2O@S ch rch! 2O@ + t s into His tr e ch rch 5the ni&ersal body of all tr e belie&ers in Him6 as it says in 4 /or)<>B>?) When +reachers kick +eo+le o t for committin$ the non'sin of non'tithin$% theyre +layin$ 2od% beca se H# + ts +eo+le in His ch rch and its +rero$ati&e to throw them o t of His Ho sehold of 8aith if He so chooses% not mans) How wo ld yo like it if j st any *om% @ick or Harry bar$ed into YO1( home and threw o t any f rnit re they didnt like% or some belo&ed +et they didnt think belon$ed there? Yo d $et mi$hty steamed abo t it% 4 bet) @ont yo think the $ood !ord has feelin$s too% and +reachers o $hta treat His +ro+erty with res+ect? 4f yo re $oin$ to $i&e in to +reachers demands to tithe cash wa$es% this 10S/(4P*1(A! +ractice sho ld 0O* be &iewed as a de&otion to 2od) Since 2od doesnt like +eo+le tam+erin$ with His written Word or addin$ their own commandments to it% its &ery likely 2od &iews ch rch tithin$ as a @O/*(40# O8 @#"4!S and isnt inclined to endorse it by showerin$ the tither with h ndred' dollar bills from the sky) 4nstead% tithe'+ayin$% if done at all% sho ld be done for the same sec lar reason yo d +ay yo r membershi+ d es at the 2arden /l b) *he rich +reachers who act ally OW0 the ch rch +ro+erty are the ones in a thority there% same as homeowners ha&e a thority o&er their own land) *ithe' collectors make it +lain that the P(4/# for bein$ +art of *H#4( fellowshi+ is ten +er cent of yo r monetary income 8O( !48#) 0o e,ce+tions are made for the elderly% for illness% hardshi+ or nem+loyment) *his amo nts to a lifetime of @#B* to +reachers% contrary to Pa ls commandment to OW# 0O 7A0 A0Y*H402 B1* !O"# 5(om)<DB?6) And dont $o cryin$ that its really a debt to 2od) 2od doesnt ta, His own children 57att)<HB>C6) And when was the last time yo saw an an$el fly down from hea&en% take the ch rch collection from the +reacher and fly it + to hea&en so 2od co ld b y a new s+orts car with it? Preachers ne&er mention the fiftieth year of : bilee when all debts are for$i&en 5e&en if tithin$ W#(# a debt% which it isnt6) !e&)>EB<F'<< says that in that year no sowin$ and rea+in$ are to be done% so ob&io sly the farmer wo ld ha&e no cro+s to tithe 8(O7 that year) Preachers swear that yo r b r$er'fli++in$ job is analo$o s to the har&est field the 4sraelites took their tithe from) B t try askin$ Preach to $i&e yo a whole year off from tithin$ e&ery half cent ry so yo can li&e off the land and $et some rest) 0ot only that% e&ery se&enth year was a Sabbath year when the land 5and the farmer6 were to rest and co ldnt tithe off none,istent cro+s 5!e&)>EB>F6) Why dont +reachers enco ra$e wa$e sla&es in their con$re$ation to take e&ery se&enth year off and sto+ tithin$? When snowballs fly in a f rnace! All +reachers do abo t the Year of : bilee is s+irit ali9e it and say it means s+irit al rest O0!Y beca se thats the only kind of rest a /hristian needs) *heres a lot of hy+erbole abo t how yo sho ld tithe to acknowled$e that 2od owns e&erythin$) 7ore reli$io s rhetoric to camo fla$e the real tr th! Pa l did 0O* teach tithin$ of any kind in the 0ew *estament% so the 0ame of 2od is bein$ mis sed to $i&e credence to a lie of the de&il) Yo +resent yo r BO@4#S a li&in$ sacrifice to 2od for His ser&ice 5(om)<>B<6% and yo sho ld reali9e that since He +aid a terrible +rice to redeem yo % He A!(#A@Y owns yo and e&erythin$ yo

ha&e) B t no% -honorin$ $od. isnt the (#A! reason +reachers are tryin$ to $et at yo r money) 7onetary tithin$ /A00O* honor the (#A! 2od beca se its not scri+t ral% anymore than roastin$ a +i$ on the ch rch altar wo ld make Him ha++y) (eally and tr ly% tithin$ is an acknowled$ment that the P(#A/H#( 5or his or$ani9ation6 owns the ch rch +ro+erty and yo ha&e no ri$ht to +ark yo rself in his +ew nless yo +ay what he says) *ithin$ is im+licit s bmission to another h man bein$ who owns the s+ace yo occ +y a co +le ho rs a week) Yo wo ldnt li&e in a fancy a+artment witho t +ayin$ the rent on it that yo and the landlord ha&e a$reed on) So +ay the +reacher whate&er he demands for the +ri&ile$e of sittin$ nder 5$ettin$ cr shed by6 his ministry in that fancy b ildin$% j st beca se he 5or his or$ani9ation6 OW0S the +lace) *hey act like they own the so ls in it too! 4nstead of r nnin$ the risk of bein$ -named and shamed. for not tithin$% far better to $o some+lace chea+er to worshi+! 4f yo cant dine at the (it9% $o eat at 7c@onalds! *hro $h the 2reat *ithin$ !ie% satan has created a class system of cli; es in what ori$inally was a ch rch knit to$ether in the lo&e of /hrist% sharin$ and carin$ one for another AS #L1A!S 5Acts =BD='DHJ > /or)?B<D'<=6) *hose ancient /hristians act ally shared their +ossessions with one another) 4 can j st hear some +io s +reacher yellin$ that today that means only SP4(4*1A! +ossessions% and hands off H4S 8errari co +e! 4n the infant ch rch of the first cent ry% 0OBO@Y lacked for lifes basic necessities 5Acts =BD=6) *hats how m ch /hristians shared with one another) When yo consider j st how dirt +oor some of the first cent ry /hristians m st ha&e been% thats a $larin$ reb ke to todays money'obsessed% materialistic% self'obsessed ch rchianity) When yo re abo t to be thrown o t onto the street for lack of rent money% yo j st try to $et one of those tithe'collectin$ tycoons to share with yo the way the first cent ry /hristians did with those in need) Yeah% ri$ht% hell -P(AY. for yo % that is% if yo can $et +ast his ento ra$e of shers) B t yo j st try sayin$% -Brother so'and'so% co ld yo +lease make me an emer$ency loan to meet my need?. S +er+reach will j st tell yo to $o $et a job% or if yo ha&e one% yo m st ha&e committed some sin to land in the fi, yo re in) And hell remind yo that yo re to look nto 2od% not men 5+reachers will e&en a++eal to Scri+t re to +rotect their money6) B t they&e $ot no com+ nctions abo t askin$ YO1 for YO1( money week in and week o t! *he de&il j st lo&es this di&ision of ha&es and ha&e'nots in the instit tional ch rch% the way *ithe /ollectors li&e hi$h on the ho$ while -+ew /hristians. str $$le to kee+ a roof o&er their heads) All this e&il s+rin$s from a few mis' ed cated men lordin$ it o&er the many% contrary to 4 Peter EBD) *ho $h there A(# many differin$ ministries in 2ods /h rch 54 /or)<>BE6 :es s 8O(BA@# hierarchy 5bottom'to'to+ +eckin$ order6 in His Body) He said in 7atthew >DB?B B t be not ye called (abbiB for one is yo r 7aster% e&en /hristJ and A!! Y# A(# B(#*H(#0) Wonder why modern +reachers dont +reach m ch on *H4S +assa$e? 4t co ld be &ery costly to let $o of their control! #arly /hristians $ained a re+ tation amon$ non'belie&ers for lo&in$ one another and bein$ charitable toward the +oor in their midst) B t these days the +ri&ile$ed few -in ministry. fatten themsel&es at the e,+ense of the str $$lin$ wa$e sla&es o t in the +ews) 4nstead of bein$ tenderly cared for by so'called she+herds% +oor -+ew /hristians. $et threatened that 2ods $onna sick satan on them for fail re to +ay the +reacher his c t before b yin$ $roceries and +ayin$ the rent)

Satan lo&es to see kids $o h n$ry while +oor /hristian +arents +ay tithes -by faith.% sacrificin$ the thin sli&er of income left after rent% trans+ortation and tilities are taken care of) 4 belie&e :es s had somethin$ to say abo t -corban. donations $i&en -to 2od.% which o $ht to ha&e been sed to +ro&ide for yo r own family 57ark HB<<'<D6) 2od is 0O* +leased with s ch reli$io s sacrifices) *ithin$ forces +oor workin$ +arents to be -worse than an infidel. by makin$ it harder for them to +ro&ide for their own families 5see 4 *im)EB?6) *ithin$ ca ses financial hardshi+ and loss of time to$ether for +oor families who m st take e,tra jobs to be able to tithe and still s r&i&e) *his has a ri++le effect) *here are only >= ho rs in a day) !ess time is a&ailable for child trainin$ and family de&otions 5Pro&)>>BC6) !ess +arental s +er&ision makes the child5ren6 more & lnerable to bad infl ences from the world% as the childrens +eer $ro + r shes in to fill the &ac m left by +arents who work most of their wakin$ ho rs) 4nstead of + rs in$ after 2od and His will% +oor +eo+le m st chase after the dollar to be able to +ay bills and still tithe) *hey are forced to for$et /hrists instr ction to -take no tho $ht. for the needs of tomorrow 57att)CBD=6)

Preachers tell +oor ch rch$oers that if they sim+ly -li&e by faith. theyll ha&e the co ra$e to tithe on their disability check and 2od will make e&erythin$ come o t in the wash) 4 know 2ods $ot a few $ood men leadin$ His flock who @O know what its like to li&e on a shoestrin$ b d$et% and they do their job o t of lo&e for :es s) B t when was the last time yo r ty+ical me$ach rch 5be$'a'ch rch6 +astor had to $o be$$in$ at some food bank beca se he co ld barely s r&i&e on minim m wa$e? When was the last time s ch a +reacher lost a tooth beca se he co ldnt afford the dentist? When was the last time those fatcats had their water or electric c t off beca se they $ot too sick to work and $ot behind the ?'ball? *hose kin$+ins are in no +osition to tell (#A! +eo+le how to -li&e by faith.% anymore than an oran$ tan co ld teach ni&ersity +hysics) Satan es+ecially lo&es this oneB *he &ery act of tithin$ denies the +riesthood of the tither) 4 Peter > &erses E and G declares that W# are a (oyal Priesthood chosen by 2od to offer + SP4(4*1A! sacrifices 5no mention of monetary sacrifice6) We 5e&eryday belie&ers6 are a chosen $eneration and a royal +riesthood% b t money'h n$ry +reachers limit this honor only to themsel&es and say that we owe *H#7% the so'called -s+irit al !e&ites. trib te money) B t +reachers co ld aim hi$her) 4f theyd e,amine their Bibles more closely% theyd disco&er that the !e&ites were the S#("A0*S of the act al +riesthood) !e&ites did all the menial chores for the altar +riests% who were descended from Aaron% +atriarch of the +riestly branch of the *ribe of !e&i) *he lower rankin$ members of the *ribe of !e&i 5the !e&ites6 were nder 2ods j d$ment and were not +ermitted to a++roach 2ods holy thin$s 5see #9ek)==J<F' <D6) 4nstead% they +erformed O ter /o rt ministries to the +eo+le) *he !e&ites +aid tithes to the +riests 50 m)<?B>E'DFJ 0eh)<FBD?6) 4n fact% they se+arated o t all the choicest bits o t of the tithes the +eo+le bro $ht to them and $a&e these tidbits to the sons of Aaron the Hi$h Priest) *he !e&ites ate the tithed food that was left o&er after $i&in$ the B#S* to their s +eriors) *he +riests themsel&es did 0O* +ay tithes% e&en nder the Old !aw) 4f were +art of /hrists (oyal Priesthood% why sho ld we tithe nder the 0ew /o&enant% which is a m ch better co&enant 5Heb)?BC6? 4nstead% the self'+roclaimed s+irit al !e&ites sho ld be +ayin$ tithes to 1S% /hrists (oyal Priesthood of all belie&ers) *hats the (#A! tr th +reachers co&er +! What &ictories satan can win if we arent e&en aware of o r tr e +osition in /hrist and think weMre only trib te'+ayin$ nderlin$s!

*ithin$ radically alters a belie&ers relationshi+ with 2od) Sons become ser&ants who fearf lly +ay reli$io s trib te% contrary to 2al)=BH and :es s own words in 7att)<HB>E'>C where He declares that the children are free 5from reli$io s ta,ation6) *ithin$ se&ers s from the $race of 2od by s bstit tin$ a +erformance' based relationshi+ with 2od) *ithin$ contrib tes to the destr ction of faith% m ch to satans deli$ht) When blessin$s for tithin$ fail to materiali9e% it can shatter a belie&ers faith in 2ods faithf lness) @es+ite the fact 7alachi DBC +ro&es that the blessin$s +romised for faithf l tithin$ in 7alachi DB?'<F 5alon$ with the c rses for fail re to do so6 were addressed to Old *estament -sons of :acob. 5:#WS6% not to 0ew *estament belie&ers) 4ts the i$norant 5or deliberately dece+ti&e6 P(#A/H#(% not 2od% who +romises /hristians blessin$s for tithin$ on money% which 2od ne&er commanded in either testament) 8ail re to +ros+er after tithin$ makes it easier for satan to tem+t the belie&er to do bt all 2ods (#A! +romises! *hink back to yo r own childhood) @id yo e&er feel alienated toward either of yo r +arents if yo tho $ht theyd failed to kee+ their +romises or let yo down? 4ts tra$ic when a /hristian feels that way toward hisKher own Hea&enly 8ather% and all beca se satan d +ed them with false doctrine s+ n from misa++lied +ortions of the Word of 2od! Scri+t re is to be ri$htly di&ided 5c t a+art6 in order to se it +ro+erly 5> *im)>B<E6) One classic e,am+le of the misa++lication of Scri+t re is the nbalanced belie&er who thinks he m st literally a++ly to his own life the first two &erses he o+ens at random) 8irst he fli+s his Bible o+en to 7att)>HBE where : das han$ed himself) *hen he t rns to ! ke <FBDH where :es s saysB 2o and do tho likewise) Yo dont take stron$ medicine s+ecifically +rescribed for someone else or it co ld +ro&e fatal) *he same can be said for ha+ha9ard mi,in$ and a++lication of Scri+t re) *he !aw incl din$ tithin$6 was +rescribed for Old *estament saints% not for s) O r co&enant is one of $race% not works) *ithin$ hel+s corr +t ministers led astray by the l re of earthly riches) 7any A(# i$norant of the real tr th% b t still others are learned theolo$ians who I0OW B#**#() *heir shee+'fleecin$ amo nts to s+irit al fra d beca se +reachers are @#!4B#(A*#!Y 0O* sharin$ A!! the co nsel of 2od and are A@@402 *H#4( OW0 *#(7S A0@ /O0@4*4O0S to what 2od stated in the Biblical *ithin$ !aw) 2od has a warnin$ for those who tam+er with His !aws% as they are +lainly sti+ lated in Scri+t re) @e t) <>BD>B What thin$ soe&er 4 command yo % obser&e to do itB *HO1 SHA!* 0O* A@@ *H#(#*O% 0O( @47404SH 8(O7 4*) Preachers are committin$ this sin by addin$ *ithin$ on Wa$es% 0OWH#(# ta $ht e&en nder the Old !aw! Preachers latch onto the ten +er cent fi$ re beca se it seems like a $ood idea% re$ardless of what 2od thinks) B t they ne$lect the 4sraelites third'year tithe taken to feed the +oor 5@e t)<=B>?'>G6) When was the last time any +reacher e&er told yo to $o b y a si,'+ack of B d with some of yo r tithe money? Why all the f ss o&er one or two isolated and misa++lied &erses in 7alachi D? Why dont +reachers e&er mention *H4S tithin$ +assa$e? 4ts in the Bible! 4 didnt + t it there% so dont blame 7#! @e t) <=B>> *ho shalt tr ly tithe all the increase of thy seed% that the field brin$eth forth year by year) "erse >DB And tho shalt eat before the !O(@ thy 2od% in the +lace which he shall choose to +lace his name there% the tithe of thy corn% of thy wine% and of thine oil% and the firstlin$s of thy herds and of thy flocksJ that tho mayest learn to fear the !O(@ thy 2od always)

"erse >=B And if the way be too lon$ for thee% so that tho art not able to carry itJ or if the +lace be too far from thee% which the !O(@ thy 2od shall choose to set his name there% when the !O(@ thy 2od hath blessed theeB "erse >EB *hen shalt tho t rn it into money% and bind + the money in thine hand% and shalt $o nto the +lace which the !O(@ thy 2od shall chooseB "erse >CB AND THOU SHALT BESTOW THAT MONEY FOR WHATSOEVER THY SOUL LUSTETH AFTER, FOR OXEN, OR FOR SHEEP, OR FOR WINE, OR FOR STRONG DRINK, OR FOR WHATSOEVER THY SOUL DESIRETHB and tho shalt eat there before the !O(@ thy 2od% and tho shalt rejoice% tho % and thine ho sehold 0otice% tithed +rod ce was sometimes t rned into money 5the O0!Y conte,t in which money is associated with tithin$ in Scri+t re6% b t money itself was not t rned in as the tithe! 4nstead% the tithin$ farmer or rancher only bo $ht more food with it when he $ot to :er salem% some of which he cons med himself! *ithe'collectin$ +reachers not only A@@ *O what 2od commanded in His Word% they @47404SH 5take away6 from 2ods Word by forbiddin$ s to $o o t and b y Bacardi Bree9ers with -tithe money.) Old sl efoot is thrilled when money'h n$ry +reachers tam+er with the terms and conditions of 2ods !aw% beca se in (e&elation >>B<G 2od +romised to disinherit those who added to or s btracted from His written Word) When +reachers say yo cant eat 5or drink6 the tithe% theyre contradictin$ 2ods clear instr ctions! And as for this b siness of s+irit ali9in$ away that +assa$e% yo d ha&e to be consistent and do the same with the tithe itself) How do yo make tithed farm +rod ce s+irit al by t rnin$ it into filthy l cre? 4nterestin$ly yo ll note in &erse >D that wine is one of the items 2od ordered tithes to be +aid on! How wo ld Preacher react if yo decided to !4*#(A!!Y kee+ 2ods instr ctions on what to tithe on? 4f yo had two si,'+acks of wine coolers at home yo d brin$ at least one of them in and stick it in the : das offerin$ ba$ makin$ its ro nds in ch rch) /an yo ima$ine the +andemoni m that wo ld break o t? YO1% my friend% wo ld s rely be the +reachers ne,t sermon to+ic! Serio sly now% satan is fore&er tryin$ to c t :es s down in the eyes of His +eo+le) *ithin$ +laces some man 5or woman6 as an e,tra intermediary between the belie&er and 2od% as a mediatin$ +riest who takes 2ods ta,es% contrary to 4 *im)>BE which states that there is only O0# 7ediator between 2od and man% /hrist :es s) 4n order for yo to +ay tithes% it follows that some other h man bein$ m st collect them% s ++osedly on 2ods behalf) 0OWH#(# does 2od e&er a thori9e j st any 2entile *om% @ick or Harry to take + tithes in His 0ame) *ithin$ radically alters o r relationshi+ with 2od% from bein$ His child recei&in$ His fa&ors solely thro $h His $race in /hrist% to some hard'nosed -+ros+erity +artnershi+. whereby 2od only dis+enses answers to +rayer in e,chan$e for cold% hard cash) *ithin$ teachers are st ck in the Old *estament) *hey em+hasi9e that e&ery time we -come into 2ods +resence we m st brin$ an offerin$. 5money6% as in Old *estament times 5see 4 /hron)<CB>G where makin$ offerin$s to 2od is +laced B#8O(# comin$ before Him and worshi++in$ Him6) Preachers who misa++ly this scri+t re are sayin$ there is no real difference between the stat s of Old /o&enant belie&ers who were forbidden access to the Holy Place on +ain of death 50 mbers DB<FJ <?BH6 and 0ew /o&enant belie&ers who are born'a$ain children of 2od +artici+atin$ in /hrists (oyal Priesthood 54 Pet)>BE%G6 and who are A!(#A@Y seated with /hrist in hea&enly +laces 5#+h)>BC6) *ithe enforcers are act ally ta,in$ :#S1S! Why? 4 /orinthians CB<H says we are act ally one s+irit with /hrist! Were A!(#A@Y in the Presence of 2od beca se /hrist li&es 40 s 5/ol)<B>H6)

Beca se were one s+irit with /hrist% what +reachers do to -+ew /hristians. they a tomatically do to :es s! S+irit al tyrants wo ld yank s down from sittin$ in hea&enly +laces with /hrist) *hey wo ld rele$ate s to bein$ trib te'+ayin$ +eons who work and sla&e to b ild *H#4( reli$io s em+ires) *ithe'teachers deny that 2od asks SP4(4*1A! sacrifices only of s 5see 4 Pet)>BE6% and wo ld demote s from bein$ (oyal +riests before the !ord) *ithe takers are ticket sellers char$in$ admission to the Saddest Show on #arth% a +owerless ninety'min te -ch rch ser&ice. which only ser&es money to +reachers who ro st tired /hristians o t of bed on S nday so they can catch + on their slee+ in the +ews) Well% the way 4 see it% lifes way too short to $i&e credibility to the cold% dead instit tional ch rch by +ayin$ trib te to it% or by warmin$ the seats in s ch ch rches) Preachers who teach tithin$ as an essential +art of -kee+in$ co&enant with 2od. deny o r /o&enant of 2race which is not based on o r own works 5#+h)>BG6) By ta,in$ 2ods +eo+le and holdin$ threats of 2ods j d$ment o&er them for non' tithin$% they deny that /hrists +recio s blood is s fficient to +ay the +rice for o r a++earin$ before the *hrone of 2race 5Heb)<FB<G6) 7y% how satan lo&es this sad show of s bser&ience to reli$io s o&erlords! Back in the Old *estament% +eo+le bro $ht animals to be sla $htered at the *em+le for sacrifices) 0e,t time Old Preach na$s yo abo t offerin$ sacrifices + to 2od% b y a s+otless shee+ from some farmer 5Porky Pi$ wont do6 and tell Preach thats the kind of offerin$ 2od re; ired from ri$hteo s Abel in 2enesis /ha+ter = 5no% Abel didnt ha&e any dollars hidden nder his hay mattress to tithe from% either6) 4f yo read that cha+ter yo ll notice thisB sinf l /ain wanted to im+ro&e on 2ods ideas on what to offer +% so he s bstit ted some +retty "#2#*AB!#S) Well% 2od let that +rehistoric heretic know in a h rry that Hed m ch rather ha&e a blood sacrifice% not a bi$ hea+ of salad $reens with 8rench dressin$) 7odern +reachers are after the lett ce in yo r +ocket% es+ecially the +ieces with Ben 8ranklins face on it) Preachers do their worst to con&ince modern'day 2entile belie&ers that we ha&e to li&e by *H#4( modern m tations of 4sraels ancient laws) 0ow Abel and /ain were both 2#0*4!#S 5non':ews6 beca se :ews hadnt e&en come on the scene yet! 4f +reachers were consistent abo t contin in$ the Old *estament way of doin$ thin$s% theyd ask +eo+le to brin$ in animals to $rill on the offerin$ table) Satan wo ld la $h his head off to see s ch chaos in 2ods /h rch% wo ldnt he? B t this ty+e of thin$ @O#S $o on in ch rches across the land) Old *estament flesh reli$ion is constantly min$led with 0ew *estament ch rchianity) : st like /ain s bstit ted &e$$ies for meat% +reachers demand 7O0#Y as a sacrifice to offer + to 2od in the nscri+t ral rit al of the -offertory ser&ice. 5ta $ht 0OWH#(# by the 0ew *estament a+ostles who only asked for emer$ency f nds only to feed the POO(% not some on$oin$ weekly reli$io s $i&in$ rit al to fleece the flock) By the way% where do yo e&er read of :es s +assin$ the collection ba$s aro nd at H4S ser&ices? :es s 0#"#( asked for money e,ce+t to feed the +oor! 7oney% soiled by the hands of sinf l man% is +aid to Almi$hty 2od as a -sacrifice. to stay on His $ood side and kee+ the +reacher +rayin$ 5+reyin$6) *hat is an abomination in His si$ht) Only O0# Sacrifice is needed% and has A!(#A@Y been madeB the offerin$ + of 2ods only'be$otten Son% the !ord :es s /hrist 5Heb)<FB<>6) Satan lo&es it when ch rch leaders com+romise the 40*#2(4*Y of the written Word of 2od to achie&e ; estionable ends) *he *(1*H that the a+ostles 0#"#( ta $ht 0ew /o&enant tithin$ is drowned o t by this oft're+eated e,c se for teachin$ it anywayB *ithin$ is 5alle$edly6 0#/#SSA(Y to co&er the enormo s cost of r nnin$ the ch rch 5How did Peter e&er mana$e to r n the ch rch witho t collectin$ tithes?6) /h rch o&erhead doesnt j stify tithin$ 5robbin$ the saints

thro $h dece+tion6 any more than ha&in$ a hi$h bank to $et the means to +ay it!

tility bill j stifies robbin$ a

Preachers threaten that 2od will brin$ the / rse of 7alachi D down on yo for non'tithin$) B t *H#Y(# the ones who defy the a+ostles ch rch co ncil of Acts <E and +ick and choose what they want to kee+ o t of the Old !aw% like a resta rant men ) A tithe +reachers best'ke+t secret is hell ne&er tell yo that the c rse really works the other wayB *ithin$ brin$s yo back nder the c rse of the !aw and endan$ers yo r &ery sal&ation! 4f yo re a /hristian belie&er% yo $ot sa&ed by the $race of 2od thro $h faith in /hrist alone) B t once yo cease to de+end on /hrist alone to be A!! yo r ri$hteo sness and + t yo rself back nder the !aw% yo re back at s; are one) Yo cant kee+ 2ods !aw $ood eno $h to +ass His +erfect white $lo&e ins+ection test% and Hell fl nk yo when yo $et yo r +a+er $raded)

2al) EB=B /hrist is become of no effect by the lawJ ye are fallen from $race)

nto yo % whosoe&er of yo

are j stified

*he death of /hrist shered in a new% and far better% co&enant% makin$ the Old /o&enant obsolete 5/ol)>B>F'>>J Heb)?B<D6) /hristians are not nder the !aw 52al)EB<?6) *he !aw of 7oses is a +acka$e deal) Yo cant slice it + like a ham) 4f yo -co&enant with 2od. to kee+ tithin$% or any +art of the !aw of 7oses% yo make yo rself a debtor to do the whole !aw 52alatians EBD6) 4nstead of brin$in$ a blessin$% tithin$ co ld make yo fall from the $race of 2od% which endan$ers yo r &ery sal&ation) 8allin$ from $race means yo cease to rely solely on /hrists Sacrifice of Himself to remain j stified before a Holy 2od) Yo be$in yo r s+irit al jo rney by faith and yo ha&e to contin e it by faith 52al)DBD6) Any reli$io s act% re$ardless of how -holy. it seems% +erformed to earn or kee+ sal&ation% co ld be a one'way ticket to hell! *ithin$ is the st mblin$ stone to the modern ch rch that circ mcision was to the early ch rch) (eliance on works of the !aw is deadly to sa&in$ faith in /hrist! 2al)DB<FB 8or as many as are of the works of the law are 10@#( *H# /1(S#B for it is written% / rsed is e&ery one that contin eth not in ALL thin$s which are written in the book of the law to do them 5*his incl des s ch ordinances as circ mcision% animal sacrifices% kee+in$ the Sabbath% the @ay of Atonement fast% lettin$ yo r beard $row% co&erin$ e&ery container in yo r ho se 50 mbers <GB<E6! "erse <<B B t that no man is j stified by the law in the si$ht of 2od% it is e&identB for% *he j st shall li&e by faith) "erse <>B A0@ *H# !AW 4S 0O* O8 8A4*HB b t% *he man that doeth them shall li&e in them)

"erse <DB /hrist hath redeemed s from the c rse of the law% bein$ made a c rse for sB for it is written% / rsed is e&ery one that han$eth on a treeB Based on the abo&e Scri+t re% dont e&er fall for the +reachers lie that yo show yo r faith by tithin$! *he !aw is 0O* of faith) 2od is a Perfectionist% and yo r own works will 0O* c t the m stard 5see 4sa)C=BC to see what 2od thinks of o r best efforts to beha&e6) 4f yo want to know what kind of c rses can fall on +eo+le who fail to kee+ 2ods Old !aw +erfectly% j st read @e teronomy /ha+ter >?! Berea&ement% sickness% dee+ +o&erty% mental distress% defeat in e&ery area of life) *hin$s didnt im+ro&e for s after 4 $a&e all my +ennies to the +reacher) We had one r n of bad l ck after another and 4 wondered why 2od i$nored my +rayers for +ros+erity) 0ow that 4&e d m+ed a lot of reli$io s ba$$a$e o t of my /hristian life% :es s is more +recio s to me and life is a lot sweeter) 4t $laddens satans e&il heart to see the +rofo nd s+irit al dama$e done to /hristians thro $h tithin$) htt+BKKkin$doma$e)tri+od)com htt+BKKban+reacher$reed)tri+od)com htt+BKKboo$erb cks)tri+od)com

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