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Allegory- a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms

2. Antagonist- the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work
3. Antithesis- opposition; contrast
4. Apostrophe- a digression in the form of an address to someone not present, or to a personified object or idea
5. Assonance- resemblance of sounds
6. Atmosphere- dominant mood or emotional tone of a work of art, as of a play or novel
7. Carpe diem- seize the day
8. Characterization- Representation of a character or characters on the stage or in writing, especially by imitating or
describing actions, gestures, or speeches
9. Flat character- barely has detail and usually just follows one characteristic
10. Chorus- A group of persons who speak or sing in unison a given part or composition in drama or poetry
11. Round character- detailed that they seem as if they were real
12. Climax- A moment of great or culminating intensity in a narrative or drama, especially the conclusion of a crisis
13. Close reading- describes the careful, sustained interpretation of a brief passage of text
14. Compare- To examine the similarities
15. Contrast- To show differences
16. Concrete language- objects or events that are available to the senses
17. Consonance- Close correspondence of sounds
18. Reader response- a reader’s positive or negative reaction to a piece of literature
19. Critique- review of somebody's work
20. Denouement- a final part of a story or drama in which everything is made clear and no questions or surprises
21. Dialogue- the words spoken by characters in a piece of literature
22. Diction- the clarity with which somebody pronounces words
23. Monologue- a long passage in a play or motion picture spoken by one actor
24. Drama- a serious play
25. Dramatic irony- situation where character is unaware of something audience knows
26. Existentialism- philosophical movement centered on individual existence
27. Exposition- revelation of story's background
28. Metaphor- one thing used or considered to represent another
29. Falling action- events following climax of story
30. Imagery- the figurative language used in literary work
31. Figurative language- A technique in writing in which the author uses one or more figures of speech
32. Metonymy- a figure of speech in which an attribute of something is used to stand for the thing itself
33. Parallelism- deliberate repetition of words or sentence structures for effect
34. Personification- representation of abstract quality as human
35. Simile- a figure of speech that draws a comparison using like or as
36. Synecdoche- a figure of speech in which the word for part of something is used to mean the whole
37. First person point of view- the form of a verb or pronoun used to refer to the speaker
38. Third person point of view- the form of a verb or a pronoun used to refer to somebody or something being
spoken about
39. Flashback- a scene or event from the past that appears in a narrative out of chronological order
40. Foreshadowing- to indicate or suggest something that is going to happen
41. Genre- category of artistic works
42. Hyperbole- deliberate and obvious exaggeration used for effect
43. Limited point of view- no insight into character’s thoughts in story
44. Meaning- what something signifies
45. Mood- general feeling of group
46. Narrative- story
47. Omniscient third person- the reader and writer observe the situation from the outside through the senses and
thoughts of a single character
48. Onomatopoeia- imitation of sound in words
49. Oxymoron- expression with contradictory words
50. Parable- moral or religious story
51. Paradox- a statement or proposition that contradicts itself
52. Plot- story line
53. Protagonist- the most important character in a novel
54. Pun- play on words
55. Realism- a practical understanding and acceptance of the actual nature of the world
56. Resonance- underlying meaning
57. Rising action- The events of a dramatic or narrative plot preceding the climax
58. Scene- division of act of play
59. Setting- the period in time or the place in which the events of a story are said to occur
60. Short stories- short work of prose fiction
61. Novel- a fictional prose work with a relatively long and often complex plot
62. Symbol- something that represents something else
63. Stream of consciousness- a literary style that presents a character's continuous random flow of thoughts as they
64. Soliloquy- talking when alone
65. Theme- subject of discussion or composition: the subject of a discourse, discussion, piece of writing, or artistic
66. Voice- right to express an opinion
67. Analogy- a comparison between two things that are similar in some way

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