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1 l dl ~ Fl Tll lP l[dll: 1
l Fll dl7d dFlP 1
FlllPTl lT: FPll ld 11
l Fll dl <7d dFl FPll FlllPTl
lT: ld 1
In deep meditation [m,L,s] (FPll} a resolute
[f,N,s] (FlllPTl} mind [f,N,s] ( lT:} (will)
not [I] (} be conferred [prt,3p,s-passive] (ld
l} (on those) attached to pleasure and riches
[m,G,p] (lFll} (and those) whose intellect
is swayed [m,G,p] (<7ddFl } by her (the flowery
words) [f,I,s] (dl} 1
7 "ll l lT "l lT 1
l[ [l lFl ll H P <lPl 1'1
l: 7 ll: 1 (F } <T lT : l[ [:
lF: ll H P: <lPl 1
The Vedas [m,N,p] ( l:} have the 3 gunas as its
topic [m,N,p] (7 ll :} 1 Oh! Arjuna [m,V,s]
(<T } become [im,2p,s] (} (that person who
is) free from the 3 gunas [m,N,s] (lT :} free
from duality [m,N,s](l[ [:} free from worrying
about welfare [m,N,s] (ll H P:} ever steady in
truth [m,N,s] (lF:} engaged in the self
[m,N,s] (<lPl } 1
ll l F d: F dlT 1
dllF l7lT lTld: 11
F d: F dlT l ll < : (<ld} lTld:
l7lT F dll (< :} 1
(On there being) abundant water [n,L,s] (F dlT}
all around [I] (F d:} as much [m,N,s] (ll }
value [m,N,s] (< :} (lies) in a reservoir [m,L,s]
lTd lll l:
An Introduction to Sanskrit : Unit XV
(l} (so also for) the knowing [m,G,s] (lTld:}
Brahmin [m,G,s] ( l7lT} in all [m,L,p] (F }
the Vedas [m,L,p] ( } so much (value) [m,N,s]
(dll } 1
TP " llTld Pl T Tl 1
Pl TP TF d Pl d FlTP lT 11
d <lTl: TP lT Q (<ld} 1 Pl T Tl 1
TP TF d : Pl : 1 d F}: <TP lT Pl <d 1
Your [G,s] (d } privilege [m,N,s] (<lTl:} (lies)
only [I] (Q} in (performing) duty [n,L,s] (TP lT}
not [I] (Pl} ever (at anytime) [I] (Tl} in the
fruits (of action) [n,L,p] (T } 1 Do not be
[aorist,2p,s] (Pl : } the cause for the fruits of
action [m,N,s] (TP TF d :} 1 Let not [I] (Pl} your
[m,G,s] (d} association [m,N,s] (F}:} in inaction
[n,L,s] (<TP lT} endure [im,3p,s] (<d <F } 1
Notice that Pl < : becomes Pl : 1
l: T TPl lT F l T 1
lFTlFTl: FPl l FP l d 1/1
T 1 F} l lFTlFTl: FP: l l:
TPl lT T 1 ( } FP l: d 1
Oh! Arjuna (winner of wealth) [m,V,s] (T}
having rid of [ger] (l T } attachment
[m,A,s] (F} } having become [ger] ( l }
equanimous [m,N,s] (FP:} in success and failure
[f,L,d] (lFTlFTl:} established in Yoga [m,N,s]
(l:} do [im,2p,s] (T T } actions [n,A,p]
(TPl lT}1 (This) equanimity [n,N,s] (FP } is
hailed as [prt,3p,s] (d } Yoga [m,N,s]
(l:} 1
l ld: l: ~ FPlF: 1 lFlTU <lFlTU
lFTlFT ~ [[ FPlF: 1 d ~ TP lT l:
(F FlT}1
T D TP lTllTT 1
Tl TTPlD T Tl: TF d: 11
T 1 lTlld TP lF T <P 1 Tl TT
<lD 1 TF d: T Tl: (Fld} 1
Oh! Arjuna [m,V,s] (T} action [n,N,s] (TP }
by far [n,I,s] ( T} is inferior [n,N,s] (< }
indeed [I] (lF} to the Yoga of intellect [m,Ab,s]
( lTlld } 1 (You) seek [im,2p,s] (<lD }
refuge [n,A,s] (TT } in intellect [f,L,s] ( Tl} 1
Those impelled by fruits (of action) [m,N,p]
(TF d:} (are) wretched [m,N,p] (T Tl:} 1
The ablative ( lTlld } represents the separation
between itself and TP 1 A big gulf between them!
The roots P P are irregular in the Fl
ld T tenses/moods. The stem becomes: D D
D 1
lT l TFldF F T d T d 1
dPlTll l: TP F TlTP 1'1
lT : F T d T d F TFlld 1 dPld ll
1 l: TP F TlTP 1
One endowed with intellect [m,N,s] ( l T :}
abandons [prt,3p,s] (TFlld Fl} here (in this world)
[I] (F} both [n,A,d] ( } good and bad deeds
[n,A,d] (F T d T d } 1 Therefore [Ab,s] (dPld }
strive [im,2p,s] ( T } for Yoga [m,D,s]
(ll} 1 Yoga [m,N,s] (l:} in actions [n,L,p]
(TPF } is dexterity (propitious) [n,N,s] (TlTP }1
F T dT T dT F T d T d ~ [[ FPlF: 1 l
l[ ~ is always in dual but can be any gender.
TP T lT l lF T l PlT: 1
TPllP l: DlPP 1'?1
lT l: PlT: TP T T l lF TP
llP l: <lP Dld 1
Endowed with intellect [m,N,p] ( l T l : }
thinking men [m,N,p] (PlT:} discarding [ger]
(l} the fruit [n,A,s] (T } born of action
[n,A,s] (TP T } Indeed[I] (lF} free from bondage
of birth [m,N,p] (TPllP l:} attain [prt,3p,p]
(Dld P } healthy (free from bondage) [n,A,s]
(<lP } abode [n,A,s] ( } 1
TP Q : TP: ~ TP l 1 TPld
llP : TPllP : ~ TP d 1 TP T:
Tld TP T ~ FPlF: 1
l d PlFTl lT lddlld 1
dl dllF l lld l d 1'\1
l d lT: PlFTl lddlld dl l d
lld l dllF 1
When [I] (l} your [G,s] (d } intellect [f,N,s]
( lT:} will cross [ft,3p,s] (lddlld d} the fog
of delusion [m,A,s] (PlFTl } then [I] (dl} you
will attain [ft,2p,s] (dllF P } detachment (dis-
gust) [m,A,s] (l } (from) what is heard
[ppp,m,G,s] (l d} and [I] (} what ought to be
heard [potp,m,G,s] (lld} 1
Notice the usage of the two future tenses - lddl
lF ~ l <ld dllF ~ 1 dllF ~ 1 l d
lld are passive past and potential participles.
l ldl ldll d l lld lUl 1
FPlll lTdl lPllF 1'1
l d l ldl ldll lT: FPll <l lUl lld
dl l <llF 1
When [I] (l} your [G,s] (d } intellect [f,N,s]
( lT:} confused by the Vedas [f,N,s] (l ldl ldll}
will become steadfast [ft,3p,s] (ll d l}
steady [f,N,s] (lUl} unmoving [f,N,s] (<l}
in meditation [m,L,s] (FPll} then [I] (dl} you
will obtain [ft,2p,s] (<llF <l } Yoga [m,A,s]
(l } 1
\ d: Expositions / Glosses
\~\ ld ld: ~ Verbal Derivatives
\~\~ lPld: ~ Denominatives
Denominatives or Nominal verbs are not verbal
derivatives in the sense of the causals, desideratives
and frequentatives; rather they are verbs derived
from nouns. This is rather atypical as most nouns
are indeed derived from verbal roots. The usage is
similar to the English, blackened from black.
The derived verb has the sense of - to be like, behave
like, make into, desire for etc. of the underlying
noun. Some examples:
lT (doctor) ll (cures)
7 (son) 7ld (desires son)
l[F (learned) l[ld (treats as learned)
llFd (red) llFdld (becomes red)
P: (salutation) Pld (salutes)
T: (sound) Tld (makes sound)
Often, we come a full circle: P ~ Pld P: ~ Pld1
T ~ Tld(d } T: ~ Tld 1
~ dlTd ld - Nominal derivatives
The parts of speech fall into one of three categories
- ldTd l F d l < 1 ldTdl:, based on
the ld (primitive root) are conjugated. F dl:,
based on the lldlT are declined. < is
unchanging in gender, number, case or person.
The ld: are more fundamental than the lldlTll
as the latter are often derived from the ld 1 T [ ld
is the process to derive nominals from verbal roots
by the addition of T d l: 1
dlTd ld is the process for generating additional
nominals from a l l dl T akin to how F l :
generate more verbal roots from a bare root.
~~? <lTl: Progeny Indicators
This category is further divided into <d ( 7,}
l7 (l7} l ( l7} corresponding to son,
grandson and great grandson. A very typical
F ~ llF ~ l ~ ll 1 F is the
progenitor. llF is the son etc. The feminine nouns
are formed by the addition other suffixes.
The typical construct is lT + 1 <, , ,
Q, <l, are the common l: 1
F ~ lF 1 T ~ lTl 1 ld ~ l71
T d ~ Tld 1 llH ~ lHlT 1 <lld ~ <ll1
lT ~ lT 1 Notice the replaces the final
vowel (if present) and not added to it!
Technical definition of <lTl: follows:
T < Pl lTl: 1
<ld : < Pl <ll: 1
ldTd TTP - Verbs / Conjugation
~ <lTl T Benedictive mood (Precative)
This is the last of the tenses and moods in classical
Sanskrit. In Vedic Sanskrit there is yet another mood,
the Subjunctive mood - 1
The Benedictive mood is used to confer blessings.
In the 1
person, it is expressive of the speakers
desire. The terminations are given below. The mood
marker is l: (P } l F (<lP } plus the
suffixes of T l lllT 1 Some exceptions are
the introduction or deletion of visarga - : 1
P <lTl T ldTdl:
QT l[ F
P l ld lllP lF:
PP l l: ldP ld
P l lFP l lP

<lP <lTl T ldTdl:
QT l[ F
P l F FldlP F
PP l Fl: FllP FP
P l F FlF FPlF

Usage: dldll lT: l ld 1 <P d
lTl lFP 1 ll l: 1 lP 7ldP lF : ~
lPl [ l l[P: 1
The last sentence is clearly no blessing! It reveals
the considerable overlap in usage among the various
moods and tenses. The moods l , lllT
<lTl T are used interchangeably to express a
prayer/wish. Likewise, the past tenses T , l
T are also used interchangeably although they are
supposed to express the past not of today, the distant
unobserved past and todays or recent past. The same
can be said of the two future tenses 1
However, is not very common in usage.
Sanskrit Crossword #14
(One syllable per box)
Clues Across:
(~} H F H l

' T T ld

/ d ldl: d T d:
lll: < Pl
<l ( }
\ T ld l T
( ~ <ll
Clues Down:
\ + F (lP}
( F 1 lT F
<l F:
/ Fl T
T D Tl
\ (


Solutions to Exercises from Unit -14
1. F}P 1 FT_TP 1 FP 1 l 1 llH P 1
2. P 1 1 1 lD 1 7T 1 l 1 T 1 d 1
D 1 F 1 F 1 1 d 1
3. <5d ~ l5 1 <ld ~ l 1 Q Hd ~
HlT 1 <ld ~ <lPlF 1 <TPd ~ TlP1
<ld ~ Tl 1 <Tld ~ TH 1 <Tld ~
Tl 1 <T d ~ T 1 <d ~ l 1 <d
~ 1
4. Solution to crossword # 13
l 1 <H 1 ' P 1 <ld 1 / T 1
llT 1 T 1 \ Tld 1 ( P 1
\ ld 1 ( P T 1 <l 1 <ld7 1
lT 1 / TlTT 1 Fld 1

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