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Global Partnerships Learning Module iGPS: http://crcna.


Page 1 of 4 Draft version 2, May 6, 2008

Developing a Mission and Vision

Objectives: by the end of this session, you will have:
1. Listened to definitions of mission and vision 2. Assessed briefly strengths and challenges for your church and the world 3. Shared a vision that excites you about global outreach 4. Connected your assessments to your mission and vision to determine a strategy

Flip chart with paper and markers Strategic Questionnaires Church and World

Mission and Vision (20 minutes)

Definitions: A mission statement identifies the overall purpose of your team or group. A vision statement is a vivid description of what God could do if you effectively carry out your mission. Why do we need a mission and vision? Write down reasons the group mentions.

What would happen if we did nothing further, ie. What would happen if we had no mission or vision for our global outreach? Share these thoughts with the group.

At this point, please take 5-10 minute to pray asking for wisdom and insight and vision from God. Suggested format: someone opens briefly, allow everyone to pray, and someone closes after 10 minutes.

Assessment (15 minutes)

Assess what you have: people, financial resources, spiritual gifts, job skills and training. Assess what you lack. Fill out the Strategic Plan Questionnaire Church. In groups of three or four, identify 2 from each of the five areas which are most important. Share these with the group. Write these out and group similar ones.

Assess the world: what is happening, where is the need Fill out the Strategic Plan Questionnaire World. Count up the totals for each option and write out the top 5.

Mission Statements (20 minutes)

Read the following mission statements. Circle words that jump out at you. Share the words with the group, as well as any other words you think should be in your mission statement, and have someone write them down.

Global Partnerships Learning Module iGPS: http://crcna.org/igps

Page 2 of 4 Draft version 2, May 6, 2008

1. Pioneers mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church planting movements in partnership with local churches. 2. The Seed Companys mission is to complete Bible translations in the heart languages of people without Gods Word through partnering with: National colleagues Prayer supporters and investors Like-minded organizations 3. Stonebriar Community Church, in strategic partnership with like-minded ministries, is committed to the establishment and support of biblically-based reproducing churches world-wide. 4. Sagebrush Community: To know Christ and make Christ known among all nations by equipping indigenous leaders and planting churches that plant churches. 5. Campus Crusade: We are helping to build spiritual movements so everyone knows someone who truly follows Christ. 6. CC Philadelphia: To make Christ known among all nations by equipping indigenous leaders and planting reproducing churches which will be salt and light at all levels within their culture. Desert Springs Community: We exist in the strengthening and establishment of biblically-based, indigenous, CPM (church planting movements) among all nations. 7. CC Murietta: We exist to develop relationships that demonstrate the Love of God, bring the Gospel to all people groups, and build up reproducing communities of believers worldwide. 8. Faith Burlington CRC: The Missions Resource Team is engaged in the life-long discipling process by spurring on our congregation to develop as World Christians in their Great Commission calling.

Purpose: Why do we do missions at all?

Read the following scripture passages. Then ask Why do we do missions at all?(perhaps discuss What is missions? first) Write out the answers shared. Genesis 12:1-9 The Call of Abraham Psalm 145 (especially note verse 12) Bringing Glory to God Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-20, John 20:19-22 Commissioning the Disciples Matthew 9:35-38 Holistic Ministry Colossians 1:24-29 Labouring in Mission

Choose: either have one person take the words and answers and craft a statement, or have someone facilitate that crafting in the group (Common formula:: We exist / will _________ in order / so that ___________.).

Vision Statements (20 minutes)

Read the following vision statements. Write out one vision you have about global outreach which excites you. Share this with the group. Write down these pieces of the vision. 1. Sagebrush A. Church: We see a church so in love with Christ that they are no longer comfortable with the fleeting American Dream, rather they are gripped by a vision to fulfill the Great Commission. We see a church passionate for the nations, living and giving generously to fulfill the Great Commission. We see our own sons and daughters going to the ends of the earth as short-term and career missionaries. We see every member of our church empowered to fulfill a personal life mission in the world.

Global Partnerships Learning Module iGPS: http://crcna.org/igps

Page 3 of 4 Draft version 2, May 6, 2008

B. Field: We see unreached people trusting in Christ, becoming disciples, leaders, missionaries and pastors. We see formerly unreached peoples reaching the remaining unreached peoples. We see churches being planted at the ends of the earth where Christ is treasured, His Word is being taught by well-trained indigenous pastors, and people are being transformed by the power of God. We see nations being overturned by the love of Christ. We see things so wondrous they cant be explained. 2. First CRC, Hamilton We will see the emergence of an ethnically diverse church worshipping in many places across the city of Hamiltona church deeply investing in its communities; engaging its culture; and seeing the gospel transform peoples lives, their families, and their neighbourhoods. We will see other churches planted in other cities across Canada and other countries around the world. 3. Communities First Association (CFA) CFA extends the reach of Christian Community Development across the country by providing encouragement and support for Christian leaders, serving as a place for retreat and refreshment, and developing holistic, multisector approaches that contribute to Gods shalom. We envision an association that: Encourages churches and organizations to participate in community transformation. Provides Support for Christian Leaders. Builds a supportive learning community. Has leaders growing leaders. Serves as a place of retreat and refreshment. Has credibility with churches. Is a strategic influence & voice for change

Mental image: Why do we want a partnership?

Share out loud and write down the answers to this question.

Choose: either have one person take the words and answers to craft a vision statement, or have someone facilitate that crafting as a group.

Prayer (10 minutes)

Break for prayer to uphold and allow the person crafting the statements to complete their work, or to pray over the statements crafted by the group. Write out the vision and mission for everyone to see.

Strategic Priorities (10 minutes)

Strategic priorities are main areas of focus that are critical to achieve your vision. These should be chosen to work with the skills and gifts in your church. They will help you to say no to some things since they dont fit your mission and vision. Compare the answers to the World and Church questionnaires and write down any areas of overlap or commonality. Which of these might become a priority for your global outreach? How do these fit with your mission and vision?

Global Partnerships Learning Module iGPS: http://crcna.org/igps

Page 4 of 4 Draft version 2, May 6, 2008

Mobilizing Your Church (15 minutes)

Mission and vision statement need to translate into changed behaviours. Draw a four quadrant grid and put one of the following titles in each: 1. Who needs to know: Who needs to be informed about what happened at this meeting? Is there a group in the church who should approve the mission, vision and priorities? 2. What do we need to learn: After this exercise, what more do we need to learn? Who do we talk to about this? 3. How do we generate excitement: How can the ideas be shared with the broader church? What can be done to excite them about global outreach? 4. Other: Is there anything else that has come up which needs follow up? Share ideas for each of the quadrants, and write them in the grid. Decide who will take on these tasks and when they will report back to the group.

Re-commitment to the mission and evaluation of the steps taken towards the vision will be ongoing activities. New strategies should be assessed to determine if they match the mission and vision.

Related Modules
1. Promoting Mutual Growth

Adapted from materials by Bill Thornburg, CRWM, and input from Trish deJong, CRWM, Ben Vandezande, CRHM

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