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2012 - Franciscans International (FI)

Acknowledgments - FI would like to thank CORDAID for its generous financial contribution to this publication.
Authors - Silvia Palomba, Sr. Namrata Joseph cfmss
Contributors - Sr. Denise Boyle fmdm, Frncesca Restifo, Enkeleda Papa, Budi Tjahjono, Sanjay Gathia, Ruth M.
Copyrights - Photos and illustrations as specified. Sharing, photocopying and distribution through the Internet for
non-commercial purposes of Modern Slavery in India: Cases of Bonded Labour is permitted and encouraged
provided all such copies include complete citation. Franciscans International would appreciate receiving a copy of
any publication that uses this publication as a source. No use of this publication may be made for resale or for any
commercial purpose whatsoever.
Cover Picture Credit: Sr. Namrata Joseph cfmss, for Clara Seva Kendra.
Citation - This publication may be cited as: Franciscans International, !"#$%&'()*+$%,'-&'.&#-*/'0*1$1'"2'3"&#$#'
4*5"6%, Geneva, 2012.
Translation - Requests for permission to reproduce this publication in its entirety or for translations should be
addressed to:

F ranciscans I nternational
37-39 Rue de Vermont
1211 Geneva
Web: www.franciscansinternational.org
Email: geneva@fiop.org


$%&'(%&) ................................................................................................................................................................ *
+,-&%)./-0%, .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
2'/-0%,"3"4"5%)'&,"2678'&9"0,"+,)07 .......................................................................................................... :
1.1 What is Nouein Slaveiy. ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 The Socio-economic Context of Slaveiy in Inuia ........................................................................... 7
1.S Tiafficking in Peisons: an Avenue to Nouein Slaveiy ................................................................ 8
2'/-0%,";"4"$%&/')"<7=%.&"7,)">%,)')"<7=%.&"0,"+,)07 ............................................................. 33
2.1 What aie Foiceu Laboui anu Bonueu Laboui. ........................................................................... 11
2.2 Piactical Bimensions of Bonueu Laboui in Inuia ...................................................................... 11
2.S A ulimpse at the Causes of Bonueu Laboui .................................................................................. 12
A Ciitical view of Inuias Response to Bonueu Laboui............................................................ 1S
2'/-0%,"!""?7@'@"%A">%,)')"<7=%.&"0,"+,)07 .................................................................................................... 31
S.1 Bonueu Laboui in Agiicultuie ........................................................................................................... 16
S.2 Bonueu Laboui in the Infoimal Sectoi.................................................................................................. 19
S.S uenuei Bimensions of Bonueu Laboui - Selecteu Issues.................................................................. 19
S.S(1) The Sumangali Scheme .............................................................................................................. 2u
S.S (2) Piostitution ................................................................................................................................... 21
2'/-0%,"#"4"?B06)"<7=%.&"0,"+,)07 ............................................................................................................. ;!
4.1 The Reciuitment of Chilu Labouieis .............................................................................................. 2S
4.2 Chilu Bomestic Laboui ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.S Extiactive Inuustiy ................................................................................................................................ 28
4.4 Chilu Beggais ........................................................................................................................................... Su
4.S Chiluien in Conflict ................................................................................................................................... Su
2'/-0%,"*"">&0,C0,C"7=%.-"?B7,C' ......................................................................................................... !;
S.1 Bonueu Laboui: a violation of Buman Bignity ................................................................................... S2
S.2 Bonueu Laboui: The Role of The Civil Society anu Auvocacy......................................................... S2
S.S Suggestions foi Effective Auvocacy ...................................................................................................... SS
D,,'E ..................................................................................................................................................................... !*

I coulu not believe that the young woman speaking to me iecently was a suivivoi of
tiafficking. Bei calm composuie, lovely smile anu the ielaxeu way she gieeteu us belieu the
fact that she hau been tiappeu into sexual slaveiy in a laige Italian city foi seven yeais. As
she uesciibeu the hoiioi of finuing heiself a piisonei in a foieign countiy with no legal
uocuments anu no options, except to be a piostitute oi face possible ueath at the hanus of a
pimp, a piofounu sauness emanateu fiom hei. The slave-like conuitions she anu the othei
young women with hei weie foiceu to enuuie weie so bau that she tiieu to commit suiciue
seveial times. With a wan smile she explaineu that it was 0ui Lauy who saveu hei because
hei biith mothei was piaying to Nothei Naiy to keep hei safe.

Since the s Fianciscans Inteinational FI has been woiking on iaising awaieness
about the issue of Tiafficking in Peisons anu othei Contempoiaiy Foims of Slaveiy (CFS),
which incluue foiceu anu bonueu laboui. While piogiess has been maue with many
goveinments intiouucing legislation to pievent such heinous acts anu to piotect the
victims, the numbeis who aie being tiaffickeu annually tiagically continues to iise. This is
because it is such a luciative inuustiy foi the tiaffickeis anu because the ioot causes of
uemanu anu poveity have not been auequately auuiesseu. 0ntil they aie auuiesseu by
eveiy state in the woilu, tiaffickeis will continue to buy anu sell human beings like goous in
a shop.

This publication, piouuceu by the Auvocacy Team of FI, is timely. It focuses on CFS in Inuia,
giving a compiehensive oveiview of the situation, which, on this sub-continent, takes
myiiau foims. Set in the context of a legal fiamewoik, we hope that ieaueis will be
challengeu, eniicheu anu piompteu to action as they ieau thiough these pages.

The collective hope of FI is that each ieauei will shaie this publication; anu will actively
engage in iaising awaieness about CFS, not just in Inuia but in eveiy countiy wheie
Fianciscan-heaiteu people live. Eiauication of CFS will only be achieveu if we woik
togethei We neeu to auuiess the ioot causes of poveity countei uemanu howevei it is
manifesteu, anu encouiage vigilance in oui communities. Anu let us not foiget, to unite in
piayei foi the victims, suivivois anu the tiaffickeis...

Si. Benise Boyle fmum
Executive Biiectoi FI

Fianciscans Inteinational (FI) is an inteinational non-goveinmental oiganisation woiking
on human iights, the enviionment, anu peace-builuing. FI engages with the 0niteu Nations
(0N) anu places iespect foi human uignity, equitable, anu sustainable shaiing of
enviionmental iesouices, anu peace at the heait of its action.
FI is in contact with Fianciscans anu paitneis woiking at the giassioots in appioximately
16u countiies in eveiy pait of the woilu; theii invaluable input allows FI to opeiate as a
biiuge between the giassioots anu the 0N. FI also suppoits Fianciscans anu othei local
paitneis thiough sensitizing them to human iights issues anu mobilising them foi bettei
piotection of human iights, with the goal of stiengthening the impact of theii auvocacy
stiategies anu actions. The Contempoiaiy Foims of Slaveiy (CFS) Piogiamme, within
which this hanubook has been wiitten, aims at iaising awaieness about mouein foims of
slaveiy, anu theii causes anu consequences, foi uecisive anu effective action.
In this sense, fai fiom being exhaustive, this hanubook stiives to be a tool of empoweiment
foi the Fianciscans anu paitneis woiking at the giassioots level anu, in geneial, foi all
those who woik to combat this piactice uaily.
The choice of focusing on Inuia is two-folu. Fiist anu foiemost, it is ielateu to the ongoing
multipiongeu collaboiation between FI anu Fianciscans in Inuia foi the piotection of the
most vulneiable. Seconuly, Inuia, thiough its vast uiveisity, pioviues a fascinating case
stuuy when beginning to appioach issues ielateu to CFS, with paiticulai iefeience to
bonueu laboui.
Section 1 intiouuces the concept of 7"#$%&' 1)*+$%, as well as the factois within the socio-
economic context of Inuia which aie conuucive to 8%*22-9:-&;' -&' <$%1"&1 anu mouein
slaveiy. Section 2 examines the concepts of 2"%9$#' anu' 5"&#$#' )*5"6% anu consiueis the
lattei within the Inuian context, ciitically analysing its piactical uimensions, its causes, anu
the uoveinments iesponse to the issue Section anu Section piesent iespectively
cases of bonueu laboui anu of chilu laboui infoimeu by the uaily expeiiences of
Fianciscans woiking on the issue anu theii up-to-uate infoimation baseu on constant
monitoiing of, anu ieseaich into, the cuiient situation in Inuia. Section S pioposes
suggestions foi effective auvocacy woik.


Tiauitionally, 1)*+$%, ielates to the slave tiaue anu to analogous situations such as
tiafficking in peisons, uebt bonuage, foiceu piostitution, foiceu laboui - incluuing chilu
laboui - piostitution anu poinogiaphy, the sale of chiluien, the use of chiluien in aimeu
conflicts, anu piactices ielateu to customs, ieligion, anu colonial iegimes.

Nowauays, howevei, slaveiy-like piactices - also calleu 9"&8$7<"%*%,'2"%71'"2'1)*+$%,'(CFS)
oi 7"#$%&' 1)*+$%, - evolve so iapiuly that besiues names anu uefinitions, in oiuei to
establish if a peison is a victim of mouein slaveiy it is impoitant to evaluate: (a) the uegiee
of the iestiiction of ones fieeuom of movement b the uegiee of contiol one can keep of
his peisonal belongings; anu (c) the existence of infoimeu consent anu a full unueistanuing
of the natuie of the ielationship between this peison anu the othei paities involveu.

victims aie usually among the most vulneiable in society, such as women anu chiluien.

With a population of moie than billion Inuia is the woilus most populous countiy.
0vei the past uecaue, it has gone thiough impiessive economic giowth anu maue piogiess
in ieuucing poveity. Accoiuing to the Woilu
Bank, poveity ueclineu fiom S7.2% in 2uu4-
2uuS to 29.8% in 2uu9-2u1u, especially in the
iuial aieas.

Bowevei, while ueclines have been eviuent in
the states of Bimchal Piauesh, Nauhya Piauesh,
Nahaiashtia, 0iissa, Sikkim, Tamil Nauu,
Kainataka anu 0ttaiakhanu, the uata ieveals
that poveity has incieaseu in the Noith-eastein
states of Assam, Neghalaya, Nanipui, Nizoiam
anu Nagalanu.

Some of the biggei states, such as
Bihai, Chhattisgaih anu 0ttai Piauesh have
shown only a little uecline in the poveity iatio,
paiticulaily in iuial aieas.

Scheuuleu Tiibes face the highest level of
poveity at 47.4%, followeu by the Scheuuleu



(Woius of a tiaffickei, The Binuustan Time)
Castes (this teim is often inteichangeable with Balits oi 0ntouchables) at 42.S% anu othei
Castes at S1.9%. In uiban aieas, the Scheuuleu Castes have a poveity iatio of S4.1%,
followeu by the Scheuules Tiibes at Su.4%, anu othei Castes at 24.S%, as opposeu to 2u.9%
foi the total population.

A laige peicentage of the Inuian population is still living in extiemely piecaiious
conuitions, often maue woise by, oi in conjunction with, customs, caste uisciimination, anu
ieligious beliefs anu piactices. In fact, the combination of these factois leaus fiequently to
human tiafficking, foiceu laboui anu othei kinus of exploitation. This still happens
notwithstanuing the steps Inuia has alieauy taken at the national anu inteinational levels

towaiu the abolition of slaveiy.

The IL0 has iecently estimateu that 1.S6u.uuu peisons in South Asia enu up in an
exploitative situation aftei being
Inuia is no exception.
Bespite the
piogiess achieveu, this countiy has not
maue sufficient piogiess in withei its pievention oi piotection effoits to auuiess
tiafficking anu cases of mouein slaveiy iesulting fiom it.
In Inuia, tiafficking of human beings is one of the majoi ways thiough which victims aie
foiceu to woik in slave-like conuitions.

Within the Asian continent, Inuia is a souice, uestination, anu tiansit countiy foi peisons
who aie tiaffickeu, mostly foi foiceu laboui anu sexual exploitation. While it is uifficult to
know the magnituue of the pioblem afflicting the countiy because of the clanuestine natuie
of tiafficking anu because Inuia has not yet
publisheu upuateu statistics on bonueu laboui,

it has been estimateu that almost 9u% of
human tiafficking is inteinal.

Nany employment oi placement agencies,
agents, anu miuule men, mostly locateu in the
state capitals anu in Belhi, play a key iole in the tiafficking inuustiy. While theii piofesseu
puipose is to place migiants in employment, in many instances they aie actually involveu
in well-oiganiseu tiafficking.

In Belhi, Chiistian giils aie ieciuiteu by miuule-men who use business caius showing a pictuie of
}esus, Naiy, anu Nothei Teiesa. In this way, the giils anu theii families aie maue to believe that
the ieciuiteis anu theii agencies aie closely associateu with Catholic Chuich oiganizations to caiiy
out theii social woik, anu they uo not iealize that they aie actually being tiickeu into tiafficking.
The use of false auuiesses anu ieligious symbols attiact Chiistian tiibal anu Auivasi giils. It is
always uifficult to tiack these illegal agencies anu finu the young women once they aie missing.
(Bi. Santosh Ekka ofm)
The methous anu techniques they use aie inteitwineu with the ioot causes of tiafficking.
uiils aie tiaffickeu as a consequence of ancestial ieligious piactices such as the =$+*#*1-
system (see also section S.S (2)), anu chiluien aie solu at auctions to Aiab anu Inuian men
who believe that having inteicouise with viigins heals sexually tiansmissible uiseases.

Pooi paients, uepiiveu of any job piospects, often sell theii uaughteis on fiauuulent
piomises of maiiiage oi foi employment in towns. The ieality howevei is that giils aie
biought to biothels, lockeu up foi uays, staiveu, anu beaten until they accept the uemanus
of the tiaffickeis. They aie foiceu to enteitain a
maximum numbei of clients eveiy uay.
victims aie geneially women anu chiluien
belonging to the Scheuuleu Castes anu Tiibes
anu living in uisauvantageu iegions. Aftei being
tiaffickeu, they aie exploiteu in situations like
biick kilns, embioiueiy factoiies, anu the
agiicultuial sectoi. 0theis aie sexually
exploiteu, foiceu into maiiiage, oi fall piey to the oigan tiansplanting iacket.

Tiibal auolescent giils fiom iuial aieas of the States of Bihai, }haikhanu, Chhattisgaih,
0iissa, West Bengal, anu Assam aie ueceiveu, tiaffickeu, anu then solu foi sexual
exploitation in Belhi, Numbai, Kolkata, Chennai, uoa, anu Bangaloie. Wiuespieau
coiiuption among police anu aimeu foices, along with the lack of piopei tiaining anu
uocumentation on victims of tiafficking, exaceibate the pioblem.

As iegaius inteinational tiafficking, common uestinations aie the Niuule East, Euiope, anu
the 0niteu States foi the puiposes of uomestic laboui. Chiluien aie mainly foiceu to
become factoiy anu agiicultuial woikeis, uomestic seivants, anu beggais.

Besiues being a countiy of oiigin, Inuia is also a uestination countiy foi tiaffickeu peisons
fiom Banglauesh anu Nepal. It has been estimateu that aiounu S,uuu women aie tiaffickeu
(Ni. u. K. Pillai, 0nion Bome Secietaiy,
uoveinment of Inuia)

Ranjana, a twenty-foui-yeai-olu mothei of two chiluien coming fiom the poveity-iiuuen South 24
Paiganas of West Bengal, was beguileu into a tiap laiu by a tiaffickei. Be appioacheu Ranjana with
a luciative offei of a bettei job in Kolkata anu, hoping foi a biight futuie, she agieeu to go with
him To hei suipiise the tiain she boaiueu was uestineu foi Belhi When I askeu wheie I was
being taken, he staiteu fighting with me. The co-passengeis objecteu, at which point he claimeu
that I was his wife. I scieameu I was not Be then thieateneu to push me off the iunning tiain saiu
Ranjana. She was fiist taken to a house in Kotla Nubaiakpui in South Belhi wheie she was kept
with anothei giil anu then taken to a biothel on uB Roau by a woman conuuit When I iefuseu to
comply with theii oiueis they beat me up with sticks anu shoes
Following a missing iepoit lougeu by hei husbanu, the West Bengal police came acioss the mobile
phone numbei of a suspect showing the location of the place wheie Ranjana was kept. Ranjana
was finally founu lockeu up in a closet, cleaily showing eviuence of toituie on hei bouy.
Kavita was founu in anothei ioom of the same biothel I woikeu as a uomestic seivant at Baliganj
in Kolkata wheie I met a young man who befiienueu me. Piomising a bettei salaiy at anothei
house in Kolkata, he maue me boaiu a tiain. Realizing that I was being taken somewheie else, I
confionteu him. Be then took me to the lavatoiy anu beat me up. This happeneu at the Bowiah
iailway station saiu Kavita She was biought to Belhi, kept in a house anu then solu off to the
ownei of the biothel wheie she was physically toituieu.
When Kavita's biothei knew that the police of West Bengal weie about to go to Belhi to iescue
Ranjana he pleaueu to be alloweu to accompany the police as he suspecteu that his sistei hau also
met the same fate. Right aftei the police fieeu Ranjana, Kavita's biothei showeu hei his sistei's
photogiaph. While Ranjana instantly iecognizeu Kavita, the police ueciueu to wait foi an
oppoitune time to iescue hei anu Ranjana agieeu to help them. When Kavita was founu anu taken
to a neaiby hospital, the uoctois uiscoveieu that she hau been given aboition pills.
(InfoChange News & Featuies)

fiom Nepal to Inuia each yeai, anu that in ovei 1,uuu ieu-light uistiicts all ovei Inuia,
piostitutes aie mostly minois fiom Nepal anu Banglauesh.

It might also happen that women anu giils migiate voluntaiily anu latei, thiough a iange of
ciicumstances, become victims of tiafficking anu exploitation.


!"#$%&' ()*"+#' can be uesciibeu as woik oi seivice which is obtaineu fiom any peison
unuei the menace of a penalty anu foi which this peison has not offeieu heiselfhimself
The penalty might consist of a loss of iights anu piivileges, physical violence,
iestiaints, thieats, anuoi economic penalties.

,"-&).%/' *"-&' ()*"+#/' "#' *"-&%&' ()*"+# aie appiopiiate teims to use when economic
penalties aie linkeu to foiceu laboui. Bonueu laboui is a soit of pationage in which the
minimum wage is baiely enough to covei the living costs of the employee anu the ielation
between employei anu employee is often chaiacteiizeu by unfixeu anu exploitative
payment agieements which benefit the employei.
Not all bonueu laboui is foiceu, but
most foiceu laboui piactices have a bonueu natuie, iegaiuless of whethei the woik
involves chiluien oi auults.

3"&#$#' )*5"6% is ueeply embeuueu in Inuias socio-economic anu cultuial stiuctuie; theie
is a village in the State of 0ttai Piauesh calleu Banuhua, which liteially means bonueu.
Bonueu laboui is known with uiffeient names acioss the countiy. Foi instance, in the
faiming sectois in uujaiat anu 0ttai Piauesh it is known as Bali. Kaimuti, }anouii, anu
Kamiah aie teims useu in the state of Bihai. In 0iissa, it is known as uothi, in Anuhia
Piauesh it is uassi-uullu, anu in Tamil Nauu it is Panal Pathiian.

Bonueu laboui exists pieuominantly in the infoimal anu uniegulateu sectois which employ
aiounu ninety pei cent of the Inuian laboui foice.
This mouein foim of slaveiy useu to be
moie common in iuial than uiban aieas because it was laigely wiuespieau in the
agiicultuial anu mining sectois. Bowevei, it is now veiy common to finu bonueu labouieis
woiking in householus, in the piouuction of silks, caipets, matches, cigaiettes, anu biicks,
anu in manual scavenging in all majoi cities.

Inuia has not yet iatifieu the .&8$%&*8-"&*)' 4*5"6%'
>%;*&-?*8-"&' @.4>A' 0"&+$&8-"&' B"/' CDE' "&' 8F$'
7-&-767' *;$' 2"%' *#7-11-"&' 8"' $7<)",7$&8' *&#' G"%:,
!"#$, oi the' .4>' 0"&+$&8-"&' B"/' CEH' "&' 8F$' I"%18'
Accoiuing to the Inuian goveinment, while the spiiit
of the Conventions is wiuely shaieu, the socio-
economic conuitions of Inuia woulu make the
iatification uifficult.
Typically, the bonu between the
employei anu the employee is
establisheu fiom the beginning of
the ieciuitment piocess. This is
chaiacteiizeu by the lack of laboui
stanuaius, the uneven contiactual
powei between the two paities, anu
the inuefinite uuiation of the
agieement. It happens veiy
fiequently that a woikei, aftei some
yeais of seivice, passes off his
bonueu 18*861 to othei family
membeis, often youngei siblings.

Auults anu chiluien fiom Balit
communities make up the majoiity
of those tiappeu in bonueu laboui.
In Inuia, the expectation of chiluien
to contiibute to the family income is
equal to that of auults anu the health
hazaius they face eveiy uay go
unueiestimateu. In auuition, while
the buiuen of pioviuing piotection to them shoulu be among the piioiities foi any
goveinment, chiluien in Inuia seem to enjoy even less piotection than auults with iegaius
to laboui laws.

Theie aie many uiffeient ieasons foi bonueu laboui in Inuia. Foiemost among its causes
aie wiuespieau poveity, inequality, caste-baseu uisciimination anu the inauequate
euucation system.

Laige piopoitions of those who aie pooi in Inuia aie chionically pooi. This is the gioup of
which the majoiity of bonueu labouieis is composeu. Chionic poveity iefeis to people who
aie pooi foi significant peiious of theii lives, who may pass this conuition on to theii
chiluien, anu foi whom escaping fiom poveity is neaily impossible. Chionically pooi
people accept any woik available unuei any conuitions oi teims. They uo this because of
feai of unemployment oi, as often happens in Inuia, because they have to confoim with

Theie is significant eviuence that bonueu
laboui is evolving anu taking new foims
acioss Inuia. The piostitution inuustiy is
incieasingly baseu on escoit seivices foi
wealthy Inuian customeis anu touiists.
Tiaffickeis aie now capitalizing on the fact
that chilu uomestic woik is even moie
luciative than piostitution. As a
consequence, placement agencies offeiing
chilu woikeis of any age aie giowing
iapiuly in Belhi.
social anu cultuial noims, such as hosting
a weuuing oi funeial, which woulu be
otheiwise impossible foi them to affoiu.
0sually they uo not own oi have access to
assets such as lanu, watei, oi foiests.
Consequently theii only possibility foi
suivival is to engage in bonueu laboui.

The pioblem is exaceibateu when the
pooi belong to the outcast community of
Inuian society, the Balits, oi to minoiity
ethnic gioups such as the Auivasi. These
gioups aie usually known as
0ntouchables which implies, among
othei things, the fact that they cannot be
employeu in ceitain job sectois (such as
the selling of foou anu piouucts useu in woiship). 0ntouchables aie the only people who
peifoim menial tasks such as manual scavenging.

Bonueu laboui was outlaweu by the uoveinment of Inuia with MF$' 3"&#$#' 4*5"6%' (,18$7'
@N5")-8-"&A' N98 (34(N) in 1976.
In auuition, the' 0"&18-868-"&' guaiantees a fiee anu
uignifieu existence to all Inuian citizens anu it piohibits bonueu laboui thiough Aiticles 21,
2S(1) anu 24. The 34(N specifically uefines bonueu laboui as a situation wheie the uebtoi
agiees with the cieuitoi to ienuei his oi hei familys laboui in exchange foi a loan foi a
potentially unuefineu peiiou of time.
The aim of the 34(N is to facilitate the
iuentification, ielease, anu iehabilitation of bonueu labouieis.

Nany othei piovisions, at the cential anu state levels, ensuie the piohibition of this
mouein foim of slaveiy, anu guaiantee humane woik conuitions, the piotection of the
health of woikeis, anu the uignity of all peisons.

The state goveinments anu the couits aie geneially competent to monitoi, enfoice, anu
implement the 34(N anu the vaiious statutes. The 34(N pioviues foi vigilance Committees
at the Bistiict anu sub-uivisional levels whose iole is to auvise Bistiict Nagistiates on cases
of bonueu laboui. Bowevei, many conceins have been expiesseu about the ineffectiveness
of the vigilance Committees in vaiious states.

The National Buman Rights Commission (NBRC) also plays a watchuog iole. Recently, the
NBRC instiucteu its Coie uioup on Bonueu Laboui to ieview existing goveinment policies
legislation, iules etc. on Bonueu Laboui fiom a human iights peispective
so as to suggest
mouifications anu amenuments.

Notwithstanuing the statutoiy piohibitions, the weak inteipietation, application anu
implementation of all these laws has so fai iesulteu in veiy little piogiess towaius the
abolition of bonueu laboui in Inuia. The NBRC has iecently asseiteu that uespite the ban,
the policies, anu the piogiammes auopteu, bonueu laboui peisists anu continues to evolve
anu take new foims.

The most iecent finuings of the NBRC expose the fact that in twenty-eight iepiesentative
uistiicts acioss Inuia, none of the flagship piogiammes put in place by the uoveinment to
impiove foou secuiity anu ensuie the iight to live with uignity function piopeily. The
situation of the most vulneiable anu the most exposeu to bonueu laboui iemains mostly
unchangeu. Foi instance, the Public Bistiibution (of foou) System, the National Ruial
Employment uuaiantee Scheme, the Inuiia Awas Yojana to pioviue iuial housing, anu the
Integiateu Chilu Bevelopment Seivices have pioven to be ineffective.

In 2uu1, when the NBRC piesenteu its iepoit on bonueu laboui,
the lack of a sinceie
political will was iuentifieu as the piimaiy cause foi the stagnant situation. An auequate
global stiategy which inuicates a stiong political commitment to abolish this foim of
slaveiy is now necessaiy. Consiueiing that bonueu laboui is not a pioblem in itself but a
laigei issue of welfaie in Inuia as a whole, piogiammes shoulu go beyonu symptoms anu
look at auuiessing the ioot causes of
this mouein slaveiy. Laboui maiket
segmentation, social uisciimination, a
lack of lanu, a lack of financial seivices
anu the consequential economic
vulneiability, among othei social issues,
iequiie long-teim uevelopment
measuies anu effective poveity
alleviation stiategies.

Noie than ten yeais latei, the
commitment to eiauicate bonueu laboui
uoes not appeai to be significantly
changeu anu the goals of iuentification,
ielease anu iehabilitation of bonueu labouieis expiesseu in the BLSA aie fai fiom being
accomplisheu. Regaiuing iuentification, a holistic appioach to the issue of bonueu laboui

This Bill is scheuuleu foi piesentation to the Assembly foi appioval in Febiuaiy 2u1S anu it
shoulu pioviue foi iegulation of the agencies pioviuing uomestic woikeis. In fact, this uiaft
law shoulu iesponu to placement agencies incieasingly involveu in the tiafficking of women
anu chiluien foi uomestic anu foiceu laboui fiom the States of }haikhanu, Chattisgaih, West
Bengal, Assam, anu Bihai to the capital Belhi.
Bowevei, accoiuing to expeits, this bill, if appioveu as it is now, will not help to auuiess the
issue efficiently. In paiticulai, the Bill uoes not pioviue foi, among othei issues: a) a minimum
wage; b) a social secuiity scheme foi uomestic woikeis anu the coiiesponuing liability of the
placement agencies to ensuie its implementation; c) the iights of the woikeis at the woik
place; u) a cleai outline of the uuties of the employei towaius the uomestic woikeis; e) a
mechanismpioceuuie wheieby uomestic woikeis can louge complaints of sexual
haiassment oi assault peipetiateu by placement agents; f) a monitoiing mechanism; g) cleai
guiuelines in ielation to the entitlement of placement agencies in Belhi to ieciuit peisons
fiom the souice states In auuition Section of the Bill states that eveiy uomestic woikei
shall be issueu a photo iuentity caiu by the piivate placement agency This might veiy well
expose the woikeis to auuitional abuses if the placement agencies come to contiol theii
iuentity uocuments.

woulu iequiie, as a fiist step, to accumulate anu publish upuateu statistical uata anu
infoimation on caste anu ielateu uisciimination in keys aieas such as bonueu laboui anu
chilu laboui. At piesent, such compiehensive national suiveys have yet to be piouuceu.

In iegaiu to ielease anu iehabilitation of bonueu labouieis, the Centially Sponsoieu
Scheme foi iehabilitation of ieleaseu bonueu labouieis has pioven to be ineffective. A
commonly noteu pioblem is the uelay between ielease anu iehabilitation which, coupleu
with the lack of means of suivival, often uiives labouieis to ietuin to theii exploiteis.
Noieovei, many states neeu to cieate awaieness of the issue of bonueu laboui, as well as
the socio-economic legislation anu piogiammes ielateu to it.


In Inuia, a numbei of social iefoims involving lanu anu tenancy have been enacteu
thioughout the last fifty yeais in oiuei to eliminate seifuom anu unpaiu laboui in the
tiauitional agiaiian system.
Bowevei, poveity anu inuebteuness have foiceu an
incieasing numbei of people into a position of vulneiability to agiicultuial bonueu laboui,
while the tiauitional laboui system has
evolveu into new foims, ieflecting the
changes ielateu to incieasingly
capitalistic agiicultuial uevelopment.
In Inuia, Nu0s anu the civil society at
laige aie actively involveu in counseling,
suppoiting, anu iescuing bonueu
labouieis, often taking enoimous iisks.
In some cases, bonueu laboui contiacts
have been mouifieu to appeai in
confoimity with the law, but in substance
they maintain theii main featuies of
coeicion thiough inuebteuness anu the
uevaluation of the woik caiiieu out by
the employee.
In 0ttai Piauesh anu Chhattisgaih, foi
example, the woikeis appeai to be
inuepenuent tenants, but in ieality they
aie bonueu labouieis. They boiiow
money fiom theii lanuloius to affoiu all
the expenses ielateu to the iunning of the
faim (i.e. buying seeus, feitilizeis etc).
This money auus to the shaie that must
be ieimbuiseu to the lanu owneis. This
situation makes it impossible foi the
tenants to pay off theii uebts theieby
uecieasing the likelihoou of theii being
fieeu by the lanu owneis.
These woik
ielations aie paitly an expiession of the
The Nu0 Claia Seva Kenuia (which means Claia
seivice centie), locateu in Clement Town,
Behiauun, 0ttiakhanu, is iun by a gioup of
Claiis sisteis: Si. Namiata }oseph cfmss is one of
these biave anu uevoteu women.
Claia Seva Kenuia woiks to iescue, iehabilitate
anu ieintegiate bonueu labouieis, uealing
uiiectly with the employeis. Staiting fiom the
assumption that auuiessing the issue of
tiafficking in the state of oiigin is beyonu its
capacity, this Nu0 taigets employeis once they
ieceive the woikeis 0nce Claia Seva Kenuia
is infoimeu of the aiiival in town of new
woikeis, the sisteis iequest a meeting with the
inteiesteu employei. Theii goal is to ensuie the
piotection of the basic iights of the woikeis.
Claia Seva Kenuia iequest on behalf of those
they iepiesent:
1. 0ne holiuay pei week;
2. Ninimum wages, maximum woiking houis,
paiu annual anu sick leave;
S. Nonthly wages paiu uiiectly to the woikeis oi
to the Nu0;
4. A piopei anu safe place to iest;
S. The Nu0s iight to visit the woikei at any time
of the uay;
6. 0ppoitunities foi the woikei to paiticipate in
cultuial anu ieligious piactices.

socio-economic uominance of ceitain gioups.
Bonueu labouieis in agiicultuie geneially belong to the Scheuuleu Castes, aie non-Nuslim,
often migiants,
anu among them, women anu chiluien aie paiticulaily exposeu to
violence peipetiateu by theii lanuloius oi employeis.

In the state of Punjab, wheie agiicultuie is veiy uevelopeu, the labouieis involveu in
bonueu laboui aie known as (-%-. They geneially belong to the Scheuuleu Caste anu they
aie not able to fieely choose theii own employment, to move, oi use village commons, anu
aie subjecteu to long woiking houis. The wives of the (-%-1 aie noimally useu as cattle-sheu
cleaneis, anu aie theiefoie inuiiect victims of the bonuage system. Chiluien also assist
theii paients in agiicultuial woik anu they aie known as Q*)-.
In Niizapui Bistiict, Southein 0ttai Piauesh, a stuuy has ievealeu that membeis of the W")
tiibe aie in some cases inuebteu to theii lanuloiu foi moie than one geneiation. The initial
loans (usually taken foi maiiiages) weie noimally ielatively small, but the W")1 weie
unable to iepay them because of theii low wages anu high compounu inteiest (6u %
annually). It also emeigeu that the bonueu labouieis weie solu to otheis, anu theii uebt
tiansfeiieu to the new employeis. These labouieis weie geneially paiu 2kg of coaise giain
pei uay anu given a tiny plot of lanu (one seventh of an acie) to meet theii subsistence
iequiiements. Anothei wiuespieau system of bonuage in the agiicultuial sectoi is the
:*7-*X7*)-:'system, which is employeu in the uistiicts of Raipui anu Raigaih (Chhatisgaih
State). The :*7-*, a male faim seivant, along with his family membeis, pioviues laboui in
the home anu faim of the 7*)-:K'the mastei, until his uebt is paiu off.



0n a cleai, colu moining in Nansa, Punjab, hunuieus of shauowy figuies, most of
them uiapeu in toin faueu shawls huuule at the towns Laboui chowk -yeai-olu
Ajmei Singh iubs his hanus togethei anu lets out a sigh. Bis eyes, like that of eveiyone
else, aie fixeu on the main ioau. Faimeis, uiiving jeeps anu tiactois, woulu be
aiiiving at any time to pick up men like Ajmei Singh foi woik in theii fielus. Even on a
goou uay, only 6u% of them will get woik. Life is haiu. But foi Ajmei Singh, it is bliss
as compaieu to the life he was foiceu to leau foi yeais in his village Nangal Khuiu.

Ajmei Singh was caught in a vicious web of bonueu laboui aftei a faimei fiom his
village employeu him as a contiactual labouiei foi 12,uuu iupees pei annum. 0n less
than SS iupees a uay, he woikeu seven uays a week, foi 12-14 houis eveiy uay. 0n
the uays he was unable to come to woik uue to illness, the faimei woulu ask Ajmei
Singh to pay a fine of 1uu iupees. Within a yeai, he was also foiceu to take some loans
fiom the faimei 0nce caught in the uebt tiap he was foiceu to woik in the faimeis
fielus foi yeais on a veiy low wage I woikeu uay anu night at his fielus uiauually he
askeu me to biing my 1S-yeai-olu son along with me to woik. Theie was not even a
single houi of iest says Ajmei Singh Thiee months ago Ajmei Singh was lucky
enough to be fieeu by laboui activists. Be eains 6u-7u iupees a uay now, woiking on
a uaily basis in faims.

The minimum uaily wage iate in Punjab is 97 iupees. But still Ajmei Singh is giateful
foi his iecently-acquiieu fieeuom. Accoiuing to an estimate, theie aie at least
1uu,uuu (one lakh) woikeis in Punjab who aie bonueu labouieis. In fact, these aie
contiactual labouieis who get caught in the uebt tiap anu enu up as bonueu
labouieis. In Punjab, theie is an incieasing tienu of hiiing agiicultuial woikeis on a
contiactual basis, wheie they get an auvanceu payment of 12,uuu-18,uuu iupees foi
the entiie yeai. The pooi woikeis enu up boiiowing small amounts foi basic neeus
such as health caie. The inteiest iate foi such loans is as high as 6u% pei annum. As a
iesult, the uebt tiap continues foi yeais, sometimes passing on fiom one geneiation
to anothei. In most of the cases, othei membeis of the family also get stuck.

Theie have been cases wheie the money-lenuing faimeis have taken the houses of
these labouieis since theie is no lanu to annex. Theii livestock is also taken away anu
they enu up living in open spaces oi in community places like guiuuwaias. The
lanuloius have also ueviseu anothei methou to enslave lanuless labouieis; they
pioviue Bhukki (Poppy Busk) to which the labouieis then become auuicteu. Aftei
consuming the uiug, the labouieis become oblivious to fatigue anu woik tiielessly in
the faims of theii lanuloius.



The inciuence of bonueu laboui is extiemely high in the infoimal sectoi, paiticulaily in
inuustiies which iequiie manual piocesses, aie stiictly linkeu to seasons, aie baseu in
iemote places, oi which heavily employ migiants. Quaiiies anu mines, biick kilns, powei
looms, hanulooms, iice mills, seiicultuie anu silk weaving, woolen caipet piouuction, fish
piocessing, anu constiuction aie the inuustiies wheie bonueu laboui is most piominent.

The biick kiln inuustiy can be useu to exemplify the situation of bonueu labouieis woiking
in the infoimal sectois of the Inuian economy. Reciuitment of the victims of this mouein
foim of slaveiy is caiiieu out thiough inteimeuiaiies who ieceive commissions ueuucteu
fiom the labouieis wages 0sually woikeis aie employeu foi six to eight months pei yeai
anu aie paiu pait of theii wages on a weekly oi monthly basis, with aujustments maue at
the enu of the season, so as to keep the woikei (anu his family) bounueu uuiing the whole
season. Woiking houis aie long anu payments below the legal minimum. Coeicion is often
useu to uiscipline the woikeis anu to silence theii giievances.

In the uautam Buuha Bistiict of the State of 0ttai Piauesh
woikeis aie mostly migiants fiom Eastein 0ttai Piauesh,
Bihai, anu West Bengal, incluuing women anu chiluien
who aie not paiu foi theii woik. Woiking anu living
conuitions in the biick kilns aie geneially veiy pooi;
iegulations aie lacking. The biick kilns aie usually
heavily guaiueu anu iestiictions aie also placeu on the
fieeuom of movement of the woikeis.

The uisauvantage of belonging to a low caste oi tiibe, oi being a victim of uiiect oi inuiiect
bonueu laboui is significantly moie pionounceu foi Inuian women uue to the position of
women in society in geneial.
-GHIJKLM! NOGHKH! PQNORJ is typically linkeu to the agiicultuie anu biick kiln sectois.
Women anu theii chiluien aie bonueu uue to the fact that the male of the householu is a
bonueu labouiei Women caiiy out uomestic seivices in the lanuloius house anu besiues
being exposeu to long woiking houis, they may fall victim to physical anu sexual abuse

In Inuia uomestic woik is seen as the lowest job a woman can uo Nany uomestic woikeis aie
tieateu like slaves ieceive low wages anu aie exploiteu by theii employeis says Si Nisha
Nathew fsm, fiom Bangaloie. Chiluien aie also employeu as uomestic woikeis, often in slave-like
conuitions. They aie expecteu to woik veiy long houis anu fiequently ieceive seveie punishment
foi theii mistakes In Si Nisha paiticipateu in a siue event on Bomestic Seivituue which FI
co-hosteu uuiing the 0N Buman Rights Council (BRC) in ueneva. She spoke about the Fianciscan
piogiamme uesigneu to obtain justice foi uomestic woikeis at local anu national level. Aftei the
event Si Nisha saiu It was an impoitant oppoitunity to shaie the plight of uomestic woikeis in
my countiy anu put piessuie on the Inuian uoveinment to piotect theii iights
fiom the lanuloiu. Women anu theii chiluien can also be solu to thiiu paities without even
being infoimeu if the lanuloiu ueciues to tiansfei the cieuit he owns on the male woikei.
$IJKLM!NOGHKH!PQNORJ is steauily incieasing foi women anu may take the following foims.


Noie anu moie women anu giils aie foiceu into bonueu laboui unuei the so-calleu
(67*&;*)-' (9F$7$, which is believeu to have staiteu in the late 198us. The woiu
(67*&;*)- in Tamil iefeis to an unmaiiieu giil becoming a iespectable woman by enteiing
into maiiiage. The scheme is also known as the maiiiage assistance system In a
common Binuu maiiiage the biiues family has to pioviue the giooms family with a uowiy
anu has to beai the expenses of the weuuing. Family fiom the low castes who cannot beai
these costs aie peisuaueu by agents, unuei the
(67*&;*)-'(9F$7$, to sign a contiact which binus theii
uaughtei to woik foi at least thiee yeais in a factoiy, in
exchange foi the auvance of the money neeueu foi the
weuuing. 0nce the contiact is signeu, the giils aie
unuei the contiol of the biokei oi the factoiy anu theii
conuitions vaiy significantly, uepenuing on factois such
as wages anu woiking conuitions. This is the ieason
why the (67*&;*)-' (9F$7$ might not be iecognizeu as
bonueu laboui at fiist, but it is in fact an example of
mouein slaveiy.


x In }aipui, the police geaieu up to launch a campaign against hotels involveu in the iacket of
piostitution. Awaie of the wiuespieau use of chilu piostitutes in hotels, the }aipui police have
ueciueu to conuuct suipiise iaius at the city hotels especially at the buuget ones.
(The Times of Inuia)

x In }uly 2u12, the Sinuhupalchowk Bistiict Couit sentenceu a peison accuseu of having solu six
giils to biothels in Agia to 17u yeais in jail. This is the seveiest jail teim evei inflicteu on
someone in the countiys juuicial histoiy.
(The Bimalayan)
S.S (2)'QR>(M.MUM.>B''

Bespite inconsistencies in the uata available, it has been speculateu that about ten million
piostitutes woik in Inuia. They come pieuominantly fiom the states of Kainataka, Anuhia
Piauesh, Nahaiashtia, anu Tamil Nauu,
anu fiom neighboiing Nepal anu Banglauesh. 0ut
of the estimateu two hunuieu giils anu women who entei piostitution in Inuia eveiy uay,
8u% aie thought to be foiceu into it.
Figuies conceining chiluien in piostitution iange
fiom 7u,uuu to Suu,uuu.

Women anu chiluien aie equally victims of the piostitution inuustiy, anu Bangaloie is now
one of the five majoi cities in Inuia foi chilu piostitution. Chiluien of piostituteu women
aie victims of abuse as well, often foiceu to peifoim uances anu songs foi male buyeis oi to
have sexual inteicouise with them.

The main piovision which iegulates piostitution in Inuia is the .77"%*)' M%*22-9'
@Q%$+$&8-"&A' N98' CLYZ. Accoiuing to this law, piostitutes can piactice theii tiaue piivately but
cannot legally solicit oi 'seuuce' customeis in public. Clients can be punisheu foi sexual activity in
pioximity to a public place. 0iganizeu piostitution (biothels, piostitution iings, pimping, etc.) is
illegal. Piostitution as a business, howevei, is such a majoi issue thioughout the countiy
that its legalization anu the woiking conuitions of the piostitutes aie cuiiently being

Recently, the Supieme Couit claiifieu that while it is not seeking to legalize piostitution,
the bench woulu examine the conuitions conuucive foi sex woikeis to woik with uignity
in accoiuance with piovisions of Aiticle of the Constitution

The laigest ieu-light uistiict in Inuia is the Falklanu Roau Kamatipuia aiea in Numbai.
Biothels aie stiictly contiolleu so that women anu giils cannot escape. They aie constantly

thieateneu anu beaten anu they cannot iely on the help of the police. Besiues the fact that
women cannot iun away, theie have been many instances of police officeis iegulaily
fiequenting the biothels anu opeiating in collusion with the owneis anu the tiaffickeis.

Poveity, inequitable uistiibution of income, customs, uisciimination within the family, anu
the lack of piopei ieintegiation seivices aie the main factois leauing women to
piostitution. Religion might also be the ioot cause of some foims of piostitution, such as
the =$+*#*1-.

Foi the peiiou 2uuu-2uu9, 0NICEF estimates
that 12% of Inuian chiluien who weie
between five anu fouiteen yeais olu at the time of the suivey have been involveu in chilu

Among them, at least 1S million chiluien aie being helu in bonueu laboui in Inuia.

Notwithstanuing the acknowleugement of the Inuian uoveinment that The pioblem of
chilu laboui continues to pose a challenge befoie the nation
Inuia has neithei fixeu a
minimum woiking age,
noi iatifieu the .4>' I"%18' J"%71' "2' 0F-)#' 4*5"6%' 0"&+$&8-"&' @B"/'

Inuia is nonetheless a state paity to the' UB'
0"&+$&8-"&'"&'8F$'R-;F81'"2'8F$'0F-)#, anu as
such it has an obligation to pioviue specific
piotection foi chiluien, anu even moie foi
chiluien in employment. Accoiuingly, Inuia
must iegulate houis anu conuitions of
employment anu, moie geneially, must
auopt measuies to pievent the abuuction
oi the sale oi tiaffic of chiluien foi any

A numbei of national laws anu policies, incluuing the 0"&18-868-"&,
the Q$&*)'0"#$,
3"&#$#' 4*5"6%' (,18$7' @N5")-8-"&A' N98, the 0F-)#' 4*5"6%' Q%"F-5-8-"&' *&#' R$;6)*8-"&' N98
%!"&'() *+,) -./) B*8-"&*)' Q)*&' "2' N98-"&' 2"%' 0F-)#%$&) %0112(
) aim to pioviue foi the
piotection of chiluien fiom exploitation. Bowevei, iecently, the) 4+5-/,) 6*-57+8) 97:+-;<)
=/*>) %4NCT) stateu that this legislation uoes not ban all foims of chilu laboui foi 6-14
yeai-olu chiluien anu shoulu be ievieweu anu haimonizeu with the moie piogiessive
[6+$&-)$'[618-9$'N98 (2uuu) anu the R-;F8'8"'P#69*8-"&'N98 (2uu9).
violence, coipoial punishment,! chilu laboui, anu sexual abuse of chiluien employeu as
uomestic woikeis have been highlighteu by uiffeient 0N human iights mechanisms.

labourers and bonded labourers cbildren in
1he comblneJ elementx of coerclon feur rextrlctlonx on freeJom of movement unJ !
"#*('$%#-1-,!formx of xluvery the Speclul Rupporteur xulJ 1he lmpuct of thexe formx of
on the chllJren unJ the chllJrenx chllJren!


Kepl as sIaves, ninois aie shovn no neicy

Sluli (nane changed) vouId vake up al 5 a.n. eveiy day lo sveep, vash and dusl lhe enliie
house, cook lieakfasl and pack Iunch foi lhe faniIy of five and lhen go and diop lhe kids lo
lhe lus slop. ul she is nol lhe nolhei of lhese chiIdien, neilhei is she lheii caielakei. She
heiseIf is an 11-yeai-oId chiId.
Woiking al lhe hone of a MuIli NalionaI Conpany (MNC) execulive, she vas nade lo voik
al Ieasl 12-14 houis a day, given onIy lvo neaIs and lealen up ladIy if she nade a 'nislake'.
When she vas iescued foIIoving a conpIainl fion a neighloui vho couId nol leai lo see
hei ieguIai liauna, she vas found lo le naInouiished and scaied.
ul Sluli is nol aIone. Megha (nane changed), 13, ian avay fion hei enpIoyeis house lo le
found ly a poIicenan on lhe slieels in KaIkaji. She had iun avay fion a docloi's house vilh
a svoIIen eai, scialches on hei face and liuises aII ovei hei lody. The docloi's vife, she said,
hil hei eveiy day.
Theie aie lhousands of ninoi doneslic heIps voiking in lhe hones of uppei niddIe and
niddIe cIass Indians vho aie neled oul lhe sane liealnenl daiIy. ChiId WeIfaie
Connillees, NCOs and poIice have iescued cIose lo 2OO ninoi doneslic naids in lhe pasl
six nonlhs.
Mosl lip-offs have leen given ly neighlouis lecause lhese naids aie ieguIaiIy lealen up. "I
vas once hil vilh a 'lava lecause I lioke a gIass jai ly nislake," Sluli said. Sluli cane lo
DeIhi as a nine-yeai-oId fion Wesl engaI. Hei nolhei voiked foi lhe faniIy's paienls in
lheii ancesliaI viIIage and hei nolhei lhoughl she vouId le in safe hands. "The voiking
niddIe cIass is fueIIing lhe chiId doneslic heIp secloi. We lhink lhal ve aie doing lhe giiI
and hei faniIy a favoui ly enpIoying hei. Whal ve faiI lo undeisland is lhal lhis giiI shouId
le in schooI inslead of doing voik lhal even a fuII-giovn nan vouId find daunling. UnIess
a giiI is lealen up ladIy, no one conpIains," said Rajaselaslian Roleilson, vho iuns a
sheIlei hone caIIed CIolaI IaniIy and is cuiienlIy laking caie of Sluli. "LnpIoying a young
loy oi giiI is nol consideied a ciine. UnIess lhis allilude changes, giiIs viII conlinue lo le
liafficked and loiluied," he added.
Nonetheless, news conceining mistieatment of chilu uomestic woikeis fills the Inuian
newspapeis eveiy uay.


As with auults, chilu laboui is closely, but not uniquely, linkeu to tiafficking: chiluien aie
foicibly abuucteu, tiickeu, oi luieu with piomises of woik which nevei become a ieality.
0nce the tiaffickeu chiluien aie biought to theii final uestination they become pait of a
woilu of illegality, woiking in slave-like conuitions fiom which it is neaily impossible to

Chiluien aie commonly employeu in uomestic laboui, the sex inuustiy, militaiy seivice, as
beggais, anu in the agiicultuial, extiactive, anu manufactoiy sectois. In the lattei case,
Beeui iolling, caipet weaving, ieaiing of silk cocoons, silk weaving, leathei factoiies, anu
the piouuction of saiis, silvei jeweliy, anu
synthetic gemstones aie some of the sectois
in which chilu laboui is exploiteu. Theie is a
common attituue that, especially in the
caipet, anu silk inuustiies, chiluien
make the best piouucts because of theii small

victims aie tiaffickeu inteinally (fiom
Kainataka, Anuhia Piauesh, anu Nahaiashtia
to Numbai, foi instance), as well as acioss
national boiueis fiom Nepal anu Banglauesh.

In some cases, tiaffickeis anu miuulemen
foicibly abuuct chiluien; othei tiaffickeis
take auvantage of theii peisonal ielationship
with pooi families to convince paients to
suiienuei theii chiluien in exchange foi money oi loans. In othei instances, chiluien
themselves agiee to leave theii homes anu families to seek a bettei futuie, only to enu up in
bonueu laboui in oiuei to make enus meet.

0sing chilu woikeis is the most effective way foi employeis to keep theii laboui costs as
low as possible. The agieements between employei anu chilu-employee aie usually
infoimal without a wiitten contiact, anu the numbei of yeais iequiieu to pay off the uebts
aie unueteimineu, making it impossible foi low caste, illiteiate anu pooi chiluien anu theii
families to escape fiom the bonueu laboui system. When chilu labouieis become auults,
employeis might agiee to ielease them, but they usually ask to secuie the uebt by passing it
on to othei chiluien, often youngei siblings of the fieeu slave.

A laige numbei of giils anu young
women tiaffickeu fiom uiffeient paits
of the countiy to Belhi aie being ie-
tiaffickeu to biothels in Neeiut in
0ttai Piauesh to evaue uetection.
Theie aie also instances of giils ie-
tiaffickeu acioss at least foui uiffeient
Young women aie in some cases
foicibly uiuggeu befoie being solu foi
sex. 0nable to iesist oi uefenu
themselves, they lose theii senses anu
cannot iecall what happeneu.


In the State of Chanuigaih, the
employment of chiluien as uomestic
woikeis follows the mouifieu Chilu Laboui
(Piohibition anu Regulation) Act 1986,
which has been expanueu to incluue as
hazaiuous the employment of chiluien in
uomestic woik anu othei aieas, such as
iestauiants, hotels, motels, tea shops, anu
iesoits. In spite of the ban, it is still not
uncommon to finu chiluien employeu as
waiteis oi uishwasheis, foi which chiluien
eain Rs 2u (less than 0SB Su cent) anu two
meals pei uay.

In Chanuigaih anu suiiounuing aieas,
hunuieus of chiluien aie in employment;
not out of choice but out of compulsion.
Sistei Namiata }oseph cfmss, while
woiking with the National Bomestic
Woikeis Novement, conuucteu a suivey of
chilu seivants in five colonies of
Chanuigaih (Nauli }agian, Inuiia Colony,
Colony No. S, Bhaskai Colony anu Bapu
Bham). She maintains that chiluien want
to attenu school but they cannot because
theii families aie too pooi to lose the
income they eain.
Causes of this contempoiaiy foim of slaveiy aie a ueeply iooteu set of myths, tiauitions,
anu ieligions. These aie ielateu to poveity the lack of alteinative small-scale loans foi the
iuial anu uiban pooi anu the lack of a conceiteu social welfaie scheme to safeguaiu against
hungei anu illness, a non-compulsoiy anu unequal euucational system, the lack of
employment oppoitunities anu living wages foi auults, coiiuption anu inuiffeience among
goveinment officials, anu societal apathy


Chilu labouieis aie iuentifieu as peisons unuei 18 who woik in householus othei than
theii own anu who geneially uo uomestic choies, take caie of theii employeis chiluien,
anu iun eiianus. It appeais that tasks
peifoimeu by chilu uomestic woikeis tenu to
be uiviueu accoiuing to tiauitional genuei
ioles, so that giils aie moie likely to be founu
peifoiming inuooi woik anu boys, foi
example, look aftei the livestock.

Chiluien woik aiounu the clock anu they aie
often victims of violence anu uisciimination
fiequently ielateu to the fact that they belong
to Scheuuleu Castes oi Scheuuleu Tiibes.
0sually, they uo not have access to euucation
but when they uo, the long woiking houis
make it impossible foi them to peifoim well
at school.

Inuian chiluien become uomestic labouieis
because of vaiious ieasons all linkeu to
poveity, such as paying back family loans,
escaping fiom a tioubleu home-life, anu the
lack of a bettei option to suivive.

uenuei anu ethnic uisciimination, social
exclusion, lack of euucational oppoitunities,
uisplacement, anu migiation aie impoitant
factois that push chiluien into uomestic

Suchinta is now fouiteen anu has been employeu as a uomestic woikei foi seveial yeais now.

Suchinta giew up with two sisteis anu thiee biotheis in a village in }haikhanu; hei mothei is
a housewife anu hei fathei is employeu as a biicklayei Suchintas pioblems staiteu when hei
paients coulu not iepay a loan they took to buy a necessaiy machine. Suchintas paients
ueciueu to withuiaw hei fiom school so she coulu woik on the family lanu. She solu
vegetables, collecteu fiiewoou anu giazeu the cattle, in auuition to woiking foi anothei
faimei. The money was nevei enough to help hei family so the lanu was put up foi ient anu
Suchinta ueciueu to become a uomestic woikei to suppoit hei family. She quickly founu a job
at a uoctois family they tieateu hei nicely at the beginning but then eveiything changeu

Suchinta uesciibes how the family put hei to stienuous woik fiom Sam to 11 pm. Eveiy time
she uioppeu a glass oi bioke a plate while uoing the uishes the cost was ueuucteu fiom hei
alieauy meagie salaiy. The family staiteu to beat hei anu scolu hei foi any petty ieason, like
not cleaning the flooi piopeily oi eating moie than alloweu Suchintas impiession of hei
employeis is that they neeu an object on which to take out all theii fiustiations. Bespite the
situation, Suchinta is still theie, because she is ueteimineu to make enough money to get hei
paients lanu back Ny familys futuie uepenus on it anu so uoes mine she says Suchintas
matuiity anu hei ueteimination to suppoit hei family make hei an outstanuing giil foi hei
age. But she is still a giil, anu a uomestic woikei.

(Case uealt with by the National Bomestic Woikeis Novement, NBWN)

The situation of chilu uomestic woikeis is thus
a vicious cycle, in which the abuses which
uiive chiluien into uomestic woik enu up
being the key factois which tiap them theie.



In the State of Neghalaya, Bistiict of }aintia Bills, chiluien uescenu piecaiious lauueis into
the numeious coals mines of the iegion to spenu theii uays in iat hole conuuits wheie even
kneeling becomes impossible sometimes. They lie hoiizontally anu hack coal fiom the walls
with picks oi theii baie hanus, without weaiing any kinu of piotection. Chilu mineis stait
woiking when they aie aiounu twelve. Bowevei, thousanus of chiluien of all ages aie
believeu to woik alongsiue theii paients because theii small bouies fit into the naiiow coal
The National Buman Rights Commission of Inuia (NBRC) has openeu a case (Case No.
221SS2u1u) anu askeu the state goveinment to iepoit on the allegation that about
7u,uuu chiluien fiom Nepal, Banglauesh, anu vaiious Inuian states (Assam, Bihai anu
}haikhanu) woik in the piivate coal mines of }aintia Bills.

Inuia piouuces aiounu ninety uiffeient types of mineial anu the extiactive inuustiy
iepiesents a ciucial sectoi foi the countiys economic giowth. This sectoi is giowing at a
iapiu pace anu it is likely to giow at a much fastei iate in the coming yeais. Since
piivatization staiteu in the eaily 199us (togethei with foieign uiiect investment), mining is
now caiiieu out, not only to satisfy Inuias uomestic iequiiements but also to meet the
inteinational uemanu, with China as a majoi maiket foi Inuian mineials.

What is the impact of mining on Inuias society anu economy.
Statistics suppoit the asseition that mining incieases poveity. States such as }haikhanu,
Chhattisgaih, anu 0iissa uepenu heavily on mineial iesouices but expeiience, compaieu to
othei States, lowei pei capita incomes, gieatei poveity, lowei giowth iates anu highei
levels of moitality, malnutiition anu moibiuity.
The mineial-iich uistiicts of the countiy aie also some of the pooiest anu most
unueiuevelopeu in Inuia. Foi example, Keonjhai, which piouuces one-fifth of Inuias iion
oie, is iankeu 24th out of the Su uistiicts in 0iissa in the Buman Bevelopment Inuex;
uulbaiga, the laigest limestone piouucei in Inuia, is the seconu last in Kainataka; Koiaput,
which piouuces moie than 4u% of the nations bauxite ianks 27th out of 0iissas

What is the impact of mining with specific iegaiu to chiluien.
The IL0 has claiifieu that people living in mining enviionments aie exposeu to subhuman
conuitions, a uegiauing enviionment (ciiminality anu piostitution), complicateu
uepenuency ielations, AIBS, Sexually Tiansmitteu Biseases, violent behaviois, anu a lack of
law anu oiuei.
Chiluien constitute 4u% of the Inuian population anu many of them - the
pooiest anu most maiginalizeu - live in mining aieas, especially small-scale, infoimal oi
aitisanal mines.
Among mineis, chiluien face even gieatei challenges, especially as
iegaius access to foou anu euucation, uisplacement anu the impact on theii health.
these, it must be auueu the iisk of being exposeu to injuiies anu (veiy fiequent) acciuental
Chiluien woik in all kinus of extiactive inuustiies, fiom coal to uiamonus, howevei they
always unueigo the same seiious physical, social, sexual, anu psychological exploitation
anu ielateu tiaumas.
The IL0 anu the Inteinational Piogiamme on the Elimination of
Chilu Laboui (IPEC) have listeu as unacceptable all tasks that chiluien woiking in mines
usually unueitake, with some uiffeiences among unueigiounu mining opeiations, open
cast mines, mineial concentiation anu stone ciushing.

In some extiactive sites, chiluien woik as fai as 9u meteis beneath the giounu with iopes
oi slippeiy lauueis to climb in anu out. The ventilation is inauequate anu the lighting
system nonexistent so they have to use flashlights oi canules to light theii way in oi out, as
well as uuiing theii woik.
Inuias majoi quaiiies anu mines aie spieau acioss many Inuian states besiues
Cheap chilu laboui is useu at mines in Kainataka, Nahaiashtia, Rajasthan,
Nauhya Piauesh, Chhattisgaih, }haikhanu, 0iissa, anu Anuhia Piauesh.
The Bouo-
Santhal conflict of 1996 hau uiamatic iepeicussions foi much of the noith-eastein
population, anu exaceibateu the chilu laboui issue in this iegion. Nany families suffeieu
the loss of theii livelihoous anu uespite the uoveinments commitment to pioviue
compensation of Rs. 1uu,uuu (0S$ 1,991.4S) to families foiceu to live in ielief camps, theie
aie still Santhal families awaiting theii compensation. 0nable to auequately feeu
themselves anu euucate theii chiluien, these families have hau to engage in a high level of
chilu laboui.



In Belhi, begging is one of the most common activities caiiieu out by chiluien, often as
young as foui oi five yeais olu. While just a veiy small peicentage of chiluien tuineu to
begging of theii own volition, the majoiity of them appeai to be foiceu into it eithei by
theii paients oi by thiiu paities such as tiaffickeis, ciiminal gangs, oi uiug uealeis. The
lattei often use the oluest chiluien to get young boys auuicteu to uiugs. In this way, the
uiug uealeis exeicise powei ovei them, iefusing to pioviue them with moie uiugs unless
the chiluien beg to biing them fuithei income. Inevitably, chiluien foiceu to beg aie
iegulaily victims of seveie beatings anu abuses if they uo not collect enough money foi
theii pations. When they aie foiceu by theii families, vaiious stiatagems aie useu. Foi
example, paients use opium to make babies ciy
in oiuei to evoke pity in potential uonois, anu
apply chili peppei to the chilus tongue to give
the impiession of a speech uisability.

Chilu beggais have also to uefenu themselves fiom othei stieet beggais in oiuei to keep
theii spot on the stieet anu sometimes biibe the police to avoiu aiiest. In geneial, chilu
beggais uo not eain money foi themselves, uo not have access to euucation, expeiience
long woiking houis, live in hazaiuous health conuitions anu, if tiaffickeu, they live
sepaiateu fiom theii families foi yeais.


In his 2u11 Repoit to the 0N Secuiity Council on 0F-)#%$&'-&'N%7$#'0"&2)-981, Ban Ki-Noon,
the 0N Secietaiy-ueneial, pointeu to the ieciuitment anu use of chiluien by the Naoist
aimeu gioups, also known as the Naxalites, as one of the majoi pioblems affecting chiluien
in some uistiicts of Chhattisgaih State.
Be noteu the absence of ieliable uata to
ueteimine the numbei of chiluien affecteu, but he piaiseu the effoits of the uoveinment,
incluuing theii awaieness-iaising piogiammes thiough the meuia anu a veiy specific
piogiamme (the Bal Banuhu Scheme) to piotect the iights of chiluien in Naxal-affecteu
aieas, to be implementeu by the National Commission foi the Piotection of Chilu Rights in
ten uistiicts of Anuhia Piauesh, Assam, Bihai, Chhattisgaih anu Nahaiashtia.

Notwithstanuing these commenuable effoits, theie aie instances in which not only the
Naoist militia anu the Salwa }uuum
ieciuiteu chiluien foi the conflict, but the
Chhattisgaih uoveinment also maue use of chiluien in the official aimy. It has been
iepoiteu that within the Special Police 0fficeis (SP0s) ieciuiteu by the uoveinment to fight

Piamita is an eighteen yeai olu giil fiom }haikhanu, one of two uaughteis in a faiming
Piamita is now woiking with Nothei Theiesa Convent. 0ne uay in August 2uuS, two
village giils askeu hei if she woulu like to accompany them to a faii taking place in a
neaiby village. Piamita was suipiiseu, as she uiu not know these giils veiy well.
Bowevei, she was exciteu anu uiu not tuin uown the offei. Aftei the whole uay spent with
these new fiienus, the gioup stoppeu on the way back home at a iivei to have a iest. Aftei
having ieacheu the watei, Piamita tuineu hei heau anu coulu not finu the othei two giils
anymoie; they hau uisappeaieu along with theii bicycles. Piamita was annoyeu but
mostly afiaiu because she iealizeu it was getting uaik anu she was alone. Suuuenly two
men came out fiom the woous anu stiuck up a conveisation, telling hei about a youth
oiganization anu some tiaining sessions. Piamita uiu not unueistanu theii explanation,
but she followeu them as they offeieu to show hei the way back home. Insteau, the two
men biought hei to a cave. She then unueistoou that the two giils might have ieceiveu
money in exchange foi hei. The cave tuineu out to be the base of an insuigent gioup,
tiaining youths in ciiminal behavioui. The instiuctois, men between S2 anu SS, taught
them how to use iopes, iifles, anu bombs to intimiuate villageis anu get money anu foou
fiom them. Piamita, unuei thieat of ueath, hau no othei choice but to stay. The
supeivisois constantly kept an eye on hei, seveiely punishing hei anu whoevei else uaieu
to uisobey oiueis. Talking was not alloweu anu theie was no possibility of making
fiienus. Aftei six months of abuse anu inuoctiination, Piamita ueciueu to bieak out anu
manageu to eluue the suiveillance at the neaiby iivei, wheie she was supposeu to bathe.
She was physically anu mentally exhausteu. Now Piamita is a uomestic woikei fighting
foi hei iights; the teiiible expeiience she unueiwent maue hei stiongei but also
convinceu hei that violence is not a solution. Not many chiluien have been lucky like
Piamita, oi have hei stiength.
(Case uealt with by the National Bomestic Woikeis Novement, NBWN)

in the conflict, many soluieis can be easily iuentifieu as minois coming fiom the Auivasi
communities which populate the iegion.
The lack of systematic biith iegistiation makes it impossible to iule out the possibility that
unuei-18 yeai olu chiluien actively paiticipate in the conflict. These chilu soluieis, tiaineu
by the state police anu secuiity foices, suffei fiom injuiies, uisabilities, anu tiauma as a
iesult of the violence they expeiience. They aie often foicibly ieciuiteu, sepaiateu fiom
theii families, anu subjecteu to inhuman punishment if they cannot fulfill theii uuties.


Bonueu laboui anu contempoiaiy foims of slaveiy (CFS) in geneial constitute violations of
the inheient uignity anu of the equal anu inalienable iights of all membeis of the human
family which constitute the founuation of fieeuom justice anu peace in the woilu as the
0niveisal Beclaiation of Buman Rights (0BBR) sets out in its Pieamble. At the same time,
bonueu laboui anu CFS aie violations of those iights (iight to libeity, iight not to be
uisciiminateu against, etc.) to which eveiyone is entitleu, without uistinction of any kinu,
such as iace, coloui, sex, language, ieligion, political oi othei opinion, national oi social
oiigin, piopeity, biith oi othei status.

In spite of the legislation auopteu anu the piogiammes anu policies implementeu at the
State anu cential level, as well as the obligations Inuia has towaiu the inteinational
community, bonueu laboui iemains a ieality thioughout the countiy. Fuitheimoie,
bonueu laboui, as well as othei manifestations of mouein slaveiy iegulaily change into
new foims uifficult to unueistanu, uetect, anu eiauicate. !

A stiong anu unanimous political will to biing about change still lacks anu too often
employeis engage bonueu laboui with impunity. This ambiguous situation encouiages the
violatois anu foices the most vulneiable into abusive anu exploitative situations fiom
which they cannot escape.

While Inuia has inheiiteu stiuctuially entiencheu socio-economic, cultuial, anu ieligious
tiauitions, this shoulu not be accepteu as a ieason foi maintaining the 18*861'\6"/'

The uoveinment of Inuia anu the local goveinments aie the entities iesponsible foi taking
uecisive action against bonueu laboui. Bowevei, civil society also plays an impoitant iole
in the fight against all foims of mouein slaveiy. Consultation anu paiticipation of civil
society actois is ciucial in uecision-making piocesses, in oiuei to auopt effective measuies
which aie able to tackle mouein slaveiy fiom its ioot causes.

In oiuei to be heaiu at the goveinment level anu be an effective pait of this uecision-
making piocess, it is impoitant to unueistanu how change can be effecteu thiough


What is auvocacy then.

D)8%/7/9" 0@ iaising political leaueis awaieness of human iights violations influencing
uecisions, piogiammes, policies anu legislation at local, national anu inteinational level;
anu negotiating with all stakeholueis to biing about change anu to achieve a moie just

D)8%/7/9" 0@ baseu on a ueep unueistanuing of the issues in question. This cannot be
achieveu without woiking with the victims. They have the uiiect expeiience anu
knowleuge. Bowevei, they aie often ignoieu.

D)8%/7/9"0@ giving the victims a voice to speak up.

D)8%/7/9"70I@ to, uiiectly oi inuiiectly, impiove theii quality of life.


0K! Q_QJK! OV! MSK! IUURK. Knowing what bonueu laboui anu othei slaveiy-like
piactices aie is funuamental to being able to iecognize them as soon as you face
This hanubook aims to intiouuce foims anu causes of bonueu laboui anu CFS so as
to give the ieauei an iuea of the vaiious foims bonueu laboui can take in ieality.
The hope is that the ieauei will be maue moie awaie of this issue anu be able to
uetect foims of CFS in his community, village, city, state, etc.

&KUKQJLS! QGH! PKQJG about legislation, policies, anu piogiammes at the local,
national anu cential levels. This is of the utmost impoitance foi auvocacy activities,
paiticulaily when foimulating action plans anu negotiating with those in powei.

1GHKJUMQGH how you can best use the knowleuge anu infoimation acquiieu. Know
youi legal iights anu limits in iegaiu to youi (oi youi oiganizations) involvement in

(SQJK!YORJ!`GO_PKHWK anu make as much people as you can awaie about bonueu
laboui anu othei CFS.
It is impoitant to keep in minu that, especially in situations wheie bonueu laboui
has tiansnational anu inteistate featuies, the challenges faceu at the local level aie

not unique. veiy often othei communities face similai pioblems. 0iganizing
meetings at the local, iegional, oi national level with othei communities to shaie
conceins anu best piactices might impiove the chance to be heaiu at the (local,
national, cential) goveinment level, anu might biing new iueas.

0K!IGLPRUIXK. uet people on boaiu fiom all sectois of the society: men anu women,
chiluien, people of uiffeient ieligion, backgiounu anu social status; non-piofit,
goveinment anu piivate sectoi actois, etc.
In sum, the bioauei youi coalition the wiuei its link with the community anu the
chance to be successful while auvocating against bonueu laboui anu CFS.

0K! UMJQMKWIL. Shaie what you know with electeu officials you oi youi netwoik
knows; attenu official meetings; unueistanu who has the powei to take uecisions so
as to focus youi attention on this peison; oiganize a coalition of conceineu people in
youi community.

3SK!ITZOJMQGLK!OV!IGMKJGQMIOGQP!QHXOLQLY. Although iepiesenting local conceins
at the national level is the fiist auvocacy step, it is sometimes necessaiy to biing the
same conceins to the inteinational level to be heaiu. It is possible to oveicome
national baiiieis anu put piessuie on goveinments thiough inteinational auvocacy.

Fianciscans Inteinational (FI) is the instiument foi Fianciscans anu paitneis to
biing about change; FI is a biiuge that links the giassioots to the inteinational
community, in paiticulai the 0niteu Nations. Constantly expanuing its netwoik anu
welcoming new possibilities foi collaboiation, FI woiks to stiengthen the voice of
the most vulneiable.




The piohibition of slaveiy anu slaveiy-ielateu piactices is iecognizeu as an obligation $%;*'
"7&$1'aiising out of human iights law This implies that piotecting people fiom slaveiy is
a uuty that each state has towaiu the inteinational community as a whole in view of the
impoitance of the iights involveu

The fiist uefinition of slaveiy is enshiineu in the 0-12%&' 3)21"-4' 5()6%#7' 8"-6%-21"-,
which was auopteu unuei the auspices of the League of Nations in ueneva on 2S Septembei
1926. The Convention was amenueu by the Piotocol auopteu at the Beauquaiteis of the
0niteu Nations, New Yoik, on 7 Becembei 19SS anu iatifieu by Inuia, which was still unuei
the Biitish Empiie, in }une Aiticle of the Convention specifies that slaveiy is the
status oi conuition of a peison ovei whom any oi all of the poweis attaching to the iight of
owneiship aie exeiciseu anu that the slave tiaue incluues all acts involveu in the captuie
acquisition oi uisposal of a peison with intent to ieuuce him to slaveiy; all acts involveu in
the acquisition of a slave with a view to selling oi exchanging him; all acts of uisposal by
sale oi exchange of a slave acquiieu with a view to being solu oi exchangeu anu, in geneial,
eveiy act of tiaue oi tianspoit in slaves

Aftei Woilu Wai II, the piotection of human iights became one of the main piioiities of the
inteinational community anu also the abolition of slaveiy anu slaveiy ielateu piactices.
Aiticle 4 of the 1948' 0-16%#4)(' 9%$()#)21"-' ":' ;+<)-' =1.>24 0BBR iecognizes that
No one shall be helu in slaveiy oi seivituue slaveiy anu the slave tiaue shall be
piohibiteu in all theii foims.

Aiticle 1 of the 0-12%&' 3)21"-4' 5+??(%<%-2)#7' 8"-6%-21"-'

"-' 2>%' @*"(121"-' ":' 5()6%#7 of 19S6 claiifies that the piohibition of slaveiy extenus to
othei piactices such as uebt bonuage anu seifuom, among otheis.

The 1966 A-2%#-)21"-)(' 8"6%-)-2' "-' 8161(' )-&' B"(121$)(' =1.>24 (ICCPR) ieiteiates the
piosciiption of the 0BBR in its Aiticles 8 anu 4. C>%' A-2%#-)21"-)(' 8"6%-)-2' "-'
D$"-"<1$/' 5"$1)(' )-&' 8+(2+#)(' =1.>24 (ICESCR) iecognizes, in Aiticle 6, that the iight to
woik incluues the iight of eveiybouy to the oppoitunity to gain his living by woik which
he fieely chooses oi accepts anu sets out conuitions anu iights ielateu foi instance to
wages anu iemuneiations that each state has the obligation to piotect (Aiticles S, 7, anu 8).
C>%'="<%'52)2+2%'":'2>%'A-2%#-)21"-)('8#1<1-)('8"+#2 (ICC) encompasses enslavement
in the list of ciimes against humanity falling into the juiisuiction of the Couit (Aiticle


The iecent 0-12%&' 3)21"-4' 8"-6%-21"-' ).)1-42' C#)-4-)21"-)(' E#.)-1F%&' 8#1<%! QGH! IMU!
fostei inteinational coopeiation with the aim of eliminating all foims of
slaveiy. Among them, the B#"2"$"(' 2"' B#%6%-2/' 5+??#%44' )-&' B+-14>' C#)::1$G1-.' 1-'
B%#4"-4/'D4?%$1)((7'H"<%-')-&'8>1(&#%- (the B)(%#<"'B#"2"$"() is paiticulaily ielevant
because notwithstanuing the fact that its application is limiteu to situations in which a
peison has been tiaffickeu by a ciiminal oiganization acioss inteinational boiueis it goes
beyonu the tiauitional uefinitions of slaveiy. In this, the Piotocol miiiois the 18*861'\6" of
slaveiy nowauays.

Aiticle S of the Q*)$%7"' Q%"8"9") ciiminalizes the ieciuitment tianspoitation tiansfei,
haibouiing oi ieceipt of peisons put in place by tiauitional means such as coeicion It also
iecognizes wiuespieau methous of ieciuitment of mouein slaves such as fiauu
ueception abuse of powei oi a position of vulneiability oi the giving oi ieceiving
of payments oi benefits to achieve the consent of a peison having contiol ovei anothei
peison foi the puipose of exploitation

Fuitheimoie, the same piovision' claiifies that,
keeping in minu tiauitional slaveiy the puipose of exploitation has to be unueistoou as
at a minimum the exploitation of the piostitution of otheis oi othei foims of sexual
exploitation, foiceu laboui oi seivices, slaveiy oi piactices similai to slaveiy, seivituue oi
the iemoval of oigans In this way the %*8-"' of the Piotocol is cleaily to encompass all
mouein foims of slaveiy anu slaveiy-ielateu piactices.

Recognizing that contempoiaiy foims of slaveiy is a global issue which affects all
continents anu most countiies of the woilu,
anu that the manuates of existing Special
Rappoiteuis uo not auequately covei all slaveiy piactices in the 0N Buman Rights
Council (BRC) ieplaceu the Woiking uioup on Contempoiaiy Foims of Slaveiy with the
5?%$1)(' =)??"#2%+#' "-' 8"-2%<?"#)#7' :"#<4' ":' 5()6%#7/' 124' 8)+4%4' )-&' 8"-4%I+%-$%4
whose manuate incluues uebt bonuage, seifuom, foiceu laboui, chilu slaveiy, sexual
slaveiy, foiceu oi eaily maiiiages anu the sale of wives.

The effoits to combat all foims of slaveiy aie also put foiwaiu by othei inteinational
oiganizations, within theii iespective fielus of action. The Inteinational Laboui
0iganization (IL0), foi example, has auopteu anu supeivises impoitant instiuments such
as the AJE' !"#$%&' J)*"+#' 8"-6%-21"-' ":' KLMN' O3"PQLR@! MSK! AJE' @*"(121"-' ":' !"#$%&'
J)*"+#' 8"-6%-21"-/' KLST' O3"P' KNSR@! QGH! MSK! AJE' H"#42' !"#<4' ":' 8>1(&' J)*"+#'

0niteu Nations, Fact Sheet No. 14, 97+-/>?7;*;<)@7;>8)7A)BC*D/;<, 1.
0ffice of the 0niteu Nations Bigh Commissionei foi Buman Rights, Baviu Weissbiout anu Anti-Slaveiy Inteinational,
EF7C58.5+G)BC*D/;<)*+,)5-8)97+-/>?7;*;<)@7;>8, 2uu2, 7.
The Woilu Bank, H+,5*)ID/;D5/J, at http:www.woilubank.oigencountiyinuiaoveiview.
Baily News anu Analysis, K7D/;-<),5?8)-7)0"L&M)5+)011"N!1O)KC*++5+G)97>>58857+, 19 Naich 2u12, at
Inuia has iatifieu many of the majoi inteinational human iights instiuments, incluuing the BC*D/;<) 97+D/+-57+8. As a
membei of the South Asian Association foi Regional Coopeiation (SAARC), Inuia is one of the signatoiies of the
97+D/+-57+)7+)K;/D/+-5+G) *+,)97>F*-5+G)=;*AA5PQ5+G)5+)R7>/+)*+,)9.5C,;/+)A7;)K;78-5-:-57+ which enhances coopeiation
anu pievents such tiafficking among South Asia countiies anu the 97+D/+-57+)7+)S/G57+*C)E;;*+G/>/+-8)A7;)-./)K;7>7-57+)
7A) 9.5C,) R/CA*;/) 5+) B7:-.) E85* (signeu in Kathmanuu on S }anuaiy 2uu2). See Appenuix 1 foi an oveiview of the
inteinational anu national legal fiamewoiks conceining the piohibition of slaveiy anu slaveiy-like piactices applicable to
Inteinational Laboui 0iganization (IL0)T)HUI)EP-57+)EG*5+8-)=;*AA5PQ5+G)5+)V:>*+)W/5+G, 2uu8, S, anu IL0 Foiceu Laboui
Statistics, at http:www.ilo.oigpublicenglishiegioneuipiomoscownews2uuSfactsheetkeystatisticsen.puf.
IL0 0bseivation (CEACR) - auopteu 2u11, publisheu 1u1st ILC session (2u12), Foiceu Laboui Convention, 19Su (no. 29)
- Inuia (Ratification: 19S4).
S// The 0niteu States of Ameiica, Bepaitment of State, =;*AA5PQ5+G)5+)K/;87+8)S/?7;-, H+,5* (19 }une 2u12).
Bonna N. Bughes, Lauia }oy Spoicic, Nauine Z. Nenuelsohn, vanessa Chiigwin, =./) @*P-F77Q) 7+) XC7F*C) B/Y:*C)
ZY?C75-*-57+, Coalition Against Tiafficking in Women, 1999, at http:www.uii.euuaitsciwmshughesinuia.htm.
Saiasu E. Thomas, S/8?7+8/8)-7)V:>*+)=;*AA5PQ5+G)5+)W*+GC*,/8.T)H+,5*T)6/?*C)*+,)B;5)U*+Q*L))U/G*C)*+,)K7C5P<) S/D5/J,
0niteu Nations 0ffice on Biugs anu Ciime, 2u11, 2S.
Coalition Against Tiafficking in Women (CATW), B7:-./*8-)E85*)*+,)K*P5A5P, at
Foiceu Laboui Convention, 19Su (No. 29), Aiticle 2(1); Abolition of Foiceu Laboui Convention, 19S7, Aiticle 1.
A compiehensive uefinition of bonu laboui is founu in the Supplementaiy Convention on the Abolition of Slaveiy. See
also, IL0, Repoit of the Biiectoi-ueneial, B-7??5+G) A7;P/,) U*F7:;, XC7F*C) S/?7;-) :+,/;) -./) @7CC7JN:?) -7) -./) HUI)
[/PC*;*-57+) 7+) @:+,*>/+-*C) K;5+P5?C/8) *+,) S5G.-8) *-) R7;QT) H+-/;+*-57+*C) U*F7:;) 97+A/;/+P/, 89th Session 2uu1 Repoit I
(B), IL0, ueneva, 2uuS, S; anu Anti-Slaveiy Inteinational, K7D/;-<T)[58P;5>5+*-57+)*+,)BC*D/;<L))=./);/*C5-<)7A)F7+,/,)C*F7:;)
5+)H+,5*T)6/?*C)*+,)K*Q58-*+, 2uu8, S.
Asian Legal Resouice Centie (ALRC), H6[HEO)W7+,/,)C*F7:;)5+)H+,5*, wiitten statement submitteu to the Buman Rights
Council at its 1Sth Session, Agenua Item 4, ALRC-CWS-1S-12-2u1u.
0ut of a total woik foice S97 million, only 28 million woikeis aie employeu in the oiganizeu sectoi. See Infoimal Sectoi
Inuia: Appioaches foi Social Secuiity, at http:laboui.nic.inssINF0RNALSECT0RININBIA-
B. Finn, Bonueu Laboui in Inuia, in Topical Reseaich Bigest: Buman Rights anu Contempoiaiy Slaveiy, 2uu8, 6, at
A. Kapui, A. Shepheiu, S. Bhiue, A. Shah, A. Kumai, H+,5*)9.;7+5P)K7D/;-<)S/?7;-T)=7J*;,8)B7C:-57+8)*+,)6/J)97>?*P-8)
5+)*)[<+*>5P)97+-/Y-, Inuian Institute of Public Auministiation, Chionic Poveity Reseaich Centie, New Belhi, 2u11.
WateiAiu, W:;,/+) 7A) H+./;5-*+P/L) 9*+) J/) 8-7?) >*+:*C) 8P*D/+G5+G\) ]/8T) F:-) A5;8-) J/) +//,) -7) *PP/?-) 5-) /Y58-8, WateiAiu
Inuia, 0ctobei 2uu9.
See Appenuix foi the applicable inteinational legal fiamewoik.
Ravi S. Siivastava, In Focus Piogiamme on Piomoting the Beclaiation on Funuamental Piinciples anu Rights at Woik,
anu Inteinational Laboui 0ffice, W7+,/,)U*F7;)5+)H+,5*O)H-8)H+P5,/+P/)*+,)K*--/;+, 2uuS, S.
The Nines Act, 19S2; the Inteistate Nigiant Woikmen (Regulation of Employment anu Conuitions of Seivice) Act, 1979;
the Contiact Laboui (Regulation anu Abolition) Act, 197u; the Ninimum Wages Act, 1948; the Equal Remuneiation Act,
1976. Bistoiically: the Inuian Penal Coue, 186u, the Bihai anu 0iissa Kamiauti Act, 192u, the Nauias Bebt Bonuage
Abolition Act, 194u; the 0iissa Bebt Bonuage Abolition Regulation 1948; the Rajasthan Sagii System Abolition Act, 1961;
the 0iuinance piomulgateu by uoveinment of Anuhia Piauesh (28.u8.7S), Nauhya Piauesh (2S.u9.7S) anu Kainatak
See IL0 0bseivation (CEACR) - auopteu 2uu9, publisheu 99th ILC session (2u1u) anu IL0 0bseivation (CEACR) -
auopteu 2u11, publisheu 1u1st ILC session (2u12), Foiceu Laboui Convention, 19Su (no. 29) - Inuia (Ratification: 19S4).
National Buman Rights Commission, New Belhi, Inuia at http:www.nhic.nic.in.
National Buman Rights Commission Inuia Submission to the 0N Buman Rights Council foi Inuias Seconu 0niveisal
Peiiouic Review.

Repoit of the Expeit Woiking uioup on Bonueu Laboui, Set up by the national Buman Rights Commission - Nay 2uu1.
IL0, Repoit of the Biiectoi-ueneial, B-7??5+G) A7;P/,) U*F7:;, citeu. See, iecently the Nahatma uanuhi National Ruial
Employment uuaiantee Act, 2uuS (NuNREuA).
Anti-Slaveiy Inteinational, K7D/;-<T)[58P;5>5+*-57+)*+,)BC*D/;<L))citeu, 1-8.
The IL0 iepoits that in Punjab State, wheie agiicultuie is highly uevelopeu, local woikeis, have incieasingly been
ieplaceu by migiant bonueu labouieis ieciuiteu thiough agents in Bihai State (IL0, Repoit of the Biiectoi-ueneial, E)
GC7F*C) *CC5*+P/) *G*5+8-) A7;P/,) C*F7:;L) XC7F*C) S/?7;-) :+,/;) -./)@7CC7JN:?) -7) -./) HUI) [/PC*;*-57+) 7+) @:+,*>/+-*C) K;5+P5?C/8)
*+,) S5G.-8) *-) R7;Q) 0112, Inteinational Laboui Confeience, 9Siu Session 2uuS, Repoit I (B), Inteinational Laboui 0ffice,
ueneva, 2uuS, S1).
Ravi S. Siivastava, W7+,/,)U*F7;)5+)H+,5*, citeu, 1S-17.
uhosh, Ruma (2uu4) W;5PQ) ^5C+) H+,:8-;<O) _:C+/;*F5C5-<T) `5G;*-57+) *+,) U*F7:;) K;7P/88/8, N0IBA, v. v. uiii National
Laboui Institute, mimeo, citeu in Ravi S. Siivastava, W7+,/,)U*F7;)5+)H+,5*, citeu, 19.
Faii Weai Founuation, Septembei 2u1u, B:>*+G*C5) BP./>/) *+,) F7+,/,) C*F7:;) 5+) H+,5*, at
Bonna N. Bughes, =./)@*P-F77Q)7+)XC7F*C)B/Y:*C)ZY?C75-*-57+, citeu.
R7;8-)@7;>8)7A)9.5C,)U*F7:;)[*-*T)H+,5*, at http:www.globalmaich.oigwoistfoimsiepoitwoiluinuia.html .
0N0BC, 0NuIFT, INBIA, B7:-.)E85*)S/G57+*C)97+A/;/+P/O)S/8?7+,5+G)-7)=;*AA5PQ5+G)A7;)B/Y:*C)ZY?C75-*-57+)5+)B7:-.)E85*T)
S/8?7+,5+G)-7)=;*AA5PQ5+G)A7;)B/Y:*C)ZY?C75-*-57+)5+)B7:-.)E85*, Regional 0N.uIFT Neeting, New Belhi, 1u-11 0ctobei 2uu7.
U*J) H8) X;//QL) U*<>*+) -7) U*J>*+T H+,5*+) U*J8) 7+) K;78-5-:-57+O) B.7:C,) 5-) F/) C/G*C5a/,\ 26 Nay 2u1u, at
http:www.lawisgieek.cominuian-laws-on-piostitution-inuustiy-shoulu-it-be-legalizeu; Inuia Touay, B:?;/>/) 97:;-)
P7+85,/;8) ;/G:C*-5+G) ?;78-5-:-57+, 2u }uly 2u11, http:inuiatouay.intouay.instoiysupieme-couit-
piostitution114SS21.html; The Binuu, B/Y) J7;Q/;8) >:8-) +7-) F/) *CC7J/,) -7) 7?/;*-/T) 9/+-;/) -/CC8) B:?;/>/) 97:;-, 1S }uly
2u12, at http:www.thehinuu.comtouays-papeitp-nationalaiticleS6SS6uS.ece; The Times of Inuia, R/) *;/) +7-)
/+P7:;*G5+G) 8/Y) J7;Q/;8T) B:?;/>/) 97:;-) PC*;5A5/8, 26 }uly 2u12, http:aiticles.timesofinuia.inuiatimes.com2u12-u7-
26inuiaS2868u97_1_woikeis-apex-couit-piostitution .
William Baliymple, B/;D5+G)-./)X7,,/88L))=./),*+G/;7:8)C5A/)7A)*)8*P;/,)8/Y)J7;Q/;, 2uu8, The New Yoikei, at
http:www.newyoikei.comiepoiting2uu8u8u4u8u8u4fa_fact_ualiymple; Buman Rights Watch, W;7Q/+)K/7?C/O)
9*8-/)_57C/+P/)EG*5+8-)H+,5*b8)4+-7:P.*FC/8, 1999, at: http:www.unhci.oigiefwoiluuociuSae6a8Sfu.html .
0NICEF, Tbe Stote of tbe WorlJs CbilJren CbilJ Protection, Table 9.
Foi 0NICEF, a chilu is consiueieu to be involveu in chilu laboui unuei the following conuitions: (a) chiluien S11 yeais
olu who, uuiing the week pieceuing the suivey, uiu at least one houi of economic activity oi at least 28 houis of
householu choies, oi (b) chiluien 1214 yeais olu who, uuiing the week pieceuing the suivey, uiu at least 14 houis of
economic activity oi at least 28 houis of householu choies.
Buman Rights Watch, Smoll Cbonqe BonJeJ CbilJ lobour in lnJios Silk Ioctories, 2uuS, 18.
6*-57+*C)KC*+)7A)EP-57+)A7;)9.5C,;/+, citeu.
Inuia has not iatifieu yet the HUI)`5+5>:>)EG/)97+D/+-57+ of 197S (Convention No. 1S8).
The HUI) R7;8-) @7;>8) 7A) 9.5C,) U*F7:;) 97+D/+-57+ No cleaily pioviue foi States obligation to iegulate thiough
national laws the woist foims of chilu laboui) compiising all foims of slaveiy oi piactices similai to slaveiy, chilu
piostitution anu poinogiaphy anu the use of a chilu foi illicit activities.
See, foi instance, Aiticles S2, SS anu S6. See also Aiticle 1 of the 46) B:??C/>/+-*;<) 97+D/+-57+) 7+) -./) EF7C5-57+) 7A)
See Aiticles 21 anu 2S of the Inuian Constitution. 0thei national laws that somehow ueal with chilu laboui aie: the
9.5C,;/+)%KC/,G5+G)7A)U*F7:;)EP-( of 19SS, =./)9.5C,)U*F7:;)%K;7.5F5-57+)*+,)S/G:C*-57+()EP- of 1986, @*P-7;5/8)EP-)of 1948,
the W//,5) *+,) 95G*;) R7;Q/;8) %97+,5-57+8) 7A) Z>?C7<>/+-() EP-) of 1966; BP./,:C/,) 9*8-/8cBP./,:C/,) =;5F/8) K;/D/+-57+) 7A)
E-;7P5-5/8) EP-) of 1989; H+-/;NB-*-/) `5G;*+-) R7;Q>/+) %S/G:C*-57+) 7A) Z>?C7<>/+-) *+,) 97+,5-57+8) 7A) B/;D5P/() EP-) of 1979;
97+-;*P-) U*F7:;) %S/G:C*-57+) *+,) EF7C5-57+() EP-) of 197u, `5+5>:>) R*G/8) EP-) of 1948; KC*+-*-57+) U*F7:;) EP-) of 19S1;
E??;/+-5P/8) EP-) of 1961; the B.7?8) *+,) Z8-*FC58.>/+-8) EP-) of 1961; the d:D/+5C/) d:8-5P/) EP- of 1986. See Buman Rights
Watch, =./)B>*CC)V*+,8)7A)BC*D/;<L))W7+,/,)9.5C,)U*F7:;)5+)H+,5*, 1996, 12-2u foi an in uepth view of the piovisions.
The H+,5*+)K/+*C)97,/, Act N. 4S of 186u.
See http:laboui.nic.incwlchilulaboui.htm anu the National Repoit Submitteu in occasion of the 0PR of Inuia in
2uu8 (ABRCWu.61INB1).
97>?5C*-57+)K;/?*;/,)F<)-./)IAA5P/)7A)-./)V5G.)97>>58857+/;)A7;)V:>*+)S5G.-8T) ABRCWu.61INB2) 27 Naich 2uu8
anu ABRCWu.61SINB2, 12 Apiil 2u12.
0NICEF, Stote of tbe WorlJs CbilJren FxcluJeJ onJ)H+D585FC/, 2uu6, Su.
Beeui is a common bianu of cigaiettes piouuceu anu wiuely consumeu in Inuia.
Fiee The Slaves, S/P7D/;5+G)9.5C,.77,8L))97>F*-5+G)9.5C,)=;*AA5PQ5+G)5+)67;-./;+)H+,5*, 0ctobei 2uuS, SS-S4.
Buman Rights Watch, =./)B>*CC)V*+,8)7A)BC*D/;<T)citeu, 8
The geneial infoimation pioviueu in this paiagiaph have been taken fiom }. Blagbiough, =./<) ;/8?/P-) -./5;) *+5>*C8)
>7;/L))_75P/8)7A)P.5C,),7>/8-5P)J7;Q/;8, Anti-Slaveiy Inteinational, 2uu7.

The Centie foi Science anu Enviionment (CSE), at http:www.cseinuia.oignoueS84; see also Bhaatii Resouice
Centie foi Women anu Chiluien Samata, BAQ: Centie foi Chilu Rights, lnJios CbilJbooJ in tbe Pits A Report on tbe
H>?*P-8)7A)`5+5+G)7+)9.5C,;/+)5+)H+,5*, 2u1u, 6.
The Centie foi Science anu Enviionment, citeu.
IL0, Inteinational Piogiamme on the Elimination of Chilu Laboui (IPEC), ZC5>5+*-5+G) 9.5C,) U*F7:;) 5+) `5+5+G) *+,)
e:*;;<5+GL))W*PQG;7:+,)[7P:>/+-, Woilu Bay against Chilu Laboui, 12 }une 2uuS, 1S.
Infoimal mining iefeis to uncontiolleu mining activities often opeiateu by family membeis oi of close ielatives without
any license oi foimal peimission. The moie iemote anu moie infoimal a small-scale mining activity, the moie likely
chiluien aie to be involveu, while the laige-scale foimal mining sectoi uoes not geneially employ chiluien in its
opeiations, see IL0 IPEC ZC5>5+*-5+G)9.5C,)U*F7:;)5+)`5+5+G, citeu, 2.
A iecent stuuy ievealeu that moie than half of the chiluien woiking in a stone quaiiy in Noshi, Pune Bistiict
(Nahaiashtia) have ieuuceu lung functions anu all the symptoms of asthma. See The Times of Inuia, 21M) 9.5C,;/+) *-)
`78.5) e:*;;<) V*D/) E8-.>*, 18 Novembei 2uu9, at http:aiticles.timesofinuia.inuiatimes.com2uu9-11-
Bi. Puspanjali Paiiua, Ns Nauhusmita Nishia, Ns Niijhaiani Ratha, Ni. Bilip Panua, I:;) `5+5+G) *+,) B-7+/) 9;:8./;)
9.5C,;/+L) E) S/?7;-) 7A) -./) @*P-) @5+,5+G) =/*>) 7+) -./) 9.5C,) U*F7;/;8) 5+) -./) B-7+/) 9;:8./;8) T) H;7+) I;/) *+,) X;*+5-/) `5+/8) 5+)
I;588*, 18-21 Apiil 2uuS, 4.
IL0IPEC, EP-57+)*G*5+8-T)9.5C,)U*F7:;)5+)B>*CCNBP*C/)`5+5+G)f)e:*;;<5+GL)E)=./>*-5P)ZD*C:*-57+, Nay 2uu4, 6.
The ieseaich has been oiiginally conuucteu by the Impulse Nu0 Netwoik, base in Shillong, the capital of the State of
Neghalaya (http:www.impulseasia.oiginuex.php.option=com_fiontpage&Itemiu=1 ). The NBRC took up the issue as a
consequence of meuia iepoits. The official web site of the NBRC uoes not uisplay up to uate infoimation on the case, but
just a shoit piess ielease, available at http:www.nhic.nic.in.
Foi a uetaileu iepoit on each of these states, see lnJios CbilJbooJ in tbe Pits citeu, Pait II.
E. Belap, W/GG5+G) A7;) 9.*+G/L) ) S/8/*;P.) A5+,5+G8) *+,) ;/P7>>/+,*-57+8) 7+) A7;P/,) P.5C,) F/GG5+G) 5+) ECF*+5*cX;//P/T) H+,5*)
*+,)B/+/G*C, Anti-Slaveiy Inteinational, 2uu9.
An aimeu peasant upiising in Nay 1967 in Naxalbaii (West Bengal) maikeu the beginning of the Naoist ievolutionaiy
political movement in Inuia. The movement is nameu aftei the iegion anu thus calleu the Naxalite movement. Naxalites
call foi a total tiansfoimation of the existing political system to cieate a new social oiuei enuing what they see as the
exploitation of maiginalizeu anu vulneiable communities. Naxalites caiiy out theii political agenua thiough vaiious
means incluuing aimeu attacks against the state (See Buman Rights Watch, [*+G/;7:8)[:-<L)9.5C,;/+)*+,)-./)9..*--58G*;.)
97+AC5P-, Septembei 2uu8, 14).
0N ueneial Assembly, 9.5C,;/+)*+,)*;>/,)P7+AC5P-O);/?7;-)7A)-./)B/P;/-*;<NX/+/;*C, 2S Apiil 2u11, A6S82u -
S2u112Su, available at: http:www.unhci.oigiefwoiluuociu4uuaS82b2.html (accesseu 1 Becembei 2u11), pai.
It is the name of the local militia liteially peace mission fighting against the Naxalite insuigents
0. Zempi, S. Nohapatiaii, CbilJ SolJiers in Cbbottisqorb lssues Cbollenqes onJ IIBAs Response Iorum for IoctN@5+,5+G)
[7P:>/+-*-57+)*+,)E,D7P*P<, at http:www.otheiinuia.oiguevimagesstoiiesfeua_chilu.puf. See also The Coalition to
Stop the 0se of Chilu Soluieis, 9.5C,) B7C,5/;8) XC7F*C) S/?7;-T) H+,5*, 2uu8, at http:www.chilu-
soluieis.oigiegionscountiy.iu=99; Buman Rights Watch, [*+G/;7:8) [:-<L) ) 9.5C,;/+) *+,) -./) 9..*--58G*;.) 97+AC5P-,
Septembei 2uu8.
0niveisal Beclaiation of Buman Rights, Ait. 2.
W*;P/C7+*) =;*P-57+T) U5G.-) *+,) K7J/;) 97T) U-,L) %W/CG5:>) DL) B?*5+(, }uugment of S Febiuaiy 1971, I.C.}. Repoits, 197u,
Paiagiaphs SS-S4. See also, 0niteu Nations, [:;F*+) [/PC*;*-57+) *+,) KC*+) 7A) EP-57+T) E,7?-/,) *-) -./) R7;C,) 97+A/;/+P/)
EG*5+8-)S*P58>T)S*P5*C)[58P;5>5+*-57+T)g/+7?.7F5*)*+,)S/C*-/,)_57C/+P/, 8 Septembei 2uu1, at S
4+5-/,) 6*-57+8) 97+D/+-57+) *G*5+8-) =;*+8+*-57+*C) I;G*+5a/,) 9;5>/, auopteu 8 }anuaiy 2uu1; K;7-7P7C) -7) K;/D/+-T)
B:??;/88)*+,)K:+58.)=;*AA5PQ5+G)5+)K/;87+8T)Z8?/P5*CC<)R7>/+)*+,)Chiluien, Supplementing the 0niteu Nations Convention
against Tiansnational 0iganizeu Ciime, anu K;7-7P7C) *G*5+8-) -./) B>:GGC5+G) 7A) `5G;*+-8) F<) U*+,T) B/*) *+,) E5;T)
B:??C/>/+-5+G)-./)4+5-/,)6*-57+8)97+D/+-57+)*G*5+8-)=;*+8+*-57+*C)I;G*+5a/,)9;5>/, 1S Novembei 2uuu; K;7-7P7C)*G*5+8-)
-./) HCC5P5-) `*+:A*P-:;5+G) 7A) *+,) =;*AA5PQ5+G) 5+) @5;/*;>8T) =./5;) K*;-8) *+,) 97>?7+/+-8) *+,) E>>:+5-57+T) B:??C/>/+-5+G) -./)
4+5-/,)6*-57+8)97+D/+-57+)*G*5+8-)=;*+8+*-57+*C)I;G*+5a/,)9;5>/, 8 }une 2uu1.
Buman Rights Council Resolution 614, of 28 Septembei 2uu7.

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