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Name_______________________ Period____ Plants Unit Test


Lab Section (Each lab station has a plant, microscope or figure of a part of a plant. The sheet in front of these will let you know the number, and the question. All correct answers are worth 2 points.)

Station 1 has questions 1-3, and it has a 3 microscopes. Each microscope has a number and a slide. Put down what each microscope is pointing to. 1. Chloroplast 2. Xylem 3. phloem Station 2 has questions 4-6, and it has three plants. The sheet says state which plants are nonvascular or vascular if it is vascular is it a gymnosperm or angiosperm. 4. Vascular Angiosperm 5. Nonvascular 6. Vascular Gymnosperm Station 3 has a figure of a seed, and it has two flags on it that have numbers 8 and 9. The student is to write down what they are. 7. Seed Coat 8. Cotyledon Station 4 has a figure of a flower, and it has 4 flags on it from number 10-13 and the students are to write down what they are. 9. 10. 11. 12. Pistol Stamen Ovule Anther

Station 5 students are to identify what part of the plant each food is for numbers 15-20 13. 14. 15. 16. Tumor (potato) root (carrot) Leave (lettuce) seeds (beans)

Below fill in the blanks for what is the chemical reaction of photosynthesis, and which side is the reactants and which side is the products. (each blank is worth 2 points) 17. Carbon Dioxide + Water Reactants Glucose +Oxygen Products

Mutliple Choice: Circle the answer to the question (each question is worth 2 points) 18. What is the green pigment in leaves called? a. Chlorophyll b. Chloroplast c. ribosome d. cotyledon

19. Which of the following is a way for seeds to be dispersed? a. water b. air c. animals d. all the above

20. A one leaf seed is called which of the following: a. monoleaf b. monocot c. dicot d. tricot

21. Which of the follow is a trait of ALL plants: a. multicellular b. flowers c. asexual d. vascular

22. The process of plants emerging from a seed is called: a. Reproduction b. germination 23. A tropism that is affected by gravity: a. Thermal b. hydro c. Geo d. none of the above c. emergence d. birth

24. Stinging nettle protects itself from predators through which of the following traits. a. Thorns b. Thick bark c. color d. chemicals

Short answer: Pick 4 out of the 5 questions and write a short paragraph answering each question. (each question is worth 10 points) 25. State a use for plants in humans daily lives, and how are lives would be difficult without it?

26. There are many ways that prairie plants disperse there seeds. Why are there so many methods and what are they? What are there advantages and disadvantages? (Give 3 examples)

27. When plants first developed to live outside of water, what traits did they need to develop and why?

28. What is an adaptation? Answer must include an example and why?

29. On the bench we have three plants. Pick a plant and describe features that define it, and hypothesize what environment it is from and why?

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