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ntrebarea nr.

81 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: The tall man was noticed by the shop assistant almost brutally scolding the child. THAT Deletion; deletion under indefiniteness of the Complement Subject THAT Deletion; deletion under identity of the Complement Subject; Copula BE Deletion Subject-to-Subject Raising; Main Clause passivisation THAT Deletion; Main Clause passivisation Subject-to-Object Raising; Main Clause passivisation; progressive BE Deletion ntrebarea nr. 102 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: The players quickly judged the newcomer as an individualist. Complex NP Shift; THAT Deletion Subject-to-Subject Raising; passive BE Deletion Subject-to-Subject Raising; Complex NP Shift Subject-to-Subject Raising; progressive BE Deletion Subject-to-Object Raising; Copula BE Deletion ntrebarea nr. 116 Indicate which operation(s) or rule(s) has (have) applied in the following string: The local clergy considered there were still two more churches to be built in town. THERE Insertion; N-Gapping; passivisation (of the Subordinate Clause) THERE Insertion; THAT Deletion; passivisation (of the Subordinate Clause); deletion by relativisation of the Subordinate Subject; deletion under indefiniteness of the Subordinate Prepositional Object Passivisation (of the Subordinate Clause) Preposition Deletion; THAT Deletion; Subject-to-Object Raising; deletion under identity of the Subordinate Prepositional Object; Right Node Raising Preposition Deletion; Subject-to-Object Raising; passivisation (of the Subordinate Clause) ntrebarea nr. 122 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: In this story, the stepmother does not turn out malevolent. Subject-to-Subject Raising; Negative Raising Subject-to-Subject Raising; progressive BE Deletion; Negative Raising Subject-to-Object Raising; Negative Attraction Negative Attraction; deletion under identity of the Complement Subject Subject-to-Subject Raising; Copula BE Deletion; Negative Raising ntrebarea nr. 130 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: She has forgotten it amazingly quickly working hard for an honest living. N-Gapping; Extraposition + IT Insertion; progressive BE Deletion Extraposition + IT Insertion; deletion under indefiniteness of the Complement Subject N-Gapping; deletion under identity of the Complement Subject N-Gapping; Extraposition + IT Insertion Extraposition + IT Insertion; deletion under identity of the Complement Subject

ntrebarea nr. 146 Indicate which operation(s) or rule(s) has (have) applied in the following string: By any means, it doesnt appear that the same stupid kind of so-called entertainment can be a delight for the viewers to watch almost every night on almost any channel. Extraposition (+ IT Insertion) of THAT Clause from Subject position; Negative Raising; Polarity Reversal Rule; deletion under identity of the Infinitival Complement Subject; Tough Movement Subject-to-Subject Raising IT-Cleaving; deletion under indefiniteness of the Infinitival Complement Subject; BE Deletion; Polarity Reversal Rule Subject-to-Object Raising; Negative Raising; deletion under indefiniteness of the Infinitival Complement Subject IT-Cleaving; Subject-to-Subject Raising ntrebarea nr. 148 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: The woman realised her son intended trying once more to climb that deadly mountain. Subject-to-Subject Raising; Copula BE Deletion; N-Gapping Extraposition; deletion under indefiniteness of the Complement Subject Subject-to-Object Raising; Copula BE Deletion THAT Deletion; deletion under identity of the Gerund and the Infinitive Complement Subjects Subject-to-Object Raising; progressive BE Deletion

ntrebarea nr. 96 Identify the semantico-pragmatic factor involved in the relatedness of clauses in case of the following string: Helen washed the dishes, wiped them dry, and put them into the cupboard. semantic equivalence meaning relatedness among lexemes temporal relatedness relatedness by means of Relators cause effect relatedness ntrebarea nr. 141 Identify the semantico-pragmatic factor involved in the relatedness of clauses in case of the following string: The engine of my car does no longer start presently and smoothly, and I suspect a malfunction of the ignition system. temporal relatedness meaning relatedness among lexemes

cause effect relatedness relatedness due to compatibility, common topic relatedness due to the presence of Relators

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