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Content objective(s):

Housing in Latin America and Spain as compared to the United States

Language objective(s):

Students will practice expressing direct commands and indirect commands (using the
verb deber) and using vocabulary related to houses (rooms, chores, furniture)

Standards (ACTFL & MI):

• Interpersonal Communication: Students engage in conversations,
provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and
exchange opinions.
• Interpretive Communication: Students understand and interpret
written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

• Comparing Cultures: Students demonstrate understanding of the
concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and
their own.

Communication Standards: Multiple Intelligences:

• Interpersonal: Discuss houses and Speaking
plans for building their own house Listening
• Interpretive: Watch movie of Reading
Señorita’s house

Materials Needed: Preparation:

• Pictures of a house Film video of my apartment
• Chores PowerPoint Create PowerPoint with pictures of the
• Video of house different chores
• Textbooks
• Assignment sheets for Casa
• PowerPoint with pictures of
study abroad houses

Announcements: Passbacks:
Diálogo for next Friday Monday homework
Warm up:
A large picture of a messy house will be put up on the projector. Students must write out
all of things in the picture that they see that they know vocabulary for. They should be
able to find different kinds of furniture and other miscellaneous objects. I will then ask
students what needs to happen to the messy rooms?

Activity 1: Time
Introduce chores with PowerPoint 15
Rationale: In order for my students to successfully complete the next activity they need to
master the chores. I show them pictures and create gestures so that they will have a better
memory of the vocabulary words.
1. Teacher presents a PowerPoint containing the phrases for doing specific chores
and pictures of each chore. There is one slide for every chore.
2. Teacher will say the chore and students will repeat. Then as a class, a gesture is
created to represent that chore.
3. After going through all of the chores, the teacher circles back through the chores
and performs the gestures and waits for the students to give the chore or vice
4. Teacher then asks students what chores they need to do in their houses.

Activity 2: Time
Video tour of Señorita’s MESSY apartment
20 min.
Rationale: In order for the students to see the vocabulary in action, I want to give them a
house that might be somewhat meaningful to them. I think they will enjoy seeing my
messy apartment.

1. Students will watch a video tour of their teacher’s apartment. The tour starts at
the entry of the apartment and goes all the way through the apartment. I purposely
filmed this video while my apartment was trashed so that they could tell me what
chores I SHOULD do.
2. In each room in the video, I explain what furniture and vocabulary words there
are. Then I ask, “chicos, qué debo hacer?” and wait. The kids then should
respond with the new chores that we just learned.
3. After viewing the video, each student will write me a “to-do” list for my
apartment explaining what I should do
Activity 3: Time
Reading activity 20 min.
Rationale: Every chapter of the book, students complete the reading section at the
beginning because it uses all of the vocabulary that they need in context. It is a good
opportunity for them to assess how much they actually learned during class.

1. Students will read the “Lectura” section on page. 47 and answer the comprehension
questions with a partner to be turned in at the end of the 20 minutes.
Activity 4: Time
Casa Ideal Activity
30 Min.
Another way for students to interact with the vocabulary is to use it to create something.
Building houses together will allow students to use vocabulary with one another and
provide pictures and written examples.

1. Teacher will present a short PowerPoint with pictures of the houses that she has
lived in while studying abroad ask students to compare the houses to their own
houses in a group discussion.
2. Students will be introduced to a two-day project called “La Casa Ideal” where
students will be split into groups of 2 or 3. In each group, students will be
constructing the floor plan for a house. Each member of the group will be
responsible for drawing a different floor.
3. The houses must include all of the vocabulary from the section’s vocabulary list
as well as some from the more detailed vocabulary packets that are provided for

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