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Brent Oliver Chrishon WHAT. IS. SIN? - the point of contention and revelation in the sanctuary...

Jesus shows us: You WOUND Me deeply Our Father says: You have BLASPHEMED My holy Name All of Heaven asks: Do you care O Christian?? Friends, this message, that Jesus still sheds His sacred blood, even now, even in heaven, was revealed to me years ago while I was finishing my time at Wildwood missionary training center and outpost. That was in 2007 Most of the time since then I was so burdened by just the sheer unconventionalness(?) of the message that it has only been fairly recently (in the past couple years) I have been able to see more into why this is SO NEEDED NOW Friends listen to me, we as SDAs are in big trouble this present Blood message just brings out in the forefront that fact that our most basic beliefs concerning the sanctuary have been eroded away Let me come very close to the point here Right now, most SDAs, most of you dont believe that there is any sacrifice of suffering in heaven, in the heavenly sanctuary I was alarmed as I started asking different SDAs literally around the world (and I am talking about learned people who study), basic questions about what the sanctuary means.. Theyre answers are often fuzzy, not distinct, but mostly they repeat the Evangelical doctrine that Christ suffered once 2,000 years ago now Hes sitting, waiting in paradise until we get our act together this has generally been the view of Jesus for the whole of the Christian dispensation I could share with you right now a bunch of quotes disproving just these two notions (that there is no sacrifice or suffering in the heavenly sanctuary) but Tonight I want to share some fresh insights in the big picture (Okay, I know must share with you a few: Many a sin is left unconfessed, to be confronted in the day of final accounts; better far to see your sins now, to confess them, and put them away, *while the atoning Sacrific e pleads* in your behalf. {FE 239.1} He occupies the double position of offerer and of offering, of priest and of victim. {7BC 933.7} A daily and yearly typical atonement is no longer to be made, but *the atoning sacrifice through a mediator is essential* because of the constant commission of sin. Jesus is officiating in the presence of God, offering up His shed blood, as it had been a lamb slain. {1SM 343.4} One who is now pleading with his Father, and presenting his wounded hands and feet, and pi erced side and * spilt blood*, and pleads with him to spare you a little longer{YI, January 1, 1854 par. 4} Christ as high priest within the veil *so immortalized Calvary* that though He liveth unto God, He dies continually to sin, and thus if any man sin, he has an advocate with the Father. {1SM 343.1}) The Real issue is WHY? I know you are disgusted at the thought that our Lovely Jesus is still receiving our sins today in heaven and not only suffering because of sin in His purchased possession, but shedding His blood when sins are confessed to transfer those sins unto Gods holy temple which bears His sacred Name But if this IS a message He is sending WHY? Why should Jesus still do this? Why have we not known for so long? You see, God has had a lot of difficulty in trying to convince sinful humans of the incredible criminality of sin in these 6,000 years

As this gospel of Salvation has opened to the understanding of man step by step, God has been showing His people the largeness of the sin problem Look at Sinai God revealed His Law and men were brought to realize that, hey, wow, we shouldnt lie steal and kill! Also, coveting is done in the mind, so even in the OT we are beginning to see that we sin even in evil thoughts (coveting what is not ours, sin) Then, the next major event in this dawning mans understanding of the sin problem JESUS CAME He lived perfect Self-Sacrificing Love this actually was what the living the LAW looked like the because of OUR SIN, He suffered and died upon the shameful tree What was the result? Did Christians , (those who believe on AND bear His name) stop sinning? Be honest, look at how most people (Christians) view sinning now Oh, Im sorry but Jesus will forgive me.. Yes thats true, but you and I both know we still have a great laxness in how we view sin Yes, Jesus died - we say ..but that was 2,000 years ago Like a brother told me just today, but Jesus isnt suffering now ! ...! By the way, Sister White was also shown this problem as well, this problem of seeing sin as something Jesus dealt with 2,000 years ago, but not today as the popular churches of Babylon believe: The reason that we carelessly indulge in sin is that we do not see Jesus. We would not lightly regard sin, did we appreciate the fact that sin wounds our Lord. {YI, February 10, 1898 par. 3} This is the point of this message, and also why God has held it last (tomorrow I will share a study post that will make it real plain, I pray it is getting plainer for you as you tarry, pray and consider) But now I want to come a little closer to this issue of sin and how this last grand revelation of Jesus also brings sin into more clearer view as well as its heinous character To make this point, I will introduce to many of you (some of you know of this already) something that one of our most prominent men wrote and its very sad The mans name is EJ Waggoner and I will quote from what he called his Confession of Faith written shortly before he died this was written when bro Waggoner was fully apostate from SDA doctrine but in this piece his principle point of contention in casting down the SDA sanctuary doctrine is this issue of sin here is what he wrote: Also, twenty-five years ago, these truths, coupled with the self-evident truth that sin is not an entity but a condition that can exist only in a person, made clear to me that it is impossible that there could be any such thing as the transferring of sins to the sanctuary in heaven, thus defiling the place: and that there could, consequently, be no such thing, either in 1844 A.D., or at any other time as the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. He could not accept the inspired scriptural testimony concerning the transfer of sins to the heavenly sanctuary, but he had come to a place in his experience where he could advocate for spiritual affinities; claiming that it is all-right for one disregard his marriage vow here on earth to began to be with the one whom he understands shall be his spiritual marriage partner in heaven.. :( The reason I bring this up, is because I read this confession of Waggoner years ago, and I didnt have a solid understanding of what sin was to not agree with him I didnt agree with him, because to agree with him was to deny October 22nd 1844 (the beginning of the Day of Atonement) and to deny the

sanctuary message but again, for a long time I didnt know how to define sin in a way to refute his point I simply accepted the inspired testimony as a safeguard against apostasy from the truth whether I fully understood or not (we should obey God whether we understand all the details or not, shouldnt we? Of course, well understand better as we trust and obey first) But in walking in this light of this present revealed message of Jesus still shedding His blood in the heavenly sanctuary, the Lord has showed me how this points out what sin is and how terrible it is. In a way, Waggoner was right Sin is not an entity (this is what confused me, I thought that in order to not agree with Waggoner I had to look at sin as an entity, as some black cancer that Jesus can take out of me). Sin is a condition, a principle enacted by an intelligent being, a willful decision to violate Gods expressed will. Listen to me friends (God give me grace) Yet, in the sanctuary Jesus transfers our sins there Okay, listen We confess our sins, in sanctuary language, as it were we place our hands on Jesus head a transfer our sins to Him Jesus then yet sheds His sacred blood and our sins are transferred to the heavenly sanctuary by the blood of sprinkling The Father is saying, HEAVEN is saying, there is your sin.. look at your sin that it is look at what your does LOOK AT WHAT YOUR SIN DID TO JESUS Should know what this thing is I (the FATHER) call SIN? Would you know it??? Yes, it is the transgression of the law, that is what your read, that is what youve understood, but LOOK Your sin crucified Jesus no you dont understand yet Your sin CRUCIFIES Him AFRESH, Whom ye say ye love See His blood, that is your sin see the blood sprinkled in my beautiful sanctuary, the place of My feet, see Jesus blood there there is your sin sin mars My house.. sin has caused this. Friends, we teach that our sin is transferred to the heavenly sanctuary What it is is that J esus is doing this, just so we can present it as we are now in this message because Jesus is sacrificing in this way, we can see Look!...LOOK! That is sin NOOO not 2,000 years ago, Look at what sin does to the most lovely Person you say you have ever met Sin makes you hurt Him ANYWAY thats how bad sin is that you would still do again.. Now Paul in faith made a very bold statement concerning the people of the age when Jesus was crucified on earth: Which none of the princes of this world knew: *for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory*. 2 Cor. 2:8 Paul says if they knew He was the Lord of Glory, if only they KNEW of His grace O friends, he says, IF THEY KNEW!!! They would not have crucified Him!!! Yet, how is it with us my friends?? How is it with you? DO you KNOW He IS THE LORD OF GLORY? Do you fear Him (awesomely reverence Him)? SURELY you would not commit a known sin would you??? For, how could we sin, place our sins upon His lovely head and go on doing it, really not striving to cease from sin because well, as most others believe He provided this sin credit card and we simply charge it to the card thats loaded up forever with payment for our debt its easy and painless not a big deal, RIGHT?!!! NOOO friends Listen friends, Jesus shows us: When you sin, You WOUND Me deeply

Jesus Father says: When you sin, You do BLASPHEME My holy Name and shed My Sons blood in His and My Holy House And all of Heaven asks: DO YOU CARE O CHRISTIAN??
April 4 at 1:04am

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