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Reading Comprehension Test 13

Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.

Questions 1 - 3 of 9
The Office Writer's Handbook is a necessary reference work for anyone who has to write for business purposes. It states the rules of English grammar accurately and clearly, and shows you how to apply them to yourwriting. It also gives approved formats for business letters, reports, and even charts. A special section covers the most common writing mistakes and how to avoid them. 1. Who is not a targeted buyer of this book?

A. Students B. Legal assistants C. Hotel managers D. Airline executives

2. How does this book describe the rules of English grammar?

A. Clearly and correctly B. Slowly and carefully C. Quickly and easily D. In great detail

3. What material is covered in the special section?

A. Sample charts B. Writing formats C. Sample business letters D. Common mistakes

Lecture test de comprhension 13 Lisez le passage et choisissez l'option qui rpondent le mieux la question. Questions 1 - 3 sur 9 Manuel de l'Office Writer est un ouvrage de rfrence ncessaire pour quiconque a crire des fins commerciales. Elle nonce les rgles de la grammaire anglaise avec prcision et clart, et vous montre comment les appliquer yourwriting. Il donne galement des formats approuvs pour des lettres d'affaires, des rapports et mme des graphiques. Une

section spciale couvre les erreurs d'criture les plus courantes et comment les viter. 1. Qui n'est pas un acheteur cibl de ce livre? A. Les tudiants B. assistants juridiques Gestionnaires C. htel D. responsables de compagnies ariennes 2. Comment ce livre dcrivent les rgles de la grammaire anglaise? A. clairement et correctement B. lentement et avec prcaution C. rapidement et facilement D. Dans le dtail 3. Quel matriel est couvert dans la section spciale? A. graphiques de l'chantillon B. formats d'criture C. lettres d'affaires de l'chantillon D. erreurs communes Reading Comprehension Test 13
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.

Questions 1 - 3 of 9
The Office Writer's Handbook is a necessary reference work for anyone who has to write for business purposes. It states the rules of English grammar accurately and clearly, and shows you how to apply them to yourwriting. It also gives approved formats for business letters, reports, and even charts. A special section covers the most common writing mistakes and how to avoid them. 1. Who is not a targeted buyer of this book?

A. Students B. Legal assistants C. Hotel managers D. Airline executives

2. How does this book describe the rules of English grammar?

A. Clearly and correctly B. Slowly and carefully C. Quickly and easily

D. In great detail

3. What material is covered in the special section?

A. Sample charts B. Writing formats C. Sample business letters D. Common mistakes

Reading Comprehension Test 13

Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.

Questions 4 - 6 of 9

Garden by Hok P0 Box 687 1103 Lisbon, Portugal September 8, 200__ Guy Williams Landscape Design Magazine Ottho Heidringatraat 2 1066 AZ Amsterdam The Netherlands Dear Mr. Williams Thank you for sending the advertising information. We have decided not to place an ad in the December issue, but we will consider placing one in the next issue in March. We will be in touch. Again thank you for your assistance. Sincerely yours,

Sov Hok Landscape Architect 4. What is Sov Hok's business?

A. Designing skyscrapers B. Designing gardens C. Selling advertising D. Marketing

5. Why did Mr. Hok write this letter?

A. To ask Mr. Williams for a subscription B. To get a job C. To place an ad in December D. To say he wasn't interested in placing an ad now

6. How often does the magazine come out? A. Weekly B. Monthly C. Bi - monthly D. Quarterly

Lecture test de comprhension 13 Lisez le passage et choisissez l'option qui rpondent le mieux la question. Questions 4-6 de 9 Garden par Hok P0 Box 687 1103 Lisbonne, Portugal 8 Septembre, 200_ Guy Williams Landscape Design Magazine Ottho Heidringatraat 2 1066 AZ Amsterdam Pays-Bas Monsieur Williams Merci pour l'envoi des informations de publicit. Nous avons dcid de ne pas placer une annonce dans le numro de Dcembre, mais nous allons envisager de placer une dans le prochain numro en Mars. Nous serons en contact. Encore merci pour votre aide. Cordialement,

Sov Hok Architecte paysagiste

4. Quelle est l'activit de Sov Hok? A. Concevoir des gratte-ciel B. jardins Design C. La vente de publicit D. marketing 5. Pourquoi M. Hok at-il crit cette lettre? A. demander M. Williams pour un abonnement B. Pour obtenir un emploi C. Pour passer une annonce en Dcembre D. de dire qu'il n'tait pas intress placer une annonce maintenant 6. Combien de fois le magazine sortir? A. hebdomadaire B. mensuelle C. Bi - mensuel D. trimestriel Reading Comprehension Test 13
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.

Questions 4 - 6 of 9

Garden by Hok P0 Box 687 1103 Lisbon, Portugal September 8, 200__ Guy Williams Landscape Design Magazine Ottho Heidringatraat 2 1066 AZ Amsterdam The Netherlands Dear Mr. Williams Thank you for sending the advertising information. We have decided not to place an ad in the December issue, but we will consider placing one in the next issue in March. We will be in touch. Again thank you for your assistance. Sincerely yours,

Sov Hok Landscape Architect 4. What is Sov Hok's business?

A. Designing skyscrapers B. Designing gardens C. Selling advertising D. Marketing

5. Why did Mr. Hok write this letter?

A. To ask Mr. Williams for a subscription B. To get a job C. To place an ad in December D. To say he wasn't interested in placing an ad now

6. How often does the magazine come out?

A. Weekly B. Monthly C. Bi - monthly D. Quarterly

Reading Comprehension Test 13

Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.

Questions 7 - 9 of 9

Food products account for the largest portion of our agricultural exports, although it is traditionally thought that pesticides and other agricultural chemicals are in the lead. The value of food product exports has increased in recent years, with the increased interest among consumers in more exotic food products. Our growers have responded to the demand and we have established one million hectares as a special development region for these products. Our low night time temperatures combined with the fact that we have little ram and plenty' of sun in the daytime. gives us a competitive edge over growers in other regions. Our exports of native tropical fruits and root vegetables have increased from less than 2% to more than 5% of total agricultural exports in the past two years and growth Is expected to continue. But we continue to anticipate new food trends and will be ready to respond as the market changes. 7. What is exported the most?

A. Pesticides B. Fibers C. Foods D. Chemicals

8. Why has the value of their food product exports increased?

A. Increased interest in unfamiliar foods B. Drought in other countries C. Higher prices D. Consumers who are willing to spend more

9. What trend do they expect to continue?

A. Regulations on agricultural exports B. High demand for exotic fruits and root vegetables C. High prices for foods D. Desire to produce more

Lecture test de comprhension 13 Lisez le passage et choisissez l'option qui rpondent le mieux la question. Questions 7-9 de 9 Les produits alimentaires reprsentent la plus grande partie de nos exportations de produits agricoles, mme si elle est traditionnellement considr que les pesticides et autres produits chimiques agricoles sont en tte. La valeur des exportations de produits alimentaires a augment ces dernires annes, avec l'intrt accru des consommateurs dans les produits alimentaires les plus exotiques. Nos producteurs ont rpondu la demande et nous avons tabli un million d'hectares dans une rgion de dveloppement spcial pour ces produits. Nos tempratures nocturnes basses nocturnes combines avec le fait que nous avons peu de ram et beaucoup 'de soleil dans la journe. nous donne un avantage concurrentiel par rapport aux producteurs des autres rgions. Nos exportations de fruits tropicaux indignes et les lgumes-racines ont augment de moins de 2% plus de 5% des exportations agricoles totales dans les deux dernires annes, et la croissance devrait se poursuivre. Mais nous continuons d'anticiper les nouvelles tendances alimentaires et serons prts rpondre que les changements du march. 7. Ce qui est export le plus? A. pesticides B. Fibres C. Foods D. chimiques 8. Pourquoi la valeur de leurs exportations de produits alimentaires a augment? A. L'intrt accru dans les aliments inconnus B. La scheresse dans d'autres pays

Des prix plus levs C. D. Les consommateurs qui sont prts dpenser plus 9. Quelle tendance s'attendent-ils continuer? A. Rglement sur les exportations agricoles B. La forte demande pour les fruits exotiques et les lgumes-racines C. Les prix levs des aliments D. dsir de produire plus Reading Comprehension Test 13
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.

Questions 7 - 9 of 9
Food products account for the largest portion of our agricultural exports, although it is traditionally thought that pesticides and other agricultural chemicals are in the lead. The value of food product exports has increased in recent years, with the increased interest among consumers in more exotic food products. Our growers have responded to the demand and we have established one million hectares as a special development region for these products. Our low night time temperatures combined with the fact that we have little ram and plenty' of sun in the daytime. gives us a competitive edge over growers in other regions. Our exports of native tropical fruits and root vegetables have increased from less than 2% to more than 5% of total agricultural exports in the past two years and growth Is expected to continue. But we continue to anticipate new food trends and will be ready to respond as the market changes. 7. What is exported the most?

A. Pesticides B. Fibers C. Foods D. Chemicals

8. Why has the value of their food product exports increased?

A. Increased interest in unfamiliar foods B. Drought in other countries C. Higher prices D. Consumers who are willing to spend more

9. What trend do they expect to continue?

A. Regulations on agricultural exports B. High demand for exotic fruits and root vegetables C. High prices for foods D. Desire to produce more

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