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Rubric para la prueba escrita de espaol: Escribid dos conversaciones en espaol, una formal y una informal en las que

conoces a una persona, te presentas, le preguntas su nombre y cmo se escribe su nombre; le preguntas qu tal est y te despides. La persona tambin te pregunta a ti (Recuerda que es una conversacin!) Usa el lenguaje ms apropiado para cada situacin (informal y formal). Leed los cmics de las pginas seis y siete para inspiraros.
Write two conversations in Spanish, a polite and an informal conversation in which you meet someone, you introduce yourself, and you ask his/her name and how to write his/her name; you ask him/her how he/she is doing, and you say bye. This person will also be asking you this questions (Remember is a conversation!). Use appropriate language for each situation. You can read the comic pictures on pages six and seven for inspiration. Grade 2 - You can say hello and introduce yourself. - You can ask people about their names only in the informal way. - You can ask people how they are feeling and you can answer appropriately, but only in the informal way. - You can say goodbye. - You may remember that there is a different way of talking if you want to be polite, but do not remember how to use it. - You dont remember which words have accents on them. - You have more than 10 spelling mistakes. - You remember some of the words that have accents on them. - You have between 10 and 5 spelling mistakes. - You remember most of the words that have accents on them. - You have less than 5 spelling mistakes. Grade 3 - You can do everything listed for achieving a grade 2, and: - You can say goodbye and hello in a more polite way. - You can use both the polite and informal ways of saying you in different situations. - You understand when to use the informal or the polite language. Grade 4 - You can do everything listed for achieving a grade 3, and: - You can use both the polite and informal forms of the verbs in a conversation. Grade 6 - You can do everything listed for achieving a grade 4, and: - You can say thank you when its appropriate in your answers. - All your verb forms are correct in both questions and answers, because you understand how to conjugate the verbs in Spanish. - All the possessive pronouns (my, your, his,) are correct because you understand how they change depending on the language (polite or informal). - You can put the accents correctly on all the words that need them. - You dont have spelling mistakes. - You dont have punctuation mistakes in the use of exclamation marks, question marks, comas and


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