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Human Learning Human learning may occur as a part of educational or personal development that include knowledge, behaviors, skills,

values, etc. and this involve training of capability, capacity, productivity and performance. For decades, theories about human learning and their cognitive training have appeared talking about process of how human acquire a foreign language and how human behavior is important to acquire second language. Theory of Classical Behaviorism is known thanks psychologist Ivan Pavlov which experimented training a dog in a environment that the dog had a behavior when it listen a tone of a fork, through a procedure called classical condition. For Pavlov learning process consisted in the formation of association between stimuli and reflex responses it means, human need stimulation to have a reflex respond, e.g. when the person hears a alarm clock, this person is being stimulate for alarm clock to has a reflex respond, that in this case is wake up. Skinners theory concerned about operant conditioning, behaviorist theory based on the fundamental idea that behaviors that are reinforced will tend to continue, while behaviors that are punished is a temporary suppression of an undesired respond, but Skinner says the best method of extinction is the absence of any reinforcement inasmuch the active reinforcement responses hastens that extinction it means that not is necessary punishment but positive stimulate. Ausubels meaningful learning theory is about rote learning (memorization technique) and meaningful learning (new knowledge to acquire is related with previous knowledge). Rote learning is a technical that person learns through memorize but this knowledge that was acquire, could forget quickly inasmuch was not learn it volunteer. On the other hand, meaningful learning is a technical in which the acquired knowledge has a related with new knowledge, like William James says the secret of good memory is forming diverse and multiple association with every fact we care to retain

The psychology Roger talk about humanistic psychology, and focused in the goal of education is the facilitation of change and learn, it means, teachers has to be a facilitator and has to change methods and techniques to teach learners, and first of all, has to change his or her self inasmuch has to be real and genuine discarding masks and superiority, communicate with the students, etc. Also, there are many types of learning that Roger said that is important to identify, and they are signal learning, stimulus-response learning, chaining, verbal association, multiple discrimination, concept learning, principal learning, problem solving.

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