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Reading list for Branding & Consumption, Spring 2013

Articles are related to lectures. For Guest lectures, articles will be added. Lecture: Marketing discourse & brand management/consumption perspectives Fournier, S., (1998), Consumers and their brands, Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4). Holt, D, (2002), Why do brands cause trouble, Journal of Consumer Research, 29(1). Kay, M., (2006), Strong brands and corporate brands, European Journal of Marketing, 40(7).

Lectures: Destination/Place branding & Branding and Story telling Echtner, C. and Ritchie, (1993), The measurement of destination image: An empirical assessment, Journal of Travel Research, 32(4): 3-14. Sirgy, J. and Su, C. (2000), Destination image, self-congruity, and travel behaviour: Toward an integrative model, Journal of Travel Research, 38 (May): 340-352. Mossberg, L. (2008), Extraordinary experiences through storytelling, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 8(3): 195-210.

Lecture: Destination image making and sustainable tourism development Sirkaya, E. and Sonmez, S. (2000), Gender Images in State Tourism brochures: An Overlooked Area in Socially Responsible Tourism Marketing. Journal of Travel Research, 38(May):353-362. Buzinde, C. N., Santos,, C. A. and Smith, S. L. J. (2006), Ethnic representations. Destination Imagery. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(3):707-728. McGuarr, L. (2012), The Devil May care. Tarvel Journalism, Cosmopolitan Concern, Politics and the Brand. Journalism Practice, 6(1):42-58. Salazar, N. (2012), Tourism Imaginaries: A Conceptual Approach. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(2):863-882.

Lecture: Brand communities and communities of consumption Schouten, John W. and James McAlexander (1995) Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers, Journal of Consumer Research, 22 (June): 43-61. Muniz Jr., Albert M. and Thomas C. O'Guinn (2001) Brand Community, Journal of Consumer Research, 27 (March, 4): 412-432. Martin, Diane M., John W. Schouten and James H. McAlexander (2006) Claiming the Throttle: Multiple Feminities in a Hyper-Masculine Subculture, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 9 (3): 171205.

Lecture: Fashion & brands Pettinger, L. (2004), Brand Culture and Branded Workers: Service Work and Aesthetic Labour in Fashion Retail, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 7(2), 165-184. Elliott, R & Leonard, C. (2004), Peer Pressure and poverty: Exploring fashion brands and consumption symbolism among children of the British poor, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(4), 347-359 Arvidsson, A. (2005), Brands A critical perspective, Journal of Consumer Culture, 5(2), 235-258.

Lecture: Social media and marketing (Use and abuse of social media) - Contextual articles Harrison-Walker, J.L. (2001), E-complaining: a content analysis of an Internet complaint forum, Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 15(5), 397-412. Kozinets, R.V., de Valck, K., Wojnicki, A.C., & Wilner, S.J. (2010), Networked Narratives: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Online Communities, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 74(March), 71-89. Access to the articles You have to login to the library within the GU/HGUs network to get hold of the articles in the librarys databases! Go to: http://www.ub.gu.se/ (the library on the web). Choose Journals in the menu on the first page and then enter the name of the journal. If you have problems, ask for help at the library.

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