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A short reply to friends and family by John Wilson Why atheists are angry and why we wont stop

commenting on your religious posts I decided to write a small introduction and explanation of my behavior as an atheist. I am sure my behavior can be construed as angry and invasive. There are two sides to every coin, alas, two perspectives to every situation. The ease to stay encapsulated in a cocoon of unawareness is palpable. Exploring the unknown is necessary for personal growth and to prevent mental stagnation. I dont criticize religion because I hate it or because I disagree with it. I do it because I care about you and everyone else. I am hoping to convince you of the harm caused by religion and why we would be better off without it. I recently had a conversation with a fellow student on the topic of female genital mutilation. He was against it personally but believed that we had no right to tell the people performing these heinous acts that they cant do it. I completely disagree. There is a moral responsibility for people who can act and get involved to do so. The world is a shrinking rock that inhabits over seven billion people. They are working on a train to allow people to travel from L.A. to NYC in forty-five minutes. We can travel to any place in the world in a day give or take. My students viewpoint is very narrow. He is a caring person and a great guy but he has, in my opinion, the American viewpoint. If it doesnt affect him, then it is not our business and to stay out of it. Problem lies in the fact that we can no longer stay out of it. We will all prosper or burn together. What most atheists want to be true First off, I cant speak for the majority of atheists but this is derived from a general consensus that I have witnessed through my research and it is my own desire. I wish there was a heaven. I wish there was a loving God. The prospect of being able to spend eternity with your loved ones forever in perfect bliss sounds absolutely divine. One may say that it is so good that it must have come out of a book. I truly wish this was factual. This would provide a much needed judgment that the world desperately needs. I would sign onboard with anything that would reward the good people in the world and punish the bad ones. Finally, an eternal justice could be had and we would never be alone even in the darkest of times. Most atheists arent born this way. I was a baptized Christian and I believed just as much as the next person. I prayed when I needed guidance and I prayed when I needed help. I would have considered myself an average Christian. I was morally upstanding but I was never a fundamentalist. It took four years of research and following the facts down the rabbit hole before I came upon the realization that there is absolutely no basis in anything religious despite how badly I wanted it all to be true. Why atheists are angry Here is the big topic that most theists do not understand. Why are all of these atheists angry and why are they infringing on my rights dealing with religion?! Fair question so lets discuss it.

Prejudice plays a large role. According to a poll, atheists are less liked in the United States than rapists (1). Because of this, we are unable to run for office or come out openly without the fear of repercussion. There are countless stories where atheists came out and then had theists treat them horrendously. The common rebuttal at this point would simply be: Well, my religion wouldnt do that! They are fundamentalists! The problem is: these are Christians or Muslims doing this to us. You may not do it but people following the same God and same book perform these atrocious acts. Secondly, your propaganda drowns everything. This country was built as a secular nation but it doesnt behave like a secular nation. Thomas Jefferson himself wrote, "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter" (2). Despite this, we find God on our money, spoken in every pledge of allegiance, and sworn on by almost every president. We cant flip through the channels without seeing religious imagery and propaganda. It is, quite literally, everywhere. To finish off this trinity even though I could continue, lets discuss education. Creationists are constantly trying to take evolution out of the schools or at least present it equally with creationism or intelligent design. At this point in history, evolution is just as much of a fact as the theory of gravity. All schools of science have converged independently on evolution. These people are trying exhaustively to dumb down our children. Our country is already behind most other developed countries in everything education related (3). There needs to be a renewed focus on educating our children before we fall too far behind to catch up. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is one of Newtons laws of motion. This was later modified by Albert Einstein and it is still the basis of space travel. This law holds true in everyday life as well. Atheists have been pushed relentlessly since religion has been around, but something amazing has occurred. The Internet was invented providing a medium that cannot be controlled by any entity. This invention changed the world in a myriad of different ways. First, the Internet provided an even playing field for the first time in history. Masked behind anonymity, users are able to state how they really feel without the fear of repercussion. Due to this, atheists began to push back. Years of prosecution and being forced to hide how we truly feel has come to the forefront of this conflict. Secondly, the Internet is an overflowing bastion of knowledge. The mass amount of articles, papers, and research is never ending. It is estimated in 2009 that it would take 57,000 years to read all the information on the Internet and that doesnt include social networks (4). It is simply daunting. There is absolutely no reason for ignorance to prevail in the twenty-first century. Enter the antitheists An antitheist is a special type of atheist. These people actively fight against the current due to the negative affect religion has on society. To most antitheists, religion is viewed as an archaic belief

system only held by deliberately ignorant people. Antitheists take pleasure at making religious people infuriated. This is the proverbial nerd out growing the bully scenario. We can proceed in several different ways. The most logical progression is shining light on the terrible epistemology called faith. This is the best way to disillusion people of religion. Faith is a process of obtaining knowledge that is based on no empirical evidence. This is viewed as a perfectly reasonable method. Remove faith and all of religion crumbles. This is a childs mentality based on anecdotal evidence. I present a simple experiment. Ask any young child how he knows Santa is real. Listen to the response and how he explains that he knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that a very old, obese man delivers presents to everyone in the world in one night despite the physics of squeezing down a chimney. Now, ask any deeply religious person how he knows that Jesus is the savior. The way they derived their answers are the same. Both are based on faith. This brings us to two methodologies used to convert the religious to atheism. This isnt the correct term since atheism isnt a belief system. Lets change convert to atheism to bring to reason and logic. Atheists substitute faith for logic. We spend time exploring the universe to find the knowledge. We willingly pluck an apple down and devour it and will continue to do so until the tree is bare and it doesnt take a serpent to convince us to do so. Why do people use faith as a shield to protect them from knowledge? The convergence of knowledge Before I discuss the two methodologies for conversion, lets discuss why we know that the probability for a God to exist is next to zero. We will never be able to prove he doesnt exist but that isnt our job to do so. It is up to the religious scholars to prove that he does. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. The burden of proof always falls upon the feet of the people claiming knowledge. This happened to evolution hundreds of years ago and evolution has passed every single test every time. Quantum physics shows us how the big bang can occur without a deity willing it into action (6). Due to all the matter in the universe being condensed into one amazingly small focal point, it follows the rules of quantum physics. Since this was a black hole, time ceased to exist; therefore, there was no time before the big bang for God to exist (7). Physics takes over after the big bang and allows stars and planets to form based on constants (8). Lets jump ahead a few billion years to the creation of the Earth. Chemistry illustrates how life can begin on its own by the combination of specific building blocks of life. "Life as we know it needs liquid water, elements like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, and it needs some form of chemical or light energy to get the business of life done" (9). Basic life can spontaneously begin by having a power source, like the sun, and having the basic elements needed. Once life begins, evolution via natural selection takes over. Mutations will happen and the species that are able to adapt will survive and the rest will die off. We see this today with invasive species killing off local habitat because nothing in the area is suited to kill them (10). The Vatican admits that evolution is a fact (14). Please explain to me how a God snapping his fingers and creating everything is more amazing than what I briefly explained above. Keep in mind, I never once said then a miracle occurs.

Lastly, we can look at history, psychology, and archaeology. Looking back over the annals of history, we can deduce how and roughly when the Bible was written. The Bible had many authors which results in many contradicting passages (11). The majority of the scriptures are based upon older mythology that can be traced. For instance, the story about Noah can be traced back to prior flood stories. Any areas that commonly flood have their own flood stories to tell including areas around the Nile River. Interestingly enough, areas that are not near floodplains do not have any flood stories, even though Noahs story stated that the entire Earth was flooded. If that wasnt enough, it would take five times the water physically on Earth to flood our planet up to the mountaintops (12). Noah is an anecdotal story and nothing more. Since I brought up Noah, lets take a closer look. How many of each clean animal did Noah bring onto the ship? How many days did the flood persist? What bird did Noah send out of the ark to check for dry ground? Most people would answer two of each animal, forty days and a dove. This is the traditional Noah story. The problem is the Bible interweaves two separate Noah stories together. In Genesis 7.2, the animals go in the ark in groups of 7. In Genesis 7.24 and 8.3, the flood lasts for one-hundred and fifty days. Finally in Genesis 8.7, Noah sends out a raven. It is quite obvious that there were two different authors portraying two similar stories about the same mythological person. There could not be two Noahs because God promised to never flood the Earth again which was symbolized by a rainbow. Before we continue, rainbows existed prior to the flood because it is simple light refraction off of water droplets in the atmosphere which is not a miracle (18). What was the first act Noah performed after landing the ark safely? Noah built an altar and sacrificed animals to God. Genesis 8.20-21 states this fact. Whether Noah loaded two or seven animals on the ark, by performing this sacrifice, Noah just made at least one species of animals extinct. If the inerrant omniscient God could make this simple mistake or plant this mistake in the mind of his scribes, what part of the Bible can you actually believe to be accurate? What lies do you tell yourself to ignore this error and the countless other fallacies in the Bible? Archaeology has shown that most of the events in the Bible are a fallacy. There is absolutely no evidence of a mass exodus out of Egypt, yet, we are able to prove other older events. Obviously Noahs flood never happened per the previous paragraphs. Respectable theologians and historians admit that Adam and Eve never existed (13). Evolution is reaffirmed by archaeology because all the same types of bones are in the same layers of the Earth. Not a single time has a bone been found out of place. This portrays a nice history of the Earth based on fossils. This is a box seat for the evolution of all species. Lastly, my favorite topic of psychology needs to be discussed. Psychology explains, quite efficiently, how people believe in a God. This topic alone has been the focus of many books and I would recommend Michael Shermers Why People Believe Weird Things and Richard Dawkins The God Delusion for a superior in-depth explanation. What everything boils down to is a misunderstanding of how amazing the human brain is. The brain is far more capable than people will give it credit. Near death experiences, for example, are easily explained between embedded memories and teachings combined with impulses that happen in the brain at the time of death. This has been duplicated in the lab by what is called the God helmet. The basic idea is that the frontal lobe is bombarded by magnetic rays. This can cause a feeling of a presence next to you. Other parts of the brain can trigger nightmares

and demons (15). People who are raised in a Christian environment like the United States and are subjected to Christian beliefs even if they dont believe them will experience a Christian version of a near death experience. This includes light at the end of the tunnel and seeing loved ones. However, if you are subjected to an Islamic atmosphere, the near death experience will be in the form of that belief instead. Based on scriptures from both books, both religions cant be right. Something is amiss. Everything from ghosts, alien encounters, miracles, and other supernatural experiences can be explained logically with psychology and the reactions in the brain. Swallow the Blue Pill To believe in any religion, one must swallow the blue pill and live on in blissful ignorance. I am asking you to swallow the red pill and live the examined life according to Aristotle. Children are forced the blue pill at early age and it is extremely difficult to overcome this initial teaching. Most recipients will never fully investigate the content in which they devote their life. I would like to investigate one of these interesting issues. Man was created in Gods image because we are special. So if this is true, then this has to be true (20) God created the Universe 14 billion years ago Then waited almost 10 billion years before the Earth formed Then another 4 billion years until animals evolved Then over 2 million years he watched as our hominid ancestors scrape out meager and miserable existences without intervention Then for another 250,000 years, as the first homo sapiens began to assemble into families and tribes, beset by hunter and illness individuals who are genetically identical to us and presumably have a soul, but who are presumably still suffering through eternity without grace because he chose not to save them Then we are born sick but commanded to be well.

To extend upon this concept, the Bible creates a religion and a God that is not worthy of respect let alone worship. Before you stop reading, let me explain. Yahweh is described as an omnipotent and omniscient being that is filled with unfaltering love. He (or she or it) is so intelligent that he created the entire universe and everything in it. We would be less than ants to him. The issue I have is simple How could I create a better religion and design a better human being? Christianity would be a far superior religion by making a couple miniscule changes. First, remove Leviticus and Deuteronomy. These two chapters are amoral and should never be in any book people follow. The hate towards homosexual people is derived in these chapters. Look in the news today and we see gay couples fighting for the right to marry. There are people outside protesting in the attempt to prevent this change. These people dont understand that being gay is not a choice but a genetic disposition. Should we punish someone when they are born a specific way? I am stating that being homosexual is purely genetic. This is quite easy to prove. There are other species that have homosexual tendencies. We know of at least 1500 animal species that practice this behavior and it is commonly used as conflict resolution (22). Looking passed this fact; lets examine this with a question. If

you are heterosexual, why are you attracted to the other sex? Keep in mind, I am not asking what physical characteristic you are most attracted to but why are you attracted to the opposite sex since birth. Was there a specific event that made you attracted to them or was it always there? I personally do not know a single person who knows why they are attracted to a specific gender. Homosexual people are the same way. They are attracted to people of the same gender and they cant explain it the same way heterosexual people cant explain being attracted to people of opposite gender. Is this enough to justify persecuting an innocent person? Secondly, the Ten Commandments are quite terrible. Again, let me explain. The idea of Ten Commandments is ludicrous. God only gives us ten rules to live by and expects us to be moral upstanding Christians. I have taught my son more rules to be moral before he was ten years old. I do agree with the basic ones dealing with stealing and murder. I have issues with the other ones including: Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images Thou shalt not take the Lords name in vain Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy Thou shalt not covet they neighbors house, wife, or possessions

So the five of the commandments listed above are ridiculous. How can a God be jealous? If he is perfect, then is jealousy a trait of perfection? Even worse, was there nothing else more important than him stating that graven images are off limits? I can list a copious amount of better alternatives. For instance, thou shalt not rape; thou shalt treat every human regardless of skin color as equal; thou shalt not treat women as a possession but as an equal. I would argue these three alone is worth more morally than those five combined. To clarify, I dislike the covet commandment because it is insinuating that a woman is a possession. I am a flawed human like everyone else. My knowledge is grossly limited compared to a deity. So my question to you as the reader: How would my changes above not make Christianity a better religion? How could a God exist if I can create a better religion than the God that supposedly made the universe? Two methodologies to disillusion people of faith The first method was mentioned before. There is a book coming out in November that discusses this process in intricate detail and I cant wait to read it myself. The idea is that each person has 5 stages of belief. At stage 1, they are fully religious and nothing, not even fact, can change their mind. This is the effect of faith. The process politely uses nonaggressive words to put focus on how the person came about faith. The purpose is to convince them to think about how the process actually began and then put comparison on other religions. The goal at this point is to get them to realize that every religion in the world has the same foundation as they do but we already know that they all cant be right. The process is to move them one stage. It is not reasonable to move them anymore and thats fine. Everything takes time. This has proven to work quite effectively (16).

The other method is the method people complain about. The idea behind this is to ridicule people to the point that they abandon their faith. This is the worst of the two options; however, since the pain is still fresh, a large subset of the antitheists has preferred the ridicule method. Even though this method is not statistically better than attacking faith, it provides a much needed sense of victory and instant gratification. The raw feeling of hurting someone who has directly or indirectly hurt you is far too human even if the goal isnt accomplished. Why religion is harmful and needs to disappear This section is probably one of the most important sections to this paper. Most people who read this would argue that they dont hurt anyone with their religion but instead help people because of it. I would agree that in a direct way, most religious people do not harm anyone. I dont see many Christian fundamentalist in the city I live going out and murdering abortion clinic doctors. However, most religious people are criminal of indirect harm. Lets discuss both direct and indirect harm that religion causes. Indirect harm is the hardest one to realize so starting with this one feels fitting. The first concept is the simple fact of belief in a religion. By being Christian, you are indirectly stating that the other 5 billion people in this world are wrong. What is more probable? That this 2 billion people are correct or the other 5 billion people are correct? Science shows us that it doesnt matter how many people believe something is true, it doesnt make it true. This is known as the bandwagon fallacy. Recently in the news, churches are being burnt down in Egypt (17). What are the odds that these congregations directly attacked the Muslims? I am willing to wager that the probability is extremely low. So if the Christians didnt directly provoke the attacks, why would they burn down the churches? By being Christian, you are indirectly stating that Allah isnt the correct God and Muhammad wasnt the last prophet that flew to heaven on Pegasus. The next indirect attack, a personal one for me, is putting the fear of God into children. I suppose God isnt the correct term. The better way of stating it is putting the fear of Hell into children. My parents taught me as a child that if I wasnt a good person who prayed and believed in God that I was going to burn in Hell forever and ever. This thought alone kept me up countless nights. I had horrific nightmares on a near nightly basis. This is blatant child abuse. My parents and other close relatives have recently told me I was going to Hell once again. So my question to them and anyone else who may read this, how can you follow a religion that convinces you to tell your own offspring that you love very much that they are going to be condemned to Hell? Being unable to side step my emotions on this topic, this is absolutely disgusting and you may want to rethink your priorities if you find yourself in this category. To expand upon this abuse, there are establishments across the United States called Hell Houses. These are essentially haunted houses designed to scare young teenagers straight. The purpose of a hell house is to show the punishments in hell for particular sins including abortion, suicide, drinking, drugs, adultery, homosexuality, and even pre-marital sex (19). The effect of these trips is quite astounding. It is known that the children experiencing these atrocities will be grossly affected. Nightmares and anxiety is a common occurrence. This is shrugged off because it is better to suffer now and live all eternity in heaven.

The scenes that are seen in these places are quite graphic and cover a wide spectrum of material. One scene shows a teenager being heckled at school while the devil is whispering to him. He pulls out a handgun and shoots himself in the head. The devil then pulls him through the curtains symbolizing Hell as he kicks and screams. Another scene reenacted shows a homosexual man that was dying of HIV. First, this scene is insinuating that contracting HIV is inevitable for homosexuals. Secondly, this man was condemned to Hell due to the way he was born. Other topics reenacted include but not limited to rape, domestic abuse, murder, school shootings, abortions, and premarital sex. Of course, all of these topics are considered amoral and instantly condemns the person to the eternal hellfire. The direct harm is quite tangible in comparison. Instead of breaking down events in great detail, I am going to list the contributions of religion to society in April/May/June of 2013 (21). The contributions include the hacking and beheading of a man in Londons street by Muslims; the Boston bombing was orchestrated by Muslim followers; a 15-year-old boy was executed for blasphemy in front of his family by Muslims; a Turkish blogger was sentenced to one year in prison for insulting the Muslim prophet; a 11-year-old was placed in jail in Pakistan for blasphemy; Russia passes a law to punish homosexuality; a new childrens book teaches kids to hate gay families; a student was kicked out of Grace University, a religious school in Omaha, for being gay and they wont transfer her credits; Virginia Lt. Gov. nominee calls gays sick, birth defects; Springboro High School is fighting to teach creationism alongside evolution; a teacher in Papua New Guinea was tortured and beheaded for witchcraft; a woman was beaten severely, strip naked, head shaved, and fed excrement in Nepal for being accused of witchcraft; Indian villagers hacked a man to death accused of witchcraft to appease the Hindu goddess; two men working in a church were sentence to over 14 years in jail for sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy in the parish; more charges filed against a Stover pastor accused of multiple sex crimes; Pastor Cedric Cuthbert was arrested for online solicitation and trying to access underage pornography; Catholic priest sentenced to life in prison for sexually abusing a boy; 43-year-old youth pastor gave sex toys to a young girl; Cardinal George Pell admits abuse cover-up to protect Australian Catholic church; a high official in the Catholic church purposely covered up child abuse by locking evidence in a vault; a cardinal claims that abortion is a worse crime than priest abuse. Thank you, religion. Morality without the Bible A common response to atheists deals with morality. How can morality exist without the Bible? Morality was given to us from God! Morality stems from empathy. I dont believe in any God but I live my life as morally as possible. I do it because I know what it is like to be treated poorly. I dont do it because a deity told me I had to. I would be deathly afraid of anyone who behaves a specific way only because their religion told them to. Those are the people that end up hurting others. But without religion, everyone will perform any debauchery they want regardless of punishment! This is absolutely false. Explain to me the difference between this idea and being able to pray away any sin at a moments notice. Atheists are more inclined to be moral because we understand that there is no afterlife after this. If we screw up this life, there is no fall back plan. There is no get out of jail free card. We try to live our life as best as we can.

Morality is based on peaks and valleys. We can easily compare the juxtaposition of two extreme moral situations. Lets compare Islams mutilating women genitalia versus helping someone who is physically hurt. An extremely large percentage would agree that helping someone is morally superior to mutilating genitalia. That would be a moral peak while the other would, obviously, be a moral valley. Does it say in the Bible that mutilating the genitalia of a female is morally wrong? It doesnt but somehow you know that it is morally wrong. It is because you have empathy or at least enough to not wish that punishment on another living human being. Morality exists out of the confines of religion. It is quite easy to decide what is moral and what isnt. The biggest question to ask is: Is this harmful to another human against their will? The difference is choice. If MMA fighting was to the death, then that would not fall into a moral valley. I would dislike it and think it was an unnecessary loss of human life but the participant would have the choice to take part. Compare this to gladiators in the coliseum. These were people who did the same thing but they were not participants of their own free will. They were slaves and prisoners forced to take part for the enjoyment of other people. The first one wouldnt necessarily be amoral but the gladiators would be. Does it harm someone else? Such a simple question that people forego way too often. Just the facts Atheists care about facts and facts alone. We will instantly change what we believe if new empirical proof is presented. I honestly enjoy being wrong because that means I have learned something new. I have obtained another small piece of the puzzle that we call the universe. Faith becomes the answer to obvious ignorance. We can explain most religious experiences today in a laboratory and duplicate them. We have the understanding. The problem is that most people do not look for knowledge. They accept what is told to them. It may seem that I have answers for everything, but that is false. I spend my time reading, researching, and watching lectures. I will never say anything that I cant back up with empirical proof. People will deliberately ignore facts when it contradicts their world view. The best part of ignorance is that it can easily be overcome by doing research and following the evidence. I implore you to do your own research. I would suggest starting with The Skeptics Annotated Bible written by Steve Wells (23). It is essentially the King James Bible with side notes pointing out the inconsistencies. Most theists I debate with have never actually read the entire Bible but only know small subsections that they hear in church. Even if I dont convince you of anything at this point, please take away the concept of asking questions about everything. Understand the difference between empirical evidence and anecdotal evidence. Empirical evidence can be measured and tested by people to confirm facts. This is where science prevails. The smart phone, laptop, car engine, and every other invention were derived from empirical evidence. It just works. Anecdotal evidence is stories told by people based on nothing that can be measured or tested. This is great for stories and movies but not for real world application. It is time to break the constraints holding us back as a species and work on improving the overall life of everyone. I would like to end this on a quote from Albert Einstein, The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter

how subtle can (for me) change this. These subtilised interpretations are highly manifold according to their nature and have almost nothing to do with the original text. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. (24). 1. http://atheism.about.com/od/atheistbigotryprejudice/a/Atheists-Trusted-Less-ThanRapists.htm 2. Jefferson's Works, Vol. iv, p. 365 3. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0923110.html 4. http://thenextweb.com/2009/09/15/ink-print-internet/ 5. http://www.secularnewsdaily.com/2010/03/speaking-in-tongues-gods-gift-of-gibberish/ 6. http://old.richarddawkins.net/videos/645683-richard-dawkins-and-lawrence-krauss-somethingfrom-nothing-at-anu-canberra-australia 7. http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/seuforum/bh_whatare.htm 8. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=inconstant-constants-jan-12 9. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2013-126 10. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/darwin-never-knew.html 11. http://www.evilbible.com/Biblical%20Contradictions.htm 12. http://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/noahs-ark.htm 13. http://www.richarddawkins.net/news_articles/2013/6/24/a-conversation-with-richarddawkins-and-john-huddleston-college-of-charleston?videos=true 14. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/4588289/The-Vatican-claims-Darwins-theory-ofevolution-is-compatible-with-Christianity.html 15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCVzz96zKA0 16. http://www.richarddawkins.net/news_articles/2013/6/12/imagine-no-religion-3?videos=true 17. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/bestoftv/2013/08/15/pkg-damon-egypt-churchattacks.cnn.html 18. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/refrn/u14l4b.cfm 19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_house 20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7xcgjtps5ks 21. http://www.richarddawkins.net/news_articles/2013/6/20/what-religion-has-contributed-tothe-world-this-month-episode-7-may-june-2013?videos=true 22. http://www.news-medical.net/news/2006/10/23/20718.aspx 23. http://www.amazon.com/Skeptics-Annotated-Bible-SteveWells/dp/0988245108/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1379507982&sr=8-3&keywords=atheist+bible 24. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/24/einstein-god-letter-sold-for-just-over-3-millionanonymous-buyer_n_2012282.html

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