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NON-MODIFIABLE FACTOR 55 years old and above Female

MODIFIABLE FACTOR Sedentary lifestyle

Decreased elasticity of blood vessels and formation of plaques on blood vessels

Narrowing of the blood vessels

Necrosis and scarring of the vascular endothelium

Impediment of blood flow to the body

Increased workload of the heart

Dilation of ventricles

Increased in preload

Increased stretching of myocardial muscle

Excessive stretching of myocardial muscle

Ineffective cardiac muscle contraction and increase O2 demand of cardiac muscle cells

Decreased contraction of cardiac muscle

Decreased cardiac output and systemic perfusion

Activation of neurohormonal pathways in order to increase circulating blood vessel

Continued neurohormonal stimulation

Cardiac remodeling

Decreased blood filling

Increased stroke volume and decreased cardiac output

Inadequate perfusion

Increased wall tension


Decreased blood flow to the kidneys

Decreased perfusion in the coronary artery

Increased pulmonary pressure

Separation of mitral valve leaflets

Kidneys produce hormones

Deprivation of cardiac muscle cells of nutrients needed for survival


Increased pulmonary pressure

Salt and water retention

Normal Balance between oxygen supply and demand is disrupted

Impaired left ventricular relaxation



Conversion of aerobic metabolism to anaerobic metabolism Causes reduced contractility Decreased adenosine Decreases the hearts ability Increased acid production BRADYCARDIA Irritation of myocardial cells Decrease lung expansion CHEST PAIN POSITIVE TROPONIN T DYSPNEA

Increased diastolic pressure exceeding hydrostatic &* osmotic pressure in pulmonary capillaries

Increased capillary pressure in the lungs

Fluid shifts from the circulating blood in to the interstitium, bronchioles, bronchi & alveoli

Pulmonary Congestion

Fluid trapped in pulmonary trees


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