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Next-Generation Correlation and Modeling Tool Creates Fundamentally Superior Maps


G eoG r ap hi x

Executive Summary
In complex structural and stratigraphic plays where seismic data is either lacking or insu cient at the reservoir level, exploration geologists would bene t from well log modeling and mapping capabilities that are missing from existing so ware. With the release of the GeoGraphix next-generation, multi-surface geologic interpretation system, mainstream prospectors can now build sophisticated, topologically correct 3-D framework models from well log data alone. In this paper, we describe powerful, new, well log interpretation technologies available in our next-generation geologic interpretation suite: Discovery smartSECTION and Discovery FrameBuilder so ware. In addition, we brie y outline three advanced interpretation work ows Generating Reliable Structure Maps at Depth, Mapping Faulted Structures More Accurately, and Modeling Unconformable Stratigraphic Relationships which illustrate the power and value of next-generation technology. Even without seismic data, exploration geologists reworking mature elds with plenty of well control can now create a fundamentally superior, internally consistent set of maps on which to base critical and costly drilling decisions.

The Need for Geologic Models from Well Logs Alone

Given the apparent ubiquity of seismic data in the upstream industry, it becomes easy to forget that a substantial number of prospective areas still exist where the best and in some cases, only subsurface tool available is the lowly, o -neglected well log. Due to escalating commodity prices and relentless growth in global energy demand, exploration geologists today are going over mature elds with a ne-toothed comb, searching for deeper prospects and subtle, overlooked traps. Obviously, the easy oil and gas accumulations have been found. Additional potential lies hidden in geologic systems with more complex faulting and unconformable stratigraphic relationships. Many of these plays, especially onshore, may lack seismic altogether or available seismic data may be too sparse widely spaced 2-D lines, for example or may provide insu cient resolution at the reservoir interval of interest. However, many older productive areas do have considerable amounts of well control, at least in the shallower sections, providing a rich source of subsurface information. What many geologists exploring under these particular circumstances would like, if it were possible, would be to build accurate 3-D multi-surface geologic framework models from well log data alone. e geologists would prefer to build the model quickly, easily and cost-e ectively on a familiar PC platform. A framework, as we understand it, is a series of surfaces within a volume of earth that honors surface-to-surface thickness relationships and properly truncates structural surfaces against faults and unconformities. Having a geometrically (or topologically) correct model like this would enable exploration geologists to generate far more accurate structure, isopach and net/gross maps of their prospects.

Until recently, however, building a 3-D framework model has been almost impossible without seismic data. Traditional earth modeling applications are intended for reservoir simulation and eld development rather than for prospect generation. ese applications create geologic frameworks based primarily on 3-D seismic interpretation. Earth modeling technologies are complex to use, frequently costly, and o en require special hardware and expertise. ey are rarely used in exploration. On the other hand, conventional PC-based well log interpretation applications dont build 3-D framework models. Instead, conventional interpretation applications pick, grid and map each surface independently one at a time with little or no reference to adjacent surfaces, above or below. Hence, surfaces with varying numbers of penetrations o en cross one another, resulting in surfaces that appear incongruent and/or geometrically inconsistent in maps and cross sections. GeoGraphix has taken the needs of the exploration geologist seriously. We realized certain essential mapping capabilities were lacking from the current generation of well log interpretation tools. Recently, therefore, we launched our next-generation, multi-surface geologic interpretation solution for Microso Windows applications: Discovery smartSECTION so ware with Discovery FrameBuilder so ware. Tightly integrated with the popular GeoGraphix Discovery suite, these new applications provide mainstream exploration geologists with powerful tools to build complex, topologically correct 3-D structural and stratigraphic framework models from well control alone. As a result, even without seismic data, geologists can generate fundamentally superior maps on which to base critical and costly drilling decisions.

that intersect, truncate or lap out against one another, are extremely di cult to integrate. Existing cross section and mapping applications lack the tools to compensate for sparse control at depth or to properly handle complex geometric relationships among multiple surfaces. To make up for these de ciencies, Discovery smartSECTION so ware and FrameBuilder so ware incorporate advanced surface modeling technologies and well-established geologic rules, which enable geologists to create virtual, multi-surface 3-D framework models that grow incrementally from their very rst picks. Surfaces, faults and unconformities picked in well logs are assembled in the virtual 3-D model and projected between wells to enable robust well and inter-well interpretation. Rendering surfaces directly from memory, an evolving geologic model provides immediate feedback in both map and cross section views to guide well log interpretations on the y. GeoGraphix Discovery smartSECTION so ware is a high-performance cross-section application that o ers 2-D slices through the 3-D model. Discovery FrameBuilder so ware, a separate but integrated module, o ers interactive map views of individual surfaces within the 3-D volume. Because the virtual framework model in memory is constantly listening, as it were, any changes made to a surface in cross section instantaneously refresh the map display, and vice versa. Whats more, the so ware automatically calculates the 3-D intersections among independently modeled surfaces, faults and unconformities. By establishing age relationships and de ning fault hierarchies, geologists can trim and seal intersecting surfaces topologically. e nal result: a true 3-D, multisurface framework model from well data. Lets consider how key next-generation well log interpretation tools apply to three advanced work ows of particular interest to explorationists reworking complex structural or stratigraphic plays with plenty of well control.

Creating 3-D Multi-Surface Frameworks on the Fly

With the current generation of well log interpretation applications, the vast majority of exploration geologists still interpret, grid and map one structural surface or unconformity at a time. ere are two main problems with this conventional approach. First, as the number of control points diminishes with increasing depth, the map quality of deeper structures falls o dramatically. Second, discontinuities such as faults and unconformities

Generating Reliable Structure Maps at Depth

Even before engaging in complex fault analysis or sequence stratigraphy, geologists can leverage a powerful and intuitive technology that we call conformance mapping to accurately model multiple surfaces that have unequal numbers of well log picks.

In many mature elds, shallower productive zones have been more extensively explored than deeper structures. e deeper the target, therefore, the fewer and farther apart the control points available for correlation and mapping. By modeling each surface independently, formations that are roughly parallel (or conformable) in the real world o en appear incongruent in cross section pinching and diverging, sometimes even crossing one another (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Schematic cross section with variable depths of wells penetrating formations A, B, and C. With variable depths of well penetration, shallow (or younger) formation surfaces are relatively well-sampled and modeled (i.e., the red surface), as compared to deeper surfaces, which are under-sampled and poorly modeled (i.e., the blue and green surfaces).


In most folded structural settings, it is safe to assume that multiple adjacent surfaces are roughly parallel, since formation thicknesses tend to vary only slightly over large distances in comparison with structural variation. Conformance technology takes advantage of this well-established geologic principle to model poorly sampled surfaces as if they had the same number of picks as adjacent, well-sampled surfaces. How? By rst creating surface-to-surface thickness (or isochore) maps from all well penetrations that include the bounding surface picks. All these thickness relationships are automatically stored in memory and embedded in the evolving 3-D framework. en, one or more isochore maps can be interactively added to, or subtracted from, any surface that contains a large number of control points in order to model adjacent surfaces above or below that have fewer picks (Figure 2).
Figure 2 With conformance mapping isochore maps are created where wells penetrate all formation. ese isochore maps are then progressively added downward from the top-most, or best sampled surfaces, to rapidly estimate deep structures.


Using conformance technology, exploration geologists can create multiple, internally consistent surfaces that honor all available subsurface information including valuable thickness data not just the sparse penetrations they may have at a particular horizon. By down-building isochore maps from dense, shallow well control, they can rapidly estimate

the structure of deeper prospective targets with greater precision and con dence. is is what is meant by conformance mapping. ere is actually nothing new or unique about the idea behind conformance mapping. In the past, when geologists drew structure maps on paper, it was not uncommon to overlay on a light table the map of a well-sampled horizon with an adjacent horizon and make the contours roughly parallel. In some existing so ware applications, grid-togrid operations allow users to add an isochore map to a structure map to generate a second structure map if they have the patience and expertise. But the process o en takes many painful and time-consuming steps, requiring special scripts, technical knowledge and time the average geologist may not have. In practice, therefore, few but the most pro cient, computer-savvy users ever bother. Most geologists continue to generate maps one surface at a time. What GeoGraphix has done with Discovery smartSECTION so ware and Discovery FrameBuilder so ware is to bring multi-surface conformance technology to mainstream geoscientists. All the tedious steps have been automated, and the user interface is simple and intuitive. Explorationists can drag and drop multiple surfaces with varying amounts of well control into the conformance tool and generate a geologically consistent set of surfaces with the click of a button. It is really that easy. Because Discovery smartSECTION so ware has been uniquely designed for the high-speed correlation of huge numbers of well logs, conformance technology is an excellent t. Instead of picking just the major formations and a handful of key markers in a eld or basin, exploration geologists correlate as many tops as they wish across literally hundreds of well logs in remarkably short time frames. By interpreting a larger number of surfaces in more detail, then mapping and storing isochores in memory, they can rapidly down-build superior structure maps at multiple depths. Using conformance mapping in tandem with other next-generation fault and unconformity modeling tools, exploration geologists can de ne more complex, multisurface structural and stratigraphic models.

Mapping Faulted Structures More Accurately

Many geologists nd interpreting faults and determining the size and shape of fault polygons for even a single surface di cult and painful with existing tools. is is due, in part, to the lack of 3-D fault interpretation capabilities in current-generation cross-section and mapping applications. Discovery smartSECTION and Discovery FrameBuilder so ware provide integrated fault gapping, fault o setting and fault networking tools intended to make up for this de ciency. e introduction of new tools for fault gapping and missing top picking helps kick o a more rigorous fault mapping process. A er correlating well logs, picking normal faults and formation tops, as usual, geologists can now interactively gap their fault cuts in cross-section view and pick additional tops within the missing sections (Figure 3). e fault gapping process automatically generates and saves vertical separation data, which can be used later to constrain fault o sets. Fault planes are modeled in 3-D, projected between wells and stored in memory. Multiple structural surfaces can be modeled using hard well control points, but the initial geometries of deeper horizons will re ect sparse control at depth.

Figure 3 Cross section showing fault gapping and missing top picking.

Figure 4 Cross section showing surfaces modeled without conformance mapping enabled. Note crossing and discontinuous surfaces.

At this point, conformance mapping can assist in the 3-D structural interpretation of deeper horizons with fewer penetrations. First, conformance technology can be applied to down-build isochore maps from shallow control. is e ectively adds the same number of control points to deeper structures, while honoring all actual picks at those horizons (Figure 4). Next, well top and conformance points on either side of a fault can be segregated based on 3-D fault-surface topology - and utilized to model and project each surface into the fault plane. If vertical separation data (derived from the fault gapping process) is available, an option exists to utilize this data to further constrain the o set of surfaces on either side of the fault (Figure 5). In structures where surfaces are cut by two or more faults, users can apply a fault network tool to de ne the hierarchical relationship among faults prior to o setting. rough a simple drag-anddrop operation, geologists can quickly relate child faults to parent faults. Finally, geologists can interactively view the results of fault and surface modeling in either Discovery smartSECTION (cross sections) so ware or Discovery FrameBuilder (maps) so ware. In map view, fault polygons are generated automatically with contours properly truncated against them (Figure 6). Because so many steps are now automated, fault and surface interpretations are no longer painful or cumbersome. rough advanced, easy-to-use tools and integrated work ows like these, exploration geologists today can rapidly create a consistent set of maps for complex, faulted structures with well log data alone.

Figure 5 Cross section showing use of conformance technology to predict deeper structures, with surfaces projected through faults.

Figure 6 Cross section showing proper fault o sets based on vertical separation data taken from fault gapping.

Modeling Unconformable Stratigraphic Relationships

Next-generation well log interpretation so ware also speeds and simpli es prospecting in regions where subtle stratigraphic relationships control oil and gas accumulations. Working with unconformities can be extremely challenging for conventional cross-section and mapping tools. Because Discovery smartSECTION so ware enables geologists to pick tops on many more well logs in less time than typical cross-section applications, it is also ideal for building complex sequence stratigraphic frameworks. By picking numerous markers and formation tops, geologists can readily identify and model stratigraphic discontinuities such as onlap, toplap, downlap and erosional truncation. en, with advanced modeling tools and 3-D topology, they can generate vital unconformity subcrop maps. To begin an advanced work ow involving unconformities, the best approach is to pick tops only where the entire formation is complete or nearly so, based on reference wells in the area avoiding picks where the true top may have been cut out by erosion. e unconformity is picked and modeled separately from formation tops. en, formation surfaces are modeled and projected through the unconformity surface (Figure 7a & 7b). Next, relative stratigraphic ages of all surfaces and the unconformity are entered into the so ware. Finally, by clicking the Unconformity Trimming tool, geologists can properly truncate formation surfaces against the unconformity in 3-D (Figure 8 & 9). Once again, conformance mapping can be utilized to constrain adjacent surfaces based on greater well control above or below the zone of interest. In the case of incised valleys, for example, isochores can be added upward to better model formations cut by erosion.

Figure 7a Map of surface prior to performing fault o setting. Note line of intersection between structural surface and fault plane.

Figure 7b Map of surface with automatically generated fault polygons and contours properly trimmed and sealed. Fault polygons are automatically generated as the up- and downthrown intersections of o set structure surfaces with the faults.

Figure 8 Stratigraphic cross section before the unconformity trimming operation has been applied. e structure map on the right does not properly show the unconformity

Figure 9 Stratigraphic cross section a er the unconformity trimming operation has been applied. e structure map on the right shows the holes in this surface due to the trimming by the unconformity

The Bottom Line: Better Prospect Maps

e GeoGraphix next-generation, multi-surface geologic interpretation system is unique in the market today because it constructs robust 3-D structural and stratigraphic framework models from well log data alone. Exploration geologists now have a fundamentally superior set of tools for reworking mature basins where seismic data is either unavailable or is insu cient for the task at hand. We recognize that geologists would prefer to integrate seismic wherever it may be available. To that end, we will be incorporating a seismic backdrop into the system. In addition, were investigating 3-D visualization of the virtual model currently viewed only in cross-section or map views. With Discovery smartSECTION and Discovery FrameBuilder so ware, geologists no longer need to map one surface at a time. An evolving, interactive 3-D framework model coupled with conformance technology and advanced fault gapping, o setting, networking, trimming and unconformity modeling tools enables explorationists to model multiple surfaces quickly and consistently, using all available information from their well logs. e ultimate value of this new approach to geologic interpretation lies in creating fundamentally superior structure, isopach and net/gross maps on which to base complex and costly exploratory drilling decisions. At last, geologists have the capabilities they have always wanted on a familiar Windows platform at an a ordable price.

1. Tearpock, D.J., and Bischke, R.E., Applied Subsurface Geological Mapping with Structural Methods, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2002 [per Internet].


About the Author

Mr. William C. Ross is Manager of Geology for Landmark and GeoGraphix. In this capacity, he is responsible for the overall development of Landmarks geologic technology. Ross has over 29 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. Ross began his career as a research geologist working rst for Shell Development and later for Marathon Oil company. During his research career, he engaged in sequence stratigraphic studies, designed and implemented one of the rst computer-based stratigraphic modeling programs, and led numerous regional-to-prospect scale subsurface projects. In 1995, Ross co-founded a company pioneering the use of depth-calibrated raster well logs which created the well-known smartSECTION application. In 2005, Landmark Graphics Corporation acquired the rights to the smartSECTION application, and since that time, Ross has managed the integration and further development of this technology within the greater Landmark organization. Ross holds a masters degree in geology from Louisiana State University and a bachelors degree in Biology from the University of Connecticut. He is a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, e Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists.


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