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MS s000
1ransformers are cr|t|ca| to e|ectr|ca| power systems. 1he|r re||ab|||ty and ava||ab|||ty |s the key to
prof|tab|e power generat|on and transm|ss|on and cont|nooos soperv|s|on |s essent|a| to eva|oate
transformer performance and safe operat|ng cond|t|ons.
State-of-the-art common|cat|on w|th
lf 818s0 standard
MS sccc rcvides the mcst ellicient scluticn
lcr ccmmunicaticns with cwer autcmaticn
systems usinq the new lLC 6issc standard.
Jhis is a key lactcr, reducinq cverall
ccnliquraticn ccsts and achievinq imrcved
inter-cerability, llexibility and reliability in
data exchanqe.
4 pract|ca| so|ot|on for rea| needs
Jhe MS sccc cllers a ccmlete scluticn as a
cne-stc ccncet:
uata acquisiticn - last and reliable
Liletime data manaqement - hiqh rescluticn
when demanded, ccmressed where
uata analysis and ccnditicn diaqncstics -
rellectinq a hiqh level cl exert kncwledqe
lnterlace - visible quality in ycur cwn
lnlcrmaticn distributicn - a ccmmunicative
team-layer with uer level systems
0ur ccmmitment tc ycur success qives ycu a
hiqh deqree cl llexibility and reliability.
While lccussinq cn user-lriendly ceraticn,
the MS sccc alsc rcvides maximal sucrt
tc accurately assess ycur translcrmer - and
cur scluticn serves new and existinq
translcrmers cl all makes.
1ake advantage of oor exper|ence |n
transformer manofactor|ng. becades of
ded|cated expert know|edge has made os
a wor|d |eader |n power transformer
mon|tor|ng systems.
0n||ne cond|t|on mon|tor|ng and expert System
Jhe MS sccc is Alstcm 6rid's next
qeneraticn cl cnline ccnditicn mcnitcrinq
systems. As the successcr cl the qlcbally
reccqnised MS zccc system, it ccmbines
ractical exerience with inncvative leatures
and hiqh technclcqical standards.
cu qet mcre with MS sccc:
An exert system
A u6A tccl
A recrt qeneratcr
A simulatcr
Schisticated mcdellinq
L|fe t|me
L|fet|me data
bata v|soa||sat|on
MS s000
bata lnformat|on
4na|ys|s b|str|bot|on
xpert system
Alqcrithms lcr analysinq the cnline acquired
data are imlemented in the scltware and
rellect cur extensive exerience. Jhis
schisticated tccl hiqhliqhts the caacities
that a state-cl-the-art mcnitcrinq system
shculd have. Jhe Lxert System scltware
rcvides ycu with reccmmendaticns and
inlcrmaticn ccncerninq translcrmer
ceraticn and service/maintenance.
0ur exertise rcvides the basis lcr reliable
interretaticn cl sinqle cr multi-translcrmer
0ur Lxert System with its diaqncstic
luncticns sucrts and enables ycur
enqineers in makinq the riqht decisicns at
the riqht time lcr the rcer ceraticn and
maintenance cl ycur valuable equiment.
Jhe MS sccc saves ycu time, sc that ycu
can ccncentrate cn cther tasks requirinq
mcre attenticn.
A ccmrehensive and smart scluticn
0or ph||osophy: a mon|tor|ng system shoo|d |ntegrate a|| transformer ma|n components
w|th a corre|at|on of the ana|ysed acqo|red data - even for severa| transformers at the
same t|me.
Soph|st|cated mode|||ng
Jhermal mcdel
Aqinq mcdel
Ja chanqer mcdel
Mcisture mcdel
Bushinq mcdel
0verlcad mcdel
Ccclinq mcdel

1fIl or kSzsz
MS s000 lb modo|e
f|e|d bos
MS s000 modo|e
1fIl {thernet)
rotect|on 8 contro|
Software protoco|s
keport generator
Jhe ccnliqurable recrt qeneratcr autcmatically creates user-lriendly
rctcccls with status inlcrmaticn abcut the translcrmer and its main
ccmcnents. Jhis rctcccl can be qenerated cn ccmmand cr can be
ericdically created and sent tc a delined email address.
Jhe built-in simulatcr mcdule allcws the user tc simulate external cr
translcrmer events and tc study the translcrmer's behavicur as well as
the mcnitcrinq system's. Jhe simulatcr can alsc be used lcr traininq
site erscnnel and enqineers.
Chccse ycur relerred methcd tc analyse the acquired dissclved qas
data acccrdinq tc MSS, ucernenburq, Pcqers, extended Pcqers,
lLC 6csss, uuval cr Key6as methcds. Alsc a risk classilicaticn,
includinq interacticn reccmmendaticns, will be carried cut acccrdinq tc
lLLL Cs.ic-issi. Jhis tccl allcws ycu tc enter and histcrically stcre
ycur translcrmer-related cllline u6A (uissclved 6as Analysis) data,
includinq Furlurcl determinaticn.
MS s000 software
0or |nteract|ve, c|ear|y stroctored |nterface |s oser-fr|end|y and easy
to operate.
Jhe straiqhtlcrward messaqinq cl alarms, warninqs and diaqncstics
rccses bcth a quick key data cverview and a dee lcck inside the
translcrmer. Jhe imlemented web server in the MS sccc lLu
rcvides multilinqual web aqes which can be accessed directly by
ethernet, LAN cr mcdem ccnnecticn withcut any rcrietary scltware.
varicus asswcrd rctecticn levels qive cnly secilic users the
ermissicn tc access the data cr tc ccnliqure the system. Jhe
visualisaticn scltware cllers a user-lriendly resentaticn cl cnline and
histcrical data as well as numercus ccmbinaticns cl qrahs and zccm
usinq quick links, reccmmendaticns lcr reventive acticns can be
cbtained tc ctimise translcrmer ceraticn cr tc initiate maintenance.
A user-lriendly scluticn

1he modo|ar and f|ex|b|e so|ot|on for

new and ex|st|ng transformers
We have the answer lcr the ccmlete
translcrmer alicaticn ranqe: lrcm cwer
qeneraticn tc transmissicn - ccmatible with
all translcrmers indeendent cl the
translcrmer manulacturer.
4|stom 6r|d Wor|dw|de fontact fentre
Jel: + (c) iss zsc cc
4dd|t|ona| featores and measorements
Fibre ctic hct-sct measurements
Partial discharqe
Bushinq cwer lactcr (tan delta)
Jranslcrmer cwer lactcr (ccs hi)
Jranslcrmer elliciency
Bcttcm cil temerature
Mcnitcrinq mcdule temerature
Mcisture cl 0LJC cil
6as quantity and rate in Buchhclz relay
0il ressure and cil ressure dillerences
Acceleraticns (tank wall, 0LJC)
0il level
lumidity cl air inside ccnservatcr
Air ressure
Ccclinq cwer
lntake and cutlet ccclinq equiment
uillerences cl intake and cutlet
Ccntrcl cl ccclinq equiment
uiqital status inlcrmaticn, etc.
0thers cn request
4 tr|bote to qoa||ty
0ne cl cur key cbjectives in develcinq the next qeneraticn was tc achieve the hiqhest cssible
reliability levels. Jc dc this, we used the best available technclcqy and ccmcnents such as
lanless lLus (lntelliqent Llectrcnic uevices) that cerate with a redundant llash memcry
lcr lile time data acquisiticn and stcraqe, in line with a rcven bus technclcqy lcr industrial
Jhe new MS sccc rcvides a very reliable scluticn thanks tc ccnsistent rcject manaqement
and ccntinucus imrcvement. Multilinqual dccumentaticn and interlaces are art cl the ccnstant
quality rccess.
Standard k|ts
Alcnq with the MS sccc standard kit, a new
ccncet has been launched. ueendinq cn
translcrmer desiqn and mcnitcrinq
ccmrehensicn, dillerent mcdules can be
adated tc a basic kit. Jhis standardised
scluticn ccvers ycur needs in an ellicient,
ccst-ctimised ackaqe.
1ype tested acc. to blNIN ss011, NIlf 81000, NIlf 80088, NIlf 81010
Llectrcmaqnetic disturbance tests
Jemerature and climate tests
Llectrcmaqnetic immunity tests
Salety tests
KLMA lLC 6issc Certilicate

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