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INTERVIEW QUESTIONS From January 2010 to August 2011: Have you ever encountered any service failure situation

in one of these local chain restaurants (Sushi King or Secret Recipe) that makes you dissatisfied/unhappy? Pernahkah anda mengalami kegagalan perkhidmatan di salah satu restoran rantaian tempatan (Sushi King atau Secret Recipe,) yang menyebabkan anda tidak berpuas hati atau tidak gembira? Sushi King Secret Recipe 1. Can you describe the incident / tell me the story in detail? Bolehkah anda menceritakan kejadian tersebut secara terperinci? The service quality from the waiter makes me quite disappointed about the restaurant.

2. When did that happen? Bilakah situasi tersebut berlaku? Around September 2011.

3. Were you alone or with someone? Whom? Adakah anda berseorangan atau bersama orang lain? Dengan siapa? I went there with my friends.

4. What was the purpose that you visited the restaurant? Apakah tujuan anda mengunjungi restoran tersebut? Having dinner.

5. What is the name of the restaurant? Where is the restaurant located? Apakah nama restoran itu? Restoran itu terletak di mana? Secret Recipe,Seremban.

6. Have you visited the restaurant before? How often/how many times have you visited? Pernahkah anda mengunjungi restoran itu sebelum ini? Kerapkah/berapa kali sudah anda mengunjungi restoran tersebut? That is my first time visit the restaurant.

7. Have you experienced the same problem before, either in the same restaurant or other restaurants? Pernahkah anda mengalami masalah yang sama di restoran ini atau di restoran yang lain? No, others restaurant have good service quality.

8. How often have you faced the same problem? (Please rate and check) Berapa kerapkah anda mengalami masalah yang sama?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1- Extremely rare / Sangat kurang / 10- Extremely often/ Selalu /

9. What was your feeling towards the incident? Why did you feel so? Apakah perasaan anda terhadap situasi itu? Mengapa anda rasa begitu? I very disappointed because a restaurant with such standard class should have good service quality.

10. In your opinion, how serious is the problem? (Please rate and check) Pada pendapat anda, betapa serius masalah ini? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1- Not serious at all/ tidak serius langsung/ 10- Extremely serious/ sangat serius/ Why? Mengapa?

This is because a restaurant not only concentrates on food but also service quality. Without good service quality, there is no use even the food is taste good.

11. Who do you think is responsible for this failure? (Staff? Restaurant? By luck?) Pada pendapat anda, siapakah yang perlu bertanggungjawab atas masalah ini? (Staf? Restoran? Rezeki?) Restaurant should take the responsible for this failure.

12. Is this failure representing the failure of the outlet only or the entire company? Why? Masalah ini adalah masalah kedai itu sahaja ataupun masalah syarikat itu? Mengapa? The failure is representing the failure of entire company. This is because the company is in charge everything including service quality control. If they cant control their service quality well, can we expect they will be more customers to buy their products?

Section B 13. Why didnt you complain? (the first service failure / failure after complain) Mengapakah anda tidak membuat aduan ? Will they accept my complaining if I make complain? I sure they wont bother about it.

14. What did you do? (Leave, give comment to staff, keeps quiet...etc.) Apakah tindakan yang anda lakukan?

Just tell to the manager about their service quality. 15. Were you satisfied with your action in Question 14? Why? Adakah anda puas hati dengan tindakan dalam soalan 19? Mengapa? 14 I feel better and just hoping they will improve well.

16. Did you expect the staff/firm had known your dissatisfaction and done/say something automatically to you? Adakah anda mengharapkan staf/syarikat akan mengetahui ketidakpuasan anda dan melakukan /mengatakan sesuatu secara automatic terhadap anda? // i. If YES, why did you expect so? What did you expect them to do? Jika YA, mengapakah anda mengharapkan begitu? Apakah yang anda harapkan mereka lakukan? Hoping they will improve their service quality.


If NO, why didnt you expect so? Jika tidak, mengapakah anda tidak mengharapkan begitu?

17. Would you come back to the restaurant again? (Same or different outlet?) Adakah anda akan kembali ke restoran ini lagi? (Sama atau cawangan lain) Yes, I will come back to the restaurant again.

18. Would you tell others about this? To whom you would tell? Adakah anda akan menceritakan kepada orang lain tentang ini? siapakah yang anda akan ceritakan? Yes, friends and family.

19. What exactly would you tell them? (Personal opinion? The service failure? The recovery? Other?) Apakah yang anda akan beritahu mereka? Just aware them.

20. Was the cause of the problem controllable or preventable by the restaurant? Adakah penyebab masalah itu boleh dikawal atau dicegah oleh restoran? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1- Extremely uncontrollable or unpreventable/ Sangat tidak terkawal atau tercegah/ ; 10- Extremely controllable or preventable/ Sangat dikawal atau dicegah/

21. Was the cause of the problem permanent or unchangeable? Adakah punca masalah tersebut berkekalan atau tidak dapat diubah? ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1- Extremely temporary or changeable / Sangat sementara atau dapat diubah / ; 10- Extremely permanent or unchangeable / Sangat berkekalan atau tidak dapat diubah /

Why? Because most of the standard class restaurant emphasize on service quality, once they received customers complains. They will take action as quick as possible to maintain their restaurant name.

22. Was the problem only happening in this restaurant? Adakah masalah hanya berlaku di restoran ini?


1- Only this restaurant/ hanya restoran ini/ 5- Some other restaurants/ beberapa restoran lain/ 10- Every restaurant/ semua restoran/

23. For you, what kind of response they act would make you feel satisfied? Bagi anda, bagaimanakah tindakbalas mereka yang akan membuatkan anda rasa puas hati? Good service, nice smiling.

Date: Respondents Background (Please highlight/fill up)

1. Age: 2. Gender: a) Male b) Female 3. Race: a) Chinese b) Malay c) India d) Others ________

7. Your monthly household income: a) < RM1000 b) RM1001 RM2000 c) RM2001 RM3000 d) RM3001 RM4000 e) > RM4000

8. How often do you dine out in the chained 4. Your marital status: a) Single b) Married c) Divorced 5. Your highest education level: a) No formal education b) Primary c) Secondary d) Diploma / Certificate e) Degree f) Master / PhD 6. Your employment status: a) Profession / Technical b) Management/ Administration c) Sales / Clerical d) Student e) Housewife f) Other __________________ _2___ times a month, or _8___ times a year restaurant? _1__ times a week, or

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