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10:7 says, I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. This scripture says that many are not in the place they are supposed to be. The servant has taken over the horses of the princes and they are walking like servants. To destine is to determine something beforehand. Destiny is what God has preordained for your future, what He determined that you are coming to earth to do. It is the inner purpose for your life. It is the real reason for breathing. It is a condition fore-ordained by God for you. In this scripture, we see the one that has been preordained as a prince but he walks like a servant. Destiny is the life God has preordained. It is the purpose of God for your life. It is the plan and programme of God for your life. It is what one is really meant for. It is what you have been called to be and to do. It is why you were born, the expectations of heaven for your life. It is what is written in heavenly records concerning you. It is what God has in mind, the original intention of God before He created you. Is life all about marriage, education, money and then death? Of course not! There is a regular spiritual accident that takes place and confuses man. There is an evil excellence that sits down behind all these and laughs men to scorn, knowing that men are not where they are supposed to be. The vulture is a large bird of prey. It does not seize or tear its food. It does not kill other animals. It preys on those who have been killed or those who die naturally. It feeds on dead flesh. It is a bird a lot of people do not want to see. It is ugly. Most part of its head and neck is hairless. Vultures can smell death. There is something planted in them that lets them know when something is about to die. In the war, one of the most ugly things to see is for a warrior who is shot, and is fighting his last breath to live. The vulture waits patiently for the persons death. They have sharp sight and sharp sense of smell. There are thousands of spiritual vultures waiting to feed, or already feeding, on spiritual destinies. All physical animals have spiritual counterparts. There are more people living on earth now than we have ever had. Things have changed now. Information goes round faster than it used to. In 1940, there was only one product that was sold worldwide and that was Coca-cola. Now, things have changed and so many things have taken a global view. The vulture that ate up the destiny of Esau was an ordinary bowl of food. The destiny vulture of some people is comfort, and for some, it is lack of patience. For some, this vulture is deception. This is a warning message. Destiny vultures are in operation over mankind. Everything that exists was designed in the mind of God. God is a God of destiny. Everyone has a destiny in God. I read about a man who had a revelation of heaven. As angels took him about and showed

him different buildings. While walking with the angel, a man walked towards them and the angel greeted him respectfully. The man then asked the angel who the man was. The angel said the man was him. That man was the person he was destined to be, but he was currently living a second-class life, receiving second-class miracles and living in a second-class house. A few days later, the man died, never having fulfilled his divine destiny. We should all pray the prayer of Joseph that the Lord should show us our divine destiny. Although he was in jail from age 17 to 30, he still fulfilled his divine destiny because the Lord had shown him what he was supposed to be. Prayer Point: O God, show me a vision of my destiny in the name of Jesus. There is nothing more tragic than to forfeit ones divine destiny. A bird with a broken wing cannot fly. It is a disaster to forfeit the reason why you came here. There is no one that is exactly like you. Your genes and fingerprints are unique to you. Likewise your destiny. God had a hand in your life before the foundation of the world. When the enemy takes one away from the place of ones divine destiny, it is a disaster. When Elijah was not in his place of destiny, he prayed and the Lord did not answer; He just asked him what he was doing where he was. God asked him, Elijah, what are you doing here? He was in a wrong place. Unless there is a contest, no one can win anything. If you dont have a destiny to pursue, why are you here? Those who pursue their destiny are already subjects of attacks. When one is not where he is supposed to be, there can be no battle to win. A professor of theology attended a gathering of semi-illiterate people. He spoke eloquently to them for about two hours. When he finished, a carpenter stood up and said We thank God for your life but may I ask you a question? Has God ever spoken to you? The professor said no, but he knew that God speaks to people. He asked the carpenter why he asked the question. The carpenter then said God used to speak to him, that in fact the Lord spoke to him before he came to the gathering. God told him that the professor had a wife and three children. The professor then sat down and asked the carpenter to tell him more. Your destiny can only be fulfilled when it is intact. There is a department in the kingdom of darkness that is called the department of destiny manipulation. When a person is manipulated out, prayers become hard work for him and Bible reading is almost impossible. STRATEGIES USED BY DESTINY VULTURES 1. Rendering one ignorant of his destiny Their strategies are many but the major one is to make a person ignorant of his personal destiny. John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. It is the truth known that sets free, The truth not known cannot set one free. Ignorance of your destiny means that you are living without a blueprint of your destiny. Moses had a blueprint and divine direction. He was told to see that he does everything according to Gods pattern. This means that he should follow the blueprint. Do you know the blueprint of your destiny? That course you studied, were you divinely instructed? Do you have a blueprint of your destiny? If you have a wrong blueprint, the entire structure you put on the foundation collapses. It is worth asking God to show you the blueprint of your destiny. One is then certain in the storms

of life. Before a house is built, there must be a plan or blueprint. Without this, you cannot build a good house. Once the blueprint is not known, or it is lost, imprisoned or buried, the vultures have acted. Pray like this: Every destiny vulture, the vulture of judgment shall destroy you in Jesus name. 2. Witchcraft manipulation: They manipulate one out of ones place of destiny into a place where he becomes a hewer of wood and drawer of water. 3. Sending Delusion to a person: They cause false belief and mislead a person to do the wrong thing. 4. Casting a spell upon a person. In this way, the person goes ahead doing the wrong things, goes to the wrong place to pray, etc. 5. They dispatch wicked spirits against the breakthroughs and destiny of a person 6. They use words with negative energy against a person. The person becomes confused and directionless. HOW TO GET DELIVERANCE 1. Be born again 2. Pray to discover who you really are. John knew who he was. Jesus asked the disciples who the world thought He was because He knew who He is. Do you know who you really are? 3. Pray for your destiny blueprint to be revealed to you. 4. Disconnect yourself from negative people, those that will not make your life move forward. Companions of fools go into destruction. 5. Watch your tongue. 6. Walk in holiness, honesty and integrity.

Just as the vulture is patient, destiny manipulators can wait for a person to get old, or make a mistake and then they attack. If you dont know who you are, servants will take up your horse and then you, the prince would be walking on the ground. It is time for the Holy Ghost to reschedule your life. It is time to know where we should really be. It is time to analyze where you are and where you are going. and what you need to do to get there.

BUITRES DE DESTINO Eclesiasts 10:7 dice: "He visto siervos a caballo y prncipes caminando como siervos sobre la tierra". Esta escritura dice que muchos no estn en el lugar que se supusieron para ser. El siervo se apoder de los caballos de los prncipes y estn caminando como siervos. Para destinarlo es algo determinar de antemano. El destino es lo que Dios ha predeterminados para su futuro, lo que determin que vienen a la tierra para hacer. Es el propsito para su vida interior. Es la verdadera razn para la respiracin. Es una condicin preordenados por Dios para ti. En esta escritura, vemos que ha sido predeterminado como un prncipe pero camina como un sirviente. El destino es la vida que Dios ha predeterminados. Es el propsito de Dios para tu vida. Es el plan y el programa de Dios para tu vida. Es lo que uno realmente se entiende por. Es lo que t has sido llamado para ser y hacer. Es por eso que naciste, las expectativas de Dios para tu vida. Es lo que est escrito en los registros celestiales le conciernen. Es lo que Dios tiene en mente, la intencin original de Dios antes de que l te cre. Es la vida de matrimonio, educacin, dinero y luego la muerte? Por supuesto que no! Hay un accidente espiritual regular que se lleva a cabo y confunde a hombre. Hay un mal de excelencia que se sienta detrs de todo esto y se re hombres con desprecio, sabiendo que los hombres son no donde deberan para estar. El buitre es una gran ave de rapia. No agarrar o rasgar su alimento. No mata otros animales. Se alimenta de quienes han sido asesinados o aquellos que mueren naturalmente. Se alimenta de carne muerta. Es un ave que mucha gente no quiere ver. Es feo. La mayor parte de su cabeza y cuello es lampio. Los buitres pueden oler la muerte. Hay algo implantado en ellos que les permite saber cuando algo est a punto de morir. En la guerra, una de las cosas ms feas a ver es a un guerrero que se dispara y est peleando su ltimo aliento para vivir. El buitre espera pacientemente por la muerte de la persona. Tienen vista aguda y agudo sentido del olfato. Hay miles de buitres espirituales esperando para alimentar o ya alimentndose, destinos espirituales. Todos los animales fsicos tienen su contraparte espiritual. Hay ms gente viviendo en la tierra ahora que hemos tenido. Ahora las cosas han cambiado. Informacin gira ms rpido que antes. En 1940, haba solamente un producto que se venda en todo el mundo y era Coca-cola. Ahora, las cosas han cambiado y muchas cosas han tomado una visin global. El buitre que se comi el destino de Esa era un plato normal de comida. El buitre destino de algunas personas es la comodidad, y para algunos, es falta de paciencia. Para algunos, este buitre es engao. Este es un mensaje de advertencia. Los buitres de destino estn en operacin sobre la humanidad. Todo lo que existe fue diseado en la mente de Dios. Dios es un Dios del destino. Todo el mundo tiene un destino en Dios. He ledo sobre un hombre que tuvo una revelacin del cielo. Como los ngeles lo llevaron

sobre y le mostraron diferentes edificios. Mientras caminaba con el ngel, un hombre camin hacia ellos y el ngel le salud respetuosamente. El hombre pregunt entonces el ngel quin era el hombre. El ngel dijo: el hombre era l. Ese hombre era la persona que estaba destinado a ser, pero actualmente vive una segunda vida, recibiendo milagros de segunda clase y viviendo en una casa de segunda clase. Unos das ms tarde, el hombre muri, nunca habiendo cumplido su destino divino. Todos debemos orar la oracin de Jos que el Seor nos debe mostrar nuestro destino divino. Aunque estuvo en la crcel de 17 a 30 aos, cumpli an su destino divino porque el Seor le haba mostrado lo que tena que para ser. Punto de oracin: Oh Dios, Mustrame una visin de mi destino en nombre de Jess. No hay nada ms trgico que a destino divino perdern su. Un ave con un ala rota no puede volar. Es un desastre a perder la razn por qu has venido aqu. No hay nadie que es exactamente igual a ti. Tus genes y las huellas digitales son nicas para ti. Asimismo su destino. Dios tena una mano en tu vida antes de la Fundacin del mundo. Cuando el enemigo toma uno lejos del lugar de su destino divino, es un desastre. Cuando Elas no estabaen en su lugar de destino, or y el seor no contest; Slo le pregunt qu haca donde estaba. Dios le preguntaron: "Elas, qu haces aqu?" Estaba en un lugar equivocado. A menos que haya un concurso, nadie puede ganar nada. Si no tienes un destino a seguir, qu haces aqu? Aquellos que persiguen su destino ya son sujetos de ataques. Cuando uno es no donde se supona que, no puede haber ninguna batalla para ganar. Profesor de teologa asisti a una reunin de semi analfabetos. Habl elocuentemente a ellos durante unas dos horas. Cuando termin, un carpintero se levant y dijo, "damos gracias a Dios por tu vida, pero puedo hacerte una pregunta? Dios nunca te habl?" El profesor dijo "no", pero l saba que Dios habla a la gente. El carpintero pregunt por qu le hizo la pregunta. El carpintero entonces dijo que Dios us para hablar con l, que en realidad el Seor habl con l antes de que l vino a la reunin. Dios le dijo que el profesor tena una esposa y tres hijos. El profesor entonces se sent y pidi el carpintero decirle ms. Tu destino slo puede cumplirse cuando est intacto. Hay un departamento en el Reino de la oscuridad que se llama el Departamento de la manipulacin de destino. Cuando una persona est manipulada fuera, oraciones llegan a ser trabajo duro para l y lectura de la Biblia es casi imposible. ESTRATEGIAS UTILIZADAS POR LOS BUITRES DE DESTINO 1. Representacin uno ignorante de su destino Sus estrategias son muchas pero la principal es para hacer una persona ignorante de su destino personal. John 8:32 "Y conoceris la verdad y la verdad os har libres". Es el conocido de verdad que libera, no se conoce la verdad uno no puede liberar. La ignorancia de tu destino hace que ests viviendo sin un plano de tu destino. Moiss tena un plan y direccin divina. Le dijo a ver que hace todo segn patrn de Dios. Esto significa que debe seguir el plan de accin. Conoces los planos de tu destino? Ese curso estudiado, estabas divinamente ordenado? Tienes un plan de tu destino? Si usted tiene un plan mal, te pones la

Fundacin toda la estructura se derrumba. Vale la pena pedir a Dios para mostrarle los planos de su destino. Uno entonces es cierto en las tormentas de la vida. Antes de que se construye una casa, debe haber un plan o proyecto. Sin esto, no puedes construir una casa. Una vez que el plan de accin se desconoce, o se pierde, encarcelados o enterrado, los buitres han actuado. Reza as: cada buitre de destino, el buitre del juicio deber destruir en nombre de Jess. 2. Manipulacin brujera: Ellos manipulan el lugar de uno de cada uno de destino en un lugar donde se convierte en un hewer de madera y cajn de agua. 3. Envo de ilusin a una persona: Causan creencia falsa y engaar a una persona para hacer las cosas mal. 4. Lanzar un hechizo a una persona. De esta manera, la persona contina haciendo las cosas mal, va al lugar equivocado para orar, etc.. 5. Despachar los espritus malvados contra los avances y el destino de una persona 6. Usan palabras con energa negativa contra una persona. La persona se vuelve confusa y carente de direccin. CMO OBTENER LIBERACIN 1. Volver a nacer 2. Orar para descubrir quin eres realmente. John saba quin era. Jess pregunt a sus discpulos que el mundo pensaba que era porque l saba que l es. Sabes quin eres realmente? 3. Orar por su modelo de destino ser revelado. 4. Desconectarse de gente negativa, aquellos que no harn avanzar de tu vida. Compaeros de tontos van a la destruccin. 5. Cuide su lengua. 6. Caminar en santidad, honestidad e integridad.

As como el buitre es paciente, manipuladores de destino pueden esperar que una persona envejece, o cometer un error y luego atacan. Si no sabes quin eres, sirvientes se ocupan de su caballo y entonces, el prncipe estaran caminando sobre la tierra. Es hora que el Espritu Santo reprogramar su vida. Es hora de saber donde realmente deberamos estar. Es hora de analizar dnde ests y hacia donde vas. y lo que necesitas hacer para llegar all.

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