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Journey of the Soul

How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Chapter 1
Soul Purpose: Your Inner Compass
Copyright 2009 by Steve DAnnunzio. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

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Journey of the Soul is in the final editing stages before being published. The book provides practical and detailed knowledge for discovering, cultivating, and monetizing your Soul Purpose. If you like what you read here and want to purchase the book when its published, please subscribe to the Soul Purpose Institute mailing list to receive updates.

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Steve DAnnunzio compass; no matter what we do or how far we stray, it

Everyone has the perfect gift to give the worldand if each of us is freed up to give the gift that is uniquely ours to give, the world will be in total harmony. Buckminster Fuller

always points in one direction for every individual. Discovering Soul Purpose and living it every day is the hidden mission of every person on earth. Your unique purpose contains the solution to an existing problem on earth. This is why you see billions of problems existing on

our planet. Even problems have a purpose. They exist so oul Purpose is your unique series of talents, gifts, passions, attitudes, and values that form the essence of the most magnificent version of you. When these qualities are intentionally The unintentional consequence of not discovering Soul Purpose is that the problem your soul work can correct goes unsolved. World problems are becoming insurmountable precisely because so few people are even aware of, let alone living, their Soul Purpose. As conscious human beings we therefore have a personal and moral responsibility to discover ours. Your soul is now awakening to the truth that you can make this kind of difference. that each one of us can discover our own unique Soul Purpose.

acknowledged and cultivated, they coalesce into a specific mission in service to the world. These qualities already exist within you in a basic raw form. For most people they need to be clearly discovered, then nourished, then studied and refined. Soul Purpose is like gold: although it may be hidden deep within an individual, when painstakingly sought for and carefully mined, it makes for fabulous wealth, health, happiness, fulfillment, and success. In the journey of life, Soul Purpose is the


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger meet. -Frederick Buechner

Steve DAnnunzio which we love, we are actually following the guidance of God. This deserves clarification, since there are things that

Why does one person love architecture, the other business, the next computers, and another cars, someone else loves art or music, and so on? Everybody loves doing what they love to do in their own unique way, in their own portions and timing that are perfect and distinctive to each. For example, Mozart wrote his first symphony at age eight. Anyone can see that this exceptional musical talent was very mature in his soul matrix at birth.

people say they love when in fact they speak of a counterfeit of love. There are two forces at work in the universe: weak-force and strong-force attractors. The people, ideas, or things that possess a strong-force attractor pattern exhibit consistent growth, joy, and greater health and wealth. Weak-force attractors consistently result in atrophy, decay, and failure. Research has discovered that human beings continually

The diversity of interests within each individual is stunningly amazing. Imagine how terribly boring life would be if we all had the exact same talents, interests, hobbies. As we follow what we love, an interesting question arises, How do the things that I love come to be so? The Infinite Intelligence guides us into doing that which we are divinely meant to pursue by placing the love of this thing in our consciousness. When we follow that

align with attractor patterns throughout their day. Approximately eighty percent of humanity aligns with low energy, weak-force attractor patterns, unknowingly maximizing failure (Hawkins, 2003). The remaining twenty percent of people align with high energy, strong force attractor patterns, consequently maximizing success. This is why success breeds successit is no accident!


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose The true love I speak of, the motivation that aligns you with your Soul Purpose, is the love of truth and light, as manifested by strong-force attractors. Success and Music Classic R&B and Rock Gospel/Spiritual Strong-Force Attractors Weak-Force Attractors Smooth Jazz Classical Emotions Love Happiness Acceptance Peace Confidence Fear Sadness Rejection Anger Worry Activities Self-Help/Spiritual Reading Work/Study Prayer/Meditation Exercise Creating Value Movies Field of Dreams Forrest Gump Pay it Forward www.soulpurposeinstitute.com Friday the 13th Psycho Natural Born Killers happiness are found by eliminating weak-force attractors from your life and consistently aligning with strong-force attractors. The Color Purple Its a Wonderful Life

Steve DAnnunzio Nightmare on Elm St. Apocalypse Now

Gangster Rap Death Metal Grunge Punk Rock

Violent Video Games Bar Hopping Pornography Gambling Habitual TV Watching

Its helpful to see how attractor patterns have very predictable consequences. For example, any police officer will tell you that domestic violence cases almost always 4

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose involve the abuse of alcohol and/or drugs. Gambling almost always ends in money problems and/or marital problems. These are the predictable consequences of aligning with weak force attractors. In contrast, extra study in ones career, exercise, prayer/meditation, reading personal development books, etc. all have profoundly positive effects in ones life. So we can, in fact, directly trace money via value creation to a relationship with God, which leads us away from weak-force attractors (destruction) and towards strong-force attractors (creation). This is precisely how we discover our Soul Purpose, which is the unique means through which we are meant to serve others. This discovery causes the individual to feel at peace and satisfied with their life in ways that must be experienced to be understood. This peace is so deep because it springs from your essence, which is the soul. It is from that new peace that a greater power flows, releasing chemical informational messengers that alter brain chemistry. This

Steve DAnnunzio increases immune system functioning, resulting in a greater level of emotional and physical wellness. Before discovering Soul Purpose, I was headed down a path of pride that would have stripped some of the greatest joy I now experience. Finding and living my Soul Purpose prepared me to be a father and unlocked happiness, wealth, and purpose that was so elusive before. I used to be on a roller coastersome days ready to take on the world, and other days I didn't want to get out of bed. This all changed when I began living the spiritual disciplines, especially meditating. I was able to uncover my Soul Purpose and take bold moves in my business. Even though I was making a comfortable mid-six-figure income, I wasn't fully happy. Since unlocking my Soul Purpose, my company has made the Inc. 500 list and my book hit four bestseller lists, including the New York Times. I wouldn't 5


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose have been able to handle the road to get there without the inner strength and connectivity to my Creator that has been opened up. The bottom line for me has been a better marriage and increased happiness, joy and peace. Garrett G., Entrepreneur

Steve DAnnunzio Your ability to delay gratification until tasks are completed becomes stronger. Your power to anticipate consequences by learning from experience grows enormously. This magnifies your success-ability multifold, resulting in greater value-creativity, strategic alliances, and overall productivity. To succeed in this world you need power. The more you

As this trickle-down creativity continues, all relationships are positively enhanced. Your business career will also begin to shift in the following powerful and positive ways: Your ability to communicate and concisely articulate value-based statements is enhanced. Your capacity to accurately assess potential dangers and foresee problems increases. Your ability to act on these situations with confidence and clarity is expanded. You learn to hear criticism or bad news without being weakened by it because you are no longer taking it personally. www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

love, the more you are rewarded by the Infinite Intelligence with a higher quality and a greater quantity of power. This is because love opens the door to the field of power, and fear closes the door to the field of power.

The common denominator of all successful and famous people throughout history is that they all lived their Soul Purpose. They all followed their bliss, daring, many times against impossible odds, to be that which they believed they were destined to become. This bliss led them to do what they had an innate passion and talent for. Their cause became a life missiona raison detre. They rarely set out to achieve fame and fortune. On the 6

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose contrary, fame and fortune occurred as effects, byproducts from following their inborn cause. This cause became their guiding beacon whenever fear, doubt, and worry assailed them. It guided them to have faith and increased their ability to persist in times of challenge. A person can have many talents and gifts and do many things exceptionally well, but your vein of gold, ahthat is the thing you do superbly. Julia Cameron A story about Buckminster Fuller, as conveyed by two of my good friends who personally studied under Bucky, explains this well. As a young man, Bucky had married a wonderful woman, Ann, who soon conceived a daughter. He loved them both deeply. But this was the roaring twenties, which was an era of great contradiction in America. It was a time of great productivity and great decadence, of increasing materialism and decreasing faith and hope. Bucky had become a hard-drinking businessman more intent on his own personal success and pleasure than anything else.

Steve DAnnunzio While he was away on one of his hard-partying business trips, his beloved daughter took ill and died before he could hurry home. This tragic event left him so distraught that he felt the only way to make it right was to take his own life. Deciding to drown himself, he walked into Lake Michigan with steely resolve. By the time he got into waist-deep water something strange occurred: He heard an inner voice whisper, Your life is not your own. Ignoring the voice he waded deeper. The water was now chest-level and again, this time more forcefully, the voice said, Your life is not your own. But he was so desperately unhappy he continued into the water, determined to end his life. YOUR LIFE IS NOT YOUR OWN! the voice repeated urgently. He stopped. If my life is not mine to take, to whom does it belong? Bucky asked. The immediate replay was, Life itself is the source, and therefore the owner, of all life. Taking your own life will solve nothing. The way to atone for your daughter's death is to devote your life to make a better


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose world for everyone. You owe it to Life to live yours to its fullest. He got out the water and dedicated himself to do just that. He became a prolific inventor, responsible for creating the first electric car, breakthroughs in mathematics and architecture, and coining new words like synergy and precession that have made their way into our everyday vocabulary. He committed to live his Soul Purpose. Study any joyful, productive, famous or high-functioning person and you will find the exact same common denominatorthey all lived their Soul Purpose from the spiritual realm. The impact in my life of finding Soul Purpose has been profound. The strides I have made in my life have been enormous. I have gone from a person who was focused on me to always focusing on doing what's best for my clients, knowing that I would then be www.soulpurposeinstitute.com Ones age, race, social status,

Steve DAnnunzio taken care of. I have come from a place of scarcity and worry to a heightened place of prosperity and happiness. I have realized what is important in my life. It has not been an easy path, but I have moved out of my box and have stopped playing small. I am doing my life's work and I have an important message that I need to get out there. It is no longer about me. I can no longer be shy and intimidated, I must shout from the mountaintop! I know that there is nothing stopping me from living the best life I possibly can! -Karen J., Financial Advisor



educational background, and job experience offer no advantage or disadvantage to discovering Soul Purpose. The only requirement is a willingness to know it, study it, and live it in service to humanity. All beings truly living their Soul Purpose, regardless of the misperceptions by

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose others about what success is, greatly contribute to greater personal health, wealth, and joy, as well as contribute significantly to world peace and transcendence. A job A career About the pursuit of money About fame About material things Without struggle Glamorous

Steve DAnnunzio

What Soul Purpose Is NOT

Indicative of any specialness Worthy of any adulation other than simple respect

ost people come to recognize the relevance and validity of Soul Purpose only after experiencing great discontentment. This discontent stems

Understand that when I say Soul Purpose is not a job or a career I mean that it goes much deeper than the traditional understandings of those terms: it is a calling. While your Soul Purpose may take the form of a specific career, such as a teacher, or a police officer, the motivation behind that comes from your soulnot money, fame, or security. In other words Soul Purpose is more about why you choose a job or career, and less about the specific, external form it takes at any given moment.

from not living their life with purpose. They know theyre here to do something important but all they can say is that theyre definitely not doing it. Thus, discontent acts as the fuel that propels people towards the discovery of this concept. We can arrive at Soul Purpose by discovering who we are not and do not want to be and do. Thus it is important to also address what Soul Purpose is not. Soul Purpose is not any of the following:


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose Soul Purpose is also differentiated from life purpose. While the two labels appear to be interchangeable, they are not. Life purpose is about me (ego-self), while Soul Purpose is about us (God-Self). Many people are awakening to the idea of living life with purpose, but all too few are realizing their dreams because life purpose and Soul Purpose are distinctively different. Life purpose has become associated with getting, attaining, and achieving something that people believe is outside of themselves. Soul Purpose is totally the opposite; it is about giving, surrendering and relinquishing. You surrender and relinquish the ego stories so that the innate talents within your soul matrix shine forth and are given away. At first they are to be given away, but eventually you will be paid to provide your product and/or service. For most, the idea of life purpose still evokes ideas that you only do what you love and you will become rich by doing it. It is you still telling God what you think you should be. Soul Purpose comes from doing spiritual work to the degree

Steve DAnnunzio that you become still enough to hear what God built you to be. Life purpose is the Think and Grow Rich model that says you can have and be whatever you want through effort and achievement; Soul Purpose is a higher-consciousness model that helps you surrender to become who you were born to become through love. Ironically, surrendering to Soul Purpose will actually help you achieve far more in life than pursuing life purpose. Finding my Soul Purpose felt like coming home. I spent a lot of years wandering in a wilderness of mediocrity, going down misleading paths and pursuing misguided goals, and I was often confused, frustrated, and fearful. After discovering my Soul Purpose I found peace, joy, confidence, and fulfillment. Everything just feels right, like all of the puzzle pieces of my life are now in place, working together. -Stephen P., Writer



Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Steve DAnnunzio wife? Thomas Jefferson, or his mentor, George Wythe,

Misunderstanding arises about Soul Purpose because of the misperception that living Soul Purpose automatically guarantees fame and fortune. This is a fallacy

whom few people have heard of?

The New Leadership

My friend Stephen once related to me something he witnessed while teaching a class of high school students. His class had begun an exercise in leadership called a simulation, where class members were given a scenario and roles to play out as if it were real. Understanding the French Revolution was vital in this particular scenario, and Stephen had given this as a hint. When the simulation began, Stephen observed most of the class members sitting around complacently, confused about what they were to do. Others attempted to take charge through manipulation and force. One student, unnoticed by the others, picked up a few reference books and quietly retired to a corner to study the French Revolution.

perpetuated by the ego. The following understanding will erase any potential confusion. Some peoples Soul Purpose appears to be bigger and more important than others, but this is untrue. Soul Purpose roles that thrust people into the spotlight are no more important than any otherthey are merely more visible. It appeals to the basic human ego structure that fame and fortune indicate superior social importance, but this is not so. A mother can live her Soul Purpose merely by being an exceptionally committed parent who lovingly nurtures and cherishes her children. A traffic cop who loves what he does and performs his job with zeal, fulfillment, and precision is just as important to the world as is the president of a country. Who was more importantGeorge Washington, or his mother who is rarelyif everspoken of? Gandhi, or his www.soulpurposeinstitute.com 11

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose When the activity was over, Stephen used this meek student to point out what true leadership is. True leadership, he explained, doesnt necessarily mean that youre the one in charge. It doesnt mean that you have all the answers. It doesnt necessarily mean that youre in the limelight. Its quietly, humbly, and persistently identifying what needs to be done, then inserting yourself in whatever capacity that aligns with your strengths. That may be nothing more than performing research that few will ever know about. It may feel like youre wasting youre time. But youll know its right when it resonates with your natural gifts. Team members whose Soul Purpose is supporting an onstage person in more visible Soul Purpose roles are critical and necessary. These support people are sometimes more highly evolved than the famous person. Because they may be more spiritually advanced, they prefer the anonymity and peacefulness of their role and need no fame or fortune while relishing their simple life.

Steve DAnnunzio My lovely wife Anathea is a perfect example of this. The thought of presenting in front of a group makes her sick to her stomach, yet she operates our household with ease, grace, and charm. She feels completely fulfilled by serving me and our children and by beautifying our home. She is the consummate supporter, constantly tying up my loose strings, taking care of details that I often overlook, and making sure I remember important things. Shes always serving others as well, in a quiet, unassuming way that she doesnt even recognize as a major contribution (although I do). Shes a person that others rely on for favors; they know that they can always count on her. Anathea says, My Soul Purpose at the moment is being a mother. Im perfectly content raising my kids and its very important to me that I raise them, rather than them being raised by nannies or daycares. Much of my purpose is the result of my upbringing. Since I didnt have the happiest childhood, its important for me that my children have a happy childhood. Growing up, my home life was somewhat crazy, so its become important for me to have



Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose order in my life. I also love maintaining traditions because I believe that traditions make for happy memories. Im the one people know, but my wife is the humble, supportive partner that enables my gifts to shine. Without her I would not be nearly as effective. In this sense, support roles are the catalyst for all other Soul Purposes. The advanced teacher may live what appears to be a simple life, but the love radiating from such a high soul uplifts all of humanity. Mother Teresa was an excellent example of this truth. Because of the enormous diversity of what is necessary on Earth for world peace, every Soul Purpose well-lived is critical and important. In this context, one can see how fame and fortune may be irrelevant. Therefore, monetary wealth may or may not be present, or necessary, in the life of many such souls. Because high public visibility is an unpleasant idea to many, it may or may not happen, and to the advanced teacher means nothing. To these souls, money is mainly used to help others, to maintain privacy, and to expand the reach of their loving message. www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Steve DAnnunzio

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and selfcentered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. -Written on the Wall of Mother Teresas Mission in Calcutta, India


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Steve DAnnunzio day? What else could you possibly do to have more fun, create more value, and earn the most money from doing

How Soul Purpose Helps You Prosper

than your Soul Purpose? Doesnt that resonate with you? This is the connection between spiritual and material wealth. I always had an inborn ability to speak to people in ways that seemed to uplift their happiness and productivity. When I did so some inner compass seemed to click in that just felt right. Conversely, when I denigrated someone I felt terrible, even if it was a small slight. For years I thought that this ability to uplift was just coincidence and certainly nothing that could ever become my life work. I never dreamed people would pay me for it. In my first career as a musician, other band members sought me out for advice. Later on in the corporate world other salespeople, and even the owner of the company, did the same thing. Once I surrendered to the fact that I was a natural teacher, I began to study the worlds great productivity and spiritual teachers. Soon a niche appeared that I 14

ow does Soul Purpose tie into greater prosperity? First of all, understand that prosperity is not something you possess; it is a state of being. It is

living the happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling life imaginable without worrying about money. It begins by opening up to the greatest human life value that exists: the discovery of your Soul Purpose. Secondly, realize that within a world of seemingly continuous cause and effect, value creation is the cause, and money is the effect. When you create value for others, dollars will surely follow back to you. What greater value can you offer to the world other than living that which you were specifically created for? What else would bring you the most enjoyment other than knowing you were doing that which you loved to do every single www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose instantly recognized and filled. As I did so, the level of value I was able to create was so high that demand for my services increased effortlessly. I realized that value to others must be the primary concern, and that only then could money return in greater quantities. A new level of financial abundance flowed back to me that verified the increased value that one giving their Soul Purpose receives. With profound gratitude I now experience clients routinely paying me fifteen thousand dollars a year to take my training. I never cease being humbled by this. By surrendering what the world had convinced me I had to do only to make money, I became what God built me to bea wisdom teacher. To scarcity paradigm thinkers, money is power; to prosperity paradigm thinkers, wisdom is power. This wisdom is the recognition that you have a specific purpose here on Earth. It is this purpose that will create the most value for others, and money will follow. This wisdom is inside of you. It is something you are and it also is something that will lead you to great happiness because its something you already love to do. www.soulpurposeinstitute.com You have a Soul Purpose that

Steve DAnnunzio




desperately, and by living it you will create enormous value, and in turn will naturally receive prosperity. If you act responsibly with this prosperity, you will achieve freedom in every aspect of your life. What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. -Pericles

Seeing Through the Fog: Discovery Vs. Development

f Soul Purpose is the natural, inherent essence of every individual, then why do so few people find it? Why does it seem so hard to find? Why does it seem to pursue fame and money instead of

much easier to relax in mediocrity? Why is it more attractive submitting to Soul Purpose? 15

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Steve DAnnunzio unlearning. Its not about becoming who you want to be;

I was recently in California visiting a friend who suggested we enjoy a day at the beach. We got there early and all we could see was a thick fog she called the marine layer. I thought that our sunny beach day was ruined, but she informed me that the sun would burn the fog away within an hour. She was right. We went to a local caf to wait it out. An hour later the sun burned through and dissipated the thick fog, revealing its brilliance and the gorgeous world below. Soul Purpose is just like the sun on a foggy dayalthough we may not be able to see it, it is always there shining brightly. You dont have to create the light; Soul Purpose is the light and you simply must uncover and shine it strongly enough into the fog of the ego-self so that it dissipates. In this sense, unlike the old models, the Soul Purpose model is less about development than it is about discovery. Its less about learning and more about

its about unveiling who you already are. The spiritual path is not a matter of growing more metaphysically complicated; its a process where we actually grow simpler and simpler, as we apply certain basic principles to everything we go through. We dont learn love, which is already etched on our hearts; we do, however, begin to unlearn fear. -Marianne Williamson Ironically enough, the standard clich that you can be whatever you choose to be is largely limiting, though perhaps possible. What if you spend your entire life trying to become something that does not fully align with your natural abilities, inborn passion, and highest purpose? You may achieve some measure of success, yet it will most likely be far below what you are truly capable of. This misaligned drive to achieve comes from either being unaware of ones purpose, or from misguided and egodriven motivations, such as greed, the desire for fame or



Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose power, seeking pleasure out of context, and choosing false security over freedom. Most people either bury their true purpose under layers of ego-based desire, or they resist it because they think that its unimportant or that it wont get noticed. Your Soul Purpose exists fully formed within you, but you may not see it because it is obscured under layers of fear, doubt, and disbelief. As you gain spiritual strength youll become aware of the unique combination of inherent talents and abilities that, combined with your life experience, point to it. By living this Soul Purpose you will offer the most phenomenal value imaginable to the world.

Steve DAnnunzio

Who Are You?

You are a spirit, in a body, who has a reasoning computer called a mind. When you are trapped in the mind, as most people are, you do not have direct access to your Soul Purpose. In fact, so many people are trapped in their mind that they dont even believe the soul exists, much less has a purpose. To begin awakening to your Soul Purpose, start by seeing yourself as the spirit in the body who has a mind, but is not the mind. To verify this as a plausible truth, lets look at what you really are with a greater awareness and clarity, perhaps more so now than ever before.

Dont ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -Gil Bailie

Most people consider themselves to be their body. But are you the body? The body goes about its businessblood circulation, digestion, heartbeat, neuronal activity, autonomic nervous system functionswithout you helping at all. It handles millions of physiological functions every day, fully independent of you. Are you thinking about your heartbeat right now, commanding it to happen with each



Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose beat? Are you commanding digestion to occur after each meal? Of course not; the body does these things on its own. The more closely you observe, you will begin to see I have a body, but I am not my body. While the body is a great gift, to equate who you are as only the body is to critically limit your potential. Yes, you are to take care of the body as best as possible, but the body functions on its own. In fact, it does many things you do not even choose, such as getting headaches, toothaches, stomachaches, etc. Do you control or choose any of that? Many others believe themselves to primarily be the mind, so lets investigate this idea. An analogy might be useful to illustrate this point more fully. Imagine that youre watching television and you get bored, so you turn it off. Can you do that with your mind? Absolutely not! Why? Because you are not it. Dont the inane ramblings of the mind get boring sometimes too? If you were the mind you would be able to control it and shut it off at will. You didnt start the mind, and you cant stop the mind. You www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Steve DAnnunzio cant shut your mind off because you are not it. This understanding is a major turning point in ones soul work. Secondarily, it is important for you to recognize, I have a mind, but I am not my mind. If you are not your body or mind, but instead have a body and a mind, then what are you? You are the life-force energy inside the body, or that which has long been defined as the soul or the spirit. This new beliefthat you are the Spirit/Soul in the bodywill immediately begin freeing you from the clutches of the mental realm. As you do so, your soul will become more powerful, because this new belief is like spiritual weightlifting. Your spirit, being the greatest part of you, begins to get stronger and stronger the more it is exercised. It only makes sense, doesnt it? Exercise the body, and it gets stronger. Exercise the mind, and it gets stronger. Exercise the spirit, it gets more powerful, and with discipline, you eventually realize your Soul Purpose. I have a friend and client, Andy, who struggled with the concept of spirituality until having a series of 18

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose breakthroughs that have helped him to connect with his spiritual nature. He was gracious enough to share his own story. Andy writes, When I met Steve in 1999 I was doing amazingly well in my financial services career. I had a good marriage, two healthy kids, and I was in the top one percent of income earners within our company on a national level. Underneath all of that appearance, however, I was harboring a lot of fear and worry. I had what I call approval sickness, where I was ultraconcerned with what others thought of me. I was also uncomfortable with spiritual things. When Steve began presenting to our group, I remember sitting in the back and joking around with my colleagues, poking fun at what I perceived as new-agey content.

Steve DAnnunzio

I joined his mentoring group, yet I still wasnt prepared to dive into the spiritual disciplines taught by Steve. They just never felt comfortable to me and I avoided them. My concept of God was infantile at best. After submitting to the process, all of the spiritual stuff that I had dismissed started to make more sense. I found myself much more calm and peaceful internally. My fear has largely vanished and Ive stopped worrying about things outside of my control. I stopped focusing so much on myself and really started to connect with my clients in ways that I never had before. My appreciation for my wife grew, as did our relationship, as well as my relationship with my kids. In fact, one of the breakthroughs for me was simply being comfortable enough to speak of spiritual things with my wife, something that I have never done prior to living the spiritual disciplines. There were times when, even if I was buying into what I was learning, my approval sickness would override the peace I would feel. Even 19

Fortunately for me I stayed throughout the whole session and the more I listened the more I realized I had a lot to learn from Steve. I went from being cynical at the beginning of his presentation to asking him to mentor me by the end. www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose though Ive always been a let it all hang out kind of guy, discussing spirituality was a line that I would never cross; it embarrassed me. Ive since become much more comfortable with the spiritual world and I can have intimate conversations with my wife about it. It may sound unimportant to some, but my newfound spirituality even affected my golf game. For a pragmatic guy like me, though, it was a big deal as I realized how practical spirituality really is. As soon as I started meditating my golf score dramatically improved. At first I was astounded; now I look at it in a matter-of-fact way as the spiritual disciplines have become habitual for me. In short, I feel like a completely new person. I used to be very sarcastic; now every time Im tempted to be sarcastic I recognize that its not who I want to be and I immediately stop. At the time of writing this the financial industry is in turmoil. Before connecting with my spiritual nature I would have been a complete wreck. But I feel completely at peace. Ive maintained a healthy sense of balance and perspective. Every aspect of my life has been www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Steve DAnnunzio enhanced. When my mind starts to race and that voice of worry starts creeping in Im able to peacefully surrender it to God. I dont give into the fear like I used to. Discovering the spiritual nature of life beyond the body and the mind has made all the difference in my life. Later in the book you will learn how to transcend the limitations of the physical and mental realms and experience the infinite creative power of the spiritual realm. In the meantime, the important thing to realize is that your Soul Purpose already exists fully formed in the spiritual realm. Its already within you. You dont need to pursue it, you dont need to develop ityou must simply find it by submitting to the spiritual disciplines that reveal it.


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Steve DAnnunzio


Fear Doubt Worry Falsehood Resentment/Revenge Belligerence Condemning Critical Disruptive Derisive Diffused Procrastinating Blaming Making Excuses Cruel Demeaning Prideful Selfish Demanding Force My Way

Love Faith Confidence Truth Forgiveness Peace Compassionate Understanding Patient Humorous Focused Disciplined Responsible Accountable Kind Respectful Humble Serving Asking Power Thy Way 21


ecause Soul Purpose exists fully formed in the spiritual realm, this is, of necessity, a spiritual curriculum. Remember that spirituality is not the congruent with the original great

same as religion. Nevertheless, true spiritual principles completely teachers.

Spirituality is a way of being that people choose, or do not choose, every moment of their existence. It is choosing to be and to behave as either the God-Self or the ego-self. Studying the attributes to these two very different selves will be helpful:


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Steve DAnnunzio God is the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and omni-benevolent origin of unfailing love, life, light, and abundance. God is the inner being influencing us to choose love over fear, humility over pride, and truth over falsehood, and is the radiant presence referred to via words like divine and sacred. God is the source of all inspirational creativity that uplifts human beings to better themselves and the world. God inspires intuition, intention, and imagination. God is the essence of all life, and when human ego is transcended, shines forth as enlightenment. As the source of all life, God favors no one and loves all equally. The purpose of this book is to help you see past the limiting layers of the physical and mental realms and enter the infinite possibility of the spiritual realm, the

Being spiritual is choosing love (God) over fear (ego). Your spirit itself is conscious loving intelligence. The spirit only wants to love and to be loved. This curriculum centers on increasing your conscious intelligence, thereby awakening dormant powers that are within you, covered up by layers of fear, pride, and complacency. If you remain stuck in the mind, Soul Purpose is quite difficult to attain. You will merely go around and around in your mind, thinking that it is what you are, limiting the ability to transcend the social programming put there by others. Only by understanding this can you regain the power necessary to discover your Soul Purpose. Regardless of who or what you believe God is, we can probably agree on the following universal attributes of God:



Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose realm where your Soul Purpose lies waiting to be revealed. To do so requires both a common definition of what spirituality is and its purpose as well as the commitment to submit to spiritual disciplines.

Steve DAnnunzio the hallmark of success. Now, in the new model of Soul Purpose, you will learn that achievement can be effortless, that success can be cooperative, and that your ability to manifest love trumps hard work. This does not mean that you will not workit simply means that, by doing the right things, it will no longer feel like work

Humble Submission

because you love it so much. It does not mean that you wont experience challenges, but it does mean that you will be blessed with an ever-increasing ability to respond to and meet challenges with faith and determination. My friend and client, Garrett White, has had a profound journey with submitting to his Soul Purpose. Garrett writes, I always felt an inner calling that I was meant to help people grow and learn. But growing up I instead developed a me-first attitude about life. As a youth I was a gifted athlete who excelled at sports, primarily football. Though my dream centered on becoming a pro football star, I kept hearing an inner calling to be more loving and understanding. This was totally unacceptable to the warrior persona I was expected to show in the brutal sports arena. To mask this inner voice I began using drugs 23

nveiling your Soul Purpose requires submitting to it. It requires relinquishing the struggle to achieve and the desire to be recognized and

surrendering to your inner calling, the calling that you know has been there since birth, although it may be difficult to hear in your present state. It requires you to focus less on having and doing, and more on being. It requires you to eliminate the noise and the clutter in order to hear the piercing whisper in the stillness. In the past, you have probably sought achievement through intense struggle and competitive effort. You may have thought that hard workin whatever capacitywas www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose and alcohol during college for fear Id lose my

Steve DAnnunzio wept. For me the inner guidance wasnt speaking words, it was more like a light that shined on certain ideas that were obviously true. It felt so reassuring that I decided in that moment to completely surrender to the light and to look at whatever idea it shone upon. I began seeing life differently and more clearly. I immediately recognized that my whole life in sports had been all about using my body, mind, and spirit to destroy opponents on the football field for fame and fortune. I considered myself to be a religious man before, but the inner light showed me that I had only used my religious beliefs to rationalize and justify my ego-driven desires. Now I was seeing from the higher standpoint of what I can only call the spiritual or soul perspective. This led me to the concept of Soul Purpose, which I committed to living with the same passion I had once brought to athletics. I soon discovered I had an amazing gift to inspire others as a motivational speaker. I continued to follow where this talent led me. I was amazed at how certain doors would open and others would close, but the light guided me to recognize that 24

competitive edge. I successfully developed my inner animal by doing so, which was useful on the field, but made me an obsessed wildman off the field. This led to divorcing my wife and estrangement from my son, which ripped apart my inner world. Pretending I was tough and fine I soldiered on. My pride helped me stuff the pain away in some dark inner closet. This behavior continued as I made the squad on an Arena League football team, which was one step away from the big leagues. I just kept ignoring the inner voice because I was hell-bent on fame and fortune. In the locker room one day I noticed my jaw clicking oddly. Thinking I hurt it on the field, I went to the team doctor who suggested xrays. I was devastated to find out that it was a large malignant tumor that needed immediate surgery to remove. In a blink my football career was over as I was fighting for my life. In my weakened post-surgical state I had no power to ignore the inner voice. It was so gentle and loving I just www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose both were perfect for my highest good. Though at first I struggled to believe this was true, I humbly submitted to it in faith. The results have been nothing short of amazing. Today my relationships with my new wife, children, parents, siblings, and friends are so transformed that I awake with a sense of overwhelming gratitude each day. While Im not a millionaire yet, the joy and inner peace I currently experience on a daily basis far outweigh any material thing I could ever possess. Ive been cancer-free for five years now and have a new lease on life. The profound impact Im making in the lives of my clients is light years more important than any touchdown I ever scored.

Steve DAnnunzio but one may paint portraits that relay a persons charm in an easily recognized likeness, while another explores the persons inner life and spiritual aura through symbolic use of line and color. Two other people may have careers in the area of finance, but one specializes in life insurance and the other is an expert in investing in the stock market. Two others might be teachers, but one teaches in a high school, and the other teaches by writing a column on nutrition for a health care magazine. In basketball, Michael Jordan brought an athleticism combined with a competitive fire to win that had never been seen before. Magic Johnson brought a joy combined with the unique ability to bring to the moment whatever skill was needed, whether it was the right shot, rebound, block, or pass. Larry Bird brought a never-say-die will to

Your Uniqueness

win by raising the level of every other teammate, mixed with the talent to hit the impossible shot from any angle. Shaquille ONeal possessed a combination of strength, power, and dominance that had never been seen on the court before. Though they are all basketball players in a sport where people thought theyd seen it all, each 25

here is no one else on Earth who has the exact same purpose as do you, though some purposes appear to be similar. Two people may be painters,


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose brought something special that no one had ever seen before. And, they all became champions. They may appear to be similar but, in truth, are original and distinctive and supply unique value to others. There is so much variety and diversity in life that anyone intent on seeking his unique niche always finds it. If you are dissatisfied and unfulfilled in your current career, it is a sign you are most likely missing your Soul Purpose. This situation may show itself in different ways in a variety of different life situations. You may be doing the right thing in the wrong place (needing to change company or geography), or be within the right career path but in the wrong job (working in a kitchen instead of opening a restaurant). One knows they are on their Soul Purpose by the level of spiritual (not just ego) fulfillment and satisfaction felt from living it. When one discovers his Soul Purpose, a critical shift occurs. You recognize every previous life event in a way that instantly makes complete and total sense. The good times and the bad, the victories and the defeats, all are www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Steve DAnnunzio immediately seen as having been necessary and perfect. You then wisely see the necessity of every event, especially painful ones, as having molded you in all the right ways towards accomplishing your Soul Purpose. Long hours, frustrations, small steps forward, struggles: unless these too are welcomed with a certain joy, the claim to being called has a hollow ring. -Michael Novak It becomes obvious that while you are the main character in the movie of your own life, you are not the producer and director of it. You have the lead role, and a very critical role it is. One co-creates his Soul Purpose in concert with Infinite Intelligence, which acts as the producer/director of the show. Infinite Intelligence scripted specific interests, passions, and loves into your soul as guideposts for you to follow to your purpose. As you discover your Soul Purpose, the whole world is uplifted. If the ocean level were to rise one inch, wouldnt every boat on it also rise simultaneously? 26

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose Because your consciousness is tied into the ocean of consciousness, all of humanity benefits from the

Steve DAnnunzio

A client of mine, Mike, a financial advisor in New York City, tells of his experience with this. Mike says, I was trained by people who told me that we were supposed to give away our services and that if were good enough the client would eventually place products with us so we could get paid. My trainers back then appeared to be pretty successful guys, so I believed them. I did fairly well income-wise but constantly struggled to create any real certainty as to where my next client was coming from. This was a very worrisome aspect of my business. When I was introduced to the concept of Soul Purpose, Steve asked me why I was minimizing my contribution to the world by not charging clients a fee. I really didnt fully understand the question. He introduced me to the concept of perceived value; that if I charged nothing for my services some clients might feel my advice was worth nothing. Then I recalled the previous day when a client Id met three times but had yet to place products had asked me Mike youve already done so much for me but how do

accomplishment. If you are already on your mission, but not pleased with certain results, this curriculum will help you discover the missing piece of some unique ability that you are currently unaware of. Becoming aware of this one thing may be the factor that has an enormous impact on your life results. Because this unique ability is so natural you may be unaware of its value to others. Oftentimes, our own Soul Purpose can be seen by others close to us, because we often do not see ourselves as clearly as do others who know us well. You probably marvel at some unique talent others possess, but they themselves may think nothing of it because it comes so naturally to them. For this reason, people often underestimate how valuable their Soul Purpose may be. Since this is your unique Soul Purpose, you may be unintentionally devaluing yourself, while others will see its value and gladly compensate you handsomely for it. www.soulpurposeinstitute.com


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose you get paid? Glimmers of truth were breaking through that I might be selling myself short. Steve asked, When you go to any doctor does he charge you for the exam? I answered, Yes. Then if you need any follow-up procedure whether minor or major doesnt he also get paid for that too? Again I answered Yes. Why are you marginalizing your great coaching Mike? Steve pointed out that Id spent years getting degrees in my craft and perfecting my process. He spoke to how my exceptional perspective brought distinctive value to my clients they really couldnt receive anywhere else, but I still doubted him. So he said, Lets put it to the test. I had told him that I had a meeting with a new potential client the next day. We reviewed my value propositionthe list of all the inimitable values I bring to all my clients. Then Steve suggested I ask the client if all those things would be valuable to him. The next day I did just that, and the client enthusiastically replied, Absolutely! Bolstered by this response I confidently asked him for a five thousand www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Steve DAnnunzio dollar fee to provide all these things. Without batting an eyelash he pulled out his checkbook and wrote me the check. It humbled me to re-double my efforts to be better for my clients. Now that I do this with all clients, they are actually more engaged in meetings, and they honor my time more and seem to take our work much more seriously than before. They more generously refer me and I gratefully no longer worry about where my next client may be coming from. It has inspired me to write a book so more people can hear about more my Soul Purpose and to increase the reach of my message.

Discover Your Soul Purpose

nswering the following questions will help you get clearer about what your Soul Purpose may be. Please take the time to write out the answers.

Typically, the first things that come to your awareness are right. If you get momentarily stuck, move to the next question and come back once the other questions are 28

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose answered. Do not allow the how to do it limiting mindset to paralyze you. Let these answers flow in a stream-of-consciousness, non-judgmental fashion. 1. When I feel totally fulfilled I am ______________. 2. When feeling the most inner peace I am ________. 3. When feeling the greatest joy I am _____________. 4. When I believe I make a great difference I am ____. 5. When I experience my life as ideal I am _________. 6. I feel limitlessly abundant when I am ___________. 7. I experience the greatest passion when I am _____. 8. I experience fantastic clarity when I am _________. 9. I feel unstoppable when I am _______________. 10. There is no limit to the amount of fun I have when I am _______________. 11. I experience perfect health when I am __________. 12. When I am doing ________ I feel energized all day. 13. I am a laser-beam focused all day when I am _____. 14. I know I'm of greatest service when I'm providing __________ for others.

Steve DAnnunzio The answers to these questions contain many special gifts that only you possess. No one else can present them to the world in this specific combination as can you. These are clues pointing to your Soul Purpose. They are things you already like to do, as well as talents, behaviors, strengths, attitudes, speech patterns, and many other specialties. They all inspire your passion, love, and natural interest. You need exert no effort to enjoy and embrace them, for theyre already written as interests in your soul. When lived as a coherent mission, they will provide tremendous benefit to society. These unique qualities are like spokes on a wheel leading to and supporting a central hub that is your essence and reason to be, or Soul Purpose. You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand. -Woodrow Wilson



Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose Understand Soul Purpose as something you are, not only something you do. It is not a job or a career; rather it is a way of being. This new way of being inspires new ways of thinking which inspires new ways of speaking, ultimately inspiring new activities. Once you commit to live your Soul Purpose, the right job will find you. Now look at the answers you wrote down and notice that a common theme exists. This theme is most likely the area in which your soul work is meant to be done. Please write the potential theme of your Soul Purpose here:

Steve DAnnunzio and the people I love to serve, then I have a powerful combination. Taking these points and aligning them with the other principles to be covered herein will transform you into an unstoppable presence. It is reassuring to understand that adopting the Soul Purpose belief system does not require you to make the ultimatum of either/or. It is not Either I quit my job to live my Soul Purpose right now but struggle over money worries, or I stay unfulfilled for the security of a salary. It is both. You can both work your current job, and immediately commit to educate yourself in your unique soul work arena. This commitment will inspire you to

My Soul Purpose Theme

_______________________________________ Soul Purpose is not only about discovering what you love to do; it is also about determining whom you love to serve. This is critically important because the latter will become your market. When I clearly define what I love, www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

greater happiness while temporarily working the current job, with the knowledge that you are becoming someone greater. The commitment to invest in yourself will be the greatest investment possible to increase your prosperity. This investment can be made by doing the following: Identify and study your Soul Purpose field. Attend workshops and seminars and read books that offer expertise in this field. 30

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose Network with people at these workshops and exchange contact information. Ask them for the names of books, websites, and other possible resources that helped them to increase their skills in this field. Implement the new action steps that invariably arise from following the preceding steps. This will increase skill and expertise in your Soul Purpose field. Practice these new skills as often as possible, without creating major imbalance in your family life. Find which one of these skills in this given field that you excel the most at, and do that one thing almost exclusively. This commitment to invest in yourself is the keyit will maximize your creating value for others via your Soul Purpose work while minimizing stress. If you know your Soul Purpose, fantastic! This next component will be a deepening and a re-affirmation of how to amplify it into creating what I call your Individual Legacy. www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

Steve DAnnunzio

Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. -Buddha

Your Individual Legacy

f you know your Soul Purpose but are waiting for a more opportune time to live it, you are deceiving yourself. Every day spent not working in your Soul

Purpose is a day spent moving further away from it. Knowing ones Soul Purpose and living it are two different things. When you live out your Soul Purpose you create an Individual Legacy. Because the power of Soul Purpose issues forth from the infinite power of the spiritual realm, living it has deep and far-reaching effects. A deceased person who lived their Soul Purpose continues to uplift humanity long after their death. Mozart, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther


Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose King all created Individual Legacies that continue to uplift humanity for generations. This reveals another amazing trait of living Soul Purpose that we have yet to discuss. Your contribution will continue to serve long after your physical form is gone. This is why it is called an Individual Legacy (Coelho, 1988). Though he died three hundred years ago, Mozarts music continues to thrill and uplift people today. Mother Theresas healing centers still successfully treat thousands on a daily basis. Dr. Kings sacrifices and teachings still guide others to greater understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity. The anonymous baker who first gave an extra cookie with each dozen continues to help bakers everywhere to build a joyful relationship with their customers. of human transpersonal

Steve DAnnunzio psychology, theorizing and

proving something powerful: All joyful, productive, wellfunctioning people have one thing in common, which is that their chosen work is deeply self-fulfilling. His studies indicated that people whose career was devoted to doing that which they loved to do also lived longer (Maslow, 1976). One refreshing aspect of Soul Purpose is that it is not an either/or propositionwhen living Soul Purpose you never have to choose between making money or doing what you love. Soul Purpose provides both security and selfactualization. When lived practically and powerfully, it intrinsically and simultaneously leads to greater health, economic prosperity, and self-fulfillment. When you live Soul Purpose, it creates the highest joy

There is evidence that living your Soul Purpose is also the secret to living a longer, healthier life. Psychologist Abraham Maslow pioneered the self-actualization movement, and his life work scientifically validated this benefit of living Soul Purpose. Maslow did a lifelong study www.soulpurposeinstitute.com

factor, which positively influences ones health and length of life. Because every thought affects the immune system either positively or negatively, you can see how a soulful life filled with positive thinking enhances health. It appears as if finding and living your Soul Purpose may be a 32

Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose secret to longevity. The drudgery and hidden futility the average person feels as they run the rat race without feeling like they make any difference in the world is in direct opposition to the feeling felt by one who lives their Soul Purpose. You deserve to experience that feeling, but you have to believe it and completely commit to owning that belief. The power of belief cannot be understated, for your life has become the sum total of all your beliefs. If you believe this work is powerful, and you use the principles and techniques given, you will absolutely have positive results. If you believe this work is bunk, you will not do the work and it will have no effect. This curriculum is meant to expand your self-imposed boundaries so you learn to believe in yourself in the greatest way possible. If you dont believe in your Self, who will? You are here to accomplish something important and to fulfill a sacred contract between you and the Infinite Intelligence.

Steve DAnnunzio To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe. Thucydides Deepening your belief in yourself, and your greatness daring to dream that you have a special purpose no one else on Earth possesses quite the way you dois critical to moving forward. You are a part of the Infinite Intelligence itselfunaware of who you arebut you nevertheless have this magnificence within you. Begin by simply opening up to the following possibilities right now: I was created by an Infinite Intelligence for a reason. I have a Soul Purpose hereco-created specifically for methat I came here to fulfill. Misery and desperation are the result of the inability to discover Soul Purpose. I will feel a deep fulfillment when I dare to believe I can discover and live my Soul Purpose.



Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose Soul Purpose is not only about discovering what I love to do; it is also about determining the people I love to serve who will become the focus of my energy. Living my Soul Purpose will create maximum value for others, prosperity for me, and leave behind a permanent Individual Legacy. Those who create an Individual Legacy live a balanced life filled with health, wealth, a greater joy, and a deep sense of satisfaction. This Individual Legacy is timeless in its ability to continually help others.

Steve DAnnunzio We conclude this chapter with a note of caution: If this knowledge is allowed to go to the head (ego-self swells) instead of inspiring the heart (God-self awakens), misery can ensue. These teachings about Soul Purpose do not imply that you are superior over others; they mean that everyone is special. The allure of specialness makes the ego drunk with power, which can cause the opposite purpose of this work to ruin your life. Attribute all credit to God, parents, teammates, teachers, and to your new commitment to excellence, and your success is all but ensured. The enhanced level of prosperity, health, and happiness are all yours, and that is more than enough.



Journey of the Soul: How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Steve DAnnunzio

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