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Vedic Astrology & the Chakras

2008 James Jarvis, M.A. It is well known to many of us by now that the human energy field is comprised of seven major energy centers or chakras that are located along the cerebral-spinal axis. Each of these centers acts as a substation or transformer of the universal energy or prana that flows through the medulla at the base of the skull. As the prana descends through the five lower chakras it is transformed or modified from its pure state. If the lower chakras are clear and free of negative impressions (trauma, suppression, etc.) then the prana is free to ascend back to the upper chakras leading to higher states of consciousness. If the lower chakras are blocked, however, then the prana is blocked from ascending and these energetic blockages begin to manifest as dis-ease on mental, emotional and physical levels. In other words, if we have blockages in any of the chakras it means we have broken our attune-ment with universal life force energy on a subtle, or not so subtle, level. Since the chakras are energy centers that respond to vibration, one of the ways that we can come back into alignment or attunement is through the conscious use of vibration, music and movement. One of the tools that can help us in this journey is an understanding, through the use of Vedic astrology, of the relationship between the chakras and the planets. In Vedic astrology each of the chakras is associated with or is governed by a different planet. On an energetic level the vedic astrological chart is a map of not only the inter-relationship of the planets but a map of the interrelationship and condition of the chakras. In essence, we have our own inner solar system that guides the evolution of our consciousness through the various chakra centers. By understanding the planetary quality of each chakra we can use specific forms of music, vibration and movement to awaken and open each chakra and energize ourselves. Astrology of the Chakras The first chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with the planet Saturn or Shani in Sanskrit. Astrologically, Saturn represents our ability to ground ourselves so that we can materialize our dreams. Not enough Saturn in our lives leaves us ungrounded and unable to support ourselves. For some, too little Saturn makes it hard to create a sense of strong boundaries and center. Too much Saturn, however, and we can hold onto the material plane too much and resist change because of insecurity and fear. One of the ways to heal the first chakra is through connecting with the energies of the earth . Walking barefoot, doing yoga and drumming are all ways of tuning into the lower frequencies of the first chakra. Drumming, in particular, is an effective way of opening and awakening the first chakra. When we drum we often hold the drum between our legs which directly connects with the first chakra at the base of the spine. By tuning into the lower frequencies of the drum we not only energize ourselves but also become more present and in our bodies. Repeating Saturns mantra, Om Sham (pronounced Shum) Shanaye Namah, on Saturns day (Saturday) also helps to bring in earth energy and help us ground and create a solid center. The second chakra, governed by Jupiter or Guru in Sanskrit, is located in the pelvic or genital region of the body. The second chakra has to do with issues of creativity and sexuality and how we channel our fundamental life force energy and emotions. Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet that represents how we expand our consciousness. If we grew up in a family that suppressed emotions or sexuality then this would directly impact the second chakra and our sense of expansiveness. If we suppress one area of the second chakra, say sexuality, then all of the other areas;: our passion, creativity, expression of deep emotion, are affected as well. When the second chakra is open we are in touch

with our primal life force, or kundalini energy. This is the fundamental electromagnetic force that animates our bodies and when freely expressed creates magnetism, passion, and true creativity in our lives. The key to awakening the energy of the second chakra, then, is to get our instinctual energy moving and open and expand the range of pelvic movement. One of the best ways Ive found to accomplish this is through free form dancing or African dance forms. Several years ago I had a guest African dancer in my Astrology of the Chakras class and she explained that many of the movements of African dance are actually meant to facilitate the opening of the various chakras. Any movements that contract and then expand the area of the second chakra, or pelvis region, will help to loosen up the energy in that center. Also, using ethnic or world music that activates the instinctual or moving center, such as didgeridoo, belly dance or Turkish dervish music, are excellent. Repeating Jupiters mantra, Om Brahm (pronounced Bhrum) Brihaspataye Namah, on Jupiters day (Thursday) also helps to create expansion of creative life force and healing of sexual issues. The third chakra, located at the solar plexus or hara is the seat of our personal power. Mars, the planet associated with personal will and Pluto, the planet associated with collective will, are the corulers of the third chakra. The issues of the third chakra have to do with power, control, trusting our gut level instincts, and our sense of personal empowerment. A blocked third chakra may manifest as a lack of being able to make decisions, not being to trust our own instincts, and feelings of being manipulated or victimized. An overactive third chakra may manifest as control issues, intimidation, rage, or violence. The key to healing the third chakra is to learn how to take power without harming others. It is also important to learn how to let go of the fear of being out of control. Music can be a particularly powerful medium for opening the third chakra as it is a non-verbal form of communication that by-passes the cognitive mind and directly impacts our deepest emotions. Many people who feel they have to control their emotions find themselves being moved to tears by evocative music. Finding music that moves you, whether emotionally or physically is a way of accessing the deeper emotions of anger, grief and rage that are often trapped in the third chakra. As these emotions are uncovered and allowed expression, the third chakra can then blossom and the energy that has been channeled into control can now be re-routed into more fulfilling forms of self expression and creativity. Music of the Heart The fourth chakra, located around the heart and lungs, is governed by the planet Venus. Venus represents what we value, what we are passionate about and our capacity to share our love unconditionally. I also assign "higher" rulership of the fourth chakra to the planet Neptune, as it is Neptune that represents the process of transcending our own individuality and merging with spirit or divine love. The fourth chakra is the bridge between the lower and higher chakras. It has been said that our western culture primarily relates to the issues of the first three chakras; money, sex and power. As we clear the emotional attachments of the first three chakras then we can begin to open to the expansive qualities of the higher chakras. If the fourth chakra is blocked we might have fears of not being loved, fears of giving and receiving affection or relationships that are unfullfilling. The key to healing the heart chakra is through the development of compassion, devotion, and a sense of connection with others. Music, in the form of devotional singing, can open the heart and decrease feelings of separation. The Dances of Universal Peace from the Sufi tradition of Samuel Lewis are an excellent way of combining sound and movement to facilitate a sense of mystical connection or oneness with others. Combining sacred mantras from different spiritual traditions with simple circle dances, the Dances of Universal Peace help us to let go of the artificial walls that keep us separate. They are also a very safe way of practicing how to give and receive love unconditionally. Opening the Throat, Third Eye & Crown Chakras The fifth chakra, located in the throat region, is governed by Mercury, the planet representing all forms of communication and Chiron, the planet representing the mentor/teacher archetype. It is through the

fifth chakra that we develop personal expression and the ability to create our own reality. If the fifth chakra is blocked then we might have fears of asserting or speaking up for ourselves. It may also be difficult to express our needs or the feelings that we experience emanating from the heart chakra. Another common manifestation of a blocked fifth chakra is disbelief in our ability to create our lives the way we want them to be. If we grew up having no voice in the choices that were being made for us or having our choices ridiculed then eventually we stop believing in the power of our free will or voice. Healing the fifth chakra is imperative if we want to open to the intuitive awareness that comes from the sixth and seventh chakras. If the fifth chakra is blocked we may be overly mental and not open to the subtle intuitive information that is constantly being channeled through the higher centers. In terms of healing modalities, singing is one of the best methods for opening the fifth chakra. Since many people with fifth chakra blockages have literally lost their voice, the greatest way to reclaim our voice is to vibrate it with sound! Chanting sacred mantras such as OM is also beneficial as OM is seen as the fundamental, or primordial sound of the universe. As we chant OM we align ourselves with the creative sound that is thought to bring all material form into existence. The sixth chakra, located in the middle of the forehead between the eyes, is co- ruled by the Sun and the Moon. The sixth chakra is associated with our higher mental abilities of introspection, selfexamination, perception and intuition. Traditionally, the sixth chakra is seen as having two poles. The moon pole, located at the medulla, is where receive the breath of god or universal energy. The sun or active pole, located at the third eye, is where we express this universal energy through the vehicle of our own individuality. A blocked sixth chakra may manifest as fear of looking inside ourselves, fear of using our intuitive abilities, refusal to learn from lifes experiences, or the inability to access inner guidance. Physical symptoms could include migraines, anxiety, depression and learning disabilities. One of the best ways to open the sixth chakra is through meditation, visualization and accessing the imaginal realm through dreamwork. This opening can be facilitated by music that evokes the imagination and opens us to the realm of non-ordinary insights. Specifically, there are many CDs available that help the brain to access deeper states of alpha, delta and theta consciousness that are otherwise only produced through meditation practices. Lastly, we reach the seventh chakra, located at the top or crown of the head. The crown chakra is viewed as another point of entry of life force energy and represents our connection with universal consciousness. I associate the seventh chakra with the planet Uranus, as it is Uranus that represents the universal current of energy that nourishes mind, body and spirit. From the Vedic perspective of India, Uranus represents the kundalini energy that resides at the base of the spine in the first chakra. As we awaken and open each of the chakras the kundalini energies rise up the spine and activate the seventh chakra leading to enlightenment or illumination. Many of us experience this in orgasm as the kundalini moves through the lower chakras and activates the crown chakra. The reason we go to sleep after orgasm is that we are not used to channeling that much energy in the higher centers so we end up shutting down, or going unconscious. If we have blockages in the seventh chakra this may manifest as low life force energy, disbelief that we can be supported by the universe, or feeling disconnected from a sense of meaning or direction in our lives. The interesting thing about the seventh chakra is that it is the polar opposite of the first chakra so we can open it from above or below. Pranayama or breathing practices help to open the seventh by expanding our capacity to channel energy through the top of the head. As we expand our capacity to channel energy we can withstand more aliveness moving through our bodies without resistance. As we open the lower chakras through movement and sound we decrease the resistance we have to being more alive and release the kundalini energy that is dormant at the base of the spine. In other words, opening the higher chakras does not mean that we need to ignore or transcend the lower chakras as some traditions would have us believe. Rather, it requires that we work on opening up the entire chakric field so that we have the capacity to experience higher states of consciousness in a grounded or embodied way.

Chakra system chart by astrology

Planetary influences on chakra system Introduction to the chakra system The human energetic system is mainly composed of a vertical energetic axis which runs through our spine from the perineum (the region between the genitals and the anus), up to the top of our head. This is our main energetic channel and it is called in India the Sushumna Nadi. On this channel, at different levels there are seven energetic centers (named chakras) that represent our link to the "reality" and the universe(s). They are located as shown in the image on the right. Chakra system chart by astrology One can identify the nodal axis with Sushumna Nadi, the energetic central channel that runs through our spine. On this channel, the six chakras are projected at different levels as shown in the image on the left. The seventh chakra, the crown chakra, called Sahasrara chakra is not shown in the natal chart, it couldn't be, as it doesn't relate with the material level, only with the higher spiritual worlds. It is transcendental and represents our link to the Divinity. The other six chakras will be projected on the nodes' axis as follows: 1. Muladhara chakra or the root chakra will be projected at a distance of 30 degrees from the South Node (SN) on both sides. 2. Swadisthana chakra or the sexual chakra will be projected from 30 degrees to 60 degrees from the SN on both sides. 3. Manipura chakra or the solar chakra will be projected from 60 degrees to 90 degrees from the SN on both sides. 4. Anahata chakra or the heart chakra will be projected from 90 to 120 degrees from the SN or from 90 to 60 degrees from the North Node (NN) on both sides. 5. Visshuda chakra or the throat chakra will be projected from 60 to 30 degrees from the NN on both sides.

6. Ajna chakra or the forehead chakra will be projected from 30 degrees to the NN. Planets that are in the projection area of one chakra will influence that chakra according to their nature and the side of the nodal axis where they are located. Those on the left side (waxing from the SN) will influence the receptive part and the function of that chakra, while those on the right will influence the emissive part and function of that chakra. In order to understand this better, an esoteric study of the chakras would be required. the Seven chakras system quick overview of each chakra's activity/influence chakra the root chakra or Muladhara the sexual chakra or Swadisthana the solar chakra or Manipura the heart chakra or Anahata the throat chakra or Visshuda the forehead chakra or Ajna> the crown chakra or Sahasrara receptive side / energy received physical, material energy sociability, sexual potential what gives you self confidence what you like, love received passive intuition emissive side / controlled energy controlled energy, stability seduction, sexual energy control will power, perseverance, charisma love emitted

active intuition and contact to other worlds mental interest, analysis, logics, mental creativity, memory synthesis transcendence - link to the spiritual worlds, to GOD

Table with the planetary influences on the chakra system: effect on the chakras when it is in effect on the chakras when it is the left side of the nodes' axis, in the right side of the nodes' PLANET influencing the receptive function axis, influencing the emissive of the chakra function of the chakra lots of high quality energy on that increased control, mastery of that SUN level both natally and received from level the others in life MOON increased receptivity on that level, deep feelings and a clear inner the native easily absorbs energies perspective on the energies of that

and information from the other or level from the nature mental receptivity on that level, the native is easily energized, mental control, understanding, MERCURY fascinated by specific information, mastery of that level either read or heard from others interests / hobbies / passion on that seduction power, erotism, the level, meetings of persons that offer VENUS successful use of the feelings in him/her psychological support, the order to gain control on that level feeling of being loved energy, dynamism, activity on that courage, dynamic action, good MARS level, courageous friends energetic control lots of energy and resources, open power of accumulation of energy, JUPITER interest on the level, exuberance, wise, spiritual use of that energy very controlled manifestations, SATURN few resources and lack of energy contracture, strategy, economy energy outbursts alternating with spiritual, higher consciousness of URANUS low level energy, fluctuations the energy on that level low physical energy, but good spiritual use of the energy on that NEPTUNE contact with the other worlds level passion, deep understanding and transformative potential, occult PLUTO feeling of the energy on that level interests and use of the energy In this kind of spiritual astrology the Ascendant, the Medium Coeli and the astrological houses are unimportant because in the true spirituality it doesn't matter WHAT one does, but rather HOW one does it. That's why the planets (the inner energies of the being) are important and not the house cusps. Ideal chakra chart There is an archetypal activation of all chakras, placing the Moon's Nodes in their domicile on the 0 Capricorn-0 Cancer axis and considering the influence of each sign ruler on the chakra situated at its correspondent level. We may see in the below images the ideal planetary influences on the chakras.

The above image could be redesigned as follows, in order to get it more like the traditional representation of the chakras (the planets are not represented anymore, but you certainly know which planet rules each sign).

A very interesting exercise is to look for persons who have planets influencing their chakras as in this ideal chart. You will notice good functioning of that chakra. For instance Hitler and Stalin had Saturn activating the right side of their Ajna chakra, that's why they were almost geniuses in what they did. (the malefic side, though) Mircea Eliade, a world renowned scientist who wrote a very extensive book on the history of the religions had in his natal chart Jupiter activating the left side of the Ajna chakra, the mental energetic center, offering him a outstanding memory and intellectual analysis capacity (Jupiter is also about religions). And so on. There is no limitation in the study of the planets' influence on the chakras. You will find very interesting perspective when analyzing the transiting planets' or the eclipses' influence on a person, you may even apply this in the synastry study, revealing hidden information on the subtle energetic influence of one person on the other. the Synastry and the chakra chart: Person A's planet on the right side of a chakra of person B, means that A is helping B to become more active, is stimulating B (which can be both in good or bad). If

A's planet is on the left side of a chakra of B, means that A is actually giving B something that B is receptive at (on that level; and it can be also a good thing or a bad thing). Consider always the North Node position of a person in the other person's chart. Similar as in synastries, where the ascendant's position of one person in the other chart indicates the house on which the first person is most influential, the chakra activated by one person's NN in the other person's natal chart is the most important level of the relationship. You will quickly notice that if A's NN is on the right side of a chakra of B, then B's NN is on the left side of the same chakra, but of A. It means that in a relationship there is always a receiver-sender relationship (on the same level, i.e. chakra), that represents the base of the connection of the two persons. As a rule of the thumb, in a sentimental relationship there is always someone who loves more, and the other one who let him/herself be loved. the North Node transits and the chakra chart: Consider also the North Node transits around the zodiac, passing through the 12 natal projection regions of the 6 chakras. Each transit lasts for approx. 1,551 years, as the entire cycle of the nodes lasts 18,614 years, representing a full development and evolution cycle. --- beginning of the first nodal cycle --0-1,55 years: the neurological-motor development of the baby: its first successes (learning the basics, understanding and acquirement of the basis of the language, walking, playing, eating) - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the forehead chakra, Ajna. 1,55 - 3,1 years: the child starts talking articulated phrases, his thinking is mostly intuitive, not logical - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the throat chakra, Visshuda. 3,1 - 4,65 years: the child starts having intense feelings to the mother, the other members of the family, to other children - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the chest chakra, Anahata 4,65 - 6,2 years: the child gets a stronger understanding of its own individuality, it is the age of "I want that! and I want it now!" - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the solar plexus chakra, Manipura 6,2 - 7,75 years: the child starts the socializing process, he goes to school, gets in contact with many other children of his age, learns the rules of social behavior - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the social, sexual chakra, Swadisthana 7,75 - 9,31 years: the child has a lot of physical energy, loves running around, and it is very difficult to have him still - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the root chakra, Muladhara

9,31 - 10,86 years: the child learns to put his physical energy into practical purposes, such as organized sports, starts doing little things in the house (if parents teach him to do so) - the transiting North Node activates the emissive, active side of the root chakra, Muladhara 10,86 - 12,41 years: the children become interested in the opposite sex, the girls have their first menstruation, the children socialize a lot the transiting North Node activates the emissive, active side of the sexual chakra, Swadisthana 12,41 - 13,96 years: the children face very important individualization (personality) problems - typical teenager problems, they learn how to control their needs, start claiming authority - the transiting North Node activates the emissive, active side of the solar plexus chakra, Manipura 13,96 - 15,51 years: the first love experience; whether real or imaginary love, the teenagers start thinking in terms of feelings: the transiting North Node activates the emissive, active side of the chest, heart chakra, Anahata 15,51 - 17,06 years: the teenagers start understanding beyond the words and reality, they get a better intuitive image of the universe - the transiting North Node activates the emissive, active side of the throat chakra, Visshuda 17,06 - 18,61 years: the most mentally creative period of life; they say that many genial ideas were born in persons of this age; it is sure however that the young persons start having their own understanding on the reality, and also start exposing their ideas to the others. --- the first nodal cycle is over --The next ones follow the same pattern, although on a very different level. Natal chakra activation I have developped a simple astrology program calculating your natal chakra system diagram, showing the natal chakra activation, according to the theory presented above.

Saturn and Chakras a Vedic Astrology Perspective

There is no other planet as dreaded and misunderstood as Saturn. Even people who have only a passing interest in astrology often know of Saturns reputation as the cause of the mundane problems of poverty, illness, denial, depression, responsibility and relentless toil. Saturn is not known for good luck, parties, unearned wealth and vacation time. There is truth to all of the above but Saturn brings much more. Saturn is the planet of truth, focus, spiritual advancement, inner peace, neutrality and just rewards. In many ways Saturn is like a wise but stern teacher or grandparent who has the courage and

determination to hold your feet to the fire until you get the truth of the teaching behind the lesson. In my own observation of thousands of charts I know that a well-placed Saturn is unbeatable and that someone who is open to the higher teachings of this planet eventually achieves the best that the human experience has to offer. I have also seen more lives brought crashing down through the misuse of Jupiter energy than a challenging Saturn. Saturn requires the effort, the honesty and the patience to uncover the reward but the reward is generally perceived as well worth the effort. One of the gems of Vedic astrology is the connection with the teachings of yoga. Yoga works on many levels and one of the most positive levels is the techniques which focus directly on the energetic system known as chakras. Chakras can be understood as wheels or spirals of energy that can not be seen by the naked eye and are the unseen causation of the manifested physical body. The energy of chakras can be off-balance, over-active or seriously blocked. The chakras can be the resting place for unresolved issues and energy healers will often focus on these spirals of energy in order to help someone achieve a balance of body, mind and spirit. Blocked chakras are often the missing link to healing the mind and emotions through talk therapy. If the chakras still hold the residual of the original pain the result can be that no matter how much one understands the issue one never knows when that issue will be activated again therefore bringing back the pain of the issue. There are many chakras throughout ones energetic body but the primary ones are the seven that run along the spinal column. Saturn is considered to reside in the first or root chakra which is located at the base of the spinal column. The first chakra is the chakra of the earth itself and represents form and solidity. This chakra relates to our ability to be grounded, to attain material success and the ability to focus and manifest our needs. It stands to reason that fear of lack of resources and an inability to function well in a worldly manner can be the result of a malfunction in the first chakra. The delays, hard work and challenges presented by Saturn can often result in a person living in fear of lack or in resentment of the difficulties that life on planet earth often presents. When Saturn is strong in a challenging placement the result can be a block in the first chakra which will lower the basic energy available through illness, depression and even hopelessness. Often people who commit suicide will have a strong Saturn transit present at the moment of the decision. While something as serious as a decision to take ones physical life can not be laid at the feet of a blocked chakra I suspect that behind the mental and emotional problems that the first chakra, which is responsible for physical survival, is also seriously blocked.

Vedic astrology is unique in its approach to working with the planetary energy rather than being a passive victim of the planets. A challenging time of Saturn can be approached through a variety of ways and many of the remedial techniques correlate to the techniques known to work of the first chakra. Almost any form of consistent physical exercise will work to offset the negative misunderstanding of the Saturn energy. Given that yoga relates directly to the energy of the chakras a strong yoga practice will not only unblock and/or balance the first chakra but will help in the practice of meditation which is a practice that is deeply enjoyed by the planet Saturn since Saturn rules truth, detachment and neutrality. Yoga and meditation will also help one gain mastery over fear which can be a by-product of both Saturn and a blocked first chakra. Any good yoga teacher should be able to advise on postures which work specifically on the first chakra. There are specific mantras for Saturn which will help move forward the challenges of Saturn and balance out the first chakra at the same time. Mantras need to be pronounced correctly and should be chanted only after being taught the proper pronunciation. However, the mantra for the first chakra is a simple seed sound or bija mantra. This bija sound is Lam with the a like a soft a as in ah the m can be drawn out a bit longer. This sound can be chanted while one is sitting in meditation or in a sitting forward bend. The color red corresponds to the first chakra and seeing the color red while meditating or chanting is very helpful. If fear comes up especially around money and survival concerns take a moment to exhale forcefully from the mouth as that will help to release the negative emotion. Finally, Saturn at this time is in the sign of Libra which is a good placement. In the sign of Libra, Saturn is throwing his energy onto the sign of Cancer. The Moon rules Cancer and the Moon is considered to be the ruler of the people and Saturn is the ruler of the working people. During these times and this transit it seems as if all of the problems and challenges are being brought to bear on the regular people of the world. Saturn is the planet of delays and is in one of his best signs, Libra, the sign of the scales of justice. Saturn is always pushing us towards truth, self-empowerment and inner peace. Saturn does not deny - he delays and often brings us more than we even hoped for originally. Now is not the time to give in to the hype, give in to the fear or to crawl into bed with the covers over our heads. It is a time to believe in ourselves, to stand firm in what we know is right and to empower ourselves both individually and as a community. It seems dark right now but the planets to keep moving and there are good placements down the road.

Vedic Astrology Brief - The Chakras

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Chakras in Sanskrit means spinning wheels, and refer to the energy centers of the human body. There are 7 major chakras. They are connected to the major functions of our organs and glands. These energy centers can become weakened through emotional hurts. These energy centers become blocked and produce disease and emotional problems. The chakras are associated with a planet and its meaning in our lives. The order of the chakras in relationship to the planets rulership is based on our solar system, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, and the Sun. The 1st root chakra is at the base of the spine ruled by Saturn and indicates our earthly grounding. The 2nd sacral chakra ruled by Jupiter is our reproductive center or creative. The 3rd solar plexus chakra ruled by Mars pertains to assertiveness. The 4th heart chakra ruled by Venus indicates our ability to receive and give love. The 5th throat chakra ruled by Mercury pertaining to our ability to communicate. The 6th brow chakra ruled by the Moon is our 3rd eye indicating our intuition and the 7th crown chakra ruled by the Sun indicates our connection to the Divine. Working on healing these energy centers can heal our body and life. I will discuss ways to heal the planetary energies in the next lesson.

Vedic Astrology Brief - Chakras Part II

(This Vedic astrology brief picks up where the last lesson left off.)

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Healing the Chakras is essential to our physical and spiritual growth. For when there is any disease within the body it represents there is an imbalance within the chakras or the bodys energy centers. These energy centers control the glandular functions in the body. The chakras are our energy centers that are connected to the many dimensions and to our Universe. When someone reaches a state of enlightenment these energy centers open and we experience the Universal flow of energy. Each of these centers are vitally important to our entire balance and functioning. Balance of all the chakras gives perfect health and well being. These centers work initially on the subtle bodies that surround the body. There are ways you can work on healing the chakras. One way is through the use of crystals and gemstones; these are associated with the colors in relationship to the planets. There are many systems that work on different levels. There is the system that works with the colors of the rainbow in relationship to the root chakra to the crown chakra beginning with the color red for the root, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo and purple at the crown. I believe a misalignment with the chakras has to be in relationship to the planet that relates to the chakra, therefore attuning to the color and gemstone for that planet will begin to balance that chakra by wearing that particular stone. The area that is affected by means of the chakra will be indicated by the planets in a birth chart. An afflicted problematic planet in the chart will reflect problems or issues in relationship to the chakra. The gemstones for each planet/chakra are: 1st root chakra Saturn and indicates our earthly grounding. Color: Blue or Black Stones: Obsidian, Blue Sapphire 2nd sacral chakra ruled by Jupiter is our reproductive center or creative. Color: Yellow Stones: Citrine, Yellow Sapphire 3rd solar plexus chakra ruled by Mars pertains to assertiveness. Color: Orange or Red

Stones: Red coral, Carnelian 4th heart chakra ruled by Venus indicates our ability to receive and give love. Color: White or Pink Stones: Diamond, Rose Quartz 5th throat chakra ruled by Mercury pertaining to our ability to communicate. Color: Green or Turquoise Stones: Emerald, Jade 6th brow chakra ruled by the Moon is our 3rd eye indicating our intuition. Color: Reflective White, Stones: Pearls, Moonstone 7th crown chakra ruled by the Sun indicates our connection to the Divine. Color: Purple, Deep Red or Golden, Stones: Ruby, Amethyst The next lesson will feature essential oils to activate the chakras.

Sahaja Yoga

Planets and chakras

Chakras are the energy centers in our body. The word chakra means wheel. We have seven main chakras and each chakra is located on a plexus (center of a network of nerves). These energy centers are responsible for keeping our spiritual, physical and mental aspects in balance. This subtle system is the same in every human. What is different is how we use it and with what quality.

Each chakra is ruled by a planet. Chakras display the nature and characteristics of their ruling planets. Birth charts, which are formulated according to our date and time of birth, show the aspects the planets were in when we were born and how they relate with each other. While our birth chart describes our spiritual, physical and mental aspects, it also helps us see how the planets shape us and affect our chakras and energy body. The first breath that we took on this earth has made its mark on every cell of our being and has become an unseperable part of us. Entire humanity shared that moment with us and life started flowing with the next moment. However, that moment of our birth spreads over our entire life and gives us the responsibility to use that moment to the benefit of all humans. Only we hold the chance to make that moment perfect. We can feel that our life is part of the universe as we get to know ourselves and balance our being.

The seven chakras within us is like a reflection of the entire solar system. In one sense, humans are a microcosmos of the macrocosmos. Therefore, universal energies symbolized with those of the solar system exist within us too. Now let us look at the connection between the planets and chakras.

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