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Teaching Demonstration Rubric Name: __________________________ Course:

Please complete a copy of this rubric and turn it in with your teaching video. Criterion: Lesson Plan Well planned. Complete. It worked. 4 3 2 1 0

Criterion: Learning Environment Inviting. Interesting. Motivating. Encouraging. Students were ready to learn. Students WANTED to learn. 4 3 2 1 0

Criterion: Classroom Management Each student was given the opportunity to contribute. Each student felt important and felt connected. Disruptions were handled effectively and efficiently. Students felt valued. Housekeeping duties were completed efficiently with no disruption of the learning environment. 4 3 2 1 0

Criterion: Technology/ Visual Aids Technology was added in, not added on. The use of technology supported student learning./ Visual Aids is clear at the back and follow the standards. 4 3 2 1 0

Criterion: Assessment Objectives were assessed appropriately. Instruments/questions were appropriate to assess the objectives. 4 3 2 1 0

Criterion: Content/Instructional Activities Content was spiraled, rigorous, and intellectually stimulating. Age/developmentally appropriate. Interesting and fun. Innovative. Met objectives. 4 3 2 1 0

Criterion: Teaching Methods Pedagogically sound. Constructivist. Creative. Spent time in each section of the classroom. Didn't talk with back turned. Instructional aids did not block students or detract from the lesson. Taught to each of the learning styles. 4 3 2 1 0

Criterion: Teaching Disposition 4 Your desire to teach was evident. Enthusiastic about teaching and about 3 Your desire to teach was evident. You showed enthusiasm in your teaching. 2 Your desire to teach was evident. You showed enthusiasm in your teaching. 1 I'm not sure that you really want to teach. Not much enthusiasm was 0 You should reconsider teaching as your profession. You have no

your subject. You managed the classroom very well. You created an outstanding learning environment for your students. Students will love having you in the classroom.

You managed the classroom well. You created an excellent learning environment. Students will look forward to your class.

You managed the classroom well. You created a good learning environment.

shown. Classroom management enthusiasm techniques need regarding teaching or work. The learning your subject matter. environment was not optimal.

Criterion: Knowledge of Subject Matter Ability to translate the subject into spiraling lessons. Ability to engage student curiosity. Ability to explain concepts from multiple perspectives and in several ways. 4 3 2 1 0 Good. Knowledge of your subject matter Below Average. It's In-depth knowledge is evident although back to the drawing of your subject greater knowledge board. You really Unacceptable. matter is evident. would have helped need to brush up on you explain concepts this subject. in multiple ways.

In-depth knowledge of your subject matter is evident.

Criterion: Appearance 4 Professionally attired. Excellent. 3 Good 2 1 0 Below Average. Need to work on this Unacceptable area.

Overall Impression 4 Very Professional. Outstanding. 3 Excellent. Professional job. 2 1 0 Unacceptable. This might be a good time to reconsider teaching as your profession. Below Average. Good. Room for Significant improvement before improvement is you student teach. needed before you student teach.


Note: 4 = 50 3 = 45 2 = 40 1 = 35 0 = 30

points points points points points

or or or or or

100% (A) 90% (B) 80% (C) 75% (D) 70% (F)

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