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DRUG ANALYSIS Drug Mechanism of Actions Indications Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration


Increases blood flow

Indicated in CVD in acute recovery phase in severe s/sx of

Contraindicated with any allergy or hypersensitivity to the drug. -hypertonia of the

fleeting and discrete hypotension effect, increased parasympathetic effects, low blood pressure -itching or hives, swelling in face or hands, chest tightness, tingling in mouth and throat.

Take Citicoline as prescribed Take Citicoline on time Monitor patients neurologic status Note if there are signs of slurring of speech

Brand name: zynapse, somazine, cholinerv

and O2 consumption in the brain.

-CNS stimulant -500mg/tab , 1 Tab q12 (9am-9pm) -NGT

It is also involved in the biosynthesis action.

cerebrovascular parasympthetic to insufficiency and in-cranial traumatism and their sequellae. Citicoline in nervous system -use cautiously for pregnancy and lactation -concious use for

Note for adverse reactions Titer medication when discontinuing Teach patient on how to take the drug Arrange for regular follow-ups

CVA, stimulates patient with renal brain function. and hepatic damage.


Reduces blood

Constipation, salmonellosis, treatment of hepatic encelopathy

Patient who requires a low lactulose diet. Galactosemia deficiency. Intestinal obstruction

Abdominal discomfort associated with flatulence and intestinal cramps, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea on prolonged use.

Assess condition before the therapy and reassess regularly there after to monitor drugs effectiveness.

Brand name: cephulac, chronulac, movelax, lilac

ammonia; appears to involve

-gastrointestinal agent. Hyperosmotic laxative -30cc OD @HS (9pm) -NGT

metabolism of lactose to organic acids by resident intestinal bacteria.

Monitor patient for any adverse GI reactions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

For patient with hepatic encelopathy: regular assess mental condition, monitor Iand O, monitor for increase glucose level in diabetic patient.


Principal intracellular

Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias due to cardiac glycosides

Use cautiously with rash, nausea and cardiac disorders, vomiting, diarrhea,

Take drug after meals or with food and a full glass of water to decrease GI upset. Do not chew or crush tablets, swallow tablets whole. Mix or dissolve oral liquids, soluble powders, and effervescent tablets completely in 38 ounces of cold water, juice, or other suitable beverage, and drink

Brand name: potassium salt, potassium acetate, potassium chloride, potassium gluconate

cation of most body tissues, participatesin a number of

especially if treated abdominal with discomfort, GI

digitalis,pregnancy, obstruction, GI lactation. bleeding, GI ulceration or perforation.

-1 tab TID (9-1-5)

physiologic processes maintaining intracellular tonicity, transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of cardiac,

skeletal, and smooth muscle, maintenance of normal renal function; also plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism and various enzymatic reactions.

it slowly. Take the drug as prescribed; do not take more than prescribed. Do not use salt substitutes. Report tingling of the hands or feet, unusual tiredness or weakness, feeling of heaviness in the legs, severe nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, black or tarry stools, pain at IV injection site.


It is similar to that of other

Treatment of moderate to severe appendicitis,

Hypersensitivity to penicilins, cephalosphorins, other drugs.

Headache, insomnia, nausea vomiting, fever, constipation,

Monitor for hypersensitivity response; discontinue drug and

-5gm/vial (-ANST)

penicillins, interfere with

-TID (9-1-5) -IV

bacterial cell wall synthesis

uncomplicated and complicated skin and skin structure infections, nosocomial or CAP caused by piperazilin resistant. Safety children < 12 years old, pregnancy lactation

pseudomembranous colitis.

notify physician if allergic response noted.

Classification: Antiinfective Beta lactam- antibiotic:

promotes loss of membrane

Hypersensitivity reaction, rash ,pruritus

Monitor for hemorrhagic manifestation because high dose may induced coagulation abnormalities.

Antipseudomonalpenicillin integrity and leads to death of the organism.

Monitor vital signs because of cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension and fever as adverse effect.

Instruct the mother not tobreast feed the baby while taking the drug without consulting the physician.


Mechanism of Actions



Adverse Reaction

Nursing Consideration


Mucolytic that reduces the viscosity of pulmonary

For abnormal viscid and thickened mucous secretions

Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated patients with severe respiratory insufficiency.

Fever, drowsiness, tachycardia. Dyspnea, rash, chills

Bronchial tapping Monitor for bronchospasm

-600mg/tab + 150ml water (9am) -NGT


. Paracetamol Antipyretic: Reduces fever -40mg/ amp q4 byacting directly PRN = <37.8C onthe Analgesic-antipyretic inpatients with aspirinallergy, hemostaticdisturbances, Contraindicated withallergy to acetaminophen.- Use cautiously withimpaired hepatic function,chronic Headache, chest pain, dyspnea, myocardial damage when doses of 5 Monitor the function studies: may cause hepatic toxicity and doses >4g/day Monitor renal function studies: albumin indicates nephritis Monitor blood studies: especially CBC, and pro-time

hypothalamicheat- bleedingdiatheses, regulatingcenter to causevasodilation andsweating, whichhelps dissipate heat. upper GIdisease, gouty arthritis- Arthritis and rheumaticdisorders involvingmusculoskeletal pain (butlacks clinically significantantirheumatic and anti-inflammatory

alcoholism,pregnancy, 8g/daily are lactation ingested daily for several weeks or when doses of 4g/day are

effects)- Common cold, flu, otherviral and bacterialinfections with pain andfever

ingested for 1 year. Hepatic toxicity and failure, jaundice.

if patient is on long term therapy Check I and O ratio decreasing output may indicate renal failure Assess for fever and pain

Acute kidney failure, renal tubular necrosis

Assess hepatotoxicity dark urine, clay colored stools


Mechanism of Action



Adverse Reaction

Nursing Indication Apply on affected site as necessary Burns: a) First degree burns (superficial burns): applied as immediately as possible. A thin layer (about 1 mm thickness) should cover the burnt area. It is better to keep the wound exposed, but if there is a need, a light dressing can be used. Reapplication should be done 3 to 4 times daily if exposed or twice

Mebo Ointment

Expose the wound to a

Treatment of flare burns, scalds, sunburn, skin ulcers, pressure sores, wounds

Allergy to sesame. Systemic complications caused by burns.

Mebo is of pure herbal edible origin. No side effects to the product have been reported so far, expect for rare allergic reactions to sesame oil.

Brand name: Mebo

physiological moist

- Burn and wound management -TID(9-1-5) NGT

environment to ehnance the natural healing processes, whereby keratinocytes migration, angiogenesis, and interaction with growth factors are facilitated

daily is closed. b) Second degree burns: First Phase Liquefying period: A thin layer should cover the burnt area and renewed 3 to 4 times daily. Before reapplication, the liquefied necrotic tissue and the residues of the old ointment should be wiped off gently. It is better to keep the wound exposed, but if there is a need, a light dressing can be used and a relatively thicker layer (about 3 mm thickness) should

be applied and renewed twice daily. Second Phase Repair period: should be applied as before, but less frequently (2-3 times daily). Third Phase Rehabilitation period: ointment should be applied as before, but only once daily. c) Third degree burns: ointment should be applied as mentioned before to liquefy the necrotic tissue. A thin layer should cover the burnt site and renewed 3 to 4

times daily. 2) Donor Site: A thin layer should cover the donor site and renewed 3 to 4 times daily if exposed or twice daily if closed. 3) Leg Ulcers: A sterile gauze should be impregnated with and should fill the cavity of the ulcer, and renewed twice daily. 4) Surgical and Obstetrical Wounds: ointment should cover the wound in a relatively thick layer (about 3 mm) under a sterile dressign and

renewed twice daily. 5) Cracked Nipples: A thin layer should be applied to the nipple under a light pad, and renewed 3-4 times daily. It is safe for the infant that nursing can precede without any hazards. Albumin attracts 3 Egg White the fluid in the blood and -source of Albumin -TID (9-1-5) -NGT keeps it in the blood vessels. Albumin attaches to and transports hormones, including thyroid hormone throughout the body. It carries free fatty acids to the liver; it transports bilirubin. Albumin also transports drugs, binds with

Sensitivity to egg

Skin inflammation or hives, Allergic nasal inflammation (allergic rhinitis), Digestive (gastrointestinal) symptoms, such as cramps, nausea and vomiting, Asthma signs and symptoms such as coughing, chest

Assess patient sensitivity to egg Administer Histamine Administer emergency Epinephrine

calcium, and helps maintain the blood acidity in a narrow range. Its most important function is that it maintains osmotic pressure, which keeps the plasma inside the blood vessels where it belongs instead of allowing it to ooze out into the tissues. Prosure 5 drops + 150cc Helps normalize -Medical Nutrition therapy -TID (9-1-5) - NGT metabolism and promote weight gain and help build lean body mass (LBM) in people Dietary management of people at risk of experiencing cancer induced wt loss Parenteral use. Galactosemia.

tightness or shortness of breath

No side effects to using Prosure are known.

Consume w/in 24 hr after reconstitution.

experiencing cancer induced weight los


Mechanism of Action



Adverse Reaction

Nursing Indication


Albumin is

1.1 Hypovolemia 1.2 Hypoalbuminemia 1.3 Prevention of Central Volume Depletion after Paracentesis due to Cirrhotic Ascites (Treatment Adjunct)

Do not use in individuals who are hypersensitive to albumin preparations, any ingredient in the formulation, or components of the container.

The most serious events are anaphylactic shock, circulatory failure, cardiac failure, and pulmonary edema. The most common adverse events are anaphylactoid

This product is usually given in a hospital setting. Inform patients being treated with Albumin (Human) 5% about the potential risks and benefits with its use [see Adverse Reactions (6)].

Infusion 20% responsible for Human Recumbant Furosimal 75-80% of the colloid osmotic pressure of

20mg/ amp x normal 3 doses Q6 IV plasma. Albumin stabilizes circulating blood volume

and is a carrier of hormones, enzymes, medicinal products and toxins. Albumin is a protein with a total extravascular mass of approximately 160 g and an intravascular mass of about 120 g.

type of reactions. Adverse reactions for ALBUMIN (HUMAN) 5% normally resolve when the infusion rate is slowed down or the infusion is stopped. In case of severe reactions, the infusion should be stopped and appropriate treatment should be initiated.

Discontinue immediately if allergic symptoms occur (e.g. skin rashes, hives, itching, breathing difficulties, coughing, nausea, vomiting, fall in blood pressure, increased heart rate). Inform patients that ALBUMIN (HUMAN) 5% is a derivative of human plasma and may contain infectious agents that cause disease (e.g., viruses, and theoretically, CJD agent). Inform patients that the risk that ALBUMIN (HUMAN) 5% may transmit an infections agent has been reduced by screening plasma

donors for prior exposure for certain viruses, by testing the donated plasma for certain virus infections and by inactivating and/or removing certain viruses during manufacturing [see Warnings and Precautions (5.7)].

Salbutamol + Iprotropium Nebule TID (9-1-5) INH

Combivent Inhalation Solution is a combination of the anticholinergic bronchodilator, ipratropium bromide, and the beta2adrenergic bronchodilator,

For the management of bronchospasm in patients suffering from chronic

Patients with cardiac

Headache, nausea,

1.monitor respiratory status; auscultate lungs before and after inhalation 2.report treatment failure (exacerbation of respiratory symptoms) to physician

tachyarrhythmias, nervousness, hypertrophic trouble sleeping,dizziness, dry mouth/throat, coughing, or runny nose may occur

obstructivepulmonary obstructive disease (COPD) who requires regular treatment with both ipratropium and salbutamo cardiomyopathy and patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any of its components or to atropine or its

salbutamol sulfate. Ipratropium bromide is a quaternary ammonium derivative of atropine and is an anticholinergic drug which has bronchodilator properties. Salbutamol produces bronchodilation through stimulation of beta2adrenergic receptors in bronchial smooth muscle,


thereby causing relaxation of muscle fibres. This action is manifested by an increase in pulmonary function as demonstrated by spirometric measurements

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