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Aves e Sunos 2013

Anurio Brasileiro de
Brazilian Hog

and Poultry Yearbook

ISSN 1808-7507


Inor Ag. Assmann

ers and editors

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EDITORA GAZETA SANTA CRUZ LTDA. CNPJ 04.439.157/0001-79 Diretor-presidente: Andr Lus Jungblut Diretor-de-Contedo: Romeu Inacio Neumann Diretor-Comercial: Raul Jos Dreyer Diretor-administrativo: Jones Alei da Silva Diretor-Industrial: Paulo Roberto Treib Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 1.224, CEP: 96.810-900, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS Telefone: 0 55 (xx) 51 3715 7940 Fax: 0 55 (xx) 51 3715 7944 E-mail: redacao@editoragazeta.com.br comercial@editoragazeta.com.br Site: www.editoragazeta.com.br


Anurio Brasileiro de Aves e Sunos 2013

Editor: Romar Rudolfo Beling; textos: Cleiton Evandro dos Santos, Benno Bernardo Kist, Cleonice de Carvalho, Erna Regina Reetz e Helosa Poll; superviso: Romeu Inacio Neumann; traduo: Guido Jungblut; fotografia:Slvio vila, Inor Assmann (Agncia Assmann), Robispierre Giuliani e divulgao de empresas e entidades; projeto grfico e diagramao: Mrcio Oliveira Machado; arte de capa: Mrcio Oliveira Machado, sobre fotografia de Slvio vila; edio de fotografia e artefinal: Mrcio Oliveira Machado; marketing: Maira Trojan Bugs, Tainara Bugs e Rafaela Jungblut; superviso grfica: Mrcio Oliveira Machado; distribuio: Simone de Moraes; impresso: Grfica Coan, Tubaro (SC). ISSN 1808-7507 permitida a reproduo de informaes desta revista, desde que citada a fonte. Reproduction of any part of t his magazine is allowed, provided the source is cited.

Inor Ag. Assmann

Ficha A636

Anurio brasileiro de aves e sunos 2013 / Cleiton Evandro dos Santos ... [et al.]. Santa Cruz do Sul : Editora Gazeta Santa Cruz, 2013. 120 p. : il. ISSN 1808-7507 1. Suno Criao. 2. Aves Criao. I. Santos, Cleiton Evandro dos.

CDD : 636 CDU : 636 Catalogao: Edi Focking CRB-10/1197

m u S Su
Inor Ag. Assmann

08 Apresentao . Introduction
AVES . Poultry SUNOS . Hog

14 Produo . Production 36 Mercado . Market 52 Perfil . Profile


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62 Production . Production 94 Mercado . Market 106 Perfil . Profile

110 AES . Actions 116 EVENTOS . Events

Integridade e Sustentabilidade
Somos referncia mundial em transporte martimo e umadas maiores especialistas em servios para cargas refrigeradas. Comumafrotamoderna, dotada detecnologia de ponta, oferecemos aos clientes o que h de maisinovadorem servios e equipamentos frigorficos. Garantimos aintegridade e sustentabilidade nas entregas dos produtos que saem do Brasil para as mesas do mundo inteiro.

No matter what.



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Slvio vila



S de
No so as inmeras criaes, entre elas as aves, das mais diversas espcies, e os sunos brasileiros, que esto de olho no que ocorre nas lavouras do Brasil e do mundo. Talvez na atualidade os criadores estejam bem mais interessados no que anda acontecendo nas plantaes de gros do que os prprios animais. A fartura ou, ao contrrio, a carncia na colheita de soja e de milho, insumos essenciais na elaborao de raes, tem sido determinante para o sucesso na engorda das aves, dos sunos e do bolso do produtor. Os dois ltimos anos foram extremamente complicados para as cadeias produtivas de aves e de sunos em termos financeiros. Colocar as contas em dia e equilibrar os custos crescentes e a sustentabilidade do agronegcio foi se tornando um desafio cada vez mais complexo. Tudo por conta da grande disputa em torno dos gros disponveis no mercado global. Frustraes de safra nos Estados Unidos, associadas a problemas localizados em outras naes produtoras, levaram a um estreitamento na oferta. Logo, os preos subiram a patamares muitas vezes insustentveis nas finanas do criador, e, logo adiante, da indstria, que se via na contingncia de repassar parte desse custo ao consumidor. E este, diante do aumento nos preos, tendia a optar por alguma outra carne. No ambiente interno do Brasil, a situao era muito parecida. Quebra na colheita de gros do Sul do Brasil, onde est o maior polo produtor de aves e de sunos, implicou na aquisio de insumos do Centro-Oeste ou de outras regies.


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Boa leitura.

Os gastos com o frete se refletiram sobre o custo final da atividade. E se viu, assim, o mesmo efeito-cascata de elevaes. No entanto, se as questes econmicas estiveram na ordem do dia em todas as reunies do setor, da porteira para dentro, como se diz, as cadeias produtivas brasileiras demonstraram, em meio a toda essa dificuldade no item da alimentao, as suas inquestionveis competncia e competitividade. Nem em termos de produo, nem em termos de atendimento aos mercados o Brasil deixou algo a dever. Os ndices de desempenho seguem entre os melhores do mundo, e isso mais do que comprova por que o Pas segue como o maior exportador de carne de frango, fornecedor por excelncia dos mais concorridos e rigorosos mercados. No caso dos sunos, a eficincia gentica do rebanho e a qualidade dos produtos a cada ano posicionam o Brasil em lugar de mais destaque no panorama global. Por isso, agora, em que uma nova safra brasileira de gros acaba de ser recolhida, e em que os Estados Unidos se movimentam para iniciar a colheita das suas lavouras, no que acontecer no segundo semestre de 2013 que os produtores (assim como os sunos e as aves) esto de olho. O que se ouvir no mercado de fornecimento de gros o que determinar o grau de entusiasmo na reta final do ano e em 2014. E isso interessa no apenas aos produtores, mas tambm ao consumidor final. Portanto, todos na torcida!

the market
It is not the various livestock operations, including a variety of bird species, and the Brazilian hogs, that count when it comes to what is happening in the farms throughout Brazil and the world. Maybe present time poultry and pork producers are more interested in how the grain crops fare than in the animals themselves. Abundance or, otherwise, shortages of soybean and corn, essential components in livestock feed, have been determining factors for successful gains in weight by birds and hogs and, ultimately, for the farmers to

An eye on

earn profits from these businesses. The past two years had in store harrowing experiences for the poultry and hogs supply chains, in financial terms. Settling the bills and balancing the ever-increasing costs, while keeping agribusiness sustainable, have turned into a very complex challenge. The root of the problem lies in the tight competition for the grains available in the global market. Drought-stricken crops in the United States, associated with problems in other nations, resulted into tight supply. The

consequences translated into skyrocketing prices that go beyond the financial conditions of the bird and pig breeders, later affecting the industries, which were forced to pass the higher costs onto the consumers. The latter, in light of the soaring prices, frequently ended up opting for some other kind of meat. In the domestic scenario things were quite the same. Smaller-than-expected crop in South Brazil, home to the biggest poultry and pig producing hub, the farmers had to resort to the Center-West, or oth-

er regions, for their inputs. Transportation expenses had a great influence upon the final production costs of the activity, a fact that triggered the well known cost-related domino effect. Nevertheless, if the economic questions were on every agenda of the meetings held by the sector, inside the farm gates, as the saying goes, the Brazilian supply chains, although deeply entangled in the difficulties regarding the feed question, made no secret of their unquestionable competence and competitive skills. Neither in production terms, nor in the

fulfillment of market needs did Brazil fail to make good on its commitments. The performance levels are among the best in the world, this is clear evidence that the Country is firmly holding to its position as leading broiler meat exporter in the world, a supplier par excellence of the most alluring and discerning markets in the world. In the case of pig meat, the efficiency in herd genetic traits and product quality has constantly been earning Brazil a prominent position in the global panorama. Within this context, at a time when a

new Brazilian grain crop has just been harvested, while the farmers in the United States are about to begin their harvest operations, the producers (as well as the birds and hogs) are keeping a watchful eye on what the second half of 2013 has in store for them. It is the way the grain market fares that will determine the degree of enthusiasm for the final stretch of the year and for 2014. This is something that not only interests the producers, but the final consumers, as well. Lets us hope for the best! Happy reading!

Slvio vila


O Brasil um dos lderes da agropecuria no mundo, com recordes de produo a cada ano. Praticamente tudo o que os brasileiros consomem passa pela cadeia produtiva do agronegcio, o que movimenta a economia e garante cerca de 30 milhes de empregos no pas. Parte da produo exportada, contribuindo significativamente para a balana comercial. Por isso, investir na agropecuria investir no Brasil. Com o Plano Agrcola e Pecurio 2013/2014, mais de 5 milhes de propriedades rurais podem contar com crdito para desenvolver a produo: insumos, equipamentos, irrigao, armazenagem e muito mais. E assim continua o ciclo de crescimento.




Slvio vila


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Os avicultores brasileiros no ofertaram em 2012 o mesmo recorde de 13,05 milhes de toneladas de carne de frango que tinham apresentado no ano anterior. A contragosto, os criadores tiveram que produzir menos para no contabilizar prejuzos ainda maiores, acarretados especialmente pelo alto custo de produo. Com isso, o ano de 2012 fechou com volume de 12,645 milhes de toneladas de carne de frango obtidas no setor, 3,17% a menos do que o total obtido em 2011, de acordo com a Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef), que completou 50 anos de atuao em 2013. A queda no desempenho do segmento foi reflexo da disparada dos preos do milho e da soja, que representam os principais gastos na produo de aves. No Paran, por exemplo, o custo subiu 39,48% em 2012, conforme levantamento da Embrapa Sunos e Aves, de concrdia (SC). Alm desse impacto, os avicultores e as agroindstrias enfrentaram a ausncia de crdito, resultando em demisses e paralisao de empresas. O consumidor brasileiro o principal cliente da avicultura nacional. Inclusive, a demanda de carne de frango superior de carne suna e bovina. No entanto, o consumo per capita de frango caiu para 45 quilos por habitante em 2012, em decorrncia da produo total menor no ano. A maior mdia, de 47,4 quilos por pessoa ao ano, foi registrada em 2011. Na avaliao de representantes do setor, a Agregar valor necessidade interna do produto deve se manter instUma das metas para 2013, segundo Franvel nos prximos anos, atrelada ao crescimento da cisco Turra, presidente da Ubabef, avaliar a rentapopulao e da melhoria da renda no Pas. bilidade dos negcios do setor por meio da agregao de Os embarques de carne de frango, principal valor aos produtos. Destaca que a avicultura brasileira atingiu produto das exportaes avcolas, tambm patamares inditos nos mercados interno e internacional, com registraram pequena queda em 2012. Os enelevado consumo per capita, melhoria nos ndices de consumo de vios somaram 3,918 milhes de toneladas, ovos e liderana internacional nas exportaes de produtos avcolas. 0,6% a menos do que no ano anterior. A chegada a hora, porm, de gerar mais receita com a produo da avireceita cambial totalizou US$ 7,703 bilhes, cultura, afirma. 6,7% menor do que o valor registrado em Para o presidente da entidade, os caminhos da avicultura devem se vol2011. Em 2013, esse cenrio se inverteu. tar para o incremento em produtos industrializados, com mais tecnologia Nos primeiros seis meses do ano, conforme envolvida no processo. Dessa forma, aumentaremos o j elevado nlevantamento da Ubabef, os envios foram mero de empregos gerados pelo setor, agregaremos mais receita e menores do que no mesmo perodo de 2012, beneficiaremos no apenas as agroindstrias de aves e ovos mas porm com receita superior. tambm toda a cadeia fornecedora, com mais investimentos As projees da entidade eram de que a proem tecnologia, projeta Turra. A carne de frango indusduo de carne de frango atingisse volume um trializada correspondeu a 2% do total em 2012, pouco menor ou semelhante ao de 2012. J as exporsinalizando que tem muito espao taes poderiam superar em at 2% os embarques do para avanar. ano antecedente, impactadas pela menor competitividade frente aos demais concorrentes.


Alto custo de produo levou o setor avcola a diminuir o ritmo de crescimento em 2012, atento s condies de sustentao da cadeia

Slvio vila

Feet on

High production costs induced the poultry farming sector to slow down its growth rhythm in 2012, without overlooking the supply chains sustainability conditions

In 2012, Brazilian poultry farmers fell short of the 13.05 million tons of broiler meat they had produced the previous year. Unwillingly, the farmers had to reduce their production volumes so as to avoid even further losses, brought about, in particular, by high production costs. Therefore, the year 2012 came to a close with a total volume of 12.645 million tons of broiler meat, down 3.17% from the total achieved in 2011, according to sources from the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef), which turned 50 in 2013. The poor performance of the sector was a direct consequence of the skyrocketing prices of corn and soybean, which represent the main broiler production costs. In the State of Paran, for example, production costs went up by 39.48% in 2012, according to a survey conducted by Embrapa Hogs and Poultry, based in Concrdia (SC). Besides this impact, most poultry farmers and agri-industries faced shortages related to credit lines, resulting into layoffs and companies interrupting their activities. Brazilian consumers are major clients of the national poultry farming operations, to the point that demand for broiler meat has outstripped demand for beef and pork. However, per capita consumption of broiler meat receded to 45 kilos per person in 2012, mainly because of a smaller total production in 2011. The highest average, 47.4 kilos per person a year, was registered in

the ground
2011. In the evaluation of sector representatives, domestic Adding value demand for broiler meat is likely to follow an unstable One of the targets set for 2013, according to Frantrend over the coming years, chained to population cisco Turra, president of Ubabef, consists in reckoning the growth and per capita income in the Country. profitability of the sectors business by placing value-added prodThe shipments of broiler meat, major product ucts in the market. He also recalls that Brazils poultry farming operaon the agenda of poultry exports, also declined tions have conquered unprecedented positions both at home and abroad, in 2012. Exports amounted to 3.918 million with high per capita consumption, soaring egg consumption and internatons, down 0.6% from the previous year. Revtional leadership in the shipment of poultry products. Nonetheless, the time enue reached a total of US$ 7.703 billion, down has come for the generation of more income from poultry products, Turra said. 6.7% from the total earned in 2011. In 2013, this The president of the entity has it that the tracks to be followed by the chicken scenario experienced a reversal. In the first six farming sector should be more focused on industrialized products, with more months of the year, Ubabef sources confirmed, technology employed in the process. This would increase even further the shipments abroad did not keep pace with the high number of jobs generated by the sector, while bringing in more revsame period in 2012, but revenue soared. enue and benefit not only the supply chains of eggs and birds but The entity had projected smaller production the entire sector, through investments in technology, Turra of broiler meat volumes or, at most, similar to 2012, projected. Industrialized broiler meat accounted for only while exports could outstrip by up to 2% the ship2% of the total in 2012, signaling much room for ments of the previous year, impacted by weaker competiadvances in the future. tiveness against other competitors.

Um pequeno


Avicultura brasileira registrou queda de 3,17% na produo de carne de frango em 2012 e paralisa a trajetria de crescimento que vinha mantendo
Desde o ano de 2000, a avicultura brasileira vinha registrando acrscimos constantes no volume produzido. Mas essa desenvoltura no se repetiu em 2012, quando a produo foi menor do que a verificada no ano anterior. O principal produto avcola, a carne de frango, totalizou 12,645 milhes de toneladas em 2012, 3,17% a menos do que o produzido no ano antecedente, de acordo com a Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef). O desempenho nacional saltou de 5,98 milhes de toneladas de carne de frango em 2000 para 13,05 milhes de toneladas do produto em 2011. Provavelmente, a escalada de crescimento teria continuado se o setor no tivesse se deparado com a alta inesperada dos preos do milho e da soja, principais componentes do alimento das aves. A Ubabef apontou que no primeiro semestre de 2012 os preos da soja subiram 80% e os do milho avanaram 40% no Brasil. Os dois insumos representavam mais de 60% do custo total de produo da avicultura. No referido perodo, a valorizao dos dois insumos atingiu nveis recordes no mercado internacional, em decorrncia da seca que provocou quebra da safra de gros norte-americana. As margens de ganho do setor no Brasil oscilam em 4% a 5%, declarou Francisco Turra, presidente da Ubabef. Em agosto de 2012, a entidade informou que no ms anterior a produo teve reduo de 10% na mdia mensal de 1,1 milho de toneladas de carne de frango. Na ocasio, algumas empresas tambm anunciaram que iriam repassar parte dos custos mais elevados aos preos dos produtos. Para complicar ainda mais a situao, os avicultores e as agroindstrias enfrentaram a restrio de crdito. Diversas empresas paralisaram as atividades e demitiram trabalhadores. A avicultura enfrentou a maior crise de sua histria em 2012. E as consequncias s no foram piores porque estamos falando de um setor muito slido, relatou Turra. Observou que os produtos avcolas mantiveram seus atributos de qualidade, sanidade e sustentabilidade. Pelo menos, os avicultores que apostam na criao de perus tiveram um 2012 favorvel ao negcio. O balano anual da Ubabef demonstrou que a produo de carne dessa ave somou 442 mil toneladas, com avano de 44,8% sobre o volume de 2011. Da mesma forma, a contagem de ovos totalizou 31,7 bilhes de unidades em 2012, registrando pequeno aumento de 0,7%. Em relao ao nmero de animais abatidos, o Brasil contabilizou 5,02 bilhes de cabeas de frango em 2012, 2,84% aqum das 5,17 bilhes de cabeas verificadas no ano anterior, conforme o Ministrio da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento (Mapa). No entanto, o Brasil no retrocedeu perante o desempenho mundial; manteve-se nos postos de terceiro maior produtor de carne de frango do mundo e de maior exportador do produto. Volumes superiores de produo foram registrados nos Estados Unidos, com 16,476 milhes de toneladas, e na China, com 13,7 milhes de toneladas. O abastecimento global fechou em 82,317 milhes de toneladas do produto.


Inor Ag. Assmann

A minor

said soybean prices soared by 80% over the first half of 2012, while corn prices rose 40% throughout Brazil. The two inputs account for upwards of 60 percent of the total production cost of poultry farming. During the period in question, prices of the two inputs skyrocketed to record highs in the international marketplace, as a result of the prolonged drought in the United, which took a heavy toll on the corn crop in that country. The profit margins of the sector in Brazil oscillate from 4% to 5%, Ubabef president Francisco Turra said. In August 2012, the entity informed that in the previous month production was down 10% from the monthly average of 1.1 million tons of broiler meat. On that occasion, some companies announced they would pass on to

Brazilian chicken industry reported a 3.17-percent drop in broiler meat production in 2012 and its long-term growth trajectory has come to a standstill

Since the year 2000, poultry production in Brazil has been constantly growing in volume. This performance, nonetheless, experienced a decline in 2012, when the output was smaller from the previous year. The main poultry product, broiler meat, totaled 12.645 million tons in 2012, down 3.17 percent from the amount produced the previous year, Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef) sources said. National performance jumped from 5.98 million tons of broiler meat in 2000 to 13.05 million tons in 2011. It is very likely that the growth trajectory would have continued if the sector had not been affected by the unexpected increase in the prices of corn and soybean, basic components of poultry feed. Ubabef sources

consumers the higher costs of the products. To make things even worse, the poultry farmers and the agro-industries faced credit restrictions. Some companies simply closed down and laid-off their employees. The chicken industry faced its biggest crisis on record in 2012. And the consequences could have been far worse if the poultry segments were not very solid, Turra admitted. He equally observed that all poultry products held onto their quality, sanitary and sustainability attributes. The lucky farmers were the ones who bet on turkey farming, seeing that 2012 was a very favorable year for that activity. Ubabefs annual report demonstrated that the production of turkey meat amounted to 442 thousand tons, up 44.8% from the volume

produced in 2011. Likewise, the number of eggs totaled 31.7 billion pieces in 2012, up 0.7% from the previous year. With regard to the number of birds slaughtered, in Brazil it reached 5.02 billion broilers in 2012, down 2.84% from the 5.17 billion in the previous year, from figures released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA). Nevertheless, Brazil suffered no setback with regard to its international performance; the Country still ranked as third largest global producer of chickens and leading exporter of chicken meat. Bigger production volumes were registered in the United States, with 16.476 million tons, and in China, with 13.7 million tons. Global supplies reached a total of 82.317 million tons of the product.

Produo de carne de frango (milhes de toneladas)

Ano Volume 2013* 12,6 2012 12,65 2011 13,05 2010 12,23 2009 10,98
Fonte: Ubabef * Volume estimado em julho de 2013.


Slvio vila


Participao no abate de frango em 2012
Paran 30,39% Santa Catarina 17,29% Rio Grande do Sul 14,12% So Paulo 12,86% Minas Gerais 7,20% Gois 6,45% Mato Grosso 4,73% Mato Grosso do Sul 2,80% Distrito Federal 1,63% Outros 2,54%
Fonte: Ubabef/Mapa Abates com SIF (Sistema de Inspeo Federal).

Abate de frango (cabeas)
Ano Paran Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul Brasil 2012 1.403.522.683 886.267.340 721.005.559 2011 1.391.662.550 939.376.172 782.220.827 5.173.359.093
Fonte: Sindiavipar/Mapa.

Inor Ag. Assmann


O Paran, maior produtor e exportador de carne de frango do Pas, venceu as dificuldades e encerrou 2012 com desempenhos positivos

No mapa da avicultura brasileira, o maior produtor de carne o Paran. Os avicultores paranaenses abateram 1,403 bilho de cabeas de frangos em 2012, 0,85% a mais do que no ano anterior, conforme dados do Ministrio da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento (Mapa). O volume representou 30,39% do total abatido no Pas. O Estado obteve desempenho positivo mesmo num ano em que a avicultura nacional registrou queda de 2,84% sobre o total de 5,26 bilhes de cabeas de frango abatidas. Tambm participaram da produo os estados de Santa Catarina (17,29%), Rio Grande do Sul (14,12%), So Paulo (12,86%) e Minas Gerais (7,2%). S os trs estados do Sul contriburam com 61,8% do total. Os avicultores brasileiros reduziram os abates em 2012 porque o custo para produzir aumentou muito, em decorrncia dos preos altos do milho e da soja, principais ingredientes da alimentao animal. Para Domingos Martins, presidente do Sindicato das Indstrias de Produtos Avcolas do Estado Mais oferta do Em Santa Catarina foram abatidos 886,267 milhes de frangos em 2012. o segundo maior produtor do Pas, com participao de 17,29% do total abatido. A nossa avicultura continua sendo desafiada principalmente nos aspectos que abalam nossa competitividade, seja nos preos das matrias-primas ou nos custos logsticos, destaca Clever Pirola, presidente da Associao Catarinense de Avicultura (Acav). Em sua avaliao, a atividade tende a continuar mantendo o Estado entre os lderes, mas acredita que ser necessrio evoluir no Plano Estratgico 2050. J a terceira posio do ranking nacional ocupada pelo Rio Grande do Sul, onde foram abatidos 721,005 milhes de frangos em 2012. Esse Estado respondeu por 14,35% do total de frangos abatidos no Pas. Em 2012, o avicultor gacho enfrentou srios problemas de abastecimento. Os estoques pblicos ficaram em nveis insuficientes e as polticas de comercializao ou de escoamento de gros esbarraram na deficincia logstica do Pas, destaca Nestor Freiberger, presidente da Associao Gacha de Avicultura (Asgav). Segundo ele, o setor comprou milho a preos altos, entre R$ 32,00 e R$ 35,00 pelo saco, o que afetou diretamente o custo de produo.

Paran (Sindiavipar), os paranaenses s conseguiram atravessar a turbulncia da crise por causa da organizao da cadeia produtiva. De outra parte, o Estado prev crescimento positivo para o segmento a longo prazo. A carne de frango a protena mais consumida e acessvel ao brasileiro e isso de extrema importncia para a recuperao do setor, destaca. O Paran tambm foi responsvel pelo maior volume de carne de frango exportado em 2012, respondendo por 28,7% do total. Foi seguido pelos estados de Santa Catarina (26,1%), Rio Grande do Sul (18,5%) e So Paulo (7%). O Pas exportou 3,981 milhes de toneladas de carne de frango, 0,6% a menos do que em 2011, segundo a Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef). O setor paranaense embarcou 1,12 milho de toneladas do produto em 2012, 7% acima do volume do ano anterior. A receita obtida foi de US$ 2,04 bilhes, 1,12% a menos do que em 2011, conforme a Secretaria de Comrcio Exterior (Secex). De acordo com Martins, o desempenho das vendas externas tambm foi agravado pela crise europeia. At exportamos mais. Porm, foram cortes de frango mais baratos. Trata-se de adequao do mercado crise econmica pela qual os principais importadores estavam atravessando, esclarece. Atualmente, o Estado negocia com mais de 130 pases em todo o mundo. Na lista dos 10 principais destinos esto pases do Oriente Mdio, alm de China, Japo, Holanda, Hong Kong, frica do Sul e Alemanha. Produzimos a melhor protena animal do mundo, que atinge todas as camadas sociais, e no temos complicador cultural ou religioso, como o caso das carnes sunas e bovina, ou barreira financeira, como o caso dos peixes, compara.


Paran, largest producer and exporter of broiler meat in Brazil, surmounted its difficulties and celebrated positive performances in 2012


On the Brazilian poultry farming map, the biggest producer of meat is the State of Paran. The poultry raisers in Paran slaughtered 1.403 billion broilers in 2012, up 0.85% from the previous year, from data furnished by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa). The volume represented 30.39% of total slaughterings in the Country. The State fared positively in a year when the national poultry raising operations registered a decrease of 2.84% over the total number of 5.26 billion broilers sent to the slaughterhouse. Other States with a share in the chicken raising business were Santa Catarina (17.29%), Rio Grande do Sul (14.12%), So Paulo (12.86%) and Minas Gerais (7.2%). The three southern states alone contributed with 61.8% of Plenty of supply the toIn Santa Catarina, a total of 886.267 miltal. lion broilers were slaughtered in 2012. It is the second

largest producer in the Country, with a share of 17.29% of the total. Our poultry raising business is still facing challenges, especially with regards to factors that adversely affect our competitiveness, whether stemming from high raw material costs or from logistic hurdles, says Clever Pirola, president of the Santa Catarina State Poultry Farming Association (Acav). In his view, the activity tends to keep the State among the leaders, but he understands that there is need to evolve with regard to the 2050 Strategic Plan, relying on support from private and public sectors. Rio Grande do Sul ranks third in national production volumes, and 721.005 million chickens were slaughtered in 2012. The State accounted for 14.35% of all broilers slaughtered in the Country. In 2012, most chicken farmers faced serious supply problems throughout the State. Ending stocks plummeted and grain shipment and trade policies suffered greatly from the Countrys logistic hurdles, comments Nestor Freiberger, president of the Rio Grande do Sul State Aviculture Association (Asgav). According to him, the sector purchased corn at high prices, ranging from R$ 32.00 to R$ 35.00 a sack, with direct reverberations on production costs.

Brazilian chicken raisers reduced their slaughter rates in 2012 because of skyrocketing production costs which, in turn, had been triggered by high soybean and corn prices, main ingredients in animal feed. Domingos Martins, president of the Paran State Agriculture Products Industries Union (Sindiavipar), maintains that chicken raisers in Paran managed to come out of the turbulent crisis unscathed because of their well organized supply chain. On the other hand, the State anticipates positive growth rates for the segment in the long run. Chicken meat is the most consumed and most affordable protein in Brazil and this plays a very important role for the recovery of the sector, he argues. The State of Paran was also responsible for the largest volume of broiler meat exported in 2012, accounting for 28.7% of the total. It was followed by the States of Santa Catarina (26.1%), Rio Grande do Sul (18.5%) and So Paulo (7%). The Country exported 3.981 million tons of chicken meat, down 0.6% from 2011, sources from the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef) said. Paran alone shipped 1.12 million tons of the broiler meat to other countries in 2012, up 7% from the previous year. Revenue from the shipments amounted to US$ 2.04 billion, down 1.12% from 2011, according to the Brazilian Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex). According to Martins, the performance of Brazils foreign sales was also adversely affected by the European crisis. We even exported more, but mostly cheap broiler cuts. It is a matter of adjusting the market to the economic crisis all our major importers were experiencing, he clarifies. Currently, the State is engaged in business negotiations with upwards of 130 countries around the globe. The list of the 10 main destinations includes countries in the Middle East, China, Japan, Holland, Hong Kong, South Africa and Germany. We produce the best animal protein in the world, and it reaches all social classes, and we do not have any religious or cultural complicating factor, as is the case of bovine and pig meat, or financial barrier, as is the case of fish, he compares.


Inor Ag. Assmann


O lucro se

Cadeia produtiva da avicultura amargou queda de produo e de renda em 2012, em decorrncia da alta nas cotaes dos gros usados na rao
Alimentar as aves em 2012, em vez de ser motivo de satisfao, foi momento de frustrao para os avicultores brasileiros. Os gastos necessrios para criar os animais aumentaram 39,38% em 2012, conforme apontou o ndice de Custo de Produo do Frango (ICPFrango), elaborado mensalmente pela Embrapa Sunos e Aves, de Concrdia (SC). O ICPFrango tem por base os custos de criao no Estado do Paran, maior produtor nacional de frangos. O ndice abrange os investimentos referentes a alimentao animal, pinto de um dia, mo de obra, instalaes e equipamentos e transporte, entre outros. Os preos do farelo e do leo de soja foram os grandes viles do custo de produo de frango em 2012, aponta Jonas dos Santos Filho, analista da EmAlternativas braA crise dos gros deixou algumas lies para os anos futuros, salienta Jonas dos Santos Filho, analista da Embrapa Sunos e Aves. A principal que os trs estados do Sul precisam encontrar um meio para utilizar os mais de 4 milhes de hectares aptos e abertos para o cultivo e que ficam desocupados durante o inverno. Uma das possibilidades o plantio de culturas tpicas dessa estao, como trigo, cevada ou centeio, que so aptas alimentao dos animais. Conforme ele, a pesquisa zootcnica j confirmou a viabilidade tcnica e econmica da utilizao deste cereais, que ocorre em larga escala em diversos pases. que os baixos preos do milho vinham tornando estes produtos economicamente inviveis para outro uso, explica. Em relao ao mercado internacional, o analista da Embrapa frisa que a competitividade brasileira vem sendo colocada em xeque. Em sua avaliao, nos ltimos anos o Pas perdeu competitividade frente produo americana de frangos e de sunos com o crescimento da utilizao do DDGS (Dried Distillers Grains with Solubres), subproduto da produo de lcool de milho, nos Estados Unidos; o aumento do custo de mo de obra no Brasil e a alta dos preos do farelo de soja.

pa Sunos e Aves. A soma da alta dos preos do complexo soja (leo e farelo) e do aumento no valor do milho, ainda que menos expressivo, resultaram em acrscimo de 37,81% no preo da rao em 2012. Este percentual s no foi maior devido grande oferta de milho no mercado interno, acrescenta. O cenrio das cotaes internacionais de milho e de soja foi alterado pela seca que atingiu os Estados Unidos, maior fornecedor destes gros. O dficit de soja no mundo ainda foi ampliado pela seca no Sul do Brasil e na Argentina. Em contrapartida, a remunerao pelos produtos avcolas teve incremento no varejo na ordem de 15,98% e 7,41% para o frango inteiro e em pedaos, respectivamente, destaca Jonas. Estes nmeros demonstram que a rentabilidade no setor paranaense foi bastante comprometida e, assim, grande parte do aumento no custo total do frango foi subtrado do seu lucro, avalia. A produo de frango havia comeado 2012 com crescimento. No entanto, mudou rapidamente o comportamento, ajustando-se s condies impostas pelo mercado j nos primeiros meses do ano. De acordo com Jonas, uma das medidas que contribuiu para no afetar ainda mais o desempenho econmico da avicultura em 2012 foi a reduo expressiva da disponibilidade interna. O resultado tambm foi favorecido pelo crescimento das exportaes do produto no perodo e pela variao cambial positiva, que beneficiou a renda em reais proveniente dos embarques externos. Para Jonas, o ano de 2013 seguia ainda pressionado pelo preo do milho. Somente no segundo semestre, quando a produo americana chegasse ao mercado, este iria se ajustar. No caso da soja, o cenrio se mostrava melhor j nos primeiros seis meses de 2013. O elevado consumo brasileiro de protena animal e a instabilidade do mercado internacional no devem permitir grandes evolues da demanda, e bom a oferta se manter estvel, conclui.

Inor Ag. Assmann

The grain crisis passed on some lessons to future years, Embrapa Hogs and Poultry analyst Jonas dos Santos Filho said. One of them is that the three southern states of Brazil need to come up with a manner to put to good use the 4 million arable hectares lying barren during the winter. Viable alternatives could be typical winter crops, such as wheat, barley or rye, all of them make good animal food. In his view, zootechnical research works have already confirmed the technical and economic viability of the use of these cereals, which is already occurring in different countries. The fact is, the low prices fetched by corn had been making the other crops economically unviable for other uses, Santos explained. With regard to the international market, the Embrapa analyst maintains that Brazils competitiveness is being challenged. In his view, over the past years the Country lost competitiveness to the North-American broiler and pork exports. A fact that is primarily attributed to the soaring use of the DDGS (Dried Distillers Grains with Soluble), a by-product from corn-based alcohol in the United States; along with higher labor costs in Brazil and soaring prices fetched by soybean meal.

Poultry supply chain suffered losses in production and income in 2012, as a result of higher maize and soybean prices, major components of livestock feed


Feeding birds in 2012, instead of bringing satisfaction, turned into moments of frustration for the Brazilian poultry farmers. All the necessary expenses for feeding the birds soared by 39.38% in 2012, according to the Broiler Production Cost Index (ICPFrango, in the Portuguese acronym), reckoned by Embrapa Hogs and Poultry, of Concrdia (SC), on a monthly basis. The ICPFrango takes into consideration the production costs in the State of Paran, national leading broiler producer. The index encompasses all investments related to bird food, day old baby chickens, labor, facilities, equipment and transport, among others. Meal and soybean oil prices were the culprits in the cost for producing broilers 2012, Embrapa Hogs and Poultry analyst Santos Filho said. The sum of the higher prices of the soybean complex (oil and meal), along with higher maize prices, though less expressive, resulted into an increase of 37.81% in feed prices in 2012. This percentage could have been much bigger

had there not been huge supplies of corn in the domestic market, Santos Filho added. Maize and soybean prices in the international marketplace were greatly influenced by the prolonged drought that hit the United States, leading supplier of the kernel. The soybean deficit around the world was further impaired by the drought conditions in South Brazil and Argentina. On the other hand, retail prices of poultry products soared by 15.98% and 7.41% for whole broilers and broiler cuts, respectively, Santos Filho said. The figures attest that the profitability of the sector in the state of Paran was greatly impaired and, therefore, a big portion of the higher broiler production costs was subtracted from the profits, he comments. Broiler production had got off to a good start in 2012, but the trend had to be changed quickly in an attempt to adapt to the conditions imposed by the market, in the early months of the year. According to Santos Filho, one of the factors that pre-

vented the economic performance of the broiler sector from being affected even further in 2012 was the expressive reduction in domestic supplies. The result also took advantage of rising exports of broiler meat and of the positive exchange rate variation, which boosted the income in the Brazilian currency, since exports are always negotiated in dollar terms. In the opinion of the Embrapa analyst, 2013 was a year still reaping the consequences of higher corn prices. Only in the second half of the year, once the NorthAmerican corn has reached the market, prices are supposed to adjust, he said. In the case of soybean, the scenario looked much more promising since the early days in 2013. The high consumption volume of animal protein in Brazil, along with a feeling of instability running rampant in the international market, are factors that should curb any evolution in demand, and it will not be such a bad thing, after all, should prices continue stable, the analyst concluded.

A favor da

Na corrida da produo mundial de carne de frango, estadunidenses, chineses e brasileiros permanecem no pdio como os maiores produtores. Em 2012, os Estados Unidos mantiveram a liderana, com 16,476 milhes de toneladas, seguidos da China, com 13,7 milhes de toneladas; e do Brasil, que produziu 12,645 milhes de toneladas. De acordo com o relatrio anual da Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef), entre os maiores importadores, o Japo surge como o principal. Para o pas asitico foram encaminhadas 855 mil toneladas. A Arbia Saudita, segundo maior importador, adquiriu 750 mil toneladas, seguida da Unio Europeia, que consumiu 630 mil toneladas. Na exportao mundial, o Brasil se manteve no topo com 3,918 milhes de toneladas de carne de frango em 2012. Os Estados Unidos vieram em seguida, com venda de 3,211 milhes de toneladas a outros pases. No ranking dos principais exportadores, Unio Europeia (1,080 milhes de toneladas), Tailndia (540 mil toneladas) e China (400 mil toneladas) tambm marcaram presena no perodo. Segundo projees do Departamento de Agricultura dos Estados Unidos (USDA), as exportaes globais de aves devem crescer 2,2%, especialmente junto aos pequenos exportadores (com alta de 9%). Para as vendas externas do ovo brasileiro, a expectativa de expanso de 3% no volume. Dados divulgados pelo rgo no incio de 2013 revelam que 152 pases importaram carne de frango dos EUA em 2012, o segundo maior exportador mundial. A produo global de frango, por sua vez, deve registrar acrscimo de aproximadamente 1,4%. As estimativas so de que sejam obtidas, no total, 83,5 milhes de toneladas de carne de frango. Em 2012, os pases produtores somaram 82,317 milhes de toneladas. De forma geral, a oferta mundial de carnes deve ser tmida em 2013. Conforme a Organizao das Naes Unidas para a Alimentao e a Agricultura (FAO), a produo global deve apresentar crescimento modesto, de apenas 1,4%, atingindo total de 308,2 milhes de toneladas. O nmero representaria alta de 4,3 milhes de toneladas em relao a 2012. No Brasil, apesar dos custos de produo gerados pelos problemas logsticos para escoamento da produo no mercado interno e nas exportaes, a produo de aves e de ovos bastante competitiva e reconhecida no mercado internacional.
Inor Ag. Assmann


Crescimento da produo global de carne de frango deve ser pequena em 2013, mas as oportunidades so promissoras para o setor no Brasil

In the global broiler meat competition, the United States, China and Brazil are standing on the podium as major producers. In 2012, the United States held firmly to its leadership position, with 16.476 million tons, followed by China, with13.7 million tons; and Brazil, where production reached 12.645 million tons. According to the annual report by the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef), among all importers, Japan ranks as number one. Shipments to this Asian country amounted to 855 thousand tons. Saudi Arabia, second biggest importer, acquired 750 thousand tons, followed by the European Union, with 630 thousand tons. In global exports, Brazil ranked first with 3.918 million tons of broiler meat in 2012.The United States came next, with 3.211 million tons shipped to other countries. The number of major exporters over the period included other relevant players: the European Union (1.080 million tons), Thailand (540 thousand tons) and China (400 thousand tons). According to projections by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), global chicken exports should soar 2.2%, especially because of higher exports by small-scale exporters (up 9%). Brazils foreign sales of eggs are estimated to soar 3% in volume. Data released by the organ in early 2011 refer to 152 countries that imported broiler meat from the United States in 2012, second largest global exporter. Global broiler production, in turn, should increase by approximately 1.4%. Estimates reckon global broiler meat production at 83.5 million tons. In 2012, the producing countries reached a total volume of 82.317 million tons. By and large, global meat supplies are supposed to keep a low profile in 2013. Sources from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have it that global production should increase no more than 1.4%, reaching a total of 308.2 million tons. This would represent an increase of 4.3 million tons over the total in 2012. In Brazil, notwithstanding the production costs generated by logistic variables for inland shipments of the product, which also holds true for exports, chicken and egg production are rather competitive, and acknowledged as such by the international market.

Global growth in broiler meat production in 2013 should be negligible, but opportunities for the sector in Brazil look promising

PRATO GLOBAL Global output

Produo mundial de carne de frango em 2012

Pas Volume (mil toneladas) Estados Unidos 16.476 China 13.700 Brasil 12.645 Unio Europeia 9.480 ndia 3.160 Outros 26.856 Total 82.317
Fonte: USDA/Ubabef.


Bons planos
Plano Agrcola e Pecurio (PAP), lanado pelo governo federal, prev medidas otimistas para a avicultura brasileira, com vrias modalidades
Anunciado no incio de junho, o Plano Agrcola e Pecurio (PAP) 2013/14 o mais abrangente e maior em volume financeiro j lanado no Brasil. Com isso, o setor de aves tambm comemora a possibilidade de novos investimentos, com recursos destinados ao armazenamento de gros e a tecnologias inovadoras, por exemplo. Somente por meio do Inovagro programa institudo pelo PAP 2013/14 para a atualizao de estruturas produtivas devem ser destinados recursos na ordem de R$ 350 milhes para a modernizao de granjas do setor avcola. Segundo o presidente da Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef), Francisco Turra, no momento preciso trabalhar para que o recurso no fique parado em burocracias governamentais e de instituies financeiras. Com o montante, espera-se que grande parte das granjas com estrutura mais defasada, especialmente em estados do Sul do Pas, recupere seus nveis de produtividade, contribuindo para a competitividade da cadeia produtiva, ressalta Turra. Enquanto isso, para incentivar o consumo de carne de frango e promover o setor, algumas entidades tm apostado nas redes sociais. Em 2013, a Ubabef lanou, em abril, a fanpage Amo Frango, no Facebook (facebook.com/amofrango). Por meio dela, lideranas pretendem esclarecer os consumidores sobre mitos e vantagens do frango e promover o aumento do consumo da carne. A iniciativa conta com uma srie de aes especiais para despertar a ateno do pblico com ideias novas sobre o produto, to popular na mesa do brasileiro. Usando a criatividade, a nova pgina disponibiliza contedo til e divertido que visa, tambm, estimular adeptos e curiosos da culinria. Alm de receitas rpidas, vdeos explicativos e aes interativas com o pblico do site, a Amo Frango traz informaes nutricionais e esclarece mitos, como o da adio de hormnios em frangos. Um ms aps seu lanamento, a pgina somava 18 mil curtidas. Em julho de 2013 j eram mais de 35.800 mil apreciadores. De acordo com Francisco Turra, a fanpage faz parte de um conjunto de iniciativas que a entidade promover para fomentar o consumo de produtos avcolas. O brasileiro j apresenta um elevado consumo per capita de carne de aves, assim como razovel consumo de ovos, enfatiza. Mas ainda h espao para crescer no mercado interno, especialmente com o novo perfil do consumidor, que busca alimentos saudveis e nutritivos.

Robispierre Giuliani


Good plans
Agriculture and Livestock Plan (ALP), launched by the federal government envisions encouraging initiatives for Brazils poultry farming business, including different options

Announced in early June, the 2013/14 Agriculture and Livestock Plan (ALP) is the most comprehensive and largest in financial scope ever launched in Brazil. It makes the bird segment celebrate the chance for new investments, with resources geared towards grain warehousing facilities and innovative technology, for example. Through the Inovagro program set up by the 2013/14 ALP for upgrading production structures - financial resources of approximately R$ 350 million will be invested in modernizing poultry farms. In the words of the president of the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef), Francisco Turra, at the moment much work is needed so as to prevent these resources from stagnating in government bureaucracies or financial institutions. With this amount, it is hoped that a big number of chicken farms with outdated structures, particularly in the southern states of Brazil, recover their productivity rates, thus contributing towards boosting the competitive edge of the supply chain, Turra said. In the meantime, with an eye towards promoting broiler meat consumption and the sector itself, some entities have bet on social networking websites. In 2013, for example, in April, Ubabef posted the fanpage Amo Frango (I Love Broiler) on (facebook.com/amofrango). Through it, leaderships are set to keep consumers aware of some myths and advantages derived from broiler meat, while promoting the consumption of this protein. The initiative relies on a series of special actions intended to capture the attention of the public with new ideas on this very popular product present on the Brazilian kitchen tables. Resorting to creativity, the new page offers an amusing and useful content, which is also geared towards attracting people keen on culinary innovations or just curious. Besides simple recipes, explanatory videos and interactions with the public of the site, Amo Frange features nutritional information and clarifies such myths as the addition of hormones in broilers. A month after being launched, the page had already been accessed 18 thousand times. In the month of July 2013 accesses had reached 35,800 aficionados. According to Francisco Turra, the fanpage is part of a series of initiatives the entity is going to promote with the idea or encouraging the consumption of poultry products. In Brazil, per capita consumption of bird meat is rather high, and the same holds true for the consumption of eggs, he emphasized. Nevertheless, there is still much room for growth in the domestic market, especially on the grounds of the new profile of the consumers, who seek healthy and nutritious food.

Sem crescimento maior da economia, no h perspectiva de aumento expressivo na demanda de carne de frango no Brasil, em 2013. exceo da expanso do consumo por parte das classes C e D, ou ainda dos reflexos naturais da consolidao da carne de frango como protena animal nutritiva e saudvel, as vendas no mercado interno devem se manter estveis. J no comrcio internacional, a Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef) prev algumas novidades. De acordo com a entidade, h espao para ampliar os embarques. Por isso, foram estabelecidas aes prioritrias de marketing internacional, em iniciativas que abrangem 11 pases. No pacote de medidas esto previstas aes de manuteno de mercado e qualificao das exportaes, com a participao em importantes feiras internacionais, e a realizao de workshops na Frana, Emirados rabes Unidos, China, Japo e frica do Sul. Por outro lado, o setor vislumbra a concretizao da abertura do mercado da ndia e a abertura de novos mercados, como Nigria e Arglia, na frica, e Indonsia, Malsia e Camboja, na sia. Enquanto as estimativas da Ubabef preveem crescimento de at 3%, em 2013, tanto na produo quanto nas exportaes de carne de frango, o Brasil mantm contatos com o Mxico. Segundo o diretor de mercados da entidade, Ricardo Santin, a negociao, em andamento, j se encontra em fase final. Por enquanto, os envolvidos analisam a proposta do acordo sanitrio. Em contato com os brasileiros, os mexicanos sinalizam com inteno de adquirir carne de frango e ovos. No caso do frango, a expectativa de que o volume some, no total, 300 mil toneladas, a serem fornecidas por exportadores brasileiros e de outros pases. Conforme o presidente da Ubabef, Francisco Turra, o setor j havia realizado tentativas de abrir o mercado mexicano. Porm, esbarraram na existncia de elevadas tarifas de importao e de um acordo de livre comrcio do pas com os Estados Unidos. Segundo estimativas, o mercado mexicano pode representar a exportao de aproximadamente US$ 300 milhes somente em carne de frango, tendo por base preo mdio do produto inteiro e em cortes.
Robispierre Giuliani

De olho nas potencialidades que o futuro reserva, a avicultura brasileira planeja as aes para aumentar a sua presena no mercado internacional



Spreading its


With an eye towards the potentialities that the future has in store, Brazilian poultry farming business is planning actions intended to expand its presence in the international marketplace

Without any substantial economic growth, there are no perspectives for substantial increases in the consumption of broiler meat in Brazil, in 2013. With the exception of higher consumption by classes C and D, or equally of the natural reflections stemming from the consolidation of broiler meat as nutritious and healthy animal protein, sales in the domestic market are poised to remain stable. On the other hand, in the international market place, the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (Ubabef) spots some novelties. According to the entity, there is room for expanding meat shipments abroad. To this end, international marketing priorities were set up, initiatives that encompass 11 countries. The package of measures includes efforts towards maintaining the market and qualifying our exports, with the participation in relevant international fairs, while holding workshops in countries like France, the United Arab Emirates, China, Japan and South Africa. On the other hand, the sector is spotting great chances for conquering the Indian market and other new markets like Nigeria and Algeria in Africa; Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia, in Asia. While Ubabef sources suggest an increase by up to 3%, in 2013, both in broiler meat production and exports, Brazil is negotiating with Mexico. According to Ricardo Santin, market director at the entity, the negotiation in question is now moving to its final phase. For the time being, the parties are analyzing an agreement focused on sanitary issues. In their contacts with the Brazilian officials, Mexican merchants are signaling their intention of purchasing broiler meat and eggs. In the case of broiler, the expectation is for the shipment of a total volume of 300 thousand tons, to be supplied by Brazilian exporters and other parties. Ubabef president Francisco Turra recalls that this is not the first time the sector attempted to conquer the Mexican market, but there had always been hurdles in the way, such as high import tariffs and the free trade agreement with the United States. According to estimates, the Mexican market could represent exports worth approximately US$ 300 million in broiler meat alone, based on the average price of whole broilers and cuts.


Slvio vila


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M erc a d M o a

Firme no

Entre voos e escalas, o Brasil manteve a posio de maior exportador mundial de carne de frango em 2012, apesar da reduo verificada em comparao com o ano anterior. De acordo com Francisco Turra, presidente da Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef), o cenrio positivo junto ao mercado internacional comprovou a solidez do setor diante dos pases compradores. Alm disso, o Pas ainda ocupa a terceira posio no ranking de maiores produtores, atrs apenas de Estados Unidos e China. A reduo nas vendas externas foi uma das consequncias da maior crise vivida pela avicultura brasileira em sua histria. Com isso, em 2012 as exportaes de carnes de frango, peru, pato, ganso e outras aves, ovos e material gentico totalizaram US$ 8,362 bilhes. O nmero representa reduo de 5,5% em relao a 2011. Em volume, no entanto, foram 4,138 milhes de toneladas, com aumento de 0,5%. Somente em carne de frango, principal produto das exportaes avcolas brasileiras, os embarques somaram 3,918 milhes de toneladas em 2012, com reduo de 0,6% em relao a 2011. A receita totalizou US$ 7,703 bilhes, com queda de 6,7%. O mix de vendas no mercado internacional foi Pelo Mundo desenhado por 55% de frango em cortes (2,143 Mesmo que os brasileiros sejam os milhes de toneladas); 35% de frango inteiro principais consumidores do frango produzido em ter(1,417 milho de toneladas); 5% de frango ritrio nacional, o produto tambm faz sucesso na mesa de salgado e 5% de frango processado. Os diferentes povos. O Oriente Mdio, por exemplo, permanece como o embarques de frango industrializado principal destino da carne de frango verde e amarela. Para a regio foram somaram 180 mil toneladas. embarcadas 1,396 milho de toneladas em 2012, com pequena retrao, de 1,2%, conforme dados da Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef). Para a sia, as exportaes somaram 1,137 milho de toneladas, com reduo de 0,5% sobre 2011. O terceiro maior mercado de destino em volumes, a frica, recebeu 598 mil toneladas, com crescimento de 20%. J a Unio Europeia respondeu por compras de 448,4 mil toneladas, com reduo de 8,2%. Para os pases da Europa, extra UE, os embarques foram de 118 mil toneladas em 2012, com crescimento de 10%. J para os pases das Amricas, o Brasil embarcou 216,7 mil toneladas, com retrao de 25,2%. A Oceania, por sua vez, adquiriu 2.188 toneladas (-22,2%). Entre os estados brasileiros que tiveram maior participao nas exportaes de carne de frango, Paran e Santa Catarina surgiram como os lderes, com 28,7% e 26,1%, respectivamente. O Rio Grande do Sul respondeu por 18,5% dos embarques e So Paulo por 7%.

Reduo de 5,5% na receita das exportaes da avicultura brasileira em 2012 no desanimou o setor, que se manteve com firmeza na liderana mundial


Standing on
Reduction of 5.5% in exports of Brazilian poultry products in 2012 did not discourage the sector, which continued holding on to its leadership position
Alternating flights and stops, Brazil held firmly on to its leadership in global broiler meat exports in 2012, despite a reduction in comparison with the previous year. According to Francisco Turra, president of the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef), the shining scenario at the international market attested to the solid position of the sector before the purchasing countries. Furthermore, the Country is still ranking as third largest producer, coming only after the United States and China. The reduction in foreign sales was simply a consequence of the most serious crisis ever experienced by the Brazilian poultry farming sector. This is why total revenue raked in from exports of broiler meat, turkey, duck, goose and other birds, along with shipments of eggs and genetic material totaled US$ 8.362 billion. The number represents a reduction of 5.5% from 2011. In volume, nonetheless, it was 4.138 million tons, up 0.5% from the previous period. Only in broiler meat, leading product of all Brazilian poultry exports, embargoes prevented the shipment of 3.918 million tons in 2012, down 0.6% from 2011. Revenue amounted to US$ 7.703 billion, down 6.7% from the previous year. The sales mix in the international market encompasses the following: 55% broiler cuts (2.143 million tons); 35% whole broilers (1.417 million tons); 5% salted broiler and 5% processed broilers. Shipments of industrialized broilers totaled 180 thousand tons.


the podium
Throughout the world
Even though the Brazilians themselves are the biggest consumers of the broilers produced in the national territory, the product is also very successful on the kitchen tables of different peoples. The Middle East, for example, is the main destination of Brazilian broiler meat. Shipments to the region reached 1.396 million tons in 2012, representing a decline of only 1.2%, according to data released by the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef). To Asia, exports amounted to 1.137 million tons, down 0.5% from 2011. The third largest market in volume, Africa, received 598 thousand tons, representing an increase of 20%. On the other hand, the European Union purchased 448.4 thousand tons, a decline of 8.2%. Shipments to Extra EC countries, in 2012 amounted to 118 thousand tons, up 10%. The countries of America purchased 216.7 thousand tons, down 25.2%. Oceania, in turn, acquired 2,188 tons (-22.2%). The Brazilian states that had the largest share in exports of broiler meat were Paran and Santa Catarina, with 28.7% and 26.1%, respectively. Rio Grande do Sul accounted for 18.5% of all shipments, and So Paulo for 7%.

ALTOS VOOS Flying high

Exportaes de carne de frango do Brasil
Ano Volume (mil toneladas) 2008 3.646 2009 3.635 2010 3.820 2011 3.943 2012 3.918
Fonte: Relatrio Anual 2013 da Ubabef.

Exportaes brasileiras por produto*
Cortes 54,71% Inteiros 36,18% Industrializados 4,6% Salgado 4,51%
Fonte: Relatrio Anual 2013 da Ubabef. *Ano: 2012

Slvio vila


A receita do
Exportaes acumuladas entre janeiro e maio de 2013 somavam 1,584 milho de toneladas e receita de US$ 3,46 bilhes, com alta de 6%

Exports January through May 2013 reached a total of 1.584 million tons and brought in revenue of US$ 3.46 billion, up 6% from the previous year
Robispierre Giuliani


As receitas caprichadas preparadas com aquele franguinho especial j conquistaram milhares de brasileiros. Enquanto os ingredientes do o toque diferenciado aos pratos, lideranas do setor confirmam o aumento de outra receita: a das exportaes. Conforme dados da Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef), a alta foi de 6% no acumulado de 2013, ou seja, de janeiro a maio. A soma chegou a US$ 3,46 bilhes. Somente no ms de maio o faturamento atingiu a US$ 766,4 milhes, resultado prximo ao recorde histrico de US$ 770 milhes obtido em abril de 2013 apenas 0,4% inferior e 6% maior em relao ao mesmo perodo de 2012. J em volume, no perodo de janeiro a maio, houve queda de 5,7%, com 1,584 milho de toneladas exportadas. Em maio a reduo foi de 8,3% em com-

parao com o mesmo ms de 2012, com 343,9 mil toneladas embarcadas em 2013. Conforme Francisco Turra, presidente da Ubabef, o ritmo crescente, registrado nas exportaes de carne de frango em 2013, foi mantido em maro. Em sua avaliao, o volume exportado em maio de 2012, de 375 mil toneladas, foi recorde para o setor e atpico para o momento do ano. Por isso, o ndice de queda foi acentuado em 2013. As redues nos volumes importados por mercados de longo relacionamento com o setor exportador brasileiro, a exemplo de Japo e Arbia Saudita, influenciaram, em parte, nos resultados. No entanto, de acordo com Francisco Turra, esse comportamento era esperado, pois, aps longo perodo com elevados nveis de embarques para estes mercados, os seus estoques possivelmente estavam altos.

recipe for
The special and adroitly prepared broiler meat dishes have conquered the palate of thousands of Brazilians. While the ingredients impart a special touch to the dishes, leaderships of the sector confirm the soaring trend of another source of income: exports. According to data from the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef), January through May 2013 exports soared 6%. Revenue amounted to US$ 3.46 billion. In May alone, shipments of the sector brought in US$ 766.4 million, a result very close to the historical record of US$ 770 million achieved in April 2013 down 4% only but up 6% from the same period in 2012. In volume, January through May, there was a 5.7 percent decrease, with 1.584 million tons exported. In May exports went down 8.3% from the same month in 2012, with 343.9 thousand tons shipped in 2013. According to Ubabef president Francisco Turra, the soaring rhythm of broiler meat exports in 2013 continued through March this year. In his view, the volume exported in May 2012, 375 thousand tons, was a record for the sector but atypical for the time of the year. That is why there was a substantial drop in 2013.

The smaller volumes purchased by markets with a long lasting relationship with Brazils export market, for example Japan and Saudi Arabia, were partly responsible for this result. Nonetheless, according to Francisco Turra, this behavior came as no surprise, because after many years of hefty shipments to these markets, their stocks were possible very high. With regard to higher revenue, Turra recalls the bigger exports of salted meat to the European Union. We are now going through the time period that marks the end of the quota-year (which defines the total volume to be shipped to a specific market over the next 12 months), when shipments to Europe usually consist of bigger volumes, he comments. The delay in passing the production costs, stemming from the input crisis in 2012, to the international prices was also a positive factor in the bigger revenues from exports. It took a long time for the international market to assimilate the higher costs, but should continue to make up for the losses accumulated by the exporting companies in 2012, the executive director argues.


Em relao ao incremento da receita, Turra destaca o aumento das exportaes de carne salgada para a Unio Europeia. Estamos no perodo em que se encerra o ano-cota (que define o volume total que pode ser embarcado para aquele mercado em 12 meses), quando os embarques para a Europa costumam apresentar elevaes, aponta. O repasse tardio dos custos de produo, decorrentes da crise dos insumos de 2012, aos preos no mercado internacional tambm influenciou positivamente a elevao na receita das exportaes. O processo de assimilao da elevao de custos no mercado internacional foi demorado, mas agora dever perdurar para compensar as perdas acumuladas pelas empresas exportadoras em 2012, afirma o executivo.

Robispierre Giuliani



Do total de carne de frango produzido no Brasil em 2012, 69% foi destinado ao mercado interno, o equivalente a 8,727 milhes de toneladas

Os brasileiros so os principais responsveis pelo consumo dos produtos da avicultura nacional. Dentre as trs opes, a de frango mais consumida do que a de porco e a de gado. De toda a carne de frango produzida em 2012, de 12,645 milhes de toneladas, 69% foi direcionado ao mercado interno, num total de 8,727 milhes de toneladas, conforme apontou a Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef). Os 31% restantes do volume produzido foram para a exportao. A produo total de carne de frango registrou queda de 3,17% em 2012, provocada pela alta nos preos do milho e da soja. Com isso, tambm o consumo per capita, aps ter alcanado volume recorde de 47,4 quilos em 2011, retrocedeu para 45 quilos por habitante no ano seguinte. Na avaliao do diretor de Mercados da Ubabef, Ricardo Santin, isso no significa que os brasileiros deixaram de consumir os produtos em 2012, pois o setor sempre mantm algum estoque do ano anterior. Porm, observou que se notou pequena retrao do consumo de alguns produtos com maior valor agregado no segundo semestre de 2012, mais por temor inflao do que por falta dos alimentos. De acordo com Domingos Martins, presidente do Sindicato das Indstrias de Produtos Avcolas do Estado do Paran (Sindiavipar), os avicultores diminuram a margem de lucro em 2012, alm de reduzirem a contragosto o alojamento de pintos e a produo, para no gerar excesso de oferta. Diminumos a quantidade para melhorar os preos dos Cortes diversos produtos, principalmente no exterior, destaca O gosto pelo frango nacional varia muiMartins, que tambm preside a Cmara de to entre consumidores brasileiros e estrangeiros. Mercado Interno da Ubabef. A preferncia nacional por coxas e sobrecoxas. Essas At 2011, o Brasil registrava altas consepartes so consumidas por 55% dos brasileiros, conforme cutivas no consumo e na produo de carapontou pesquisa da Ubabef em 2012. Enquanto isso, o corte ne de frango. O volume per capita nacional menos demandado a tulipa (meio da asa). No exterior, conevoluiu de 33,81 quilos por habitante em forme Domingos Martins, do Sindiavipar, a opo varia de acor2002 para 47,4 quilos em 2011. Na apredo com os hbitos de consumo e a cultura de cada Pas. Um ciao de Martins, o acrscimo contnuo exemplo o Japo, que compra o kakugiri (coxa e sobrecoxa fruto direto dos investimentos feitos pela desossadas e cortadas em cubos) e o meio da asa com coravicultura nacional em gentica, manejo, te transversal. J Hong Kong e China demandam, entre ambincia e sanidade. Nesse contexto, o outros cortes, a ponta da asa e o p de frango. No Paran se destaca pelas excelentes condies Oriente Mdio, a perna e o peito desossados fundirias, geogrficas, topogrficas e climti(Shawarma) so os preferidos. cas, acrescenta. Os paranaenses respondem pela maior parcela de carne de frango produzida no Pas.

Of the total amount of chicken meat produced in Brazil in 2012, the domestic market consumed 69%, equivalent to 8.727 million tons
Brazilians are the major consumers of all national poultry products. Among the three options, broiler meat is more consumed than beef and pork. Of the total amount of chicken meat produced in Brazil in 2012, 12.645 million tons, representing 69%, were directed towards the domestic market, totaling 8.727 million tons, according to sources of the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef). The remaining 31% of the volume were shipped abroad. As far as total production goes, there was a 3.17 percent drop in 2012, and the blame goes to the skyrocketing soybean and maize prices. This also had an influence on per capita consumption, which, after having reached a record volume of 47.4 kilos in 2011, receded to 45 kilos per capita the following year. In the analysis by Ubabef Market Director Ricardo Santin, it does not mean that Brazilian people stopped consuming chicken products in 2012, once the sector always stores certain amounts from the previous year. However, he observed that there was a minor reduction in the consumption of certain products with higher added value, in the second half of 2012, more for fear of inflation than for lack of food. Domingos Martins, president of the

Inor Ag. Assmann


the palate

Paran State Aviculture Products Industries Union (Sindiavipar), maintains that the chicken farmers reduced their profit margins in 2012, besides unwillingly reducing the number of chickens they usually housed and produced, so as to avoid generating surpluses. We reduced our quantity in order to boost the prices of our products, particularly in the Various cuts international marketplace, says Martins, who also presides over There is a big difference in preference for Ubabefs Internal Market Chamber. broiler cuts between national and foreign consumUp to 2011, Brazil had been registering consecutive increases in ers. Brazilians are keen on legs and leg quarters. These the consumption of broiler meat. The national per capita volume parts are consumed by 55% of the people, according to a surevolved from 33.81 kilos per person in 2002 to 47.4 kilos in 2011. vey conducted by Ubabef officials in 2012. On the other hand, the Martins has it that the continuous growth results directly from least demanded part is the so-called chicken wing (middle wing). the investments made by the national poultry farming sector in Abroad, according to Domingos Martins, of Sindiavipar, options national genetic enhancement initiatives, along with improvevary according to each countrys habits and culture. Japan is an ments to management practices, and to the environment and example, because Japanese people are very fond of kakugiri sanitary status. Within this context, Paran occupies a promi(boneless leg and leg quarter, cut in the form of meat cubes) nent position that reflects real estate conditions, topographand middle wing with a transversal cut. In Hong Kong and ic features and climate conditions, he adds. The China the preference is for wing tips and chicken feet, chicken raisers of Paran account for among other cuts. In the Middle East, boneless the biggest share of all broiler meat legs and chicken breast (Shawarma) produced in Brazil. are favorites.


Consumo per capita de carne de frango

Ano kg/habitante/ano 2013* 46,8 2012 45 2011 47,38 2010 44,09 2009 38,47
Fonte: Ubabef * Estimativa Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab).


Olho no
Cadeia produtiva de aves aposta no ganho de imagem que os grandes eventos esportivos previstos para o Brasil podero trazer ao setor


Slvio vila

Os grandes eventos esportivos dos quais o Brasil ser sede em 2014 e em 2016, a Copa do Mundo de Futebol e as Olimpadas, respectivamente, abriro oportunidades para a promoo da imagem e da qualidade dos produtos da avicultura brasileira. Campe mundial em exportaes de frango, a cadeia produtiva brasileira desenvolver aes por meio do Programa Brazilian Chicken, parceria entre a Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef) e a Agncia Brasileira de Promoo de Exportaes e Investimentos (Apex-Brasil) para a difuso do frango nos mercados mundiais. Para o diretor de mercados da Ubabef, Ricardo Santin, o impacto destes eventos ser positivo imagem do setor. Ele traa o perfil dos

consumidores: sero turistas com consumo mais qualificado; portanto, faro as refeies em hotis e restaurantes, onde se usa produtos de maior valor agregado da cadeia produtiva, enfatiza. Segundo ele, no haver impacto importante no consumo de aves e ovos, mas o ganho de imagem, com aes concentradas de marketing para o setor, incalculvel. As estratgias setoriais ainda no esto completamente definidas, mas o assunto est em pauta. As empresas associadas Ubabef j investem na promoo de suas marcas direcionadas aos eventos. A Copa das Confederaes, promovida pela Federao Internacional de Futebol (Fifa) em junho de 2013, serviu de teste. A Jornada Mundial

the ball
Poultry supply chain intends to improve its image from the sports events to be hosted by Brazil
da Juventude, que reuniu milhares de jovens catlicos no Brasil, com a presena do Papa Francisco, tambm serviu para a exposio das marcas e, indiretamente, da cadeia produtiva. O mote para a promoo da avicultura nos grandes eventos que acontecero no Brasil j est definido: levando sade e alegria para o mundo. Hoje, o Brasil exporta frangos a 154 pases por sua competitividade e, tambm, pela qualidade. Estamos aliando a isso o fato de o nosso povo ser receptivo e feliz, que uma imagem muito positiva no exterior, comenta Santin. Assim, mostramos que os nossos produtos, oriundos de uma produo familiar e integrada, traduzem um pouco desse esprito brasileiro, antecipa. The major Sporting events to be hosted by Brazil in 2014 and in 2016, FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games will, respectively, pave the way for improving the image and quality of Brazils poultry products. World leader in broiler meat exports, the Brazilian supply chain will conduct actions through the Brazilian Chicken Program, consisting of a partnership between the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef) and the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) with the aim to make Brazilian broiler find their way into the global markets. Ubabef market director Ricardo Santin understands that the events will have a positive impact upon the sector. He delineates the profile of the consumers: They will be tourists with distinct eating habits; therefore, they will have their meals in hotels or restaurants, where value added products from the supply chain are much used, he explains. In his view, there will not be any significant impact upon the consumption of eggs and chicken, but the gain in image, through concerted marketing moves, will be incalculable for the sector. Sectoral strategies still need to be defined, and the subject continues high on the agenda. Companies associated with Ubabef have already started in the promotion of their brands focused on the event. The Confederations Cup, promoted by the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA), in June 2013, was a way of testing the water. The World Youth Day, which attracted thousands of young Catholics from all over Brazil, with the presence of Pope Francisco, was also an occasion for displaying the brands and, indirectly, putting the supply chain in the limelight. The slogan to promote poultry farming in the relevant events scheduled to take place in Brazil has already been defined: Spreading health and happiness across the world. Currently, Brazils broiler exports reach 154 countries, mainly because of competitive prices and high quality standards. What adds to this is the fact that our people are happy and very hospitable, imparting a very good image abroad, Santin comments. This is how we show our products that come from integrated and family farming systems and they give tourists a glimpse of our Brazilian spirit, he anticipates.

Eyes on



Aps refazer as contas, a cadeia prev produo de at 12,6 milhes de toneladas de carne de frango em 2013, com desempenho bastante estvel

Pelo menos em um aspecto o principal, inclusive o Brasil tende a repetir em 2013 o mesmo desempenho do ano anterior. A produo de carne de frango dever encerrar o ano com total entre 12,3 milhes e 12,5 milhes de toneladas. A projeo foi divulgada em julho de 2013 pela Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef). Caso se concretize, o volume ser praticamente similar s 12,6 milhes de toneladas obtidas em 2012. Esta perspectiva leva em considerao os nveis atuais de produo, que se baseiam no alojamento de pintos de corte e de matrizes, explica Francisco Turra, presidente da entidade. O alojamento de matrizes somou 46,5 milhes de aves em 2012, 7% aqum das 50 milhes de cabeas alojadas em 2011. No primeiro semestre de 2013, a mdia mensal de matrizes alojadas foi de 3,824 milhes. A previso de que esse montante totalize mdia mensal de 3,753 milhes de matrizes em alojamento no segundo semestre de 2013, 1,9% a menos do que o verificado nos primeiros seis meses anteriores. Outro segmento da produo avcola, o de ovos, encerrou o primeiro semestre de 2013 com total de 17,33 bilhes de unidades, acrscimo de 9,1% em comparao ao mesmo perodo de 2012. Ainda em relao ao segundo semestre de 2013, Turra relata que o consumo interno e que as exportaes de carne de frango podero aumentar, principalmente durante os perodos festivos. No caso dos embarques de carne de frango, a tendncia repetir em 2013 o resultado do ano anterior, podendo haver crescimento de at 2%, analisa o presidente da Ubabef. No primeiro semestre


Com precauo de 2013, os envios externos de carne de frango, ovos, material gentiNo incio de 2013, a Ubabef havia projeco, ovos frteis, perus, patos e gansos totalizaram 1,977 milho de tado crescimento de 3% sobre os volumes produtoneladas, 5,7% a menos do que na mesma temporada do ano zidos e exportados em 2012. Os avanos esperados leanterior. Em compensao, a receita total, de US$ 4,381 bilhes, vavam em conta a expectativa de maior produo de gros foi 5,5% superior ao rendimento do mesmo perodo de 2012. por parte de pases do hemisfrio Sul. Tambm os contratos Segundo Turra, esse desempenho, j computado, indica futuros para os negcios com milho e soja indicavam patamamudanas no cenrio da competitividade do Brasil frente res de preos abaixo dos que haviam sido praticados em 2012, a outros grandes exportadores. Durante o Salo Internaquando impactaram negativamente no setor. Na ocasio, o cional da Avicultura (Siav) e o 23 Congresso Brasileiro de presidente da entidade, Francisco Turra, alertou que se traAvicultura, vamos apresentar anlise detalhada sobre o tava de alvio, mas que ningum deveria esperar que os quadro competitivo do setor nacional, disse. Os dois evenresultados retornariam aos patamares histricos, antetos sero promovidos pela Ubabef, entre os dias 27 e 29 de riores seca que atingiu a agricultura dos Estados agosto, em So Paulo. Unidos e que provocou a disparada de preDiante destas perspectivas gerais, Turra avaliou que podeos dos gros no mundo. r haver presso no equilbrio entre a oferta e a demanda, como
consequncia dos estoques ajustados tanto no Brasil quantos nos principais clientes das exportaes nacionais. Observa ainda que tambm colaboram para tal cenrio o menor alojamento de matrizes em 2012 e o tradicional aumento do consumo no segundo semestre do ano. Alm disso, a ocupao dos espaos de produo normais por aves de comercializao sazonal, como as natalinas, poder influenciar neste contexto, assinala.

Inor Ag. Assmann

Chances for a
Inor Ag. Assmann



After recalculating the bills, the supply chain is spotting a production of up to 12.6 million tons of chicken meat in 2013, with the characteristics of a steady performance

At least in one peculiarity the most important, by the way in 2013, Brazil tends to repeat the performance of the previous year. Broiler meat production is poised to come to years end with a total ranging from 12.3 million tons and 12.5 million. This projection was made public in July 2013 by the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef). Should it confirm, the volume will be very similar to the 12.6 million tons produced in 2012. This perspective takes into consideration the present production levels, which are based on the number of meat chickens and laying hens housed at the moment, explains Francisco Turra, president of the entity. A breeding stock of 46.5 million birds was housed in 2012, 7%, lagging behind the 50 million birds housed in 2011. In the first half of 2013, some 3.824 million breeding birds were housed on a monthly basis. The forecast is for an average of 3.753 million breeding birds to be housed in the second half of the year 2013, down 1.9% from the monthly average of the previous six months. Egg production is another poultry farming segment, and its volume amounted to 17.33 billion pieces in 2013, up 9.1% from the same period in 2012. Regarding the second half of 2013, Turra has it that domestic consumption and equally broiler meat exports will soar, especially during end-of-year celebrations. In the case of broiler shipments, the trend is to repeat the year 2013 in terms of volume, but an increase by 2% is not ruled out, Ubabef president said. Over the first half in 2013 shipments abroad of broiler meat, eggs, genetic material, fertile eggs, turkeys, ducks and geese reached a total of 1.977 million tons, down 5.7 percent from the same period the previous year. On the other hand, total revenue of US$ 4.381 billion was 5.5% higher than in the same period in 2012. In Turras view, this performance, already factored in, suggests changes in Brazils competitive power against other relevant exporters. During the International Aviculture Salon (IAS) and the 23rd Brazilian Aviculture Congress, we will have With precaution the opportunity to display a detailed analysis on the In early 2013, Ubabef had projected an competitive picture of the national sector, he said. increase of 3% over the volumes produced and exThe two events are under the coordination of Ubaported in 2012. The projected advances had taken into bef, scheduled for 27 - 29 August, in So Paulo. consideration the expectation for bigger grain crops in the In light of these general perspectives, Turra countries of the Southern Hemisphere. Likewise, the future corn projected possible pressure over the supply and soybean contracts were also pointing to smaller prices than and demand balance, as a result of the tight the ones practiced in 2012, when they negatively impacted upon stocks both in Brazil and in the countries that the sector. On that occasion, the president of the entity, Franimport chicken meat from Brazil. He also has it cisco Turra, warned that it was nothing else than just a mothat a variable that could collaborate towards ment of relief, and that nobody should harbor hopes for rethis scenario is the smaller number of breedsults similar to historical levels, prior to the prolonged ing birds housed in 2012 and the traditional rise drought that took a heavy toll on the Northin consumption over the second half of the year. American crops and triggered price Furthermore, the occupation of the traditional hikes around the globe. bird raising spaces by seasonal bird raising operations, could have an influence on this context, he recalls

Inor Ag. Assmann



Tal frango,
Na avicultura brasileira, a relao entre pinto e frango vai alm da gentica. Por ser apenas um de seus insumos, a produo das pequenas aves no aleatria, mas diretamente dependente do comportamento do frango. Por isso, em 2012 o segmento tambm enfrentou dificuldades. De acordo com a Associao Brasileira de Produtores de Pinto de Corte (Apinco), no perodo, a produo de pintos de corte integrada e independente registrou reduo de aproximadamente 4% em relao a 2011. Se as previses iniciais tivessem se confirmado, poderia ter havido aumento de 5% em 2012. Conforme a instituio, alm da baixa, muitas expectativas no se confirmaram. O subaproveitado desse segmento e a eliminao sumria de parte do potencial instalado (matrizes de corte em produo) por ausncia absoluta de condies de manuteno (custos proibitivos do milho e do farelo de soja) foram algumas das situaes vivenciadas. A ocorrncia considerada rara na histria da avicultura brasileira, uma vez que corresponde segunda queda de produo registrada nos ltimos 20 anos. De acordo com a Apinco, o retrocesso anterior acontecera em 2006, causado por fatores externos, como a ecloso de surtos de Influenza Aviria em inmeros pases do Hemisfrio Norte.




tal pinto

Produo de pintos em 2012 apresentou reduo de cerca de 4%, contrariando as expectativas, mas acompanhando a realidade da cadeia

E o futuro?
No Brasil, mais de 80% dos pintos de corte produzidos so oriundos de integraes e/ ou cooperativas, que produzem e abatem o prprio frango. Para a Apinco, ao descartar precocemente parte do plantel reprodutor, o setor teve reduzida sua capacidade de produo, hoje bem menor do que a existente em 2012. Mesmo assim, ela ainda se encontra melhor ajustada ao atual momento (recessivo dentro e fora do Pas). Diante dos obstculos, e devido a um esforo generalizado (extenso, alm do normal, do perodo de explorao das reprodutoras alojadas), o setor tem conseguido manter a produo em nvel ligeiramente superior, mas muito prximo do registrado em 2012. O panorama, contudo, deve se manter inalterado no segundo semestre de 2013. A previso de que o ano se encerre com evoluo de produo no muito diferente de zero, enquanto as primeiras indicaes de 2014 apontam para capacidade de produo inferior do ltimo trinio (2010/2012), uma vez que as dificuldades econmicas enfrentadas em 2012 continuam se refletindo na atividade e limitando a evoluo do setor.


Inor Ag. Assmann

Production of young chickens in 2012 was down about 4%, contradicting expectations, but keeping pace with the stark reality of the supply chain
In Brazilian poultry farming, the relation between young chickens and broilers goes beyond genetic variables. As only one of its inputs, raising small birds is not a random job, but directly dependent on the behavior of the broiler. This is why in 2012 the segment also faced difficulties. According to the Brazilian Association of Meat Chicken Raisers (Apinco), over the period, the production of meat chickens either through integrated or indepen54

Like chicken, like young

dent systems - was down approximately 4 percent from 2011. If initial projections had confirmed, there could have been a 5 percent increase in 2012. Officials from the institution confirm that, besides de decrease in production, an array of expectations failed to come true. The underutilized variables of the segment and the sheer elimination of part of the installed potential (chicken meat laying hens actively producing eggs) because of no maintenance conditions (skyrocketing corn and soybean meal prices) were some of the situations that blatantly affected the sector. This occurrence is viewed as very rare in the history of Brazils poultry farming business, as it corresponds to the second drop in production in the past 20 years. According to Apinco officials, the previous setback occurred in 2006, caused by external factors, like the outbreaks of the avian influenza through several countries in the Northern Hemisphere.

And the future

In Brazil, upwards of 80% of all young meat chickens come from integration schemes and/or from cooperatives that produce their own chickens. Apinco officials maintain that, by anticipating the elimination of the breeding stock, the sector had it production capacity reduced, now lagging far behind the production capacity of 2012. Even so, it seems to be better adjusted to the present moment (recession both at home and abroad). In light of obstacles, and due to a generalized effort (extension, beyond normal, of the time period for exploring the housed breeding stock, the sector has managed to keep the production levels slightly up, but very close to the levels registered in 2012. Nevertheless, the panorama is supposed to remain unaltered over the second half of 2013. The projection is for the year to come to a close with production evolving at a rate at, or close to, zero, while the first indications for 2014 point to a smaller production capacity compared to the last triennium (2010/2012), since the economic hurdles faced in 2012 continue reverberating throughout the activity and limiting the evolution factor.

AGITO Hustle and bustle

Produo de pintos de corte
Ano Milhes de cabeas 2008 5,469 2009 5,560 2010 5,998 2011 6,245 2012 6,007
Fonte: Apinco


Bem s
Aumento de produo e avano nas vendas externas agitam a cadeia de ovos, que espera transformar os seus esforos em saborosas receitas
O sabor e a qualidade do ovo brasileiro parecem ter conquistado de vez os consumidores internacionais. Em 2012, a exportao do produto nacional alcanou a 26,8 mil toneladas, com crescimento de 61,2% em relao a 2011. A receita cambial, de US$ 42,6 milhes, representou incremento de 50,8%, como apontam dados da Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef). J no ranking de principais compradores, Angola (47%) e Emirados rabes Unidos (38%) ocupam as primeiras posies. Enquanto os embarques deram salto, a produo de ovos tambm cresceu, porm de forma mais tmida. No total, foram produzidas 31,7 bilhes de unidades, com elevao de 0,7%. Do montante, 78% foram de ovos frteis e 22% de ovos vermelhos, aponta relatrio da Ubabef. Entre os maiores estados produtores no Brasil, So Paulo teve a liderana em 2012, com 36,6% de participao, seguido por Minas Gerais (11,7%), Esprito Santo (7,7%), Paran (7,1%), Mato Grosso (6,1%), Pernambuco (5,9%) e Rio Grande do Sul (5,3%). Em outro extremo, o consumo per ca56
Robispierre Giuliani

com preo mdio quase 50% superior ao do mesmo perodo de 2012, valor 26,64% acima da mdia do ano precedente. So ndices que sugerem grandes ganhos, mas que, na realidade, somente cobrem o custo maior registrado a partir de meados de 2012. Enquanto os nmeros se mostram favorveis, so desenvolvidas, no Brasil, diversas aes para incentivar o consumo do ovo. Em Bastos, no Estado de So Paulo, por exemplo, foi realizada, recentemente, a 54 Festa do Ovo. O municpio considerado a Capital do Ovo, por ser o maior produtor da Amrica Latina. No total, so obtidas 14 milhes de unidades por dia, o que corresponde a 40% de toda a produo do Estado e 20% do Pas.

pita de ovos no Pas ficou em 161,53 unidades no perodo, contra 162,5 unidades em 2011, reduo de 0,65%. O mercado interno absorve quase a totalidade da produo (99%). Mesmo assim, o consumo ainda baixo. Por isso, h bastante espao para o crescimento da protena, afirma Francisco Turra, da Ubabef. Em 2013, um dos destaques junto ao segmento de ovos a estabilidade dos preos, marcando histria no setor de postura. Iniciada nos ltimos dias de abril, a estagnao da remunerao oferecida ao produtor estendeu-se por maio e junho e devia se manter pelo menos nos primeiros dias de julho. O primeiro semestre de 2013 fechou


Higher production volumes and strides in foreign sales excite the egg production supply chain, which hopes to turn its efforts into delicious recipes

Taste and quality of the eggs produced in Brazil seemed to be major factors in conquering the palate of international consumers. In 2012, exports of eggs amounted to 26.8 thousand tons, up 61.2% from 2011. Revenue of US$ 42.6 million represented an increase of 50.8%, Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef) sources confirmed. On the list of major importers, Angola (47%) and the United Arab Emirates (38%) rank first and second, respectively. While shipments abroad made strides, egg production in Brazil followed suit, but rather sluggishly. In all, 31.7 billion eggs were produced, up 0.7%. Of the total, 78% were fertile eggs and 22% red eggs, Ubabef report confirmed. Of all egg producing states in Brazil, the following are of note: So Paulo ranked as largest in 2012, with a share of 36.6%, followed by Minas Gerais (11.7%), Esprito Santo (7.7%), Paran (7.1%), Mato Grosso (6.1%), Pernambuco (5.9%) and Rio Grande do Sul (5.3%). At the other extremity, per capita consumption of eggs in Brazil remained at 161.53 units over the period, against 162.5 units in 2011, down 0.65%%. The domestic market absorbs almost half of the entire production (99%). Even so, consumption is still low. This leaves much room for this protein producing sector to increase its output even further, Ubabef official Francisco Turra commented. In 2013, one of the highlights in the egg production segment has to do with stable prices, making history in the egg producing sector. Starting in late April, egg price stagnation extended through May and June and is likely to remain unchanged until the end July. The first half of 2013 came to a close with average prices up 50% from the same period in 2012, representing an increase of 26.64% over the previous years average prices. The rates suggest huge gains, however, in real terms, they only cover the higher production costs that started soaring in mid-2012. While the figures look favorable, several initiatives are being conducted in Brazil, all intended on encouraging consumption of eggs. In the city of Bastos, in the State of So Paulo, for example, the 54th Egg Festival was held recently. The city is known as Egg Capital, for its status as biggest producer in Latin America. Output per day reaches 14 million pieces, corresponding to 40% of the entire production throughout the State and 20% over the Countrys output.



Produo de carne de peru chegou a 442 mil toneladas em 2012, com aumento de 44,8% sobre 2011, metade dela em apenas dois estados


Europeus e americanos costumam servir peru na Ceia de Natal. Na Europa, a ave j era servida nesta data desde o sculo 16. Depois, passou a ser apreciada nas celebraes natalinas tambm na Amrica. Tudo indica que em 2012 a robusta ave, que em mdia abatida com 70 dias de vida e pesando 18,5 quilos, foi intensamente mais consumida na data crist e, provavelmente, em algumas outras ocasies. A produo nacional dessa carne chegou a 442 mil toneladas em 2012, registrando acrscimo de 44,8% sobre o resultado de 305 mil toneladas do ano anterior, de acordo com a Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef). Grande parte da produo de 2012 (81%) foi comercializada in natura, e o restante, 19%, industrializada. Do total produzido, 60% foi destinado ao mercado interno e 40% embarcado para o exterior. Os estados de Santa Catarina e do Paran foram os principais produtores de carne de peru, com participaes de 27% e 24,71%, respectivamente. Outras contribuies importantes foram as dos estados de Minas Gerais (17,64%), Gois (16,68%) e Rio Destinos Grande do Sul (13,98%). A Unio Europeia foi o principal De acordo com Clever Pirola, premercado da carne de peru do Brasil em 2012. A sidente da Associao Catarinenregio importou 82 mil toneladas do produto, 10,3% a se de Avicultura (Acav), o promais do que no ano anterior. Esse volume representou 46% duto hoje ofertado de forma do total exportado. A frica foi outro destino da tradicional ave regular todos os dias do ano. servida no Natal. Os envios para l foram de 72 mil toneladas, 64,7% Alm disso, caminha para acima do total negociado em 2011. uma fase importante de Ainda somam-se as exportaes para Europa Extra UE (12 mil toneladas), agregao de valor, atravs Amrica (7 mil toneladas), Oriente Mdio (2 mil toneladas) e sia (1 mil toneda praticidade demandada ladas). O Pas embarcou 178 mil toneladas de carne da ave, 26,8% acima do pela sociedade, como pratos enviado em 2011. J a receita gerada totalizou US$ 500,4 milhes em 2012, prontos, temperados, cortes 12,5% alm do obtido no ano anterior. O presidente da Acav, Clever Piroespeciais e pores custola, menciona que um conjunto de fatores torna o cenrio melhor, ou mizadas. A protena animal no, no dia-a-dia. A combinao de acidentes sanitrios numa de aves conquistou seu espao protena animal em determinada regio, aspectos camjuntos aos consumidores, pelos biais e oscilaes da produo de gros caracterizam aspectos naturais de saudabilidade oportunidades e devem ser identificadas e e pela acessibilidade a todas as classes aproveitadas, avalia. de renda do Pas, analisa.

Inor Ag. Assmann


Production of turkey meat reached 442 thousand tons in 2012, up 44.8% from 2011, half of it in two states only

Europeans and North-Americans usually serve turkey meat at Christmas Dinner. In Europe, this bird has been on the Christmas menu since the 16th century. Then it also worked its way into the Christmas celebrations in America. There is every indication that in 2012, this robust bird, which is usually slaughtered at 70 days, weighing 18.5 kilos on average, was as usual intensively consumed during Christian celebrations and, probably on some other occasions, too. In Brazil, production of this meat amounted to 442 thousand tons in 2012, up 44.8% from the 305 thousand tons of the previous year, Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef) sources said. A huge portion of the meat in 2012 (81%) was traded fresh, and the remaining 19% underwent an industrialization process. The domestic market absorbed 60% of the total, while Destinations 40% was shipped abroad. Leading producers of turkey The European Union was the main destimeat in Brazil were the States of Santa Catarina and nation for Brazils turkey meat in 2012. The region importParan, with a share of 27% and 24.71%, respeced 82 thousand tons of the product, up 10.3% from the previous tively. Other relevant contributions came from the year. This volume represented 46% of total exports. Africa was another States of Minas Gerais (17.64%), Gois (16.68%) destination for the traditional bird served at Christmas. Shipments to that conand Rio Grande do Sul (13.98%). tinent totaled 72 thousand tons, up 64.7% from the total shipped in 2011. According to Clever Pirola, president of the It is also worth mentioning the shipments to Extra Europe EE (12 thousand Santa Catarina State Aviculture Association tons), America (7 thousand tons), the Middle East (2 thousand tons) and Asia (1 (Acav), this type of meat is now supplied year thousand tons). The Country shipped 178 thousand tons of turkey meat abroa, round, on an everyday basis. Furthermore, up 26.8% from the shipments in 2011. Revenue from these shipments amounted it is now on the way to an important valueto US$ 500.4 million in 2012, up 12.5% from the total of the previous year. Acav adding stage, in line with more practical president Clever Pirola comments that a series of factors are responsible for supplies at the request of society, like readyimproving the scenario, or leave as it is, in the day-by-day routine. The to-eat dishes, seasoned meat, special cuts combination of sanitary incidences in a certain animal protein in a and customized portions. Bird-based animal specific region, exchange rate variables and oscillations in the protein has conquered the palates of consumers, volumes of grain crops provide for opportunities that and the credit goes to its natural healthy appearance should be identified and taken advantage of, and because it is affordable to people of all walks of life he concludes. throughout the Country, he analyzes.

Abate de outras espcies de aves, como codornas, patos, faises, marrecos e perdizes, recuou para cerca de 10 milhes de cabeas em 2012
O cardpio brasileiro base de aves bem variado. A avicultura nacional tambm abastece os mercados interno e externo com carne de outras espcies. O Brasil abateu total de 10,074 milhes de cabeas de outras sete espcies de aves em 2012, de acordo com a Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef). Nmero maior foi abatido em 2011, com total de 10,48 milhes de animais. Quase toda a produo de 2012 foi comercializada in natura (98%), com a industrializao respondendo pelos 2% restantes. Em 2011, a industrializada re60
Inor Ag. Assmann


presentou apenas 1%. Do total abatido, as codornas somaram 6,149 milhes de unidades, correspondendo a 61,04% do todo. As demais aves abatidas foram patos (2,719 milhes de cabeas), faises (921.697), marrecos (228.114), avestruzes (47.555), perdizes (7.098) e gansos (774). Santa Catarina respondeu por 90,27% do abate em 2012. Os outros estados que tambm contriburam com a oferta dessa protena animal foram Minas Gerais (5,14%), Paran (1,91%), Bahia (1,87%), So Paulo (0,44%) e Mato Grosso (0,35%).

Os produtos j conquistaram paladares mais distantes. Em 2012, as exportaes chegaram a 3 mil toneladas, 87,3% acima do volume de 1,64 mil toneladas embarcadas em 2011. Esse aumento recuperou a queda de 61,2% registrada em 2011. As vendas externas em 2012 resultaram em US$ 11,2 milhes, significando acrscimo de 60,44% sobre a receita do ano anterior, que havia registrado baixa de 40% sobre o valor de 2010. Os principais destinos de 2012 foram Oriente Mdio (1.551 toneladas), sia (1.105 toneladas) e frica (406 toneladas).

Slaughterings of other bird species, like tinamous, ducks, pheasants, teals and partridges, decreased by some 10 million pieces in 2012

Discerning palate
The Brazilian bird-based menu is rather variable. Our national aviculture operations also supply the domestic and foreign markets with meat from other bird species. In 2012, Brazil slaughtered a total of 10.074 million pieces of bird species other than chickens, Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef) sources confirmed. A bigger number was slaughtered in 2011, reaching a total of 10.480 million animals. Almost the entire production volumes in 2012 were traded fresh (98%), with industrialization accounting for the remaining 2%. In 2011, industrialization represented only 1%. The proportion of total slaughterings is as follows: tinamous amounted to 6.149 million pieces, corresponding to 61.04% of the total volume. All other birds that were slaughtered are split into the following species: ducks (2.719 million pieces), pheasants (921,697), teals (228,114), ostriches (47,555), partridges (7,098) and geese (774). Santa Catarina accounted for 90.27% of all birds slaughtered in 2012. Other states that also contributed towards supplying this animal protein were Minas Gerais (5.14%), Paran (1.91%), Bahia (1.87%), So Paulo (0.44%) ns Mato Grosso (0.35%). These products have already conquered more distant palates. In 2012, shipments abroad amounted to 3 thousand tons, 87.3% above the volume of 1.64 thousand tons shipped in 2011. This increase recovered the 61.2% reduction registered in 2011. In 2012, foreign sales brought in revenue of US$ 11.2 million, up 60.44% from the revenue raked in the previous year, which had fallen by 40% from the value achieved in 2012.Major destinations in 2012 include the Middle East (1,551 tons), Asia (1,105 tons) and Africa (406 tons).

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Domino effect

A alta nas cotaes do milho e da soja em 2012 foram determinantes para agravar a crise que se abateu sobre a suinocultura nacional, e que vinha provocando efeitos j no ano anterior. Com os insumos utilizados nas raes mais caros, os criadores no conseguiram obter lucro com a atividade. Mesmo assim, houve incremento nos abates e na produo de carne suna. As vendas externas tambm foram maiores, assim como o consumo domstico. Em 2012, os suinocultores conviveram com o desafio de trabalhar com o menor prejuzo possvel. No primeiro semestre, a situao foi muito difcil, por influncia direta do aumento de custos e do consumo maior de carne bovina, o que quase sempre acarreta menor venda de carne suna. No segundo semestre, em funo do fraco desempenho dos primeiros seis meses, houve retrao

nos abates, o que provocou aumento nos valores pagos ao produtor, atingindo as maiores cotaes em dezembro. A recuperao ao final de 2012 fez com que a carne suna entrasse em 2013 com alta remunerao, em mdia acima de R$ 3,00 pelo quilo vivo, nos principais estados. Mas com o passar do ano, as cotaes foram baixando. A situao no final do primeiro semestre, no entanto, est um pouco melhor do que a encontrada no mesmo perodo do ano anterior. Para o segundo semestre, as perspectivas vinham sendo boas, principalmente pela expectativa da entrada no mercado da segunda safra de milho, prevista para ser recorde, o que tendia a fazer as cotaes do gro despencarem. A quantidade de animais abatidos cresceu na faixa de 3% em 2012, o que tem sido a mdia dos ltimos anos. O

Diretamente atrelada soja e ao milho, a suinocultura passou por forte crise em 2012, com aumento do preo dos gros usados nas raes
aumento ocorreu em todos os estados, com exceo de Santa Catarina, principal produtor, onde houve pequeno recuo. J a produo de carne suna avanou 2,5% no perodo. As campanhas para aumento das vendas no mercado interno tm surtido o efeito desejado e o consumo per capita j ultrapassa a 15 quilos por habitante ao ano. Tambm as exportaes tiveram crescimento, em quantidade e faturamento, porm com o preo mdio bem abaixo ao praticado em 2011. states. As the days went by, prices started receding. At midyear, nonetheless, the situation is a little better from the same period the previous year. For the second half of the year, expectations have been promising, particularly in view of the second corn crop now about to be harvested, estimated to reach record amounts, obviously pointing to plunging prices. Pig slaughtering soared by 3% in 2012, on a par with the average over the past years. This increase occurred in all states, with the exception of Santa Catarina, leading producer, a state that experienced a minor decrease. On the other hand, the production of pig meat soared by 2.5 percent over the period. The campaigns geared towards bigger sales in the domestic market were successful and per capita consumption is now upwards of 15 kilos/person/year. Exports also soared, both in quantity and revenue, but with average prices way below the levels practiced in 2011.

Directly chained to soybean and corn, pig farming experienced a serious crisis in 2012, with feed grain prices soaring considerably
Higher corn and soybean prices were major factors in deepening the crisis that hit our national pig farming operations, whose ripple effects had started the previous year. With the feed inputs more expen-

sive, the producers were unable to derive profits from the activity. Even so, pig slaughterings and, of course, the production of pig meat increased. Foreign sales also soared, and so did domestic consumption. In 2012, pork producers had to put up with the challenge to conduct their activity with the smallest loss possible. In the first half of the year, the situation got very rough, a problem that stemmed directly from higher production costs and soaring consumption of bovine meat, which inevitably results into smaller pork sales. In the second half of the year, by virtue of the weak performance over the six first months, slaughtering slowed down, resulting into higher farm gate prices, which reached their peak in December. As a result of the recovery in late 2012, pig meat entered the year 2013 attracting better remuneration, with a kilo of live pig fetching R$ 3.00, on average, in all major pork producing

Na corda
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Crise da suinocultura se agravou em 2012 em funo da forte dependncia do setor ao milho e soja, fontes de alimentao do rebanho
A forte dependncia a insumos como milho e soja faz da suinocultura uma atividade vulnervel s oscilaes do mercado. Em tempos de alta no custo de produo, em funo do aumento nas cotaes dos gros, a remunerao dos criadores fica prejudicada, muitas vezes situando-se abaixo dos valores gastos. Esse foi o cenrio apresentado em 2012, e mais grave do que no ano anterior. A crise na atividade, no entanto, no foi suficiente para reduzir a produo de carne suna em 2012. Os nmeros mostram que houve, na verdade, incremento de 2,5% sobre 2011, atingindo 3,483 milhes de toneladas. A apurao foi feita pela Associao Brasileira da Indstria Produtora e Exportadora de Carne Suna (Abipecs), com base em dados dos sindicatos do setor nos trs estados do Sul e da Embrapa Sunos e Aves, de Concrdia (SC). O nmero de sunos abatidos tambm cresceu em 2012, sendo 3,2% superior a 2011. O ndice est dentro da mdia registrada nos ltimos anos. O acompanhamento do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE) revela que o incremento se deu em todos os principais estados produtores, menos Santa Catarina (queda de 1,3%), que, sozinho, representa 25% da suinocultura brasileira. No total, foram abatidos 35,979 milhes de animais. Se as quantidades produzidas foram maiores, o mesmo no ocorreu com a remunerao dos criadores. Segundo o presidente da Abipecs, Rui Eduardo Saldanha Vargas, no primeiro semestre as margens de comercializao foram muito baixas. A explicao est nos insumos (milho e farelo de soja), que, na avaliao do dirigente, estavam caros e escassos. Por isso, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul apresentaram maiores problemas, enquanto o Centro-Oeste se beneficiou com os gros mais baratos encontrados na regio, observa. A situao desfavorvel acarretada pelo aumento dos custos, principalmente no primeiro semestre, respingou tambm nas indstrias do setor. Pela avaliao da Abipecs, as empresas mais atingidas pela crise foram as que somente vendem cortes in natura no mercado interno e as que dependem da comercializao para Rssia e Ucrnia, pases que apresentaram embargo ao produto nacional em 2012. As restries internacionais carne suna brasileira, que incluram ainda algumas dificuldades comerciais com a Argentina, provocaram sobra de produto para consumo domstico. Os estoques cresceram rapidamente e os preos caram nos primeiros seis meses do ano. No segundo semestre, houve recuperao gradual das cotaes, com a melhoria nas vendas internas.



Walking the

The inevitable dependence on such crops as corn and soybean makes pig farming vulnerable to market oscillations. At times of higher production costs, as a result of higher grain prices, farmers remuneration gets jeopardized, frequently remaining below the values spent on the activity. This was the scenario faced by the farmers in 2012, more serious than in the previous year. The crisis affecting the activity, nonetheless, was not big enough to reduce the amount of pig meat produced in 2012.The numbers attest that there was, in fact, an increase of 2.5% from 2011, totaling 3.483 million tons. The numbers were ascertained by the Brazilian Pork Industry and Exporters Association (Abipecs), based on data furnished by the unions of the sector in the three southern states and by Embrapa Hogs and Poultry, in Concrdia (SC). The number of pigs slaughtered in 2012 was up 3.2% from 2011. This index is in line with the average values over the past years. Sources from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) reveal that these increases took place in all states, except Santa Catarina (down 1.3%), which, alone, accounts for 25% of all Brazilian pig farming operations. In all, 35.979 million pigs were slaughtered. If bigger amounts were produced, the same did not hold true for the remuneration derived by the producers. According to Abipecs president Rui Eduardo Saldanha Vargas, over the first half of

Pig farming crisis got worse in 2012 by virtue of the strong dependence of the sector on corn and soybean, major food sources for the herd

the year, profit margins were little attractive. The explanation lies in the inputs (corn and soybean), which, in the words of the Abipecs official, were expensive and in short supply. This accounts for the fact that Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul suffered the biggest consequences, while the Center-West took advantage of the cheaper grains available in the region, he observes. The unfavorable situation reaped from the soaring costs, especially over the first half of the year, equally affected the industrial sector. Abipecs sources understand that the companies most affected by the crisis were the ones that only trade fresh cuts in the domestic market and those companies who depend on exports to Russia and Ukraine, countries that implemented embargoes on the national product in 2012. The international restrictions to Brazilian pig meat, which also included some commercial hurdles with Argentina, resulted into surpluses in the domestic market. Stocks grew fast and prices plummeted over the first six months of the year. In the second half of the year, prices began to recover gradually, and domestic sales improved considerably.

DESEMPENHO Performance
Produo brasileira de carne suna (mil toneladas)
Estado 2011 2012 SC 782,1 805,5 RS 602,0 620,4 PR 529,7 529,7 MG 428,0 455,2 MT 187,0 214,7 GO 156,5 161,4 SP 155,7 151,3 MS 102,3 109,1 Outros estados 176,5 185,7 Total industrial 3.119,8 3.233,0 Subsistncia 278,0 250,0 Brasil 3.397,8 3.483,0
Fonte: Abipecs, SIPS, Sindicatos SC e PR, Embrapa.

ABATES Slaughterings
Animais abatidos (unidades)
Estado 2011 2012 Brasil 34.863.154 35.979.529 SC 9.057.630 8.931.624 RS 7.317.572 7.569.132 PR 6.613.564 6.988.685 MG 4.127.975 4.425.178 MT 2.090.931 2.161.902 GO 1.936.134 2.012.543 MS 1.074.696 1.189.979
Fonte: IBGE


A conquista do
A regio Sul tradicionalmente domina a produo de sunos no Brasil. Os trs estados somados so responsveis por cerca de 65% dos abates anuais. Nos ltimos 20 anos, no entanto, ocorreu expanso pelo Pas. O movimento natural levou o setor a investir em locais em que h fartura de gros, principais insumos para a alimentao animal. Assim, a atividade se instalou no Centro-Oeste. O presidente da Associao Brasileira da Indstria Produtora e Exportadora de Carne Suna (Abipecs), Rui Eduardo Saldanha Vargas, faz um paralelo entre as duas principais regies suincolas. O Centro-Oeste tem os insumos, que representam 75% do custo da suinocultura. J o Sul tem a vantagem de estar prximo dos portos de embarque: So Francisco do Sul e Itaja, em Santa Catarina; Paranagu, no Paran; e Rio Grande, no Rio Grande do Sul, compara. Outra diferena importante entre as duas regies produtoras a densidade de sunos por metro quadrado, maior no Sul. No Centro-Oeste h mais espao fsico, o que facilita o emprego de tecnologias mais modernas, explica Vargas. No entanto, destaca o presidente da Abipecs, os estados mais tradicionais ainda possuem espao para expanso da atividade. O diretor-executivo da Associao Brasileira de Criadores de Sunos (ABCS), Fabiano Coser, acredita que a suinocultura ainda vai se intensificar muito no Centro-Oeste. A vantagem ter comida barata, embora seja muito caro chegar ao mercado consumidor, critica. Para o pesquisador Marcelo Miele, da Embrapa Sunos e Aves, a tendncia que o setor passe a se instalar no Nordeste, em estados que j se destacam pelo cultivo de gros, como Bahia, Tocantins, Piau e Maranho.


Suinocultura tem como bero o Sul do Brasil, mas h pouco mais de 20 anos chegou ao CentroOeste, regio com grande disponibilidade de gros


The conquest of the

The cradle of Brazils pig farming business is the South, but it worked its way into the Center-West some 20 years ago, a region with no shortage of grains
Traditionally, the South is a major player in the production of hogs across Brazil. The three southern states, together, account for about 65% of all annual slaughters. Over the past 20 years, nevertheless, expansion began to occur all over the Country. Quite by instinct, the sector began to invest in regions where there are grains in abundance, major inputs in livestock feed. This is how the activity found its way into the Center-West. The president of the Brazilian Pork Industry and Exporters Association (Abipecs), Rui Eduardo Saldanha Vargas, draws a parallel between the two pig producing regions. The Center-West provides for the inputs that represent 75% of the costs involved in pig rearing. The South takes advantage of its geographical position, close to the shipment ports: So Francisco do Sul and Itaja, in Santa Catarina; Paranagu, in Paran; and Rio Grande, in Rio Grande do Sul, he compares. Anotherrelevant differencebetween thetwo pigproducingregionsistheamount ofpigs per square meter, bigger in the South. In the Center-West there is bigger physical space, facilitating the use of more modern technologies, Vargas explains. Nonetheless, the president of Abipecs points out , there is still room for expansion in the traditional pig raising states. The executive-director of the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS), Fabiano Coser, believes that pig farming is an activity that will progress even further in the Center-West. Cheap pig food is a great advantage, no matter how expensive it is to reach the consumer market, he claims. Embrapa Hogs and Poultry researcher Marcelo Miele maintains that the trend is for the sector to make it to the Northeast, in states that excel in the production of grains, like Bahia, Tocantins, Piau and Maranho.

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No por mero acaso do destino que Santa Catarina chegou ao pice da produo de sunos no Brasil. Foi nesse pequeno Estado do Sul, com forte colonizao europeia, que se instalaram as primeiras indstrias de processamento. E foram elas que impulsionaram a atividade, antes restrita subsistncia das famlias, em pequenas propriedades. Com o crescimento do setor, Santa Catarina foi conquistando espaos, a ponto de atualmente ser o nico Estado brasileiro a possuir o status sanitrio de livre da febre aftosa, sem vacinao. Essa condio, concedida pela Organizao Mundial de Sade Animal (OIE, na sigla em ingls), considerado diferencial importante para a comercializao da carne suna e de seus derivados. O presidente da Associao Catarinense de Criadores de Sunos (ACCS), Losivnio Luiz de Lorenzi, acredita que o sistema de integrao, entre a indstria e os criadores, o grande trunfo para o sucesso do controle sanitrio do rebanho no Estado. Atualmente, segundo ele, 90% dos oito mil produtores possuem contratos com as empresas. Mesmo assim, entende o dirigente, os 10% restantes, que atuam independentes, tm papel importante na economia. Eles abastecem pequenos frigorficos, que atendem aos mercados locais e regional, justifica. A verticalizao da suinocultura catarinense colaborou tambm para a profissionalizao do setor. Antes, os produtores faziam o ciclo completo, do nascimento terminao. Com a mudana do cenrio, cada um se especializou em uma rea, explica Lorenzi. Dessa forma, acrescenta, se antes a atividade era dominada por pequenos criadores, hoje a maior parte formada por mdios e grandes. O Estado deu outro exemplo para o Pas ao criar solues

Santa Catarina foi pioneiro na profissionalizao da suinocultura, sendo atualmente o nico Estado do Brasil livre de febre aftosa sem vacinao
para graves problemas ambientais, provocados pelos resduos da suinocultura. Muitas tecnologias saram do papel para a prtica, para resolver essas questes, observa o presidente da ACCS. Com o biodigestor, que produz o biogs, os criadores conseguem produzir calor para abastecimento domstico. J a compostagem transforma material lquido em slido, constituindo-se num importante adubo para uso na agricultura. Santa Catarina possui rebanho suno que ultrapassa a seis milhes de cabeas e plantel de 420 mil matrizes. A produo anual gira em cerca de 800 mil toneladas de carne, com mdia de 200 mil toneladas exportadas, outras 400 mil toneladas vendidas a outros estados e 200 mil consumidas no mercado domstico. O consumo per capita da carne suna o maior do Pas, chegando a 32 quilos por habitante/ano, enquanto o brasileiro de 15,6 quilos.

None other than a

It is not by chance that Santa Catarina climbed to the top in terms of pig farming in Brazil. It was in that small State, located in South Brazil, still under a strong influence inherited from the European settlers that the first processing industries were set up. And these industries really propelled the activity ahead, which, in the past, was restricted to family subsistence purposes, usually on small holdings. As the sector began to make strides, Santa Catarina began to conquer more ground, to the point that, at present, it is the only Brazilian State that boasts the free from the foot-and-mouth disease, without vaccination, status. This distinction, granted by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), is what makes a substantial difference when it comes to trading pig meat and its derivatives. The president of the Santa Catarina State Association of Pig Raisers (ACCS), Losivnio Luiz de Lorenzi, believes that the integration system, encompassing industries and farmers, is the real trump card for the success in controlling the sanitary status of the entire herd in the State. Currently, according to him, 90 percent of the eight thousand pig farmers work under contracts with companies. Even so, he has it, the remaining 10 percent, who work as independent pig farmers, perform an important role in the economy. They supply small meat packing industries, which serve local and regional markets, he understands. The verticalization process in Santa Catarinas pig

Santa Catarina was the state that first introduced professional pig farming methods, and is currently the only State in Brazil free from the footand-mouth disease, without vaccination

farming operations was also a factor in the professional status of the sector. In the past, the farmers completed the entire cycle, from birth to termination. As the scenario changed, each pig raiser got specialized in a specific area, Lorenzi explained. Under such circumstances, he adds, if in the past the activity was almost entirely in the hands of small-scale farmers, nowadays it is almost entirely in the hands of medium size and commercial farmers. The State set another example to the Country through the creating solutions for serious environmental problems, brought about by pig rearing waste. Lots of new technologies moved from theory to practice, coming up with solutions to these questions, the ACCS president observes. With the biodigestor, which produces gas, pig raisers manage to produce the necessary heat for their domestic needs. On the other hand, composting methods turn solid waste into liquid waste, thus becoming a powerful fertilizer used in agriculture. Santa Catarinas pig herd amounts to upwards of six million head and a breeding stock of 420 thousand animals. Annual production reaches around 800 thousand tons of meat, with 200 thousand tons shipped abroad, on average, other 400 thousand tons are shipped to other Brazilian States, while the local market absorbs the remaining 200 thousand tons. Per capita consumption of pork is the biggest in the Country, reaching around 32 kilograms person a year, while in the rest of the Country it is 15.6 kilograms.

Produtores saram em busca de insumos para a nutrio dos sunos, e assim Mato Grosso acabou virando alternativa vivel na atividade
Uma vez que o Estado grande produtor de gros, na regio Centro-Oeste, era natural que a suinocultura se expandisse para o Mato Grosso, buscando assim a diminuio de custos com a alimentao dos animais. As primeiras propriedades se instalaram na rea no incio da dcada de 1990. Mas foi somente a partir da criao do Programa Granja de Qualidade, institudo pelo governo do Estado, em 1995, que a atividade ganhou impulso. Atualmente, o rebanho suno perfaz 1,5 milho de animais, com mais de 130 mil matrizes. So 350 produtores cadastrados na Associao dos Criadores de Sunos do Mato Grosso (Acrismat), com produo,

aumento do plantel de sunos, por outro o Mato Grosso convive com dificuldades que emperram esse crescimento. Por estar longe dos centros consumidores, a logstica de transporte um dos maiores problemas para escoar a produo. O Estado possui um dos maiores custos de frete do Pas, observa Lorenzi. D como exemplo o valor cobrado por uma carga que sai de Canarana, no interior, at o Porto de Santos, em So Paulo, num total de 1,9 mil quilmetros, que chega a R$ 235,00 pela tonelada. Para a mesma distncia na Argentina, o gasto de R$ 92,00, enquanto nos Estados Unidos cai para R$ 72,00 pela tonelada.

em 2012, de 215 mil toneladas de carne suna. A entidade calcula que o setor seja responsvel pela gerao de 8.750 empregos diretos e outros 30 mil indiretos. Para o presidente da Acrismat, Paulo Cezar Lucion, o Estado possui alto potencial de expanso da suinocultura, em virtude da grande disponibilidade de gros e da baixssima densidade de sunos, de apenas um animal por metro quadrado. Alm disso, enumera o dirigente, o rebanho possui excelente nvel sanitrio. A boa oferta de energia e a poltica ambiental, exigente e bem fundamentada, conduzem sustentabilidade das operaes, conclui. Se por um lado h grande potencial de

Natural course
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Producers went in search of inputs for pig nutrition, and this is how Mato Grosso turned out to be a viable alternative for the activity
As the State is a major grain producer in the Center-West region, it was quite natural for pig farming operations to find their way into Mato Grosso, thus reducing animal food costs. The first pig raisers settled in the region in the 1990s. Nevertheless, it was only after the creation of the Quality Farm Program, masterminded by the State Government, in 1995, that the activity got momentum. Currently, the pig herd consists of 1.5 million animals, with a breeding stock of upwards of 130 thousand head. In all, there are 350 registered pig raisers members of the Mato Grosso State Pig Raisers Association (Acrismat) with a production of 215 thousand tons of pig meat products, in 2012.The entitys understanding is that the sector is responsible for the generation of 8,750 direct jobs and 30 thousand indirect ones. Acrismat president Paulo Cezar Lucion maintains that the State boasts a high potential for expanding its pig farming business, by virtue of the abundance of grain and the very low density of swine population density, just one animal per square meter. Furthermore, the president reiterates, the herd excels in sanitary levels. Lush energy supply and environmental policy, strict and well founded, lead to sustainable operations, he concludes. If for one thing there is great potential for increasing the pig herd, on the other hand, Mato Grosso has to put up with difficulties that impair this growth. Because the State is a long distance from the consumer centers, transport logistics is one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to shipping the crop out of the State. Freight costs are the highest in the Country, Lorenzi observes. As an example he cites the freight cost of R$ 235.00 per ton for a truck load that leaves Canarana, in the interior, for the Port of Santos, in So Paulo, totaling 1.9 thousand kilometers. For the same distance in Argentina, it is R$ 92.00, while in the United States it drops to R$ 72.00 per ton.

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De olho na

Tudo indica que os suinocultores brasileiros devem chegar ao final de 2013 bem mais otimistas do que no ano anterior. Isso porque as margens de lucro dos criadores aos poucos comeam a se recuperar. Se o primeiro semestre ainda no foi dos melhores, o segundo promete trazer alvio ao setor, que sofreu com os altos custos da atividade em 2012. O diretor-executivo da Associao Brasileira dos Criadores de Sunos (ABCS), Fabiano Coser, esperava que o primeiro semestre de 2013 j pudesse ser de melhor remunerao para os produtores. No entanto, sua previso no se confirmou. Os gros ainda esto caros, advertia, em meados do ano. Mesmo assim, ele tinha esperana de que a segunda parte do ano fosse de reduo no preo dos insumos. A expectativa do dirigente tem base na entrada no mercado do milho da segunda safra da temporada 2012/13, cuja previso de colheita no Brasil de 44,2 milhes de toneladas, conforme a Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab), em levantamenLendo o futuro to de julho de 2013. A Associao Brasileira da Indstria ProO pesquisador Marcelo Miele, da Embradutora e Exportadora de Carne Suna (Abipecs) prev pa Sunos e Aves, destaca que as cotaes crescimento de aproximadamente 1% na produo de carne da carne comercializada no mercado suna em 2013. A projeo da entidade est abaixo do potencial do independente vm se recuperando setor, em funo da crise que afetou, principalmente, fornecedores que ao longo de 2013. Esses suinoculoperam sem contrato e as indstrias com baixo nvel de diversificao de protores no possuem contratos com dutos e de mercados, com foco somente no ambiente interno. as empresas processadoras e foAs exportaes e o consumo domstico devem apresentar aumento moderado ram os mais atingidos pela crise em 2013, pela estimativa da Abipecs. No entanto, existe otimismo quanto elevao em 2012. O sistema de integrados preos mdios, que podem ficar superiores aos de 2012. As cotaes no mercado o predomina na atividade no internacional tambm devem ser maiores, principalmente pelo alcance de importaBrasil. Miele acredita que, se por dores que pagam mais pelo produto. um lado esses produtores tm O Ministrio da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento (Mapa) publicou menor risco quanto variabiem junho de 2013 o documento Projees do Agronegcio 2012/13 a lidade de custos da carne e dos 2022/23. Com relao carne suna, a previso de que o Brasil pasinsumos, por outro, eles possuem sar de produo de 3,5 milhes de toneladas para 5,4 milhes de margem menor para negociao. toneladas no perodo analisado. O consumo, que est em 2,9 milhes de toneladas, em 10 anos atingir a 7,4 milhes de toneladas. J as exportaes passaro de 620 mil para 1,1 milho de toneladas em uma dcada.

Suinocultores torcem pela diminuio nos custos da atividade a partir da entrada no mercado da segunda safra de milho da temporada 2012/13


Keeping an eye on
Inor Ag. Assmann

Pig farmers expect smaller production costs as soon as the second 2012/13 corn crop reaches the market

the crop


There is every reason to believe that, by the end of 2013, Brazils pig farmers will be more optimistic than the previous year. This is because the profits of the pig producers are now on a gradual recovery trend. If the first half of the year was not very brilliant, the second promises to bring solace to the sector, which had to put up with the high costs of the activity in 2012. The executive director of the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS), Fabiano Coser, had hoped the farmers would get better remuneration in the first half of 2013. However, his expectation did not confirm. All grains are still very expensive, he warned at midyear. Even so, he still believes that input prices will fall during the second half of the year. The expectation of the president relies on the arrival of the 2012/2013 second corn crop, estimated at 44.2 million tons, according to a survey conducted by the National Supply Company (Conab), in July 2013. Researcher Marcelo Miele, of Embrapa Hogs and poultry, comments that meat prices in the independent market have been on a recovery path throughout 2013.These pig farmers have no contracts with the meat processing companies and were hit the most during the 2012 crisis. The integration system predominates in the activity across Brazil. Miele believes that if, for one thing, these producers are at the mercy of smaller risks as to the variability of input and price costs, on the other hand, their restrictions include smaller negotiation Looking to the future margins The Brazilian Pork Industry and Exporter Association (Abipecs) foresees an increase of approximately 1 percent in the production of pig meat in 2013. The projection of the entity lags behind the potential of the sector, by virtue of the crisis that in particular affected the suppliers, who operate without any contract, and the industries with low market and product diversification levels. Exports and domestic consumption should grow moderately in 2013, Abipecs sources said. Nevertheless, there is much expectation for higher average prices, which could outstrip last years average. Prices in the international marketplace are also expected to soar, especially because importers of bigger purchasing power have been attracted. In June 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa) published the document Agribusiness Projections 2012/13 to 2022/23. With regard to pig meat, the forecast is for Brazil to increase its production from 3.5 million tons to 5.4 million tons over the analyzed period. Consumption remains at 2.9 million tons, but is estimated to reach 7.4 million tons over the next 10 years. On the other hand, exports will jump from 620 thousand tons to 1.1 million tons over the next decade.

Desfiando as
Resultado econmico da suinocultura est diretamente vinculado ao desempenho do milho e da soja, principais componentes da rao animal
O esmero e a competncia na conduo da produo so insuficientes para garantir ao suinocultor uma boa remunerao na venda do resultado do seu trabalho. Definir o valor pelo qual a carne ser comercializada muito mais complexo do que possa parecer. A complicada matemtica leva em considerao os gastos de granja, a valorizao ou no dos gros, o pagamento da mo de obra, as despesas com o transporte e at a conjuntura econmica internacional. O fator com maior influncia na formao do custo de produo a nutrio dos animais, que representa em torno de 75% do total. Como os sunos consomem basicamente rao, os valores praticados por fornecedores de milho e de farelo de soja, matrias-primas para a alimentao do rebanho, impactam diretamente na atividade. Mesmo com a grande quantidade de gros disponveis no mercado domstico, as cotaes desses insumos aumentaram vertiginosamente em 2012. Em dezembro, por exemplo, chegaram a representar 80% das despesas. Conforme acompanhamento mensal realizado pela Embrapa Sunos e Aves, de Concrdia (SC), o custo de produo da

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suinocultura aumentou 28,74% durante o ano. Como resultado direto do aumento do custo de proA maior variao ocorreu, justamente, no duo, assim como da maior oferta de carne bovina, a suinoculitem alimentao, que subiu 26,37%. tura teve fraco desempenho econmico no primeiro semestre de 2012. No primeiro semestre de 2013, de A concluso do Boletim do Suno, publicado mensalmente pelo Centro de acordo com o levantamento da EmEstudos Avanados em Economia Aplicada (Cepea), da Escola Superior de Agribrapa, o setor vinha se recuperando. cultura Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq), da Universidade de So Paulo (USP). No perodo analisado, o custo apreA situao negativa provocou a diminuio dos abates no segundo semestre, o sentou queda de 8,47% em relao que acabou favorecendo o aumento dos preos e, mais para o final do ano, a recuperaao ndice apurado em dezembro o do poder de compra frente aos insumos da cadeia produtiva. Segundo a anlise do de 2012. De janeiro a junho, o prergo, em dezembro de 2012 as cotaes do suno vivo chegaram aos maiores patamao das raes caiu 9,5%. E a explires do ano. Na comparao de junho a dezembro, houve incremento nos principais escao simples: como o milho o tados produtores: Minas Gerais (81% mais), So Paulo (79%), Paran (71%), Rio Grande principal componente da alimendo Sul (57%) e Santa Catarina (56%). tao suna e uma supersafra do Em janeiro de 2013, pela primeira vez desde que o Cepea comeou a acomgro comeou a entrar no mercado a panhar a evoluo dos preos do suno em 2004, o quilo do produto foi copartir de junho, houve natural queda mercializado com mdia superior a R$ 3,00. No incio do ano, tanto o das cotaes desse insumo. Em meados milho quanto a soja haviam sofrido desvalorizao. Entre fevereido ano, os analistas apostavam em dimiro e junho, as cotaes da carne sofreram queda gradual nuio ainda mais intensa para o segundo diante da baixa demanda interna e da dimisemestre. nuio das exportaes.

Trajetria dos custos


Keeping an eye
Economic results from pig farming are directly linked to the performance of maize and soybean, main components of livestock feed
Operational diligence and competence are not enough for the farmers to reap good financial results from their work. To define the value pig meat will fetch at sales is a much more complex operation than one could imagine. The complex mathematical problem takes into consideration farm expenses, the higher value of the cereals, or even their lower prices, labor bills, freight costs and, ultimately, the international economic scenario. The factor that exerts the strongest influence on the production cost is, without any doubt, the problem of animal nutrition, which represents about 75% of the total. Once pigs consume nothing else than feed, prices practiced by the suppliers of corn and meal, raw materials for feeding the herd, have direct impacts upon the activity. Although there are huge amounts of grains available in the domestic market, the prices to these inputs skyrocketed in 2012. In December, for example, they accounted for 80% of the production costs. According to a monthly survey conducted


on costs

by Embrapa Hogs and Poultry, based in Concrdia (SC), the production cost of pig farming operations soared 28.74% over the year. The biggest variation occurred exactly in animal nutrition, representing a 26.37% rise. In the first half of 2013, the sector had been on a recovery path, Embrapa sources said. Over the analyzed period, the production cost was down 8.47% from the variation ascertained in December 2012. January through June, feed prices decreased by 9.5%. There is a very simple explanation: as maize is a major component in pig feed and a bumper crop of this kernel had Ups and down of the costs reached the market in June, the prices of this As a direct result of the higher production cost, along cereal suffered a natural decrease. Around with bigger supplies of bovine meat, pig rearing was characterized mid-year, analysts were projecting even by a low economic performance in the first half 2012.This is the conclusion further reductions for the second half of drawn by the Swine Bulletin, a monthly newsletter published by the Center for the year. Advanced Studies on Applied Economics (Cepea) of the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Esalq), a division of the University of So Paulo (USP). The negative scenario reduced the number of pigs slaughtered in the second half of the year, a fact that triggered price rises and, later in the year, the recovery of the purchasing power against the inputs of the supply chain. According to an analysis by the organ, in December 2012, prices of live pigs reached their peak. Comparing the months of June through December, production increases were experienced in all major pig rearing states, as follows: Minas Gerais (up 81%), So Paulo (79%), Paran (71%), Rio Grande do Sul (57%) and Santa Catarina (56%). In January 2013, for the first time since the Cepea started following the evolution of pork prices in 2004, a kilogram of the product fetched an average price of R$ 3.00, or more. At the beginning of the year, prices of both maize and soybean had dropped considerably. February through June, meat prices began to fall gradually by virtue of low domestic demand and weak exports.

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Mo na

A suinocultura brasileira poder contar em breve com um instrumento de proteo em tempos de baixas cotaes, como ocorreu no primeiro semestre de 2012. Projeto que tramita na Cmara dos Deputados inclui a carne suna na pauta de produtos amparados pela Poltica de Garantia de Preos Mnimos (PGPM). A proposio estava prevista para ser discutida e votada no incio de agosto de 2013, na Comisso de Constituio, Justia e Cidadania, de forma terminativa. Isso significa que no precisa ser apreciada em plenrio, antes de seguir para a sano presidencial, pois no recebeu nenhuma emenda parlamentar. A definio de um preo mnimo para a carne suna antiga demanda da Associao Brasileira de Criadores de Sunos (ABCS). O diretor-executivo da entidade, Fabiano Coser, diz que o mecanismo dar amparo legal ao produto. Na prtica, significa que em cada lanamento de Plano Safra os itens includos na lista do PGPM recebem a definio de um valor, a partir do qual devero ser comercializados, fixado pelo Conselho Monetrio Nacional (CMN), com base em sugesto do Ministrio da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento (Mapa). Os produtores de carne suna tero vrias vantagens com a lei. O governo poder conceder subveno econmica nas operaes de crdito rural, em condies Certificao de realizar leiles e contratos de opo, a fim Alm da incluso no PGPM, a carne suna de regular o mercado. O Poder Executivo est prestes a fazer parte do programa de Produo Intepoder ainda rever os juros pagos pelos grada Agropecuria. Em abril de 2013, o Mapa instituiu comisso criadores, para que haja compensao tcnica que visa a definio dos requisitos obrigatrios, recomendveis com o valor recebido pelo suinocule proibidos, a serem atendidos para que a propriedade e a agroindstria postor na venda do seu produto. J as sam receber o selo de Certificao em Produo Integrada (PI Brasil). operaes de financiamento ou De acordo com o fiscal federal agropecurio Rodrigo Moreira Dantas, do Mapa, aquisio, pelo governo federal, a comisso composta por representantes dos vrios segmentos da cadeia produtidevero obedecer obrigatoriava. No h previso para a concluso do trabalho. No entanto, destaca ele, a expectatimente o preo mnimo fixado. va de que as normas possam ser publicadas at o final do primeiro semestre de 2014. O programa ser de adeso voluntria e as propriedades e agroindstrias participantes sero auditadas e tero que obedecer s regras estabelecidas, observa. Rodrigo Dantas explica que todos os elos da cadeia sero beneficiados pela medida. O consumidor ter a garantia de que o produto oferecido no supermercado atende s exigncias de higiene, sanidade, cumprimento de leis trabalhistas e ambientais. O suinocultor ter melhor controle do processo realizado na granja, alm de poder agregar valor produo. O mesmo acontece com as agroindstrias e os varejistas, que tambm tero maior segurana quanto qualificao de seus fornecedores.


Suinocultura ser includa na Poltica de Garantia de Preos Mnimos, mecanismo de proteo para o produto em tempos de baixas cotaes


Soon, pig farming in Brazil will be able to count on a protection instrument for times of low prices, like what occurred in the first half of 2012. The Project that is now going through the channels of the House of Representatives includes pig meat on the list of products protected by the Minimum Prices Guarantee Policy (PGPM). The proposition has been scheduled to be debated and voted in early August 2013, at the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission, in terminating form. It means that there is no need for it to be appreciated in a plenary session, before it is submitted to a presidential sanction, since it has not received any parliamentary amendment. The definition of a minimum price for pig meat has long been requested by the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS). The executive-director of the entity, Fabiano Coser, says the mechanism will put the product under legal protection. In practice, it means that in every launching by the Crop Plan the items included on the PGPM list are set a defined value, which shall serve as trading basis, set by the National Monetary Council (CMN), based on a suggestion by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa). All pork producers will derive a series of advantages from the Law. The government is in a position to grant economic subsidies in rural credit operations, stage auctions and option contracts, so as to regulate the market. The executive branch has the power to revise the interest rates paid by the pig raisers, so as to ensure the farmers are duly compensated when it comes to selling their product. On the other hand, the acquisition of financing operations, conducted by the federal government, shall mandatorily comply with the minimum price in force.


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Pig farming is to be included in the Minimum Prices Guarantee Policy, a mechanism that protects the product at times of low prices

Besides the inclusion of the PGPM, pig meat is about to be included in the Agriculture Integrated Production program. In April 2013, the Mapa set up a technical committee responsible for defining the mandatory requisites, both the recommended and forbidden ones, to be complied with to make the farm and the agri-industry eligible for the Integrated Production Label (PI Brasil). According to federal agriculture inspector Rodrigo Moreira Dantas, of the ministry of agriculture, the committee consists of representatives of various segments of the supply chain. No time limit has been set for the conclusion of the work. Nonetheless, he stresses, the expectation is for the standards to be published by the end of the first half of 2014. The program is based on volunteer adhesion and the participating farms and agri-industries will be audited and are under obligation to comply with the established standards, he observes. Rodrigo Dantas explains that all links of the supply chain will benefit from the initiative. Consumers can rest assured that the product available on the supermarket shelves complies with hygiene and sanitary standards, as well as with labor laws and environmental concerns. Pig farmers will be able to exert improved control over all processes carried out on the farm, besides being able to add value to their products. The same holds for true for agri-industries and retailers, which will equally feel confident as to the qualification of their suppliers.


A carne suna a ser produzida em 2013 em nvel mundial deve superar em cerca de 1,8% a produo obtida no ano anterior, que j vinha em crescimento. O relatrio do Departamento de Agricultura dos Estados Unidos (USDA), de abril, aponta projeo de recorde, na ordem de 107,412 milhes de toneladas, ampliando em 2,7 milhes de toneladas a previso feita em outubro de 2012. A justificativa apresentada de que se passou a ter expectativa de menores preos das raes, a partir das maiores safras de gros a serem colhidas. Paralelamente, tambm se projeta maior consumo mundial, calculado em 106,978 milhes de toneladas, 2,049 milhes de toneladas a mais do que em 2012. Tanto em produo quanto em uso sobressai a China, respectivamente com 53,8 milhes de toneladas e 54,225 milhes de toneladas, prximo metade do total. Destacam-se ainda a Unio Europeia, com 27 pases; os Estados Unidos e o Brasil, quarto maior produtor (ou terceiro, se consideradas isoladamente as naes). J na importao, o Japo ocupa a primeira posio, com 1,23 milho de toneladas previstas para 2013, seguido da Rssia e do Mxico, embora se projete que a China tambm ultrapasse no quesito a estes dois, em 10 anos. Como maior exportador de produtos sunos mantm-se os Estados Unidos, com 2,442 milhes de toneladas em 2012, acompanhados de perto pela Unio Europeia, com 2,226 mihes de toneladas. Ainda nas primeiras posies seguem Canad, com 1,243 milho de toneladas, e Brasil, novamente na quarta colocao. O total das exportaes atingiu 7,305 milhes de toneladas em 2012, enquanto para 2013 foi prevista pelo USDA pequena reduo, para 7,245 milhes de toneladas, com menores vendas norte-americanas, particularmente para a Rssia, por restries comerciais. Previa-se tambm repercusso da comercializao brasileira para a Ucrnia, que no momento do relatrio estava interrompida. Em termos de produo, a perspectiva apresentada pelo rgo americano era de que os principais pases citados teriam incremento em 2013, como o caso de China, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Rssia, Mxico, Japo e Coreia do Sul. Apenas para a Unio Europeia, que tem o segundo maior volume, era prevista retrao para 2013, com menor rebanho suno produtivo nesta temporada, assim como o Canad. J em outra anlise, de maio, especificamente sobre os Estados Unidos, o USDA antecipava projees no pas em 2014, manifestando expectativa de que, ainda no embalo de custos mais reduzidos, poderia aumentar em cerca de 2,3% a oferta de carne suna, e em quase 5% as vendas para o exterior, com preos competitivos e forte demanda global.


Slvio vila

Produo de carne suna deve crescer no mundo em 2013 com perspectiva de aumento do consumo e de diminuio do custo de produo

On th
Pork production is set to rise in the world in 2013 on the grounds of soaring consumption and falling production costs

The amount of pig meat to be produced in the world in 2013 is estimated to be 1.8 percent bigger than last years bigger-than-usual production. The report by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), published in April, points to a record production of 107.412 million tons, outstripping by 2.7 million tons the October 2012 projection. The justification relies on the projected lower feed prices, dependent on the bigger cereal crops to be harvested. In the meantime, global consumption is also projected to rise to a total of 106.978 million tons, up 2.049 million tons from 2012. China predominates both in production and consumption, respectively with 53.800 million tons and 54.225 million tons, representing almost 50 percent of the total. Other relevant producers include the 27 countries of the European Union; the United States and Brazil, fourth biggest producer (or third, if nations are considered in an isolated manner). Regarding pork imports, Japan ranks first, with 1.230 million tons projected for 2013, followed by Russia and Mexico, but projections are for China to surpass the two countries on that score within a decade. The United States is the leading exporter of pork products, with 2.442 million tons in 2012, followed closely by the European Union, with 2.226 million tons. Other relevant exporters include Canada, with 1.243 million tons, and Brazil, again ranking fourth. Total exports amounted to 7.305 million tons in 2012, while for 2013 the USDA has projected a reduction to 7.245 million tons, with smaller North-American shipments, particularly to Russia, by virtue of trade restrictions. Ripple effects had also been foreseen for the Brazilian trade with Ukraine, which, at the moment the report was written, had come to a standstill. In terms of production, the perspective presented by the North-American organ was for bigger volumes in all major countries throughout 2013, particularly in China, the United States, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Japan and South Korea. A smaller production volume in 2013 was only projected for the European Union, second largest producer, but with a smaller pig herd during the current season, which is also the case of Canada. In another analysis specifically focused on the United States, released in May, the USDA anticipated projections for 2014, referring to expectations that, in line with the reduced production costs, pig meat supplies could soar 2.3 percent, while sales abroad were likely to increase by 5 percent, on the grounds of competitive prices and rising global demand.


SABOROSA Delicious
Carne suna no mundo (Produo em mil toneladas, peso equivalente carcaa)
2011 2012 2013 Total 102.015 105.519 107.412 China 49.500 52.350 53.800 EU-27 22.866 22.630 22.550 EUA 10.331 10.554 10.669 Brasil 3.227 3.330 3.370 Rssia 2.000 2.075 2.150
Fonte: USDA.


Inor Ag. Assmann


Setor confia no crescimento contnuo da produo e da venda de carne suna e busca a superao dos desafios que se apresentam na atividade
A cadeia produtiva de sunos no Brasil est articulada com foco no seu crescimento permanente e atenta a todas as questes que considera fundamentais para tal. Alguns desafios esto sendo priorizados, como o caso da sustentabilidade, da rastreabilidade, da diversificao de produtos e mercados, alm da logstica, mencionados pela Associao Brasileira da Indstria Produtora e Exportadora de Carne Suna (Abipecs) em seu Relatrio Anual de 2012. Nele, tambm lembra a importncia do segmento no desenvolvimento econmico e social de muitos municpios e do Pas, com a gerao de 605 mil empregos e a insero de 39,5 mil fornecedores, nmeros que o setor pretende ampliar cada vez mais, junto com o seu prprio desenvolvimento. O crescimento projetado para a suinocultura, pela Assessoria de Gesto Estratgica do Ministrio da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento (Mapa), no prximo decnio, prev avano de 1,9% ao ano na produo, ndice relativamente alto, que consegue atender ao consumo domstico e s exportaes, conforme sua anlise. Com isso, at 2023, cresceria no total 20,6%, chegando a 4.286 mil toneladas (ou 5.460 mil toneladas, no limite superior). J o consumo interno aumentaria um pouco menos (18,9%, alcanando a 3.502 mil toneladas, porm admitindo at 7.460 mil toneladas no nvel superior) e a venda externa, mais (29,4%, para 802 mil toneladas, ou 1.161 mil toneladas, se considerada a projeo mais elevada). No caso dos primeiros valores basicamente estimados, seriam inferiores ao


crescimento das carnes de frango e bovina, enquanto na exportao seriam superiores variao das outras protenas consideradas, com quadro favorvel projetado. A disposio mostrada pelo setor suincola, no entanto, de que possa avanar mais tambm no consumo domstico, onde o seu produto hoje ainda fica atrs das outras duas carnes. Forte campanha de incentivo, liderada pela Associao Brasileira dos Criadores de Sunos (ABCS), est conseguindo resultados interessantes, com ndices mais elevados de aumento na demanda por pessoa (de 13 para 15 kg, entre 2010 e 2012). Da mesma forma, na produo, especificamente para 2013, j foram manifestadas perspectivas mais otimistas do que o 1% previsto pela Abipecs na virada do ano. Junto Embrapa Sunos e Aves, por exemplo, a estimativa de crescimento se d ao nvel anual de 3%. Por outro lado, Anlise da Conjuntura Agropecuria do Departamento de Economia Rural (Deral) da Secretaria da Agricultura do Paran (Seab), feita em fevereiro de 2013, mostrava expectativa de aumento na produo de carne suna brasileira at acima de 7% no ano. Isto ocorreria, no entendimento do responsvel pelo estudo, Edmar Wardensk Gervasio, principalmente pelo avano das tecnologias nas propriedades e pelo ingresso de novas indstrias no segmento. Os maiores aumentos viriam de Minas Gerais, que poderia chegar a ter produo superior a 20% em 2013, bem como de Mato Grosso e de Mato Grosso do Sul, em virtude de grandes investimentos que esto fazendo na atividade.

Sector believes in continuous growth in both pig meat production and sales, and is engaged in surmounting all difficulties standing in the way of the activity
The pig supply chain in Brazil is focused on permanent growth and, to this end, pays heed to all matters deemed fundamental to this purpose. The Brazilian Pork Industry and Exporters Association (Abipecs), in its 2012 Annual Report mentions that some challenges have been given priority, like sustainability, traceability, product and market diversification, and equally logistics. The report also dwells on the importance of the segment towards the social and economic development of an array of municipalities across Brazil,

with the generation of 605 thousand jobs and the insertion of 39.5 thousand suppliers, numbers that the sector intends to continue expanding and moving forward. The growth rate projected for pig farming, by the Strategic Management Advisory Council of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa), over the next decade, is estimated at 1.9 percent a year, a rate that is relatively high, but meets both domestic consumption and exports needs, the analysis foresees. This would increase the volume

by 20.6 percent to a total of 4,286 thousand tons (or 5,460 thousand tons, considering the upper limit), by 2023. On the other hand, domestic consumption is supposed to reach a smaller percentage growth (18.9%, totaling 3,502 thousand tons, but with chances for up to 7,460 thousand tons at the upper level) and foreign sales, plus (29.4%, to 802 thousand tons, or 1,161 thousand tons, if the higher projection is considered). In the case of the basically estimated first values, they would remain below the growth

rate experienced by broiler and bovine meats, while at exports they would be above the variation of the other proteins in question, with a projected favorable picture. The spirit of endeavor demonstrated by the pig farming sector, however, shows that it is poised to make strides in the domestic scenario, too, where its product is still lagging behind the other two types of meat. Powerful incentive campaign, led by the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS), is reaping excellent results, with higher levels in the demand item - consumption per

person (from 13 to 15 kg, from 2010 to 2012). Likewise, at production, specifically for 2013, more optimistic perspectives have already been expressed against the 1 percent forecast by the Abipecs, at the turn of the year. Sources from Embrapa Hogs and Poultry, for example, say that the estimated growth rate is 3% a year. On the other hand, An analysis of the Agricultural Scenario by the Department of Agricultural Economics (Deral), a division of the Paran State Secretariat of Agriculture (Seab), conducted in February 2013,pointed

to soaring pig meat production volumes in Brazil, upwards of 7 percent a year. Edmar Wardensk Gervasio understands that this would occur particularly because of the introduction of advanced technology into the farms and due to the arrival of new industries of the segment. Major increases are supposed to come from Minas Gerais, a state where production could soar by upwards of 20% in 2013, as well as from Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, due to huge investments now underway in the activity.

Inor Ag. Assmann


Estudos com cruzamento de raas para chegar a produtos diferenciados e rastreabilidade em toda a cadeia devem levar a um novo tempo no setor

No ponto
No plano tecnolgico, o tema da diversificao e da diferenciao de produtos ganha espao na suinocultura brasileira. o que vem ocorrendo em trabalho da Embrapa Sunos e Aves, juntamente com o curso de Tecnlogo em Alimentos do Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC) e quatro frigorficos ligados ao Instituto Nacional de Carne Suna (INCS). Esse estudo, que prev a realizao dos primeiros abates em setembro de 2013, busca a melhora qualitativa com cruzamento de raas (60% Duroc e Moura e 40% Large White e Landrace), particularmente no marmoreio, a quantidade de gordura entre os msculos do animal, oferecendo gentica mais rstica para obter embutidos mais semelhantes aos produtos artesanais dos antepassados. A questo da rastreabilidade, por sua vez, tambm avana, com o objetivo de confirmar a qualidade da produo, acentua Clever Pirola, presidente do Sindicato das Indstrias de Carne e Derivados de Santa Catarina (Sindicarne/SC), que trata de projeto nesta rea, com a Embrapa Sunos e Aves. De forma piloto, j foi testado sistema com chip que rastreia com mais rapidez os produtos da agroindstria at o porto na exportao. Agora tambm vem sendo proposta a implantao de mtodo de rastreamento desde a produo, por meio do DNA, com todo o histrico do animal, da granja at o abate. A logstica, por fim, recebe ateno, uma vez que o padro dominante, baseado


no modal rodovirio, afeta a competitividade brasileira, conforme refora estudo de novembro de 2012, feito pelos pesquisadores Marcelo Miele, Ari Jarbas Sandi, Airton Kunz e Joo Dionisio Henn, da Embrapa Sunos e Aves. O problema atinge de modo especial o Centro-Oeste, para onde ocorre maior expanso no setor, o que implica em maiores distncias e custos de transporte. Os tcnicos enfocam algumas obras em andamento e previstas, como finalizao da Ferrovia Norte-Sul, construo da Ferrovia de Integrao Centro-Oeste, realizao e adequao de obras ferrovirias na regio Sul e concluso da

Realidade gacha

No Rio Grande do Sul, pela maior distncia em relao aos centros consumidores e fornecedores na complementao de insumos, o aspecto logstico igualmente lembrado por Valdecir Folador, presidente da Associao de Criadores do Estado (Acsurs). Em manifestaes no primeiro semestre de 2013, tambm como conselheiro reeleito de Relaes com o Mercado da entidade em nvel nacional (ABCS), Folador vislumbrava, na expectativa de preos melhores e cusBR-163 tos mais estveis, um cenrio de recuperao do setor no ano, aps do Norte temporada muito difcil. do Mato Reiterava ainda o esforo constante da organizao em levar Grosso a ao produtor de sunos mais condies de sustentao no seu Santarm, negcio. Projeto nacional da ABCS para os prximos anos no Par. justamente refora a sustentabilidade, ao lado do Na avaliao aumento do consumo, a fim de que o futuro dos especialisprojetado e sonhado para o setor se tas da Embrapa, concretize. esses investimentos representam impacto positivo na competitividade das exportaes de carne suna, e inclusive na reduo de emisses de gases de efeito-estufa. No plano regional, inverteriam o fluxo da direo Norte-Sul para Sul-Norte. No entanto, ainda se colocam como cenrios de mdio ou longo prazos.
Slvio vila


At the right

In the technological panorama, diversification and product selection initiatives are gaining momentum in Brazils pig farming business. This is exactly what is happening at Embrapa Hogs and Poultry, now working jointly with the Food-Oriented Technology Course at the Santa Catarina State Federal Food Institute (IFC) and four meat packing companies linked to the National Pork Institute (INCS). This study, which has scheduled the first pig slaughters for September 2013, seeks quality improvements through the following breed intercrossings (60% Duroc and Moura and 40% Large White and Landrace), especially focused on the marbling traits, amount of intramuscular fat, offering sturdier genetic values in order to obtain sausages bearing more similarthese investments represent a positive impact on the competitive ity with the naturally reared hogs in the past. The traceability question, in turn, is also making strides, with edge of Brazils pork shipments abroad, including a reduction in the the goal to confirm the quality of the product, says Clever Pirola, emissions of greenhouse gases. At regional level, they are supposed president of the Santa Catarina State Meat Industry and Byproducts to reverse the North-South bound flow to the South-North direction. Union (Sindicarne/SC), in charge of the project in this area, jointly Nonetheless, these scenarios are projected only for the medium and with Embrapa Hogs and Poultry. Through a pilot project, a system long terms. with a chip has already been tested, and is very fast at tracing the products all the way from the agroindustry to the port of shipment. Local reality Now there is a suggestion towards the implementation of a traceIn Rio Grande do Sul, because of the ability method for production, through the DNA, covering the entire longer distance from the consumer centers and intrajectory of the animal, from farm to slaughterhouse. put complementation suppliers, the logistic factor is equalUltimately, logistics is also given attention, as the predomily recalled by Valdecir Folador, president of the Rio Grande do Sul nant standard, based on the Road modal, as it affects Brazils State Association of Pig Raisers (Acsurs, in the Portuguese acronym). competitiveness, as demonstrated by a study conducted In interventions in the first half of 2013, also as reelected council member in November 2012 by the following researchers: Marcelo of Market Affairs at the Entity, at national level (ABCS), Folador spotted, in Miele, Ari Jarbas Sandi, Airton Kunz and Joo Dionisio terms of better price expectations and more stable costs, a scenario of recovHenn, of Embrapa Hogs and Poultry. In particular, the ery of the sector over the year, after a very difficult season. problem reaches the Center-West, where all major expanHe also dwelled on the constant efforts by the organization tosions of the hogs sector occur, a fact that implies in bigger wards delivering to the farmers pig breeds capable of sustaining distances and higher transport costs. their business. National ABCS project for the upcoming years is The technicians emphasize some works now underway specifically aimed at strengthening the sustainability side, and other in the making, like the final construction works of along with higher consumption levels, so as to make the North-South Railroad, the construction of the Center-West the projected and much dreamed of future Integration Railroad, railroad construction works in the southern come true. region and the conclusion of the BR-163 from North Mato Grosso to Santarm, in the state of Par. In the view of Embrapa Specialists,


Studies on intercrossings with different breeds to achieve discerning products and traceability throughout the entire supply chain should lead to a new era in the sector

Slvio vila


s o n Su




As exportaes de carne suna realizadas pelo Brasil em 2012, comparadas com 2011, cresceram 12,6% em volume e 4,21% em receita, alcanando, respectivamente, a 581.477 toneladas e US$ 1,49 bilho. Este desempenho, considerado bom, foi obtido apesar da forte presso sobre os custos, do aumento da concorrncia e das dificuldades conjunturais de acesso a alguns mercados, avalia a Associao Brasileira da Indstria Produtora e Exportadora de Carne Suna (Abipecs). A entidade destaca tambm investimentos ocorridos na modernizao da produo para atender ao potencial de mercado. Apenas o preo mdio, de US$ 2.571,00 por tonelada em 2012, foi inferior em 7,45% ao atingido no ano anterior. Porm, no incio de 2013, ao mesmo tempo em que se esperava crescimento no mesmo nvel do ano anterior em volume, acreditava-se em preos mdios superiores durante a Em retomada nova temporada. Isso no s devido Os nmeros de janeiro a junho refletem a susrecuperao das cotaes em nvel penso temporria, a partir de 20 de maro, das compras pela internacional, mas tambm em Ucrnia, que havia sido o principal pas importador do Brasil em 2012. No funo de acesso a mercados entanto, a retomada da exportao para este destino, desde 19 de junho, deve se externos que pagam mais, mostrar a partir da segunda quinzena de julho e vislumbra-se perspectiva positiva de redizia Pedro de Camargo cuperao gradativa no decorrer do segundo semestre, afirma Rui Eduardo Saldanha Vargas, Neto, ento ainda presinovo presidente da Abipecs desde final de maro de 2013. dente da Abipecs. O dirigente destaca, contudo, que a principal alavanca para recuperar o desempenho das exportaO resultado apre- es poder ser o mercado japons, que foi aberto em 2013 para o Brasil, aps sete anos de negociao. sentado pelas vendas A abertura deste importante mercado, que o maior importador de carne suna do mundo e um dos mais externas brasileiras exigentes e remuneradores, foi anunciada em final de maio e as vendas comearam em julho. So feitas por no primeiro se- meio de Santa Catarina, maior exportador brasileiro do produto e nico livre de febre aftosa sem vacinao, que mestre de 2013 j tem cinco empresas e oito frigorficos habilitados pelo Japo. vieram confirmar O fato est sendo comemorado no setor e, conforme Rui Vargas, h boas expectativas a curto, mdio e lonelevao do valor go prazos, em relao ao atendimento das necessidades daquele pas asitico. Ainda para 2013 ele espera que mdio recebido. seja possvel destinar volume de 30 mil toneladas do Brasil para o Japo, enquanto em um ano, num primeiro Este subiu para US$ momento, considera que o mercado japons possa representar a colocao de cerca de 100 mil toneladas de 2.620,00 pela tonecarne suna brasileira. lada, 2,46% a mais do Alm disso, havia expectativas favorveis s vendas para a Rssia, que sempre ocupa lugar de destaque o registrado no que no comrcio externo da carne suna do Brasil. Em 2012, este mercado ficou em nvel mais baixo mesmo perodo do ano devido a embargo da autoridade sanitria daquele pas a trs estados (Rio Grande do Sul, Paran antecedente, ainda que e Mato Grosso). No primeiro semestre de 2013, os russos j voltaram a figurar como os prino volume e a renda totais cipais compradores do produto brasileiro (28,71% do total vendido e 23,91% a mais ficassem abaixo dos verificado que no mesmo perodo do ano anterior). Para a segunda parte do ano, em dos anteriormente nos mesmos virtude de misso veterinria que estava sendo recebida em julho, seis meses iniciais. Totalizaram, cada a Abipecs manifestava boas perspectivas no cenrio de qual, 240.515 toneladas (-10,52%) e US$ recuperao gradativa das exportaes. 630,26 milhes (-8,31%).


Vendas externas de carne suna brasileira voltaram a crescer em volume e receita em 2012, apesar das dificuldades enfrentadas no perodo

Always looking
Slvio vila

PRINCIPAIS DESTINOS Major destinations

Pases compradores de carne suna do Brasil
Ano de 2012 (Em toneladas) Ucrnia 138.666 Rssia 127.070 Hong Kong 124.701 Angola 45.534 Cingapura 28.171 Argentina 23.386 Uruguai 20.639 Georgia 9.907 Haiti 6.606 Venezuela 6.553
Fonte: Abipecs

HISTRIA E NMEROS History in numbers

Vendas de carne suna brasileira
Ano Volume Receita (Mil t) (US$ milho) 2008 529 1.474 2009 607 1.226 2010 540 1.341 2011 516 1.435 2012 581 1.495
Fonte: Abipecs



Compared to 2011, Brazilian pork exports in 2012 rose 12.60% in volume and 4.21% in revenue, reaching, respectively 581,477 tons and US$ 1.49 billion. This performance, viewed as good, was achieved despite strong pressure over costs, tighter competitiveness and juncture-related difficulties in accessing some markets, sources from the Brazilian Pork Industry and Exporters Association (Abipecs) said. The entity also highlights investments in industrial upgrading in order to meet the needs of potential markets. Only the average price of US$ 2,571.00 per ton in 2012 was down 7.45% from the previous year. Nevertheless, in early 2013, while the expectation was for a growth in volume, in line with the previous year, higher average prices were also expected for the new season. The expectation was not only based on the recovery of the international prices, but also by virtue of the access to foreign markets that pay better prices, then Abipecs president Pedro de Camargo Neto said. Recovery on track The results derived from Brazils foreign The January through June numbers reflect a temposales over the first half of 2013 already rary interruption, as of March 20, of purchases by Ukraine, which had attest to higher average prices. been a major importer in 2012. Nevertheless, the resumption of shipments to They soared to US$ 2,620.00 per this destination, since June 19, should materialize as of mid-July and there is expectaton, up 2.46% from the same tion for a gradual recovery over the second half of the year, comments Rui Eduardo Saldanha period the previous year, Vargas, president of Abipecs since late March 2013. but the total volume On the other hand, the president maintains that the main factor that may play a major role in the and revenue were performance of Brazils exports might be the Japanese market, which opened its gates to Brazil in 2013, afdown from the same ter seven years of negotiations. The entry into this powerful market, the leading pork importer in the world, also six month period of the previous year. very discerning and lushly remunerative, was announced in late May and sales started in July. All sales go through Respectively, they Santa Catarina, leading Brazilian pork exporter and the only state free from the foot-and-mouth disease without totaled 240,515 vaccination, home to five companies and eight meat packing industries officially acknowledged by Japan. This achievement has brought smiles to the sector and, according to Rui Vargas, there are great expectations tons (-10.52%) and for the short, medium and long run, with regard to the fulfillment of the needs of that Asian country. Before 2013 US$ 630.26 million comes to a close, there is hope for the shipment of 30 thousand tons from Brazil to Japan, while for a whole year, (-8.31%). at a first moment, the Japanese market is viewed as a client with the capacity to purchase 100 thousand tons of pork from Brazil. Furthermore, expectations for favorable sales to Russia have not vanished yet, as this country has always occupied a prominent position in Brazils foreign pork sales. In 2012, this market shrank considerably due to sanitary embargos imposed on three states (Rio Grande do Sul, Paran and Mato Grosso). In the first half of 2013, Russia began to resume its position as a major buyer of Brazilian pork products (28.71% of all sales and up 23,91% from the same period in the previous year). For the second half of the year, by virtue of the veterinary delegation that arrived in July, Abipecs expressed good perspectives for a gradual resumption of all exports to that country.

Brazilian foreign sales of pork soared again in volume and revenue in 2012, despite difficulties faced over the period


Exportaes brasileiras esto sendo ampliadas com a diversificao dos produtos sunos, havendo recuo na participao da meia carcaa

Inor Ag. Assmann

Ao gosto

Um dos desafios do setor suincola, apresentado pela Associao Brasileira da Indstria Produtora e Exportadora de Sunos (Abipecs), a diversificao de produtos e mercados. No comrcio exterior, ao mesmo tempo em que a cadeia busca avano alm dos 60 pases importadores registrados em 2012, ocorre a ampliao nos tipos de produtos comercializados, entre as quase 80 formas diferentes de cortes de sunos in natura ofertados pelo Pas aos seus clientes. Com isso, a chamada meia carcaa, que era mais representativa no total das vendas externas feitas em anos anterio98

res, est perdendo espao para cortes menores, que devero predominar nos prximos anos, e com ainda maior especificao e especializao. A anlise feita por Jurandi Soares Machado, diretor executivo da Abipecs. Ele observa que, atualmente, entre os cortes mais vendidos, sobressaem pernil e paleta, como tambm copa-lombo e sobrepaleta. Ainda h vendas considerveis de partes da costela e da barriga, alm de midos e dos prprios ossos, comprados pela China. Gordura suna, tripas e couros igualmente fazem parte dos itens exportados, acrescenta Cinara Milanez Shibuya Batista,

engenheira de alimentos. Quanto a produtos industrializados, o comrcio externo do Pas ainda incipiente, ficando em cerca de 2%, para abastecer principalmente navios e aeronaves, informa Jurandi Machado. O dirigente da Abipecs entende que, no futuro, h tendncia de exportar mais produtos com valor agregado. um dos propsitos do segmento no seu empenho em diversificar a linha de itens sunos vendidos ao exterior e em mais mercados, caso do Japo, que se inseriu em 2013, com a compra de diversos cortes, como fil e sobrepaleta de lombo, fornecidos por empresas de Santa Catarina.


Estados exportadores

Santa Catarina o Estado que lidera a exportao brasileira de carne suna. Em 2012, direcionou 207.772 toneladas ao exterior, seguido pelo Rio Grande do Sul, com 174.245 toneladas. Em terceiro lugar encontra-se Gois, que em 2009 ocupava a quinta colocao nacional e se destaca na evoluo das exportaes de produtos sunos, onde participou com 71.477 toneladas em 2012. Anlise de conjuntura feita em fevereiro de 2013 por Edmar Wardensk Gervsio, do Departamento de Economia Rural (Deral), da Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura e Abastecimento (Seab) do Paran, projetava para 2013 crescimento superior a 30% para Gois. O mesmo foi previsto para Minas Gerais, atual quinto colocado nas exportaes, com 41.527 toneladas em 2012, segundo a Abipecs. A quarta posio neste ranking entre os estados em 2012 do Paran, com 54.469 toneladas exportadas, nmero reduzido em quase 12% pela ausncia de compras da Rssia. Na projeo do Deral/Seab para 2013, deve ocorrer recuperao, com possibilidade de aumento superior a 21% no volume exportado, em virtude da retomada de mercados e da explorao de potencial existente. Ainda pelas informaes da Abipecs, aparecem entre os maiores exportadores em 2012: Mato Grosso do Sul, com 17.470 toneladas; Mato Grosso, com 11.787 toneladas; e So Paulo, com 2.730 toneladas. Ocupam, respectivamente, a sexta at a oitava posies no quadro dos estados com maior venda externa de carne suna.


Pleasing the
One of the challenges of the pig farming sector, put forward by the Brazilian Pork Industry and Exporter Association (Abipecs), consists in product and market diversification. As far as the foreign trade goes, the sector is trying to expand the number of pork importing countries beyond the 60 registered in 2012 and, in the meantime, is also deeply engaged in diversifying the kind of products, which now come to 80 different cuts of fresh meat, offered by the Country to its clients. As a result, the so-called half-carcass, which was very representative in all foreign sales up to some years ago, is losing ground to smaller cuts, poised to predominate over the next years, as they are more specified and qualified. This analysis is made by Jurandi Soares Machado, executive director at Abipecs. He observes that, currently, the best-selling cuts include pork leg and shoulder tender, as well as tenderloin and shoulder clod. There are also considerable sales of ribs, pork bellies, besides giblets and bones, purchased by China. Pork fat, chitterlings and giblets are also items included in exports, food engineer Cinara Milanez Shibuya Batista says. As to industrialized products, Brazils foreign trade is still at a fledgling stage, remaining at 2%, mainly for the supply of ships and aircrafts, Jurandi Machado explains. The Abipecs official understands that, in the future, the trend is for shipping abroad bigger amounts of valueadded products. The idea of the segment is to diversify the range of pork products sold abroad, while seeking new markets, like Japan, which, in 2013, for the first time purchased different cuts, like fillet, shoulder clod, sirloin, furnished by companies in Santa Catarina.

Inor Ag. Assmann

Exports by state

Rising Brazilian exports are mainly due to a wide offer of pork products, while sales of half-carcasses are declining

Santa Catarina is the State that leads Brazilian pork sales abroad. In 2012, exports amounted to 207,772, followed by Rio Grande do Sul, with 174,245 tons. Gois, which in 2009 ranked as fifth biggest exporter, has made strides in sales abroad of pork products, climbing to the third position in 2012, with 71,477 tons. An analysis of the scenario conducted in February 2013 by Edmar Wardensk Gervsio, of the Department of Rural Economics (Deral), of the Paran State Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply (Seab), projected a higher than 30 percent growth rate for Gois in 2013. The same holds true for Minas Gerais, now ranking is fifth biggest exporter, with 41.527 tons in 2012, Abipecs sources said. The fourth position in 2012 in this ranking is occupied by the state of Paran, with 54,469 tons shipped abroad, down almost 12 percent due to the absence of Russia. According to projections by Deral/Seab, a recovery should occur in 2013, with chances for an increase of upwards of 21 percent in volume shipped abroad, as a result of the return of traditional markets and full use of the existing potential. Equally, based on Abipecs sources, other major players in 2012 include Mato Grosso do Sul, with 17,470 tons; Mato Grosso, with 11,787 tons; and So Paulo, with 2.730 tons. They respectively rank as sixth and eighth among the states that lead pork meat sales abroad.


E quem
Os brasileiros esto apreciando cada vez mais um bom corte de carne suna. O aumento do consumo per capita tem sido gradual no Pas e o setor trabalha em campanhas para atingir meta ousada: chegar a 18 quilos por habitante ao ano at 2015. O ndice, que no ultrapassava a oito quilos ao final do sculo 20, praticamente dobrou em pouco mais de 10 anos, alcanando a 15,6 quilos em 2012, conforme estimativa da Associao Brasileira de Criadores de Sunos (ABCS). Na anlise de Fabiano Coser, diretor-executivo da ABCS, caber ao mercado interno, que fica com 85% da oferta anual, a absoro do aumento de produo de carne suna. O ideal que haja incremento no consumo per capita em cerca de 750 gramas ao ano, avalia. Esse objetivo, no entanto, ainda no foi alcanado, estando o crescimento por volta de meio quilo ao ano. O avano do consumo de carne suna no mercado interno em grande parte pode ser creditado a iniciativas do setor para estimular a adoo do produto nos lares brasileiros. Em 2009, a ABCS implantou o Projeto Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Suinocultura (PNDS). As metas eram modernizar a comercializao dos cortes e disseminar as boas prticas de produo nas granjas. As aes, em todos os grandes esta102

dos produtores, tiveram o efeito desejado. Para 2013, a entidade planeja um evento, que promete colaborar mais ainda para a insero dessa protena na dieta da populao brasileira. Trata-se da Semana Nacional da Carne Suna, programada para o perodo de 2 a 16 de outubro, em 540 lojas do Grupo Po de Acar. A rede est presente nas regies Nordeste, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste, atendendo em torno de 80% da populao brasileira. Para Fabiano Coser, esse tipo de iniciativa fundamental, pois d visibilidade ao produto. Sempre que se realiza alguma ao de promoo, o crescimento momentneo das vendas fica em cerca de 70%, constata. Em 2012, lembra o dirigente, foi realizada a Semana Nordestina de Carne Suna, em Recife (PE). Durante o evento, a comercializao dos cortes aumentou 150%, tendo como resultado residual um incremento de 30% no mercado local. Os projetos desenvolvidos pelo setor tambm so vistos como positivos pelo pesquisador Marcelo Miele, da Embrapa Sunos e Aves. Ele acrescenta ainda que o comrcio de carnes tem sido favorecido pelo aumento de renda da classe mdia brasileira. Como salienta, as indstrias esto investindo em novas plantas e na distribuio a frio, o que facilita o abastecimento do mercado interno.

Consumo per capita de carne suna segue em alta, com o maior poder aquisitivo da populao brasileira e as campanhas realizadas pelo setor

Who can
Brazilian people are gradually getting keen on a good portion of pork. Per capita consumption has been evolving gradually in the Country and the sector is now engaged in campaigns with a very ambitious target: 18 kilos per person a year, by 2015. The amount, which was at or below 8 kilos at the end of the 20th century, has practically doubled in little more than 10 years, reaching 15.6 kilos in 2012, sources from the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS) said. Fabiano Coser, executive-director at ABCS, maintains that it is up to the domestic market, which absorbs 85% of the annual output, to consume the higher production volumes of pork. Ideally, per capita consumption should soar by 750 grams a year, he comments. This goal, however, has not yet been achieved and consumption has barely grown by 500 grams a year. Soaring levels of pig meat consumption in the domestic market partly stem from initiatives by the sector intended to stimulate the consumption of this meat in Brazilian households. In 2009, ABCS members implemented the National Pig Farming Development Project (PNDS). The targets consisted in modernizing the sales of pork cuts and disseminate best production practices across the pig farms. All the initiatives were well accepted by the commercial pig raisers and achieved the desired result. For 2013, the entity is planning an event, which is poised to collaborate even further towards inserting this protein in the diet of the Brazilian people. It is the National Pork Week, to be held 2 6 October, in 540 shops that belong to Grupo Po de Acar. The group has retail stores in the Northeast, Southeast and Center-West, serving around 80% of the Brazilian population. In Fabiano Cosers view, this type of initiative plays a funda-


Per capita consumption of pig meat is on the rise, reflecting the higher purchasing power of the population and campaigns conducted by the sector

mental role as it gives visibility to the product. Whenever a promotional initiative is conducted, momentary growth of sales amount to about 70%, he comments. In 2012, the official recalls, the Northeastern Pork Week was held in Recife (PE). During the event, sales of pork cuts soared by 30% in the domestic market. The projects conducted by the sector are viewed as positive by researcher Marcelo Miele, of Embrapa Hogs and Poultry. He also adds that sales of this type of meat have been taking advantage of the soaring purchasing power of Brazils middle class. He also mentions that most industries are now investing in new processing plants and in the distribution of frozen meat, making it easier to keep the market supplied.


Inor Ag. Assmann

Vestindo a

Semana Nacional da Carne Suna, em outubro de 2013, coroa aes de incentivo ao consumo em projeto nacional de desenvolvimento do setor

camiseta involved


National Pork Week, in October 2013, crowns consumption incentive initiatives through a national project for the development of the sector

Um trabalho forte e de sucesso desenvolvido no mbito da suinocultura brasileira para aumentar o consumo interno da carne que o setor produz. Todos esto sendo incentivados a vestir a camisa A Carne Suna 10, slogan oficial da Semana Nacional que foi programada para ocorrer entre 2 e 16 de outubro de 2013, e que coroa trabalho feito desde 2010 pelo Projeto Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Suinocultura (PNDS). Nesse perodo, o consumo per capita anual j saltou de 13 para mais de 15 quilos, e a expectativa de que possa chegar a 18 quilos/habitante/ano at 2015. Os produtos de sunos tm o maior potencial de crescimento entre as carnes no Pas, confia a Associao Brasileira dos Criadores de Sunos (ABCS). Isto porque o consumo ainda baixo, quando comparado com o de outros pases, onde a mdia se aproxima de 40 quilos por habitante ao ano, e com o verificado em mbito nacional com as carnes bovina e de frango, que j est entre os mais altos do mundo. Os estmulos para o incremento desejado sero reforados com Consistent and successful work is being conducted in the realm of Brazils pig farming business with the aim to boost the consumption of pork produced by the sector. All members of the sector are being urged to embrace the Pork is Top Mark official slogan of the National Pork Week, scheduled for 2 16 October 2013, which crowns the work that has been conducted since 2010 by the National Pig Farming Development Project (PNDS). Over the period, national per capita consumption jumped from 13 to 15 kilos a year, while the expectation is for it to soar to 18/kilos/person/year, by 2015. Pork products stand the best chances of making strides among all types of meat throughout the Country, sources from the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS) say. This happens because consumption is still low compared to other countries, where it reaches almost 40 kilos per capita a year, on average. And the same holds true if compared to the highly consumed beef and chicken meat in the domestic scenario. Incentive towards achieving the desired consumption levels will be rein-

a Semana Nacional da Carne Suna, que rene ABCS, Servio Brasileiro de Apoio s Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae), Ministrio da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento (Mapa), Grupo Po de Acar e Extra, e Associao Brasileira de Supermercados (Abras). Intensa preparao est sendo desenvolvida para esta semana desde maio de 2013. Os organizadores buscam o envolvimento de todo o setor, com Pork Days, destacando-se a capacitao de mais de mil profissionais de aougue do grupo varejista integrado, o maior do Pas, com 485 lojas. Entre as atividades previstas esto palestras sobre a qualidade da carne suna. Alm disso, cursos de cortes especiais e oficinas gastronmicas com foco na saudabilidade e no sabor do produto suno atingem consumidores finais e formadores de opinio, informa Lvia Machado, coordenadora nacional do PNDS. A culminncia ocorrer em grande campanha de marketing, em outubro. J na fase preparatria vm sendo verificados bons resultados, como em aes desenvolvidas entre 12 a 23 de junho, em forced during the National Pork Week, which encompasses the ABCS, Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), Po de Acar and Extra Group, and the Brazilian Supermarket Association (Abras). Intensive preparation work for this week has been underway since May 2013. The organizers are trying to get the entire sector involved, through Pork Days, providing training and capacity building courses for upwards of one thousand butcher assistants of the integrated retailer group, the biggest in the Country, now with 485 shops. Scheduled activities include lectures on the quality of pig meat. Furthermore, there will be courses on special cuts, gastronomy-oriented workshops focused on the health benefits and flavor of pork products, intended for final consumers and opinion makers, Lvia Machado, national PNDS coordinator, says. Final preparation works have been scheduled for October, with a huge marketing campaign. During the preparatory stage good results have been reaped, like the initiatives conduct-

So Paulo. S nesta semana as unidades do Extra e do Po de Acar no Estado registraram aumento de 38% nas vendas dos produtos sunos em relao ao mesmo perodo de 2012. Em uma ao no maior Estado do Pas, que possui mais de um quarto dos consumidores brasileiros, a carne suna ganhou destaque entre as outras protenas, com sucesso absoluto, observa Marcelo Lopes, presidente da ABCS, que ainda ressalta o ineditismo da campanha de incentivo ao consumo junto ao varejo. A mobilizao e a integrao do setor, numa nova forma de trabalhar o marketing da carne suna, um dos grandes propsitos da iniciativa, alm de aumentar a visibilidade e as vendas, refora Fabiano Coser, diretor executivo da associao dos produtores. Com a nfase em A Carne Suna 10, procura-se tambm aproveitar o apelo da temtica do futebol brasileiro, conhecido mundialmente e colocado em destaque na Copa das Confederaes, realizada em 2013, e na Copa do Mundo, que o Pas estar sediando em 2014. ed in So Paulo, June 12 through June 23. During that week, sales of pork products at the Extra and Po de Acar units increased by 38%, compared to the same period in 2012. In one initiative conducted in the biggest State of the Country, home to more than a quarter of all Brazilian consumers, pig meat sold briskly compared to other proteins, achieving absolute success, Marcelo Lopes, president of ABCS observes. He also refers to the unprecedented effort towards boosting the sale of pig meat in retail shops. The mobilization and integration of the entire sector, in a new manner to deal with pig meat marketing questions, is a major purpose of the initiative, besides making sales more visible, Fabiano Coser, director executive of the producers association stresses. With special emphasis on the Pork is Top Mark slogan, another focus has been the alluring influence coming from Brazilian football, globally acknowledged and climbing into the spotlight during FIFA Confederations Cup, in 2013, and during the FIFA World Cup the country will be hosting in 2014.

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O Projeto Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Suinocultura (PNDS), em realizao h dois anos, ganha impulso em mais um aspecto alm do incremento ao consumo. Chamado de PNDS Sustentabilidade, este tema vai permear o novo convnio assinado pela Associao Brasileira dos Criadores de Sunos (ABCS) com o Servio Brasileiro de Apoio s Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae) e com a Confederao da Agricultura e Pecuria do Brasil (CNA) para o binio 2013/15. Alm de capacitaes e treinamentos a fim de alavancar a participao da carne suna nas refeies dos brasileiros, sero enfatizadas prticas sustentveis na produo e na industrializao. Entre 2010 e 2012, o PNDS capacitou e orientou 28 mil profissionais, entre produtores, colaboradores e aougueiros, alm

de consumidores. Mais de 1,2 milho de pessoas foram sensibilizadas em relao saudabilidade e qualidade da carne suna, segundo informaes da ABCS. Com o PNDS Sustentabilidade, de acordo com Marcelo Lopes, presidente da entidade, atinge-se momento ainda mais maduro e ousado dentro do grande objetivo de fazer crescer o consumo da produo do setor. Ser reforada a conscincia, j presente, de conciliar o crescimento da atividade e aes que reduzam o impacto ao meio ambiente, ao mesmo tempo em que aumentem a otimizao de recursos e a eficincia de gesto. Mais de 100 estabelecimentos, entre pequenas granjas e agroindstrias, devero ser abrangidas pelo projeto, com cursos, consultorias e palestras, tendo presentes

Projeto nacional na suinocultura refora a sustentabilidade, ao lado do consumo, no incentivo a atividades desenvolvidas pela cadeia produtiva
melhorias ambientais no processo da produo e mecanismos de desenvolvimento limpo (MDL). As aes sero executadas em 16 estados que tm entidades ligadas associao brasileira dos suinocultores: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paran, Gois, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranho, Esprito Santo, So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco e Cear.

National pig farming project encompasses sustainable initiatives, consumption and incentive to work developed by the supply chain

The National Pig Farming Development Project (PNDS), now underway, is picking up steam in variables other than just consumption matters. Referred to as PNDS Sustainability, this project is poised to permeate the new agreement signed by the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS) with the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and with the Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA) for the 2013/15 biennium. Besides capacity building courses and training sessions intended to shore up the share of pork in Brazilian meals, sustainable practices at farm and industry level will also receive special attention. From 2010 to 2012, the PNDS trained and qualified 28 thousand professionals, including producers, collaborators and butchers and, of course, consumers. Upwards of 1.2 million people were made aware of the health benefits and quality of pig meat, ABCS sources said. With the PNDS Sustainability, according to Marcelo Lopes, president of the entity, a more mature and bolder moment is achieved within the broad objective of increasing consumption of the sectors production. Awareness will be strengthened of the need to equate the growth of the activity and actions intended to reduce environmental impacts, whilst maximizing the available resources and management efficiency. More than 100 business operations, including small-scale holdings and agroindustries are to be encompassed by the project package that provides courses, consultancies and lectures, geared towards environmental improvements in the production processes and clean development mechanisms (MDL, in the Portuguese acronym). All these initiatives have been scheduled for 16 Brazilian States that are linked to the Brazilian Pig Farming Association: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paran, Gois, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranho, Esprito Santo, So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco and Cear.

Top de
Duras grandes raas puras dominam o mercado de sunos no Brasil. So a Landrace e a Large White, que participam com aproximadamente 70% dos cruzamentos realizados no Pas, complementados com raas como Duroc, Pietrain, Hampshire e outras, como as chinesas, que contribuem com a prolificidade. O perfil apresentado pelo mdico veterinrio Valmir Costa da Rosa, superintendente do Servio de Registro Genealgico de Sunos da Associao Brasileira dos Criadores (ABCS). Ele confirma que a suinocultura brasileira pode ser considerada uma das melhores do mundo, pelos desempenhos tcnicos, genticos e sanitrios, semelhantes aos do primeiro mundo. O superintendente observa que hoje a suinocultura brasileira constituda de animais produzidos basicamente em mdias e grandes empresas suincolas, ao contrrio do que ocorria h 20 ou 25 anos, quando se baseava em grande nmero de pequenos suinocultores. Com a concentrao da atividade, houve melhoria acentuada no perfil gentico, alavancado pelas importaes de smen e de sunos, pelos testes de desempenho dos animais e pela chegada das empresas de gentica vindas de Estados Unidos, Holanda, Franca e Canad, entre outros, acentua. Se observarmos os dados zootcnicos dos sunos brasileiros, como ganho de peso dirio, converso alimentar, espessura de toicinho, nmero de animais nascidos vivos e aos 21 dias, precocidade e prolificidade neste perodo, verificaremos que a evoluo foi substancial, explica Valmir da Rosa. Ainda na sua avaliao, a tendncia de que estes parmetros devem melhorar ainda mais e novos sero buscados e observados, principalmente na qualidade e na maciez da carne. Em relao s selees de raas e cruzamentos, o superintendente do Servio de Registro Genealgico evidencia que elas so determinadas pelas exigncias do mercado consumidor, cada vez mais preocupado com a sade alimentar. Caractersticas como gordura, maciez e colorao da carne, carne magra, entre outros aspectos, definem quais os cruzamentos a serem feitos ou que so mais indicados. Portanto, o mercado consumidor quem manda, refora Valmir Costa da Rosa.

Desempenhos tcnicos, genticos e sanitrios colocam a suinocultura brasileira entre as mais qualificadas do mundo e mostram contnuo avano
Slvio vila

Technical, genetic and sanitary advances are responsible for the prominent position of Brazils pig farming business in the world and are constantly rising


Two purebreds predominate in the Brazilian pig market. They are Landrace and Large White, which account for about 70% of all crossbreedings carried out in the Country, complemented with such breeds as Duroc, Pietrain, Hampshire and others, like Chinese breeds, which contribute towards the big number of highly prolific breeds. The profile is presented by veterinarian Valmir Costa da Rosa, superintendent of the Pig Genealogical Record Service at the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS). He confirms that Brazils pig farming business is viewed as one of the best in the world, because of its technical, genetic and sanitary advances, very similar to first world nations. The superintendent observes that modern Brazilian pig farming consists basically of animals produced in medium and commercial pig farming operations, contrary to what happened 20 or 25 years ago, when there were huge numbers of small-scale hog raisers. The concentration of the activity resulted into a highly advanced genetic profile, leveraged by semen and pig imports, by performance tests and by the arrival of genetic companies from the United States, Holland, France and Canada, among others, he confirms. If we consider the zootechnical gains of the Brazilian pigs, like daily weight gain, food conversion, thickness of the layer of fat, number of animals born alive, 20-day old piglets, precocity and prolific patterns during the period, we will see a substantial evolution, explains Valmir da Rosa. Equally, in his evaluation, the trend is for these parameters to improve even further, while new ones will be sought and observed, especially with regard to meat quality and tenderness. With regard to the selection of breeds and interbreedings, the superintendent of the Genealogical Record maintains that this is determined by consumer market requirements, increasingly concerned about food safety. Meat traits that determine the recommended crossings to be conducted include layer of fat, tenderness, color and leanness, Valmir Costa da Rosa says.

Inor Ag. Assmann


u Aves e S

no s


. Aes

Um alvio no
Os custos de produo de aves e de sunos devem cair em 2013, incentivando a retomada da produo e da renda obtida pelos produtores. Este cenrio leva em conta a maior oferta de gros, que tende a provocar a queda dos preos das raes, somada valorizao das carnes. Alm da colheita recorde brasileira na temporada 2012/13, estimada em 185,5 milhes de toneladas, a confirmao da boa safra nos Estados Unidos, maior produtor mundial de milho, consolidar essa tendncia. Entre janeiro e junho de 2013, o ndice do Custo de Produo de Suno (IPCSuno) da Embrapa Sunos e Aves, de Concrdia (SC), registrou queda acumulada de 8,47%. Como em 2012 o custo subiu muito, pela restrita oferta de gros, em 12 meses o aumento de 11,07%. J o ndice do Custo de Produo de Frango (IPCFrango) acumula baixa de 14,4% de janeiro a junho. Ainda assim, refletindo a alta recorde de 2012, teve evoluo de 9,3% em 12 meses. A maior oferta de milho e de farelo de soja favorece as cadeias produtivas, pois as raes representam 70,3% do custo produtivo de frangos e 76,3% dos sunos. Portanto, medida em que caem os preos das matrias-primas, so reduzidos os custos de produo, embora no necessariamente na mesma proporo. Em 2012, os gastos para produzir alcanaram valores recordes pela quebra da safra de vero no Sul do Brasil, principal polo produtor de aves e de sunos, agravada pela frustrao na colheita dos Estados Unidos. Isso obrigou o Sul do Brasil a importar milho de outras regies, agregando o preo do frete, entre outros desembolsos, ao mesmo tempo em que aumentaram os preos internacionais das commodities, impactando nas raes nacionais. Essa alta foi a principal razo da crise dos setores em 2012, especialmente na suinocultura, diz o pesquisador Jonas Irineu dos Santos Filho, da Embrapa Sunos e Aves. Ele alerta, porm, que, apesar da grande oferta de gros, o abastecimento est garantido, mas no h total segurana quanto aos preos. A tendncia essa, mas h uma ressalva de que outros fatores podem determinar comportamento diferente nos valores, como a variao cambial, por exemplo, avisa. Conforme Jonas, em junho e no incio de julho de 2013, pela variao cambial, o preo do farelo de soja flutuou para cima, o que foi ruim para o mercado. No h presso sobre as disponibilidades de milho, devemos at fechar o ano com o estoque regulador acima do recomendvel, mas o cmbio sempre exige ateno, enfatiza. O analista do mercado de milho e de carnes Paulo Molinari, da Safras & Mercado, considera que a grande oferta de gros ajuda na composio de um custo de produo menor. No entanto, em seu entender, o que interessa mesmo o preo das matrias-primas. A partir da deciso da safra americana, no incio de agosto, teremos uma ideia melhor. Acredito que os custos sero mais baixos do que em 2012, quando foram recordes, ressalta.


Safra recorde no Brasil e bom andamento das colheitas mundiais de milho e de soja devem reduzir o impacto das raes no custo de produo


More money
Record crop in Brazil and global maize and soybean harvests on the right track should reduce the impact of feed prices upon production costs
Pig and poultry production costs should drop in 2013, encouraging production resumption while boosting producers profits. This scenario takes into consideration the lush supply of grains, which will lead to reductions in feed prices, while meat prices are supposed to soar. Besides the Brazilian 2012/13 record crop, estimated at 185.5 million tons, the confirmation of the good crop in the United States, leading global corn producer, will certainly consolidate this trend. From January to June 2013, the Pig Production Cost Index (IPC, in the Portuguese acronym), surveyed by Embrapa Hogs and Poultry, in Concrdia (SC), registered an accumulated drop of 8.47%. In line with what happened in 2012, the production cost soared considerably, 11.07% in twelve months, due to tight grain supplies. On the other hand, the Chicken Production Cost Index (IPCFrango) accumulates a drop of 14.4% January through June. Even so, reflecting the record high of 2012, it increased by 9.3% in 12 months. Bigger supplies of corn and soybean meal favor the supply chains, since chicken feed represents 70.3% of the production cost, while for pigs it is 76.3%. Therefore, as raw materials go down, production costs will follow suit, although not necessarily in the same proportions. In 2012, production costs reached record highs as a result of the frustrated corn crop in South Brazil, major poultry and pig producing hub, aggravated by the droughtstricken corn crop in the United States. This forced South Brazil to import corn from other regions, adding freight costs, among other expenses and, in the meantime, international commodity prices also went up, having great impact upon the feed industry in Brazil. This price hike was a major culprit in the sectors crisis in 2012, especially

Inor Ag. Assmann

RAIO-X DO COCHO X-ray of the trough

Perfil do consumo de raes pela avicultura e pela suinocultura (milhes de toneladas)
Segmento Aves Frangos de corte Poedeiras Sunos 112 2011 2012 2013 * % 2012/13 37,2 36,3 37,1 2,1% 32,2 31,1 31,7 2,1% 5,0 5,2 5,4 2,6% 15,4 15,1 15,5 2,5%

* Projeo - Fonte: Sindiraes

in the

affecting the pig farming segment, says researcher Jonas Irineu dos Santos Filho, of Embrapa Hogs and Poultry, in Concrdia (SC). He nonetheless warns that in spite of the abundant offer of grains, there will be no supply problems, but there is no total assurance about the prices. This seems to be the trend, but there are indications pointing to possible behaviors that could interfere with the values, like exchange rate variations, for example, he warns. According to Jonas, in June and early July 2013, in line with the exchange rate variation, soybean meal fetched higher prices, which was bad for the market. There is no pressure over corn stocks, we might even come to year end with the ending stock above the recommended level, but the exchange rate requires constant attention, he adds. Corn and meat market analyst Paulo Molinari, of Safras & Mercado, has it that the huge amount of grains now available is a factor in the composition of a smaller production cost. Nonetheless, in his view, what really matters is the price of the raw materials. As soon as the decision has been taken about the North-American corn crop, we will have a better understanding. I believe production costs will remain below the 2012 levels, when they reached record highs, he concludes.


Consumo de rao por espcie em 2012*
Frangos 49% Sunos 23% Poedeiras 8% Leite 7% Outros 13%
* Total produzido: 63 milhes de toneladas. Fonte: Sindiraes.


Entrando no
Retomada do crescimento deve aquecer o mercado de raes aps a queda registrada em 2012 diante da supervalorizao da matria-prima
A alimentao de sunos e de aves representou 80% do consumo total de rao animal no Brasil em 2012. Foram contabilizadas 51,4 milhes de toneladas dirigidas a estes segmentos, de um total comercializado que chegou a 63 milhes de toneladas. Nas duas reas, a queda no consumo frente s 52,6 milhes de toneladas utilizadas em 2011 chegou a 2,33%, numa contrao de 1,2 milho de toneladas. Aves de postura, com o mercado de ovos mais aquecido, demandaram 5,2 milhes de toneladas, com aumento de 5,4% sobre o comportamento de 2011, enquanto a avicultura de corte consumiu 31,1 milhes de toneladas (-3,6%) e a suinocultura, 15,1 milhes de toneladas (-2,2%). O vice-presidente executivo do Sindicato Nacional das Indstrias de Alimentao Animal (Sindiraes), Ariovaldo Zani, destaca que, alm da falta de capital de giro referente s recuperaes judiciais por produtores descapitalizados, o que mais pesou foi a exploso dos preos do farelo de soja e de milho. O alto preo inviabilizou principalmente a atividade dos pequenos e mdios empreendimentos independentes e influenciou no recuo da compra de raes componentes alimentares. No caso das aves de corte, a expectativa de ampliao da procura no segundo semestre por causa da maior oferta de gros

Inor Ag. Assmann


ritmo Stepping into the

e, em consequncia, do menor preo da matria-prima para alimentao animal. Paralelamente, espera-se a recuperao dos preos da carne pagos ao produtor, o que pode estimular a evoluo do alojamento e dinamizar a oferta de frangos. Desta maneira, a expectativa do Sindiraes para demanda de 31,7 milhes de toneladas em 2013, com alta de 2,1%. A avicultura de postura deve utilizar 5,4 milhes de toneladas do produto, com aumento de 2,6% no ano. J no caso dos sunos, a indstria de raes trabalha com a expectativa de reao de 2,5% na demanda nacional, que pode chegar a 15,5 milhes de toneladas. Isso caso o custo de produo no sofra tanta volatilidade ao longo do ano, enfatiza Ariovaldo Zani.

Resumption of growth should heat up feed market after the declining sales in 2012, resulting from overvalued raw materials
Hogs and poultry feed represented 80 percent of total animal feed consumption in Brazil in 2012. These segments absorbed 51.4 million tons of total sales that reached 63 million tons. In the two segments, the fall in consumption compared to the 52.6 million tons in 201l, was down 2.33 percent, representing a reduction of 1.2 million tons. Laying hens, with the egg market more heated up, demanded 5.2 million tons, up 5.4% from 2011, while meat chicken operations consumed 31.1 million tons (-3.6%) and hogs farming, 15.1 million tons (-2.2%). The executive vice-president of the Trade Union of Brazilian Animal Feed Industries (Sindiraes), Ariovaldo Zani, explains that, besides the lack of working capital regarding judicial recovery procedures of cash-strapped farmers, what weighed the most were the skyrocketing prices of meal and corn. The high prices made it almost impossible for the independent small and medium-scale producers to continue their operations and had an influence upon the declining sales of components of livestock food. In the case of meat chicken, there is expectation for soaring demand over the second half of the year as a result of lush supplies of grains and consequent lower prices of raw materials for animal feed. In the meantime, higher farm gate prices are equally expected, which could encourage the farmers to increase their chicken housing operations and turn broiler supplies more dynamic. This has led Sindiraes officials to expect demand to soar to 31.7 million tons in 2013, up 2.1 percent. The segment of laying hens should utilize 5.4 million tons of the product, up 2.6 percent a year. As to the hogs, the feed industry is projecting a 2.5 percent reaction in national demand, which could amount to 15.5 million tons. Of course, all this will happen if the volatile trajectory of the production cost comes to a close, Ariovaldo Zani emphasizes.

Inor Ag. Assmann


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Em dose
As novas tendncias da cadeia avcola nacional, os cenrios internacionais e os caminhos para a inovao no setor estaro em pauta no Salo Internacional da Avicultura (Siav), a ser promovido pela Unio Brasileira de Avicultura (Ubabef) de 27 a 29 de agosto, no Anhembi, em So Paulo (SP). Na programao est o 23 Congresso Brasileiro de Avicultura, com o tema Valor agregado: novos caminhos para a inovao avcola, gerando interesse em dose dupla e assegurando ao Siav a condio de mais importante evento do setor em 2013. Aps destacar a logstica como eixo temtico em 2011, visando ganhos competitivos, a Ubafef quer enfatizar em 2013 a importncia da melhoria da rentabilidade dos negcios da cadeia produtiva por meio da agregao de valor aos produtos. O presidente da entidade, Francisco Turra, considera que a avicultura atingiu patamares inditos nos mercados domstico e internacional, com o elevado consumo per capita de carne de aves, o aumento dos ndices de consumo de ovos e a liderana internacional nas exportaes de produtos avcolas. chegada a hora, porm, de gerar mais receita com a produo, acrescenta. Em sua opinio, os caminhos da avicultura devem se voltar para o incremento nos produtos industrializados, envolvendo mais tecnologias no processo. Assim, aumentamos o j elevado nmero de empregos no setor, alm da receita, e ainda beneficiamos as agroindstrias de aves e de ovos e a cadeia fornecedora, pelo crescimento dos investimentos em tecnologia, frisa. O 23 Congresso Brasileiro de Avicultu-

ra ter mais de 60 palestrantes, entre dirigentes empresariais, especialistas tcnico-cientficos e lderanas setoriais. Um ponto alto do programa a palestra com o norte-americano Jurgen Klaric, considerado um dos gurus do marketing na atualidade. Um painel com CEOs das maiores agroindstrias do setor enfatizado na programao, bem como a palestra de Andrea Gavinelli, diretor de Bem-Estar Animal da Diretoria-Geral de Sade e Consumo (DGSanco) da Comisso Europeia, avisa Ricardo Santin, diretor de Mercados da Ubabef. Em paralelo ao congresso, eventos gratuitos acontecero no Siav. Um deles o Projeto Produtor, voltado a avicultores, sobre desafios do manejo de frango de corte e aplicao de tecnologias na granja. O Simpsio sobre Produo e Mercado de Ovos ser exclusivamente voltado cadeia de postura, com temas referentes ao mercado e aos insumos. O 2 Seminrio Internacional de Sustentabilidade tratar da produo sustenSucesso garantido tvel de aves como elemento de O Siav consolidou antecipadaagregao de valor e ter mesamente o seu sucesso. Conforme a Ubabef, -redonda sobre resduos avcoquatro meses antes do evento, 98% da rea do las, com participao especial evento estava comercializada. Mais de 30 agroindsda Associao Brasileira de trias de aves e ovos, 20 empresas de equipamentos, todas Reciclagem Animal (Abra). de gentica avcola, laboratrios, produtores de raes, Alm disso, 10 encontros de Cmaras Setoriais da empresas de logstica, certificadores e outros players da cadeia produtiva garantiram presena a fim de apreUbabef esto confirmados, sentar novos produtos e servios ao mercado. O sue reunio conjunta das Ccesso no se restringiu comercializao, segunmaras Setoriais de Milho e do o presidente Francisco Turra. H uma Sorgo e de Aves e Sunos do massiva confirmao de produtores, Ministrio da Agricultura, Pecucomemora. ria e Abastecimento (Mapa).


Salo Internacional da Avicultura (Siav) e 23 Congresso Brasileiro de Avicultura movimentam a cadeia produtiva em agosto, em So Paulo

The new trends of the national poultry supply chain, international scenarios and the right tracks for innovating the sector will be on the agenda of the International Poultry Exhibition (IPE), to be promoted by the Brazilian Poultry Association (Ubabef), August 17th through August 29th, in Anhembi, State of So Paulo (SP). The program also includes the 23rd Brazilian Poultry Congress, focused on Added value: new paths for poultry innovation, generating double dose interests and turning the International Exhibition into the most important event of the sector in 2013. After choosing logistics as core subject in 2011, with an eye towards competitive edges, in 2013, Ubafef intends to highlight the importance of improving the business profitability levels of the supply chain by adding value to its products. The president of the entity, Francisco Turra, has it that poultry farming has made unprecedented strides both at home and in the international marketplace, with rising per capita consumption of poultry meat and eggs, along with conquering global leadership in shipments abroad of poultry products. On the other hand, the time has come for us to generate more revenue from production, he adds. In his opinion, poultry farming businesses should begin to focus more intensely on industrialized products, involving processing technologies. This would add more jobs to the employment positions now existing in the sector, besides driving additional revenue and benefiting all poultry and egg agroindustries, and the supply chain itself, through bigger investments in technology, he insists. The 23rd Brazilian Poultry Congress will offer a slate of upwards of 60 lectures given by renowned entrepreneurs, technical and scientific specialists and sectoral leaderships. One of the highlights of the congress will be the lecture by Jurgen Klaric, renowned North-American market specialist. A panel with CEOs from the leading agroindustries of the sector is also a high point in the program, as well as the lecture by Andrea Gavinelli, director of the Animal Welfare department at the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG Sanco), Ubabef market director Ricardo Santin confirms. During the congress, free events will also be held at the IPE. One of them is the Producer Project, geared towards poultry farmers, featuring meat chicken management practices and the use of technologies on the farm. The Symposium on Egg Production and Market will be exclusively for those engaged in raising egg-laying chickens, featuring market and input variables. The 2nd International Sustainability Seminar will deal with sustainable production of poultry as a value adding element and will feature a round table on poultry waste, under the coordination of the Brazilian Association of Animal Recycling (Abra). Furthermore, 10 meetings by Ubabef Sectoral Chambers have been confirmed, and so has a joint meeting of the Corn, Sorghum, Poultry and Hogs Sectoral Chambers, chaired by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA).

Inor Ag. Assmann

International Poultry Exhibition (IPE) and 23rd Brazilian Poultry Congress get the entire supply chain involved in August, in So Paulo



Guaranteed success
The IPE has consolidated its success in advance. According to Ubabef sources, four months prior to the event, 98% of the entire area had already been traded. Upwards of 20 equipment companies, all of them involved in poultry genetics, laboratories, feed producers, logistic companies, certifiers and other players of the supply chain confirmed their presence in order to display their products and services to the market. Success was not restricted to space negotiated in advance, president Francisco Turra said. Producers have massively confirmed their attendance, he rejoices.


. Agenda


u Aves e S

Salo Internacional da Avicultura SIAV 23 Congresso Brasileiro de Avicultura Data: 27 a 29 de agosto 2013 Local: Anhembi (So Paulo SP) Telefone: (11) 3031 4115 E-mail: ubabef@ubabef.com.br Site: www.ubabef.com.br 11 Feira Internacional de Tecnologia para a Indstria da Carne Tecnocarne 2013 Data: 27 at 29 agosto 2013 Local: Centro de Exposies Imigrantes (So Paulo SP) Telefone: (11) 3017 6807 E-mail: visitante.tc@btsmedia.biz Site: www.tecnocarne.com.br Expointer 2013 36 Exposio Internacional de Animais, Mquinas, Implementos e Produtos Agropecurios Data: 24 de agosto a 1 de setembro de 2013 Local: Parque Estadual de Exposies Assis Brasil - Esteio - RS Telefone: (51) 3288 6223/ 6225 E-mail: expointer@agricultura.rs.gov.br Site: www.expointer.rs.gov.br I Ciclo de Palestras de Aves e Sunos Data: 10 a 12 de setembro de 2013 Local Auditrio Prof. Paulo Roberto Facin- UFCG Patos-PB Promoo Unidade Acadmica de Medicina Veterinria / CSTR / Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) Campus de Patos Patos - PB Tel: (83) 9697 4989 e (84) 9139 0468 E-mail: jussierjurandir@yahoo.com.br 120

X Curso de Atualizao em Avicultura para Postura Comercial Data: De 10 a 12 de novembro de 2013 Local: Centro de convenes Unesp/FCAV - Jaboticabal, SP Realizao: Unesp/FCAV Telefone: (16) 3209 1303 Site: www.funep.org.br XXIII Congresso Latino-americano de Avicultura Data: 12 a 15 de novembro de 2013 Local: Centro Internacional de Ferias y Convenciones, San Salvador - El Salvador Email: amartinez@avicultura2013.com Site: www.avicultura2013.com/index.php/ pt/home.html

Robispierre Giuliani

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Show Rural Coopavel 2014 Data: 03 a 07 de fevereiro de 2014 Local: Cascavel (PR) Realizao: Coopavel Telefone: (45) 3225 6885 E-mail: showrural@coopavel.com.br Site: www.showrural.com.br V Simpsio Mineiro de Suinocultura (V SIMIS) Data: 8, 9 e 10 de abril de 2014 Local: Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA/MG) Realizao: Ncleo de Estudos em Suinocultura (NESUI) Telefone: (35) 3829 5278 E-mail: simis@nesui.com.br Site: nesui.com.br AveSui Amrica Latina 2014 / Feira Biomassa & Bioenergia Data: 13 a 15 de maio Local: Centro Sul Florianpolis (SC) Realizao: Gessulli Agribusiness Telefone: (11) 2118 3133 E-mail: avesui@gessulli.com.br Site: www.avesui.com PorkExpo & VII Frum Internacional de Suinocultura Data: De 28 a 30 de outubro de 2014 Local: Hotel Mabu Therma & Resort Foz do Iguau (PR) Realizao: Safeway/Grupo AW Site: www.facebook.com/Porkexpo

Simpsio Brasil Sul de Suinocultura & V Pig Fair Data: 13 a 15 de agosto Local: Chapec (SC) Realizao: Nucleovet Telefone: (49) 3229 1640 E-mail: nucleovet@nucleovet.com.br Site: www.nucleovet.com.br XVI Congresso da Associao Brasileira de Veterinrios Especialistas em Sunos (Abraves) Data: 05 08 de Novembro de 2013 Local: Cuiab (MT) Realizao: Abraves Telefone: (65) 3549 1136 Site: http://abravesmt.com.br

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