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Accepted and Approved by HOA Members: July 7, 2009


APRIL 21, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Virginia George, followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation.
A motion to revise the agenda was made by Vince Maggi, seconded by Al Parker.
Motion passed.
Al Parker made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes since a copy
was provided to each attendee. Motion was seconded by Vince Maggi and approved by
those in attendance.
Treasurer Jennie Prettyman presented the financial report. A motion to accept the
report was made by Al Parker and seconded by Vince Maggi. Motion passed.
Lieutenant Fitzpatrick, State Police Barracks 3, was the guest speaker, invited by
Al Turner who leads the Neighborhood Watch. Lieutenant Fitzpatrick works with crime
watch committees. He stressed the importance of reporting vandalism and other crimes
immediately when they are discovered. Since the main item of concern for the evening
was the sign at the entrance, he made these suggestions: strengthen signs and posts, and
consider installing surveillance cameras. He noted that two arrests have been made
recently involving “crimes of opportunity”. He advised keeping track of costs of
replacing and/or fixing the signs and posts. In answer to a question from John
McGurney, he stated that, if the perpetrator is caught, he probably won’t go to jail, but he
will be fined and will be made to pay restitution to us.
Don Tiderencel said that he does not see the need for a sign. He suggests we
establish fixed dates for meetings so everyone knows when they are scheduled and thus
avoid the need for mailing notices.
The president asked for a vote of those present on whether we should replace the
sign. The majority voted for a sign at the entrance, thinking that it serves a very useful

There were no reports from either the Beautification or Welcome/Hospitality
Gumpman Landscaping has done one treatment on each pond for algae. Pond 3 is
giving us problems with algae. The second treatment must wait until the water
temperature reaches 65 degrees. So far we have spent $2600.00 on landscaping issues.
This is in keeping with initial expenses each year for clean-up, mulching, and other items.
Since no volunteers have come forward to organize the walk for charity or the arts
and crafts event, we will abandon both ideas.
As a result of investigating options on setting up a trash receptacle at the entrance,
and speaking with Charles Scarborough regarding the extent of the litter problem, the
Officers decided not to place a trash receptacle. It was also thought that this, too, could
become a target for vandals or could become a place for people to dump unwanted items.
Accepted and Approved by HOA Members: July 7, 2009
The issue of snow removal was raised. DelDot will reimburse 75% of expenses
for snow removal over 4 inches. This issue will be revisited at the next meeting.
The Spring Yard Sale is scheduled for June 6th with a rain date of June 13th.
Chairperson is Mary McGurney.
Residents were encouraged to visit the web site.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Vince Maggi and seconded by Al
Parker. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Austin, Secretary

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