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Deaftard comments on YSK about Einstein for Everyone, an easy to understand guide to spacetime, relativity, cosmology...

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YSK about Einstein for Everyone, an easy to understand guide to spacetime, relativity, cosmology and quantum theory
( self.YouShouldKnow) submitted 6 hours ago by lntrinsic 20 comments source share save hide report hide all child comments

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this post was submitted on 29 Sep 2013

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[] transt 7 points 2 hours ago ( 7| 0)

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Is there a print version of the book?

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Or an ebook version of the site?

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A community to share obscure things that most people should already be aware of, but aren't. Please provide citations/documentation whenever possible . 1) Your title should inform the reader exactly what they should know without them having to read the description. Save that space for explaining any additional information and linking to sources. 2) Only link to another subreddit if the content it provides is something people should know. 3) Report any post you feel does not belong here. The mods also appreciate any messages to help speed up the process. We get so lonely. 4) Posts that contain an agenda or are a 'call to arms' will be removed. To see what other people are learning about today, check out r/TodayILearned! Check out r/LifeProTips to pick-up secrets of overcoming everyday problems (aka LifeHacks)! Find out what every man should know over at r/EveryManShouldKnow! Not sure which subreddit to post a submission in? Use r/Assorted!
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[] Deaftard

1 point 14 minutes ago ( 1| 0)

Its on Scribd, where I think you can download a PDF version to read on ebook apps. http:// www.scribd.com/mobile /doc/32934725
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September 30, 2013 5:34:20 AM

Deaftard comments on YSK about Einstein for Everyone, an easy to understand guide to spacetime, relativity, cosmology... 2
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September 30, 2013 5:34:20 AM

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