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Student Number: 1117792

TANYA KAUR: 1117792 (EN1015 THINKING ABOUT LITERATURE EXAM NOTES) Marxism: Ideology Ideology: meanings Gatsby: American dream, 1920. Before: family. After: R to R. Nick fathers advice; advantages, still has traditional AD. West: leave mediocre existence. T& D romantic ideology, wealth numbing/detrimental (losses). Unprepared for corruption: AD ruined. ISoB: Distortion serve interests of RC: Gatsby provides only one perspective. Imaginary rep of material economic conditions: distorted however.

Structuralism/Post-structuralism Language for itself Binary Opposition: Word and opposite, interpreted meaning- culturally. Opposites rely on each other for meaning. Meanings reinforced when BOs mentioned. Words symbols meaning. BOs positive/negative (less pos).weak/strong.fast/slow.. BO contradicts (Deconstruction) PS: No Bos, no fixed place/ID Post colonialism: Hybridity Product of Colonization BOs: Colonizers need colonized Invisible borders: Vilja Hogstrom essay: Mcleod J, Beginning Postcolonialism Manchester University Manchester (2000) Quoted in Hogstrom V, Antoinette- A Hybrid Without a Home: Hybridity in Wide Sargasso Sea (2009) https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:MoK7ur7DMBgJ:hig.divaportal.org/smash/get/diva2:218975/FULLTEXT01+hybridity+in+wide+sargasso+sea&hl=en& gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgr4iKJcrPNzpuG7z0wpm6UQI6w-abt3NCVOyaTmBM3zNtgAT3UhG-rBEvT3YLksLHUlK730vR1zjJJCCgb9LAKkzUM6wiru266E51N191pVyYTl4LDGiTnDYHB9dDsj31BcQ&sig=AHIEtbT0sMq96h_NwXDx3dk6EKCev7_YA to keep distance (Hogram, 2009) As ancestors owners of black slaves, because of abolition lost status.

Student Number: 1117792

Rochester loses English ID falls for A/ She doesnt know of England. No common ground, no learning = alone. G, Martyna. "Wide Sargasso Sea: Discussion Centre for WSS Presentation". 11/2/2010. http://seasargassowide.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/antoinette-cultural-and-racial.html (accessed 15/05/2012).

Psychoanalysis: Dreams Bennett: Write plays to resolve things that can only be resolved by writing a play. Unc disguised comes to conc and wish(es)fulfilled Latent: Express repressed desires. Nature of teaching- Irwin- sexualised by pupil who takes all in. Hector quote: Bennett. A The History Boys Faber and Faber, 2004 Dakin cleverer than Irwin: contradiction 1) Look for Freuds theory- repressed latent meanings. 2) Hidden meanings. D-Works: 1) Condense ideas 2) Illusory latent elements; Important element made trivial. Freuds homosexuality theory: 1) Oedipus complex: Boy thinks mum is boy with feminine appearance. 2) Child over attached with mum, wants to love someone like himself. 3) negative/inverted OC: Boy seeks dads love. 4) Jealous of male relatives (e.g.) Posner jealous of Dakin & Irwin. Urnings: female soul- males body (19th C)

Feminism: Patriarchy Cixous, H The Laugh of the Medusa Chicago Journals (1976) 875-893: write as violently as theyve been driven from their bodies (875). Future not determined by past (875). Men constructed logic of antilove (878). Writing is possibility of change (879). Women has had body confiscated, write to re-gain it (880). Woman has been governed by phallus (881) (Penis function in lit). Rover ideas from: Edl, Andrea. "Universal Journal: The Association of Young Journalists and Writers". N.D. http://ayjw.org/articles.php?id=581719 (accessed 15/05/2012).

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