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According to (Erickson, 1996) something curious is happening on the World Wide Web. It is undergoing a slow transformation from an abstract, chaotic, information web into what I call a social hypertext. Thomas Erickson made this comment in 1996; nowadays we are living into those kinds of changes. The web is used in an interaction way there are some activities that students can make through the web for example they can create blogs, or different accounts that allow them make the participation of some activities that teachers give them.

There are four key web 2.0 services and according to (Education 2.0? - Teaching and Learning Research Programme, 2013) They are the activities most often associated with web 2.0 realize four typically human dispositions: the playful, the expressive, the reflective and the exploratory. In my own view point those activities are important; because students can develop some abilities, for example they express their different ways of think trough publications about some topic, so they have different ideas to create their web sites and of this way they express their attitudes. Students can be reflective in the sense that if they have facebook, twitter or an account on blogger, they can decide their friends on social networks and in this way they are chary of their personal security.

Some teachers are exploring the potential of social networking; because they allow them create a participative environment between students and teachers, especially they chose to work with facebook; because almost all students have this kind of socialnetwork that is why they consider this is a good way to use socialnetworking and is a positive way to use it too. According to (Lemuel, 2006) some educationalists have opted to explore the potential of social networking to augment conventional interactions and dialogue between students and teachers.

As a conclusion I can say that web 2.0 has some tools that they allow to students and teachers to get better results; because using blogs and social networks into the education teachers get a participative environment with their students. Also I think web 2.0 is no being used into the educational system of our country just on the university.

Education 2.0? - Teaching and Learning Research Programme. (20 de may de 2013). Recuperado el 27 de Septiembre de 2013, de Education 2.0? - Teaching and Learning Research Programme: http://www.tlrp.org/pub/documents/TELcomm.pdf Erickson, T. (20 de Diciembre de 1996). Cognition in A Digital World. Recuperado el 27 de Septiembre de 2013, de Cognition in A Digital World: http://books.google.com.sv/books?id=mXxaeXZ7DXMC&pg=PT123&lpg=PT123&dq=see+Erickson, +T.+(1996)+%E2%80%98The+worldwide+web+as+social+hypertext%E2%80%99+Communications +of+the+ACM,+39,+1,+pp.15-17&source=bl&ots=FF_8ow-8l&sig=pKDFNSFTwL2PVqCaLrTVnoAUbfA&hl=e Lemuel, J. (1 de Septiembre de 2006). The Chronicle of Higher Education. Recuperado el 27 de Septiembre de 2013, de The Chronicle of Higher Education: http://soe.wiki.trevecca.edu/file/view/Is_Education_1.0_Ready_for_Web_2.0_Students.pdf

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