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From: California Republican Assembly <admin@californiarepublicanassembly.

Subject: Immediate Action Needed
Date: July 9, 2009 7:24:08 AM PDT
To: reefer@worldviewpr.com
Reply-To: admin@californiarepublicanassembly.com

Immediate Action Needed to Stop Harvey Milk Day

CRA officers have learned that some Republican Legislators in the State
Assembly may do the unthinkable! They may be inclined to vote for Senate Bill
572, the bill that would require the governor to declare each May 22 as Harvey
Milk Day and "encourage" schools to "commemorate" the life and career of
this homosexual San Francisco politician as part of the school day.

Some GOP Assembly members are even rumored to either abstain or “lay
off” the bill when it comes up for a vote. This vote by the full Assembly can
happen any day!

“This is unacceptable; this notion that Republicans would actually lend their
support to a bill that paves the way for schools to learn about homosexual
politicians and their sexual lifestyle,” said CRA President Ken Mettler.

“What these Republican legislators need to understand is that conservative, pro-

family voters in this state expect them to vote against such bills, not aide in
their passage or even avoid taking a moral stand altogether by abstaining or
“laying off” the bill,” Mettler added. “Republican legislators are our only line
of defense and voice.”

These legislators are being lead to believe that because SB 572 doesn't
explicitly "mandate" celebrations of Harvey Milk, they can vote in favor of it,
or simply abstain from voting. They should know better!

Liberal Democrats pushing this bill will today only “encourage” schools to
celebrate Harvey Milk and his homosexual agenda, but tomorrow will alter the
law to mandate it throughout the state. That’s how the Democrats work.

For every school that chooses to conduct “commemorative exercises” about

Harvey Milk, they will be required by law to portray Milk’s homosexual
lifestyle in a positive, “non-discriminatory” light. It is spelled out in black and
white in the law (Education Code section 51500).
white in the law (Education Code section 51500).

What made Harvey Milk was his homosexuality. He bragged about it. He wore
his sexual lifestyle on his sleeve. He campaigned for office as a homosexual
man. Teachers will mention his homosexuality. Students will be told about
Harvey Milk passing pro-homosexual policies. You cannot mention Harvey
Milk without mentioning his sexuality!!

Democrats want to ram SB 572 through the Legislature and rush it to Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk in the hopes of him signing it into law.
Schwarzenegger vetoed last year’s Harvey Milk bill, AB 2567.

What we need is for ALL 29 Republican Assembly members to explicitly

vote NO on SB 572. This will give added weight to our call that
Schwarzenegger also veto SB 572.

The vote in the State Assembly is our last chance to try to stop SB 572. If it
passes it will go to Schwarzenegger where he alone will decide its fate. Having
our Republicans united in opposition would be a great help.

But there is great reason to be alarmed. And there is great reason for us hold
members of our own party accountable.

You see, on Wednesday, June 17th, the Assembly Education Committee heard
testimony on SB 572. The bill passed the committee on a party-line vote, but
not before committee Democrats attacked the conservative leaders testifying
against the bill.

CRA Vice President Ben Lopez and CRA National Committeewoman Karen
England presented arguments against the bill and were called “stupid” and
“hateful,” among a host of other attacks. Democrat Assemblyman Tom
Ammiano, a liberal San Francisco homosexual activist, was particularly harsh
in his attacks on these pro-family advocates. Even more shameful, the
committee chair, Assemblywoman Julia Brownley, a Democrat from Santa
Monica, allowed the attacks to continue.

Three Republicans on the committee, Vice Chair Brian Nestande, Martin

Garrick and Jeff Miller, all left the room during the hearing of this particular
bill, leaving Lopez and England without any allies on the committee.

Assembly Democrats should be ashamed at their outrageous behavior towards

citizens who testified at a government hearing. Assemblyman Tom Ammiano
should apologize for his disgraceful behavior and Assemblywoman Brownley
should apologize for allowing such inexcusable behavior to persist in her
committee room. To this day no apology has been given.

At a time when Republican, conservative pro-family leaders needed their

fellow allies in the Legislature to come to their defense, none of them were
around. Republican leaders should stand firm and demand that the legislature
around. Republican leaders should stand firm and demand that the legislature
treat citizens engaging in public debate in a civil manner. Foot soldiers on the
front lines of the culture war in Sacramento should not be left hanging ever

Assembly Republicans must hold the line. They must not abstain! They
must not “lay off”! They must not vote yes.

“There is only one acceptable option for Assembly Republicans; that option is
to outright vote no,” Mettler said. “Let it be very clear, all Republicans will be
held accountable for this vote. There is no excuse for voting otherwise.”


Call all Republican Assembly Members immediately and tell them California
families are counting on them to vote NO.
Name Party Phone Fax
Adams, Anthony R 916 319 2059 916 319 2159
Anderson, Joel R 916 319 2077 916 319 2177
Berryhill, Bill R 916 319 2026 916 319 2126
Berryhill, Tom R 916 319 2025 916 319 2125
Blakeslee, Sam R 916 319 2033 916 319 2133
Conway, Connie R 916 319 2034 916 319 2134
Cook, Paul R 916 319 2065 916 319 2165
DeVore, Chuck R 916 319 2070 916 319 2170
Duvall, Michael R 916 319 2072 916 319 2172
Emmerson, Bill R 916 319 2063 916 319 2163
Fletcher, Nathan R 916 319 2075 916 319 2175
Fuller, Jean R 916 319 2032 916 319 2132
Gaines, Ted R 916 319 2004 916 319 2104
Garrick, Martin R 916 319 2074 916 319 2174
Gilmore, Danny R 916 319 2030 916 319 2130
Hagman, Curt R 916 319 2060 916 319 2160
Harkey, Diane R 916 319 2073 916 319 2173
Jeffries, Kevin R 916 319 2066 916 319 2166
Knight, Steve R 916 319 2036 916 319 2136
Logue, Dan R 916 319 2003 916 319 2103
Miller, Jeff R 916 319 2071 916 319 2171
Nestande, Brian R 916 319 2064 916 319 2164
Niello, Roger R 916 319 2005 916 319 2105
Nielsen, Jim R 916 319 2002 916 319 2102
Silva, Jim R 916 319 2067 916 319 2167
Smyth, Cameron R 916 319 2038 916 319 2138
Strickland, Audra R 916 319 2037 916 319 2137
Tran, Van R 916 319 2068 916 319 2168
Villines, Michael R 916 319 2029 916 319 2129

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The California Republican Assembly

The Conscience of the Republican Party
Ken Mettler, President
Post Office Box 877
Monrovia, CA 91017

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