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PHBS household is an effort to empower members of the household, in order to know, willing and able to carry out a clean

and healthy lifestyle and participation in movement in public health because of the home as a shelter for the family. There are 10 indicators of PHBs in the household, namely: 1. Deliveries assisted by health personnel: The definition here of health workers such as doctors, midwives and other paramedical personnel. This is because there are still some people who still rely on non-medical personnel to aid delivery, such as traditional birth attendants. In addition to insecurity and the handling is not sterile, treatment by traditional midwives feared even this can lead to greater risk of maternal and infant mortality. 2. Exclusive breastfeeding gives babies: A mother can give her baby the exclusive breastfeeding breastfeeding without any additional food and drink in infants from the age of zero to six months. 3. Considering every month Toddler: Baby and Toddler Weighing every month intended to monitor the growth Toddlers each month. Weighing was carried out in IHC (Integrated Service Post) ranging in age from 1 month to 5 years. After the weighing, recording the results in the book KMS (Health Card). From this you will know the development of the Toddler. 4. Using the Clean Water: Use clean water in daily life such as cooking, bathing, drinking water up to the need. Unclean water are loaded with germs and bacteria that can cause various diseases. 5. Wash hands with soap: Wash hands with soap and running water can eliminate a wide range of germs and dirt on the hands so that the hands are clean and free of germs. Wash your hands every time before eating and doing activities that make use of the hand, such as holding money and animals, after defecating, before handling food and before feeding the baby. 6. Use Healthy Latrine: Pit is a room that has a human waste disposal facilities that made up the squatting or sitting area with a goose neck or no neck goose (pit) which is equipped with a septic and water to clean it. There are several requirements for a healthy latrine, which does not contaminate drinking water sources, does not smell, can not be touched by insects and rodents, do not pollute the surrounding soil, easy to clean and safe to use, come with protective walls and roofs, lighting and adequate ventilation, floor watertight, available water, soap, and cleaning tools.


Eradicate mosquito larvae in the house once a week: Perform Periodic Inspection Flick (CHD) in a domestic environment. PJB is checking mosquito breeding sites existing in the home, such as bathtub, WC, flower vases, placemats refrigerator, and outside the home such as gutters, etc. are done regularly every week. In addition, also do mosquito nest eradication (PSN) by way of 3 M (draining, Bury, Closing).


Eat fruits and vegetables every day: Consumption of fruits and vegetables is highly recommended because it contains a variety of vitamins, fiber and minerals that are beneficial to the body.


Physical activity every day: physical activity, whether it be sports or other activities that emit energy that is essential for the maintenance of physical health, mental, and maintaining quality of life to stay healthy and fit throughout day. kind of do physical activity in daily life the day walking, gardening, washing clothes, and others.

10. No smoking in the house: In the butts of cigarettes smoked, will be issued more than 4,000 harmful chemicals, such as nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide (CO). If there are family members who smoked (current smokers), especially in the home, the smoke from cigarettes is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also the people around him (passive smokers) who of course be bad for health. How efforts in the implementation of the ten PHBs family, of course depends on the awareness and participation of the people in the neighborhood, respectively. Therefore, efforts to create a healthy environment that will support the behavioral patterns of a healthy society is related. The PHBs program provides benefits to both the family and society 1. Share of Households: a. Each member of the family to be healthy and not get sick. b. Children grow up healthy and smart. c. Hard-working family members. d. Household expenditure can be directed to meet the family nutrition, education and venture capital to supplement the family income. 2. For the Community: a. Communities are able to pursue a healthy environment. b. Communities to prevent and cope with health problems. c. Communities utilizing the existing health services.

d. Communities to develop Community Health Efforts Sourced (UKBM) such as IHC, saving maternal, gathering toilets, ambulances and other villages. PHBs in Schools is a set of behaviors practiced by learners, teachers and the public school environment on the basis of consciousness as a result of learning, so that independently capable of preventing disease, improving health, as well as play an active role in creating a healthy environment. There are several indicators that were used as a measure to assess the PHBs in school are: 1. Maintain Hair To Clean and Neat Wash your hair regularly and comb it so it looks neat. Clean hair is hair that is not dull, odorless, and does not have lice. Check the cleanliness and tidiness of hair can be done by a small doctor / health worker / teacher UKS at least once a week. 2. Wearing Clothing Clean and Neat Wearing clothes that no droppings, no smell, and neat. Clothes are clean and neat obtained by washing clothes after being worn and trimmed with ironed. Check shirt which can be worn by young doctor / health worker / teacher UKS least once a week. 3. Always maintain order for Short Nails and Clean Merely cut the nails of fingers and clean it on a regular basis so as not black / dirty. Secr nail routine check can be done by a small doctor / health worker / teacher UKS least once a week. 4. Wearing Shoes Clean and Neat Wearing shoes that no dirt sticks to shoes, neat example for shoe laces tied. Obtained when the shoes clean shoes cleaned whenever dirty shoes. Check the students wear shoes that can be done by small doctor / health worker / teacher UKS least once a week. 5. Regular exercise and Measured Student / teacher / school community other exercise / physical activity on a regular basis at least three times a week within a day. Regular exercise can maintain physical and mental health as well as improve fitness so that the body remains healthy and does not easily fall ill. Exercise can be done in the yard together, in particular sports room (when available), and also in the work space for teachers / school staff mild form of exercise where they have a short break from busy work. Schools are expected to make a regular schedule to exercise together and provide tools / facilities for exercise.

6. No Smoking in Schools Child's school / teacher / school community are not permitted in the school environment. Smoking is harmful to the health of smokers and people who are around smokers. In each cigarette smoked will be issued 4000 harmful chemicals such as: Nicotine (addictive and cause damage to the heart and blood vessels); Tar (causing damage to cells and lung cancer) and CO (cause a reduction in the ability of blood to carry oxygen to the cells the body will die). Do not smoke in school can prevent children school / teacher / school from the community chances of developing the diseases mentioned above. Schools are expected to make regulations banned smoking in the school environment. Student / teacher / school community can watch each of them to not smoke in the school environment and are expected to develop the area without smoking / non-smoking areas. 7. Not Using Drug Child's school / teacher / school society are not using drugs (Narcotics Psychotropic addictive substances). Drug use harmful physical and psychological health of the wearer. 8. Flick Eradicate Mosquitoes Efforts to eradicate mosquito larvae in the school environment as evidenced by no mosquito larvae found in: shelters water, bathtub, bowl of water, flower vase, flower pot / flower pot base, containers disposal water dispenser, refrigerator water disposal containers, and goods -used items / places that can hold water in schools. Eradicate mosquito larvae in the school environment is done by mosquito nest eradication (PSN) through: drain and close the shelters water, bury used goods, and avoiding mosquito bites. With larvae-free environment is expected to prevent the disease from mosquito bites such as dengue fever, cikungunya, malaria and elephantiasis. Schools are expected to make arrangements to carry out at least once a week PSN. 9. Latrines using the Clean and Healthy Child's school / teacher / school community latrines / toilets / latrines goose neck with a septic tank or septic pit as a landfill during bowel movements and urination. Using a clean latrine every urination or defecation can keep the environment around the school to be clean, healthy, and odorless. Besides, it does not pollute water sources around the existing school environment as well as the coming avoiding flies or insects that can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, intestinal worms, and other diseases. Schools are expected to provide latrines that meet the health requirements

in sufficient quantities for all students as well as separately among boys and girls. Comparison latrine users are 1:30 for men and 1:20 for women. 10. Using the Clean Water Child's school / teacher / school community using clean water for daily needs in the school environment. Schools are expected to provide a source of water that can be derived from protected wells, water pumps, protected spring, rainwater, tap water, and bottled water (source water comes from pumps, wells, protected springs at least 10 meters from the place septic or sewage / WC). Expected to be available in the amount of water that meets the needs and available at all times. 11. Hand washing with Soap Water Flowing and Wear School / teacher / school community always wash hands before eating, after defecation / urination after, after the move, and or whenever hands are dirty with soap and clean running water. Clean running water to get rid of the germs that exist in dirty hands, while the addition of soap to clean dirt can also kill germs on hands. Hand is expected to be clean and free of germs and can prevent the transmission of diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, intestinal worms, skin diseases, acute respiratory infections (ARI), and bird flu. 12. Disposal of Waste to the Trash disaggregated Child's school / teacher / school community dispose of trash to the dumpster available. Expected to be available trash bins disaggregated between organic, non-organic, and hazardous waste materials. Trash besides dirty and unsightly also contains a variety of germs. Familiarize the trash bins provided will greatly assist school children / teacher / school community protected from various germs. 13. Eating Healthy Snacks from school canteens Child's school / teacher / school community consume healthy snacks from the canteen / school shop or lunch brought from home. We recommend that schools provide healthy school stalls with foods that contain nutrients balanced and varied, so as to make the body healthy and strong, declining school attendance rate, and the learning process goes well. 14. Considering Weight and Height Measuring Every Month Students weighed weight and height were measured every month in order to determine the level of growth. Weighing and measuring outcomes compared to standard weight and height so it is unknown whether student growth normal or abnormal.

Benefits of PHBs in School Guidance 1. Benefits for students: a. Improve their health and do not get sick b. Increase enthusiasm for learning c. Increase productivity studying d. Reduce the number of absences due to illness 2. Benefits to the school community: a. Rising spirit of positive impact on student learning and achievement goals b. The reduced health costs to be incurred by the parent c. Increasing positive school image 3. Benefits to schools: a. Any technical guidance in the implementation of school guidance PHBs b. There is support for books and media promotion guidelines PHBs in school 4. Benefits for the community a. Having a healthy school environment b. Can imitate the behavior of healthy living that is applied by the school 5. Government benefits for provincial / district / city a. Healthy school performance and image shows the provincial / district / city good b. Can be used as a learning center for other local PHBs in coaching in schools

http://www.promkes.depkes.go.id/index.php/topik-kesehatan/106-terapkan-10-indikatorphbs-dalam-lingkungan-keluarga http://csrpdamkotabogor.wordpress.com/edukasi/perilaku-hidup-bersih-dan-sehat-phbs/ http://www.promkes.depkes.go.id/index.php/phbs-di-sekolah http://puskesmasbatuputihberau.wordpress.com/promkes/info-kesehatan/perilaku-hidupbersih-dan-sehat-phbs-di-sekolah/

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