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A art.

A-road n.
aback adv.
abacus n.
abandon v.
abandoned adj.
abandonment n.
abase v.
abashed adj.
abate v.
abattoir n.
abbess n.
abbey n.
abbot n.
abbr. n.
abbreviate n.
abbreviation n.
ABC n.
abdicate v.
abdomen n.
abdominal adj.
abduct v.
abduction n.
aberrant adj.
aberration n.
abet v.
abettor n.
abeyance n.
abhor v.
abhorrence n.
abhorrent adj.
abide v.
abiding adj.
ability n.
abject adj.
abjectly adv.
abjure v.
ablaze adj.
able adj.
able-bodied adj.
able man n.
able seaman n.
ably adv.
ablutions n.
abnegation n.
abnomal adj.
abnormality n.
abnormally adv.
aboard adv.
abode n.
abolish v.
abolition n.
abolitionist n.
abominable adj.
abominably adv.
abominate v.
abomination n.
aborigine n.
aboriginal n.
abort v.
abortion n.
abortionist n.
abortive adj.
abound v.
about adv.
above adv.
the above n.
above all IDM.
above oneself IDM.
above mentioned adv.
abracadabra n.
abrade v.
abrasion n.
abrasive adj.
abrasiveness n.
abreast adv.
ုkeep abreast of IDM.
abridge v.
abridgement n.
abroad adv.
abrogate v.
abrogation n.
abrupt adj.
abscess n.
abscond v.
abseil v.
abseil n.
absence n.
absent adj.
absently adv.
absent minded adj.
absent mindedly adv.
absent mindedness n.
absentee n.
absenteeism n.
absentee landlord n.
absolute adj.
absolute n.
absolute majority n.
absolute zero n.
absolutely adv.
absolution n.
absolutism n.
absolutist n.
absolve v.
absorb v.
absorbed adj.
absorbent adj.
absorbency n.
absorbing adj.
absorption n.
abstain v.
abstainer n.
abstemious adj.
abstention n.
abstinence n.
abstract adj.
abstract n.
abstract v.
abstract noun n.
in the abstract IDM.
abstracted adj.
abstractedly adv.
abstraction n.
abstruse adj.
absurd adj.
the absurd n.
absurdity n.
absurdly adv.
abundance n.
abundant adj.
abundantly adv.
abuse v.
abuse n.
abusive adj.
abusively adv.
abut v.
abysmal adj.
abysmally adv.
abyss n.
AC n.
acacia n.
academe n.
academia n.
academic adj.
academic n.
academically adv.
academician n.
academy n.
Academy Award n.
accede v.
accelerate v.
acceleration n.
accelerator n.
accent n.
accent v.
accentuate v.
accentuation n.
accept v.
acceptable adj.
acceptablity n.
acceptably adv.
acceptance n.
access n.
access road n.
access time n.
access denied n.
accessible adj.
accessibility n.
accession n.
acid n.

acid adj.
acid house n.
acidic adj.
acidify v.
acidification n.
acidity n.
acid rain n.
acid test n.
accessory n.
accessory after the fact IDM.
accessory before the fact IDM.
accident n.
accident prone adj.
accidents will happen IDM.
by accident IDM.
accidental adj.
accidentally adv.
acclaim v.
acclaim n.
acclamation n.
acclimatize v.
acclimatise v.
acclimatization n.
acclimatisation n.
accolade n.
accommodate v.
accommodating adj.
accommodation n.
accommodations n.
accompaniment n.
accompanist n.
accompany v.
accomplice n.
accomplish v.
accomplished adj.
accomplishment n.
accord n.
in accord IDM.
of one's own accord IDM.
with one accord IDM.
accordance n.
in accordance with IDM.
according n.
according to prep.
accordingly adv.
accordion n.
accost v.
account n.
account v.
from all accounts IDM.
by one's own account IDM.
give a good, splendid, etc account of oneself IDM.
give a poor account of oneself IDM.
on account IDM.
not on any account IDM.
accountable adj.
accountability n.
be held accountable IDM.
accountant n.
accountancy n.
accoutrements n.
accredit v.
accreditation n.
accredited adj.
accretion n.
accrue v.
accumulate v.
accumulation n.
accumulative adj.
accuracy n.
accurate adj.
accurately adv.
accursed adj.
accusation n.
accusative n.
accusative adj.
accuse v.
accusatory adj.
the accused n.
accuser n.
accusing adj.
accusingly adv.
accustomed adj.
ace n.
ace adj.
hold all the aces IDM.
acerbic adj.
acetate n.
acetic adj.
acetic acid n.
acetylene n.
ache n.
ache v.
achieve v.
achievable adj.
achievement n.
Achilles n.
Achilles' tendon n.
add v.
add fuel to the flames IDM.
add insult to injury IDM.
add-on n.
add up PHRV.
add up to PHRV.
acidly adv.
acidulous adj.
acknowledge v.
acknowledgement n.
acme n.
acne n.
acolyte n.
aconite n.
acorn n.
acoustic adj.
acoustically adv.
acoustics n.
acquaint v.
acquainted adj.
acquaintance n.
on further acquaintance IDM.
acquiesce v.
acquiescence n.
acquiescent adj.
acquire v.
an acquired taste IDM.
acquisition n.
acquisitive adj.
acquisitiveness n.
acquit v.
acquittal n.
acre n.
acreage n.
acrid adj.
acrimony n.
acrimonious adj.
acrimoniously adv.
acrobat n.
acrobatic adj.
acrobatics n.
acronym n.
across adv.
across from prep.
acrostic n.
acrylic n.
acrylic adj.
act n.
act v.
act of God n.
act on PHRV.
act upon PHRV.
acting n.
acting adj.
action n.
actionable adj.
action group n.
action packed adj.
action replay n.
actions speak louder than words IDM.
action stations n.
in action IDM.
into action IDM.
out of action IDM.
where the action is IDM.
activate v.
activation n.
active adj.
active n.
actively adv.
active service n.
activism n.
activist n.
activity n.
actor n.
actress n.
actual adj.
your actual IDM.
actually adv.
actuality n.
actuary n.
acturial adj.
actuate v.
acuity n.
acumen n.
acupuncture n.
acupuncturist n.
acute adj.
acute accent n.
acute angle n.
acutely adv.
acuteness n.
AD abbr.
adage n.
adagio adj.
adagio adv.
adagio n.
Adam n.
Adam's apple n.
adamant adj.
adamantly adv.
adapt v.
adaptable adj.
adaptability n.
adaptation n.
adaptive adj.
adaptor n.
ADC abbr.
adorn v.
adornment n.
addendum n.
adder n.
addict n.
addicted adj.
addiction n.
addictive adj.
addition n.
additional adj.
additionally adv.
in addition IDM.
additive n.
addled adj.
address n.
address v.
addressee n.
adduce v.
adenoids n.
adenoidal adj.
adept adj.
adequate adj.
adequacy n.
adequately adv.
adhere v.
adherent n.
adherence n.
adhesion n.
adhesive adj.
adhesive n.
ad hoc adj.
ad hoc adv.
adieu n.
ad infinitum adv.
adjacent adj.
adjacent angles n.
adjective n.
adjectival adj.
adjectivally adv.
adjoin v.
adjoining adj.
adjourn v.
adjournment n.
adjudge v.
adjudicate v.
adjudication n.
adjudicator n.
adjunct n.
adjure v.
adjust v.
adjustable adv.
adjustment n.
adjutant n.
ad lib adv.
ad lib v.
adman n.
admin n.
administer v.
administration n.
administrative adj.
administratively adv.
administrator n.
admirable adj.
admirably adv.
admiral n.
admiralty n.
admiration n.
admire v.
admirer n.
admiring adj.
admiringly adv.
admissable adj.
admissibility n.
admission n.
admit v.
admittedly adv.
admittance n.
admonish v.
admonishment n.
admonition n.
admonitory adj.
ad nauseam adv.
ado n.
adobe n.
adolescence n.
adolescent adj.
adolescent n.
adopt v.
adoption n.
adoptive adj.
adorable adj.
adore v.
adoration n.
adoring adj.
affidavit n.
adrenal adj.
adrenalin n.
adrift adj.
adroit adj.
adroitly adv.
adroitness n.
adulation n.
adulatory adj.
adult adj.
adult n.
adulthood n.
adulterate v.
adulteration n.
adultery n.
adulterer n.
adulteress n.
adulterous adj.
adumbrate v.
adumbration n.
advance n.
advances n.
advances adj.
advances v.
advanced adj.
advanced level n.
in advance IDM.
advancement n.
advantage n.
advantage sing.
advantage v.
advantaged adj.
advantageous adj.
advantageously adv.
have the advantage of IDM.
take advantage of IDM.
to advantage IDM.
advent n.
Advent n.
adventitious adj.
adventure n.
adventure playground n.
adventurer n.
adventuress n.
adventurous adj.
adventurously adv.
adverb n.
adverbial adj.
adverbial particle n.
adversary n.
adversarial adj.
adverse adj.
adversely adv.
adversity n.
advert n.
advertise v.
advertisement n.
advertiser n.
advertising n.
advice n.
advisable adj.
advisability n.
advise v.
advisedly adv.
be well advised IDM.
adviser n.
advisory adj.
advocacy n.
advocate v.
advocate n.
adze n.
aegis n.
under the aegis of IDM.
aeon n.
aerate v.
aerated water n.
aeration n.
aerial n.
antenna n.
aerial adj.
aerobatics n.
aerobatic adj.
aerobics n.
aerobic adj.
aerodrome n.
aerodynamics n.
aerodynamic adj.
aerogramme n.
aeronautics n.
aeronautic adj.
aeronautical adj.
aeroplane n.
airplane n.
aerosol n.
aerospace n.
aesthete n.
esthete n.
aesthetic adj.
esthetic adj.
aesthetic n.
esthetic n.
aesthetics v.
aesthetically adv.
aestheticism n.
estheticism n.
afar adv.
from afar IDM.
affable adj.
affabililty n.
affably adv.
affair n.
affairs n.
affect v.
affecting adj.
affect v.
affected adj.
affectedly adv.
affectation n.
affection n.
affectionate adj.
affectionately adv.
aggrandizement n.
aggrandisement n.
affiliate v.
affiliate n.
affiliation n.
affinity n.
affirm v.
affirmation n.
affirmative adj.
affirmative n.
affirmative action n.
affix v.
affix n.
afflict v.
affliction n.
affluence n.
affluent adj.
afford v.
affordable adj.
afforest v.
afforestation n.
affray n.
affront n.
affront v.
affronted adj.
Afghan n.
afghan n.
Afghan hound n.
aficionado n.
afield adv.
aflame adj.
afloat adj.
afoot adj.
aforementioned adj.
the aforementioned n.
aforethought adj.
afortiori adv.
afraid adj.
I'm afraid IDM.
afresh adv.
African adj.
African n.
African-Amerian adj.
African-Amerian n.
Afrikaans n.
Afrikaner n.
Afro adj.
aft adv.
aft adj.
after adv.
after adj.
after all IDM.
after-care n.
after-effect n.
after taste n.
afterbirth n.
afterglow n.
afterlife n.
aftermath n.
afternoon n.
afternoons adv.
afters n.
aftershave n.
afterthought n.
afterwards adv.
again adv.
again and again IDM.
against prep.
agape adj.
agate n.
age n.
age v.
aged adj.
the aged n.
age-group n.
ageing n.
age-long adj.
age of consent n.
age-old adj.
act your age IDM.
come of age IDM.
be of an age IDM.
do not look one's age IDM.
one's own age group IDM.
over age IDM.
under age IDM.
ageism n.
ageist n.
ageless adj.
agency n.
agenda n.
agendas n.
agent n.
agent provocateur n.
airy adj.
airily adv.
airy-fairy adj.
agoraphobia n.
agoraphobic n.
agoraphobic adj.
agrarian adj.
agree v.
agree to differ IDM.
be agreed IDM.
agreeable adj.
agreeably adv.
agreement n.
agribusiness n.
agriculture n.
agricultural adj.
agriculturalist n.
agronomy n.
aground adj.
aground adv.
ah interj.
aha interj.
ahead adv.
ahem interj.
ahoy interj.
AI abbr.
aid n.
aid v.
aiding and abetting IDM.
aide n.
aide-de-camp n.
AIDS abbr.
ail v.
ailing adj.
aileron n.
ailment n.
aim v.
aim n.
aimless adj.
aimlessly adv.
aimlessness n.
air n.
the air n.
air v.
air-bed n.
air brake n.
Air Chief Marshal n.
Air Commodore n.
air-conditioned adj.
air-conditioner n.
air-conditioning n.
air-cooled adj.
air force n.
air-hostess n.
airing n.
airing cupboard n.
air letter n.
air mail n.
Air Marshal n.
air pocket n.
air pump n.
air raid n.
air-sea rescue n.
air speed n.
air terminal n.
air -to-air adj.
air-to-air missile n.
air traffic control n.
air traffic controller n.
Air Vice-Marshal n.
air waves n.
walk on air IDM.
float on air IDM.
in the air IDM.
off the air IDM.
on the air IDM.
over the air IDM.
take the air IDM.
airbase n.
airborne adj.
airbrush n.
Airbus n.
aircraft n.
aircraft carrier n.
aircraftman n.
aircraftwoman n.
aircrew n.
airfield n.
airgun n.
airless adj.
airlift n.
airlift v.
airline n.
airliner n.
airlock n.
airmail n.
airmail v.
airman n.
airmen n.
airplane n.
airport n.
airship n.
airsick adj.
airsickness n.
airspace n.
airstrip n.
airtight adj.
airway n.
airwoman n.
airwomen n.
airworthy adj.
airworthiness n.
allegory n.
allegorical adj.
aisle n.
aitch n.
ajar adj.
aka abbr.
akimbo adv.
akin adj.
alabaster n.
alabaster adj.
à la carte adj.
à la carte adv.
alacrity n.
with alacrity adv.
à la mode adj.
à la mode adv.
alarm n.
alarm v.
alarm clock n.
alarmed adj.
 alarming adj.
alarmingly adv.
alarmist n.
alas interj.
albatross n.
albeit conj.
albino n.
album n.
albumen n.
alchemy n.
alchemist n.
alcohol n.
alcoholic adj.
alcoholic n.
alcoholism n.
alcove n.
alder n.
alderman n.
aldermen n.
ale n.
alehouse n.
alehouses n.
alert adj.
alert n.
alert v.
alertness n.
A level n.
alfalfa n.
alfresco adj.
alfresco adv.
algae n.
algal adj.
algebra n.
algebraic adj.
algorithm n.
alias n.
alias adv.
alibi n.
alien n.
alien adj.
alienate v.
alienation n.
alight v.
alight adj.
align v.
alignment n.
alike adj.
alike adv.
alimentary canal n.
alimony n.
alive adj.
alive and kicking IDM.
alkali n.
alkaline adj.
alkaloid n.
all n.
all adv.
one's all IDM.
all the better IDM.
all but IDM.
all clear n.
all-embracing adj.
all in IDM.
all-in adj.
all in all IDM.
all in one IDM.
all-in wrestling n.
all-night adj.
all one IDM.
all or nothing IDM.
all out adv.
all out adj.
all over IDM.
all-purpose adj.
all right IDM.
all round IDM.
all around IDM.
all-round adj.
all-around adj.
all-rounder n.
all-star adj.
all there IDM.
all-time adj.
and all IDM.
and all that IDM.
not at all IDM.
be all over IDM.
in all IDM.
not all that good IDM.
not at all IDM.
of all the cheek IDM.
Allah n.
allay v.
allegation n.
allege v.
alleged adj.
allegedly adv.
allegiance n.
altogether adv.
in the altogether IDM.
allegro adj.
allegro adv.
allegro n.
alleluia n.
allergy n.
allergic adj.
alleviate v.
alleviation n.
alley n.
all-fired adj.
alliance n.
alligator n.
alliteration n.
allocate v.
allocation n.
allot v.
allotment n.
allow v.
allowable adj.
allow me IDM.
allowance n.
alloy n.
allspice n.
allude v.
allure n.
alluring adj.
allusion n.
allusive adj.
alluvial adj.
ally v.
ally n.
the Allies n.
allied adj.
Allied adj.
Alma Mater n.
almanac n.
almighty adj.
the Almighty n.
almond n.
almoner n.
almost adv.
alms n.
almshouse n.
aloft adv.
alone adj.
alone adv.
go it alone IDM.
let alone IDM.
along prep.
along with IDM.
alongside adv.
aloof adj.
aloud adv.
alpaca n.
alpha n.
alpha particle n.
alphabet n.
alphabetical order n.
alphabetically adv.
alpine adj.
alpine n.
already adv.
alright adv.
Alsatian n.
also adv.
also-ran n.
altar n.
on the altar of IDM.
at the altar of IDM.
alter v.
alteration n.
altercation n.
alter ego n.
alter egos n.
alternate adj.
alternate v.
alternating current n.
alternation n.
alternator n.
alternate n.
alternative adj.
alternative n.
alternative energy n.
alternatively adv.
alternative medicine n.
although conj.
altimeter n.
altitude n.
alto n.
alto adj.
amniocentesis n.
altruism n.
altruistic adj.
aluminium n.
aluminum n.
alumna n.
alumnae n.
alumnus n.
alumni n.
alveolar n.
always adv.
as always IDM.
Alzheimer's disease n.
AM abbr.
AM abbr.
amalgam n.
amalgamate v.
amalgamation n.
amass v.
amateur n.
amateurish adj.
amateurishly adv.
amateurism n.
amaze v.
amazed adv.
amazement n.
amazing adj.
amazingly adv.
in amazement IDM.
amazon n.
ambassador n.
ambassadorial adj.
amber n.
ambience n.
ambiance n.
ambient adj.
ambiguity n.
ambiguous adj.
ambiguously adv.
ambit n.
ambition n.
ambitious adj.
ambitiously adv.
ambivalent adj.
ambivalence n.
amble v.
ambulance n.
ambulance chaser n.
ambulanceman n.
ambulancemen n.
ambulance worker n.
ambush n.
ambush v.
ameliorate v.
amelioration n.
amen interj.
amenable adj.
amend v.
amendment n.
amends n.
make amends IDM.
amenity n.
American adj.
American n.
Americana n.
American football n.
Americanism n.
Americanize v.
Americanise v.
amethyst n.
amiable adj.
amiably adv.
amiability n.
amicable adj.
amicably adv.
amid prep.
amidships adv.
amino acid n.
amiss adj.
amiss adv.
not come amiss IDM.
not go amiss IDM.
amity n.
ammo n.
ammonia n.
ammunition n.
amnesia n.
amnesty n.
androgynous adj.
amoeba n.
amoebas n.
amoebae n.
amok adv.
among prep.
amoral adj.
amorous adj.
amorously adv.
amorphous adj.
amortize v.
amortise v.
amount n.
any amount of IDM.
amour n.
amour propre n.
amp n.
ampere n.
ampersand n.
amphetamine n.
amphibian n.
amphibious adj.
amphitheatre n.
ample adj.
amply adv.
amplify v.
amplification n.
amplifier n.
amplitude n.
ampoule n.
ampule n.
amputate v.
amputation n.
amulet n.
amuse v.
 amused adj.
amusement n.
amusement arcade n.
amusement park n.
amusing adj.
anabolic steroid n.
anachronism n.
anaconda n.
anaemia n.
anemia n.
anaemic adj.
anemic adj.
anaerobic adj.
anaesthesia n.
anesthesia n.
anaesthetic n.
anesthetic n.
anaesthetist n.
anesthetist n.
anaesthetize v.
anesthetize v.
anagram n.
anal adj.
analgesia n.
analgesic n.
analgesic adj.
analogous adj.
analogue n.
analog n.
analogy n.
analyse v.
analyze v.
analysis n.
analyses n.
analytic adj.
analytically adv.
analyst n.
anarchy n.
anarchic adj.
anarchical adj.
anarchism n.
anarchist n.
anarchistic adj.
anathema n.
anatomy n.
anatomical adj.
anatomically adv.
anatomist n.
ancestor n.
ancestral adj.
ancestry n.
anchor n.
anchor v.
anchorage n.
anchorite n.
anchorman n.
anchovy n.
ancient adj.
the ancients n.
ancillary adj.
and conj.
anonymous adj.
anonymous letter n.
anonymously adv.
android n.
anecdote n.
anecdotal adj.
anemone n.
anew adv.
angel n.
angelic adj.
angelica n.
anger n.
anger v.
angina n.
angle n.
angle v.
angle v.
angler n.
angling n.
Anglican n.
Anglican adj.
Anglicize v.
Anglicise v.
Anglo-American n.
Anglo-American adj.
Anglo-Catholic n.
Anglophile n.
Anglophobe n.
Anglophone n.
Anglo-Saxon n.
angora n.
angry adj.
angrily adv.
an angry young man IDM.
angst n.
anguish n.
anguished adj.
angular adj.
animal n.
animal husbandry n.
animal magnetism n.
animate v.
animate adj.
animated adj.
animatedly adv.
animation n.
animator n.
animosity n.
animus n.
anise n.
aniseed n.
ankle n.
anklet n.
annals n.
annex v.
annexation n.
annexe n.
annihilate v.
annihilation n.
anniversary n.
annotate v.
annotation n.
announce v.
announcement n.
announcer n.
annoy v.
annoyance n.
annoyed adj.
annoying adj.
annoyingly adv.
annual adj.
annual n.
annually adv.
annualized adj.
annualised adj.
annuity n.
annul v.
annulment n.
annunciation n.
the Annunciation n.
anode n.
anodyne adj.
anoint v.
anomalous adj.
anomaly n.
anon adv.
anon abbr.
anonymity n.
Antipodes n.
the Antipodes n.
Antipodean adj.
anorak n.
anorexia n.
anorexic n.
anorexic adj.
another adj.
another pron.
answer n.
answer v.
answerable adj.
answer back PHRV.
know all the answers IDM.
answerphone n.
ant n.
antagonism n.
antagonist n.
antagonistic adj.
antagonize v.
antagonise v.
Antarctic adj.
the Antarctic n.
the Antarctic Circle n.
ante n.
anteater n.
antecedent n.
antecedents n.
antecedents adj.
antedate v.
antediluvian adv.
antelope n.
antenatal adj.
antenna n.
anterior adj.
ante-room n.
anthem n.
anthill n.
anthology n.
anthracite n.
anthrax n.
anthropoid adj.
anthropoid n.
anthropology n.
anthropological adj.
anthropologist n.
anthropomorphic adj.
anthropomorphism n.
anti prep.
anti-aircraft adj.
antibiotic n.
antibiotic adj.
antibody n.
anticipate v.
anticipatory adj.
anticipation n.
anticlimax n.
anticlimactic adj.
anticlockwise adv.
anticlockwise adj.
antics n.
anticyclone n.
antidote n.
antifreeze n.
antigen n.
anti-hero n.
antihistamine n.
antimony n.
antipathy n.
antipathetic adj.
anti-personnel adj.
antiperspirant n.
a posteriori adj.
a posteriori adv.
antiquarian adj.
antiquary n.
antiquarian n.
antiquated adj.
antique adj.
antique n.
antiquity n.
anti-Semite n.
anti-Semitic adj.
anti-Semitism n.
antiseptic n.
antiseptic adj.
antisocial adj.
anti-tank adj.
antithesis n.
antithetical adj.
antler n.
ant-lion n.
antonym n.
anus n.
anal adj.
anvil n.
anxiety n.
anxious adj.
anxiously adv.
any adj.
any adv.
any more adv.
any time adv.
anybody pron.
anyhow adv.
anything pron.
anything but IDM.
not anything like IDM.
not for anything IDM.
or anything IDM.
aorta n.
apace adv.
apart adv.
apart from prep.
apartheid n.
apartment n.
apartment block n.
apartment house n.
apathy n.
apathetic adj.
apathetically adv.
ape n.
ape v.
aperitif n.
aperture n.
Apex abbr.
apex n.
aphid n.
aphorism n.
aphoristic adj.
aphrodisiac n.
aphrodisiac adj.
apiary n.
apiece adv.
aplenty adj.
aplomb n.
apocalypse n.
the Apocalypse n.
apocalyptic adj.
apocryphal adj.
apogee n.
apolitical adj.
apologetic adj.
apologetically adv.
apologist n.
apologize v.
apologise v.
apology n.
apoplexy n.
apoplectic adj.
apostasy n.
apostate n.
approve v.
approved school n.
approving adj.
approvingly adv.
Apostle n.
apostolic adj.
apostrophe n.
apothecary n.
apotheosis n.
appal v.
appall v.
appalled adj.
appalling adj.
appallingly adv.
apparatchik n.
apparatus n.
apparatus n.
apparel n.
apparent adj.
apparently adv.
apparition n.
appeal v.
appeal n.
appealing adj.
appealingly adv.
appear v.
appearance n.
gave every appearance IDM.
judge by appearances IDM.
keeping up appearances IDM.
put in an appearance IDM.
To all appearances IDM.
appease v.
a policy of appeasement IDM.
appellant n.
appellation n.
append v.
appendage n.
appendectomy n.
appendicitis n.
appendix n.
appertain v.
appetite n.
appetizer n.
appetiser n.
appetizing adj.
appetising adj.
applaud v.
applause n.
apple n.
appliance n.
applicable adj.
applicability n.
applicant n.
application n.
appliqué n.
appliquéd adj.
apply v.
applied adj.
appoint v.
appointee n.
appointment n.
apportion v.
apposite adj.
apposition n.
appraise v.
appraisal n.
appraiser n.
appreciable adj.
appreciably adv.
appreciate v.
appreciative adj.
appreciation n.
apprehend v.
apprehension n.
apprehensive adj.
apprehensively adv.
apprentice n.
apprentice v.
apprenticeship n.
apprise v.
approach v.
approach n.
approachable adj.
approbation n.
appropriate adj.
appropriate v.
appropriation n.
approval n.
on approval IDM.
archetype n.
archetypal adj.
approx abbr.
approximate adj.
approximate v.
approximately adv.
approximation n.
appurtenance n.
APR abbr.
Apr abbr.
apres-ski n.
apricot n.
April n.
April Fool n.
April Fool's Day n.
a priori adv.
a priori adj.
apron n.
apron stage n.
apropos prap.
apropos adj.
apse n.
apt adj.
aptly adv.
aptness n.
aptitude n.
aptitude test n.
aqualung n.
aquamarine n.
aquarium n.
aquariums n.
aquaria n.
Aquarius n.
Aquauian n.
Aquauian adj.
aquatic adj.
aqueduct n.
aqueous adj.
aquifer n.
aquiline adj.
Arab n.
arab adj.
arabesque n.
Arabian adj.
Arabic adj.
Arabic n.
arabic numeral n.
arable adj.
arable n.
arbiter n.
arbitrage n.
arbitrary adj.
arbitrarily adv.
arbitrariness n.
arbitrate v.
arbitration n.
arbitrator n.
arboreal adj.
arboretum n.
arboretums n.
arboreta n.
arbour n.
arc n.
arc v.
arc lamp n.
arc light n.
arcade n.
shopping arcade n.
amusement arcade n.
arcane adj.
arch n.
archway n.
arch v.
arch adj.
archaeology n.
archaeological adj.
archaeologist n.
archaic adj.
archaism n.
archangel n.
archbishop n.
archbishopric n.
archdeacon n.
archdiocese n.
archduke n.
archduchess n.
arch-enemy n.
archer n.
archery n.
around adv.
be around IDM.
have been around IDM.
archipelago n.
architect n.
architecture n.
architectural adj.
architecturally adv.
architrave n.
archive n.
archivist n.
arch-rival n.
Arctic adj.
arctic adj.
the Arctic n.
the Arctic Circle n.
ardent adj.
ardently adv.
ardour n.
arduous adj.
area n.
area code n.
arena n.
aren't short.
argon n.
argot n.
argue v.
arguable adj.
arguably adv.
argue the toss IDM.
argument n.
argumentative adj.
argy-bargy n.
aria n.
arid adj.
Aries n.
aright adv.
arise v.
arose v.
arisen v.
aristocracy n.
aristocrat n.
aristocratic adj.
arithmetic n.
arithmetic adj.
arithmetical adj.
arithmetic progression n.
arithmetical progression n.
ark n.
the ark n.
Noah's ark n.
the Ark of the Covenant n.
arm n.
arm v.
armed adj.
the armed forces n.
the armed services n.
armed to the teeth IDM.
armada n.
the Armada n.
armadillo n.
Armageddon n.
armageddon n.
armament n.
armband n.
armlet n.
armchair n.
armchair adj.
armful n.
armhole n.
armistice n.
armour n.
armor n.
armoured adj.
armourer n.
armorer n.
armour-plated adj.
armor-plated adj.
armoury n.
armory n.
armpit n.
arms n.
arms race n.
army n.
the army n.
aroma n.
aromatic adj.
aromatherapy n.
ascendant n.
ascendent n.
in the ascendant IDM.
arouse v.
arousal n.
arpeggio n.
arraign v.
arrange v.
arranger n.
arrangement n.
arrant adj.
arrant nonsense n.
array v.
arrears n.
arrest v.
arresting adj.
arrival n.
arrive v.
arrogant adj.
arrogate v.
arrow n.
arrowhead n.
arrowroot n.
arse n.
arse-hole n.
arsenal n.
arsenic n.
arson n.
arsonist n.
art n.
the arts n.
arts n.
art form n.
arts and crafts n.
artefact n.
arteriosclerosis n.
artery n.
arterial n.
artesian well n.
artful adj.
arthritis n.
arthritic adj.
arthritic n.
artichoke n.
Jerusalem artichoke n.
article n.
article of faith n.
articulate adj.
articulate v.
articulated adj.
articulation n.
artifice n.
artificer n.
artificial adj.
artificial insemination n.
artificial intelligence abbr.
artificial respiration n.
artillery n.
artisan n.
artist n.
artiste n.
artistic adj.
artistically adv.
artistry n.
artless adj.
artwork n.
arty adj.
as prep.
as and when IDM.
as it is IDM.
as it were IDM.
as you were IDM.
ASA abbr.
ASA abbr.
asap abbr.
asbestos n.
asbestosis n.
ascend v.
ascendancy n.
assertion n.
ascension n.
the Ascension n.
Ascension Day n.
ascent n.
ascertain v.
ascetic adj.
ascetic n.
asceticism n.
ASCII abbr.
ascribe v.
ascription n.
ASEAN abbr.
asepsis n.
asexual adj.
ash n.
ash n.
Ash Wednesday n.
ashamed adj.
ashen adj.
ashes n.
ashore adv.
ashram n.
ashtray n.
ashy adj.
Asian n.
Asian adj.
Asiatic adj.
aside adv.
aside n.
asinine adj.
ask v.
ask for trouble IDM.
asking price n.
for the asking IDM.
I ask you IDM.
if you ask me IDM.
asking price n.
askew adj.
askew adv.
asleep adj.
asp n.
asparagus n.
aspect n.
aspen n.
asperity n.
aspersions n.
asphalt n.
asphalt v.
asphyxia n.
asphyxiate v.
aspic n.
aspirant n.
aspirate n.
aspirate v.
aspiration n.
aspire v.
aspirin n.
ass n.
assail v.
assailant n.
assassin n.
assassinate v.
assault n.
assault v.
assault and battery n.
assault course n.
assay n.
assay v.
assemblage n.
assemble v.
assembly n.
assent n.
assert v.
assertive adj.
assess v.
assessment n.
assessor n.
asset n.
asset-stripping n.
assiduous adj.
assign v.
assignment n.
assignation n.
assimilate v.
assist v.
assistance n.
assistant n.
assistant adj.
assistant professor n.
assistantship n.
assize n.
associate v.
associate n.
associate professor n.
association n.
assorted adj.
assortment n.
assuage v.
assume v.
assumed adj.
assumption n.
assurance n.
self-assurance n.
assure v.
assured adj.
assuredly adv.
aster n.
asterisk n.
astern adv.
asteroid n.
asthma n.
asthmatic adj.
asthmatic n.
astigmatism n.
astir adv.
astir adj.
astonish v.
astonished adj.
astonishing adj.
astonishingly adv.
astonishment n.
astound v.
astounding adj.
astrakhan n.
astray adv.
go astray IDM.
astride adv.
astringent adj.
astrology n.
astrologer n.
astrological adj.
astronaut n.
astronomy n.
astronomer n.
astronomical adj.
astronomic adj.
astronomically adv.
astrophysics n.
astute adj.
astutely adv.
astuteness n.
asunder adv.
asylum n.
asylum seeker n.
asymmetric adj.
at prep.
at that IDM.
where it's at IDM.
atavistic adj.
atelier n.
atheism n.
atheist n.
atheistic adj.
athlete n.
athlete's foot n.
athletic adj.
athleticism n.
athletics n.
atishoo interj.
austere adj.
austerity n.
atlas n.
atmosphere n.
the atmosphere n.
atmospheric adj.
atmospheric pressure n.
atoll n.
atom n.
atomic adj.
atomize v.
atomise v.
atomizer n.
atomiser n.
atone v.
atonement n.
atop prep.
atrocious adj.
atrocity n.
atrophy n.
atrophy v.
attach v.
attaché n.
attaché case n.
attack n.
attack v.
attacker n.
attain v.
attainable adj.
attainment n.
attempt v.
attempt n.
attempted adj.
attend v.
attender n.
attendance n.
attendance allowance n.
attendant n.
attendant adj.
attention n.
attentive adj.
attenuate v.
ATTK abbr.
attenuation n.
attest v.
attic n.
attire n.
attired adj.
attitude n.
attn abbr.
attorney n.
Attorney-General n.
attract v.
attraction n.
attractive adj.
attractively adv.
attribute v.
attribute n.
attributable adj.
attribution n.
attributive adj.
attributively adv.
attrition n.
attune v.
atypical adj.
aubergine n.
auburn adj.
auction n.
auction v.
auctioneer n.
audacious adj.
audaciously adv.
audacity n.
audible adj.
audibility n.
audibly adv.
audience n.
audio n.
audiovisual adj.
audiovisual aids n.
audit n.
audit v.
audition n.
audition v.
auditor n.
auditorium n.
auditoriums n.
auditoria n.
auditory adj.
au fait adj.
Aug abbr.
aught pron.
augment v.
augmentation n.
augur v.
augury n.
august adj.
Australian n.
Australian adj.
Australian Rules n.
authentic adj.
authentically adv.
authenticity n.
authenticate v.
authentication n.
author n.
authoress n.
authorial adj.
authorship n.
authoritarian adj.
authoritarian n.
authoritative adj.
authoritatively adv.
authority n.
authorize v.
authorise v.
authorization n.
authorisation n.
the Authorized Version n.
autism n.
autistic adj.
autobiography n.
autobiographical adj.
autocracy n.
autocrat n.
autocratic adj.
autocratically adv.
autocross n.
Autocue n.
autograph n.
autograph v.
automat n.
automate v.
automatic adj.
automatic n.
automatically adv.
automatic pilot n.
automatic transmission n.
automation n.
automaton n.
automobile n.
automotive adj.
autonomous adj.
autonomously adv.
autonomy n.
autopsy n.
auto-suggestion n.
autumn n.
autumnal adj.
auxiliary adj.
auxiliary n.
auxiliaries n.
avail v.
no avail IDM.
available adj.
avalanche n.
avant-garde adj.
avarice n.
avenge v.
avenger n.
avenue n.
aver v.
average n.
average adj.
average v.
averse adj.
aversion n.
avert v.
aviary n.
aviation n.
aviator n.
avid adj.
avidity n.
avionics n.
avocado n.
avoid v.
avoidable adj.
avoidance n.
avoirdupois n.
avow v.
avowal n.
avowedly adv.
avuncular adj.
AVR abbr.
AWACS abbr.
await v.
awake v.
awoke v.
awoken v.
awoken adj.
awaken v.
awakening n.
AWOL abbr.
awry adv.
axe n.
axe v.
have an axe to guide IDM.
axiom n.
axiomatic adj.
axis n.
axle n.
ayatollah n.
aye interj.
the ayes have it IDM.
azalea n.
azimuth n.
azure adj.
azure n.
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) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု)ု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု
(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု




(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

(Alternating Current) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု(ုုုု)ု ုုုု(ုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုု)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
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(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(computer) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု) ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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)ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
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ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(music) ု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုု
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ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
[ ု ] ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု ုုု
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ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
…ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု
(ုု)ုုု (ုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု


ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု [ ု ] ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
[ ု ] (ုုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုု ုုုုု)
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု


ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
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ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု
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(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
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/ ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ု

ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု(ုု)ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု [ုုု]ု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ု[ုုု]ု ုုုု[ုုု]ု ု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု volcanic activity. (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
)ု ုုုု(ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုု ုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု (Latin anno domini)
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ု
Analog to Digital Converter
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု


ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု Good Bye.
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု adj ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

(grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုု)ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု



ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုု[ုုု] (ုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (law) (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) DEUCE (ုု ုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ု)ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
(Birt) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (often derog) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (often derog) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု adv ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု adv part ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု) ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု (law) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု)ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု)ု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(US) ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
(US) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
(US) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု

(US) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(law) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (law) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု


(grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(US) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(French) (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု [ုုု]ုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု ုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


(medical) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု [ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု (ုု)ု ုုုု(ုုု)ု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု ုုု)ု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု `ုုုုု´ ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုု


(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုု ုုုု)ု (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု)ု
(ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(Brit) ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (US) ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (US) ုုုုု ုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု)ု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ု [ုုု]ု
also known as' ုုု ုုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု [ုုု]ု (US) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု [ုုု]ု (US) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(biology) ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

(advanced level) (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) GCSE ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု `ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
(law)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုု (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု[ုုု]ု ုု[ုုု]ု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (Ph ုုုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု(ုု ုု
ု ုုုု

ု …ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု … ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု


ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(Brit) ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(US) ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(US) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုု… ုုုု ုုု…ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု)ု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
… ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု medical social worker)ု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု… ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (no,nobody, none, nothing, never ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)(ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု (ု)ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု…)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
(ုုု…)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
(LLAMA ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (A, a)
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုု)ု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
(Latin) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(Latin) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု (ုုုု ုုုု ုု ုုုု) ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုု…) ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

TENOR ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုု)ု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ု
(radio) Amplitude Modulation. ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

(ုုုုုုု)ုုုုု (ုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု


ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(also American English) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု


(biology or chemistry) ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု
) ုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု
) ုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုု ုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

´ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု "&" ု
(medical) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုု)ု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု)ုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

(techn) (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (fml) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(medical) (ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(medical) (ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုု ုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
(medical) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(medical) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
(techn) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု
(medical) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

(medical) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

(ုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ̏ုုုုုုုုုုုု
˝ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု-ုုုု ု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
(ုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု …ုုုုုု …ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု …ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုု ုုုု)ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

(techn) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(techn) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
(religion) (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု
(techn) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
anonymous ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(medical) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
anorexia nervosa ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
anorexia nervosa ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
)ု ုုုုု(ုု)ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)ု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု



ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
(medical) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု

(medical) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
(anatomy) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုsome ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ု) ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု Someone ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု something ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ု(ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(US) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
Advanced Purchase Excursion. ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(astronomy) (ုုုုုုု ု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

(ုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

(US)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုု
(anatomy) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (law) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
…ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု



ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

(law) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု
(medical) ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (computing) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(grammar) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုု[ုုု]ု

ုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု … ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုု)ု

Annual Percentage Rate. ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
APRIL. ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ု)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု (ု)ုုုုုုု MysteryZillion ုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ̏ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ̏ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
(techn) ုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုု
(geology) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
1, 2, 3 ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(commerce) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(techn) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု)ုုုု ုုုု(ုုု) ုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု / ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
/ ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (computing) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု


ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

(ုုုုုုု - ုု ု ုုုုုု - ုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
are not. ုုုုု ုုုုုု
(symb Ar) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု- ုု ုု ု (ုုုု) ုု ုု ု)
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု- ုု ုု ု (ုုုု) ုု ုု ု)
) Noah ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) Noah ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) Noah ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု-ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု


ု ုုုု


ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
(law) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (computing) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
(ုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (law) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
Al ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု …ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(Brit) Advertising Standards Authority. ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
American Standards Association. ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုု
-ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
Association of South East Asian Nations. ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(medical) ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
Lent ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု

ု …ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု…)ု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(poplar) ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(phonetics) ုုုုုုု ‘h’ ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

(law) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

(ုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (ုုု ုုုုုု
) ုု(ုုု)ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (law) ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု


ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

(US) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(Brit) (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (*) ု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု



ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု (medical) ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုု

ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု)ု ုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (sport) (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

3/E ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(commerce) for the attention of: ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

(grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု(ုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

(ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
(French) ုုုုုုုုု
AUGUST. ုုုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
Automatic Voltage Regulator. ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
Airborne Warning and Control System. ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
Absent Without Leave. ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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(ုုု) ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု



B n
B n
 n
BA abbr
baa n
baa v
babble v
babble n
babe n
a babe in arms IDM
babel n
baboon n
baby n
baby v
baby boom n
baby buggy n
baby grand n
babyhood n
babyish adj
baby-minder n
baby-talk n
be baby IDM
leave holding the baby IDM
throw the baby out with the bath water IDM
Babygro n
babysit v
babysitter n
baccalaureate n
bacchanalian adj
baccy n
bachelor n
bachelor n
bacillus n
back n
back adv
back v
at the back of mind IDM
back and forth IDM
back away PHRV
back bench n
back-breaking adj
back-door n
back off PHRV
back down PHRV
backer n
backing n
back into a corner IDM
backless n
back issue n
back number n
the back of beyond IDM
back of IDM
back off PHRV
back onto PHRV
back out PHRV
back-pedal v
back room n
back-room boys n
back seat n
a back-seat driver IDM
back to back IDM
back-to-back n
back to front IDM
back up PHRV
back up PHRV
back up PHRV
back the wrong horse IDM
be glad IDM
behind back IDM
be on back IDM
break back IDM
break the back IDM
through the back door IDM
by the back door IDM
get back up IDM
put back up IDM
get off back IDM
have back to the wall IDM
on the back burner IDM
on back IDM
put back into IDM
take a back seat IDM
turn back IDM
turn back on IDM
backache n
backbiting n
backbone n
backchat n
backcloth n
backcomb v
backdate v
backfire v
backgammon n
background n
backhand n
backhanded adj
backhander n
backlash n
backlog n
backpack n
backpack v
back scratching n
backside n
backslapping n
backsliding n
backstage adv
backstreet n
backstroke n
backswing n
backtrack v
backup n
backward adj
backward adv
backwards adv
backwards and forwards IDM
backward and forward IDM
lean over backwards IDM
bend over backwards IDM
backwash n
backwater n
backwoods n
backyard n
in backyard IDM
bacon n
bacteria n
bacterial adj
bacteriology n
bad adj
bad adv
bad n
bad debt n
baddy n
bad language n
badly adv
badly off IDM
bad-mouth v
bad-tempered adj
be badly off for IDM
not bad IDM
take the bad with the good IDM
to the bad IDM
too bad IDM
badge n
badger n
badger v
badinage n
batik n
bandstand n
bandwagon n
jump on the bandwagon IDM
climb on the bandwagon IDM
bandy adj
bandy-legged adj
bandy words IDM
bandy around PHRV
bandy about PHRV
bane n
baneful adj
bang v
bang n
bang adv
bang around PHRV
bang about PHRV
bang goes IDM
bang on about PHRV
be bang on IDM
go bang IDM
go over with a bang IDM
go off with a bang IDM
with a bang IDM
bang n
bangle n
banish v
banishment n
bannister n
banister n
banjo n
bank n
bank v
bank up PHRV
bank up PHRV
bank n
bank v
bank balance n
bank-book n
bank draft n
banker n
bank holiday n
banking n
bank on PHRV
bank rate n
bank statement n
break the bank IDM
bank n
bankroll v
bankrupt n
bankrupt adj
bankrupt v
bankruptcy n
banner n
banner headline n
under the banner IDM
banns n
banquet n
banqueting adj
banshee n
bantam n
bantamweight n
banter n
bantering adj
banyan n
baptism n
baptismal adj
a baptism of fire IDM
Baptist n
baptize v
bar n
bar v
bar chart n
bar code n
behind bars IDM
bar prep
barb n
barbed adj
barbed wire n
barbarian n
barbaric adj
barbarism n
barbarity n
barbarous adj
barbecue n
barbecue v
barber n
barber-shop n
a barber-shop quartet. adj
barbiturate n
bard n
bare adj
bare v
the bare bones IDM
bare soul to IDM
bare heart to IDM
bare teeth IDM
lay bare IDM
bareback adj
bareback adv
barefaced adj
barefoot adj
barefoot adv
bareheaded adv
bareheaded adj
barely adv
bargain n
bargain v
bargain away PHPV
bargain basement n
bargain for PHPV
bargain on PHPV
bargain-hunting n
into the bargain IDM
in the bargain IDM
bargaining n
bargaining counter n
bargaining position n
bargaining power n
barge n
barge v
barge in PHPV
barge into PHPV
baritone n
barium n
barium meal n
bark n
bark n
bark v
bark is worse than their bite IDM
barking mad adj
bark up the wrong tree IDM
barker n
barley n
barley sugar n
barley water n
beetroot n
batman n
baton n
baton round n
batsman n
battalion n
batten n
batten v
batten on PHPV
batter v
batter down PHPV
battered adj
battering-ram n
batter to PHPV
batter n
battery n
battery farm n
battle n
battle v
battle-cruiser n
battle-cry n
do battle with IDM
do battle over IDM
half the battle IDM
battleaxe n
battledress n
battlefield n
battleground n
battlements n
battleship n
batty adj
bauble n
baulk v
bauxite n
bawdy adj
bawl v
bawl out PHPV
bay n
bay n
bay-leaf n
bay n
bay window n
bay n
bay v
at bay IDM
hold at bay IDM
keep at bay IDM
bay adj
bayonet n
bayonet v
bayou n
bazaar n
bazooka n
BBC abbr
BC abbr
be v
be aux v
the be-all and end-all IDM
been and done IDM
be one self IDM
be that as it may IDM
leave be IDM
let be IDM
to-be IDM
be pref
be pref
beach n
beach v
beach-ball n
beach buggy n
beachcomber n
beachhead n
beachwear n
beacon n
bead n
beads n
beaded adj
beading n
beady adj
beagle n
beak n
beak n
beaker n
beam n
beam v
beamed adj
off beam IDM
bean n
bean curd n
bean sprouts n
not have a bean IDM
beanbag n
beanfeast n
beanpole n
bear n
bear-hug n
bearish adj
bear market n
bear v
bear arms IDM
bear the brunt of IDM
bear down on PHPV
bear fruit IDM
bear hard IDM
bear heavily IDM
bear severely IDM
bear in mind IDM
bear on PHPV
bear out PHPV
bear up PHPV
bear witness PHPV
be borne in on IDM
bring to bear IDM
bearable adj
beard n
bearded adj
beard v
beard the lion in his den IDM
bearer n
betwixt and between IDM
befall v
befit v
before adv
before prep
before conj
beforehand adv
befriend v
befuddled adj
beg v
beg off PHPV
beg pardon IDM
beg the question IDM
go begging IDM
I beg to differ IDM
I beg your pardon IDM
beget v
beggar n
beggar v
beggar description IDM
beggarly adj
beggars can't be choosers IDM
begin v
beginner n
beginner's luck IDM
beginning n
the beginning of the end IDM
to begin with IDM
begone interj
begonia n
begrudge v
begrudging adj
beguile v
beguiling adj
behalf n
behave v
behaved adj
behaviour n
behavioural adj
behavioural science n
behaviourism n
behead v
behest n
at behest IDM
behind prep
behind adv
behind n
be behind IDM
behindhand adj
behold v
beholder n
beholden adj
behove v
beige n
being n
bejewelled adj
belabour v
belated adj
belay v
belay n
belch v
belch n
beleaguered adj
belfry n
belie v
belief n
beyond belief IDM
believe v
believe v
believe v
believe v
believable adj
believe in PHPV
believe in PHPV
believe in doing PHPV
believe it or not IDM
believe me IDM
believe of PHPV
believer n
be a believer in IDM
don't you believe it! IDM
make believe IDM
not believe ears IDM
not believe eyes IDM
seeing is believing IDM
would you believe (it)? IDM
Belisha beacon n
belittle v
belittling adj
bell n
bell-bottoms n
bell-pull n
bell-push n
bell-ringer n
give sb a bell IDM
belle n
belles-lettres n
bellicose adj
belligerent adj
belligerence n
bellow v
bellows n
belly n
bellied adj
belly-button n
belly-dance n
belly-dancer n
belly-laugh n
belly out PHPV
bellyache n
bellyache v
bellyflop n
bellyful n
have had a bellyful of IDM
blackball v
bevel n
bevel v
beverage n
bevy n
bewail v
beware v
bewilder v
bewildering adj
bewilderment v
bewitch v
bewitching adj
beyond prep
beyond adv
be beyond IDM
bezique n
bi pref
biannual adj
bias n
bias v
biased adj
biassed adj
bib n
bible n
biblical adj
Bible-bashing n
biblio n/adj
bibliography n
bibliophile n
bibulous adj

bicameral adj
bicarbonate n
bicarbonate of soda n
bicentenary n
bicentennial adj
biceps n
bicker v
bicycle n
bicycle v
bicycle-clip n
bicyclist n
bid v
biddable adj
bidder n
bidding n
bid fair to do IDM
bide time IDM
bidet n
biennial adj
biennial n
bier n
biff n
biff v
bifocal adj
bifocals n
bifurcate v
big adj
big adv
get too big for boots IDM
be too big for boots IDM
the Big Apple n
big bang n
Big Brother n
big business n
a big cheese IDM
big deal IDM
big dipper n
big end n
a big fish IDM
big game n
big-head n
big-hearted adj
a big noise IDM
a big shot IDM
a big name IDM
the big stick IDM
the big three, four IDM
the big time IDM
big top n
get a big hand IDM
give a big hand IDM
have a big mouth IDM
bigamy n
bigamist n
bigamous adj
bight n
bigot n
bigoted adj
bigotry n
bigwig n
bijou n
bijou adj
bike n
bike v
on your bike IDM
biker n
bikini n
bilabial n
bilateral adj
bilberry n
bile n
bilge n
bilingual adj
bilious adj
biliousness n
bill n
bill v
bill of exchange n
bill of fare n
bill of lading n
bill of rights n
bill of sale n
fit the bill IDM
fill the bill IDM
top the bill IDM
head the bill IDM
bill n
bill and coo IDM
Billboard n
billet n
billet v
billet-doux n
billhook n
bluegrass n
blackberry n
blackberry v
blackbird n
blackboard n
blackcurrant n
blacken v
blackguard n
blackhead n
blackjack n
blackleg n
blacklist n
blacklist v
blackmail n
blackmail v
blackmailer n
blackout n
blackshirt n
blacksmith n
blackthorn n
bladder n
blade n
blah n
blame v
blame n
be to blame IDM
blameless adj
blameworthy adj
blanch v
blancmange n
bland adj
blandishments n
blank adj
blank n
blank cartridge n
blank cheque n
blank out PHRV
blank verse n
blanket n
blanket v
blankety-blank adj
blare v
blare n
blarney n
blasé adj
blaspheme v
blasphemer n
blasphemous adj
blasphemy n
blast n
blast v
blast interj
blasted adj
blast-furnace n
blast off PHRV
blast-off n
blatant adj
blather v
blather n
blaze n
blaze v
blaze away PHRV
blaze up PHRV
blazing adj
blaze n
blaze a trail IDM
blaze v
blazer n
blazes n
like blazes IDM
bleach v
bleach n
bleachers n
bleak adj
bleary adj
blearily adv
bleary-eyed adj
bleat n
bleat v
bleed v
bleed white IDM
bleeder n
bleep n
bleep v
bleeper n
blemish n
blemish v
blench v
blend v
blend n
blender n
blend in PHRV
blend in PHRV
bless v
be blessed with IDM
bless you v
blessed adj
the Blessed n
blessing n
a blessing in disguise IDM
bootleg v
bootleg adj
blueprint n
bluestocking n
bluff v
bluff n
bluff into doing PHRV
bluff it out PHRV
bluff way out PHRV
bluff n
bluff adj
bluish adj
blunder n
blunder v
blunder about PHRV
blunder around PHRV
blunder into PHRV
blunderbuss n
blunt adj
blunt v
bluntly adv
blur n
blur v
blurred adj
blurb n
blurt v
blush v
blusher n
bluster v
bluster n
blustery adj
boa n
boar n
board n
board v
(be) above board IDM
across the board IDM
be boarding IDM
be on the boards IDM
be thread the boards IDM
 boarder n
board-game n
boarding card n
boarding-house n
boarding-school n
board out PHRV
board out PHRV
go by the board IDM
on board IDM
take on board IDM
boardroom n
boardwalk n
boast v
boast n
boastful adj
boat n
boat-hook n
boat-house n
boating n
boat people n
boater n
boatman n
boatyard n
bob v
bob n
bob up PHRV
bob's your uncle IDM
bobbed adj
bobbin n
bobble n
bobby n
bob-sleigh n
bod n
bode v
bodice n
bodied adj
bodily adj
bodily adv
body n
body and soul IDM
body-blow n
body-building n
body clock n
body language n
body odour n
the body politic n
body stocking n
keep body and soul together IDM
bodyguard n
bodywork n
Boer n
boffin n
bog n
bog down PHRV
boggy adj
bogey n
boggle v
boggle the mind IDM
the mind boggles IDM
the imagination boggles IDM
bogus adj
bohemian adj
boil v
boil n
boil away PHRV
boil down PHRV
boil down to PHRV
boil dry IDM
boiled sweet n
boiling hot adj
boiling point n
boil over PHRV
off the boil IDM
boiler n
boiler suit n
boisterous adj
bold adj
make so bold IDM
be so bold IDM
bold as brass IDM
bone n
bone v
bony adj
bone idle adj
a bone of contention n
have a bone to pick with IDM
to the bone IDM
breach n
breach v
breach of the peace n
breach of promise n
booty n
booze v
booze n
boozer n
booze-up n
boozy adj
bop n
bop v
borage n
borax n
Bordeaux n
bordello n
border n
border v
borderer n
borderland n
borderline n
borderline adj
bore v
bore n
bored adj
boredom n
boring adj
born v
born adj
(not) be born yesterday IDM
born-again adj
born and bred IDM
born of IDM
born on the wrong side of the blanket IDM
born with a silver spoon in mouth IDM
in all born days IDM
not know one is born IDM
there's one born every minute IDM
borough n
borrow v
borrowed time IDM
 borrower n
borrowing n
Borstal n
bosh n
bosom n
bosom friend n
bosomy adj
boss n
boss v
bossy adj
boss v
boss-eyed adj
boss-eyed adj
botany n
botanical adj
botanical gardens n
botanist n
botch v
botch-up n
both adj
both prep
both adv
have things both ways IDM
want things both ways IDM
bother v
bother n
bother interj
bother head about IDM
bothersome adj
can't be bothered IDM
bothy n
bottle n
bottle v
be on the bottle IDM
bottle bank n
bottle-feed v
bottle-green adj
bottle-opener n
bottle out PHPV
bottle party n
bottle up PHPV
bottleneck n
bottom n
bottom adj
at bottom IDM
be at the bottom of IDM
lie at the bottom of IDM
the bottom falls out IDM
bottomless adj
the bottom line n
bottommost adj
bottom out PHPV
bottoms up IDM
get to the bottom of IDM
botulism n
boudoir n
bouffant adj
bougainvillaea n
bough n
bought v
bouillon n
boulder n
boulevard n
bounce v
bounce n
bounce back PHPV
bouncer n
bouncing adj
bouncy adj
bound v
bound n
bound adj
bound v
bound up in IDM
bound up with IDM
I'll be bound IDM
boundary n
bounden duty IDM
boundless adj
bounds n
out of bounds IDM
bounteous adj
bountiful adj
bounty n
bouquet n
bouquet garni n
bourbon n
bourgeois adj
bourgeois n
bourgeoisie n
bourse n
box n
box v
box number n
box office n
boxer n
boxing n
boxing-glove n
boxing-match n
brought v
bread n
bread and butter n
bread and water IDM
bread bin n
bread box n
take the bread out of mouth IDM
breadbasket n
breadboard n
breadcrumbs n
breadline n
on the breadline IDM
breadth n
breadwinner n
break v
break n
break of service n
service break n
breakable adj
breakables n
break away PHRV
break-dancing n
break down PHRV
break down PHRV
break down PHRV
break from PHRV
break in PHRV
break-in n
break in PHRV
break in on PHRV
break into PHRV
break of day IDM
break off PHRV
break off PHRV
break out PHRV
break-out n
break out of PHRV
break out in PHRV
break through PHRV
break up PHRV
break up with PHRV
break with PHRV
make a break for IDM
breakage n
breakaway n
breakdown n
breaker n
breakfast n
breakfast v
breakneck adj
breakthrough n
breakup n
breakwater n
bream n
breast n
breast v
breast-feed v
breast pocket n
breast-stroke n
breastbone n
sternum n
breastplate n
breath n
a breath of fresh air IDM
the breath of life IDM
breath test n
breathy adj
get breath again IDM
get breath back IDM
hold breath IDM
dying breath IDM
last breath IDM
out of breath IDM
short of breath IDM
under breath IDM
take breath away IDM
Breathalyser n
Breathalyzer n
breathalyze v
breathalyse v
breathe v
breathe in v
breathe out v
breathe again IDM
breathe down sb's neck IDM
breathing n
breathing-space n
breathe into PHRV
breathe last IDM
breathe a word IDM
breather n
breathless adj
breathtaking adj
bred v
breech n
breech birth n
breech delivery n
breeches n
breed v
breeder n
breeder reactor n
breeding n
breeding-ground n
breeze n
breeze v
breezy adj
breeze-block n
brethren n
breve n
breviary n
brevity n
brew v
brew n
brewer n
brewery n
brew up PHRV
brew-up n
bribe n
bribe v
bribe into doing PHRV
bribery n
bric-à-brac n
brick n
brick up PHRV
brick in PHRV
make bricks without straw IDM
brickbat n
bricklayer n
brickie n
brickwork n
brickyard n
bridal adj
bride n
bridegroom n
bridesmaid n
bridge n
bridge v
bridge the gap IDM
bridge a gap IDM
bridging loan n
bridgehead n
bridle n
bridle v
bridle-path n
Brie n
brief adj
brief n
brief v
briefly adv
briefing n
hole no brief for IDM
in brief IDM
briefcase n
briefs n
burly adj
brouhaha n
brow n
browbeat v
browbeaten adj
brown adj
brown n
brown v
brown ale n
brown as a berry IDM
brown bread n
browned off IDM
brownish adj
browny adj
brown sugar n
in a brown study IDM
brownie n
brownie point n
brownstone n
browse v
browse n
bruise n
bruise v
bruiser n
bruising adj
brunch n
brunette n
brush n
brush v
brush against PHRV
brush aside PHRV
brush away off PHRV
brush down PHRV
brush off PHRV
brush-off n
brush up PHRV
brushwood n
brushwork n
brusque adj
Brussels adj
Brussels sprout n
brutal adj
brutality n
brutalize v
brute n
brute adj
brutish adj
BS abbr
BSc abbr
BSE abbr
BSI abbr
BST abbr
bubble n
bubble v
bubble along PHRV
bubble out PHRV
bubble over PHRV
bubble up PHRV
bubble and squeak n
bubble bath n
the bubble bursts IDM
bubble gum n
bubbly adj
bubbly n
bubonic plague n
buccaneer n
buck n
buck v
bucked adj
buck ideas up IDM
buck-tooth n
buck-toothed adj
buck up PHRV
buck up PHRV
buck n
the buck stops here IDM
make a fast buck IDM
make a quick buck IDM
bucket n
buckets n
bucket v
bucket seat n
bucket-shop n
buckle n
buckle v
buckle down to PHRV
buckle in PHRV
buckle into PHRV
buckle on PHRV
buckle to PHRV
buckram n
buckshee adj
buckshot n
buckskin n
buckwheat n
bucolic n
bud n
bud v
budding adj
Buddhism n
buddy n
budge v
budgerigar n
budget n
budget v
budget adj
budget account n
budget plan n
budgetary adj
buff n
buff adj
buff v
in the buff IDM
buff n
buffalo n
buffer n
buffer v
buffet n
buffet car n
buffet v
buffet n
buffoon n
buffoonery n
bug n
bug v
bug-eyed adj
bugbear n
bugger n
bugger v
bugger interj
bugger about PHRV
bugger around PHRV
bugger-all n
buggered adj
bugger me IDM
bugger off PHRV
buggery n
I'll be buggered IDM
buggy n
bugle n
bugler n
Byzantine adj
burn v
burn n
burn away PHRV
burn boats IDM
burn bridges IDM
burn the candle at both ends IDM
burn down PHRV
burner n
get fingers burnt IDM
burn fingers IDM
burning adj
burn the midnight oil IDM
burn off PHRV
burn out n
burn-out PHRV
burn out PHRV
burn oneself out PHRV
burnt adj
burnt offering n
burn to PHRV
burn to a crisp PHRV
burn up PHRV
burnish v
burp v
burp n
burr n
burr v
burro n
burrow n
burrow v
burrow into PHRV
borrow through PHRV
borrow under PHRV
bursar n
bursary n
burst v
burst n
be bursting to do IDM
burst in PHRV
burst in on PHRV
burst into PHRV
burst into PHRV
burst out of PHRV
burst through PHRV
burst on PHRV
burst onto PHRV
burst open IDM
burst out PHRV
go for a burton IDM
bury v
bury the hatchet IDM
bury oneself in PHRV
bus n
bus v
bus lane n
bus shelter n
bus-stop n
busby n
bush n
bush telegraph n
bushy adj
bushed adj
bushel n
bushels n
Bushman n
bussiness n
business as usual IDM
business card n
the business end n
business is business IDM
business park n
business studies n
get down to business IDM
go about one's business IDM
go out of business IDM
have no business to do IDM
in the business of IDM
like nobody's business IDM
businesslike adj
businessman n
busk v
busman's holiday IDM
bust n
busty adj
bust v
bust n
bust adj
bust up IDM
bust up n
bust up PHRV
go bust IDM
buster n
bustle v
bustle n
busy adj
busy v
busy as a bee IDM
busybody n
but conj
but prep
but adv
but for IDM
but then IDM
not only …but also IDM
one cannot/ could not but… IDM
but n
butane n
butch adj
butcher n
butcher v
butchery n
butler n
butt v
butt n
butt in PHRV
butter n
butter v
butter up PHRV
butter would not melt in one's mouth IDM
buttery adj
butter-bean n
buttercup n
butter-fingers n
butterfly n
have butterflies IDM
buttermilk n
butterscotch n
buttock n
button n
button v
button-down collar n
buttoned up adj
button mushroom n
button up PHRV
on the button IDM
buttonhole n
buttonhole v
buttress n
buttress v
butty n
buxom n
buy v
buy n
buyer n
buyer's market n
buy in PHRV
buy into PHRV
buy off PHRV
buy-out n
buy out PHRV
buy a pig in a poke PHRV
buy time IDM
buy up PHRV
buzz v
buzz n
buzz about PHRV
buzz around PHRV
buzzer n
buzz off PHRV
buzz-word n
give a buzz IDM
buzzard n
by prep
by adv
by and by IDM
keep by one IDM
have by one IDM
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု


ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
၁၁ ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
…ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု .ု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

(esp passive) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု





ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု …ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု


ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု


ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု



ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
(ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု


) ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု)ုုုုုုု (ုု ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု
(passive voice ုုုုုုုုုုုု past participle ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
) …ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
၁၁ ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု




ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု


ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

(ုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
၁၁ ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
…ုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
၁၁ ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
၁၁ ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
… ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုု


(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

၁၁ (ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု၁၁ ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ု ုုု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

၁၁ ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ု …ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု)

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု
House of Commons ုုုုု House of Lords ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုု


) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု


ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
၁၁ ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု …ုုုုု …ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု `ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
´ု ုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ု ုုုုု ုုုု ု ုုုု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု … ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
...ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု[ု] ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

(ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု


(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
(usu sing) ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု-ုုု-ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု


ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

(ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုု ုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု


ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

(ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

…ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု(ုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

၁၁ (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
၁၁ (ုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုု)ု (ုုုုုုုုု)ု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု) ုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု …ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု …ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု …ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု …ုုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
)   ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ] ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု% ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု ုုုုု(ုုုုု)
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု (ုု) ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုု)ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု(ုု)ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု(ုု)ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု


ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု (ုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု) ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ု
ု …ု … ုုု
ု …ု …ုုု …ုုုု …ုုု…ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(၁) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ု)ုုုု (ု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု (ုုုုု)ု ုုုု (ုုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
past particle of buy
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု … ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု … ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု[ုုု]ု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)
pp of bind
(ုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုthe Bourse)ု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု


ုုုုုုုု   ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

past particle of bring/ past of bring
ုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု …ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု ုုုုု

(ုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု(ုု)ုုုု ုုု(ုု)ုုုု
ု ုုု


ု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု


ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

(ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု ု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု …ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု …ုုုုုုုု …ုုုု
(ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု



) ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု




) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

past participle of breed
ုု ုုုု
ုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
/ ုုုု/ ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု


(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု (ုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁
ုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) … ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
)ု ) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)ု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)ု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(၁) (joc) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု




ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု


ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
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(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုု
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(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

(ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု … ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု)ု …ုုုုုု …ုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
…ုု ု…ုုု
ု …ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု … ုုု
ု… ုုုု
ုုုု ု …ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
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ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

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) ုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု


(ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)ု (were ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
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(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
calloused adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
C n ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
C abbr ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ု
c abbr (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cab n ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cab-driver n ုုုုုုုုု
cabal n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
cabaret n ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cabbage n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု

cabby n ုုုုုုုုု
caber n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
cabin n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
cabin-boy n ုုုုုုုု

cabin class n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
cabin crew n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
cabinet n ုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုု
cable n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ု
cable-car n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

cable railwayn ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
cable television
n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
caboose n ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cache n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု

cachet n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
cackle n (ုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cackle v (ုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cut the cackle
IDM ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
cacophony n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
cactus n ုုုုုုုုု

CAD abbr ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
cad n (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cadaverous adj ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
caddie n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
caddie v ုုုုုုုုုု

cadence n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
cadenza n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု

cadet n (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cadge v ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

cadmium n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
cadre n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

Caesarean n ုုုုု
caesium n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
caesura n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

café n ုုု
ု ုုုုု
cafeteria n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
caff n ုုု
ု ုုုုု
caffeine n ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

caftan n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
cage n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
cage sb in PHRV ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

cagey adj ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
cagoule n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
be in cahootsIDM ုုု
cairn n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cajole v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

cake n ုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
cake v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုု
calamine n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

calamity n ုုုုုုုု ုုု
calamitous adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
calcify v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

calcium n ုုုုုုုု

calculable adj ုုုု
calculate v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

calculated adj ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

calculating adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
calculation n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
calculator n ုုုု

calculus n ုုုုုုုုုုု
calendar n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
calendar year
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ု ုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
calf n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cannonade n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
callow adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
callus n ုုုုုုု
calm adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
calm n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
calm v ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု

calmly adv ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

Calor gas n ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
calorie n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

calorific adj ုုုုုုု
calumny n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
calvados n ုုု
calve v ုုုုုုုုုုုု

Calvinism n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ု ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုု
Calvinist n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
calypso n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
calyx n ုုုု

cam n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ု
camber n (ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
camber v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cambric n ုုုု

camcorder n ုုု
camel n ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု
camellia n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cameo n ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
camera n ုုု
in camera IDM ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cameraworkn ုုုုု
camisole n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
camomile n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
camouflage n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
camouflage n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
camouflage v ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

camp n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
camp v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
break/strike IDM
camp ုုုု

camp-bed n ုုုုု

camper n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
camp-fire n ုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
camping n ုုုု
camp-site n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
camp adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
camp n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
campaign n ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
campaign v ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

campaigner n ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
campanile n ုုုုု

camphor n ုုုုု

campus n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
CAMRA abbr ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
can n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
can v ုုု

be in the canIDM ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

canned adj ုုုုုုု
a can of worms
IDM ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

can-opener n ုုုုု
can v ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
can v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုု
canal n ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

canal boat n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
canalize v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

canapé n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
canard n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
canary n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
canasta n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
cancan n ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cancel v ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
cancel out PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု
Cancer n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
cancer n ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ု
cancerous adj ုုု
candelabrumn ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
candid adj ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
candidly adv ုုုု
candidate n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
candied adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
candle n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
candlelit adj ုုုုုု

carburettor n ုုုုုု
canoe n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
canoe v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

canoeing n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
canoeist n ုုုုုုုု
canon n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုု
canonical adj ုုုု
canon law n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
canopy n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
canopy n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
cant v ုုုု

Cantab abbr ုု ုုုု(ုုုု)ု
adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
cantata n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
canteen n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
canter n ုုုု
canter v ုုုု

at a canter IDM ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
canticle n ုုုုုုုုု
cantilever n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
canton n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
cantor n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
canvas n ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
canvass v ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

canvass n ုုုု
canvasser n ုုုုုု
canyon n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
cap n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cap v (ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cap in hand IDM ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

to cap it all IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

capability n ုုုု
capable adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
capacious adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
n ုုု
capacity n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
caparisoned adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
cape n ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

Cape Coloured
adjn ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
cape n ုုုုုုု

caped adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
caper v ုုုု

caper n (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
caper n ုုုုုုုု

capillary n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
capital n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
capital adj ုုုုုု (ုုုုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
capital gainsn ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

capital gainsntax ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
capital goodsn ုုုု
adj ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
capital lettern ုုုုုုု
capital levy n ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
capital sum n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
make capitalIDM
of sth ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
capitalism n ုုုု
capitalist n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု
capitalist adj ုုုု

capitalize -ise
v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

capitalizationn -isation ုုုုု

capitation n ုုုုုု

capitulate v ုုုုုုုုုုု

capon n ုုု
cappuccino n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

caprice n ုုုုုုု
capricious adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
Capricorn n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
capsicum n ုုုုု
capsize v (ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
capstan n ုုုုုု

capsule n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
captain n ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) (ုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုု)ုုုုုုုုုု (ုု ုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုု
captain v ုုုုု

captaincy n ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
captain of industry
n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

caption n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
caption v ုုုုုုုုုုု

captivate v ုုုုုုုု

captivating adj ုုုုုုုုုု
captive adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
captive n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

captivity n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
captor n ုုု
capture v ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
capture n ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
car n ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
car bomb n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
car park n ုုုု
car phone n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
carcass n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
carcinogenicadj ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
card n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုု
card-carryingadj ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
card-game n ုုုုုုုုု
card-sharp n ုုုုုု
card-table n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
card vote n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
on the cardsIDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

card n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
card v ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

cardamom n ုုုုု ုုုု ုုု

cardboard n ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
cardiac adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cardigan n ုုု
cardinal n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
cardinal n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
cardinal adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cardinal points
n ုုုု
cardi- comb ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

cardiology n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
care n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
care for sb PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

care for sb/sth
PHRV ုုုုုု

care of sb IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုု

caring adj ုုုုုုုုုု
have a care IDM ုုုုုု ုုု
in care IDM ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
in the care ofIDM
sb ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

not care lessIDM ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

who cares? IDM ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

careen v ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

career n ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
career v ုုုုုုု

career girl n ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
careerist n ုုုု
carefree adj ုုုုု
careful adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
careless adj ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
carer n ုုုုုုုုု

caress n ုုုု
caress v ုုုု

caretaker adj ုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
careworn adj ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
carfare n ုုုုု ုုုု
cargo n ုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
caricature n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

caricature v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

caries n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
carillon n ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
carious adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
carload n ုုုုုု

carmine adj ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

carnage n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
carnal adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
carnation n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
carnival n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
carnivore n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

carnivorous adj ုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု)ု
carob n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
carol n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
carol v ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

carotid adj ုုု
carouse v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

carousel n ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
carp n ုုုုုုု
carp v ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

carpal n ုုု
carpenter n ုုု
carpentry n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
carpet n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
carpet v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

carpet-bag n ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုု

on the carpetIDM ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

carpeting n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
carport n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
carriage n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
carrier n ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုု

carrier bag n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
carrier pigeon
n ုုုုုုုုုု
carrion n ုုုုုုုု

carrot n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

carroty adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု
carry v ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
carry v ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုု
carry sb away
PHRV ုုုု ုုုု

carry sb backPHRV ုုုု

carry the canIDM ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

carry-cot n ုုုုုုုုု
carry sth forward
PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
carryings-onn ုုုုုုုုု
carry sth off PHRV ုုုုုု

carry it/sth off
PHRV ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

carry on PHRV ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

carry on PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

carry-on n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
carry sth over
PHRV ုုုုု

carry sb through
PHRV ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု

carry sth through
PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
carsick adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cart n ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
cart v ုုုု
ု ုုု

cart-horse n ုုုုုုု
cart-track n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

cauldron n ုုု

casework n ုုုုုုု

cash n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cash v (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
cash and carry
n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ု
cash crop n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cash desk n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cash dispenser
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cash down IDM ုုု

cash flow n ုုုုုု
cash in handIDM ုုုုုုုုုု
cash in PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

cash on delivery
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု
cash registern ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ု
cashcard n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
cashew n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

cashier n ုုုုုုုု

cashier v ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

cashmere n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

casino n ုုုုု
cask n ုုု
ု ုုု

casket n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
cassava n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
casserole n ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
cassette n ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cassock n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုု) ုု
cast v (ုုုုု)ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု)ုုုုုု (
cast v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
cast sb adriftIDM ုုုုုုုုုုု

cast sb/sth aside
PHRV ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

cast sb awayPHRV ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
casting n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

casting vote n ုုုုုုုု
cast iron n ုုုုုုု

cast-iron adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
cast one's net
IDMwide ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု

cast off PHRV ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cast-off adj ုုုု
cast-off n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
cast on PHRV ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

cast sb out PHRV ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

cast a/one's IDM
vote ုုုုုုုုုုု

castanets n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

castaway n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
caste n (ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
castellated adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
castigate v ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

castle n ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
castor n ုုုုုုုုုု
castrate v (ုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
casual adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
casual n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

casually adv ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
casualty n ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
cat n ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cat n ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

cat burglar n ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

cat's cradle n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
Cat's-eye n ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

cataclysm n ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
cataclysmic adj ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
catafalque n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
catalogue n (ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုု ုုုုုုု
catalogue v ုုုုု

catalyst n ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
catamaran n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
catapult n ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု
catapult v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

cataract n ုုုုုုုု
catarrh n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
catastrophe n ုုုု
ု ုုု
catastrophicadj ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
catcall n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
catch v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
catch v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
catch n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
catch-all n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
catch one's breath
IDM ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

catch one's death
IDM ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

catcher n ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
catch fire IDM ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု

catching adj ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
catch it IDM ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

catch the light
IDM ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

catch sb napping
IDM ုုုုုု

catch sb on the
IDMhop ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

catch on PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု

catch on PHRV ုုုု

catch sb out PHRV ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု

catch sb red-handed
IDM ုုု
ု ုုုု

catch the sun
IDM ုုုုုုု

catch- n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
catchy adj ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
catchment area
n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
catchphrase n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
catechism n (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
category n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
categorize -ise
v ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

cater v ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
caterer n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
catering n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
caterpillar n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

Caterpillar tractor
n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု

caterwaul v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
catfish n ုုုုုုုုုုု
catgut n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုု
cathartic adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
Catherine wheel
n ုုုုုု
catheter n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
centigrade adj ½
cauliflower n ုုု
cauliflower cheese
n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
causal adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
causality n ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
causation n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
causative adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

cause n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
cause v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

causeway n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
caustic adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
caustically adv ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

cauterize -isev ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုု

caution n ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
caution v ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

cautionary adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

cautious adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
cavalcade n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
cavalier n ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cavalier adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
cavalry n (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cave n ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု

cave in PHRV ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

cave-in n ုုုု
caver n ုုုုု
caveat n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
caveat emptor
n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
caveman n (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cavern n ုုုုု
cavernous adj ုုုုု
caviar n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

cavil v ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု

cavity n ုုုုု

cavity wall n ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cavort v ုုုု

caw n ုုုုုုုုု
caw v ုုုုုုုုု

cayenne n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
CB abbr ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
CBE abbr ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
CBI abbr (ုုုုုုုုုုု
CBS abbr (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cc abbr ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
CD-ROM abbr ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
CE abbr n (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cease v ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ceaseless adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cedar n ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
cede v ုုုုုု

ceilidh n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ceiling n ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
celebrant n ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
celebrate v (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
celebrated adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
celebration n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
celebratory adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
celebrity n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
celerity n ုုုုုု

celery n ုုုုု
celestial adj ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
celestial body
n ုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
celibate adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
celibate n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
celibacy n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

cell n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cellar n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

cello n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cellist n ုုု
Cellophane n ုုုု
cellular adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
celluloid n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

cellulose n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
Celsius adj ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ½
Celt n ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ု
Celtic adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cement n ုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

cement v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chandelier n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
centigram n ုုု
ု ုုု
centilitre n ုုု
ုု ုုု ုုု
centimetre n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
centipede n ုုု
central adj ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
central bankn ုုုုုုု

central heating
n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

centrality n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

centralism n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

centralize -ise
v ုုုုုုုုုု

centre n ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
centre v ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
centre forward
n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
centre half n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
centre of gravity
n ုုုုု
centre-piecen ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

centre spread
n ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
centre-stagen ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
centrefold n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
centrifugal adj ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

centrifuge n ုုု

centripetal adj ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
centrist n ုုုုု
centrist adj ုုု
centurion n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
century n ုုုု ု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ု
ceramic adj ုုုုုုု

ceramic n ုုုုုုု
ceramics n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

cereal n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ု
cerebral adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cerebrum n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ceremonial adj ုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ceremonial n ုုုု
ceremony n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု

ceremoniousadj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
cerise adj ုုုု

CERN abbr ( é é) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cert n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

certain adj ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
certain pron ုုုုုုု
certainly adv ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
certainly notadv ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
certainty n ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
certificate n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

certificated adj ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုု
certify v ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

certifiable adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
certification n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
certitude n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
cervix n ုုုုုုု
cervical adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု)ု ( ု)
cessation n ုုု
cesspit n ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
CFC abbr (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
CFE abbr (ုုုုုုုုုုု
Chablis n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
cha n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
chafe v ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

chaff n (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
chaff v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

chaffinch n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
chagrin n ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
chain n (ုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု( ( ု ) ) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ( ု ) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
chain v ုုုုုုုုုုု

chain-gang n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
chain-letter n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုု ုုုုုု
chain-mail n ုုုု
chain reaction
n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
chain-saw n ုုုုုုုုုု
chain-smokev ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

chain-store n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
chair n ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chair v ုုုုုုုုုုု

chair-lift n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chairman n (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု) ုုုုု
chairmanshipn ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chairperson n ုုုုုုု
chaise longue
n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
chalet n (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
chalice n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
chalk n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chalk v ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
chalk sth up PHRV ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

chalk sth up PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

chalk sth up PHRV
to sth ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

chalky adj ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
challenge n ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

challenge v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
challenger n ုုုု
challenging adj ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
chamber n (ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
chamber n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
chamber concert
n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
chamber music
n ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
Chamber of Commerce
n ုုုု
chamber orchestra
n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

chamber-potn ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
chamberlainn (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
checkout n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chandler n ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
change v ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ု
change v (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
changeable adj ုုုုုု
ုုုု ု ုုု
change backPHRV ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

change backPHRV ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

change sth back
PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

change downPHRV ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

change hands
IDM ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု

changeless adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

a change of heart
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
change overPHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
change-overn ုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
change one'sIDM
spots ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

change step IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

change the subject
IDM ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

change one'sIDM
tune ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
change up PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

change one'sIDM
ways ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

for a changeIDM ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
changeling n (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
channel n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုု)ု (ုုုုုုုုုု
channel v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

chant n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
chant v ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

chaos n ုုုု
chaotic adj ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုု)ု
chap v ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
chap n ုုုုုုု
chap n ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

chapel n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ( ( ု) ) ုုုုု
chapel n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
chaperon v ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

chaplain n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
chaplaincy n ုုု

chaplet n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
chapter n (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
chapter and IDM
verse ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
chapter house
n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
char v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

char v ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

charabanc n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
character n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ု
character actor
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

characterful adj ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
characterlessadj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
in/out of character
IDM ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
adv ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
characterize v-ise ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
charade n (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
charcoal n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

chard n ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
charge n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

charge v ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
charge-cap v ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

charge card n ုုုုုုုုု
charge-handn ုုုုု
ုု ု
charge-nursen ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
charge-sheetn ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

chargeable adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
chargé d'affaires
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
charger n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
chariot n (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
charioteer n ုုုုုုု

charisma n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
charismatic adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
charitable adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
charity n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
charlatan n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

Charleston n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
charlie n ုုုုုု
charm n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
charmer n ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

charming adj ုုုု
charmless adj ုုုုုုုု
work like a charm
IDM ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

n (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
chart n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
chart v ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

charter n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

charter n (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
charter v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

chartered adj ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

chartreuse n ုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
charwoman n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
chary adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
chase v ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုု
chase n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
give chase IDM ုုုုု

chase v ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

chaser n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
chasm n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
chassis n (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
chaste adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
chasten v ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

chastise v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

chastity n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
chasuble n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
chat n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု

chat v ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
chatty adj ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
chat sb up PHRV ုုု

château n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chip n ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

chip n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
chip v ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
chip away atPHRV
sth ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

chippings n ုုု
chip shop n ုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

checkpoint n (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
checkroom n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
Cheddar n ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cheek n ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
cheek v ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

cheek-bone n ုုုုုုုု
cheek by jowl
IDM ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
cheeky adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

cheep v ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

cheer v ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု

cheer n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
cheering adj ုုုုုု
cheering n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
cheer-leadern ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
cheer sb on PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cheerful adj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cheerio interj ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cheerless adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
cheers interj (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု
cheery adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
cheese n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု
cheese sb offPHRV ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

adj ုုု
cheesy adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
cheesecake n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
cheesecloth n ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု ုုုု
cheetah n (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
chef n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
chemical adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
chemical n ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
chemical warfare
n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
chemise n ုုုု
chemist n ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

chemistry n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုု
cheque n ုုုု

cheque-bookn ုုုု(ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
chequered adj ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cherish v ုုုု
ု ုုု

cheroot n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
cherry n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

cherub n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
cherubic adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
chervil n ုုု
chess n ုုု
chessboard n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

chessman n ုုု

chest n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု(ုုုု)ု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
chest of drawers
n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
chesty adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

chestnut n ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုု
chevron n (ုုုု
) ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
chew v ုုုုုု

chew n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
chew the fat/rag
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

chewing-gumn ုုု
chew sth over
PHRV ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

Chianti n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
chiaroscuro n (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
chic adj ုုုု
chic n ုုုု

chicanery n ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
chick n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
chicken n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ု
chicken-feedn ုုုုုုု (ုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
chicken out PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

chickenpox n ုုုုုုုု

chick-pea n ုုုုုုုု
chicory n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
chide v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

chief n (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
chief adj ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု S ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
Chief of Staffn ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု
chieftain n ုုုုုုုုု
chiffon n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
chignon n ုုုုု
chihuahua n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
chilblain n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
child n ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
child n ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
be with childIDM ုုုုု

child abuse n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
child-bearingn ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
child benefitn ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
child care n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

childhood n ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
childless adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု
child-mindern ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
child's play IDM ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
childbirth n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
childish adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
childlike adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
chronology n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
chipboard n ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

chipmunk n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
chipolata n ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
chiropodist n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
chiropody n ုုု
ု ုုုုု

chiropractor n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
chiropractic n ုုု

chirp n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
chirp v ုုုု

chirpy adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
chisel n ုုုုု

chisel v ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
chit n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
chit n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
chit-chat n ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
chivalry n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
chivalrous adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
chive n ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

chivvy v ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

chloride n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု

chlorine n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
chlorinate v ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

chloroform n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
chloroform v ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

chlorophyll n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

choc n ုုုုုုုု

choc-ice n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုု
chock-full adj ုုုု
chocolate n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
choice n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

choice n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
choice adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
by choice IDM ုုုုုုုု
of one's choice
IDM ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
choir n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
choirboy n ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
choirmaster n ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
choke v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
choke n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
choke sth back
PHRV ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
choked adj ုုုုုု
choke sth down
PHRV ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

choke sth offPHRV ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

choker n ုုု

cholera n ုုုုုု
choleric adj ုုုု
cholesterol n ုုုုုု

chomp v ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုု

choose v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
choosy adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
chop v ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
chop n (ုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
chop at sth PHRV ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
chop sth down
PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု

chop sth off PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

chop v ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု

chop-chop interj ုုုု

chopper n ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

choppy adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
chopstick n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု)ုုု
chopsuey n ုုုုု
choral adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
chord n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု
chord n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု
chore n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

choreographv ုုုုု ုုုုု

n (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုု

chorister n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chortle n ုုု
ုုု ုုု
chortle v ုုုုုုုုုု

chorus n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
chorus n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုု
chorus v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

chorus girl n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
in chorus IDM ုုု
ုု ုုု
chow n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chow n ုုုုုုု
chowder n ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

chow mein n ုုုုု

civil adj ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ု
civil defencen ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
civil disobedience
n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
civil engineering
n ုုုုုုုုုု
civility n ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
civil law n ုုုုုုုုုု
civil liberty n ုုုု
the civil list n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
civilly adv ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

civil marriage
n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
civil rights n ုုုု

civil servant n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
civil war n ုုုု

chronometern ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
chrysalis n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
n ုုုုုုုု
chubby adj ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
chubby adj ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
chuck v ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု
chuck n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
chuck n (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
chuckle v ုုုု

chuckle n ုုုု
chuffed adj ုုုုု
chug v ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

chug n (ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
chum n ုုုုုု
v chum up PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
chump n ုုုုုု
chunk n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
chunky adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
church n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုု)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
churchgoer n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
churchgoingn ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
churchman n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

n ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
churchyard n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
churlish adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
churn n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု
churn v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ု
churn sth outPHRV ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

chute n (ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
chutney n ုုုုုုုု
CIA abbr (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
cicada n ုုုုု
CID abbr (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
-cide comb ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
-cidal comb ုုု
ု ုုုုု
cider n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cigar n ုုုုုုု

cigarette n ုုုုုုု

n ုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုု
n ုုုု

n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
cinch n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

cinder n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

Cinderella n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
cine comb ုုုု
ုုုု ု
camera n ုုုု
cinema n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
cinematic adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cinnamon n ုုု

cipher n ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
circa prep ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု)ု
circle n ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
circle v (ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
go round in circles
IDM ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

circlet n ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

circuit n ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
circuit boardn ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု
circuitry n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
circuit training
n ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
circuitous adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
circular adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
circular n ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
circularize -ise
v ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

circular saw n ုုုုုုု
circulate v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ု
circulation n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
circulatory adj ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
circumcise v ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
circumcisionn ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
n ုုု
ုု ုုုု
circumflex n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
v (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
circumscribev ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
circumspect adj ုုုုုုုုုု
circumstancen ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
adj (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုု
clement adj (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
clemency n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
civilian n ုုုု
civilization -isation
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
civilize -ise v ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
civilized -ised
adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
civvies n ုုုု
Civvy Street n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

clack n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
clack v ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
clad adj ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
cladding n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
claim v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
claim n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
claimant n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
claim sth back
PHRV ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

lay claim to sth
IDM ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
clairvoyancen ုုုုုုုုုု

clam n ုုုုုုုုု

v clam up PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

clamber v ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

clammy adj ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
clamour n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

clamp n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

clamp v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
clamp v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clan n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
clannish adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
clang n ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
clang v ုုု

clank n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
clank v ုုု

clansman n ုုုုုုုုု

clap v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု) ုုု
clap n ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
clap sth on PHRV ုုုုုုုုု

clapper n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

like the clappers
IDM ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

clapperboardn (ုုုုုုုု
claptrap n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
claret n ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

claret adj ုုုုုု

clarify v (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clarinet n ုုုု

clarinettist n ုုုု
clarion adj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
clarity n ုုုု
clash v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
clash n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု
clasp n ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

clasp-knife n ုုုုု
clapper n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

like the clappers
IDM ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

classic adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
classic n ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
classical adj ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

classicism n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
classicist n ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
classificationn ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
classify v ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
classifiable adj ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ု
clatter n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
clatter v ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

clause n ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
clavichord n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
clavicle n ုုုု
claw n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
claw v ုုုု

claw sth back
PHRV ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
claw-back n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
clay n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
clay court n ုုုုုု ုုု
clayey adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
clay pigeon n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clay pipe n ုုုုုုုုု
claymore n (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
clean adj ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
clean adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clean adv ုုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

clean v ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

clean n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
clean-cut adj ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
clean sth down
PHRV ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု

clean sth outPHRV ုုု

clean sb/sth PHRV
out ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

clean-shavenadj ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
a clean sheet/slate
IDM ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

clean up PHRV ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

clean sth up PHRV ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု

clean-up n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
come clean IDM ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

make a cleanIDM
break ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
make a cleanIDM
sweep ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

cleaner n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

cleaning n (ုုုုုုုု
cleaning ladyn ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
cleanliness n ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
cleanly adv ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
clementine n ုုုုုုု
clench v (ုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clergy n ုုုု
clergyman n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
cleric n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

clerical adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
clerk n ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
clever adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
clever Dick n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
too clever byIDM
half ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
cliché n ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clichéd (alsoadj
cliché'd) ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
click n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
click v ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
client n ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clientele n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
cliff n ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

climactic adj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
climate n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
climatic adj ုုုုုုုု
climatology n ုုုုုုုုုုု
climax n ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုုု)ု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
climax v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
climb v ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
climb n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
climb down PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

climb-down n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
climber n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
climbing n ုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

clime n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
clinch v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

clinch n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clincher n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု

cling v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

cling film n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clinging adj ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
clinic n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
clinical adj (ုုုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
clinically adv ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clink n ုုုုု
clink v ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

clink n ုုုုု

clinker n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

clinker-built adj ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုု)ု
clip n ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
clip v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
clip v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

clip n ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
clip-joint n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

clipped adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clipping n ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
clip sb's wings
IDM ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

clipboard n ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
clipper n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
clique n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
cliquy adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
clitoris n (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု
cloak n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု

cloak v ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cloakroom n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
clobber v ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

cloche n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုု
clock n (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clock v ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုု
clock v ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
clock radio n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
clock tower n ုုုုုုု

n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
clockwise adv ုုု

clockwork n (ုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clod n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
clodhopper n ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
clog n ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
clog v ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

cloister n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cloistered adj ုုုု
ု ုုု
clone n (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
clone v (ုုုုု ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clonk n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
clonk v ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

close adj (ုုုုုုု ုုုု)ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
close adj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
close adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ုု ုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
close v ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
close adv ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
behind closed
doors ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
close by IDM ုုုုုု
a close call/shave
IDM ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
adj ုုုုုု ုုုု
a closed book
IDM ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

close down PHRV ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
close down PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုု

close-down n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
close-fitting adj ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
close in PHRV ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
close-knit adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
close on IDM (ုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
close seasonn ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
close-set adj ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
close up PHRV ုုုုုုု

close-up n ုုုုုုု
close up IDM ုုုုုု

close up PHRV ုုုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
close with sbPHRV ုုုုုုု ုုု

closing date n ုုုုုုုုုု
closing-time n ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု
come close IDM ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

run sb/sth close
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

closed adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
closed shop n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

closet n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

closet adj ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
closet v ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုု
closure n (ုုုုုုုု
clot n (ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
clot v ုုုုု

clotted cream
n ုုုုုု

cloth n ုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cloth cap n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

clothe v ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clothes n ုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
clothes-line n ုုုု
clothes-peg n ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု
codeine n ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
cluck n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
cluck v ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

clue n ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
clue sb in PHRV ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

clueless adj ုုုုုု
clue sb up PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
clump n ုုု
ု ုုု
clump v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

clump n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clump v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

clump n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
clunk n ုုုုုု
clunk v ုုုုုု

cluster n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

clutch v ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

clutch n (ုုုုု ုုု)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
clutch/catch PHRV
at sth ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

clutch n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
clutter n ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
clutter v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

CND abbr (ုုုုုုုုုုု
co- pref (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ု
coach n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
coach v (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
coach-housen ုုုု
coach stationn ုုုုုုုုုုု
coachload n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
coachman n ုုုု
coachwork n ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

coagulate v ုုုုုုုုု

coal n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
coal-black adj ုုုုု
coal-fired adj ုုုုုု
coal gas n ုုုုုု
coal-hole n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

coal-scuttle n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
coal tar n ုုုုုုုုု
coalesce v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

coalface n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုုုု
coalfield n ုုုုုု
coalition n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု)ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
coalman n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coalmine n ုုုုုု
coalminer n ုုုုုု
coaming n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
coarse adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
coarse fishing
n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
coarsen v ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

coast n ုုု
coast v (ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
( ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coastal adj ုုု
the coast is clear
IDM ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

coaster n (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
coastguard n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
coastline n ုုု
coat n ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coat v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

coating n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)ုုုုု
coat of armsn ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ု
on sb's coat-tails
IDM ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
coax v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

coaxing n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုု
cob n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ု
cobalt n ုုုုုုု
cobber n (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cobble n ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

cobble v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
cobbler n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
cobblers n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
COBOL n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cobra n ုုုုုုုုု

cobweb n ုုု
ု ုုု

Coca-Cola n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
cocaine n ုုုုုု
coccyx n ုုုုုုုုု
cochineal n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cock n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုု
cock v ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

cock-and-bulln story ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

cock crow n ုုု

n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

cock-fight n ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
cock-a-hoop adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
cock of the walk
IDM ုုုုု

go off at halfIDM
cock ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cock-up n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

cockatoo n ုုုုုု
cockerel n ုုုု

cock-eyed adj (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cockle n ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
collywobblesn ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
codger n ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
codicil n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

codswallop n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
coed n ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
adj ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coefficient n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
coerce v ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

coercion n ုုုုု
coercive adj ုုုုု
coexist v ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
coexistence n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
coffee n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

coffee bar n ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

coffee breakn ုုုု

n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
coffee-shop n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
coffee-table n ုုုုုုုုု
coffee-table n
book ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

coffer n ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

coffin n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
cog n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
cogent adj ုုုုု
cogitate v ုုုုုုုု ုုု

cognac n ုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cognate adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
cognate n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
cognition n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
cognizance n ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
cognizant adj ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

cognoscenti n ုုုုုုု
cohabit v ုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုုု

cohere v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
coherent adj ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
coherence n ုုုု

coherently adv ုုုု
cohesion n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
cohesive adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
cohort n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
COI abbr (ုုုုုုုုုုု
coiffure n ုုုုု
coil v ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

coil n ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

coin n (ုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
coin v ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

coin it/money
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုု

coinage n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
coincide v ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

coincidence n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
coincident adj ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
coincidental adj ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
coir n ုုုု

coitus n ုုုုုု
coke n ုုုု
coke n ုုုုုု
col n ုုုုု
cola n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

colander n (ုုုုု)ုုုုုု
cold adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cold n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
cold-bloodedadj ုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
cold chisel n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
cold comfortIDM ုုုုုုုုု
cold cream n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cold cuts n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cold frame n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cold-heartedadj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
coldly adv ုုုုုုုုုုု

coldness n ုုုုုု
v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

cold snap n ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cold storagen ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
cold sweat n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cold sore n ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
cold turkey IDM ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
cold war n ုုု
get/have cold
feet ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

in cold bloodIDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

leave sb coldIDM ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

out in the cold
IDM ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

coleslaw n ုုုုုုုု

colic n (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
colicky adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
colitis n ုုုုုုုု
collaborate v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

collaborationn ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
collaborativeadj ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
collaborator n ုုုုုုုု
collage n ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
collapse v ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
collapse v ုုု

collapse n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
collapsible adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

collar n (ုုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
collar v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

collar-bone n ုုုု
collate v (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
collation n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
collateral adj ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
collateral n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
colleague n ုုုု

collect v ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
adj adv ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု

collect n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
collectable adj ုုုုုုု
collected adj ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
collection n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
collective adj ုုုုုုု
collective n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

collective farm
n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
collective noun
n ုုုုုုုုု

collectivism n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
n -isation ုုုု
collectivize -ise
v ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

communal adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
colon n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
colon n ုုုု
colonel n (ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
colonial adj ုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
colonial n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
colonialism n ုုုုုုုုုုုု

colonist n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
colonnade n ုုုုု

colony n ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coloratura n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

colossus n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

colour n ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုု
colour n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
colour v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
colour bar n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

colour-blind adj ုုုုုု
colour code n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

coloured adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
coloured n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု

colour-fast adj ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
colourful adj ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
colour sth inPHRV ုုုုုု

colouring n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
colour scheme
n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
colour supplement
n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

off colour IDM ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု

colt n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

coltish adj ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
columbine n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုု)ု
column n ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

columnist n ုုု

coma n ုုု
comatose adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
comb n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
comb v ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

comb sth outPHRV ုုုုုုု

combat n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

combatant n ုုုုု

combative adj ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
combinationn ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု
combination nlock ုုုု

combine v ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
combining form
n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
combo n ုုုုု

combustible adj ုုုုုုုု
combustible n ုုုုုုုု
combustion n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come v ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုု)
come v ုုုုုု ( ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုု
come interj (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ု
come about PHRV ုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုု
come about(that)
PHRV ုုုု

come acrossPHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

come acrossPHRV
sb/sth ုုုုု

come after sb
PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

come again?IDM ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု

come along PHRV ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

come and goIDM ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

come apart PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု

come at sb PHRV ုုု
ု ုုုုု

come at sth PHRV ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

come away PHRV ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု

come away with
PHRV sth ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုုု
come back PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
come back at
sb ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

come back PHRV ုုုု

come back to
sb ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

come back to
sth ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

come beforePHRV
sb/sth ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come by sth PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

come down PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုု ုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
come down (from)
PHRV ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
come down to
sb ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come down with
PHRVsth ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
come forward
PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုု

come from PHRV ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

come from/sth
PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု

come from sth
PHRV (ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come-hither adj ုုုုုုုုု
come in PHRV (ုုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
come in for sth
PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

come in on sth
PHRV ုုုုု

come in withPHRV
sb ုုုုုုုု

come into sth
PHRV ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

come it IDM ုုုုုုုုု
come of sth PHRV ုုုု

come off PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုု)
come off PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

come off it PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
come off sthPHRV ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု
come-on n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

come on to sth
PHRV ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

come out PHRV ုုု ုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ု
come out PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
come out at PHRV
sth ုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
come out in sth
PHRV ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

come out of PHRV
oneself ုုုု

come out of PHRV
sth ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု

come out with
sth ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု

come over PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု

come over PHRV ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

come over sb
PHRV ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come round PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
come round PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come through
PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ု
come to oneself
PHRV ုုုုုုု

come to sb (that)
PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု

come to sb PHRV ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုု ုုု ုုုု $ (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
come under PHRV
sth ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

come up PHRV ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုု) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုု
come up (to)PHRV ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come up PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come up for PHRV
sth ုုုုုုုုုုုု

come up to sth
PHRV ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
come up with
sth ုုုုုုုုုုု
come what may
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

how come ? IDM ုုု
not come to IDM
much ုုုုုုုုု

to come IDM ုုုုုု
(ုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
comeback n ုုု
ုု ုုု
comedian n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
comedown n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
comedy n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
comer n ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
comet n ုုုု

comfort n ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုု
comfort v ုုုု

comforting adj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
comfortless adj ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
comfortable adj ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
comfortably adv ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
comfortably IDM
off ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

comforter n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

comfy adj ုုုု
comic adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
comic n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
comic strip n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
coming n ုုုုု
comings andIDM
goings ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
coming adj ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

comma n ုုုု
command v ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုု
command n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ု
at/by sb's command
IDM ုုုုု
be at sb's command
IDM ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

commandingadj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
command performance
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု
commandantn ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
commandeerv ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

commander n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု
n ုုု
commando n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုု
n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ု
adj ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
commence v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

commend v ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
adj ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
comment n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

comment v ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုု

commentaryn ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
no commentIDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
commentatev ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
commerce n ုုုု
commercial adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
commercial n (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
commercial art
n ုုုုု
commercial break
n ုုုုု

n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
v -ise ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

commerciallyadv ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

commercial vehicle
n ုုုု
ု ုုုု

commiseratev ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

commission n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု)ု ုု
commission v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုု ုုု
commune with
sb/sth ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
v ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
n cord ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
communion n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

communiquén ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု é
communism n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
communist n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
community n (ုုု ုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
community centre
n ုုုုုုု
commute v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
commutableadj ုုု
commutationn ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
commuter n ုုုုုုု
compact adj ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
compact v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
compact discn ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
compact n ုုုုုုု

companion n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု
adj ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

n ုုုုု(ုုုု)ုုုု ုုုုုုု
company n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုု (
in company with
IDM sb ုုုုုု
in good company
IDM ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

keep sb company
IDM ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

comparable adj ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
comparativeadj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
)ု ( ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
comparativen ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
adv ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

compare v ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
beyond compare
IDM ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
compare notes
IDM ုုုုု

comparison n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
by/in comparison
IDM ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
n (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
v -ise ုုုုု

compass n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
compassion n ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
n leave ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

compatible adj ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
compatibilityn ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
compatriot n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
compel v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
compendiumn ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
compensate v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

n ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
compère n (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ) ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
compère v ုုု

compete v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

competencen ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
competent adj ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
competition n ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
competitive adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
competitor n ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
compile v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
compilation n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
compiler n ုုုု

complacencyn ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
complacent adj ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
complain v ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
adv ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
complaint n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုု
complaisant adj ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
complementn ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
n angle ုုုုု

complete adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ု ုုုုု
complete v ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု
completely adv ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
n ုုုု
completion n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
complex adj ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု
complexity n ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
complex sentence
n ုုုုုုုု
complexion n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
compliance n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
complicate v ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုု
complicationn ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
complicity n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
compliment n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုု
compliment slip
n ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
comply v ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

configurationn ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု
n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုု
compress v ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုု
compressor n ုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
comprise v ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

compromisen ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
compromisev ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု
compulsion n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
compulsive adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
compulsory adj (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
compunctionn ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
computationn ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
compute v (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
computing n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
computer n ုုုု
computerize v-ise ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ု ုုု

comrade n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

con n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
con v ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
con man n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

n ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

concave adj (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
concavity n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

conceal v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုု

concede v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
conceit n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုု
conceited adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
conceive v ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

conceivable adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
concentrate v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
concentrate n ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

concentratedadj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုု
n camp ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
concentric adj ုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
concept n ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
conceptual adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
conception n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
v -ise ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

concern v ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုု
be concerned
in sth ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

concerning prep ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
concert n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
concert-goern ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုု ုုု
concert grand
n ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
in concert IDM ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
in concert IDM ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

concerted adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
concertina n ုုု
concertina v (ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
concession n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
conch n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
conciliate v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

conciliation n ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
conciliator n ုုုု
conciliatory adj ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
concise adj ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
conclave n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
conclude v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
conclusion n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
conclusive adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
concoct v ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

concoction n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
concomitantadj ုုု
concomitantn ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
concord n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
concordancen ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
concordat n ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

concourse n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
concrete adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
concrete n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
concrete v ုုုု
ု ုုုု

concrete mixer
n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

concubine n ုုုုု

n ုုုုုုုုုု

concur v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

concurrencen ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
concurrent adj ုုု
ု ုုုု
concuss v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

concussion n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
condemn v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

condemned cell
n ုုုုုုုုုု

condensationn ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
condense v ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
condensed milk
n ုုုုုုု
condenser n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
consolidate v ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
configure v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
confine v ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
confined adj ုုုု
confinementn ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
confines n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

confirm v ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
confirmed adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
confirmationn (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
confiscate v ုုုု
ု ုုု

conflagrationn ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
conflate v (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
conflict n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုု
confluence n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
conform v ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

conformist n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုု
conformity n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
confound v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု
confounded adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု
adv ုုု
ု ုုုု
confront v ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

confrontationn ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
confuse v ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
confused adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုု
confusing adj ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
confusion n ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုု
confute v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

conga n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
congeal v (ုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
congenial adj ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
congenital adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုု
congested adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
congestion n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
congratulatev ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
congregate v ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

congregationn (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
congress n ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

congruent adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
conic adj ုုုုု
conical adj ုုုုု
conifer n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
conjecture v ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
conjectural adj ုုု

conjoin v ုုုုု

conjugal adj ုုုု
conjugate v ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

conjugation n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
conjunction n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုု
conjure v ုုုုုု

conjure sth away
PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
conjurer (also
n conjuror) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုု
conjuring n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
conk n (ုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု
conk v ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
conker n (ုုုုု) ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
connect v ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
connection n ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
conning tower
n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
connive v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

connivance n ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
conniving adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
connoisseur n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
connote v ုုုု

connotation n ုုုု

connubial adj ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
conquer v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
conqueror n ုုုုု
conquest n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ု
contravene v (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

consonance n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
consonant n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
consonant adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
consort n ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
in consort with
IDMsb ုုုု

consortium n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
conspicuousadj ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
conspiracy n ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

conspire v ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

conspirator n ုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
constabularyn ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
constancy n ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
constant adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
constant n ုုုု
constantly adv ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
constellationn ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
constipated adj ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
constipation n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
constituencyn ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
constituent n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
constitute v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
constitution n (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
constrain v ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
constrained adj ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
constraint n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
constrict v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု

construct v ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

constructor n ုုု
constructionn ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

construe v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
consul n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
consulate n ုုုုု
consult v ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

consulting room
n ုုုုုုု
consultancy n ုုုုုု
consultant n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
consultation n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
consultative adj ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
consume v ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
consuming adj ုုုု
consumer n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
consumer durables
n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
consumer goods
n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

consumerismn ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
consummateadj ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
consumptionn ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ု
contact n ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (
contact n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
contact v ုုု

contact lens n ုုုု

make contact
IDM ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

contagion n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
contagious adj (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
contain v ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု
container n (ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု)ုုုု ုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု
contaminatev (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
contaminantn ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
contemplatev ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
n ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
adj ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
adj (ုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုု
contempt n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
contemptibleadj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု
contempt of n
court ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုု
contend v ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

contender n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

content adj ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
content n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
content v ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

contented adj ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
contentmentn ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
content n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
contention n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

contentious adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
coquetry n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
contretempsn ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

contribute v ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
contributor n (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
contribution n ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
contributory adj ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
contrition n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

contrivance n ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
contrive v ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

contrived adj ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
control n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
control n (ုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
be in controlIDM ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ု ုုုု
controllable adj ုုုု
controlled adj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုု
controller n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
control towern ုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
controversialadj ုုုုု

controvert v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
conundrum n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
conurbation n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
convalesce v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
convalescentadj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု(ုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုု
convalescentn ုုုုု
contrive v ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

contrived adj ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
convector n ုုုုုုုုု

convene v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
conveniencen ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
conveniencenstore ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
convenient adj ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

convent n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
convention n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုု
conventionaladj ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
adv ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
converge v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု
convergent adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
conversant adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
conversationn ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
converse v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

converse n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
converse adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

conversely adv ုုုုု

conversion n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
convert v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
convert v (ုုုုု ုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
converter n ုု ုုုုု ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
convertible adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
a sofa that isnconvertible ုုုုု
currencies .convertibility
convex adj ုုုုုုုု
convey v ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုု)
conveyor belt
n ုုုုုုုုုုု

conveyance n ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

conveyancern ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
convict v ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

convict n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
conviction n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
convince v ုုု
ု ုုုု

convinced adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
convincing adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
convivial adj ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
convocation n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
convoke v ုုုု
ု ုုုု

convoluted adj ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
convolution n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
convolvulus n ုုု

in convoy IDM ုုုု

convulsion n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
convulsive adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
coo v ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

cook v (ုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုု)ုုုု (ုုုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cook n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
cook the books
IDM ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

cook-chill adj ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cook sb's goose
IDM ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

cooking n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
cooking adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

cook sth up PHRV ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
cooker n ုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cookery n ုုုုုုုုုုု
cookery bookn ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
cookhouse n (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cookie n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cookware n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
cool adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုု
cool adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cool n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cool as a cucumber
IDM ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
cool down/ off
PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cool-headed adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
cool one's heels
IDM ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

cooling-off period
n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
cooling tower
n ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cool it IDM ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
coolly adv ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

coolness n ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
keep one's cool
IDM ုုုု
ု ုုု

lose one's cool
IDM ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု

coolant n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

co-star v ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

co-star n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု

coquette n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
coquettish adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cor n (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
coracle n ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
coral n ုု ုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုု

coral adj ုု ုုုုုုု

anglais n ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
corbel n ုုုုုုုုုုု
cord n (ုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cordless adj ုုုုုုုု

a cordial smile
n handshake.cordiality
ုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုု

cordially adv ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

cordite n ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
cordon n ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

cordon sth off
PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

cordon bleu adj ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
corduroy n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

core n (ုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
core v (ုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
corgi n ုုုုုုု
coriander n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

cork n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
cork v (ုုုုုုုုုု
corked adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cork sth up PHRV ုုုုုုုု

corker n ုုုု
corkscrew n ုုုုု
corm n (ုုု)ုု
cormorant n ုုု

corn n ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
corn-cob n ုုုုုု
corn exchange
n ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

corn on the cob
n ုုုုုု

corn pone n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

corn n (ုုု)ုုုုုုု
cornea n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
corneal adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
corned beef n ုုုုုုုုု

cornelian n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
corner n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု
)ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
corner v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
corner shop n ုုု
ု ုုုု
cut corners IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုု(ု
cornerstone n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
cornet n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု

cornflakes n ုုုုုု
cornflour n ုုုုုု
cornflower n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

cornice n ုုုုုုု
Cornish adj ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု
cornucopia n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
corny adj ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ု
corollary n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
corona n (ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု ု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coronary adj ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coronary artery
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coronary thrombosis
n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
coronation n ုုု
coroner n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
coronet n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
corporal n ုုု

corporal adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

corporate adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
corporation n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ု
corporation tax
n ုုုုုုုုုုု

corporeal adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
corps n ုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
corps de ballet
n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

corpse n ုုုုုုု
corpus n ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
corpuscle n ုုုုုု
corral n ုုုုုု ုုုု(ုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုု
corral v (ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cracker n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
costly adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
costume n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
costumed adj ုုု
costume jewellery
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cosy adj (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
cosily adv ုုုု
cot n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

cot-death n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
coterie n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

cottage n ုုု
cottage cheese
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cottage hospital
n ုုုုု
cottage industry
n ုုုု
cottage loaf n ုုုုု
cottager n ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cotton n ုု(ုုု)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cotton on PHRV ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

cotton to sb PHRV ုုု
ု ုုုု

cotton wool n ုုုု
couch n ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

couch potaton ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
couch v ုုုုုုုု

cough v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
cough n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
cough up PHRV ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

could v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
could v (ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
council n ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
council estate
n ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
council of war
n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
council tax n ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
councillor n ုုုုု

counsel n ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
counsel v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ု
counselling n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
counsellor n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

count v (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
count v ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု

countable noun
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ု
count the cost
IDM ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

count down PHRV ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
count sb/ sthPHRV
in ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

count noun n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

count on sb/ PHRV
sth ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

count sb/ sthPHRV
out ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
count sheep IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
count towards
sth ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

keep count IDM ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
out for the count
IDM ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
count n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
countdown n (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ု
countenancen ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
countenancev ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

counter n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု)ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
under the counter
IDM ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
counter n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
counter adv ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

counter n ုုု

counter- comb (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
counteract v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
v ုုု
ု ုုု

n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

counterblastn ုုုု
ု ုုု

n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
counterfeit adj (ုုုုုုု)ုုုု
counterfeit v (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
counterfeitern ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
counterfoil n ုုု
counterpart n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
counterpointn ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
n ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
countess n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
countless adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
countrified adj ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
country n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
across country
IDM ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ု
country clubn ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
country dance
n ုုုုုုု
country house
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
countryman n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
countryside n ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
county n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
county adj ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
county clerk n ုုုုု
county council
n ုုုုု
county councillor
n ုုုုု

county courtn ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
county townn ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
coup n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

coup de grâce
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
couple n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုု(ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
couple v ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
coupling n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ု ုုုုုုု
couplet n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
crochet n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု ုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုု
crochet v ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

crackerjack n ုုုု
crackers adj ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
crackle v ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

crackle n ုုု
crackling n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

crackpot n ုုုုုုုုု

-cracy comb ုုုုုုုုုုု
cradle n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cradle v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

craft n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု)ုုု
craft v ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
craftsman n ုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
crag n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

craggy adj ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cram v ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုု
cramp n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု
cramp sb's style
IDM ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

cranberry n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

crane n ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
crane v ုုု

cranium n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
crank n ုုု

cranky adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
crank n (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
crank v ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

crankshaft n ုုုုုု

cranny n ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
crap v ုုုုုုုုုု

crap n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
crap adj ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
crappy adj ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
craps n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
crap adj ုုုု
crash n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
crash adj ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
crash adv ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ု
crash adv ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

crash barriern (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
crash-helmetn ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
a crashing bore
IDM ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
crash- land v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

crass adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
-crat comb ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
crate n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
crate v ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

crater n ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
cravat n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
crave v ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုု

craving n ုုုုုုုု
crawl v ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
crawl n ုုုု
ုု ုုု
crawler n ုုုု
crawl with sth
PHRV ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

crayfish n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

crayon n ုုုုု
crayon v ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

craze n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
crazed adj ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
crazy adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုု
crazy pavingn ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ု
creak v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုု

creak n ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
creaky adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
cream n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cream v ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုု
cream adj ုုုုုုုု

creamy adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
crease n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
crease v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

create v ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
creation n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
creative adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
creator n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

creature n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု)ုုု
creature comforts
n ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
crèche n ုုုုုုုု
credence n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
credentials n ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
credible adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
credibility n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
credibility gap
n ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု

credibly adv ုုုုု
credit n ုုုုုု(ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
credit n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
credit v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
credit account
n ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
credit card n ုုုုုုုုု
credit note n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

credit rating n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

credit transfer
n ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

on the creditIDM
side ုုုုု
to sb's creditIDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
creditable adj ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
creditor n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

credo n ုုုု ုုုု
creed n ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
creek n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
culottes n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
crock n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
crockery n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

crocodile n ုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
crocodile tears
IDM ုုု

crocus n ုုုုုုုု
croft n (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
crofter n ုုု
crone n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
crook n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

crook v (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
crook adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
crooked adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု

croon v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

crooner n ုုုု

crop n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
crop v (ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
crop circle n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
crop up PHRV ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

cropper n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

croquet n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
croquette n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

crosier n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

cross n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု ု +ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cross n (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
cross n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cross n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cross one's fingers
IDM ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
cross one's mind
IDM ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု

cross my heart
IDM ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

cross sb/ sthPHRV
off ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

cross over PHRV ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cross sb's path
IDM (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
cross the Rubicon
IDM ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

cross adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု)ုုုု (ုု)ုုုု
at cross purposes
IDM ုုု

crossbar n ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

crossbow n ုုုုုုု
cross-breed n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

cross-breed v ုုုုုုုု

cross-check v ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

n ုုုုုု
cross-culturaladj ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
cross-currentn ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
n ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

v (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
n ုုုု
cross-eyed adj ုုုု
cross-fertilizev -ise ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
crossfire n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

cross-hatch v ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

crossing n (ုုုု ုုုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cross-leggedadv ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

crossover n ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
crosspiece n ုုု
cross-ply adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
v ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

n ုုုု ုုုု
v ုုုု

crossroads n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cross-sectionn ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု)ုုုုုု
cross-stitch n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
crosswind n ုုုုုုုု
crosswise adj ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
crossword n (ုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုု
crotch n (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
crotchet n ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
crotchety adj ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
crouch v ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

crouch n ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
croup n ုုုုု

croup n (ုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
croupier n ုုုုု

croûton n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
crow n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
crow v ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
as the crow flies
IDM ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
crow's-feet n ုုုု
crow's- nest n ုုု

culpable adj (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
culpability n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
culprit n ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

cult n ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ု
cultivable adj ုုုု
cultivate v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
cultivated adj ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
cultivator n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

cultural adj ုုု
culture n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
culture n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
cultured adj ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
culture shockn ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
culvert n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
cum prep (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုု
cumbersomeadj ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cumin n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

cummerbundn ုုုုုု
cuneiform n (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cunnilingus n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
cunning adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
cunning n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
cunt n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
cup n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ု
cup v ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု

cup-cake n ုုုု
cup final n ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
cupful n ုုုု

sb's cup of tea
IDM ုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
cup- tie n ုုုုုုု) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
cupboard n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
cupboard love
n ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
Cupid n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

cupidity n ုုုုု
cupola n ုုုုုုုုုုုု

cuppa n ုုု

cur n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
curable adj ုုုုုုုု
curacy n ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
curate n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
curative adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
curator n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
curb n ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
curb v ုုုု
ု ုုု

curd n ုုုု

curdle v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

cure v (ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
cure n ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
curfew n ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
curio n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
curiosity n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
curious adj ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
curl n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

curl v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

curler n ုုုုုုုုုု
curl one's lipIDM ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

curl up PHRV ုုုုုုုု

curl up PHRV ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

curly adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
curlew n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
curling n ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
currant n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
currency n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
current adj ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
current n (ုုု ုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
current account
n ုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
current affairs
n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
currently adv ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
curriculum vitae
n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
curry n ုုုုုုု
curried adj ုုုုုုုုုု
curry powdern ုုု
curry v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

curry favour IDM ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

curse n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
curse v ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

be cursed with
sth ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု

cursed adj ုုုုု
cursive adj ုုု

cursor n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
curt adj ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
curtail v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

curtain n (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
curtain v ုုု

curtain- call n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
curtain sth off
PHRV ုုု

curtain-raisern ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
curtsy n (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
curtsy v ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

curvaceous adj ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုု


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ု ုုု
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(ုုုုု)ု (ုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
ု ုုုု


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ု ုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု


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ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုု
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ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုု
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(ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု ု ု

ု ုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု

ုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုုု

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ုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ( ု ) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

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) ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ုုု ုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုု

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ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု (ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

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ုုု ုုု

ုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု)ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု

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ုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
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ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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) ုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
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ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

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ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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)ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု $ $
ုုု (ုုုုု ုုုု)ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
D n.
D n.
D n.
D n.
D n.
DA abbr (US )
dab v.
dab n.
dabble v.
dachshund n.
dad n.
daddy n.
daddy-long-legs n.
dado n.
daemon n.
daffodil n.
daft adj.
dagger n.
at daggers drawn (with sb) IDM
look daggers at sb IDM
dago n.
dahlia n.
daily adj.
daily n.
daily help n.
dainty adj.
dainty adv.
dairy n.
dairy adj.
dairymaid n.
dairyman n.
dais n.
daisy n.
daisy wheel n.
dale n.
dalliance n.
dally v.
dally with sb/sth v.
Dalmatian n.
dam n.
dam v.
dam sth up PHRV
dam n.
damage n.
damages pl
damages v.
damage limitation n.
damaging adj.
what's the damage? IDM.
damask n.
dame n.
Dame n.
damn interj (infml)
damn adj.
damn adv.
damn v.
damn all IDM.
damn the consequences, expense, etc IDM.
damning adj.
damn sb/sth with faint praise IDM.
I'll be damned! IDM.
I'm damned if… IDM.
not care/ give a damn (about sb/sth) IDM.
damnable adj.
damnably adv.
damnation n.
damnation interj (infml)
damned n.
damnedest the damnedest… IDM.
do/ try one's damnedest IDM.
damp adj.
damp n.
damp v.
damp course n.
damply adv.
dampness n.
a damp squib IDM.
dampen v.
damper n.
put a damper on sth IDM.
damsel n.
damson n.
dance n.
dance v.
dance attendance on/ upon sb IDM.
dance-floor n.
dancer n.
dance to sb's tune IDM.
dancing n.
dancehall n.
dandelion n.
dandified adj.
dandle v.
dandruff n.
dandy n.
dandy adj.
Dane n.
danger n.
the danger list n.
danger money n.
dangerous adj.
dangerously adv.
dangle v.
dangle sth before/in front of sb PHRV
Danish n.
Danish blue n.
Danish pastry v.
dank adj.
dapper adj.
defunct adj.
debatable adj.
debate n.
debate v.
debater n.
debauch v.
debauch n.
debauched adj.
debauchee n.
debauchery n.
debenture n.
debilitate v.
debility n.
debit n.
debit v.
debonair n.
debrief v.
debriefing n.
debris n.
debt n.
be in sb's debt IDM.
debt of honour n.
debtor n.
debug v.
debunk v.
debunk n.
debutante n.
deca n.
Dec abbr.
decade n.
decadence n.
decadent adj.
decaffeinated adj.
decamp v.
decant v.
decanter n.
decapitate v.
decapitation n.
decathlon n.
decathlete n.
decay v.
decay n.
decease n.
deceased adj.
the deceased n.
deceit n.
deceitful adj.
deceive v.
decelerate v.
December n.
decency n.
the decencies n.
decent adj.
decently adv.
decentralize v.
deception n.
deceptive adj.
deceptively adv.
deci comb form
decibel n.
decide v.
decided adj.
decidedly adv.
decider n.
deciduous adj.
decilitre n.
decimal adj.
decimal fraction n.
decimalize v.
decimal point n.
decimate v.
decimate infml
decimation n.
decimetre n.
decipher v.
decision n.
decision n.
decision n.
decisive adj.
decisive adj.
decisively adv.
deck n.
deck n.
deck n.
deck n.
deck n.
deck-chair n.
decker n.
decker adj.
deck-hand n.
deck v.
declaim v.
declamation n.
declamatory adj.
declaration n.
declare v.
declared adj.
declassify v.
decline v.
decline n.
decode v.
decoder n.
décolleté n.
decolonize v.
depopulate v.
defuse v.
defy v.
deg abbr.
degenerate v.
degenerate adj.
degenerate n.
degeneration adj.
degenerative adj.
degrade v.
degradation n.
degrading adj.
degree n.
by degrees IDM.
dehumanize v.
dehydrate v.
dehydration n.
de-ice v.
de-icer n.
deify v.
deification n.
deign v.
deity n.
déjà vu n.
dejected n.
dejection n.
de jure adj.
dekko n.
delay v.
delectable adj.
delectation n.
delegate n.
delegate v.
delegation n.
delete v.
deletion n.
deleterious adj.
deli n.
deliberate adj.
deliberate v.
deliberately adv.
deliberation n.
delicacy n.
delicate adj.
delicatessen n.
delicious adj.
delight n.
delight v.
delighted adj.
delightful adj.
delight in v.
delimit v.
delineate v.
delinquency n.
delinquent adj.
delirious adj.
delirium n.
deliver v.
deliverance n.
delivery n.
dell n.
delphinium n.
delta n.
delude v.
deluge n.
deluge v.
delusion n.
delusive adj.
de luxe adj.
delve v.
Dem abbr.
demagogue n.
demagogic adj.
demagogy n.
demand n.
demand v.
demanding adj.
demarcate v.
demarcation n.
deuce n.
the deuce of a sth IDM.
deport v.
deportment n.
depose v.
deposit v.
deposit n.
deposit account n.
deposition n.
depositor n.
depository n.
depot n.
deprave v.
depraved adj.
depravity n.
deprecate v.
deprecating adj.
deprecatory adj.
depreciate v.
depredation n.
depress v.
depressed adj.
depressed area n.
depressing adj.
depressingly adv.
depression n.
depressive adj.
depressive n.
deprive v.
deprivation n.
deprived adj.
Dept abbr.
depth n.
in depth IDM.
out of one's depth IDM.
deputation n.
depute v.
deputize v.
deputy n.
derail v.
deranged adj.
derby n.
deregulate v.
derelict adj.
derelict n.
dereliction n.
deride v.
de rigueur adj.
derision n.
derisive adj.
derisory adj.
derivation n.
derivative adj.
derivative n.
derive v.
derm comb form
dermatitis n.
dermatology n.
dermatologist n.
derogatory adj.
derrick n.
derring-do n.
derv n.
dervish n.
DES abbr.
desalination n.
descale v.
descant n.
descend v.
descendant n.
descend on/upon sb/sth PHRV.
descend to sth PHRV.
descent n.
describe v.
description n.
descriptive adj.
desecrate v.
desecration n.
desegregate v.
deselect v.
deselection n.
dinar n.
Deutschmark n.
devalue n.
devaluation n.
devastate v.
devastating adj.
develop v.
developed adj.
developer n.
developing adj.
development n.
developmental adj.
development area n.
deviant n.
deviant adj.
deviate v.
deviation n.
device n.
leave sb to their own devices/to themselves IDM.
devil n.
be a devi IDM.
between the devil and the deep blue sea IDM.
the devi IDM.
the (very) devil IDM.
devil-may-care adj.
a devil of a sth IDM.
devil's advocate n.
the devil take the hindmost IDM.
go to the devil IDM.
like the devil IDM.
speak/talk of the devil IDM.
devil v.
devilish adj.
devilish adv.
devilment n.
devious adj.
devise v.
devoid adj.
devolution n.
devolve PHRV.
devolve sth to/on/upon sb/sth PHRV.
devote PHRV.
devoted adj.
devotee n.
devotion n.
devotions n.
devotional adj.
devour v.
be devoured by sth IDM.
devout adj.
dew n.
dewy adj.
dewy-eyed adj.
dexterity n.
dexterous adj.
dextrose n.
DFE abbr.
di pref.
di Chem.
diabetes n.
diabetic adj.
diabetic n.
diabolic adj.
diabolical adj.
diadem n.
diagnose v.
diagnosis n.
diagnostic adj.
diagonal n.
diagonal adj.
diagonally adv.
diagram n.
dial n.
dial v.
dialling code n.
dialling tone n.
dialect n.
dialectic n.
dialogue n.
dialysis n.
diamanté adj.
diameter n.
diametrically adv.
diamond n.
diamond jubilee n.
diamond wedding n.
diaper n.
diaphanous adj.
diaphragm n.
diarrhoea n.
diary n.
diarist n.
diaspora n.
diatonic adj.
diatribe n.
dice n.
dice v.
dice with death IDM.
no dice IDM.
dishtowel n.
dine v.
dine out PHRV.
dine out on sth PHRV.
dining-car n.
dining-room n.
dining-table n.
diner n.
ding-dong n.
dinghy n.
dingo n.
dingy adj.
dinky adj.
dinner n.
dinner-party n.
dinner jacket n.
dinner service n.
dinosaur n.
dint n.
by dint of sth IDM.
diocese n.
dioxide n.
dioxin n.
dip v.
dip n.
dip into sth PHRV.
diphtheria n.
diphthong n.
diploma n.
diplomacy n.
diplomat n.
diplomatic adj.
diplomatic bag n.
diplomatic corps n.
diplomatic immunity n.
the diplomatic service n.
diplomatist n.
dipper v.
dipsomaniac n.
dipstick n.
dire adj.
direct adj.
direct v.
direct adv.
direct access n.
direct action n.
direct current n.
direct debit n.
direct object n.
direction n.
directional adj.
directive n.
directly adv .
director n.
directory n.
dirge n.
dirndl n.
dirt n.
dirty adj.
dis- with adv,adj,n and v
disability n.
disabuse v.
disadvantage n.
disadvantageous adj.
disaffected adj.
disaffection n.
disagree v.
disagreeable adj.
disagreement n.
disallow v.
disappear v.
disappearance n.
disappoint v.
disappointed adj.
disappointing adj.
disappointingly adv.
disappointment n.
disapprobation n.
disapprove v.
disapproval n.
disapproving adj.
disapprovingly adv.
disarm n.
disarmament n.
disarming adj.
disarrange v.
disarray n.
dishwasher n.
dishwater n.
dishy adj.
disillusion v.
disillusioned adj.
disillusionment n.
disincentive n.
disinclination n.
disinclined adj.
disinfect v.
disinfectant n.
disinformation n.
disingenuous adj.
disinherit v.
disintegrate v.
disinter v.
disinterest n.
disinterested adj.
disinvestment n.
disjointed adj.
disk n.
diskette n.
dislike v.
dislike n.
dislocate v.
dislodge v.
disloyal adj.
dismal adj.
dismantle v.
dismay n.
dismember v.
dismiss v.
dismissal n.
dismissive adj.
dismount v.
disobedient adj.
disobedience n.
disobey v.
disorder n.
disorderly adj.
disorganize v.
disorganise v.
disorganized adj.
disorganised adj.
disorientate v.
disown v.
disparage v.
disparate adj.
disparity n.
dispassionate adj.
dispatch v.
dispatch-box n.
dispatcher n.
dispatch-rider n.
dispel v.
dispensable adj.
dispensary n.
dispensation n.
dispense v.
dispenser n.
disperse v.
dispersal n.
dispersion n.
dispirit v.
displace v.
displacement n.
display v.
displease v.
displeasure n.
disposable adj.
disposal n.
dispose v.
disposed adj.
disposition n.
dispossess v.
dormitory n.
diva n.
divan n.
dive v.
dive-bomb v.
diving n.
diving-board n.
diver n.
diverge v.
divergence n.
divergent adj.
divers adj.
diverse adj.
diversify v.
diversion n.
diversity n.
divert v.
diverting adj.
divest v.
divide v.
divider n.
dividing line n.
dividend n.
dividers n.
divination n.
divine adj.
divinity n.
divisible adj.
division n.
divisional adj.
division sign n.
divisive adj.
divorce n.
divorcee n.
divot n.
divulge v.
diwali n.
dizzy adj.
DNA abbr.
do v.
doc n.
d2k n.
docile adj.
dock n.
d2k n.
dock n.
d2k n.
docket n.
dockland n.
dockyard n.
doctor n.
doctoral adj.
doctorate n.
doctrinaire adj.
doctrine n.
doctrinal adj.
document n.
documentary adj.
dodder v.
doddering adj.
doddle n.
dodge v.
dodger n.
dodgems n.
dodgy adj.
dodo n.
doe n.
doer n.
drift n.
dormouse n.
dorsal adj.
dosage n.
dose n.
doss v.
dosser n.
doss-house n.
dossier n.
dot n.
dotted line n.
dotage n.
dote v.
doting adj.
dotty adj.
double adj.
double act n.
double agent n.
double back PHRV.
double-bass n.
double bill n.
double bluff n.
double-book v.
double-breasted adj.
double-check v.
double chin n.
double cream n.
double-cross v.
double-dealer n.
double-decker n.
double Dutch n.
double-edged adj.
double entendre n.
double-figure adj.
double figures n.
double-glaze v.
double-jointed adj.
double life n.
double or quits IDM.
double-park v.
double-quick adj.
double standards n.
doublet n.
double take n.
double-talk n.
double time n.
double (sb) up [PHRV]

double up (on sth/with sb) (infml)[PHRV]

doubly adv.
doubting Thomas n.
doubtful adj.
doubtless adv.
dough n.
doughnut n.
doughty adj.
dour adj.
douse v ~ sb/sth (in/with sth)
dove n.
dovecote n.
dovetail n.
dowager n.
dowdy adj.
down adv.
down-and-out n.
down at heel adj.

down through ... [IDM]

down time n.
down-to-earth adj.
down tools [IDM]
down under [IDM]
down with ... [IDM]
down n.
downbeat adj.
downcast adj.
downer n.
downfall n.
downgrade v
downhearted adj.
downhill adv.
Downing Street n.
download v.
downplay v.
downpour n.
downright adj.
downs n.
downside n.
Down's syndrome n.
downstairs adv.
downstream adv.
downtown adv.
downtrodden adj.
downturn n.
downward adj.
downwards adv.
downwind adv.
downy adj.
dowry n.
dowse v.
doyen n.
doze v.
doze off [PHRV]
dozen n.
dozens of [IDM]
driftwood n.
drill n.
drill3 n.
drink n.
drinkable adj.
drink-driver n.
drinker n.
drinking n.
drinking-fountain n.
drinking-water n.
drip v.
drip-dry adj.
dripping adj.
drive v.
drive-in n.
drive off [PHRV]
drive sb off [PHRV]
drive sb/sth off [PHRV]
drive sb/sth out [PHRV]
drivel n.
driver n.
driving n.
driving-licence n.
driving test n.
drizzle v.
drogue n.
droll adj.
dromedary n.
drone n.
drool v.
droop v.
drop n.
drops [pl].
drop off [PHRV]
drop out [PHRV]
dropper n.
droppings n.
droplet n.
dross n.
drought n.
drove n.
drover n.
drown v.
drowsy adj.
drubbing n.
drudge n.
drudgery n.
drug n.
drugstore n.
Druid n.
drum n.
drum machine n.
drum major n.
drum majorette n.
drummer n.
drumming n.
drumbeat n.
drumstick n.
drunk adj.
drunkard n.
drunken adj.
dry adj.
drier n.
dry-clean v.
dry dock n.
dry-eyed adj.
dry ice n.
dry land n.
dry law n.
dry rot n.
dry run n.
dry up [PHRV]
drystone adj.
dual adj.
dual carriageway n.
dualism n.
duality n.
dual-purpose adj.
dub v.
dubious adj.
ducal adj.
duchess n.
duchy n.
duck n.
duckling n.
ducks and drakes n.
duck v.
duct n.
dud n.
dude n.
due adj.
dues [pl]
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ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

)ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု


(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု)ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ု…ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
degree: 42 deg/42¹ Fahrenheit.
(ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု

ု ုုု

ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

dekko /'dekå7/ n have a dekko (at sth) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု- ုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု- ုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (Ð,  )ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

(US) Democrat; Democratic Compare REP
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ုုုု ုုု
department: Linguistics Dept (eg of a university).
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု



ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) Department of Education and Science. (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) Department of Employm
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (of + some, all, every ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု)ုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
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(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု
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(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
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) Department for Education.
ု ုုုု
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(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု
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)ု (ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု

(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
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the Diaspora) ု
ုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
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ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု v (usu passive) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုုုု
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(ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု

(ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
/ ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုု
/ုု/ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု (÷)ု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

) ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုု ု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု□ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု-ုု)ု ုုုုုုုုု
v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု v. ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (whether/if/that…) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (sl) ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု v ~ (sth) (with sth) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
BARBITURATE ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု adj. ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု adv. ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု ုုုုုုု(ုုုု)ု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
n (usu sing) ုုုုုုုု



ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု n. ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု


ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု n [U, sing] ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

(ုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
v (-mm-) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု adv ုုုုုုု
shade of pink. (ု) (ုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
eh interj
huh interj
E n
E n
E-number n
each adj
earger adj
eager beaver n
eagle n
eagle n
eagle eye n
eagle-eyed adj
eaglet n
ear n
(be) all ears IDM
ear-drop n
eared adj
earful n
ears are burning IDM
ear-splitting adj
go in one ear and out the other IDM
have/keep an/one's ear to the ground IDM
(be) out on one's ear IDM
play (sth) by ear IDM
play it by ear IDM
smile, etc from ear to ear IDM
(be) up to one's/the ears/eyes/eyebrows/neck in sth IDM
with half an ear IDM
ear 2
earache n
eardrum (also drum) n
earl n.
early adj
at your earliest convenience IDM
an early bird IDM
early closing n
early days (yet) IDM
the early hours IDM
early warning n
earmark v
earmuff n
earn v
earner n
 earnings n
earnings-related adj
earnest adj
in (deadly) earnest adj
earnest n
earphones n
earpiece n
earplug n
earring n
earshot IDM
earth n
earth v
charge, cost, pay, etc (sb) the earth IDM
come back/down to earth (with a bang/bump) IDM
earth science n
earth-shattering adj
earthy adj
go/run to earth/ground IDM
how, why, where, who, etc on earth/in the world IDM
(be, feel, look, etc) like nothing on earth IDM
run sb/sth to earth IDM
earthbound adj
earthen adj
earthenware n
earthling n
earthly adj
not have/stand an earthly IDM
earthquake n
earthwork n
earthworm n
earwig n
ease n
ease v
~ sb of sth v
(stand) at ease IDM
(be/feel) at (one's) ease IDM
ease (oneself/sb) into sth phrv
ease off phrv
ease sb out (of sth) phrv
ease up phrv
ease up (on sb/sth) phrv
put/set sb at (their) ease IDM
easel n
east n
east adj
east adv
the East End n
eastward adj
eastwards adv
eastbound adj
Easter n
Easter egg n
easterly adj
easterly adv
eastern adj
easternmost adj
easy adj
easy adv
as easy as anything/as pie/as ABC/as falling off a log/as winking IDM
easier said than done IDM
easily adv
easy chair n
easy come, easy go IDM
easy/gently does it IDM
easy money IDM
easy on the ear/eye IDM
(on) easy street IDM
go easy on sb IDM
go easy on sth IDM
have an easy time (of it) IDM
I'm easy IDM
of easy virtue IDM
stand easy IDM
take the easy way out IDM
take it/things easy IDM
easygoing adj
eat v
eatable adj
eat sb alive IDM
eat sth away/eat away at sth phrv
eater n
eat one's heart out (for sb/sth) IDM
eat (like) a horse IDM
eat humble pie IDM
eating apple n
eat into sth phrv
eat out phrv
eat out of one's/sb's hand IDM
eat sb out of house and home IDM
eats n
eat oneself sick (on sth) IDM
eat sb up phrv
eat sth up  phrv
eat one's words IDM
I'll eat my hat IDM
eatery n
eau-de-Cologne n
eau-de-Cologne n
eavesdrop v
 eavesdropper n
ebb v
ebb n
the ebb and flow (of sth/sb) IDM
ebony n
ebony adj
ebullient adj
EC abbr
eccentric adj
 eccentricity n
ecclesiastic n
 ecclesiastical adj
ECG abbr
echo n
echo v
éclat n
eclectic adj
eclectically adv
eclecticism n
emperor n
eiderdown n
eight pron
eight n
 eighth pron
eighteen n
eighteenth n
eighty n
the eighties n
eightieth n
in one's eighties IDM
eisteddfod n
either n
either adv
ejaculate v
 ejaculation n
eject v
ejection n
ejector seat n
eke v
eke sth out phrv
EKG abbr
ECG abbr
elaborate adj
elaborate v
elan n
eland n
elapse v
elastic adj
elastic n
elasticated adj
elasticity n
elated adj
elation n
elbow n
elbow-grease n
elbow sb out, aside, etc phrv
elbow-room n
elbow one's way in, through, etc phrv
give sb/get the elbow IDM
elder adj
the elder fml
my, etc elder n
elders n
elder statesman n
elder n
elderberry n
elderly adj
the elderly n
eldest adj
eldest n
elect v
the elect n
election n
electioneering n
elective adj
elective n
elector n
electoral adj
electoral college n
electorate n
electric adj
electric blanket n
the electric chair n
electric fence n
electric field n
 electrics n
electric shock n
electric storm n
electrical adj
electrician n
electricity n
electrify v
electrification n
electrifying adj
electr(o)- comb
electrocute v
electrocution n
electrode n
electrolysis n
electrolyte n
electromagnetic adj
electromagnetism n
electron n
electron microscope n
electronic adj
electronic mail n
 electronics n
 electronics n
electroplate v
elegant adj
elegantly adv
elegiac adj
elegy n
element n
the elements pl
elemental adj
in/out of one's element IDM
elementary adj
elementary particle n
elementary school n
elephant n
elephantine adj
elevate v
elevated adj
elevating adj
elevation n
elevator n
eleven n
eleven-plus n
eleventh n
elevenses n
elf n
elfin adj
elicit v
elide v
eligible adj
eligibility n
eliminate v
elision n
entire adj
entirely adv
entirety n
emphasis n
emphasize, -ise v
emphatic adj
empire n
empire-building n
empirical adj
empirically adv
empiricism n
empiricist adj
empiricist n
emplacement n
employ v
employable adj
 employee n
employer n
employment n
employment agency n
emporium n
empower v
empowerment n
empress n
empty adj
empties n
emptiness n
empty-handed adj
empty-headed adj
EMS abbr
EMU abbr
emu n
emulate v
emulator n
emulsion n
en- pref
em- pref
-en suff
enable v
enact v
enactment n
enamel n
enamel v
enamoured adj
enamored adj
enbloc adv
encamp v
encampment n
encapsulate v
encapsulation n
encase v
encash v
-ance suff
-ence suff
enchant v
enchanted adj
 enchanter n
enchanting adj
enchantingly adv
enchantment n
enchantress n
encircle v
encl abbr
enclave n
enclose v
enclosed adj
enclosure n
encode v
encompass v
encore interj
encore n
encounter v
encounter n
encourage v
encouragement n
encouraging adj
encouragingly adv
encroach v
encroachment n
encrustation abbr
encrusted adj
encumber v
encumbrance n
encrusted adj
encumber v
encumbrance n
encyclical n
encyclopedia n
encyclopedic adj
end n
end v
at the end of IDM
at the end of the day IDM
at the end of one's tether IDM
at the end of one's rope IDM
be the end IDM
come to a bad IDM
sticky end IDM
end one's days IDM
end one's life IDM
end in phrv
ending n
an end in itself IDM
end it all IDM
end one's life IDM
the end justifies the means IDM
the end of the line IDM
the end of the road IDM
not the end of the world IDM
end on IDM
end-product n
end result n
the ends of the earth IDM
end to end IDM
end up phrv
end-user n
in the end IDM
keep one's end up IDM
make (both) ends meet IDM
no end IDM
no end of IDM
on end IDM
put an end to one's life IDM
put an end to one's life oneself IDM
put an end to one's it all IDM
put an end IDM
endanger v
endear v
endearing adj
endearingly adv
endearment n
endeavour n
endeavour v
endemic adj
endive n
endless adj
endlessly adv
endorse v
endorsement n
endow v
endowment n
endowment mortgage n
endowment policy n
endurance n
endure v
 endurable adj
enduring adj
enema n
enemy n
espresso n
entitle v
entitlement n
entity n
entomb v
entomology n
entomologist n
entourage n
entrails n
entrance n
entrance v
entrancing adj
entrant n
entrap v
entrapment n
entreat v
entreaty n
entrée n
entrench v
entrenchment n
entrepreneur n
entrepreneurship n
entrust v
entry n
Entryphone n
entwine v
enumerate v
enumeration n
enunciate v
enunciation n
envelop v
envelope n
enviable adj
enviably adv
envious adj
environment n
the environment sing
environmental adj
environmentalist n
environmentally adv
environs n
envisage v
envoy n
envy n
the envy sing
envied v
enzyme n
eon abbr
epaulette n
epaulet n
ephemera n
ephemeral adj
epic n
epic adj
epicentre n
epicenter n
epicure n
epicurean adj
epidemic n
epidemic adj
epidemiology n
epidemiological adj
epidemiologist n
epidermis n
epidural n
epiglottis n
epigram n
epigrammatic adj
epigraph n
epilepsy n
epileptic adj
epileptic n
epilogue n
Epiphany n
episcopal adj
episcopalian adj
episcopalian n
Episcopalian n
episode n
episodic adj
epistle n
epistolary adj
epitaph n
epithet n
epitome n
epitomize v
epitomise v
epoch n
epoch-making adj
excitement n
Esq abbr
-esque suff
-ess suff
essay n
essayist n
essence n
of the essence IDM
essential adj
essential n
essentially adv
essential oil n
-est suff
establish v
established adj
establishment n
estate n
estate agent n
estate car n
esteem n
estimate n
estimation n
estrange v
estranged adj
estuary n
et al abbr
et cetera abbr
etch v
etching n
eternal adj
eternally adv
eternal triangle n
eternal verity n
eternity n
ether n
ethereal adj
ethic n
ethical adj
ethnic adj
ethnic cleansing n
ethnocentric adj
ethnography n
ethnographer n
ethos n
etiolated adj
etiquette n
-ette suff
etymology n
eucalyptus n
eunuch n
euphemism n
euphemistic language/expressions/terms. Euphemistically n
euphoria n
eureka interj
Eur(o)- comb
eurocheque n
Eurocrat n
Euro-election n
Europe n
European adj
European n
European n
evacuate v
evacuee n
evade v
extirpate v
exclaim v
exclamation n
exclamation mark n
exclude v
exclusion n
to the exclusion of sb/sth IDM
exclusive adj
exclusive n
excommunicate v
excoriate v
excrement n
excrescence n
excreta n
excrete v
excruciating adj
excursion n
excuse n
be excused IDM
excusable adj
excuse me IDM
execrable adj
execute v
execution n
executioner n
executive adj
executive n
executor n
exemplar n
exemplary adj
exemplify v
exempt adj
exemption n
exercise n
exercise v
exert v
exertion n
exeunt v
exhale v
exhaust1 n
exhaust2 v
exhausted adj
exhausting adj
exhaustion n
exhaustive adj
exhibit n
exhibit v
exhibitor n
exhibition n
exhibitionism n
exhibitionist n
make an exhibition of oneself IDM
exhilarate v
exhilarating adj
exhilaration n
exiguous adj
exile n
exile v
exist v
existence n
existent adj
existing adj
existential adj
exit n
exit v
exit poll n
ex officio adj
exorbitant adj
exorcism n
exorcist n
exotic adj
exotica n
expand v
expand on sth PHRV
expanse n
expansion n
expansionism n
eyrie (also eyry) n
extort v
extortionate adj
extra adj
extra adv
extra n
extra time n
extra- pref
extract v
extraction n
extractor n
extracurricular adj
extradite v
extramarital adj
extramural adj
extraordinary adj
extravagant adj
extravagance n
extravaganza n
extreme adj
extremely adv
extremism n
extremist n
extremity n
go etc to extremes IDM
in the extreme IDM
extrovert n
extrovert adj
extrude v
exuberant adj
exude v
exultant adj
exultation n
eye n
eye v
be all eyes IDM
clap/ lay/ set eyes on sb/ sth IDM
my eye IDM
eye-catching adj
an eye for an eye IDM
eye-level adj
eye-liner n
the eye of the storm IDM
eye-opener n
sb's eyes are bigger than their stomach IDM
eye-shadow n
eye strain n
eye- tooth n
eye sb up PHRV
for sb's eye's only IDM
get one's eye in IDM
give one's eye-teeth for sth IDM
have/ with an eye for/ on/ to the main chance IDM
have one's eye on sb IDM
have one's eye on sth IDM
have eyes in the back of one's head IDM
have/ with an eye to sth/ doing sth IDM
have/ with half an/ one eye on sth IDM
in the eyes of sb/ in sb's eyes IDM
in the eyes of the law, world, etc IDM
keep an eye on sb/ sth IDM
keep an eye open/ out IDM
keep one's eyes peeled/ skinned IDM
look sb in the eye face IDM
make eyes at sb IDM
never/ not take one's eyes off sb/ sth IDM
one in the eye IDM
only have eyes for/ have eyes only for sb IDM
see eye to eye with sb IDM
see, look at, etc sth through sb's eyes IDM
shut/ close one's eyes to sth IDM
with one's eyes open IDM
eyeball n
eyeball to eyeball IDM
eyebrow n
eyeful n
have/ get an eyeful IDM
eyeglass n
eyelash n
eyelet n
eyelid n
eyepiece n
eyesight n
eyesore n
ုုုု ုု
ုုုု ုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(music) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
(brit)(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု E ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(infml)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(us) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ု (for sth) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (usu sing) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
(infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

... ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
[sing] (infml) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

(infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

(ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

[U] (Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(esp Brit) (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
(U, sing) (ုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(for, sth/sb) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
(usu pl) (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
(pl) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

[sing] (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု)ု  ုုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (infml) (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုု (usu the east) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု E ုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုု the East ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု (ုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုု (ုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
(US) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

) ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ~ (up)/~ sth (up) ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (infml) (esp in the continuous tenses) ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု


ုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုု ုု ~ (away) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု East Central.ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (usu the EC) European Community. ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု [U] ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
~ (to/with sth); ~ sth (back)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (in compounds) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု...ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
... ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုု ုု ုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုု (det) ုုုု...ုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု [C, U] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု [C] (fml) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ~ sb/sth (from sth) (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု~ုု
sth(fromsth) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

(US also ejection seat) ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

(US) ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ~ (on sth) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုု(ုုု)ု (ု) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု (ု) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ု) the elder ုုုုု (ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
... ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ~ sb (to sth); ~ sb (as sth) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
(physics) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု (esp passive) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (esp passive)(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (chemistry) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု

(physics) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
(physics) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ု ုုုုု
ုုု ု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(often passive) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု)ု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု [C] ~ (in/of sth) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု [C usu sing] ~ of sth ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု [C usu pl] ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုု ုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(physics) (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
(US) ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု-ုုုုုု ုု-ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု (pl unchanged or elephants)
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု [C, U] (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု [C] (ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု . (ု) (fml) ုုု
ုု (esp US) = LIFT n ုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုု-ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုု...ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုု-ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job.
ုု ~ sb/sth (from sth) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (infml) (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
(linguistics) (we'll, don't, let's ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု [U] ုုုုုုုုု ုု [sing] ~ of sth ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ~
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု (ုုုုုုုုု emph ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ု) [U] (dated or fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ~ sb (as sth) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ~ sth (as sth) (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုn [U] (fml) ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(often joc)
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု(often passive)
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ( European Monetary System )
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ( Economic and Monetary Union )
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု (fml) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု (computing) ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(computing) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(computing) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(fml) (esp passive) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (fml or law) (esp passive)
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(fml or law) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုု

ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ု … ုုုုုု … ုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ု … ုုုုုု … ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (computing) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

)ု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

(fml) [ု] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု (ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(saying) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
(infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
(infml) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

Brit infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

(infml) ုုုုုုုုုုု
(infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

(fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုု
(fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (US) = CHICORY
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (ုု)
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(usu passive) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (into/onto sth) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (to sth) ုုုုုုုုု
(usu passive) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (to sth) (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(into doing sth) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (law) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု



ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု (…ုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (fml) (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
AEON ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု)ု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
(anatomy) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
medical) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(anatomy) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု Magi ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု
(religion) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(religion) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
usu joc) ုုုုုု Epistle (Bible) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(fml) ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု



ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
)ု ုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု


(ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

) ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု

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ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု


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ု ုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုု

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ုုု ုုုု

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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု


ု ုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
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ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ု ုုု

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ု ုု

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ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
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ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု



ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
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ု ုုုုု

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ုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

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ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုု ုုုု


(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုု ုု [C usu sing] (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု )ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု [pl
~ sth (of sth) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ~ sth (out) (into/ on
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု [pl] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ~ sth (out) (into/ onto sth) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ~ (from/out of sth) (into/onto sth) ုုုုုုုုုုု ု
nto sth) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
F n
F abbr
f abbr
fab adj
fable n
fabric n
fabricate v
fabulous adj
façade n
face n
facet n
facetious adj
facia n
facial adj
facially adv
facile adj
facilitate v (fml)
facility n
facing n
facsimile n
fact n
fact-finding adj
a fact of life IDM
fact-sheet n
facts and figures IDM
facts of life IDM
facts speak for themselves IDM
in (actual) fact IDM
faction n
factional adj
factitious adj
factor n
factorial n
factory n
factory farm n
factotum n
factual adj
faculty n
fad n
faddy adj
fade v
faeces n
faecal adj
fag n
fagged adj
faggot n
fah n
Fahrenheit adj (abbr F)
fail v
fail-safe adj
failing n
failure n
faint adj
faint-hearted n
faintly adv
fair adj
fair dos/do's IDM
fair-haired adj
fair-minded adj
fairness n
fair play n
fair's fair IDM
fair-weather friend n
fair n
fairground n
fairly adv
fairway n
fairy n
fairy cake n
fairy godmother n
fairy lights n
fairy story n
fairyland n
fait accompli n
faith n
faith-healing n
faithful adj
faithless adj
fake n
fakir n
falcon n
fall v
fall n
fallacy n
fallacious adj
fib n
fibber n
fated adj
fateful adj
father n
father-figure n
fatherhood n
fatherless adj
fatherly adj
fatherland n
fathom n
fatigue n
fatigued adj
fatten v
fattening adj
fatty adj
fatty n
fatuous adj
fatuously adv
faucet n
fault n
fault-finding n
faultless adj
faultlessly adv
faulty adj
faun n
fauna n
faux pas n
favour n
favour v
favourable adj
favourably adv
favourite adj
favourite n
favouritism n
fawn n
fawn v
fax v
faze v
FBI abbr
FCO abbr
fealty n
fear n
fearful adj
fearfully adv
fearless adj
fearlessly adv
fearlessness n
fearsome adj
feasible adj
feasibility n
feast n
feast v
feat n
feather n
feather v
feather v
feathery adj
featherweight n
feature n
feature v
featureless adj
Feb abbr
febrile adj
February n
fecal US
feces (US)
feckless adj
fecklessness n
fecund adj
fecundity n
federal adj
federalism n
federalist n
federally adv
federate v
federation n
fed up adj
fee n
feeble adj
feebleness n
feebly adv
feeble-minded adj
feed v
feeding-bottle n
feedback n
feedbag n
feeder n
feel v
feelingly adv
feeler n
feeling n
feign v
feint n
feisty adj
feldspar n
felicitations n
flag n
fibula n
fibre n
fibre optics n
fibrous adj
fibreglass n
fickle adj
fiction n
fictional adj
fictionalize, -ise v
fictitious adj
fiddle n
fiddle v
fiddler n
fiddling adj
fiddly adj
fidelity n
fidget v
fidget n
field n
field v
field-day n
fielder n
field events n
field-glasses n
field hockey n
Field Marshal n
field of vision n
field sports n
field-test v
field trip n
fieldsman n
fieldwork n
fieldworker n
fiend n
fiendish adj
fiendishly adv
fierce adj
fiercely adv
fierceness n
fiery adj
fiesta n
fife n
fifteen n
fifteenth n
fifth pron
fifthly adv
fifth column n
fifty n, pron
fiftieth n, pron
fifty- fifty adj, adv
fifty pence n
fig n
fig-leaf n
fig abbr
fight v
fighter n
fighting n
fighting talk IDM
figment n
figurative adj
figuratively adv
figure n
figurehead n
figurine n
filament n
filch v
file n
filing clerk n
file n
file n
filial adj
filibuster n
filigree n
fill v
filler n
filler cap n
fill n
fillet n
filling n
fillip n
filly n
film n
film-maker n
film over PHRV
film star n
filmy adj
Filofax n
filter n
filter v
filth n
filthy adj
filthy adv
filtration n
fin n
final adj
finalist n
finally adv
finale n
finality n
finalize, -ise v
finance n
financial adj
financially adv
financier n
flunkey n
flagellate v
flagellation n
flagon n
flagrant adj
flagrantly adv
flagship n
flagstaff n
flagstone n
flail n
flair n
flak n
flake n
flake v
flaked adj
flaky adj
flambé adj
flamboyant adj
flamboyance n
flamboyantly adv
flame n
flame v
flaming adj
flamenco n
flamingo n
flammable adj
flan n
flange n
flank n
flannel n
flannelette n
flap n
flap v
flapjack n
flapper n
flare v
flare v
flash n
flash v
flash-cube n
flasher n
flash-flood n
flashback n
flashing n
flashlight n
flashpoint n
flashy adj
flashily adv
flask n
flat adj
flat-bottomed adj
flat-fish n
flatlet n
flatly adv
flatcar n
flatmate n
flatten v
flatter v
flatulent adj
flatulence n
flaunt v
flautist n
flavour n
flaw n
flawless adj
flax n
flay v
flea n
flea-bite n
flea market n
flea-pit n
fleck n
fledged adj  
fledgling n
flee v
fleece n
fleece v
fleecy adj
fleet n
fleet admiral n
fleet adj
fleeting adj
fleetingly adv
Fleet Street n
flesh n
fleshly adj
fleshpots n
foregoing adj
fluorescent adj
fluorescence n
fluoride n
fluoridation n
fluorine n
flurry n
flush n
flush v
flush adj
flush n
fluster v
flute n
fluted adj
fluting n
flutter v
fluvial adj
flux n
fly v
fly n
flyer n
flying adj
flyleaf n
flyover n
flysheet n
flyweight n
flywheel n
FM abbr
FO abbr
foal n
foam n
foamy adj
fob n
fob v
focal adj
focus n
focused adj
fodder n
foe n
foetus n
foetal adj
fog n
fog v
fog-bound adj
foggy adj
foghorn n
fogy n
foible n
foil n
foil v
foil n
foist v
fold v
fold n
foldaway adj
folder n
foliage n
folio n
folk n
folklore n
folklorist n
folksy adj
follicle n
follow v
following adj
folly n
foment v
fond adj
fondly adv
frankincense n
foregone adj
foreground n
forehand n
forehead n
foreign adj
foreigner n
foreknowledge n
foreleg n
forelock n
foreman n
foremost adj
forename n
forensic adj
foreplay n
forerunner n
foresee v
foreseeable adj
foreshadow v
foreshore n
foreshorten n
foreskin n
forest n
forester n
forestry n
forestall v
foretaste n
foretell v
forethought n
forever adv
forewarn v
foreword n
forfeit v
forge n
forge v
forget v
forgive v
fork n
forlorn adj
form n
formal adj
formaldehyde n
formalin n
formality n
formalize, -ise v
format n
formation n
formative adj
former adj
formerly adv
Formica n
formidable adj
formidably adv
formula n
formulate v
fornicate v
fornication n
forsake v
fugue n
frantic adj
frantically adv
fraternal adj
fraternity n
fraternize, -ise v
fratricide n
fratricidal adj
fraud n
fraudster n
fraudulence n
fraudulent adj
fraudulently adv
fraught adj
fray n
fray v
frazzle n
frazzled adj
freak n
freakish adj
freakishly adv
freaky adj
freckle n
freckled adj
free adj
freely adv
freebie n
freedom n
Freefone n
freehand adj, adv
freehold n
freeholder n
freelance adj, adv
freeloader n
freeman n
Freemason n
Freemasonry n
Freepost n
freesia n
freestyle n
freethinker n
freethinking adj
freeway n
freeze v
freezer n
freezing adj
freight n
freight v
freightliner n
French n
French kiss n
Frenchman n
Frenchwoman n
frenetic adj
frenetically adv
frenzy n
frenzied adj
frenziedly adv
frequency n
frequent adj
frequently adv
fresco n
fresh adj
fresher n
freshly adv
freshness n
freshen v
freshman n
freshwater adj
fret v
fretful adj
fretfully adv
fret n
fretsaw n
fretted adj
fretwork n
Freudian adj
Freudian slip n
Fri abbr
friable adj
friar n
friary n
fricassee n
fricative n, adj
friction n
fuzzy adj
fulcrum n
fulfil v
fulfilled adj
fulfilling adj
fulfilment n
full adj
fuller's earth n
fulminate v
fulmination n
fulsome adj
fumble v
fumbling adj
fume n
fume v
fumigate v
fumigation n
fun n
function n
functional adj
functionalism n
functionary n
fund n
fundamental adj
fundamentally adv
fundamentalism n
fundamentalist n,adj
funeral n
funeral parlour n
funerary adj
funereal adj
funfair n
fungicide n
fungus n
fungal adj
fungoid adj
funicular n
funk n
funky adj
funnel n
funny adj
funnily adv
funny-bone n
funny business IDM
fur n
furry adj  
furious adj
furiously adv
furl v
furlong n
furlough n
furnace n
furnish v
furnishings n
furniture n
furore n
furrier n
furrow n
furrow v
further adv
further v
further education n
furtherance n
furthermore adv
furthest adj,adv
furtive adj
furtively adv
fury n
fuse n
fuse v
fuselage n
fusillade n
fusion n
fuss n
fusspot n
fussy adj
fustian n
fusty adj
futile adj
futility n
futon n
future n
futures [pl]
futurism n
futurist n, adj
futuristic adj
futurity n
ုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု F (music) C ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု FAHRENHEITု ုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု (also fem) FEMALE ု ုု (also fem) (grammar) FEMININE
FAH ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု (ု) [C] ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ု) [U] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု [C, U] ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု [C, U] ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု fabrication - ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု (infml) ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (fml) ုုုုုုုု fabulously (adv) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု (fml) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု (ုုု)ု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

FASCIA ုု = DASHBOARD ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(n) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု facilitator ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ု) facings [ pl ] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု( ု ) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (mathematics) ုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုု ( ု ) ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု) ုုုုုုုု (ုု)ုုုုုုု ုု ~ (away) (ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု fag-end (n) ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုု
ုု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုု½ ုုုု ုုုုု ုုု½ ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု without fail [IDM] ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(prep) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု (ု) [U] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု
) ုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (adj) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
not have the faintest/foggiest (idea) [IDM] (infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု …ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (give sb/get) a fair hearing [IDM] ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု the fair sex ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု (before adjs and advs) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုု ုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (sl derog) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု in good faith [IDM] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) (of a husband, wife or partner) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (adj) ုုုု (v) ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု…ုုုု…ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ~ (of sth) (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုု ုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု (v) ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု (ု) ုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ု ုုု
(ု) ုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ု.ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု fatigues ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုု)ု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုa
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုto a fault [IDM] ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုု favours [pl] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ~ (to/toward sb/sth) ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ~ (for sth
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု the favourite ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု)ု (adj) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုn (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု v ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု feather bed (n) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု feather boa (also boa) n ုုုုုုုုုုုု feather-brained adj (d
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
) ုု ုုု ု ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) [C] ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု [C] ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ~ in sth ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
FAECES ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု…ု
(ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) (derog) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုု ုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (techn) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု (Brit) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (v) ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု fibrous tissue.

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (of a person) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ~ (to sb/sth) (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု(US)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုု
ု ုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု … ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုု… ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုုုု

ုု-ုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုု ုုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
a figment of sb's imagination [IDM] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုုု fig ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုု


ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု (ုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု v ~ in, out, off, past, etc ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု (v) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (v) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု (ု) ~ sth (with sth); ~ sth (for sb) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု (v) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု (ုုု)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု (derog) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (v) ုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု flak jacket (n) ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
(off) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုု ုုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု (ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု (ု) [U] ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) flannels [pl] ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုု (ု) (ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု (ု) (ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ု) (ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (also hip-flask) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုု)ု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ~ (sth) (out) ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (usu passive) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုု (derog) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု [U] ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
ု ု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု …ုုုုု …ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) (ုုု ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
˝ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ~ (of sth) (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု(ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုု(ု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ု) (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုု ုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု (ု) (ုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
) ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု

frequency modulation ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
Foreign Office. ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ု

ုု ~ sth (by/with sth) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု ုုုုုုု]ု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ~ to sb/sth (fml) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (f
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု


ုု(ု) ုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု


ုု (also for ever) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(n) ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ~ (about) sth ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု (mathematics or physics) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုု [ုုု]ု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု freemasonry ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုု (sport) (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ု
ုု (ု) ုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု (ုု) ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု (n) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) (ုုုုုု) ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုု ု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ု) (physics) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု) ုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုု (mathematics) ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု (v) ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုု

ုု (in Christian thought) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုု)ု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (v) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု a furry animal. ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု)ု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုု)ု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
the futility of war.
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု a fair crack of the whip [IDM] (infml) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
sth) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ~ (on sb/sth) (ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
fair dos/do's [IDM] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု…ု fair enough [IDM] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု fair game n [U] ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
r game n [U] ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
) ု ုုုု
gauntlet n
run the gauntlet IDM
take up/throw down the gauntlet IDM
G n
g abbr
G7 n
gabardine n
gabble v
gabble n
gable n
gabled adj
gad about/ around PHRV
gadfly n
gadget n
gadgetry n
Gaelic n
gaffe n
gaffer n
gag n
gag v
gaga adj
gaggle n
gaiety n
gain n
gain v
gainful adj
gainfully adv
gain time IDM
gainsay v
gait n
gaiter n
gal n
gal abbr
gala n
galactic adj
galaxy n
gale n
gall n
gall-bladder n
gall v
galling adj
gall n
gall abbr
gallant adj
gallantry n
galleon n
gallery n
gallery n
galleried adj
play to the gallery IDM
galley n
Gallic adj
gallivant v
gallon n
gallop n
gallop v
gallows n
gallows humour n
gallstone n
Gallup poll n
galore adv
galoshes n
galvanic adj
galvanize, -ise v
gambit n
gamble v
gamble n
gambol v
game n
game adj
game bird n
game cock n
game plan n
game reserve n
game show n
game-warden n
game adj
gamekeeper n
gamesmanship n
gaming n
gamma n
gamma radiation n
gammon n
gammy adj
gigolo n
gauze n
gauzy adj
gavel n
gavotte n
Gawd n
gawk v
gawky adj
gawkily adv
gawkiness n
gawp v
gay adj
gay n
gaily adv
gayness n
gaze v
gaze n
gazebo n
gazelle n
gazette n
gazetteer n
gazump v
gazumping n
GB abbr
GCE abbr
GCSE abbr
GDP abbr
GDR abbr
gear n
gear-change n
gearing n
gear sth to/ towards/ for sth PHRV
gearbox n
gecko n
gee n
gee-gee n
geezer n
Geiger counter n
geisha n
gel n
gel v
gelatine n
gelatinous adj
geld v
gelding n
gelignite n
gem n
Gemini n
gemstone n
Gen abbr
gen n
gendarme n
gendarmerie n
gender n
gene n
genealogy n
genealogical adj
genealogist n
general adj
general n
General Assembly n
General Certificate of Education n
General Certificate of Secondary Education n
general headquarters n
generalist n
general practice n
generalship n
in general IDM
generalissimo n
generality n
generalize, -ise v
generalized, -ised adj
generally adv
generate v
generation n
the generation gap n
generative adj
generator n
generic adj
generically adv
generosity n
go-getter n
gild n
gilded adj
gilding n
gild the lily IDM
gill n
(be, look, etc) green/ pale about the gills IDM
gill n
gillie n
gilt n
gilt-edged adj
take the gilt off the gingerbread IDM
gimcrack adj
gimlet n
gimmick n
gimmickry n
gimmicky adj
gin n
ginger n
ginger adj
ginger ale n
ginger beer n
ginger group n
ginger nut n
gingery adj
gingerbread n
gingerly adv
gingham n
ginseng n
giraffe n
gird one's loins IDM
gird oneself for sth PHRV
gird sth on PHRV
girder n
girdle n
girdle v
girl n
girl Friday n
girlhood n
girlie adj
girlish adj
girlfriend n
giro n
girth n
gist n
give v
give v
give v
give n
sb doesn't/ couldn't give a damn, a hoot, etc IDM
give and take IDM
give as good as one gets IDM
give-away n
give-away adj
give sb away PHRV
give sth/sb away PHRV
give sb back sth; give sth back PHRV
give sth in PHRV
give in PHRV
give it to sb IDM
give me sth/ sb IDM
give sth off PHRV
give on to/ onto sth PHRV
give or take IDM
give out PHRV
give sth out PHRV
give over PHRV
give oneself over to sth PHRV
give sth over to sth PHRV
give sb to believe / understand … IDM
give up PHRV
give sb up PHRV
give sth up PHRV
give oneself/ sb up PHRV
give sth up PHRV
give up on sb PHRV
what gives? IDM
given adj
be given to sth/ doing sth IDM
giver n
gizzard n
glacé adj
glacial adj
glacier n
glad adj
gladden v
gladly adv
gladness n
glad rags n
glade n
gladiator n
gladiatorial adj
gladiolus n
glamour adj
glamorize, -ise v
glamorous adj
glamorously adv
glance v
at a glance IDM
at first glance/ sight IDM
glance off PHRV
glancing adj
gland n
glandular adj
glandular fever n
glare n
glare v
glaring adj
glaringly adv
glasnost n
glass n
glass-blower n
glassful n
glass sth in/ over PHRV
glasshouse n
glassware n
glassy adj
glaucoma n
glaze v
glaze n
glazed adj
glaze over PHRV
glazier n
gleam n
gleam v
glean v
glee n
gleeful adj
gleefully adv
glen n
glib adj
glibly adv
glide v
glide v
glide n
glider n
gliding n
glimmer v
glimmer n
glimmering n
glimpse n
glimpse v
glint v
glint n
glisten v
granular adj
goggle v
goggles n
going n
get out, go, leave, etc while the 'going is good IDM
a going concern IDM
going-over n
the going rate IDM
goings-on n
goitre n
go-kart n
gold n
gold card n
gold-digger n
gold-dust n
gold-field n
gold foil n
gold medal n
gold medallist n
gold mine n
gold plate n
gold plated adj
gold-rush n
gold standard n
good as gold IDM
golden adj
golden age n
golden eagle n
golden handshake n
golden jubilee n
golden rule n
golden syrup n
golden wedding n
goldfinch n
goldfish n
goldsmith n
golf n
golf club n
golf-course (also golf-links) n
golfer n
golfing n
Goliath n
golliwog n
golly interj
gonad n
gondola n
gondolier n
gone adj
gone prep
goner n
gong n
gonna v
gonorrhoea n
goo n
good adj
good adj
good adj
good adj
good n
good adv
good faith n
good-for-nothing n, adj
good for you, sb, them, etc; good on you, etc IDM
Good Friday n
good-hearted adj
good humour n
good-humoured adj
good looks n
good-looking adj
good nature n
good-natured adj
good-naturedly adv
good-neighbourliness n
good sense n
good- tempered adj
goodbye interj
goodish adj
goodly adj
goodness n
goods n
come up with/ deliver the goods IDM
goods and chattels n
goodwill n
goody n
goody interj
goody-goody n
gooey adj
goof n
goof v
goofy adj
googly n
goon n
goose n
goose-flesh n
goose-step n
gooseberry n
gopher n
Gordian knot n
gore n
gore v
gorge n
gorge v
gorgeous adj
gorgeously adv
gorgon n
Gorgonzola n
gorilla n
gormless adj
gorse n
gory adj
gosh interj
gosling n
go-slow n
gospel n
gossamer n
grovel v
grovel about/ around PHRV
grovelling adj
granulated sugar n
granule n
grape n
grapefruit n
grapeshot n
grapevine n
graph n
graphic adj
graphically adv
graphics n
graphite n
grapnel n
grapple v
grasp v
grasp n
grasping adj
grass n
grass v
grass court n
grass roots n
grass snake n
grass widow n
grassy adj
grasshopper n
grassland n
grate n
grate v
grater n
grating adj
grateful adj
gratefully adv
gratify v
gratification n
gratifying adj
grating n
gratis adj
gratitude n
gratuitous adj
gratuitously adv
gratuity n
grave adj
gravely adv
grave n
grave n
gravedigger n
gravel n
gravelled adj
gravelly adj
gravestone n
graveyard n
gravitation n
gravitational adj
gravity n
gravy n
gravy-boat n
gravy train n
graze v
grazier n
grazing n
graze v
graze n
grease n
grease v
grease-gun n
greasepaint n
greaseproof paper n
greasy adj
greasy spoon n
great adj
great adj
great adj
great n
Great Britain n
Great Dane n
greatness n
the Great War n
greatcoat n
grebe n
Grecian adj
greed n
greedily adv
greedy adj
Greek adj
Greek n
green adj
green v
green n
green belt n
green fingers n
greenish adj
green light n
green manure n
greenness n
Green Paper n
the Green Party n
the green pound n
green salad n
green tea n
green vegetable n
greenback n
greenery n
greenfield adj
greenfly n
greengage n
greengrocer n
gyroscope n
gyroscopic adj
grow v
grow apart PHRV
grow away from sb PHRV
grower n
growing adj
growing pains n
grow on sb PHRV
grow on trees IDM
grow out of sth PHRV
grow up PHRV
growl v
growl n
grown adj
grown-up adj
growth n
groyne n
grub n
grub v
grub sth up/ out PHRV
grubby adj
grudge v
grudge n
grudging adj
grudgingly adv
gruel n
gruelling adj
gruesome adj
gruff adj
gruffly adv
grumble v
grumble n
grumbler n
grump n
grunt v
grunt n
G-string n
GT abbr
guano n
guarantee n
be guaranteed to do sth IDM
guarantor n
guard n
guard n
guard v
guard against sth/ doing sth PHRV
guarded adj
guardedly adv
guard-rail n
guard´s van n
stand guard IDM
guardhouse n
guardian n
guardianship n
guardroom n
guardsman n
guava n
gubernatorial adj
gudgeon n
guerrilla n
guess v
anybody's guess IDM
at a guess IDM
keep sb guessing IDM
guesstimate n
guesswork n
guest n
guest v
be my guest IDM
guest beer n
guest-house n
guest-night n
guest-room n
guest worker n
guff n
guffaw v
guffaw n
guidance n
guide n
guide v
guided adj
guided missile n
guide-dog n
guideline n
guild n
guilder n
guildhall n
guile n
guileful adj
guileless adj
guillemot n
guillotine n
guillotine v
guilt n
guiltily adv
guiltless adj
guilty adj
guinea n
guinea-fowl n
guinea-pig n
guise n
guitar n
guitarist n
gulch n
gulf n
the Gulf Stream n
gull n
gullet n
ု ုုုု



ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု



ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

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ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု   ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု


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ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု



ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု



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ုုုုု ုုုု




ု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု




ု ုုုု



ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု



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ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု  ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု






ုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု







ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုုုု










ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု





ု ုုုု





ု ုုု



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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု




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ုုုု ုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုု



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ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုု






ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု






ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု

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ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု


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ုုုု ုုု
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ု ုုုု

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ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု


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ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု



ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

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ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု




ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု



ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု



ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု



ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု





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ုုု ုုုု



ု ုုုုု

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ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု



ုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု


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ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု


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ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

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ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု


hangover n
H n
ha interj
habeas corpus n
haberdasher n
habit n
habitable adj
habitat n
habitation n
habitual adj
habituate v
hack v
hack n
hack v
hack n
hackles n
hackney carriage n
hackney cab n
hackneyed adj
hackneyed n
haddock n
hadn't v
haemoglobin n
haemophilia n
haemophilia v
haemophilia n
hag n
haggard adj
haggard n
hagiography n
hail n
hail v
hail v
hail n
hailstorm /'heÇlstç:m n
hair n
get in sb's hair IDM
hair-drier (also hair-dryer) n
hairless adj
a/the hair of the dog IDM
a/the hair of the dog adj
hair's breadth n
hair-splitting n
harm, etc a hair of sb's head IDM
keep your hair on IDM
let one's hair down IDM
make one's hair stand on end IDM
not turn a hair IDM
hairbrush n
haircut n
hairdo n
also grip n
hairline n
hairnet n
hairpin n
hairpin bend n
hairstyle n
hairy adj
haj n
hake n
halal n
halcyon adj
hale adj
half n
half adv
at half-mast IDM
break, chop, cut, tear, etc sth in half IDM
do nothing/ not do anything by halves IDM
half-back n
half board n
half-brother n
half-caste n
half-crown n
half day n
half dollar n
half-hearted adj
half-heartedly adv
half-hour n
half-hourly adj, adv
half-life n
half -light n
half moon n
half-note n
the half of it IDM
half past one, two, etc IDM
half-price adv
half -sister n
half -term n
half-time n
half-truth n
half-yearly adj, adv
not half IDM
not half as IDM
halfpenny n
headline n
headline v
hank n
hanker v
hanker after/ for sth PHRV
hanky n
hanky-panky n
Hansard n
hansom n
haphazard adj
hapless adj
happen v
happening n
happenstance n
happy adj
happily adv
happiness n
happy medium n
hara-kiri n
harangue n
harangue v
harass v
harbinger n
harbour n
harbour v
harbourside n
hard adj
hard adj
hard adv
be hard put IDM
be hard up for sth IDM
drive/ strike a hard bargain IDM
give sb a hard time IDM
hard and fast IDM
hard as nails IDM
hard at it IDM
hard by prep, adv
hard cash n
hard-copy n
hard court n
hard currency n
hard disk n
hard done by IDM
hard drug n
hard-earned adj
hard-faced adj
hard-fought adj
hard going IDM
hard hat n
hard-headed adj
hard-hearted adj
hard-hitting adj
hard labour n
the hard left n
hard-liner n
hard lines IDM
hard-luck story n
hard-nosed adj
hard of hearing IDM
hard on sth IDM
hard on sb's heels IDM
hard porn n
hard-pressed adj
the hard right n
hard rock n
hard sell n
hard shoulder n
hard-top n
hard up adj
the hard way IDM
hard-wearing adj
hard-won adj
hard-working adj
have a hard job doing/ to do sth; have a hard time doing sth IDM
make hard work of sth IDM
no hard feelings IDM
play hard to get IDM
take sth hard IDM
too much like hard work IDM
hardback n
hardbitten adj
hardboard n
harden v
hardly adv
hardly adv
hardship n
hardware n
hardwood n
hardy adj
hare n
hare v
hare-brained adj
harebell n
harelip n
harem n
haricot n
hark v
hark at sb PHRV
harlequin n
harlot n
harm n
harm v
no harm done IDM
there is no harm in (sb's) doing sth/ it does no harm to do sth IDM
harmful adj
harmlessly adv
harmlessness n
harmonic adj
harmonica n
harmonious adj
harmonium n
harmonize,-ise v
harmony n
harness n
harness v
in harness IDM
in harness IDM
harp n
harp on sth PHRV
harpist n
harpoon n
harpoon v
harpsichord n
harpy n
harridan n
harrier n
harrow n
harrow v
harrowing adj
harry v
harsh adj
hart n
harvest n
harvest v
harvest festival n
arvest moon n
heredity n
headlong adv
headman n
headmaster n
headphones n
headquarters n
headquartered adj
headrest n
headroom n
headscarf n
headset n
headship n
headstone n
headstrong adj
headteacher n
headwaters n
headway n
headword n
heady adj
heal v
health n
health centre n
health farm n
health food n
healthful adj
health service n
healthy adj
healthily adv
heap n
heap v
hear v
hearer n
hear from sb PHRV
hear sb out PHRV
hear a pin drop IDM
hear things IDM
hearing n
hearing-aid n
hearken v
hearsay n
hearse n
heart n
after one's own heart IDM
by heart IDM
close/ dear/ near to sb's heart IDM
do one's heart good IDM
give sb heart IDM
have sth at heart IDM
have a heart IDM
have the heart IDM
have one's heart in one's boots IDM
have one's heart in the right place IDM
heart and soul IDM
one's heart bleeds for sb IDM
one's heart goes out to sb IDM
heart failure n
one's heart is in sth IDM
heartless adj
a heart of stone IDM
heart-stopping adj
heart-to-heart n
heart-warming adj
in good heart IDM
in one's heart IDM
open/ pour out one's heart to sb IDM
take heart IDM
take sth to heart IDM
to one's heart's content IDM
with all one's heart/ one's whole heart IDM
heartache n
heartbeat n
heartbreak n
heartbroken adj
heartburn n
hearten v
heartfelt adj
hearth n
hearthrug n
heartily adv
heartland n
heartstrings n
heartthrob n
hearty adj
hearty n
heat n
heat v
be on heat; be in heat IDM
heated adj
heatedly adv
heater n
heating n
in the heat of the moment IDM
heath n
heathen n
heather n
Heath Robinson adj
heatstroke n
heatwave n
heave v
heave n
heave in sight/ into view IDM
heaven n
Heavens!; Heavens above! IDM
heaven-sent adj
the heavens opened IDM
heavenly adj
heavy adj
heavy adj
heavy n
heavily adv
heavy-duty adj
heavy going IDM
heavy-hearted adj
heavy industry n
heavy metal n
heavyweight n
Hebraic adj
Hebrew n
heck interj
heckle v
hoard n
hoard v
hoarder n
herein adv
hereof adv
heresy n
hereto adv
heretofore adv
herewith adv
heritage n
hermaphrodite n
hermetic adj
hermit n
hernia n
hero n
hero v
heroic adj
heroin n
heroism n
heron n
herpes n
Herr n
herring n
herring-bone n
herring gull n
herself n
hertz n
hesitant adj
hesitate v
hessian n
het adj
heterodox adj
heterodoxy n
heterogeneous adj
heterosexual adj
heterosexual n
heuristic adj
heuristics n
hew v
hexagon n
hexameter n
hey interj
heyday n
HGV abbr
hi interj
hiatus n
hibernate v
hibiscus n
hiccup n
hiccup v
hick n
hick adj
hickory n
hickory n
hidden agenda n
hide-and-seek n
hide one's light under a bushel IDM
hide n
neither hide nor hair of sb/ sth IDM
hideaway n
hidebound adj
hideous adj
hideously adv
hiding n
hiding-place n
hiding n
on a hiding to nothing IDM
hierarchy n
hierarchical adj
hieroglyph n
hieroglyphics n
hi-fi adj
hi-fi n
higgledy-piggledy adv
high adj
high adj
high n
high adv
high and dry IDM
high and low IDM
high and mighty IDM
high-born adj
high chair n
High Church adj
High Commission n
High Commissioner n
High Court n
high days and holidays IDM
higher animals, higher plants n
higher education n
high explosive n
high fidelity (also hi-fi) n
high-flown adj
high-grade adj
high-handed adj
high-level adj
high-minded adj
high point n
high-rise adj
high-rise n
high road n
high school n
high season n
high-speed adj
high-spirited adj
high spot n
high table n
high tea n
high technology n
high treason n
high-up n
in high dudgeon IDM
the high jump n
the high life n
highball n
hornet n
hoarding n
hoar-frost n
hoarse adj
hoary adj
hoax n
hoax v
hob n
hobble v
hobble n
hobby n
hobby-horse n
hobgoblin n
hobnail boot n
hobnob v
hobo n
Hobson's choice n
hock n
hock v
hock n
in hock IDM
hock n
hockey n
hocus-pocus n
hod n
hoe n
hoe v
hog n
hog v
hogmanay n
hogwash n
hoick v
hoi polloi n
hoi polloi n
hoity-toity adj
hokum n
hold v
hold v
hold v
hold v
get hold of sb/ sth IDM
hold sth down PHRV
hold-up n
with no holds barred IDM
hold n
holdall /'håldç:l/ (US carry-all) n
holder n
holding n
holding operation n
hole n
hole v
holiday n
holiday v
holier-than-thou adj
holiness n
holistic adj
holler v
hollow adj
hollow n
hollowness n
holly n
hollyhock n
holocaust n
hologram n
hols n
holster n
holy adj
the Holy Grail n
the Holy Spirit n
Holy Week n
Holy Writ n
homage n
home n
home adj
home adv
close/ near to home IDM
come home IDM
come home to roost IDM
hit/ strike home IDM
home and dry IDM
a home from home; a home away from home IDM
home-grown adj
homeless adj
the homeless n
homelessness n
the Home Office n
Home Secretary n
homeward /'håmwåd/ adj, adv
homewards adv
when he's, it's etc at home IDM
home v
home in PHRV
homeland n
homely adj
homeopathy n
homeopath (also homoeo-) n
homeopathic (also homoeo-) adj
homesick adj
homesickness n
homespun adj
hunch n
hunch v
hunched adj
hornpipe n
horoscope n
horrendous adj
horrid adj
horrific adj
horrify v
horrifyingly adv
horror n
horrors interj
horror-struck (also 'horror-stricken) adj
hors de combat adj
hors-doeuvre n
horse n
horse-drawn adj
horse-race n
horse-racing n
horse sense n
horse-trading n
horseback n
on horseback IDM
horsebox n
horseflesh n
horsefly n
horsehair n
horseman n
horseplay n
horsepower n
horseradish n
horseradish tree n
horseshoe n
horsewhip n
horsewhip v
horsy adj
horticulture n
hose n
hose v
hose n
hosiery n
hospice n
hospitable adj
hospital n
hospitality n
host n
host n
host v
host n
hostage n
a hostage to fortune IDM
hostel n
hostelry n
hostess n
hostile adj
hostility n
hot adj
hot adj
be in/get into hot water IDM
go hot and cold IDM
go/sell like hot cakes IDM
hot air n
hot-air balloon n
hot and bothered IDM
hot-blooded adj
hot cross bun n
hot dog n
hot favourite n
hot flush n
hot on sb's/sth's heels IDM
hot on sb's/sth's tracks/trail IDM
hot potato n
hot property n
the hot seat n
hot spot n
hot spring n
hot stuff n
hot-tempered adj
hot under the collar IDM
hot up PHRV
hot-water bottle n
in hot pursuit IDM
hotbed n
hotchpotch n
hotel n
hotelier n
hotfoot adv
hotfoot it IDM
hothead n
hotheaded adj
hothouse n
hotplate n
hotpot n
hots n
have the hots for sb IDM
hotshot n
hound n
hound v
hound sb out (of sth/…) PHRV
hour n
after hours IDM
at/till all hours IDM
at the eleventh hour IDM
hour-hand n
hourly adv
hourly adj
keep late, early, regular, etc hours IDM
on the hour IDM
out of hours IDM
hourglass n
house n
house v
bring the house down IDM
get on like a house on fire IDM
house arrest n
houseful n
household name/ household world n
house-husband n
the House of Commons n
House of God n
the House of Lords n
the House of Representatives n
house party n
house-plant n
house-proud adj
house-sit v
the Houses of Parliament n
house-to-house adj
house-trained adj
house-warming n
keep house IDM
on the house IDM
put/set one's house in order IDM
set up house IDM
set up house IDM
houseboat n
hunchback n
hundred n
hundredweight n
hundredweight adj
hung-over adj
hunger n
hunger for/after sth/sb PHRV
hunger march n
hunger marcher n
hunger strike n
hungry adj
hungrily adv
the hungry n
hunk n
hunt v
hunt n
hunt sb/sth down PHRV
hunter n
hunting n
hunting-ground n
hunt sth out PHRV
hunt sth up PHRV
huntsman n
hurdle n
hurdle v
hurdler n
hurdling n
hurl v
hurling n
hurly-burly n
hurrah adj
hurricane n
hurricane lamp n
hurry n
hurry v
hurried adj
hurriedly adv
hurry on PHRV
hurry up PHRV
hurry sb/sth up PHRV
in no hurry/not in any hurry IDM
hurt v
hurt adj
hurt n
hurtful adj
it, etc won't/wouldn't hurt IDM
hurtle v
husband n
husband v
husband and wife IDM
husbandry n
hush v
hush n
hush-hush adj
hush money n
hush sth up PHRV
husk n
husk v
husky adj
husky n
hussar n
hussy n
hustings n
hustle v
hustle n
hut n
hutch n
hyacinth n
hybrid n
hybrid adj
hybridize, -ise v
hydrangea n
hydrant n
hydrate v
hydraulic adj
hydraulically adv
hydraulics n
hydrocarbon n
hydrochloric acid n
hydroelectric adj
hydrofoil n
hydrogen n
hydrogen bomb (also H-bomb) n
hydroplane n
hydroponics n
hydrotherapy n
hyena n
hygiene n
hymen n
hymn n
hymn v
hymn-book n
hype n
hype v
hyped up adj
hyper- pref
hyperactive adj
hyperbole n
hyperinflation n
hypermarket n
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I n.
I pron.
I symb.
impale v.
iambic adj.
-ian suff.
-iana suff.
-ana suff.
-iatrics comb.
-iatry comb.
ibex n.
ibid abbr.
IBM abbr.
-ic suff.
-ical suff.
-ically suff.
IC abbr.
ice n.
break the ice IDM.
cut no ice IDM.
ice age n.
ice-axe n.
ice-ax n.
ice-blue n.
ice-blue adj.
ice-bound adj.
ice-breaker n.
ice-cap n.
ice-cold adj.
ice-cream n.
ice-cube n.
iced adj.
ice-field n.
ice-floe n.
ice hockey n.
ice lolly n.
Popsicle n.
ice over phrv.
ice up phrv.
ice-pack n.
ice-pick n.
ice-rink n.
ice-skate n.
ice-water n.
on ice IDM.
iceberg n.
icebox n.
ICI abbr.
icicle n.
icing n.
icing on the cake IDM.
icing sugar n.
powdered sugar n.
icon n.
iconoclast n.
iconoclasm n.
iconoclastic adj.
-ics suff.
ICU abbr.
icy adj.
icily adv.
iciness n.
ID abbr.
id n.
I'd short.
-ide suff.
idea n.
give ideas IDM.
have no idea IDM.
one's idea of IDM.
not have the first idea IDM.
run away with the idea that IDM.
ideal adj.
ideally adv.
idealism n.
idealist n.
idealize v.
idealise v.
identical adj.
identically adv.
identical twin n.
identify v.
identification n.
identification parade n.
identify (oneself) with phrv.
identify with phrv.
Identikit n.
identity n.
identity card n.
ideogram n.
ideograph n.
ideology n.
ideological adj.
ideologically adv.
idiocy n.
idiolect n.
idiom n.
idiomatic adj.
idiomatically adv.
idiosyncrasy n.
idiosyncratic adj.
idiot n.
idle adj.
idle v.
idle away phrv.
idleness n.
idler n.
idly adv.
idol n.
idolater n.
idolatry n.
idolize v.
idolise v.
idyll n.
idyllic adj.
idyllically adv.
if conj.
if n.
if and when IDM.
if anything IDM.
if I were you IDM.
if not IDM.
if only IDM.
only if IDM.
iffy adj.
igloo n.
igloos n.
inbuilt adj.
impalpable adj.
impart v.
impartial adj.
impartiality n.
impartially adv.
impassable adj.
impasse n.
impassioned adj.
impassive adj.
impassively adv.
impatient adj.
impatience n.
impatiently adv.
impeach v.
impeachable adj.
impeachment n.
impeccable adj.
impeccably adv.
impecunious adj.
impedance n.
impede v.
impediment n.
impedimenta n.
impel v.
impending adj.
impenetrable adj.
impenetrability n.
impenetrably adv.
imperative adj.
imperative n.
imperceptible adj.
imperceptibly adv.
imperfect adj.
imperfect n.
imperfection n.
imperfectly adv.
imperial adj.
imperialism n.
imperialist n.
imperialistic adj.
imperil v.
imperious adj.
imperiously adv.
imperishable adj.
impermanent adj.
impermanence n.
impermeable adj.
impersonal adj.
impersonality n.
impersonate v.
impersonation n.
impersonator n.
impertinent adj.
impertinence n.
impertinently adv.
imperturbable adj.
imperturbably adv.
impervious adj.
impetigo n.
impetuous adj.
impetuosity n.
impetuously adv.
impetus n.
impiety n.
impinge v.
impious adj.
impish adj.
impishly adv.
impishness n.
implacable adj.
implacably adv.
implant v.
implant n.
implausible adj.
implausible adv.
implement v.
implementation n.
implicate v.
implication n.
implicit adj.
implicitly adv.
implode v.
implore v.
imploring adj.
imply v.
impolite adj.
impolitic adj.
imponderable adj.
imponderable n.
import v.
import n.
importation n.
importer n.
important adj.
importance n.
importantly adv.
importunate adj.
importune v.
indigestion n.
Inc abbr.
inc abbr.
incalculable adj.
incandescent adj.
incandescence n.
incantation n.
incapable adj.
incapacitate v.
incapacity n.
incarcerate v.
incarceration n.
incarnate adj.
incarnate v.
incarnation n.
the incarnation sign.
incautious adj.
incautiously adv.
incendiary adj.
incendiary n.
incense n.
incense v.
incentive n.
inception n.
incessant adj.
incessantly adv.
incest n.
incestuous adj.
incestuously adv.
inch n.
inch forward v.
inch past v.
inch through v.
by inches IDM.
every inch IDM.
give an inch IDM.
inch by inch IDM.
within an inch of IDM.
inchoate adj.
incidence n.
incident n.
incidental adj.
incidental n.
incidentally adv.
incinerate v.
incineration n.
incinerator n.
incipient adj.
incise v.
incision n.
incisive adj.
incisively adv.
incisiveness n.
incisor n.
incite v.
incitement n.
incivility n.
incl abbr.
inclement adj.
inclemency n.
inclination n.
incline v.
incline toward fml.
incline to fml.
incline n.
inclined adj.
inclined to adj.
inclose v.
inclose n.
inclosure n.
include v.
including prep.
inclusion n.
inclusiv adj.
inclusively adv.
incognito adj.
incognito adv.
incoherent adj.
income n.
income support n.
income tax n.
incoming adj.
incommensurable adj.
incommensurate adj.
incommode v.
incommunicado adj.
incommunicado adv.
incomparable adj.
incomparability n.
incomparably adv.
incompatible adj.
incompatibility n.
incompetent adj.
incompetent n.
incompetently adv.
incompetence n.
incomplete adj.
incomprehensible adj.
incomprehensibility n.
incomprehensibly adv.
incomprehension n.
inconceivable adj.
inconceivably adv.
inconclusive adj.
inconclusively adv.
incongruous adj.
incongruity n.
incongruously adv.
inconsequential adj.
inconsequentially adv.
infringe v.
infringement n.
indignant adj.
indignantly adv.
indignation n.
indignity n.
indigo n.
indirect adj.
indirectly adv.
indirect object n.
indirect question n.
indirect speech n.
indirect tax n.
indiscernible adj.
indiscipline n.
indiscreet adj.
indiscreetly adv.
indiscretion n.
indiscriminate adj.
indiscriminately adv.
indispensable adj.
indisposed adj.
indisposition n.
indisputable adj.
indisputably adv.
indissoluble adj.
indissolubly adv.
indistinct adj.
indistinctly adv.
indistinguishable adj.
individual adj.
individual n.
individually adv.
individualism n.
individualist n.
individualistic adj.
individuality n.
individualized adj.
individualised adj.
indivisible adj.
indivisibility n.
indivisibly adv.
Indo comb.
Indo- European adj.
indoctrinate v.
indoctrination n.
indolent adj.
indolence n.
indomitable adj.
indomitably adv.
indoor adj.
indoors adv.
indrawn n.
indubitably adv.
induce v.
inducement n.
induct v.
induction n.
induction course n.
inductive adj.
indulge v.
indulgently adv.
indulgence n.
industrial adj.
industrial action n.
industrial archaeology n.
industrial arts n.
industrial estate n.
industrialism n.
industrialist n.
industrialization n.
industrialisation n.
industrialize v.
industrialise v.
industrially adv.
industrial relations n.
the Industrial Revolution n.
industrial tribunal n.
industrious adj.
industriously adv.
industry n.
industry-wide adj.
inebriated adj.
inedible adj.
ineffable adj.
ineffably adv.
ineffective adj.
ineffectiveness n.
ineffectual adj.
ineffectually adv.
inefficient adj.
inefficiency n.
inefficiently adv.
inelegant adj.
inelegantly adv.
ineligible adj.
ineluctable adj.
ineluctably adv.
inept adj.
ineptitude n.
ineptly adv.
inequality n.
inequitable adj.
inequity n.
ineradicable adj.
inert adj.
inertia n.
inertial adj.
inertia reel n.
inertia selling n.
inescapable adj.
inescapably adv.
inessential adj.
inestimable adj.
inevitable adj.
inevitability n.
the inevitable n.
inevitably adv.
instantaneous adj.
instantaneously adv.
infuriate v
infuriating adj
infuriatingly adv
infuse v
infusion n
ingenious adj
ingeniously adv
ingénue n
ingenuity n
ingenuous adj
ingest v
inglenook n
inglorious adj
ingot n
ingrained adj
ingratiate v
ingratiating adj
ingratiatingly adv
ingratitude n
ingredient n
ingress n
in-group n
ingrowing adj
inhabit v
inhabitant n
inhale v
inhaler n
inhalation n
inharmonious adj
inherent adj
inherently adv
inherit v
inheritance n
inheritor n
inhibit v
inhibited adj
inhibition n
inhospitable adj
in-house adj
inhuman adj
inhumane adj
inhumanely adv
inimical adj
inimitable adj
iniquitous adj
iniquity n
initial adj
initial n
initial v
initially adv
initiate v
initiate n
the initiated n
initiation n
initiator n
initiative n
inject v
injection n
in-joke n
injudicious adj
injunction n
injure v
injured adj
the injured n
injurious adj
injury n
injury time n
injustice n
ink n
ink v
inky adj
ink-pad n
ink-well n
inkling n
inland adj
inland adv
the Inland Revenue n

irritate v
irritated adj
irritating adj
irritation n
irruption n
Is abbr
ISBN abbr
ish suff
Islam n
island n
islander n
isle n
islet n
ism n
ism suff
isobar n
isolate v
isolated adj
isolation n
in isolation IDM
isolationism n
isometric adj
isosceles adj
isotope n
issue n
issue v
issue from PHRV
make an issue out of PHRV
take issue with IDM
isthmus n
IT abbr
it n
it pron
its n
that is it IDM
this is it IDM
italic adj
italicize v
italicise v
italics n
itch n
itch v
itchy adj
get itchy feet IDM
have itchy feet IDM
the seven-year itch n
ite suff
item n
itemize v
itemise v
itinerant adj
itinerant n
itinerary n
itis suff
itself pron
itself IDM
by itself IDM
in itself IDM
ITV abbr
IUD abbr
ive suff
ivory n
ivory tower n
ivy n
the Ivy League n
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intensive care unit (in a hospital).
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ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (betw
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု IDM ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု (also even if) ုုုုုု



ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

(pl) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(grammar) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု)ု past continuous (ုုုု)
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
(ုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(usu derog) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (usu approv)
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
(ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(fml) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (derog) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (derog) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ု.ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (techn) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု)ု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု
ုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုု ုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုု
]ု ုုု…[ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(grammar) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (infml) ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (mathematics) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (mathematics) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
-ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(medical) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု (euph) ုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
[sing] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(fml) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုုု … ုုုု
ုုုုု … ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
]ု (techn) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(physics) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု (often joc) … ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
[sing] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု [ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုု ုုု) ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုု … ုုု …ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ု) [C] ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု


ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

(ုုု) ုုုု ုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု


) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုု … … ုုုု
ု …ုုုု
ု …ုုု
ုုုု …ုုုုုု ုုု…ုု…ုုုုု
 ု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု …ုုု …ုုုု …ုုုု
 ု …ုုုု
ု …ုုုု
ုုုုုု …ုုုုုုုုု …ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု …ုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုု ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု



ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု



ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

…ုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု …ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု …ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
Independent Television (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
Intra-Uterine Device:
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
j n ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jab v (ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
jabber v ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

jack n ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု ု
jackl n ုုုုုု
jackass n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
jackboot n ုု ုုု
ု ုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

jackdaw n ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
jacket n ုုုုုုုုု
jackknife n ုုုုုုုုုုုု v (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jackpot n (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jacks n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

jackobean adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု James ုုုုု (ုုုု-ုု) ုုုုုုုု

jacuzzi n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

jade n (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
jaded adj ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
jagged adj ုုုုု

jaguar n ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jail n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

jailbird n ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

jalopy n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jam n ုုုု
jam v ုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

jamb n ုုုုုု ုုုုု

jamboree n ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jamjar n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
jam-packed n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

jan n ုုု
jangle v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

janitor n (US) = CARETAKER
january n ုုု
jape n ုုုုုုု

japonica n ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

jar n (ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
jar v ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jargon n … ုုုုု …ုုု
jasmine n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
jaundice n ုုုုုုုုုုုု o jaundiced adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
jaunt n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
jaunty adj ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
javelin n (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုု
jaw n ုုုုုုုု
jawbone n ုုုုု
jay n ုုုု
jawwalk v ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

jazz n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
jealous adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
jeans n ုုု
jeep n ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
jeer n ုုုုုု

jehovah n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

jejune adj ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
jekyll and hyde
n ုုုုုုု (Jekyll)ု ုုုုု (Hyde) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jell GEL v
jelly n ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
jellyfish n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
jemmy n ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

je ne sais quoin ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

jeopardize v ုုုုုုု

jeopardy n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
jerk n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
jerkin n ုုုုုု
jerry-builder n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
jerrycan n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
jersey n ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

jersey n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
jest n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
jesuit n Society of Jesus ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jet n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု v (-tt-) (infml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
jet n ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

jetsam n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

jettison v (ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုု
jetty n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
jew n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
jewel n (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ု) (esp pl) ုုုုုုုုုုု
jib n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

jiffy n ုုု ုုု

jiffy bag n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
jig n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jiggered adj ုုုုုုုုုု
jiggery-pokeryn ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
jiggle v (ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု
jigsaw n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

jihad n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
jilt v ုုု

jingle n ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
jingoism n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

jink v ုုုု
ု ုုုု

jinx n ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

jitters n ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
jive n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု
job n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

jobbing adj ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

jobcentre n ုုုုု
jockey n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
jockstrap n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

jocose adj ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
jocular adj ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
jodhpurs n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
jog v (ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
joggle v ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

john n ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

john bull n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

joie de vivre n ုုုုု

ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
join v ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

joiner n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
joint n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

joist n ုုု

joke n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုုု

joker n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
jolly adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
jolt v ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု [ု] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
josh v ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

joss-stick n ုုုုုုုုုု

jostle v ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

jot n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု

joule n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

journal n (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
journey n ုုုုု
journeyman n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
joust v (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

jove n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု Jupiter ုုုုုုုုု

jovial adj ုုုုု
ု ုုု
jowl n ုုုုုုု
joy n ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
joyride n ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
joystick n ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု


jubilant adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
jubilee n ုုုု
ု …ုုုု
judaism n ုုုုုုုုု
judas n ုုုုုုုုု
judder v ုုုု
ု ုုုု

judge n ုုုုုုုုုုု v~ ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

judgement n ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
judicature n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
judical adj ုုုုုုုု
judiciary n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
judicious adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
judo n ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
jug n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

jugged hare n ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
juggernaut n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
juggle v ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

jugular n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
juice n ုုု

juicer n ုုု

juicy adj ုုုု

ju-jitsu n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
jukebox n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
jul abbr July
july n ုုုုုုု

jumble v ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

jumbo adj ုုုုု
jump v ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

jumper n (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
Jun abbr June
junction n (ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု
juncture n ုုုုု ုုုု

june n ုုုု

jungle n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

junior adj ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
juniper n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
junk n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
junk n ုုုုု

junket n (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုု
junkie n ုုုုုုုုု
junta n (ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုု
jupiter n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

juridical adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jurisdiction n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

jurisprudence n ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

jurist n ုုုုုုုုုုု

juror n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
jury n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
just adj ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
just adv ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

justic n ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

justify v ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

jut v ုုုုုုု

jute n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

juvenile n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

juxtapose v ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုု (also knave) (ုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
K n.
K n.
kaffir n.
Kaiser n.
kakemono n.
kale n.
kale, kail n.
kaleidoscope n.
kaleidoscope n.
kaleidoscopic adj.
kaleidoscopic adj.
kalends n.
kamikaze adj.
kampong n.
kanganroo n.
kanganroo court n.
kangaroo adj.
kangaroo court n.
kaolin n.
kaolin n.
kapok n.
kaput adj.
karat n.
karate n.
karma n.
kava n.
kayak n.
kebab n.
kedgeree n.
keel n.
keel over n.
keen adj.
keen n.
keenedge n.
keenly adv.
keenness n.
keep n.
keep v.
keeper n.
keeping n.
keepsake n.
keg n.
kelp n.
kennel n.
kepi n.
kept v.
kept n.
kerb n.
kerbstone n.
kerchief n.
kernei n.
kerosene n.
kestrel n.
ketchup n.
kettle n.
kettledrum n.
key n.
key n.
keyboard n.
keynote n.
keystone n.
khaki n.
khaki adj.
Khan n.
khan n.
khan n.
kibbutz n.
kibbutznik n.
kick v.
kick off n.
kid n.
kid v.
kid gloves n.
kiddy n.
kidnap v.
kidnapper n.
kidney n.
kidney machine n.
kid-start n.
kill v.
killer n.
killing adj.
killingly adv.
killjoy n.
kiln n.
kilo n.
kilt n.
kimono n.
kin n.
kinck-knack n.
kind n.
kind adj.
kinda adv.
kindergarten n.
kindle v.
kindly adv.
kindly adj.
kindly adv.
kindness n.
kindred n.
kindred adj.
kind-size adj.
kine n.
kinetic adj.
kinetics n.
king n.
king crab n.
king of beasts n.
kingdom n.
kingfisher n.
kinglike, kingly adj.
kingpin n.
king's evil n.
kingship n.
kink n.
kink v.
kinky adj.
kinship n.
kinsman n.
kinsoflk n.
kiosk n.
kip n.
kipper n.
kirk n.
kirsch n.
kirtle n.
kismet n.
kiss v.
kiss of life IDM.
kiss of life n.
kiss the dust IDM.
kiss the ground IDM.
kiss the rod IDM.
kisser n.
kit n.
kit-bag n.
kitchen n.
kitchen garden n.
kitchenette n.
kitchenmaid n.
kite n.
kith n.
kitsch adj.
kittehnish adj.
kitten n.
kitty n.
kiwi n.
klaxon n.
kleenex n.
kleptomania n.
knack n.
knacker n.
knap v.
knapsack n.
knave n.
knavery n.
knavish adj.
knavish tricks IDM.
knavishly adv.
knead n.
knee n.
knee-high adv.
knee-high adj.
knell n.
knesset n.
knew v.
knickers n.
knife n.
knife v.
knife-edge n.
knight n.
knight-errant n.
knighthood n.
knightly adj.
kniskerbockers n.
knit v.
knitter n.
knitting n.
knitting-needle n.
knitwear n.
knives n.
knob n.
knobble n.
knobbly adj.
knobkerrie n.
knock v.
knock n.
knock-about adj.
knock-down adj.
knocker n.
knock-kneed adj.
knock-out adj.
knoll n.
knot n.
knot-hole n.
knotty adj.
knout n.
know v.
know-all n.
know-how n.
knowing adj.
knowingly adj.
knowledge n.
knowledgeable adj.
knuckle n.
knuckle under v.
knucklebone n.
koala n.
kohl n.
koodoo, kudu n.
kookaburra n.
kop n.
kopeck n.
koran n.
koranic adj.
kosher adj.
kosher n.
koto n.
koumiss, kumis n.
kowtow, kotow v.
kraal n.
kremlin n.
kremlin n.
krona n.
krone n.
ku klux klan n.
kudos n.
kummel n.
kung fu n.
kwela n.
mankind n.
marriage knot IDM.
the king of the forest n.
a knotty problem n.
animal kingdom n.
fly a kite v.
for keep IDM.
go on one's knees n.
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (computing) ုုုုုုုုုုု
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(ုုုု-ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
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ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု [ုုု]ု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
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ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
- ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
-ုုုု-ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု-ုုုု
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- ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု(ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(c.1162-1227) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
- ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုု



ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
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ုုုု ုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
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last adj

the last pl

the last adv

the last adv

one's last resort idm

at long last idm

at one's last gasp idm

its last legs idm

be on one's idm

its last legs idm

the day, week, month, etc before last


every last… idm

have, etc the last word idm

have the last laugh idm

see the last of idm

in the last resort idm

last but not least idm

the last ditch idm

last in, first out idm

lastly adv

the last minute idm

the last moment idm

last name n

the last post n

the last rites n

the last word idm

to the last idm

till the last idm

L-plate IDM

L art

L symb
l abbr

LA abbr

la n

Lab abbr

label n

labia n

labial adj

labium n

laboratory n

laborious adj

laboriously adv

labour n

Labour v

Labour Day n

laboured adj

labourer n

labour force n

labouring n

the Labour Party n

labour the point idm

labour-saving adj

labour under sth phrv

Labrador n

laburnum n

labyrinth n

labyrinthine adj

lace n

lace-up v

lacerate v

laceration n

lachrymose adj
lack v

lack n

be lacking idm

be lacking in sth idm

lackadaisical adj

lackey n

lacklustre adj

laconic adj

laconically adv

lacquer n

lacquer v

a lacquered table n

lacrosse n

lactation n

lactic acid n

lactose n

lacuna n

lacy adj

lad n

the lads n

ladder n

ladder v

laddie n

laden adj

la-di-da adj

ladle n

ladle v

lady n

Ladies n

ladies and gentlemen idm

lady-in-waiting n
lady-killer n

ladybird n

ladylike adj

ladyship n

lag1 v

time-lag n

lag2 v

lager n

lager lout n

laggard n

lagoon n

laid pt

laid-back adj

lain abbr

lair n

laird n

laissez-faire n

laity n

lake n

the Lake District n

legitimate adj

legitimacy n

legitimately adv

legitimise v

legitimize v

læst v
last v
lasting adj

last3 n

lat abbr

latch n
latch v

latch on phrv

latch on to phrv

on the latch idm

late adj

late adv

at the latest idm

late in the day idm

lateness n

late of idm

of late idm

later on adv

later adv

latecomer n

lately adv

latent adj

lateral adj

lateral thinking n

latex n

lath n

lathe n

lather n

lather v.

Latin n

Latin adj

Latin America n

Latin American adj

the Latin Church n

Latino n

latitude n

latitudes pl
latrine n

latter adj

the latter n

latter-day adj

latterly adv

lattice n

laud v

laudable adj

laudanum n

laudatory adj

laugh v

laugh n

laugh infml

laughable adj

laugh all the way to the bank infml

laugh at PHRV

laugh in IDM

laugh infml

laugh on the other side of one's faceinfml

laugh sb/sth out of court infml

laugh until one cries IDM

laugh till one cries IDM

laugh up one's sleeve infml

laughably adv

laughing adj

be laughing IDM

be no laughing matter IDM

laughing-gas n

laughingly adv

laughing-stock n

laughter n
launch v

launch n

launcher n

launch (oneself) into PHRV

launch out into PHRV

launch pad n

launch n

launder v

launderette n

laundry n

Laureate n

laurel n

laurel wreath n

look to one's laurels IDM

lava n

lavatory n

lavatorial adj

lavender n

lavish adv

lavish v

lavish sth on/upon sb/sth PHRV

lavishly adv

law n

the law infml

be a law unto oneself IDM

go to law (against sb) IDM

have the law infml

law-abiding adj

law and order IDM

lawful adj

lawfully adv
lawless adj

Law Lord n

the law of averages n

the law of the jungle IDM

lay down the law IDM

take the law into one's own hands IDM

there's no law against infml

lawbreaker n

lawcourt n

lawmaker n

lawn1 n

lawn2 n

lawnmower n

lawsuit n

lawyer n

lax adj

laxity n

laxative adj

lay v

laid v

o lay sth aside PHRV

lay sth in PHRV

lay into infml

lay it on infml

lay-off n

lay off infml

lay off infml

lay sb off PHRV

lay sb off PHRV

lay sth on phrv (Brit infml

lay sb out PHRV

lay sth out PHRV

lay over phrv (US)

lay sb up PHRV

lay sth up PHRV

lay adj

lay n

lay abbr

layabout n

lay-by n

layer n

layette n

layman n

layout n

likely adj

likelihood n

a likely story idm

not likely! idm (infml)

legless adj

Lego n

legume n

legwork n

leisure n

at leisure idm

at one’s leisure idm

leisure centre n

leisured adj

leisurely adv

leisurely adj

leitmotif n

lemming n
lemon n

lemon yellow n

lemon curd n

lemony adj

lemonade n

lemur n

lend v

lend an ear idm

lender n

lend (sb) a (helping) hand (with sth)idm

lending n

lending library n

lend one’s name to idm (fml)

lend itself to phrv

length n

at length idm

go to any, some, great, etc lengths idm

the length and breadth of idm

-length adj

lengthen v

lengthways (also lengthwise) adv

lengthy adj

lenient adj

leniency n

leniently adv

lens n

Lent n

lent v

lentil n

Leo n

leonine adj
leopard n

leotard n

leper n

leprechaun n

leprosy n

lesbian n

lesbian adj

lesbianism n

lesion n

less n

any (the) less idm

even / much / still less idm

less and less idm

no less idm

no less than… idm


-lessly adv

-lessness (forming uncountable ns)

lessee n

lessen v

lesser adj

the lesser of two evils; the lesser evil


lesson n

lessor n

lest conj (fml)

let1 v

let sb down phrv

let sth down phrv

let-down n

let oneself go idm

let sb/sth go; let go of sb/sth idm

let sb/oneself in for sth phrv (infml)

let sb in on/into sth phrv (infml)

let sth into sth phrv

let it go (at that) idm

let me see/think idm

let sb off (with sth) phrv

let sb off sth phrv

let sth off phrv

let on phrv (infml)

let sth out phrv

let-out n

let up phrv (infml)

let-up n

let us say idm

to let idm (Brit)

let n (Brit)

let n

without let or hindrance idm (fml or law)


lethal adj

lethargy n

lethargic adj


letter n

letter-bomb n

letter-box n

lettering n

letter of credit n

the letter of the law idm

to the letter idm

letterhead n
lettuce n

leukaemia n

levee n

level adj

level n

level v

level sth against/at sb phrv

level crossing (Brit) (US grade crossing)


level-headed adj

leveller n

level off/out phrv

level pegging idm

level with sb phrv (infml)

on the level idm (infml)

lever n

leverage n

leveraged buyout n

leviathan n

levitate v

levitation n

levity n

levy v

lewd adj

lexical adj

lexis n

lexicography n

lexicographer n

lexicon n

loathe v

loathing n

loathsome adj
liken v

likeness n

likewise adv (fml)

liking n

for one’s liking idm

have a liking for idm

take a liking to idm

to sb’s liking idm (fml)

lilac n

lilac adj

lilliputian adj (fml)

lilo n

lilt n

lilting adj

lily n

lily-livered adj

lily of the valley n

limb n

-limbed n

out on a limb idm (infml)

limber v

limbo n

in (a state of) limbo idm

limbo n

lime n

lime n

lime n
limelight n

limerick n

limestone n

limit n

be the limit idm (infml)

limited adj

limited company (also limited liability

n company)

limited edition n

limiting adj

limitless adj

off limits

within limits idm

limitation n

limo n (infml)

limousine n

limp1 adj

limp2 v

limpet n

limpid adj

linchpin n

linctus n

linden n

line1 n


the line



the line
along the line idm

along/on the same, etc lines idm

bring sth, come, fall, get, move, etc idm

into line (with sb/sth)

get, have, etc one’s lines crossed idm (infml)

give sb/get/have a line on sth idm (infml)

hold the line idm

in (a) line (with sth) idm

in line for sth idm

in the line of duty idm

in line with sth idm

lay it on the line idm (infml)

line-drawing n

the line of least resistance idm

line printer n

line up phrv

line (sb) up phrv

line sth up phrv (infml)

line-up n

on the line idm (infml)

out of line (with sb/sth) idm

line2 v

line one’s (own)/sb’s pocket(s) idm


lineage n

lineal adj (fml)

lineaments n [pl] (fml)

linear adj

linen n

liner1 n

liner2 n

linesman n

linger v

lingering adj

lingeringly adv

lingerie n

lingo n

lingua franca n

linguist n

linguistic adj

linguistics n

liniment n

lining n

link n

link up

link-up n

linkage n

linkman n

links n

linnet n

lino n

linoleum n

linseed oil n

lyricist n


lob v

lobby n


lobbyist n

lobe n
lobelia n

lobotomy n

lobster n

lobster-pot n

local adj

local authority n

local call n

local colour n

local government n

locally adv

local time n

locale n

locality n

localize v

localization n

locate v

location n

loch n


lock1 n

lockable adj

lock sth away

lock-keeper n

lock onto sth

lock sb/oneself out

lock, stock and barrel

lock (sth) up

lock sb up

lock sth up

lock-up n
under lock and key

lock n

locks n

locker n

locker-room n

locket n

lockjaw n

lockout n

locksmith n

loco1 n

loco2 adj

locomotion n

locomotive adj

locum n

locus n

locust n

locution n

lode n

lodestar n

lodestone n

lodge n

lodger n

lodging n


lodging-house n

loft1 n

loft2 v

lofted adj

lofty adj
loftily adv

loftiness n

log n

log cabin n

logging n

log in/on

log-jam n

log off / out

log2 n


loganberry n

logarithm n

logarithmic adj

logbook n

loggerheads n

loggia n

logic n

logician n

logical adj

logically adv

logistics n

logistic, logistical adjs

logo n

logue n

logy n

logic n

logist n

loin n

loins n

loincloth n

loiter v
loll v

loll out IDM

lollipop n

lollipop man n

lollop v

lolly n

lone adj

loner n

a lone wolf IDM

lonely adj

loneliness n

lonely hearts n

lonesome adj

long adj

long n

long adv

as long as your arm IDM

as / slong as IDM

at the longest IDM

be not long for this world IDM

by a long way IDM

cut a long story short IDM

have come a long way IDM

short of it IDM

long division n

long-drawn -out adj

long drink n

a long face IDM

long haul IDM

long-haul adj

long in the tooth IDM

long johns n

the long jump n

long- lasting adj

long-life adj

long- lived adj

long-lost adj

long odds n

long-range adj

long-running adj

long-serving adj

a long shot IDM

long- sighted adj

long -standing adj

long-stay adj

long- suffering adj

long-term adj

long time nsee IDM

long- time adj

long vacation n

long wave n

long weekend n

long- winded adj

no / any / much longer IDM

not by a long chalk / shot IDM

so long IDM

take a long (cool/hard) look at sth IDM

take the long view IDM

long v

longing n

longing adj

longingly adv
longbow n

longevity n

longhand n

longitude n

longitudinal adj

longitudinally adv

loo n

loofah n

look v

look interj

look n

be looking tdsth IDM

by / from the look of sb / sth IDM

look after sth PHRV

look ahead PHRV

look-alike n

look at sth PHRV

look back PHRV

not look good IDM

look bad IDM

look down on sb/sth PHRV

looker n

look for sth PHRV

look forward tsth / doing sth PHRV

look good IDM

look here IDM

look-in n

looking-glass n

look intsth PHRV

look on PHRV

look on sb / sth as sb / sth PHRV

look on sb / sth with sth PHRV

look oneself IDM

look out PHRV

look out for sb / sth PHRV

look sth out PHRV

look over sth PHRV

look sth over PHRV

look round / around PHRV

look round sth PHRV

look through sb PHRV

look through sth PHRV

look tsb tdsth PHRV

look tsth PHRV

look up PHRV

look up PHRV

look sb up PHRV

look sb up and down IDM

look sth up PHRV

look up tsb PHRV

never/not look back IDM

not much tlook at IDM

tlook at sb/sth IDM

lookout n

be sb's lookout IDM

loom n

loom v

loony adj

loony n

loony-bin n

loop n

loop v
loop the loop IDM

loophole n

loopy adj

loose adj

loose v

at a loose end IDM

break loose IDM

cut loose from sb/sth IDM

cut sth/sb/ oneself loose IDM

have a loose tongue IDM

let sb loose on sth IDM

loose box n

loose cover n

loose end n

loose-leaf adj

loosely adv

on the loose IDM

loosen v

loosen sb’s tongue IDM

loosen (sth/sb) up PHRV

loot n

loot v

looter n

lop v

lop sth off PHRV

lope v

lope n

lopsided adj

loquacious adj

loquacity n

lord n
lord n

oh Lord IDM

lord it over sb PHRV

knows IDM

the Lord's Prayer n

lordly adj

lordship n

lore n

lorgnette n

lorry n

lose v

lose v

lose one's bearings IDM

lose count IDM

lose face IDM

lose one's grip IDM

lose one's head IDM

lose heart IDM

lose one's heart IDM

lose oneself in sth PHRV

lose one's marbles IDM

lose one's mind IDM

lose out PHRV

lose out tsb/sth PHRV

loser n

lose sight of sb/sth IDM

lose the thread IDM

lose touch IDM

lose one's way IDM

a losing battle IDM

not lose sleep / lose nsleep over sthIDM

loss n

at a loss IDM

cut one's losses IDM

loss-making adj

lost adj

all is not lost IDM

be lost for words IDM

be lost in sth IDM

be lost on sb IDM

be lost tsth IDM

get lost IDM

give sb up for lost IDM

lost cause n

lost property n

make up for lost time IDM

lot n

a lot, lots pron

a lot, lots adv

a lot, lots n

a bad lot IDM

by lot IDM

cast/draw lots IDM

s lot tdsth IDM

s lot with sb IDM

lotion n

lottery n

lotto n

lotus n

lotus position n

loud adj

loud adv
loud hailer n

loudly adv

loud-mouth n

loud-mouthed adj

out loud IDM

lough n

lounge v

lounge n

lounge bar n

lounger n

lounge suit n

louse n

louse sth up PHRV

lousy adj

lout n

loutish adj

louvre n

louvred adj

lovable adj

love n

love v

be in love IDM

be in love with sth IDM

fall in love IDM

for love / for the love of sth IDM

for the love of God, etc IDM

love affair n

love-child n

loveless adj

love-letter n

love-match n
make love IDM

not for love or money IDM

there's little/nlove lost between A and


lovelorn adj

lovely adj

lovemaking n

lover n

lovesick adj

loving adj

lovingly adv

low adj

low adj

low adv

low n

at a low ebb IDM

be brought low IDM

be/run low IDM

lay sb low IDM

lowermost adj

low-key adj

low-lying adj

low-paid adj

low-pitched adj

low season n

low-water mark n

low n

lowbrow adj

low-down adj

low-down n

lower adj

lower case n
Lower House n

lower v

lowland n

lowlander n

lowly adj

loyal adj

loyalist n

loyally adv

loyalty n

lozenge n

LP abbr

LSD abbr

lubricate v

lubricant n

lubrication n

lubricious adj

lucid adj

lucidity n

lucidly adv

luck n

as luck would have it IDM

bad, hard, etc luck IDM

be down on one’s luck IDM

be in/out of luck IDM

the best of/good luck / IDM

just one’s luck IDM

just one’s luck is n IDM

luckless adj

the luck of the draw IDM

no such luck IDM

lucky adj
luckily adv

lucky dip n

you should be slucky IDM

lucrative adj

lucre n

Luddite n

ludicrous adj

ludicrously adv

ludo n

lug v

luggage n

luggage-van n

lugubrious adj

lugworm n

lukewarm adj

lull v

lull n

lullaby n

lumbago n

lumbar adj

lumbar puncture n

lumber n

lumber v

lumber v

lumberjack n

lumberyard n

luminary n

luminous adj

luminosity n

lump n

lump v
a lump in ones IDM

lumpish adj

lump sum n

lumpy adj

lump it IDM

lunacy n

lunar adj

lunar month n

lunatic n

lunatic adj

lunatic asylum n

lunch n

lunch v

lunch-hour n

lunch-time n

luncheon n

luncheon meat n

luncheon voucher n

lung n

lunge n

lunge v

lupin n

leave sb in the lurch IDM

lurch n

lurch v

lure n

lure v

Lurex n

lurid adj

lurk v

luscious adj
lush adj

lust n

lust after/for sb/sth PHRV

lustful adj

lustre n

lustrous adj

lusty adj

lustily adv

lute n

lutenist n

luxuriant adj

luxuriate v

luxurious adj

luxury n

-ly suff

lyce'e n

lychee n

Lycra n

lymph n

lymphatic adj

lynch v

lynch mob n

lynx n

lyre n

lyric adj

lyric n

lyrical adj

lyricism n

lyricist n
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LEFT Compare R ု LINE ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုLITRE


(music)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုု ုုု(ုုုုုုုု)ု

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ုုု ုုုု



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)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု ~sth (with sth) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုု

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ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု


ုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု (derog) ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု (becoming dated) (ုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု



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ု ုုုုု

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[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (esp formerly) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (e


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ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

pp of LAY

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

pp of LIE

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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latitude Compare LONG5

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ု ုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုု

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ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု



ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(often derog) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
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TOILETု ုုုုုုု

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ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

(also the law) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု



ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

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ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

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ု ုုုု
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ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု




ုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုု

ု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု






ု ုုု
ု ုုု


ုု ုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု) ုုုုုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု




ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ုု (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု)

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု



ုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

(fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု


(forming compound adjs) … ုုုုုုုုုုုု …ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု


ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု



ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု =CONTACT LENS ုု (anatomy) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုု (ုု) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

pt, pp of LEND


(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု


(ုုုုုုုုုုုု / ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု

(det) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု


ု … ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

… ုုု
ုု … ုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု



ု ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ု …ုုုုု

ု … ုုုုု

(ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု





ုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုု




) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု (with ns forming ns ) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု …ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

short form LET US (LET1)

ုု [C] ုုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


(ု) (esp Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု …ုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု (Bible) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု


(linguistics) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု ုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု




ုု ုုုုုုုုုု



ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု


ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုု [C] (ု) ုုုုုုုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုုုု

ုု (also lime-green) [U]ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု (also lime-juice) [U] ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

ုု [U] ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုု



ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု



ုု [C] (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ု) (ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု

(ု) (Brit) ုုုုုုု(ုုု)

(ု) (US) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု


(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု



ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု



(ုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုု

)ုုုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု



…ုုုုု …ုုု

ုု ုုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ုု [C, U] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု[U] (ုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု


ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

pl of LOAF1

ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု [C] (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု ုုု

ုုု ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

(ု) [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ု) [U] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု (usu passive) ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု [C] ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

pl of LOCUS

ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု


) ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု



ုု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု ုု (Brit) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု



(ု) (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု



ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု)ု

ုု ုုု

(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

(ု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု [C] ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု [U,C] ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု


ုု (fml) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု (ု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု



ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု



ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုု
ု ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု …ုုုု …ုုုုုုု
ု …ုုုု

ုု …ုုုုုုု

…ုုုု …ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု [C, U] ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ု) (euph) ုုုုုုုုု (ု) (dated) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


~ (about/around) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ~ (about/around) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု (ုုုု
)ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု


ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု(ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု




ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု


ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ု (ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

)ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု




ုုု ုုုုု


ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု



ု ုုုုုုုု

I ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု



ုုုု ုုု ုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုု)ု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု




ု ုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု



ု ုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု


ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု



ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုု)ု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

)ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု


ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုု


ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

) (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု



ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

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ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု




ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု



ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု

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ုု ုုု
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ု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

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ုုုု ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ု







ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု



ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုု
)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု


ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ု




ု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
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ုုုုုု ုုု

(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
)ု (ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု



ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ု


ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု


ုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုု (ုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု




ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုု ုုုုုု)ု


ု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုု)ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

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ုုုု ုုုုု

) ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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mallow n
M n
m abbr
MA abbr
ma n
ma'am n
Mac n
macabre adj
macadam n
macaroni n
macaroon n
macaw n
mace n
mace n
Mach n
machete n
machiavellian adj
machination n
machine n
machine v
machine code (alsmachine language) n
machine-gun n
machine-gun v
machine - made adj
machine-readable adj
machinery n
machine tool n
machinist n
machismo n
mach adj
mackerel n
mackintosh n
macro comb
macrobiotics n
macrobiotic adj
macrocosm n
macroeconomics n
macroeconomic adj
mad adj
(as) mad as a hatter/a March hare IDM
mad keen (on sb/sth) IDM
madly adv
madness n
madam n
Madame abbr
madcap adj
madden v
maddening adj
maddeningly adv
have (got) it made IDM
(be) made for sb/each other IDM
made-up adj
Madeira n
Mademoiselle n
madhouse n
madman n
madonna n
madrigal n
maelstrom n
maestr n
Mafia n
Mafios n
magazine n
magenta n
maggot n
Magi n
magic n
Her playing was pure magic. Adj
magical adj
magic carpet n
magic eye n
magician n
magisterial adj
magisterially adv
magistrate n
magma n
magnanimous adj
magnanimity n
magnanimously adv
magnate n
magnesia n
magnesium n
magnet n
magnetism n
magnetize,-ise v
married adj
malnourished adj
malnutrition n
malodorous adj
malpractice n

malt n
malt v
malted milk n
maltreat v
mam n
mama n
mamba n
mamma n
mammal n
mammary adj
Mammon n
mammoth n
mammoth adj
mammy n
mammy interj
as one man IDM
be sb's man IDM
be man enough(tdsth) IDM
be one's own man IDM
every man for himself (and the devil take the hindmost) IDM
hit/kick a man when he's down IDM
make a man (out) of sb IDM
-man comb
a man about town IDM
man and boy IDM
man-eater n
man-eating adj
man-hour n
the man in the street IDM
man-made adj
a man of God IDM
man of letters n
the man of the match IDM
man-of-war n
a man's man IDM
man-size (alsman-sized) adj
man tman IDM
manacle n
manacle v
manage v
manageable adj
managing director n
management n
manager n
manageress n
managerial adj
mandarin n
mandate n
mandated adj
mandatory adj
mandible n
mandolin n
mandrake n
mane n
manful adj
manganese n
mange n
mangy adj
manger n
mange-tout n
mangle v
mangle n
mang n
mangrove n
manhandle v
manhole n
manhood n
manhunt n
mania n
maniac n
maniacal adj
-mania comb
-manaic comb
manic adj
manic-depressive n
manicure n
manicurist n
manifest adj
manifest n
manifestation n
manifest n
manifold adj
manila n
manipulate v
manipulation n
manipulative adj
manipulator n
mankind n
manly adj
manliness n
manna n
mannequin n
mealtime n
marrow n
marrow n
marry v
marry intsth PHRV
marry money IDM
marry sb off PHRV
marry up PHRV
Mars n
Marsala n
marsh n
marshy adj
marshal n
marshal v
marshalling yard n
marshland n
marshmallow n
marsupial adj
mart n
marten n
martial adj
Martian adj
martin n
martinet n
martini n
martyr n
martyr v
martyrdom n
martyred adj
marvel n
marvel v
Marxism n
Marxist n
Marxist adj
marzipan n
mascara n
mascot n
masculine adj
masculinity n
mash n
mash v
masher n
mask n
mask v
masked ball n
masking tape n
masochism n
masochist n
masochistic adj
Masonic adj
masonry n
masque n
masquerade n
masquerade v
mass n
mass adj
mass v
be a mass of sth IDM
the mass media (alsmass communications) n
mass-produce v
mass production n
mass n
massacre n
massacre v
massage n
massage v
massage parlour (US parlor) n
masseur n
massif n
massive adj
massively adv
mast n
mastectomy n
master n
master n
master class n
master-key (alspass key) n
Master of Ceremonies n
master-plan n
Master's degree (alsMaster's) n
master-stroke n
(be) one's own master/mistress IDM
masterful adj
masterly adj
mastermind n
mastermind v
masterpiece n
mastery n
masthead n
mastic n
masticate v
mastiff n
mastitis n
masturbate v
mat n
mat v
matador n
match n
match n
find/meet one's match (in sb) IDM
match sth/sb against PHRV
matchless adj
match point n
match up PHRV
match sth up (with sth) PHRV
match up tsb/sth PHRV
match n
matchbox n
matchmaker n
merry adj
make merry IDM
merrily adv
merriment n
merry-go-round n
the more the merrier IDM
mealy-mouthed adj
mealy-mouthed adj
be meant tbe sth IDM
mean business IDM
mean tsay IDM
mean tsay adj
meanie n
nmean sth IDM
mean n
mean adj
the happy/golden mean IDM
meander v
meanderings n
meaning n
meaning adj
meaningful adj
meaningless adj
means n
by all means IDM
by means of sth IDM
by nmeans; not by any (manner of) means IDM
means test n
means-tested adj
a means tan end IDM
meantime adv
meanwhile adv
measles n
measly adj
measure v
measure n
beyond measure IDM
for good measure IDM
full/short measure IDM
get IDM
in large, nsmall, some, equal, etc measure IDM
made tmeasure IDM
measurable adj
measured adj
measurement n
measure sth out PHRV
meat n
meaty adj
meatball n
Mecca n
mechanic n
mechanical adj
mechanics n
mechanism n
mechanistic adj
Med n
medal n
medallion n
meddle v
meddler n
meddlesome adj
media n
median adj
median n
mediate v
mediator n
medic n
Medicaid n
medical adj
medical n
medical officer n
medicament n
Medicare n
medicated adj
medication n
medicinal adj
medicine n
medicine man n
some, a little, a taste, etc of one's own medicine IDM
take one's medicine IDM
medico n
medieval adj
mediocre adj
mediocrity n
meditate v
meditation n
meditative adj
Mediterranean adj
medium n
medium adj
medley n
meek adj
meek n
meek adj
meek n
meet sb's eye(s) IDM
meet sb halfway IDM
meet one's Maker IDM
meet up PHRV
meet one's Waterloo IDM
meet with sb PHRV
meet with sth PHRV
meet sth with sth PHRV
there is more in IDM
meeting n
meeting-house n
a meeting of minds IDM
meeting place n
mega adj
mega- comb
megabyte  n
megahertz n
megalith n
megalithic adj
megalomania n
megalomaniac n
megaphone n
megastar n
militarization, -isation n
merrymaking n
mesa n
mescaline n
mesh n
mesh v
meshed adj
mesmeric adj
mesmerize, -ise v
mess n
mess v
mess about/around PHRV
mess sb about/around PHRV
mess sth about PHRV
mess sth up PHRV
mess with sb/sth PHRV
messy adj
mess n
message n
messenger n
Messiah  n
messianic adj
Messrs abbr
Met abbr
meta- comb
metabolism n
metacarpal n
metal n
metal detector n
metal fatigue n
metalled adj
metallic adj
metalanguage  n
metallurgy n
metallurgist  n
metalwork n
metamorphose v
metamorphosis n
metaphor n
metaphorical adj
metaphorically adv
metaphysics n
metatarsa n
mete  v
meteor  n
meteorite  n
meteorology  n
meteorological adj
meteorologist  n
meter n
meter v
-meter comb
methadone n
methane  n
method  n
methodical  adj
methodically adv
(have, etc) method in one's madness IDM
methodological adj
methodology n
Methodism n
Methodist adj
methylated spirit n
meticulous  adj
meticulously adv
métier  n
metre n
metre n
-metre (US -meter) comb
metric  adj
metric ton n
metrical adj
Metro n
metronome n
metronomic adj
metropolis n
metropolitan adj
the Metropolitan Police  n [ Gp ] ( abbr
mettle n
mew  n
mews n
mezzanine  n
mezzo-soprano n
mg abbr
MHz abbr
mi n
mishandle v
military adj
militarily adj
militate against sth PHRV
militia n
militiaman n
milk n
milk v
milk and honey IDM
milking n
milk chocolate n
milk float n
the milk of human kindness IDM
milk round n
milk shake (alsshake) n
milk tooth n
milkmaid n
milkman n
milksop n
milky adj
mill n
mill v
mill about/ around PHRV
mill- wheel n
millennium n
miller n
millet n
milli comb
millibar n
milligram n
millilitre n
millimetre n
milliner n
millinery n
million n
one, etc in a million IDM
millionaire n
millipede n
millisecond n
millpond n
millstone n
a millstone round one's/ sb's neck IDM
milometer (US odometer) n
mime n
mime v
mimetic adj
mimic v
mimic n
mimicry n
mimosa n
min abbr
minaret n
minatory adj
mince v
mince (US hamburger) n
mince pie n
mincer (US alsgrinder) n
mincing adj
not mince (one's) words IDM
mincemeat n
make mincemeat of sb/ sth IDM
mind n
mind n
bear IDM
be bored, frightened, pissed, etc out of one's mind IDM
be in twminds about sth/doing sth IDM
be of one IDM
be/gout of one's mind IDM
bring IDM
come/spring tmind IDM
dyou mind? IDM
give one's mind tsth IDM
have half a mind tdsth IDM
have sb/sth in mind (for sth) IDM
have it in mind tdsth IDM
have a mind of one's own IDM
have a(good) mind tdsth IDM
I don't mind if I do IDM
if you don't mind me/my saying so… IDM
in one's mind's eye IDM
make up one's mind IDM
mind-bending adj
mind-blowing adj
mind-boggling adj
minder n
mind out PHRV
mind out (for sb/sth) PHRV
mind over matter IDM
mind one's p's and q's IDM
mind-reader n
mind-set n
mind you; mind IDM
never mind IDM
never mind (about) (doing) sth IDM
never you mind IDM
on one's mind IDM
put sb in mind of sb/sth IDM
put IDM
put IDM
take one's/sb's mind off sth IDM
tmy mind IDM
minded adj
mindful adj
mindless  adj
mindlessly  adv
mine pron
mine n
mine v
a mine of information (about IDM
mining n
minefield  n
miner n
mineral  n
mineral water n
mineralogy n
mineralogist n
minestrone n
minesweeper n
mineworker n
mingle v
mingy adj
mini  n
mini comb
miniature n
miniature adj
in miniature IDM
miniaturize, -ise v
mini-bar n
minibus  n
minicab n
minicomputer n
mishap n
mishear  v
mishit v
mishmash n
misinform v
misinterpret v
misjudge v
mislay v
mislead v
misleading adj
mismanage v
mismatch v
misname v
misnomer n
misogynist n
misplace v
misplaced adj
misprint n
mispronounce v
misquote v
misread v
misrepresent v
misrule n
miss n
miss v
miss v
miss n
give sth/ sb a miss IDM
miss the boat/ bus IDM
missing adj
the missing n
missing link n
miss sb/sth out PHRV
miss out (on sth) PHRV
not miss much IDM
not miss a trick IDM
missal n
misshapen adj
missile n
mission n
missionary n
missive n
misspell v
misspend v
missus n
mist n
mist v
mist over PHRV
misty adj
mistake n
mistake v
and nmistake IDM
by mistake IDM
make nmistake (about sth) IDM
mistaken adj
mistakenly adv
mister n
mistime v
mistletoe n
mistreat v
mistress n
mistrial n
mistrust v
mistrustful adj
misunderstanding n
misunderstood adj
misuse v
mite n
a mite adv
mite n
mitigate v
mitigating adj
mitigation n
mitre n
mitre v
mitt n
mitten n
mix v
mix n
be/ get mixed up in sth IDM
be/ get mixed up with sb IDM
mix sth in PHRV
mix sth intsth PHRV
mix-up n
mix sth up PHRV
mix sb up (about/ over sth) PHRV
mix sb PHRV
mixed adj
have mixed feelings (about sb/ sth) IDM
mixed-ability adj
mixed bag n
mixed blessing n
mixed doubles n
mixed economy n
mixed farming n
mixed grill n
mixed marriage n
mixed metaphor n
mixed- up adj
mixer n
mixture n
motley  adj
monarch  n
monarchical  adj
monarchist n
monarchy  n
monastery  n
monastic  adj
monasticism n
Monday n
monetary  adj
monetarism  n
monetarist  n
monetarist  adj
money  n
be in the money IDM
for my money IDM
get one's money's- worth IDM
good money IDM
have money tburn IDM
made of money IDM
make money IDM
money- back guarantee n
money- box n
money burns a hole in sb's pocket IDM
moneyed adj
money for jam/old rope IDM
money- maker n
money market n
money order n
money- spinner n
the money supply n
money talks IDM
put money intsth IDM
put one's money on sb/sth IDM
put one's money where one's mouth is IDM
throw one's money about IDM
moneybags n
moneylender n
mongol n
mongoose n
mongrel n
monitor n
monitor v
monk n
monkish adj
monkey n
monkey about/ around PHRV
monkey about/ around with sth PHRV
monkey business n
monkey wrench n
mono adj
mon- comb
monochrome adj
monochrome n
monocle n
monocotyledon  n
monogamy n
monogamous adj
monogram n
monograph n
monolingual adj
monolith  n
monolithic adj
monologue n
monoplane  n
monopolize, -ise  v
monopoly  n
monopolist  n
monopolistic  adj
monorail  n
monosyllable n
monosyllabic  adj
monotheism  n
monotheist n
monotheistic adj
monotone  n
monotone  adj
monotonous  adj
monotony n
Monsieur n
Monsignor n
monsoon n
monster  n
monstrous  adj
monstrosity n
montage n
month  n
for/in a month of Sundays IDM
monthly adj
monthly adv
monthly n
monument  n
monumental adj
monumentally adv
moo v
mooch v
mood n
(be) in the mood for (doing) sth/ tdsth IDM
(be) in nmood for (doing) sth/ tdsth IDM
moody adj
moodily adv
mood music n
mood n
moon n
many moons ago IDM
moonless adj
over the moon IDM
moon over sb PHRV
moonbeam n
moonlight n
moonlight v
moonlight adj
moonlighting n
moonlit adj
moonshine n
moonstruck adj
moor n
moor v
mooring n
muster n
motor  n
motor  adj
motor  v
motor bike n
motor boat n
motor car n
motor cycle (als motor bike) n
motor cyclist n
motoring adj
motorist  n
motorized, -ised  adj
motorcade n
motorway n
mottled adj
motto  n
mould n
mould v
break the mould (of sth) IDM
mould n
mouldy (US moldy) adj
mouldering adj
moulding n
moult v
mound n
mount  v
mount  n
mounted adj
mount guard (at IDM
mounting adj
mount  n
mountain n
make a mountain out of a molehill IDM
mountain bike n
mountaineer n
mountaineering n
mountainous adj
mountainside n
mourn v
mourner n
mournful adj
mournfully adv
mouse n
mousy adj
mousetrap n
moussaka n
mousse n
moustached adj
mouth n
mouth v
down in the mouth IDM
keep one's mouth shut IDM
mouthful n
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation n
mouth-watering adj
mouthpiece n
mouthwash n
movable adj
movable feast n
move v
move v
get a move on IDM
get moving IDM
get sth moving IDM
make a move IDM
move along PHRV
move the goalposts IDM
move heaven and earth IDM
move house IDM
move in; move intsth PHRV
move in sth PHRV
move in on sb/ sth PHRV
move off PHRV
move on (tsth) PHRV
move sb on PHRV
move out PHRV
move over/up PHRV
mover n
moving adj
movingly adv
on the move IDM
movement n
movie n
movie- goer n
mow v
mow sb down PHRV
mower n
MP abbr
mpg abbr
mph abbr
Mr abbr
Mrs abbr
Ms abbr
MSc abbr
much pron
much adv
as much IDM
as much as sb can do IDM
much as IDM
much of a muchness IDM
much the same IDM
not much good at sth IDM
not much of a… IDM
this much IDM
muck n
make a muck of sth IDM
muck about/ around PHRV
muck in PHRV
muck (sth) out PHRV
muck sth up PHRV
mucky adj
muckraking n
mucous membrane n
mucus n
mud n
fling, sling, etc mud (at sb) IDM
mud- flat n
mud- slinging n
muddle v
muddle along PHRV
muddled adj
muddle- headed adj
muddle through PHRV
muddling adj
muddy adj
muddy v
muddy the waters IDM
mudguard n
muesli n
muezzin n
muff n
muff v
muffin n
muffle v
muffled adj
muffler n
Mufti n
mufti n
mug n
a mug's game IDM
mug shot n
myxomatosis n
musty adj
mutable adj
mutant n
mutant adj
mutation n
mutate v
mute adj
mute n
mute v
mute button n
muted adj
mutely adv
mutilate v
mutilation n
mutinous adj
mutiny n
mutiny v
mutineer n
mutt n
mutter v
mutter n
muttering n
mutton n
mutual adj
mutual insurance company n
mutuality n
mutually adv
Muzak n
muzzle n
muzzle v
muzzy adj
MV abbr
MW abbr
mycology n
mynah n
myopia n
myopic adj
myriad n
myriad adj
myrrh n
myrtle n
myself pron
(all) by myself IDM
mysterious adj
mysteriously adv
mystery n
mystery n
mystic adj
mysticism n
mystify v
mystification n
mystique n
myth n
mythical adj
mythology n
mythological adj
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
မ မမမ





ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု


ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု  ု  ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု     ုုုုုုုု   ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု



ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု    ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု    ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု



ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု





ု ုုုုု

…ုုုု …ုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု



ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု



ု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု  ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု


ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု …ုုုုုုုု




ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ  မ မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု 
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
မ မမမ
မ မမမ
မမမမမ မမမမမမမမမ မမမမမ
မမမမ မမမ
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
မ မမမမမ

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု  ု  ုုုုုုုုုုုု
မ မမမမမမမမ
မ မမမ

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

မ မမမမမမ

ုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
မမမမ မမမမမ မမမမမမမမ

မ မမမမမမမ
မ မမမမမ
မ မမမမမ

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
မ မမမမမ
မ မမမမ

မ မမမမမမမမမမမမမ
မ မမမမ

ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
မ မမမမ
မ မမမမမ

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု



ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုု
မမမမ မမမမ
မမမမ မမမမမမမမမမ

 ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
မမမ မမမမမမမမ
မ မမမမမ
မ မမမ
မမမမမမမမမ မမမမမ
မမမမမမ မ

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု



ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု …ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု  ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
မ မမမမမမမမ
မ မမမမ
မမမမမ မမမ
မမမမမမမမမမ မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ
မမ မမမမမ

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

မ မမမမမ
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မ မမမ

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ု ုုု

ုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု  
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ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ̏ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ˝ ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ု 

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


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ုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု



ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

မ မမမမမမမ
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မ မမမမမ



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ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

မမမမမမမမမ မမမမမမမမမမမမ
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ု ုုုု




ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
 ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု


ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု







ုုုုု ုုု


ု ု




ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု






ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု …ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
 ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုု
ုု ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ  မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ မမမမမမမမမမမမမမ မမမမမမမမမမမမ
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ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု




ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု



ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု


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ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု


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ုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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မမ မမမမ
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ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု


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ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ု


ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
 ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
     မမမမမမမမ မမမမမမမမမမမ  မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
မမမမမမ မမမမမ
မမ မမမမမ
မမ မမမမမ မမမမ
ု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု




ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု




ု …ုုု


ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

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မ မမမမမ
မ မမမမမ

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု


ု ုုု




ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု



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ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

မ မမမ

ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု


ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု




မမမမမမမ မမမမမမ
မမမမမ မမမမမမ
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ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
မမမမမမမ မမမ
မမမမမ မမမ

ု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
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ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု   
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
မ မမမမမမမ
မ မမမမမမမ
မ မမမမမမမမ


ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
မမ မမမ

ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

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ု ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
မ မမမမမမမမမမ

ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

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ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု  
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ု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု



ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု










ု ုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု   ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
မ မမမမ
မ မမမမမ
မ မမမမမ
မ မမမမမမမမမမမမမမ
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ု
ုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု





ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု



ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

 ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
မမ မမမမမမ
မမ မမမမမမမမ


ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
  မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
မ မမမမ
မ မမမမ

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု   ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု ုု ုုုုုုု
မမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမမ မမမ မမ မမမမမမမ
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု  
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု  ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
neocolonialism n
N n
NAAFI abbr
nab v
nadir n
naff adj
nag v
nag n
nail n
nail-biting adj
nail-brush n
nail one's colours to the mast IDM
nail sth down PHRV
nail sb down PHRV
nail-file n
a nail in sb's/sth's coffin IDM
nail sth on/ onto/to sth PHRV
nail-scissors n
nail varnish n
on the nail IDM
naive adj
naivety n
naked adj
the naked eye IDM
nakedly adv
namby-pamby adj
name n
by name IDM
by/ of the name of IDM
enter one's name/ put one's name down IDM
give one's name to sth IDM
in name only IDM
name-dropping n
one's name is mud IDM
name names IDM
the name of the game IDM
name-plate n
put a name to sb/ sth IDM
take sb's name in vain IDM
to one's name IDM
under the name sth IDM
nameless adj
namely adv
namesake n
nanny n
nanny-goat n
nap n
nap n
napalm n
nape n
napkin n
nappy n
narcissism n
narcissus n
narcotic n
nark n
narked adj
narrate v
narration n
narrator n
narrative n
narrow adj
narrow sth down PHRV
narrowly adv
narrow-minded adj
narrows n
narwhal n
NASA abbr
nasal adj
nascent adj
nasturtium n
nasty adj
a nasty piece of work IDM
nation n
nation-state n
national adj
national n
national anthem n
national convention n
national curriculum n
national debt n
the National Front n
national grid n
the National Guard n
National lnsurance n
national park n
the National Trust n
nationalism n
nationalistic adj
nationality n
nationalize,-ise v
nationalization, -isation n
nationwide adj
native n
go native IDM
Native American n
nativity n
nativity play n
NATO abbr
natter v
natty adj
natural adj
natural adj
natural childbirth n
natural gas n
natural history n
naturalness n
natural science n
natural selection n
naturalism n
naturalistic adj
naturalist n
naturalize,-ise v
naturally adv
nature n
against nature IDM
back to nature IDM
in the nature of sth IDM
nature reserve n
nature study n
nature trail n
noggin n
neolithic adj
neologism n
neon n
neonatal adj
nephew n
nepotism n
Neptune n
nerve n
a bag/ bundle of nerves IDM
get on sb's nerves IDM
have nerves of steel IDM
hit/ touch a nerve IDM
nerve-cell n
nerve-centre n
nerve gas n
nerveless adj
nerve-racking adj
nervous adj
nervous breakdown n
nervous system n
nervy adj
-ness suff
nest n
nest egg n
nestle v
nestling n
net n
net v
net adj
netball n
nether adj
netting n
nettle n
network n
networked adj
networking n
neural adj
neuralgia n
neuritis n
neur- comb
neurology n
neurologist n
neurosis n
neurotic adj
neurotic adv
neuter adj
neutral adj
neutral adj
neutrality n
neutralize, -ise v
neutron n
never adv
never- ending adj
never- never land n
on the never-never IDM
nevermore adv
nevertheless adv
new adj
good as new IDM
New Age adj
new broom n
new deal n
a new lease on life IDM
newly adv
newly-wed n
new moon n
the New Testament n
new town n
new wave n
the New World n
new year n
New Year's Day n
New Year's Eve n
turn over a new leaf IDM
newborn adj
newcomer n
newel n
newfangled adj
news n
break the news IDM
news agency n
news room n
news-sheet n
newsy adj
no news is good news IDM
newsagent n
newscast n
newscaster n
newsflash n
newsletter n
newspaper n
newspaperman n
newsprint n
newsreel n
newsworthy adj
newt n
next adj
as good, well, far, much, etc as the next man IDM
the next n
next-best adj
next door adv
next of kin n
next to prep
the next world IDM
nexus n
noise n
make a noise IDM
make noises IDM
noiseless adj
noisome adj
noisy adj
nomad n
nom de plume n
nomenclature n
nominal adj
nominate v
nomination n
nominative n
nominee n
non- pref
nonagenarian n
non-aggression n
non-alcoholic adj
non-aligned adj
non-alignment n
non-appearance n
non-attendance n
nonce-word n
nonchalant adj
nonchalance n
non-combatant n
non-commissioned adj
noncommittal adj
non-compliance n
non compos mentis adj
nonconformist adj
nonconformity n
non-contributory adj
non-cooperation n
nondescript adj
none /nn/ indef pron
none but IDM
none other than IDM
none the less adv
want none of sth IDM
nonentity n
non-event n
non-existent adj
non-fiction n
non-flammable adj
non-intervention n
no- no n
non-observance n
nonpareil n
non-payment n
nonplus v
non-prescription adj
non-profit-making adj
non-proliferation n
non-refundable adj
non-renewable adj
non-resident adj
nonsense n
make a nonsense of sth IDM
nonsensical adj
non sequitur n
non-slip adj
non-smoker n
non-standard adj
non-starter n
non-stick adj
non-stop adj
non-stop adv
non-U adj
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

(ုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(ုုု)ု (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
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ု ုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုု

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ုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
(ုု) ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

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ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
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ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု



ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
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ုုုု ုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
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) (ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

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) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ု
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ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


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ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုု (ုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

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) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု ုုု

)ုုုုု ုုုုုုု(ုုုုု)ု (ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
offertory n
O n
o' prep
oaf n
oak n
oar n
oarlock n
oarsman n
OAS abbr
oasis n
oath n
on/under oath IDM
oatmeal n
oats n
be getting ones oats IDM
oat adj
OAU abbr
OBE abbr
obedience n
obediently adv
obeisance n
obelisk n
obesity n
obey v
obfuscate v
obituary n
object n
expense, money, etc is nobject IDM
object-lesson n
object v
objector n
objection n
objective adj
objectively adv
objectivity n
objet n
obligation n
obliged adj
obliging adj
obligingly adv
oblique adj
obliquely adv
obliterate v
oblivion n
oblong n
obloquy n
obnoxious adj
oboe n
oboist n
obscene adj
obscenely adv
obscenity n
obscurantism n
obscure adj
obscurity n
obsequies n
obsequiously adv
observable adj
observance n
observant adj
observation n
observatory n
observe v
observer n
obsess v
obsession n
obsessive adj
obsessively adv
obsolescent adj
obsolescence n
obstacle n
obstacle race n
obstetrics n
obstetrician n
obstinacy n
opprobrium n
offhand adj
office n
office block n
office boy n
office-holder n
office hours n
through s good offices IDM
officer n
official adj
officialese n
officially adv
officiate v
officious adj
offing n
offload v
peak adj
putting adj
offset v
offshoot n
offshore adj
offside adv
offside adj
offspring n
off-stage adv
off-street adj
oft adv
as  often as not; more often than not IDM
ogle v
ogre n
oh interj
ohm n
oi interj
oid adj
oil n
be noil-painting IDM
oil-fired adj
painting n
oil rig n
oil-tanker n
oil well n
oilcan n
oilcloth n
oilfield n
oilman n
oilskin n
oily adj
oink interj
ointment n
okay adv
okra n
old adj
any old how IDM
the good IDM
of old IDM
the old n
old age n
old-age pension n
old-age pensioner n
old as the hills IDM
old boy, chap, man etc IDM
the old boy network IDM
the old country n
old enough tbe s father IDM
old enough tknow better IDM
old-established adj
old-fashioned adj
old flame n
the old guard n
old hand n
old hat IDM
oldie n
oldish adj
old lag n
old maid n
old-maidish adj
old man n
old master n
Old Nick n n
old peoples home n
old stager n
old-style adj
old sweat n n
the Old Testament n
old-time adj
old-timer n
an old wives tale IDM
the Old World n
old-world adj
one of the old school IDM
olde adj
olden adj
oleander n
olfactory adj
oligarchy n
olive n
olive branch n
olive oil n
Olympiad n
Olympian adj
Olympic adj
the Olympic Games n
OM abbr
ombudsman n
omega n
outcry n
opt v
opt for PHRV
opt out PHRV
out n
optic adj
optics n
optical adj
optical fibre n
optical illusion n
optimism n
optimist n
optimum adj
option n
optional adj
opulent adj
opus n
or somebody IDM
or v
oracle n
oracular adj
oral adj
orally  adv
orange n
orangeade n
orange blossom  n
orange squash n
oration n
orator n
oratorical adj
oratorio n
oratory n
oratory n
orb n
orbit n
orbital adj
orchard n
orchestra n
orchestral adj
orchestra pit n
orchestrate v
orchestration n
orchid  n
ordain v
ordeal n
order n
by order IDM
in order IDM
in order that IDM
of IDM
on order IDM
order about PHRV
order book n
ordered adj
order-form n
Order! Order! IDM
order out PHRV
order-paper n
out of order adj
order IDM
orderly n
ordinance n
ordinand n
in the ordinary way IDM
ordinarily adv
Ordinary level n
ordinary seaman n
out of the ordinary IDM
ordination n
ordnance n
the Ordnance Survey n
ordure n
ore n
oregano n
organ n
organ n
organ-grinder n
organist n
organ-loft n
organdie n
organic adj
organically adv
organic chemistry n
organism n
organized,-ised adj
organizer,-iser n
orgasm n
orgasmic adj
orgiastic adj
orgy n
orient n
oriental adj
Oriental n
orientalist n
overjoyed adj
outdated adj
outdistance v
outd v
outdoor adj
outdoors adv
the outdoors n
outermost adj
outface v
outfall n
outfield n
outfielder n
outfight v
outfit n
outfitter n
outflow n
outfox v
outgoing adj
outgoings n
outgrow v
outgrowth n
outgun v
outhouse n
outing n
outlandish adj
outlast v
outlaw n
outlay n
outlet n
outline n
outlive v
outlook n
outlying adj
outmanoeuvre v
outmoded adj
outnumber v
out of date adj
outpace v
patient n
outperform v
outplay v
outpoint v
outpost n
outpouring n
output n
outrage n
outrageous adj
outrageously adv
outrank v
outré adj
outreach n
outrider n
outrigger n
outright adv
outrun v
outsell v
outset n
outshine v
outside n
outside broadcast n
outside n
outsider n
outsize adj
ozone n
overkill n
overland adv
overlap v
overlay v
overleaf adv
overload v
overlook v
overlord n
overly adj
overmanned adj
overmuch adj
overnight adv
overpay v
overplay v
overpower v
overpowering adj
overrate v
overreach v
overreact v
overreaction n
override v
overriding adj
overrule v
overrun v
overseas adj
oversee v
overseer n
oversexed adj
overshadow v
overshoot v
oversight n
oversimplify v
oversimplification n
oversized adj
oversleep v
overspend v
overspill n
overstaffed adj
overstate v
overstatement n
overstay v
overstep v
overstock v
overstretch v
oversubscribed adj
overt adj
overtly adv
overtake v
overtax v
overthrow v
overtime n
overtone n
overture n
overturn v
overuse v
overweening adj
overweight adj
overwhelm v
overwhelming adj
overwhelmingly adv
overwork v
overwrite v
overwrought adj
ovoid adj
pantheon n
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုု


ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
P n
P abbr
PA abbr
pa n
pace n
keep pace IDM
pace off PHRV
put IDM
set the pace IDM
pace prep
pacemaker n
pachyderm n
pacific adj
pacifism n
pacifist n
pacify v
pacification n
pack n
pack-animal n
pack away PHRV
pack ones bags IDM
packed lunch n
packer n
pack ice n
pack in PHRV
pack in PHRV
pack it in PHRV n
pack off PHRV
pack out PHRV
package n
package holiday n
packaging n
packet n
packing n
packing-case n
pact n
pacy adj
pad n
pad n
padded cell n
padding n
pad out PHRV
pad v
paddle n
paddle-steamer n
paddle v
paddling pool n
paddock n
paddy n
paddy n
padlock n
padre n
paean n
paediatrics n
paediatric adj
paediatrician n
paedophilia n
paedophile n
paella n
pagan n
paganism n
page n
pager n
pageant n
pageantry n
pagoda n
paid adj
paid-up adj
pail n
pain n
pained adj
painful adj
painfully adv
a pain in the arse IDM
painless adj
painlessly adv
painkiller n
painkilling adj
pains n
take IDM
painstaking adj
painstakingly adv
paint n
paint out PHRV
paint over PHRV
paint the town red IDM
paint n
paintbrush n
painter n
painting n
paintwork n
pair n
in pairs IDM
pair up PHRV
Paisley n
pal n
pally adj
palace n
passim adv
panther n
panties n
pantile n
pantomime n
pantomime dame n
pantry n
pants n
bore, scare, etc the pants off IDM
pap n
papa n
papacy n
papal adj
paparazz n
paper n
paper-boy n
paper-chase n
paper-clip n
paper-knife n
paper-money n
paper over the cracks IDM
paper over PHRV
paper round n
paper tiger n
paper-thin adj
papery adj
paperback n
paperweight n
paperwork n
papier n
papist adj
paprika n
papyrus n
para n
parable n
parabola n
parabolic adj
parachute n
parachutist n
on parade IDM
parade- ground n
paradigm n
paradise n
paradox n
paraffin n
paraffin wax n
paragon n
paragraph n
parakeet n
parallel adj
in parallel IDM
parallel bars n
parallelism n
parallelogram n
paralysis n
paralytic adj
paramedic n
paramedical adj
parameter n
paramilitary adj
paramount adj
paranoia n
paranoid adj
paranormal adj
the paranormal n
parapet n
paraphernalia n
paraphrase n
paraplegia n
paraplegic adj
parapsychology n
paraquat n
parasite n
peculiar adj
peculiarity n
peculiarly adv
passing adj
in passing IDM
passion n
passion-flower n
passion-fruit n
passionless adj
passion-play n
passionate adj
passionately adv
passive adj
passively adv
passiveness n
passive resistance n
passive smoking n
passkey n
Passover n
passport n
password n
past n
past it IDM
past master n
past participle n
pasta n
paste n
pasteboard n
pastel n
pastern n
pasteurize,-ise v
pastiche n
pastille n
pastime n
pasting n
pastor n
pastoral adj
pastrami n
pastry n
pasture n
pastureland n
pasty n
pasty adj
pat v
stand pat IDM
patch n
not be a patch on IDM
patchouli n
patchwork n
patchy adj
pate n
pâté n
patella n
patent adj
patently adv
patent n
patentee n
patent leather n
patent office n
paterfamilias n
paternal adj
paternalism n
paternalistic adj
paternity n
paternity leave n
paternity suit n
path n
pathless adj
pathetic adj
pathetically adv
pathfinder n
pathological adj
pathologically adv
pathology n
pathologist n
pathos n
pathic adj
patience n
patient adj
patiently adv
patient n
periodic adj
periodically adv
the periodic table n
pecuniary adj
pedagogue n
pedagogic adj
pedagogy n
pedal n
pedal bin n
pedal n
pedant n
pedantic adj
pedantry n
peddle v
peddler n
pedestal n
pedestal basin n
pedestrian n
pedestrian crossing n
pedestrianize, -ise v
pedestrian precinct n
pedicure n
pedigree n
pediment n
pee v
peek v
peel v
peeler n
peelings n
peel off PHRV
peel off PHRV
peep v
peep-hole n
Peeping Tom n
peep-show n
peep n
peer n
peerage n
peer group n
peerless adj
peer v
peeve v
peeved adj
peevish adj
peg n
off the peg ; off the rack IDM
peg away PHRV
peg-leg n
peg out PHRV v
peg out PHRV
take down a peg IDM
pejorative adj
Pekinese n
pelagic adj
pelican n
pelican crossing n
pellagra n
pellet n
pellucid adj
pelmet v
pelt v
pelt n
pelvis n
pelvic adj
pen n
pen-and-ink adj
pen-friend n
pen-name n
pen-pusher n
put pen tpaper IDM
pen n
v pen PHRV
pen n
penal adj
penal code n
penalize, -ise v
penalty n
penalty area n
penalty shoot-out n
penance n
penchant n
pencil n
pencil-case n
pencil in PHRV
pencil-sharpener n
pendant n
pending adj
pendulous adj
pendulum n
penetrable adj
penetrate v
penetrating adj
penetration n
penetrative adj
penguin n
penicillin n
peninsula n
peninsular adj
philanthropy n
philanthropic adj
philanthropist n
peripatetic adj
periphery n
peripheral adj
periscope n
perish v
perishable adj
perishables n
perishing adj
perish the thought IDM
peritonitis n
periwinkle n
perjure v
perjury n
perk n
perk up PHRV
perky adj
permafrost n
permanence n
permanently adv
permanent secretary n
permeate v
permeability n
permeable adj
permeation n
permissible adj
permissive adj
permissiveness n
permit v
permit of PHRV
permutation n
pernicious adj
pernickety adj
peroration n
perpendicular adj
perpetrate v
perpetration n
perpetrator n
perpetual adj
perpetually adv
perpetual motion n
perplex v
perplexity n
perquisite n
perry n
pers abbr
persecute v
persecution n
persecution complex n
persecutor n
persevere v
perseverance n
persevering adj
persian adj
Persian carpet n
Persian cat n
persimmon n
persist v
persistence n
persistent adj
person n
in person IDM
person-to-person adj
persona n
persona n
personable adj
personage n
personal adj
personal assistant n
personal column n
personal computer n
personal pronoun n
take personally IDM
personality n
personality cult n
personalize, -ise v
personify v
personification n
personnel n
personnel carrier n
perspective n
perspex n
perspicacious adj
perspicaciously adv
perspicacity n
perspire v
perspiration n
persuade v
persuasion n
persuasive adj
persuasiveness n
pert adj
pertly adv
pertness n
pertain v
ping n
philatelist n
phile adj
philharmonic adj
philistine n
philistinism n
philology n
philological adj
philologist n
philosopher n
philosophy n
philosophically adv
phlegm n
phlegmatic adj
phobia n
phoenix n
phone n
phone box n
phone in PHRV
phone-in n
phone tapping n
phoneme n
phonemic adj
phonetic adj
phonetics n
phoney adj
phoney war n
phooey interj
phosphate n
phosphorescent adj
photbooth n
photo-call n
photfinish n
photopportunity n
photocopy n
photocopier n
photofit n
photogenic adj
photographer n
photographic adj
photography n
photon n
photosynthesis n
phrase n
phrasal adj
phrasal verb n
phrase book n
phraseology n
phrasing n
phylum n
physical adj
physicality n
physical jerks n
physically adv
physician n
physicist n
physics n
physi n
physiognomy n
physiology n
physiological adj
physiologist n
physiotherapist n
physique n
pi n
pian n
pianist n
piazza n
pic n
picaresque adj
piccol n
pick v
pick and choose IDM
pick at PHRV
pick s brains IDM
picker n
pick a fight IDM
pick holes in sth IDM
pick off PHRV
pick on PHRV
pick PHRV
pick out PHRV
pick over PHRV
pick s pocket IDM
pick up PHRV
pick-up n
pick oneself up PHRV
pick up the bill IDM
pick up the pieces IDM
pick up speed IDM
pick ones way IDM
pick-your-own adj
picket n
picketing n
picket line n
pickings n
playmate n
pong n
pinion v
pink adj
in the pink IDM
pink gin n
pinkish adj
pink v
pinkie n
pinking n
pinnacle n
pinpoint n
pinprick n
pinstripe n
pint n
pint-sized adj
pioneer n
pioneering adj
pious adj
pip n
pip v
pipe n
pipe-cleaner n
piped music n
pipe down PHRV
pipe up PHRV
put that in your pipe and smoke it IDM
pipedream n
pipeline n
in the pipeline IDM
piper n
pipette n
pipework n
piping n
piping hot IDM
pipit n
pippin n
pipsqueak n
piquant adj
piquancy n
pique n
piqued adj
piracy n
piranha n
pirate n
piratical adj
pirouette n
Pisces n
piss v
piss about PHRV
piss down PHRV
pissed adj
pissed as a newt IDM
piss off PHRV
piss off PHRV
piss oneself IDM
piss-up n
take the piss IDM
pistachi n
piste n
pistol n
hold a pistol tsbs head IDM
piston n
pit n
be the pits IDM
pit-head n
the pit of the IDM
pit-prop n
pit stop n
pit n
pat adv
pitch n
pitched adj
pitched battle n
pitch for PHRV
pitch in PHRV
pitch n
pitch-black adj
pitch-dark adj
pitcher n
pitcher n
pitchfork n
piteous adj
piteously adv
pitfall n
pith n
pitiable adj
pitiful adj
pitifully adv
pitiless adj
pitilessly adv
piton n
pittance n
policyholder n
plaything n
playtime n
playwright n
plaza n
PLC abbr
plea n
plea n
plead v
pleadingly adv
pleasant adj
pleasantly adv
pleasantry n
please v
pleased as Punch IDM
please God IDM
please yourself IDM
pleasing adj
pleasingly adv
pleasure n
have the pleasure of sth IDM
pleasurable adj
pleasure boat n
pleasure-craft n
pleat n
pleated adj
plebeian adj
plebiscite n
plebs n
plectrum n
pledge n
plenary adj
plenipotentiary n
plentiful adj
plentifully adv
plenty N
plethora n
pleurisy n
pliable adj
pliers n
plight n
plight v
plight ones troth IDM
plinth n
plod v
plod along PHRV
plodder n
plodding adj
plonk n
plonk oneself PHRV
plonk n
plop n
plot n
plot n
the plot thickens IDM
plough intsth PHRV
ploughshare n
plover n
ploy n
pluck v
pluck up PHRV
pluck n
plucky adj
plug n
The n
plughole n
plum n
plumage n
plumb v
plumb adv
plumber n
plumbing n
poli n
polish v
polished adj
polisher n
polish off PHRV
polish up PHRV
politbur n
polite adj
politely adv
political adj
political correctness n
political geography n
politically adv
politically correct adj
political science n
politician n
politicking n
politics n
polity n
polka n
polka dot n
poll n
polling n
polling-booth n
polling-day n
polling-station n
poll tax n
pollard v
pollen n
pollen count n
pollinate v
pollster n
pollute v
pollutant n
polluter n
pollution n
pol n
polo-neck n
polonaise n
poltergeist n
poly n
polyandry n
polyandrous adj
polyester n
polygamy n
polygamous adj
polyglot adj
polygon n
polygonal adj
polymath n
polymer n
polymorphous adj
polypropylene n
polysyllable n
polysyllabic adj
polyunsaturated adj
polyurethane n
pomander n
pomegranate n
pommel n
pomp n
pomp and circumstance IDM
pom n
pompous adj
ponce n
ponch n
pond n
ponder v
precede v
precede with PHRV
porthole n
portic n
portion n
portion out PHRV
portly adj
portmanteau word n
portrait n
portraitist n
portraiture n
portray v
portrayal n
pose v
poser n
posh adj
posit v
position n
positional adj
positive adj
positive discrimination n
positively adv
positive vetting n
positivism n
positivist n
posse n
possess v
be possessed of sth IDM
like one possessed IDM
possessor n
possession n
possessive adj
possessively adv
possessiveness n
possibility n
possible adj
play possum IDM
post n
first past the post IDM
post n
posting n
post- free adv
post office n
post- office box n
post-paid adj, adv
pref adj
postage n
postal adj
postal order n
postbag n
postcard n
postdate v
poster n
poste n
posterior adj
posterity n
posthumous adj
posthumously adv
postindustrial adj
postmark n
postmarked adj
postmaster n
postmaster General n
post-modernism n
post-modernist adj
postnatal adj
postoperative adj
postponement n
postprandial adj
postscript n
postulant n
postulate v
posture n
posturing n
postwar adj
posy n
pot n
keep the pot boiling IDM
pot-bellied adj
pot-belly n
pot-boiler n
the pot calling the kettle black IDM
pot plant n
pot-shot n
potted adj
potting shed n
presume v
precedence n
precedent n
precept n
precinct n
precious adj
preciousness n
precipice n
precipitate v
precipitation n
precipitous adj
precis n
precise adj
precisely adv
preclude v
precocious adj
preconceived adj
preconception n
precondition n
precursor n
predate v
predator n
predatory adj
predecease v
predecessor n
predestination n
predestined adj
predetermine v
predeterminer n
predicament n
predicate n
predicate v
predictable adj
prediction n
predictive adj
predictor n
predilection n
predispose v
predisposition n
predominant adj
predominance n
predominantly adv
predominate v
pre-eminently adv
preen v
prefab n
prefabricated adj
preface n
prefatory adj
prefect n
prefecture n
preferably adv
preference n
in preference tsb IDM
preference shares n
preferential adj
preferment n
prefigure v
prefix n
pregnancy n
preheat v
prehensile adj
prehistoric adj
prehistory n
prejudge adj
profiterole n
profligate adj
profligacy n
prforma n
profound adj
profoundly adv
profundity n
profuse adj
profusely adv
profusion n
progenitor n
progeny n
progesterone n
prognostication n
program n
programmable adj
programme music n
programme note n
programmer n
programming n
progress n
in progress IDM
progression n
progressive adj
progressively adv
progressivism n
prohibit v
prohibition n
prohibitionist n
prohibitive adj
prohibitively adv
project n
project ontsb PHRV
projectile n
projection n
projectionist n
projector n
prolapse n
prolapsed adj
proletarian adj
proletariat n
proliferate v
proliferation n
prolific adj
prologue n
prolong v
prolongation n
prolonged adj
prom n
promenade n
promenade concert n
prominent adj
prominence n
prominently adv
promiscuous adj
promise n
I promise you IDM
promise the earth IDM
the promised land n
promising adj
promisingly adv
promissory n
promontory n
promote v
promoter n
promotion n
promotional adj
prompt adj
promptly adv
prompt v
prompter n
prompting n
promulgate v
promulgation n
prone adj
proneness n
prong n
pronominal adj
pronoun n
pronounce v
pronounceable adj
pronounced adj
pronounce for PHRV
pronouncement n
pronounce on PHRV
pronunciation n
proof n
the proof of the pudding IDM
proofread v
proofreader n
prop n
prop -word n
prop n
python n
protractor n
protrude v
protuberant adj
protuberance n
of n
proudly adv
prove v
provable adj
proven adj
not proven IDM
provender n
proverb n
proverbial adj
provide against PHRV
provide for PHRV
The n
provider n
providence n
provident adj
providential adj
province n
the n
provision n
provisional adj
provisionally adv
provis n
provocative adj
provocatively adv
provost n
prow n
prowess n
on the prowl IDM
prowler n
proximate adj
proximity n
proxy n
prude n
prudery n
prudish adj
prudent adj
prudence n
prudently adv
prune n
prune v
pruning n
pry v
pry v
PS abbr
psalm n
psalmist n
psalter n
psephology n
psephological adj
psephologist n
pseud n
pseudonym n
pseudonymous adj
psi abbr
psoriasis n
psst interj
psych v
psych PHRV
psyche n
psychedelia n
psychedelic adj
psychiatry n
psychiatric adj
psychiatrist n
psychic adj
psychically adv
psycho n
profiteering n
profiteer n
presumption n
presumptive adj
presumptuous adj
presuppose v
presupposition n
tax adj
pretence n
pretend v
pretender n
pretension n
pretentious adj
preternatural adj
pretext n
prettify v
pretty adj
not just a pretty face IDM
prettily adv
prettiness n
pretty much IDM
pretzel n
prevail v
prevalent adj
prevalence n
prevaricate v
prevarication n
prevent v
preventable adj
prevention n
prevention is better than cure IDM
preventive adj
preview n
previously adv
prey n
prey on s mind IDM
price n
at any price IDM
not at any price IDM
price-fixing n
priceless adj
price-list n
price oneself IDM
price-tag n
price war n
pricey adj
put a price on sth IDM
prick v
prick out PHRV
prick up ones ears IDM
prickle n
prickly adj
prickly heat n
prickly pear n
pride n
sbs pride and joy IDM
pride comes IDM
pride of place IDM
pride oneself on sth PHRV
the n
priestly adj
prig n
priggish adj
prim adj
primly adv
prima n
primacy n
prima n
prima adv
primal adj
primary adj
primarily adv
primary education n
primary health care n
primary school n
primate n
primate n
prime adj
prime minister n
prime mover n
prime number n
prime time n
prime n
prime v
prime the pump IDM
primer n
primer n
primeval adj
primitive adj
primogeniture n
primrose n
the primrose path IDM
primula n
Primus n
prince n
Prince Consort n
princely adj
princess n
Princess Royal n
principal adj
principally adv
principal parts n
principality n
principle n
in principle IDM
on principle IDM
principled adj
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ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု


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ုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု


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ု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုု




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ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု

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ု ုုုု



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ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

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ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုု


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ုုု ုုုု
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ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

þ ုုုုုု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု




ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု



ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုုု ု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုု

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ုုုု ုုု
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ုု ုုုုုုု



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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု




ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
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ုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
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ု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

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ုုုု ုုုုုုု
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ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုု
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ု ုုု

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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ု ုု
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ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု



ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုု


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ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
Q n.
qarres n.
quack n.
quack v.
quad n.
quadrangle n.
quadrant n.
quadraphonic adj.
quadrilateral adj.
quadrilateral n.
quadrille n.
quadroon n.
quadruped n.
quadruped n.
quadruple adj.
quadruplet n.
quaff v.
quagmire n.
Quaid' Orsay n.
quail n.
quail v.
quaint adj.
quaintly adv.
quaintness n.
quake v.
quaker n.
qualative adj.
qualification n.
qualifier n.
qualify adj.
qualify v.
qualitative adj.
qualitatively adv.
quality n.
quality control n.
quality newspaper n.
qualm n.
quandary n.
quango n.
quantifiable adj.
quantifiable adj.
quantify n.
quantitative adj.
quantity n.
quantity surveyor n.
quantum n.
quantum n.
quantum leap n.
quantum jump n.
quantum theory n.
quarantine n.
quarantine v.
quark n.
quarrel n.
quarrel v.
quarrelsome adj.
quarry n.
quarry v.
quart n.
quarter n.
quarter v.
quarter day n.
quarter sessions n.
quarterdeck n.
quarter-final n.
quarterly adj.
quarterly adv.
quarterly n.
quartermaster n.
quarters n.
quartet n.
quarto n.
quartz n.
quasar n.
quash v.
quasi n.
quatercentenary n.
quatrain n.
quaver n.
quaver v.
quavery adj.
quay n.
quayside n.
qucik-fire adj.
queasiness n.
queasy adj.
queen n.
queen bee n.
queen consort n.
queen it IDM.
queen mother n.
queenly adj.
queer adj.
queer n.
queerly adv.
quell v.
quench v.
querulous adj.
querulously adv.
query n.
query v.
quest n.
quest v.
question n.
question v.
question mark n.
question time n.
questionable adj.
questionably adv.
questioner n.
questioning n.
questioningly adv.
question-master n.
questionnaire n.
questionnaire n.
queue n.
quibble n.
quibble v.
quiche n.
quick adj.
quick adv.
quick n.
quick as a flash IDM.
quick as lightning IDM.
quick one n.
quicken v.
quicken v.
quickie n.
quicklime n.
quickly adv.
quickness n.
quicksand n.
quicksilver adj.
quickstep n.
quick-tempered adj.
quick-witted adj.
quid n.
quid pro quo n.
quids in IDM.
quiescence n.
quiescent adj.
quiet adj.
quiet n.
quiet v.
quieten v.
quietism n.
quietist adj.
quietist n.
quietly adv.
quietness n.
quietude n.
quiff n.
quill n.
quill n.
quilt n.
quilted adj.
quin n.
quince n.
quincentenary n.
quinine n.
quint n.
quintessence n.
quintessential adj.
quintessentially adv.
quintet n.
quintet n.
quintuplet n.
quintuplet n.
quip n.
quip v.
quirk n.
quirk n.
quirky adj.
quisling n.
quit v.
quite adv.
quite some IDM.
quite something IDM.
quits adj.
quiver n.
quiver v.
quixotic adj.
quiz n.
quiz v.
quizzical adj.
quizzically adv.
quoit n.
quorum n.
quota n.
quotable adj.
quotation n.
quotation marks n.
quote v.
quoth v.
quotient n.
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
(grammar) (ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု)
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုု
[ုုု]ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
(physics) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(fml) ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
(physics) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ု.ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (US ) ု.ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု ုုုုု ု ု ုု US ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

(Brit) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု



ုုုုု ုုုုုု


ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု(ုုု) ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (US eighth note) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု



ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု (ုုုုု ုု) ုုုုုုုု (ု) (ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု(ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု
)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (?)ု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

(?)ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု

) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု)ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

LIME ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုု (ုုု)ုုုုုုု
(ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု
) ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ု

ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
(US) ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (US) ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု (̏ … ˝)ု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုုု
) (ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု (ုုုုု) ုုုုုုု
rapacious adj
rapacity n
R n, abbr
rabbi n
rabbinical adj
rabbit n
rabbit warren n
rabble n
Rabelaisian adj
rabid adj
rabies n
RAC abbr
raccoon n
race n
race n
racecourse n
racegoer n
racehorse n
racetrack n
racial adj
racially adv
racism n
racist n,adj
rack n
rack n
racket n
racket n
racketeer n
racketeering n
raconteur n
racy adj
radar n
raddled adj
radial adj
radiant adj
radiance n
radiate v
radiation n
radiator n
radical adj
radicalism n
radicalize v
radically adv
radio n
radio- comb
radioactive adj
radiocarbon n
radiography n
radiographer n
radiology n
radiotherapy n
radish n
radium n
radius n
radon n
RAF infml
raffia n
raffish adj
raffle n
raft n
raft n
rafter n
rag n
rag v
rag n
rebut v
rebuttal n
rape v
rape n
rapid adj
rapidity n
rapidly adv
rapids n
rapid transit n
rapier n
rapport n
rapprochement n
rapt adj
rapture n
rapturous adj
rapturously adv
rare adj
rare adj
rarefied adj
raring adj
rarity n
rascal n
rash n
rash adj
rasher n
rasp n
raspberry n
Rastafarian n
rat n
ratatouille n
ratbag n
ratchet n
rate n
ratepayer n
rather adv
ratify v
rating n
ratio n
ratiocination n
ration n
rational adj
rationality n
rationale n
rationalism n
rationalist n
rationalize v
rationalization n
rattan n
rat-tat n
rattle v
rattling adv
rattlesnake n
ratty adj
raucous adj
raunchy adj
ravage v
rave v
ravel v
raven n
ravening adj
ravenous adj
ravine n
ravioli n
ravish v
raw adj
rawhide n
referee n
recalcitrant adj
recall v
recant v
recapitulate v
recapture v
recast v
recede v
receipt n
receivable adj
receive v
receiver n
receivership n
recent adj
receptacle n
reception n
receptionist n
receptive adj
recess ri:ses
recession n
recessive adj
recharge v
recherché adj
recidivist n
recipe n
recipient n
reciprocal adj
reciprocate v
reciprocity n
recital n
recitation n
recite v
reckless adj
reckon v
reckoning n
reclaim v
reclamation n
recline v
recluse n
recognition n
recognize v
recognizable adj
recognizably adv
recoil v
recollect v
recollection n
recommence v
recommend v
recompense v
reconcile v
recondite adj
recondition v
reconnaissance n
reconsider v
reconstitute v
reconstruct v
record n
recorder n
reluctant adj
reference n
referendum n
refill v
refine v
refinery n
refinement n
refit v
reflate v
reflation n
reflationary adj
reflect v
reflection n
reflective adj
reflector n
reflex n
refloat v
reform v
re-form v
reformation n
reformatory n
refract v
refraction n
refrain n
refrain v
refresh v
refreshment n
refrigerate v
refrigeration n
refrigerator n
refuel v
refuge n
refugee n
refulgent adj
refund v
refurbish v
refusal n
refuse n
refuse v
refute v
regain v
regal adj
regale v
regalia n
regard v
regatta n
regency n
regenerate v
regent n
reggae n
regicide n
regime n
regiment n
regimental adj
region n
register n
registrar n
registration n
registry n
resemble v
rely v
remain v
remainder n
remains n
remake v
remand v
remark v
remarry v
rematch n
remedy n
remediable adj
remedial adj
remember v
remembrance n
remind v
reminisce v
reminiscence n
reminiscent adj
remiss adj
remission n
remit v
remit n
remittance n
remix v
remnant n
remodel v
remonstrate v
remorse n
remote adj
remount v
remove v
removable adj
removal n
removed adj
remover n
remunerate v
remuneration n
remunerative adj
renaissance n
renal adj
rename v
renascent adj
rend v
render v
rendering n
rendezvous n
rendition n
renegade n
renege v
renew v
renewable adj
renewal n
rennet n
renounce v
renovate v
renovation n
renown n
rent n
rent n
renunciation n
reopen v
reopening n
reorder v
reorganize v
Rep abbr
repair v
reverentially adv
resent v
reservation n
reserve v
reserved adj
reservoir n
reset v
resettle v
reshape v
reshuffle v
reside v
residence n
residency n
resident n
residential adj
residue n
residuary adj
resign v
resignedly adv
resignation n
resilient adj
resilience n
resin n
resist v
resister n
resistible adj
resistance n
resistant adj
resistor n
resit v
resolute adj
resolution n
resolve v
resolved adj
resonant adj
resonance n
resonate v
resort n
resound v
resounding adj
resoundingly adv
resource n
respect n
respectable adj
respectful adj
respectfully adv
respectably adv
respective adj
respiration n
respirator n
respire v
respite n
resplendent adj
respond v
respondent n
response n
responsibility n
responsible adj
responsive adj
rest v
rest-cure n
rest-day n
restful adj
rest-home n
resting-place n
responsibly adv
rest n
restate v
restaurant n
restaurant car n
restaurateur n
restitution n
restive adj
restless adj
restlessly adv
restock v
restoration n
restorative adj
rivulet n
reverie n
revers n
reversal n
reverse adj
in reverse n
reversible adj
reversion n
revert v
revetment n
review n
reviewer n
revile v
revise v
revision n
revisionism n
revisit v
revitalization,-isation n
revival n
revivalism n
revivalist n
revive v
revivify v
revocation n
revoke v
revolt v
revolting adj
revolution n
revolve v
revolver n
revue n
revulsion n
reward n
rewind v
rework v
rewrite v
rhapsody n
rhapsodize v
rhetoric n
rhetorical adj
rheumatic adj
rheumatism n
rhinestone n
rhinoceros n
rhizome n
rhododendron n
rhombus n
rhubarb n
rhyme n
rhythm n
rib n
ribaldry n
ribbon n
ribcage n
rice n
rich adj
richly n
richness n
riches n
Richter n
rick v
rick n
rye n
RM abbr
RN abbr
RNA abbr
RNIB abbr
RNLI abbr
roach n
road n
roadblock n
roadside n
roadway n
roadworks n
roadworthy adj
roam v
roan n
roar n
the roaring forties n
a roaring success n
roast v
roasting adj
roasting tin n
rob v
robber n
robbery n
robe n
robin n
robot n
robotic adj
robotics n
robust adj
robustly n
rock n
rock-bottom n
rock-cake n
rock-climbing n
rock-hard adj
rock-salt n
rock-solid adj
rock v
off one's rocker sl
rock the boat infml
rocking-chair n
rocking-horse n
rocky adj
rock n
rockabilly n
rockery n
rocket n
rocky adj
rococo adj
rod n
rodent n
rodeo n
roe n
roger interj
roger v
rogue n
rogues' gallery n
roguish adj
roistering adj
role n
role model n
role-play n
roll n
be rolling (in money, etc) sl
on a roll infml
roll bar n
roll-call n
roll sth down v
rolled into one idm
rolled oats pl
roll in infml
rolling adj
rolling drunk adj
rolling in the aisles idm
rolling-pin n
rolling-stock n
rolling stone n
roll of honour n
roll (sth) on v
roll-on n
roll-on roll-off adj
roll-top n
roll up infml
roll-up n
roll up idm
roller n
roller-coaster n
roller skate n
roller-skate v
rollicking adj
rollmop n
roly-poly n
ROM abbr
Roman adj
Romance adj
romance n
Romanesque adj
Romano- comb
romantic adj
romantically adv
romanticism n
romanticize v
Romany n
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ု ုုုုု



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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

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ု ုုုုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု


S n.
s n.
SA n.
-s' suff.
-'s suff.
sabbath n.
sabbatical n.
sable n.
sabotage n.
sabre n.
sac n.
saccharin n.
sacerdotal adj.

sachet n.
sack n.
sackcloth n.
sacrament n.

sacred adj.
sacrifice n.
sacrilege n.
sacristan n.
sacristy n.
sacrosanct adj.

Sad adj.
saddle n.
sadism n.
sado- n.

sae abbr.
safari n.
safe adj.
safeguard n.
safety n.
saffron n.
sag v.
saga n.
sagacious adj.
sage n.
sagebrush n.

Sagittarius n.

sago n.
sahib n.
sail n.
sailboat n.
sailcloth n.
sailor n.
saint n.
sake n.
sake n.
salacious adj.
salad n.
scarf n.
sang-froid n.

sanguinary adj.

sanguine adj.
sanitary adj.
sanitation n.
sanitize, v.

sanity n.
sanserif n.
sap n.
sapient adj.
sapling n.
sapper n.
sapphire n.
sapwood n.
Saracen n.
sarcasm n.
sardine n.
sardonic adj.
sarge n.
sari n.
sarong n.
sartorial adj.
SAS abbr.
sash n.
sashay v.
sass n.
Sassenach n.

Satan n.
Satanism n.
Satanist n.
satchel n.
sated adj.
satellite n.
satiate v.
satiety n.
satin n.
satire n.
satisfaction n.

satisfactory adj.

satisfy v.
satsuma n.
saturate v.
Saturday n.
Saturn n.
Saturn n.
saturnine adj.
satyr n.
sauce n.
scrub n.
scarlet adj.
scarp n.
scarper v.
scathing adj.
scatter v.
scatterbrain n.

scatty adj.
scavenge v.
scenario n.
scene n.
scenery n.
scenic adj.
scent n.
sceptic n.
sceptre n.
schedule n.
schema n.
schematic adj.
scheme n.
scherzo n.
schism n.
schizoid adj.
schizophren n.

schlepp v.
schlock n.
schmaltz n.
schnapps n.
scholar n.
scholarship n.

scholastic adj.
scholasticis n.

school n.
schoolboy n.
schoolchild n.

schoolgirl n.
schoolhous n.

schoolmast n.

schoolteach n.

schooner n.
schwa n.
sciatic adj.
science n.
scientific adj.
scimitar n.
scintilla n.
scintillating adj.

scion n.
scissors n.
sclerosis n.
scoff v.
self-access n.

scruff n.
scruffy adj.
scrum n.
scrumptiou adj.

scrunch v.
scruple n.
scrupulous adj.

scrutineer n.
scrutinize, v.

scrutiny n.
scuba- n.

scud v.
scuff v.
scuffle n.
scull n.
scullery n.
sculpture n.
scum n.
scupper v.
scurrilous adj.
scurry v.
scurvy n.
scuttle v.
scuttle v
scythe n.
SDLP abbr.
sea n.
seaboard n.
seaborne adj.
seafarer n.
seafaring adj.
seafood n.
seagoing adj.
seal n.
seam n.
seaman n.
seamstress n.

seamy adj.
seance n.
seaplane n.
seaport n.
sear v.
search v.
searchlight n.

seascape n.
seashore n.
seasick adj.
seaside n.
season n.
septet n.
self- adj.

self- adj.

self- n.

self- adj.

self- adj.

self- adj.

self- adj.

self- n.

self- adj.

self-centred adj.

self- adj.

self- adj.

self- n.

self- adj.
self- adj.

self- adj.

self-control n.

self- adj.

self- n.

self-denial n.

self- n.

self- n.

self-drive adj.
self- adj.

self- adj.

self- adj.

self-esteem n.

self-evident adj.

self- n.

self- adj.

self- n.
self- adj.

self- n.

self-help n.
self- adj.

self- adj.

self- adj.

self- adj.

self-interest n.

selfish adj.
selfless adj.
self-locking adj.

self-made adj.
self- adj.

self-pity n.
self-portrait n.

self- adj.

self- n.

self-raising 

self-reliant adj.
self-respect n.

self- adj.

self-rule n.
selfsame adj.
self- adj.

self-seeking adj.

septic adj.
septuagena n.

sepulchre n.
sequel n.
sequence n.
sequential adj.

sequester v.
sequestrate v.

sequin n.
sequoia n.
seraph n.
serenade n.
serene adj.
serf n.
serge n.
sergeant n.
serial adj.
series n.
serif n.
serious adj.
sermon n.
serpent n.
serrated adj.
serried adj.
serum n.
servant n.
serve v.
service n.
serviette n.
servile adj.
servility n.
servitude n.
servo n.
sesame n.
session n.
set v.
set square n.

settee n.
setter n.
setting n.
settle v.
settled adj.
settlement n.

settler n.
seven n.
seventeen n.

seventy n.
sever v.
several indef
severe adj.
sew v.
shebeen n.
shed n.
sheen n.
sheep n.
sheepdog n.
sheepfold n.
sheepish adj.
sheepskin n.
sheer adj.
sheet n.
sheikh n.
sheila n.
shekel n.
shelduck n.
shelf n.
shell n.
shellac n.
shellfire n.
shellfish n.
shelter n.
shelve v.
shenanigan n.

shepherd n.
sherbet n.
sheriff n.
sherry n.
Shetland n.
shibboleth n.

shield n.
shift v.
shiftless adj.
shifty adj.
shilling n.
shilly-shally v.

shim n.
shimmer v.
shin n.
shindig n.
shindy n.
shine v.
shingle n.
shingles n.
ship n.
ship suff IDM.
shipboard adj.
sine n.
showcase n.
showdown n.

shower n.
showerproo adj.

showjumpin n.

showman n.
showroom n.

shrapnel n.
shred n.
shrew n.
shrewd adj.
shriek v.
shrill adj.
shrimp n.
shrine n.
shrink v.
shrivel v.
shroud n.
Shrove n.

shrub n.
shrug v.
shuck n.
shudder v.
shuffle v.
shun v.
shunt v.
shush interj.
shut v.
shutter n.
shuttle n.
shuttlecock n.

shy adj.
shyster n.
SI abbr.
Siamese adj.
sibilant adj.
sibling n.
sic adv.
sick adj.
sickbay n.
sickbed n.
sicken v.
sickle n.
sickly adj.
sickness n.
sickroom n.
side n.
sideboard n.
sidekick n.
sidelight n.
sideline n.
sledge v.
sinecure n.
sine die adv.
sinew n.
sing v.
singe v.
single adj.
singlet n.
singsong adj.
singular n.
sinister adj.
sink v.
sinker n.
sinner n.
Sino- comb.
sinuous adj.
sinus n.
sip v.
siphon n.
sir n.
sire n.
siren n.
sirloin n.
sirocco n.
sisal n.
sissy n.
sister n.
sit v.
sitar n.
site n.
situate v.
situation n.
six n.
sixpence n.
sixteen n.
sixty n.
size n.
sizzle v.
skate n.
skateboard n.

skedaddle v.
skein n.
skeletal adj.
skeleton n.
sketch n.
skew v.
skewbald n.
skewer n.
ski n.
skid v.
snapdragon n.
sledge- n.

sleek adj.
sleep n.
sleeper n.
sleepwalk v.
sleepy adj.
sleet n.
sleeve n.
sleigh n.
sleight n
slender adj.
sleuth v.
sleuth n.
slew v.
slew n.
slice n.
slick adj.
slide v.
slight adj.
slim adj.
slime n.
slimline adj.
sling n.
slink v.
slip v.
slippage n.
slipper n.
slippery adj.
slipshod adj.
slipway n.
slit n.
slither v.
sliver n.
slob n.
slobber v.
sloe n.
slog v.
slogan n.
sloop n.
slop v.
slope n.
sloppy adj.
slosh v.
slot n.
sloth n.
slouch v.
slough n.
slovenly adj.
slow adj.
slowpoke n.
slowcoach n.

soliloquy n.
snare n.
snarl v.
snatch v.
snazzy adj.
sneak v.
sneer v.
sneeze n.
snicker v.
snide adj.
sniff v.
sniffle v.
sniffy adj.
snifter n.
snigger n.
snip v.
snipe n.
snippet n.
snivel v.
snob n.
snog v.
snooker n.
snoop v.
snooty adj.
snooze v.
snore v.
snorkel n.
snort v.
snot n.
snout n.
snow n.
snowball n.
snowblower n.

snowbound adj.

snowcappe adj.

snowdrift n.
snowdrop n.
snowfall n.
snowfield n.
snowflake n.
snowline n.
snowplough n.

snowshoe n.
snowstorm n.

SNP abbr.
snub v.
snuff v.
snuffbox n.
snuffle v.
sparse adj.
solipsism n.
solitaire n.
solitary adj.
solitude n.
solo n.
solstice n.
soluble adj.
solution n.
solve v.
solvent adj.
sombre adj.
sombrero n.
some indef.
somebody indef.

someday indef.
somehow adv.
someone pron.
somersault n.

something indef

sometime indef
sometimes indef

somewhat indef

somewhere adv.

somnambul n.

somnolent adj.

son n.
sonar n.
sonata n.
song n.
songbird n.
songbook n.
songstress n.

songwriter n.

sonic adj.
sonnet n.
sonny n.
sonorous adj.
soon adv.
soot n.
soothe v.
soothsayer n.

sop n.
sophisticate adj.

sophistry n.
sophomore n.

soporific adj.
soppy adj.
soprano n.
sorbet n.
sorcerer n.
sordid adj.
sore adj.
sorghum n.
spartan adj.
spasm n.
spasmodic adj.

spastic adj.
spat n.
spate n.
spatial adj.
spatter v.
spatula n.
spawn v.
spay v.
speak v.
speakeasy n.
speakerpho n.

spear n.
spearhead n.

spearmint n.
spec n.
special adj.
specialism n.

specialist n.
speciality adv.
specialize, v.

species n.
specific adj.
specificatio n.

specify v.
specimen n.
specious adj.
speck n.
speckle n.
spectacle n.
spectacles n.

spectacular adj.

spectator n.
spectral adj.
spectre n.
spectro- n.
comb form

spectromet n.

spectroscop n.
spectrum n.
speculate v.
speculation n.

speculative adj.

speech n.
speechify v.
speed n.
speedboat n.

speedomet n.

speedway n.
speedwell n.
staircase n.
spoken pp
spokesman n.

sponge n.
sponsor n.
spontaneity n.

spontaneou adj.

spoof n.
spook n.
spool n.
spoon n.
spoonerism n.

spoonfeed v.

spoor n.
sporadic adj.
spore n.
sporran n.
sport n.
sporting adj.
sportscast n.

sportsman n.

sportswear n.

sporty adj.
spot n.
spotlight n.
spouse n.
spout n.
sprain v.
sprat n.
sprawl v.
spray n.
spread v.
spreadshee n.

spree n.
sprig n.
sprightly adj.
spring n.
springboard n.

springbok n.
springer n.
springtime n.

sprinkle v.
sprint v.
sprite n.
spritzer n.
sprocket n.
sprout v.
spruce adj.
sprung adj.
spry adj.
spud n.
spume n.
stern adj.
stairwell n.
stake n.
stakeholder n.

stalactite n.
stalagmite n.

stale adj.
stalemate n.
stalk n.
stalk v.
stall n.
stallholder n.

stallion n.
stalwart adj.
stamen n.
stamina n.
stammer v.
stamp v.
stampede n.
stance n.
stanchion n.
stand v.
standard n.
standardize v.
, -ise

standing n.
standoffish adj.

standpipe n.
၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁
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(South Africa) ုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု `ုုုုုုု´ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု


(Special Air Service) ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု


ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
Mystery Zillion ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု (Saturn God)
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
(Roman M
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု


ု ုုု

ုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု



ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုု



ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု



ုု ုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု̶ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု



ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု






ုုုု ုုု




ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုု




ု ုုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု


ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု





ုုုုု ုုုုု





ုုုု ုုု




ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု



ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု


ုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု


ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု



ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

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ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု ုုု
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ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု



ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
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ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု

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ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုု
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ု ˝ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု




ုု ုုုုုု





ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

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ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
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ု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

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ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု&ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုု

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ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု



ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
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ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
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ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

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ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
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ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
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ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုု

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ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု
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ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ု

ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
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ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု



ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
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ု ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
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ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
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ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု éုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု

ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုု

ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု

tennis n ုုု
tennis-ball n ုုု
tennis-court n ုုု
tennis elbown ုုု
tennis-racketn ုုု
ုုု ုုု

tennis shoe n ုုု

T n ုုုုုုုုုုု
T-bone n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
T-junction n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
to a T IDM ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
T-shirt n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု

TA abbr ုုုုုုု
tab n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
keep tabs onIDM ုုုု

Tabasc n ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
tabernacle n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
table n ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
table manners
n ုုုု

table-mat n ုုု
table tennis n ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

turn the tables
IDM ုုု

tableau n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
tablecloth n ုုုုုုုုု
table n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
tablespoon n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
tablet n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

tabloid adj ုုုုုုု
tabo n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုု
tabowords n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ု
tabular adj ုုုုု
tabulation n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
tacit adj ုုုုု
tack n ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
tack on PHRV ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

tackle v ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
tackler n ုုုုုုုုုုု
tacky adj ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
tac n ုုုုုုုု

tact n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
tactful adj ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
tactfully adv ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

tactless adv ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုု
tactic n ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
tactical adj ုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုု

tactically adv ုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

tactician n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
tactile adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
tadpole n ုုုုုုုု
tag n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

tag along PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

tag on PHRV ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

tail n ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
have, etc ones
IDMtail between
legs ုုုုု

on s tail IDM ုုု
ု ုုုုု

tail away PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

tail back PHRV ုုုုုုုုု

tail-end n ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
tail-light n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
the tail wagging
IDM the dog ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
tail wind n ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု

turn tail IDM ုုုုုုုုု

tailback n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ု
tailgate n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
tailor n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

tailored adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
tailoring n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု

tailor-made adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
tailpiece n ုုုုု

tailplane n ုုုုုု
tailspin n ုုုုုု
taint n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
take v ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
be taken up PHRV
with sth ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု éI
take aback PHRV ုုုု

take after PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

take PHRV ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

take apart PHRV ုုု

take sth IDM ုုုုုုုုုုု

take-away n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
take away PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

take sth PHRV ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

take away PHRV ုုုု

take away from
PHRV ုုုုု

take back PHRV ုုု
ု ုုုု

take back PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

take down PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

take-home pay
n ုုုု
take in PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

take in PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
take it IDM ုုု
ု ုုုုုု

take it from me
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုု
take it on IDM ုုုုု

take it or leave
IDMit ုုုုုု
take it IDM ုုု

take it PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု

take off PHRV ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

take-off n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
take PHRV ုုုု

take off PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

take off PHRV ုုု

take off PHRV ုုုုုုုုု

take off PHRV ုုုုု

take off PHRV ုုုုုုုုု

take off PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

take off PHRV ုုု

take on PHRV ုုုုုု

take on PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု

take sth PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု

take out PHRV ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

take sth PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုု

take out PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

take out PHRV ုုု

take out PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

take out of themselves
PHRV ုုု

take-over n ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
take over PHRV ုုုု

take PHRV ုုုုုုုုု

take some IDM ုုု
take throughPHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
take tsth PHRV ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

take up PHRV ုုုု

take-up n ုုုုု
take up PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု

take up PHRV ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

take up withPHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

take up on PHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

take up withPHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု

take n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
on the take IDM ုုုုုုုုုု

taker n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
takings n ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
talent n ုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
talented adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
talent-scout n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
talisman n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

talk v ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု … ုုုုုုုု
ု …ု
look whos talking
IDM ုုုုု
ု ုုု
talk at PHRV ုုု

talkative adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု
talk back PHRV ုုုု

talk down PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု

talk PHRV ုုုုုု

talk down tsbPHRV ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

talk the hindIDM
legs off a donkey

talking of IDM ုုုုုုု

talking-pointn ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
talk into PHRV ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

the talk of sth
IDM ုုုုုုုုုု
talk out PHRV ုုု

talk over PHRV ုုုုုုုု

talk round PHRV ုုုုုုုုုု

talk round PHRV ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

talk shop IDM ုုုုု

talk through IDM
ones hat ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

talk turkey IDM ုုုု

talk PHRV ုုု
ု ုုု

talk ones way
out of sth ုုုုုုုုုုု

talkie n ုုုုုုု
tall adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုု
tall order n ုုုုု
tall story n ုုုုုု
tallboy n ုုုုုု

tallow n ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

tiller n ုုု

tenon n ုုုုုုုု
tenor n ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
tenor n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
tenpin n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

tenpin bowling
n ုုုုု
ုု ု
tense adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
tense n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

tensile adj ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
tension n ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
tent n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

tented adj ုုုု
tentacle n ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
tentative adj ုုုု
tentatively adv ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု
tenterhooks n ုုု

tenuous adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
tenure n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
tepee n ုုုုုု
tepid adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
tequila n ုုုုု

tercentenaryn ုုုုု

term n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
termly adj ုုု
terminal adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

terminally adv ုုုုု

terminate v ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

termination n ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
terminology n ုုုုုု
termite n ုုု
terms n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုု
be on good, friendly,
IDM bad,ုုု
ု ုုုု

terms of reference
n ုုု

tern n ုုုု
terrace n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
terraced adj ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
terracing n ုုုုုုုုု

terracotta n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

terra n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
terrain n ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ု
terrapin n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

terrestrial adj ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

terrible adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ု
terribly adv ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု

terrier n ုုုု
terrific adj ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
terrifically adv ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
terrify v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

terrine n ုုုုုုုုုုု
territorial adj ုုုုု

the Territorial
n Army ုုုုုုု

territorial waters
n ုုု

territory n ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
terror n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

terrorism n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
terrorist n ုုုုု
adj ုုုုုု
terry n ုုုု
terse adj ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
tertiary adj ုုုုုုုု

Terylene n ုုုုုုုုုု
TESL abbr ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
TESOL abbr ုုုုု
tessellated adj ုုုုု
test n ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
put IDM ုုုု

testable adj ုုု
test case n ုုုုု
test drive n ုုု
ုု ုုု

tester n ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
testing adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
test match n ုုုု
test pilot n ုုုုုု
test-tube n ုုု
ု ုုုု

test-tube baby
n ုုု
test the waters
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုု

testament n ုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
testicle n ုုုုုုု

testify v ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

testimonial n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
testimony n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုုု

tool n ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
tooled adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
tool up PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
tilt v ုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု

tilt at windmills
IDM ုုုုု

tilth n ုုုု
timber n ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
timbered adj ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
timbre n ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

time n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ahead of time
IDM ုုုုုု

on time IDM ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

play for timeIDM ုုုုုု

take ones time
IDM ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

time after time;
IDMtime andုုုုုု
ု without
adj ုုုုုုုုု
time and tideIDM
wait for nman
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု

time bomb n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု
time capsulen ုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုု

time frame n ုုု
ု ုုု
time hangs heavy
IDM ုုုုုု

adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု
time is on s side
IDM ုုုုုု

the time is ripe
IDMfor sth ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
time-lag n ုုုုုုုု
time-lapse adj ုုု

time-limit n ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

the time of day
IDM ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

time out n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
timer n ုုုုုုု
time-scale n ုုုုုု

time-server n ုုု
time-servingnadj, ုုု
time-share n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
time sheet n ုုုုု
time signal n ုုုုုုုုုုု
time signature
n ုုုုုုုုု
time-span n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
time switch n ုုု

time warp n ုုုုု
time was … IDM ုုုုုုုုုု

time will tell,IDM
etc ုုုုုု

time-worn adj ုုုုုုု
time zone n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
timing n ုုုုုု
timekeeper n ုုုုု
timeless adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
timepiece n ုုုုု
times prep ုုုု ုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

timid adj ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
timidity adv ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
timpani n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
timpanist n ုုု
tin n ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
tin foil n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
tin hat n ုုု

tinny adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု    ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
tin-opener alscan-opener)
n ုုုုုုုု
tin plate n ုုုုုုုုု
tin-tack n ုုုု
ုုု ုုု
tin whistle n ုုုုုု
tincture n ုုု

tinder n ုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
tinder-box n ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
tine n ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ting n ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ting-a-ling adv ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

tinge v ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
tingle v ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
tinker n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

tinkle n ုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
tin-pan alleyn ုုုု

tinpot adj ုုုုုုုု
tinsel n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
tinseltown n ုုုုုုုု

tint n ုုုု
tiny adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
tip n ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

on the tip of IDM
ones tongueုုုုုု

the tip of theIDM
iceberg ုုုုုုုုုု
tip v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
tip the balance
IDM ုုုုုုုု

tipper lorry n ုုု
tip n ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
tip off PHRV ုုုု

tip-off n ုုုု

tip the wink IDM ုုုု

tippet n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
tipple n ုုုု
ု ုုုု

tippler n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
tipster n ုုုု
tipsy adj ုုုုုုုုု
tiptoe v ုုုုု

on tiptoe IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
tiptop adj ုုုုုု
TIR abbr ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
tire v ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
tirelessly adv ုုုုုုုုု

tire of PHRV ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

tire PHRV ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

tiresome adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
tiring adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု

tissue n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုု
tit n ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
tit for tat IDM ုုုုုုုု

tit n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
Titan n ုုုုုုုု
titanic adj ုုုုု

titanium n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
tithe n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

tithe barn n ုုုုုုုု
titillate v ုုုုုုု

titillation n ုုုုုုုု
title n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

titled adj ုုုုုုု
title-deed n ုုုုု
title-holder n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
title-page n ုုုုု
titter v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
tattle n ုုုု
titular adj ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
trinity n ုုုု
toot n ုုုု
ုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

tooth n ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
cut a tooth IDM ုုုုုုုုု

toothless adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
toothy adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
toothache n ုုုုုုုုု
toothbr n ုုုုုုုု
toothpaste n ုုုုုုုုု
toothpick n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
toothsome adj ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
tootle v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုု

top n ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုု
at the top of IDM
the tree ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု (ုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုု
off the top ofIDM
ones head ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
on top IDM ုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု ုုု
on top of sthIDM ုုုု
ု ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
on top of theIDM
world ုုုုုုု

over the top IDM ုုုု
take from the
top ုုု

top brass n ုုုုုုုုု
top-class adj ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
top dog n ုုုုု

the top drawer
n ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
top-dressingn ုုုုုုုုုုုု

top-flight adj ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
top gear n ုုုုု
top hat n ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

top-heavy adj ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုု
topless adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
topmost adj ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
top-notch adj ုုုုုု
adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
top-ranking adj ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
top secret adj ုုုု

the top ten n ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု

top out PHRV ုုုုု

top up PHRV ုုုု

topping n ုုုု
top-up n ုုုု
top n ုုုု

topaz n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

topcoat n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု

topi n ုုုု

topiary n ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုု
topic n ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု

topical adj ုုုုု
topknot n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
topography n ုုုုုုု

topping adj ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
topple v ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

topside n ုုုုုုုု
topsoil n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
topsy-turvy adj ုုု
ု ုုုုု

tor n ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
torch n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

put tthe torch
IDM ုုုုုု

torch n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

put tthe torch
IDM ုုုုုု

toreador n ုုုုု
torment n ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
tormentor n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု
tornad n ုုုုု
torped n ုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
torpid adj ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
torpor n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု
torque n ုုုု
torrent n ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုု

torrential adj ုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
torrid adj ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
torsion n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

tors n ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
tort n ုုုုုုုု
tortilla n ုုုုုု
tortoise n ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

tortoiseshell n ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
torture n ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု

tosh n ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုု
toss v ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ု
not give a toss
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

toss off PHRV ုုုုုုုုု

toss off PHRV ုုု

toss off PHRV ုုုု

toss up PHRV ုုုုု

toss-up n ုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
tot n ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

tot up PHRV ုုုုု

total adj ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုု
in total IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုု
totalitarian adj ုုုုုု
tote n ုုုုုု

tote v ုုုုု
ု ုုု

totem n ုုုုုု

tother adj ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
totter v ုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

trinket n ုုု
tri n ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
trip v ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

trip v ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

tripper n ုုုုုု
trip up PHRV ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
tripartite adj ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
tripe n ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုု
ုုု ုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
triple adj ုုုုုုုုုုုု

the triple jump
n ုုုုုုု
triplet n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
tripod n ုုုုုုုုုု

triptych n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

trite adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

triumph n ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
triumphal adj ုုုုု
triumphant adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
triumvirate n ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
trivet n ုုုုုုုုုုု

trivial adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
triviality n ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု  ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
troglodyte n ုုုုုုုုု
troika n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
troll n ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုု
trolley bus n ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
trombone n ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
trombonist n ုုုုု
troop n ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
troop the colour
IDM ုုုုုုုုု
trooper n ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု

troop-ship n ုုု
trope n ုုုုုုုုု ုုု
trophy n ုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
tropic n ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
troposphere n ုုုုု
Trot n ုုုုုုုုုု

trot v ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
on the trot IDM ုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
trot out PHRV ုုု

trotter n ုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ု ုုု

Trotskyism n ုုုု

Trotskyist adj ုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
troubadour n ုုုုုုုုုုုု

trouble n ုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
get inttrouble
IDM ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု

get inttrouble
IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
take trouble IDM
over sth ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

take the trouble
IDM ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

troublesomeadj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
trough n ုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
trounce v ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
troupe n ုုုု
trouper n ုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

trouser adj ုုုုု

trouser suit n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
trout n ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
trowel n ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

truant n ုုုုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု

truancy n ုုုုုု
truce n ုုုုုု
ုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုုု
truck n ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု ုုု
trucker n ုုုု
trucking n ုုုု
truck n ုုုုု

truculent adj ုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
trudge v ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု
true adj ုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု

come true IDM ုုုု
ု ုုုုု

out of true IDM ုုုုုု ုုုု

true-blue adj ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ones true colours
IDM ုုုုုု

true-life adj ုုုု

true north n ုုုုုု

true IDM ုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
truffle n ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုုု
trug n ုုုုုု

truism n ုုုုုုု
truly adv ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု ုုုု


ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု

ုု ုုုုုု


ုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု

) ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုု ုုုု
ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုု (ုုု) ုုုုုုုုု (ုုုုုု)

ု ုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုုုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုု



ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု

ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုု



ု … ုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုုုုု

ုုု ုုု
ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ုုု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု


ုုုုု ုုု
ုုုု ုုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု

ု ုုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ုု ုုု

ုု ုုု

ု ုုု

ုုုု ုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုု
ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ု ုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုု ုုုုုုု






ု ုုုုုု
ုုုု ုုုုု



ုုု ုုုုုု

ုုု ုုုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု


ု ုုု
ုု ုုုု
ု ုုု

ု ုုု


ုုုုုု ုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုု ုုု
ုု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ုုုုုုု ုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုုုုု
ု ုုုုု
ု ုုု
ု ုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု ုုုုုု

ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု   ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုုုုု


ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု
ုုုုုုုုု ုုုု

ု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု

ုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုုုုုု


ုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု
ုု ုုုုုုုုု
) ုုုုုု ုုုုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု ုုုုုုုုု ုုုုု


ုု ုုုု


ုု ုုုုု
ု ုုုု
ု ုုုု

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